I THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 7, IMR PAGE TWO Have You Ordered your Apricots 1 for Canning? u Season will soon be over. Raspberries, Loganberries now coming on—leave your order for delivery on arrival. 4 J Jergens Toilet; Soap Q New Stock—Try it Any cake • GOODYEAR Pathfinder SçOO 4.40-21 < - A A 4.50-20 $-60 4.50-21 4.75-19 ” »e08 s6ss 5.00-19 5.00-20 »a78 $«y36 5.25-18 $n60 5.50-19 Other <■’«•« priced in proportion. dll Full Overt!*». has been given FULL CENTER TRACTION ... 20 per cent thicker non-skid tread . . . 81outer Supertwist Cord body . . . more mileage, more satis faction ... actually more qual ity than you get in many top- priced tires of other makes ... In every way a better tire than the famous old Pathfinder it succeeds r r r The Goodyear All- Weather, the world’s standard of value. Now better in quality — better in safety—better in mileage than in all its distin guished history ' " Pathfinder or All-Weather? That’s for your pocketbook to decide. You can’t go wrong. Get a full set now— with Goodyear quality tubes— before prices go up again. * • • ' ’ ‘ • \ • CC Royal Brand TEA GOODYEAR All-Weather 4.49-21 * $J l 40 Green or Black </2Ib Package • • • and a large beautiful Glass FREE W » We have a few of those Million Dollar Dripots left. Last chance to get one at the very low price of 99c with 1 lb Million Dollar Coffee 5.50-19 6.00-19 qo ’ll 6.50-19 Other rise« priced in proportion. dll Full Overt!*». Busy Comer Grocery ood / year Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen, and Mr*. Jack Cooper at their home congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulstrom and Mr. and Mns. Ernest Watkine, Mary Thursday afternoon. Mr. Hayward is sons, Junior and Darwin Burl, left Helen, Jean, and Anu, Mr. and Mrs. the 7th and 8th grade teacher in the Saturday morning for Tillamook to Geo. Gillespie, Arda and Bernice, Mr. school here. visit friends and relatives over the •nd Mrs. Ernest Weibe and daugh Mr. and Mrs. Jess Edgmon and Fourth of July vacation. Mr. Gul ters, Beverly and Kathryn, Mr. and children, Earl and Frankie, accom strom is head cheeeemaker in the Mrs. Stanley .Halter, Mr. and Mrs. E. panied by Bob Smith, were Coquille Arago factory and Frank Burbank is J. Myers, Mr. and Mr». David Root, visitors Friday. Mr. Smith has been helping Gordon Fleming during his and son, John Paul, Mr. and Mrs. L. spending the past week at the Edg- M. Aasen, 'Lavaiun and Stephen. absence. mon home. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. L. Burtis drove up Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl were dinner Fred Shelton came home for the guests Friday evening of Mr. and the coast Tuesday, week-end; he has been stationed with Mr. and Mre. Fred Lafferty and Mrs. Gus Bender, of Norway. Mrs. the C. C. C. boys in Camas Valley. Chester Bender, of Portland, a sister daughter, Janice, were dinner guests Mrs. M. M. Young,’of Lakeside, and of Mr. Bender and an old-friend of of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lafferty, of Fred Wateon was also home for the and Mr*. T. D. Guerin, Mr*. W. W. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Fourth from the camp at Agness. Deyoe and daughter«, Helen, Priscilla Mrs. J. D. Brown and daughters, the Carls, was also present. Myrtle Point, Sunday. Wesley Bean received word this Lyman Huntley, of Myrtle Creek, and Josephine, Mrs. Holt, Florence Dorothea and Donna Dee, of Willard, Mrs. G. A. Collier enjoyed a Mrs. Nile Miller entertained as came in Wednesday and spent several Guerin and son, Ray, Mose Endicott, Oregon, visited Wednesday at the week end visit with her little grand guests Monday afternoon Rev. and week of the birth of his first graund- days at the home of his brother, Janice Lafferty, Frank and Ursilla home of their sister, Mrs. Fred daughter, Glenda Stewart, of Bay Mrs. T. R. Jackman, of Coquille, and daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry Huntley. Kenyon. Brown. Hugh Brown returned with City. They took her home Tuesday his mother, Mrs. E. M. Jackman, of Riding, of Molalla. Mrs. Bean ha« been with the baby’s parents for sev Mr. Hunt left Monday for Medford Mr*. Will Lundy and daughter, them and will spend the summer with and spent the day with her end her Santa Ana, Calif. on a business trip. 'Belva Alice Stemmier, and Miss Ruth his grandmother, Mrs. A. ft. McDon mother, Ethel Collier. Mr. and M ts . George Gillespie and eral weeks and plans to remain a Roy Osborne came up from Gold Barton returned home this week end ald. The meeting of the ladies’ mission children, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Doyle whHe longer. Clyde Smith underwent an appen Beach and spent the 4th with home from a trip to Sacramento, where Miss Cornelia Clausen returned Fri ary «society for July has been post ind family, Mrs. Arthur Farrier and folks. they visited Mrs. Stemmier’« daugh day evening from Portland, where she poned until the second Wednesday of «on, Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hal dices operation in Richmond's hospi han been visiting. Miss Katie Furman returned to ter, Mrs. Slauson. the month, July 12th, at which time ter, Mr. and Mns. E. J. Myers, Mr. tal Saturday evening. He was rushed Gold Beach after spending a few day* Jimmy Byrne, heavy weight fighter the meeting will be held in the com and Mrs. J. D. Carl and family, Mr. to the hospital but was not operated Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Redington re at the home of her parents. turned to their home in Napa, Idaho, and well known in pugilistic circles, is munity park. A special program ie and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder, Mr. and on until his father, who was camping Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Guerin and son, after a zthort visit here. in a hospital in Los Angeles suffering promised and everyone is welcome. Mrs. Adrian Halter and son, Allen, out at Sacchi’s beach, could reach Tom, of Pasadena, Calif., arrived Mrs. Stanley Halter had as dinner Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hampton and Mrs. here. Mns. David E. Rogers returned to from an infected foot. Monday for a ten days’ visit with rel her home at Pendleton, after a ten Mrs. H. Hawkins left the first of guests Thursday, Mrs. Frank Lane L. R. Hampton epent the Fourth on Frits Hull, of Bear Creek, came atives and friends. home Saturday evening with Mr. and days’ visit at the home of her daugh the week for Curry county to be with and Mrs. Earl Harrah, of Coquille. the Bandon beach. A. Parrish was a Roseburg business ter, Mrs. E. E. Knight. her husband, who hae a logging Mrs. Emily Hickam, Lodema Cross, Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt and son, Mrs. Adolph Molthu and remained as visitor Monday. Lois Schroeder, June Chandler, of Myrtle Point, visited Mr. and Mrs. their guest throughout the week-end. Frank Hamish, of Gravel Ford, en- camp on Floras creek. The Mike Morrison camp on Roland ' tered the Mast hospital Saturday af- Mrs. Chas. Bellshaw and two Yvonne Cross, Price Schroeder and Wendle Robison Tuesday. creek closed Saturday afternoon and . temoon for medical treatment. daughters, Alice and Mary Ann, re Melden Carl are enjoying a few days Fox Breeders Meet remained" closed over the 4th. Miss Fairy Davis and Mrs. Bert turned the last of the week from Eu at Bandon this week. Riverton News The regular meeting of the Coos F. M. Kenyon arrived home from Manderson returned home from a gene, where they have been visiting Mrs. J. B. Moomaw, Jr., and chil ^The talk against the Sales Tax County Fox Breeders association will Bend Sunday evening. He has been week’s/visit with friends at Holland, flor several weeks. dren, David and Donna, are vieiting employed in eastern Oregon and left Oregon. Mr*. Childs recently returned from this week with Mrs. Moomaw’s moth which was to have been given tonight be held Sunday, July 9th, in the oak (Friday) in the Riverton high school grove on the fair ground* in Myrtle again Tuesday morning. Mrs. Kenyon Melvin Barklow returned home California and is making her home er, Mrs. Emma Wilson. and «on, John, accompanied him for from Oakland, California, where he with her daughter, Mrs. Eixabeth Melden Carl, of Reedsport, spent gym, has been postponed until next Point. Final plans are to be made re a few days’ visit. Wednesday evening at eight o’clock garding the summer school to be held the week-end here and aj^Bandon. bas just completed his junior year in Bennett. Mr. and Mns. P. W. Laird and the Polytechnic College of Engineer . Miss Gladys Kinney, of Glide, Ore., The speakers of the evening in order in Coquille, August 13. A picnic din daughter. Marguerite, left Friday for! ing. is a guest this week of Mias Opai of their talk* wiH be Melvin Kathan ner will be served at noon. AH who Live News From Arago George Belloni, Walter Oerding and are interested in Coos County new in Orland, California, for a visit with, ' J. H. Myer* received a telegram Robison. Mr. and1 Mrs. Orvus Miller and dustry are cordially invited to attend. Mr. Laird’s sister. They will also last Friday telling him of the death Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Shaw «nd son, Dr. James Richmond, all of Coquille. Gladys Miller , were Sunday dinner visit Miss Vemita Laird at Ukiah and cf his father early that morning in guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mc- Richard, of Coqtrtlle, were dinner Mr. and Mr*. Gibbs and family Notice Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bickmeyer at Kansas. Mr. Myers epent several Quigg. of Coquille. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i spent Sunday at Bandon beach. They Berkeley. A low glass bowl and a small vase accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Train months with his father this last win Knabe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munford en W. H. Bunch left the first of the ter, were left at the Community building joyed an overnight visit Wednesday Owing to the co-operation and hard and family from Coquille. Will the week for Canyonville for a ten-day Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, of Co after the Flower Show. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harlocker and with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Thompson work of the men in the Arago com visit with friends. daughter, Ann, left this *(ek for Port apd family, of Corvallis. Thursday munity, we are now the proud pos quille, accomapnied by Mr. and Mrs owners please cal] 8-M as I have them Edward Roland, of Walnut Creek, land, where they will make their they went on to Grenada, California, sessor of a community park located ■•-d Smnth spent Monday evening in here and will return them to you. California, and Leonard Speed, of home. "" “4 Mm. Howard Nellie Whereat. to Spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. at the southwest corner of the J. D. — t___________ Oakland, California, arrived Monday Mrs. Nellie Bender returned to her J. S. Root. Mrs. Munford and Mrs Carl ranch. The underbrush ha« been Smrth s lot. ne Ed - afternoon for a few days’ visit with home in Coquille after a week’« visit Thoinpson are sisters. M,ile cleared, the lot fenced and com Howa'iTs^ th 1 get up nights friend«. On Wednesday they went to st the home of Mns. E. W. Hermann. Miss Rachel Woodward is trying to fortable seats have been built and a Howard Smith, .pent the night there. tt 25<‘ Test Crater Lake, accompanied by Misses Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Molthu jour- ¿Ji** .? eaa Thig Mrs. W. A. Sawyer and small baby organize an orchestra in Arago and platform provided for church services. y bladder phya:c to Helen and Priscilla Deyoe and Miss were <ble to. leave the Mast hospital is asking anyone who can play • Sunday school and church services zit^sr* Sunday ,nd in*Pur‘ti«s and excess acid* Harriet Bones. They returned the the last of the week and returned to musical instrument or has an instru were held there Sunday and about 60 ' „.caui? irritation that results in ,75„pains'. backache, burning and get- same day. their home, ment and wishes to learn, to come brought their lunch baskets and en Ju*ukp "*hta. BU-KETS, the blad- A picnic dinner was enjoyed on the Mr. and Mrs. Hawyard, Mr. •nd and help out. Miss Woodward* is an joyed a picnic dinner together. Those nii containing buchu, juniper ““l,™ ’ »<**• on the hladder plea.s- Guerin ranch on Sugarloaf mountain Mrs. C. Clinton and Mr. and Mm. excellent instructor and it is a great present were Mr. and Mrs. George tnr yn nd *Jr«Stiv«ly. Similar to cas- Tuesday. Those attending were: Mr. Christensen spent the 4th on the opportunity for any one who is will, Robison, Opal, Iola, Woodrow, Mar ini'fX &Ort7’ W’’° *”* ***" (6 21. 2“ bowels. Get a 25c box •nd Mrs. C. V. Gderin and son, Tom, Bandon beach. ing to learn. Miss Woodward^ TTi*. garet and Lois, Mr. and Mm. J. L. retuLLT"’1 r*1“ *" •!’’•) from your druggist. four ‘‘•T». If not relieved of Mr. Cupinski left Wednesday for Wendle Robison, Miss Ethel Fish and Burtie, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrier, returned home this week « of Pasadena. Orvil Deyoe, of Los M t ? and Mrs. Ansel Hayward, who n* up n,rhta go back and get Angele«, Leonard Speed, of Oakland, North Bend, where he will work for Mrs. O. ¡H. Aasen assisted with the and grandson. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. J. brtter 2nJ’ .u-°u ,are bound ‘o feel 1 been reaiding for Edward Roland, of Walnut Cre«k, he Southern Pacific as a bridge car music at the morning church services D. Carl, Kenneth, Maidan, Herbert have , after this cleansing and vou in te„w.i d • . **veral months Myrtle Point,.ware guests of Mr. Calif., Barriet Bones, of Gaylord, Mr. pan ter. and it was much appreciated by the and Whllaca, Mir. and Mrs. C. C. SOW by FUHr‘ - / / ' ■ ♦ X people ride *on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind -h C oquille S ervice S tation Phone 133 ? « /