Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1933)
PAGI «IX THB COQUILLE ▼ALLST SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OBSOON. FRIDAY. JUNE M, »33. <• -ss era1 throughout the land wage warfare the result of her game with Eagl sgauiJt turn »u that uu»y may have Point is unknown,, it w expected that By Lana Loneve ucore uuvln to »isugntar. And coining the Vets took ..... nod C**d (Ruppert Add to tup of Out-Doors..................... ujwn to the line point oi the case, caches reel baseball to i..s player, There's a place all apart her. in my man I* ins greatest preoator of ah insisting e n the old-fashi .tied type of heart lor in his rank» you fino wise work. He ba* h> guiv trained From the life that I load each day,. aisny wav uelight in wanton sMugu- for the I aggers and thoroughly ex- It takes me tar back from the beaten _cr, something that the great horueu x-cts to knock them for a loop with track T'.be l eague uoes not muulge in; he mereiy both barrel I roaring. To aplace where I long to stay. tnat wnicu ne consumes. And it standing, taking for granted that It's just an old shack but what it does „ seuiom indeed tnat animal» of th* Roseburg beat Eagle Point last Sun- .uigies prey upon their own kind, out day, is: lack L W Pct ..i* same cannot be »aid of man. U In the luxuries of city’s ease, 3 1 .750 la made up to me ten thousand fold .ne ethics and principles of our forest Coquille 3 .750 1 restore» were followed by human» Roxeòurg Just to get out 'neath the trees. 3 1 is a cinch that »hie^ld world woulu Klamath Faile There’re many trees 'round that 2 2 a tar oetter place in which to live. Medford shack; 1 3 Ashland Porcupines are protected m some Majestic in their towering might— Eagle Point 0 0 .000 Nodding their heads to the playful .states owuig to the fact that they an. In the other game last Sunday, Ash- considered harmless and that they are breeze and best Medford, 17 to 11. That come» whispering down day and at only animal that roams the woods nat a man may kill with a club. Anu - night. u these states a man being lost is ••- Ixtffgera Bow to Pelicans And the things that I see when the ured a food supply. A few years ago In Aquatic Contest, 21-19 winds howls .ne officials of the Biological Survey And snow comes a-ftuttering down ,iade the startling discovery that Before the terrific blasts and down Puts to shame all things I have wit .«or old "porky” was wrecking our pour of the dreaded typhoon, Skipper nessed .oreets; killing valuable tree» by Wfllie Fortier and his salts could not In a busy and crowded town. »tripping the bark from them. This ttand, and much to their surprise as discovery” was followed by warfare eameh, they fell into the raging tor- Give me again just once more 1 waged upon them by hired poisoners ent and were overcome by the ele * A glimpse of hills and trees And She waterfall that sends its call and trappers of the Survey with the ments. They stand as van/|uikhd tarn. result that hundreds of thousands of Skipper Fortier had taken his eailois On the breath of a southern breeze. potcupinee were killed throughout the to Klamath Falls where he thought Yw, I’ll tell you again I’ve got the yen .x or th west For hundreds, yes, per the opposition in that sector would t>e For that shack and the things out naps thousands of years this iitte ani vasily overturned, but in the end the there invaders were proven not to‘ be the Where Old Mother Nature’s a-calling mal roamed our great forests unmo- .ested. If he was such a destroyer beet, webfooters, 21 to 19. And there’s welcome in the air. if our forests how many trees would Clear skies greeted the site of the oattle in the early morn but ere long .here be left. No doubt by the time There! I’ve got that off my chest porky”is exterminated some agency '.hey were overcast and the downpour and I feel better about it Intended A the Survey will discover that he itarted. It abated about noontime, to write more of it but the farther i MM really a useful little animal in mly to start again during he game went the worse it got so i figured I’d -he forests; for instance like the re and to continue spasmodically through- better stop. If I could put the things ent case where six million supposed >ut the play. I am thinking on this beautiful day At the start of the game Klamath predatory animals and birds of cer- into real verse I would be able to con am species were poisoned and trap Falla jumped far into the lead, grab- vert a statue into an outdoorsman. ped by the Survey before it was die- >ing a margin of 1'1 runs in the first Hold on! Most statues are outdoors ■overed that most of them were bene- wo frames, Instore the Loggers were men, aren’t they? In fact they are . icial. No wonder the slogan has been well settled. Two bite produced the the greatest “outdoorsmen” that we arished on this outfit “It’s alive, kill vpening tally in the first inning, and have. I should have said nomad in in the second the meet formidable stead of outdoorsman. But without it” Sunday, while fishing, I had quite leluge of hits and runs occurred with any fooling this weather does give a fellow the old wanderlust eumpin’ an experience. I cast into a deep bole he Pelicans producing the goods. AD arith a spinner and began reeling in. in all ten runs in that inning crossed fierce. Remember what the old poet A trout about ten inches in length the -rubber for the Falls team, nine said, “What is so rare as a day in (ingles and three free passes sending June?’’ Along about this time of the .ollowed the spinner and presently them in. season when the trout are striking grabbed. I hooked him for juat an In. the third Coquille gained back good, flowers in full bloom and cloud .nstant and he pulled loose. Usually n such a case ths fish will lose no two rumt on three hrte, and for four less skies (be my usual luck to have Four urns in streaking it back to the depths innings the loggers scored, it rain the day this is published) a st the pool, but this trout never budg runners checked in She fourth, five in fellow sometimes believes that poet the fifth, and fiive again in the sixth was right, but take it on the other ed afer the hook left his mouth. It emained perfectly still for a second before the assault was halted in the hand, after having passed through a •w or two and then began to shake its seventh. perfectly dry summer and with forest Immediately the This stand sent the Logrgeri into fires on every hand—then a good rain aead violently. —good clear air once again and then hougtht occurred to me that maybe he lead in their half of the sixth, 16 that magic month, October, comes. j had hooked., it in the head and in to 11, but in their turn the Pelican* Flowers have faded from the land jured it to such an extent that it commenced to crawl up by bringing in scape but their beauty is replaced by vould come to the surface. For per- three more. The .eventh saw them the golden leaf maple which in its imps ten seconds the fish continued regain the nod with four, and from setting amidst the more somber for «baking its head and presently a small then on the locals were held ait bay. est trees stands out in majestic beau .rout about four inches long flew The lead changed again at 19 to 18 ty. Forest trails are painted brown 'rom its mouth and came floating to when Coquille came to bat in the by fallen leaves; the sultriness of he surface, while the trout I hooked eighth, but this was short lived as summer has departed from the air warn away into the depths of the Klamath Falls decided the issue with and in it is « tang that is eagerly iooi. The only solution I have to the three concluding markers in their sniffed by the outdoonsman. There is his strange occurence is that the half. Carl Gilbert lasted two inning« be a certain allure in the air—the Red arge trout attacked a school of small Gods of the Forest beckon. It is the >nes, swallowed one and about this fore he retired to right field in favo: me my spinner bit amongst the McHale in the third. McHale, there time when the fishing rod is practi cally abandoned and the rifle and shot chool and he followed it up and fore, gets charged witn rhe defeat. trtrek; then when I hooked him he Altogether there were forty-three gun replace it. It is the time when 1 made by the two teams, Gilbert keen nosed bird dogs come to point igured that small trout were bad hits nedicine and proceeded to rid him- < Coquille, and Floetke and Shipman, of in stubble fields; when the mighty buck is stalked in his native haunts; -elf of the one he had just swallowed. 1 Klamath Falls, each getting four to lead the assault. Only three errors it is the time when great V-shaped were made by the teams, these by Sport Briefs lines of geese wing their way to the Klamath Falls, so it can easily be southward followed by the wistful By Mark W. Seeley eyes of the nimrod, who eagerly scans Now that the nightmare is over, (een that the affair was a real slug. the sky for the vanguard of the ducks he storm« are settled, and the skies ging match: Summary: that frequent local marshes. Summer ire fairly clear, Manager Bill Fortier R H B is behind—it is forgotten—winter is nd his hearties are quietly settled in 19 20 0 not far distant, and through the long Aeir local environ», waiting for Roce- Coquille 21 23 3 winter to follow how often do our ■urg to invade their sector on Sunday Klamath Fails Batteries: Gilbert, .McHale and thoughts revert back over the differ ifternoon. The typhoon that hit the ent seasons—and there October stands .all field in Klamath Falls last Sun- Fischer; Ma la to re, Sanders, Ridley, forth distinctly, a jewel of memory. lay overcame the boys juat as they Scroggin and Edwards. Poets may rave in verse about the vere making for a storm port, but month of June but give me dear old his Sunday things are expected to be General Petroleum Co. October every time and just add a Afferent, notwithstanding the fact Enters Coos Bay Field few old mountains painted in Fall col hat Red Ruppert may bring in Ed ors by old Mother Nature, leaf strewn Tomlin, he famous snake charmer, Another of the big oil companies, trails, a gun, a good dog and—why, ■oon fancier and prune raiser of the Genera! Petroleum Corporation, I'm just a step from Heaven. fiddle, ex-Portland ball player, and has entered thia territory, attesting Saw a big horned owl the other day. vhatnot, as well as Hal Turpin, of to the growing importance of thia dis These birds are rare in this part of 'oast League experience, to subdue trict as a distributing center. the country and are supposed to be he Loggers. The Coos Bay Oil Company with very destructive to. game birds, but It is thought that Roseburg is not Langing Strayer and Arthur Ramsay owing to the fact that they wage con luffing in stating that she is plan as principals, has been designated stant warfare upon skunks I never ting on using these stars who should wholesale agent of the company molest them, for skunks are one of e playing pro-ball now. They have Uiir territory with North Bend the greatest enemies of our nesting utside mteresta which pay them more headquarters. birds that inhabit the woods and field. han baseball in its present depression For the present, the area to The horned owl is really a beautiful tate, but they still keep in condition -erved embraces Bandon. Reedsport, bird. He is among our largest preda n b >pe« of a return to their first love; North Bend, Marshfield. Coquille tory birds, standing about two feet Manager Fortier ¿tatea that the game and Myrtle Point, in each of which in height and with a wing spread of s to be played at Coquille because he cities independent dealers have teen 36 inches or more. His earn stick up hinks the fans of our city deserve the designated as retail dealers. resembling great horns and he has -hance to see this fray. Two pre-sea- Decision to enter the Cooa Bay ter- eyes that look as large as saucers. on tussles between the chibs ended ritory was made after a careful aur- (Personally, I wouldn’t have the heart •ven up, the Vets of the prune grow- ey by officials of the company, espec to shoot one of these big innocent ng country taking the first, 5 to 2, ially in regard to its importance as ? looking fellows if he had a game bird nd. the Loggers the second, 2 to 1. distributing center and its wp'Mrfid in hie talons. For one thing, they 'Denn Murray, young speed ball right prospects for future development, are a rare bird, and in addition I do hander, handcuffed the Roseburg club commercially and industrially. not approve of the practice of killing n the winning game and it is expect off every living bird and animal that ’d that he may start against them in preys on game birds just for the sake ■he first league affair between the New Canes in Circuit Court of saving the game birds to be aggregations. June 23—Evelyn Gallagher vs. Coos slaughtered by sportsmen in the open ’ Last Sunday Coquille was without Bay Dredging Co., Chas. McCanna season. Everything must sat to live Hhe services of Noble Brundage, slug •nd Tom 'Hull. •nd since the beginning of time until ging outfielder, and "Orick” Hauser, June 28—Marvin A. Ostby vs. Coos the end of time such will be the case. the classy receiver. This Sunday Igrth Bay Dredging Co. Animals of different orders prey upon towers will be among those present, June 25—Phoenix Finance Co. vn each other. And so, just because • raring for a chance to Mast Tomlin or CoCoos Seed. Inc. bird such as the horned owl takes his Turpin from the mound, mid Inger- June 26—Phoenix Finance Co. vn. living from the ranks of game birds breteen and Beck I y after them. Oxo*-Loan Corporation. 1 see no reason why he should be ex The Roseburg clulb tested defeat June 27—(Paul Stephan vs. J. F, terminated for doing so. He is simply in her opening game at Medford, but Kronen berg. taking his living as he was meant to •toco then she has handed Klamath June 29—Kelley-Springfield Tire do. But sportsmen's organisations Falla and Ashland defeats, and while Co. ra. Mast Motor Co. Ji- -L-JJ!— r-—■ OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF “In one emergency a telephone may l>e worth more to you than it coeds in an entire lifetime.*' •. Wy McClure Newspaper ByndlcRte. WMU Being Without a Telepone Is Such An Unnecessary Hardship LOR8NCE DAVIDSON was one of those persons that practice what they preach. Only her preaeblug was done through the columns of “The Eve ning Gazette" under the caption, “Ad A Telephone is found in the vice to the I.ovelorn, by Marlon thrifty home, for it saves the Dixon." Every day. except 8unday, Florence answered questions of young nickels, dimes and quarters of women, and some young men, In re gard to love affairs, preceding the re constant errand running. In the plies with an article of general advice. saving of money, time and steps, Only recently these articles written by Florence had been accumulated and it’s a wage-earner for the whole published In pamphlet form under the family and it costs but a few title “Keep Tliem Guessing." Florence was • strong advocate of cents a day. “guessing" In love affairs. Kite argued that a young man's Interest became stimulated when be fliiml himself un able to fathom the depths of his Idol's nature. 'Q ■ . Because Florence practiced what she preached, Robert Harvey was kept constantly on the anxious seat. She . I . " never would admit definitely that she would marry him, but whenever he be came convinced' his case waa hopeless she would be sure to lend him fresh encouragement by means of a few The Time-Tested New« Weekly choice words of sent’ment. He was “kept guessing." a Right from Washington, D.*C. Robert did not realize that he was is now offered to you along with YOUR CHOSEN HOME PAPER the constant subject of experiments By a favorable arrangement we are able to send you that for Marlon Dixon of the “Gazette." old reliable family weekly. The Pathfinder, in combination Indeed, he was not aware that Flor- with this paper, at a price never before equaled. There is ence acted in that capaclty on the nothing like The Pathfinder anywhere— newspaper, although he knew she held Th CsHt»l 1» nothing equal to it at any price. Over a million people take it and swear by it. It 731 fat hag. some position there, Yea, Robert was takes the place of periodicals costing several rim 307 tot. experimented upon shamefully In order • times as much. News from all over the savers 3% that the readers of the “Gazette" might world, the inside of Washington affairs— the truth about politics and business, profit. But Florence really did love 3IS.0M.0M science, discovery, personalities, pic him. Only site felt that she must fol —and no end of fun. «MMtohea tures, stories— low Marlon Dlxon'a advice in order to ■“ ■ ______________ _ of s Call at our office, see samples lalwrigh. Pathfinder and*" order keep him on the matrimonial eligible list. this club, or send the amount by mail. News, One day Robert called for her at the information, entertain "Gazette" office and escorted her home. ment for a whole year. , “Shall-1 see you this evening?" he Two papers every week: J’our favorite local week- Inquired. She had been particularly y and the most popular amiable, and he was confident she national weekly — 104 would be glad to huve him call. splendid issues— “I think not. Robert. Itenlly, I be Both a full year ONLY lieve ire should not see so much of each other for a while. Besides, I have another engagement.” Coquille | “He’ll call me up in a day or two and beg me to relent," she confidently told herself Infer that day, "and of - course I'll yield to his pleading. It'S all In the game.’" “I love you, Florence, and I want Pro: •Clio» for V.'sr C :D. or.l Florence didn’t get her chance to you," he told her. "but I'm tired of Observation . n > r,- i r<u 'etc relent, for Bsfeert',Mlled to fulfill her never knowing where I am at. If I hy alridaiies which lio.e-,-1 severe expectations He did not telephone to can't have you all to myself, I wont thousand feqt above theyi. Rarrng' her and she received no word from have you at all." balloons were Intended for nee In pro him through the malls. "Ton mean—" she said, very sweet tectlng cities on luqtortatit _ points Then came the climax. Florence ly—and meekly. against attack from the enemy. Sex went to the theater one evening with “Yes. I mean that I am proposing eral of these were In the air st one her mother, and there she saw Robert to you again, for the last tlnie. If you time, the holding cables serving as with another girl. say yea, well and good. It will make a possible means for the fouling of an At first Florence was angry. What me happy. If your answer Is no I’ll airplane propeller or otherwise pro right had Robert to t>ny attention to be unhappy, but I'll never bother you during such damage as to bring a another girl after the many protesta again. But If you accept me this time, plane down out of control and short tions of love he had told her? But all this tact and diplomacy stuff of of Its objective point. her anger cooled nnd anxiety took Its your« has got to stop. How about It?” place. She was ready to forgive if Florence was silent for a moment Hoarding Ancient Halit only Robert would come back. When she spoke there was a hint of Hoarding Is not a phenomenon o tears In her eyps. But Robert made no effort to see . “It suits me, Robert," she told him. recent times. It la as old as the bls Florence. He must be away on busi ness, she decided, but she discovered “I’ll mttfry you and I’ll never keep tory of property Indeed prior to tin you guessing. Yon can depend on me rise of bnnklng nnd capitalism In eurlj he was not out of town one evening modern times, most specie owned hx when she went to a i -staurant for all the time." When Robert left her that night he Individuals uas preserved through dinner and found him dining there was far happier than he ever had been hoarding devices. In primitive times, with the same girl who had accom before. He whistled a gay tune as he the natives hoarded all sorts of wealth panied him to the theater. This time walked home under stars gleaming In As soon as material possessions be Florence shed tears. a deep blue sky. ’ He went to his room esme a malor source of social prestige, Well, It wns all over now. She had and sat for a long time gazing at a hoarding was prompted by the desire lost Robert. And It was her own fault. picture of Florence and smiling. It of display. She wrote “Advice to the lovelorn" was s smile of triumph as well as hap with little heart now, because she was beginning to doubt the soundness of piness. "Crwn With Envy” Before retiring he opened a drawer the policies she advocated. ■» The expression “green with envy" of his dresser and brought forth»« pa refers not to the May birthday child Then, one day, Florence met Robert per-covered book. on the street, and stopped him. who wears the emerald birthstone but “This Marton Dixon has the right to people born during the remaining “Why don't you ever come to see dope," he murmured. “Only she for eleven months and who must content me?” she asked him. pocketing her got to mention that it works both themselves with birthstones of lesser pride. ways. Maybe slie didn't know It when value and less romantic background. Robert appeared his same old self. she wrote this 'Keep Them Guessing' "I’ll see you tonight. That Is, of volume." - course, If you haven’t another engage Soma Year*, Maybe ment." he answered. A study by the American Medical Florence had no other engagement See Mansell Drayage & Delivery association shows that the average and Robert called. He got right to Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled annual Income of medical doctors In business at the start tf | the United States la gf».7t!4 promptly. F WEST COAST TELEPHONE CO atlll lilOer i IE Pathfinder and Í Valley Sentinel " Arcturus spoke and there was light A view of Chicagnr’a second World’s Fair, A Century of Progress Exposition, looking south from the east tower of the skyride. In the foreground the towers of the Ctnwnun- ications building. Beyond, the Elec ricai huildinr ’nfwiet b'ird n I th? Horticultural building. The Twenty-third street bridge leads to the mainland. Further south, the Midway, the transportation group, and the fandike brilliance of tbs scintillator, with its many fingers sweeping the sky.