PAGE THEBE SOCIAL NOTES Next Week at tin Liberty « Announced as a rich combination of laughs and romance, Ramon No­ A timely bulletin from the U. S. tary’s latest M-G-M starring attrac­ tion, "The Barbarian,” will be shown Forester at Granta Puss gives con­ starting Sunday for three daye on the siderable information as to the rules to be observed by those who enter na­ Liberty Theatre screen. The story is a particularly divert­ tional foresto this year, as follows: ■ " rt ing one. Jamil is a handsome young Special federal laws govern the guide to the sights of the Nile. Rich women tourists And him irresistible tourists or campers who enter the na­ and pay him well for his services. One tional forests of Oregon and Wash­ day there arrives in Cairo, Diana, ington. These special federal latra young, English, beautiful, to marry of regulations range from the simple 'Reginald Denny, a young aqueduct eetriction which calls ' to the atten- PHONE 166 FREE DELIVERY engineer. Jamil insinuates himself ion of the forest oserà the need for into her party. Diana Anda him care with Are, to the more serious re­ ' 4 strangely charming, being particular­ striction that closes certain hazardous i rea a to all use by the public. ly intrigued by an Arabic song he The following violations are pati­ sings. She feels hi* appeal to be dan­ A delightful picnic supper was en­ gerous and abruptly leaves Cairo for rti able by fine or imprisonment, or C A H Fine Cane S & W MELLOW’D Broken Slice No. 2ty tin joyed by the Study Club members and Gerald’s aqueduct with her own cara- oth, and are effective on all nation­ al forest landa during the period from 2 CANS 27c •an and another dragoman. Jamil their husbands Wednesday evening near the falls in the Fairview district. ■itches up with her, declares his love July 1 to September 30 of each year: 1. Failure to secure a camp Are per­ n> The evening was spent sitting around ind is whipped m the face. .can • • “»'V Enraged, Jamil leads her caravan mit before building any camp Are on Cl a large campfire. Attending were Dr. iny national forest lend (other than to a point where she escapes, only to and Mrs. C. A. Riotman, Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur Berg, Mr. end Mrs. Luckey come to the oasis castle of Achnwsd, be Siuslaw National Forest) except Del MQnte Quality. L Bonney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. who has desired her- Jamil accept» n safe stoves, or at those forest I •amps where no camp fire permits are oay for this service, and starts to Borden’s Vi ih pkg. Slack, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leslie and George Jenkins. I leave, when Diana calls for him. Con- wpiired, as shown by ported notices. , * 2. Going/or being upon any nation­ 1 cience-stricken, he contrives her es­ c 9**., ... al forest land, except at designated cape and beats down their enemies. Monday evening Mrs. James Brady was hostess to her club at her home He makes love to her in the long days and posted forest camps (and on the PICNIC SUGGESTIONS on East First street, with bridge as »efore they reach his tribe. There Siuslaw National Forest), with auto­ No. 2Vi H"* with puree. the diversion. Attending were Mea­ they are in the midst of the marriage mobile, other vehicle, or pack horses, dern«« A. B. Colter, John L. Aasen, M. service, when Diana «hows her hatred with the intention of camping thereon, Cans J. Hart »on, Fred McNelly, H. S. Nor­ >f him by desecrating the tribal without being equipped for each vehi­ Ripe, 9 oz. can ton, George Johnson and E. M. Kay. rites. He permits her to return to cle or pack train, with the following tairo. As she prepares to be married fire fighting tools: Cans (a) One axe. with handle not'lesa Mrs. Guss Tillman is entertaining to Gerald, she hears the song of the Pt. of Wesson OU and the O. D. O. Club ladies this afternoon hunted Jamil. The call is too greet han 26 inches in length, and head Mayonnaise Mixer so , 4 . . she goes to the man she really weighing two pound« or over. Van Camps, Med. size. at her home, with the following pres­ (b) One shovel, with handle not leas loves. AU for - ent: Mesdames Fred Kunz, John Pkgs. than 36 inches long, and blade not less CANS J ayes, G. W. Gano, H. G. Prey, Grant Bebe Daniels again arngu in “Cock­ than 8 inches wide. Wilcox, >B. B. Sunders, Geo. Sherwood, (e) One water container, capacity 1 tail Hour,” which will be shown at L. A. Christensen and Lee Hand. 'he Liberty on pal night«, nextWed- {•lion, or more. Cans 3. Failure to stop when smoking The efficient bleacher At the home of Mrs. W. iE. Cross n.’rday and Thursday. while in timber, bru4h, or grass areas It was in the musical comedy, “ Rio on the Fishtrap road members of the Del Monte size. Quart n national forest land, except on Needle Workers’ club spent a very en­ Rita,” that it was discovered Miss Bottle • >aved or surfaced highways (and on cans joyable afternoon together, with re­ Daniels possessed a beautiful voice he Siuslaw National Forest) Pint Jar freshments served late in the after­ 'In “42nd Street,” her last picture prior Other v iota trona that are punish­ noon to the following: Mesdames Josh to “Cocktail Hour,” '*he sang several able by fine or imprisonment, or both, Ruble, C. C. Bonnikeen, Swain Don­ nutfical numbers which were received great entbuiiam. “Liston, throughout the entire year, are as fol- ated, E. C. Yarbrough, Frank Schram, with Snowball laundry ows: PINT, Bulk Heart of Mine ” was written especially Fred Hickok, Jack Arnold, Ray Simp- Weinhard’s 12 oz. bottles 4. Building a campfire in grass, for Miss Daniels. eon, Ralph Taylor, Ed. Detlefsen, BARS eaves, rotten wood, or other dan- Harold Simmons, Frank Pook, E. A. rerous places, or in windy weather, Fatal Accident Last Friday Wimer and George^ Gilman. Marshmallow Fluffs vi thou t clearing around the Aie pit Too much speed on an unfamiliar >nd confining the fire to a hole. ' Pound road is the verdict of those who wit­ Visits in Curry County 5. Leaving any Are to bum unat­ nessed the scene of that fatal accident Mrs. Alic» Perrott, white taking her tended, or failure to totally extinguish You will find many items Navya Delicious, fresh. IS oz. pkg. vacation from the Sheriff’s office, left on the highway at New Lake, below a fire before leaving it for your picnic lunch. Bandon, last Friday afternoon when test Friday to spend a week with her 6. Throwing or placing lighted ci- Come in and look them one man was killed and two others husband at Illahe, on upper Rogue rarette, cigar, pipe heel, match, fire­ over. were seriously hurt. river where her husband, Ernest Per­ cracker or other burning subrtanc.-s, Probably the car did get into loose rott, te engaged by Jergens, the Loo or discharging Are works, in any place h may start a five, Angeles millionaire, erecting a guest gravel at the side of the road when where AM they the driver attempted to negotiate that The new law, enacted this year, house and some other buildings at his summer resort there. Mrs Per- iS tUrn' bttt H was on a level grade makes it possible to close all national, rott returned Wednesday evening, [ of it ’«^1 forest lands and all outside protec­ brown as a berry, and reports a mo«t*v*ry "“"th. tive lands in Oregon and Washing­ enjoyable trip and that the work on | Harry Gevurtx, the driver, allowed ton under state law. This will mean ♦A- V.W rtalvmt« hli c «r to get off on one side and then the, to ordinary people, very elaborate bhat practically the same restriction* in straightening out, plunged across r structures, is progressing satisfactor­ will be in effect over all netimal for­ the road and half buried the cur in ily and expect« her husband home the ests in Oregon and Washington, which the sand bank on the other side. latter part of July. Mrs. Perrott's wiH eliminate the many objectionable Alex Miller, of the Miller Clothing two daughters, Jean and Carolyn, en­ 'eaturee of handling those closures 'Co. at Portland, was fatally Injured joyed a vacation at the' same time, trader law* in the different «tatez in in the accident, dying at Bandon early For your holiday dinner Swift’s Crescent in bulk. visiting V IB I LUI K UIW1I their (IMllugai'ciHiD, grandparents, ma. Mr. and , Harry Herzog, Region 6. This wilt result in rreeter Mrs. J. J. Stanley, of thto placo, and'[S*b“'da>’ »oming. uniformity in handling e|o>ures architect, POUND aH of them spent the week end at 1 Portland — »*>♦— suffered a broken throughout Region 6, and which will nose, cute and bruises, and Harry Mit- the Stanley cottage at Bandon. make it much more convenient to the tleman, contractor, was bruised and forest public. cut. Gevurtx escaped serious injury. With this in mind. «H lands with* Ferndale Visitor Here Miller end Hering are «aid to have FOR SALE—1929 automobile sedan Mrs. Joseph Bognuda, formerly been asleep in the rear seat when the the Siskiyou national forest and al! Regiatratoin for July Election Acrobatic Drum Majors cheap, on payment plan if deni red. outside lands within the Protective Total registration for the July 21 Mrs. Marcela Gensoli, daughter of accident happened. All four were Usually Got Good Hand See Brady—Strang Garage. 24 tf Andrew Smalley, who owns a large from Portland and were on their way Unit of the Siskiyou national forest election, in Coos county, is 12,522, as Thrgyinnastlc drum major was once will be closed, under the act of March compared with the 14,538 who were and valuable dairy farm above Arago, to San Francisco. 6, 1938, during the period from July eligible to vote last November. The a favorite feature of public procee TOR 'SX'LE—Standard make piano on the Coquille river, came up laat alone, and these i>erforn>ers were often near Coquille. Will sacrifice for I to September 30, and all minor vi­ present registration is 7557 iepui>li- of national repute. Of recent years, week from her home in Ferndale, Cal­ Probate Court Items unpaid balance. A snap. Easy olations will be handled under thia cans, 4593 democrats, 259 independen- howev er. there Uns been a more modest ifornia, to remain a month or so look­ terms. Write Tallman Piano Store, Chas. Metlm. of Marshfield, was set. A brief synopsis of the act of dents, and 113 others. Each of these behavior at the van of the musical or­ ing after the farm and making some Salem, Ore. 24t3 last Saturday appointed executor of March 6 te as follows: figures is less than last November'« ganisations, the time markers restrain­ repairs and additions to the water lhe will of Margaret A. Mellin, who 1. To refrain from smoking while ing themselves to sedate movementa to numbers, which then stood 8970 re­ system and like appurtenances to the FOR SALE—Work horse, 1400 died June 18, leaving an estate es­ traveling in auch areas. publicans, 5101 democrats, 324 inde­ guide the cndence of their follower» place. She has her two sons with pounds, aged nine years, gentle and But old-atyle twisters of the baton timated to be worth 86,000. The ap- 2. To secure a permit issued by the pendents. and 143 others. her. Her husband was here with her true, $85. See Perley Crowley, Sit- came back Into vogue and won the •watem appointed are Carl Evertson, forester or a Are warden before build­ Precinct regmtrations for this end a short time ago, but hie mercantile kum, Ore. 23t2* Andy P. Davis and Geo. F. Winches­ ing a camp Are other than at im­ of the county show the following en­ plaudits of the crowd. business in Ferndale requires his at­ People like to laugh, and they are ter. proved, designated and posted eamp titled to vote three weeks from today: tention so that he could« this qnlck to acclaim with mirth anything PEAS for canning, early and sweet Mrs. Mabie Laird was yesterday grounds on such areas. Benton 108, Coaledo 78, Beaver Httl that Is peculiar and out of the ordi­ time. The two eons are very much Peas. 8 cents a pound at my place, named as administratrix of the es- 8. To have, as a pert of hb or her 44, Cunningham 227, Fat Elk 180, nary The drum major who flings bls pleased with our climate and the farm any time after July 4. Will not de­ ‘ate left by her late husband. Jus. W. equipment when using camp Ares, ex­ Dora <151, Missouri 65, Leo 58, Co­ baton high In the air while he executea and desire to remain permanently, liver. Chris Terres on Marshfield Laird, who died June 12. L H. Haz- cept when traveling as a pedestrian quille North 829, Coquille Southwest a double shuffle, who amts with exag­ but their mother wishes them to com­ Highway. 23 tf ird. O. C. Sanford and E. D. Webb and-or camping at improved, desig­ 280, Coquille Southeast 678, Riverton gerated pomposity and protruding plete 'their schooling first. art appraisers of the estate which is nated and posted camp grounds, tools 123, 'Prosper 156, Bandon Southwest chest, who cske-walks his why along PICNIC or Sunday dinners are not estimated to be worth 91,375 in per- as speciAed by the forester for extin­ 280, Bendon Northwest 121, Bandon the route, la aure of a “hand'' from the complete unless you have a few of Baptist Ladies Meet crowded curbs. Certain bands cannot >nsl property. guishing fires. Northern; 153, Bandon Southeast 267, tolerate auch behavior at their van, for Leeper's 2-!b friers at 26c each. 2t The Indies of the Baptist Church Any one entering any area desig­ Two Mile 236, Parkersburg 107, Nor­ they have reputations as musician* and guests spent the day Wednesday Marriage Licenses nated hereunder and violating any of way 118, Four Mile 69, Catching to maintain rather than as comedians. CASH BUYER FOR GOOD BAR­ at the home of Mrs. Frank Lane at the conditions specified hereunder, ex-* Creek 279, Myrtle Point North 817,; GAIN IN RANCH. Send me full It haa In the course of many years June 26 — Osborne 'Nutf, of Leneve. Roy. At noon a lovely dinner was ceptmg only upon such person’s-own Myrtle Point South 885, Broadbent been noted that the drum major who details at once. Goldstein 1522 12th served t.y Mrs. Lane, aasisted by her .nd Harel Davis, of Coquille. They land, or violating any provisions of 182, Powers 240, Enchanted 260, wlna the loudest applause usually Ave., San Francisco, Cal. 23t2* were married Tuesday by Rev. Irene daughter. Mm. Althea Harrah, to the this act. shall be guilty of a misde­ Rowland 197, Arago 217. leads the poorest band.—Washington following: Mesidames R. B. Cummins, Buckle, of Bandon. meanor and. upon conviction thereof, ■tar. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for June 27—Tn.vrence A. Christtenaon Stoddard, T. R Ruttergs, Harry Wil­ shall be punished by a fine of 9250.00. I Wool. Get in touch with as. T. Well Known in Coquille sr»d Tbori E Whiter, both of Marsh ­ Calling cards 190 for 81.00. liams, Herman Hickam, Andrew or by imprisonment in the county jail Warner, Coquille. Hatcher, H. M. Rom and Irene Wil­ field. Sheriff Hess and Marshal Howell for not less than ten 010) days nor liams, Jean Williama, Herbert and more than sixty (nsibility of enforcing sired is in connection with those ex- Service of an Arabian Stallion is 31 Chev. 157 in. Truck club members were entertained by lick.' of C-totedo, entered for heart the above laws. Such work is disa- CrtqulMe young men. Burley Sexton rreeaMe at beat, and our sob thought and his brother, who have been in the offered you. Breeding fee very rea- 28 Chrysler-4 Sedsn. M>-s Alda: Sloan. The pastime was treatment. in puWbhing these laws to to see, if thick of that Medford mess, and are sewing but it was somewhat «lighted sonabte. J. L. Smith, owner. 30 Chevrolet Blue Coach. ooasibb, that all psopto are advised reported to have been the boys who 30 Dove Grey Ford Coupe of their contents and meaning. Thta, stole and destroyed the ballots. When FOR SATE—Coos couny warrants 80 Tan Chevrolet Sport Roadster they were caught they squealed and and other municipal warrants hy 27 Maxwell Sedan were sewed later in the evening to| Warren C rvI, of the state police, we feel, will reduce violation to the political mibdivteions of the county, Mioww Gertrude Tway, Gertrude report» that Hcw-rd Tanner, of the mhiimum. and help the foreut ussti ■nplicatd a down or more other citi- Anthony Steel Dump Bed zens. The one so far convicted is at a reasonable discount. See Geo. Lambrecht. leva Williams, Agnes Seven Devils country, for poeeseeioa aa weX a* oujwelves. Logging Trailer A bunks Mayor Jones, of Rogue River. McClellan at the Southwestern Mo­ Newton. Edna Robison. Meedeme« of venison during thr closed SMeon, The Sextons did not have the most See Mansell Drayage * Delivery tor Co. Francm Newton, Mildred McCune and and Fred What, of near Albgsay, far Orders filled savory reputation in Coquille. the hostess. ! possession of untagged venison, were Co. for Alpine coal. FOUND—Sunday afternoon, a man's tf ■ *a^» fined $100 and coats by Justice promptly. Sunday evening the Altar society of the Holy Name Catholic Church held • reception at the home of Mr. •nd Mis. Leo J. Cary from 7:30 until 9:00 o'clock, at which time all their church people of the Coos and Curry missions together with their friends were invited to be present and meet Rev. Father Roller and his mother, Mrs. Roller. Rev. Father Roller is the new priest of the mission, coming from North Bend to succeed Rev. Father L. E. LeMiller, who has been transferred to the North Bend parish. During the evening a number of musi­ cal numbers and some informal talks were enjoyed. Punch and wafers were nerved. MEDFORD’S GROCERY Store closed three dhys9 July 2, 3, 4 SPECIALS for FRIDAY, SATURDAY, WEDNESDAY SUGAR 49c 10 Brown Sugar COFFEE St»- . 2 ' 2 for Pow’d Sugar 3 »»• 17c Wesson Oil PUREX Soap 10 29 Olives, 15c . 19c 35c 3 v«ns 25c 27C 3 19c 2 Potato Chips 2 9c Deviled Meat 4 15c Mayonnaise 19c Sweet Pickles 15c Cookies Pork & Beans 3 13c Tuna Fish 19c 2 Lime Rickey 2 F«r Bananas 3 25c Marshmallows 2 pk*8 Oranges 2 ooz Tomato Juice Tomatoes BEANS 5 lbs . . 27c 49c CHEESE 4 n>«- 19c I Pineapple 25c Fresh Tomatoes 2 fo* 19c MEAT DEPARTMENT Spring Fryers 15c Shortening 3 ">»• 25c Want Ads mwiiwi Picnic or Sunday dinners are not Bob at MersMIeld this week. They complete unless you have a few of were ponied on payment ef part of Leeper's t-lb friers at Nt each. tt, the flne, fog san jpoar. Swift Weiners 2 n>s- 25c Ask for Cow Boll Dairy cream and milk, the only milk and eream made safe hy pasteurisation. coat between Bendon and Bradley SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR\ c O. Lake. Owner can secure same by paying two bits for this adv. Ceqeilte, Oregea.' Pheas N-J I