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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1933)
PAGE SIX TUB COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE ». 1»». X I New Christain Science Publishing House in Boston Has Been Entirely Paid For—To Be Finished Soon the K.O.Ö.S. Robot Mechanical Man one to grow iris of some variety or Hall. type and so call attention to our little Time: 8:00 p. m. city as the rose does to Portland. The Knen: First and Third Tuesdays. . irta is easy to grow, fairly free from President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. ..... A. ... Martin ______ disease and responds readily to good Trees Mrs. John standing neglect Cor. Sec.- .—Mrs. Nellie E. Whereat cultivation as well I Another thing that recommend* it Roses, rortea everywhere! That was strongly is its beautiful fo.lage which So the way it looked Tuesday night at remain* good th* >*•' roundf' the Flower Lovers Club, for the cup le*’8 raise iris, at least one type, contest centered around the " best and as many more as we can. At our coming flower show Mrs. ¿/«TV Illicit Ml ° , single 9 specimen of il'nv rose nisuwii. shown. «■* It hard matter to decide for these Kern *•>> be given the cup which she was a the most times the last year; her were i so many lovely entrtae; in fact ><ta of balloting it took two roun<_ „ ---------- _ be- __ n«m« “ to be engraved on it and di|- vL decided in in favor played at the show, show. The cup is to fore the contest wa* at the of Mrs. Z. C. Strang whose single be continued again this nex(, year. Mr. Alexander gave an interesting specimen bud of “General McArthur” won the cup for her. Among others account of bis visit to the Roy Wer- who had entries were Mesdames nich home. Mr. and Mrs. Wernich are George Leach, Ida Owen, Ella Schroe great lovers of flowers and particular der, and Messrs. J. P. Beyer», L. E. ly our native shrubs and flowers; these they have procured from varioue sec Alexander, J. D. Clinkenbeard. Mr. Taylor brought some very fine tions of our state and are growing flowers and after the cup contest had them successfully at their beautiful been decided, gave us a talk on what home on Cunningham Drive, juyt off consisted of a perfect roee in the ■the Marshfield-Coquille highway. It eyes of -judges. In the course of hi* is worth taking time to see this beau talk, Mr. Taylor recommended cer tiful place and I know viators will be tain varieties as particularly adapted welcome. As our next regular meeting fall« to our climate here; there were: “Dame Edith Helen,” “Dr. Van Fleet,” on July 4, we will not have another “Caroline Testout,” “Frau Karl meeting until July 18th, when the best collection of sweet peas in any kind of Druschki.” A col ' A discussion of the choice of flower container is the cup flower. for the club to sponsor as the official lection consist« of 25 or more stems. flower for Coquille was entered into Don’t forget the date of our flower by the members after a committee ap show, June 30. Marshfield is holding a show Sat pointed for the purpose had made urday, June 24th, and it is to be their report. A ballot finally decided ft and the iris was the winner by a hoped there will be a good attendance large majority. So now, folks, re from here. Our club is to be repre member, the iris is Coquille’s official sented by a basket and Mr. Taylor is flower and the club would like every to be one of the judges. Place: City ; Saturday AT THE FOLLOWING The Sentinel - Wilson’s Fountain Lunch 4:15 • ’1 Coquille Service Station 4:30 Nosler’s Grocery Store 4:45 IS HE OR IT MAN OR Wilson’s Fountain Lunch 8:45 MACHINE? THE EYES NEVER CLOSE Word that no further contributions pronounced readiness of its mem- to the fund for the building of the I be rs to meet the demands of the hour new A.000,000 home now being erect was voic«i; in the message from the ed for the Christian Science Publish Board of Directors. Manifestations of renewed confi ing Society need be made after July 1 was announced recently at the An dence and hope resulting from world nual Meeting of the Mother Church, wide emergency, relief activities; a The Firs't Church of Christ, Scientist, pronounced “leavening” of public thought toward the Discoverer and in Boston, .Massachusetts. .Members from many lands—more Founder of Christian Science, as evi-. than 5,000 in all—heard the inspiring denced in the nation-wide poll which message from The Christian Science : gave Mrs. Eddy’s name place in the Board of Directors, read by Mr. list of America's 12 greatest women; Charles E. Heitman;-chairman, grate- the attainment of an important mile and unselfed efforts” of those -“who stone in the erection of the new Pub have made possible the completion of lishing House—ail these were cited as the new Publishing House without “signs following” another year of delay and Without debt.” consecrated service by Christian Sci Gratitude for the growth of the entists throughout the world.—Christ church, the increasing interest in ian Science Monitor. its healing^ ministry, and the more On The Stage at the LIBERTY THEATRE Q«AA t We will expose the secret of 9 What Makes it Run “The Aftermath” Presented The Pioneer Methodist Church Philip D. Hartman, paator. “If you like thta picture we aTe Rev. R. U. Waldraven, Presiding El- about to present to you, just stay at home, do nothing and do not vote July er of the Portland District, will preach 21 and it will come to pass in Co at the morning worship hour. At 8 p. mp the pastor wifi bring a quille,” were the opening remarks of Henry Hall of the Hall-Summers message on “The Baby, Its Fascina team, Wednesday night at Pioneer tion and Poseibilities.” This will be preceded by a home scene in panto Hall. The Hall-Summers team has been mime in which there will be «^father in temperance work since 1914, and and mother and baby. Letter From Agness €. C. C. I Goodman Case, Hung Jury Sunday School at 10 a. m., Lyman have visited every state in the union. The following letter to the Sentinel Dunham’s, Inc., won its suit against In the records at Washington, D. C. Carrier, superintendent. is from Claude Stout, one of the men the Massachusetts Bonding & Insur are statementa that bear witness to Both departments of the Young from this section who is at the C. C. Cv ance Co., the jury bringing in a ver the effect of their work, one being: Peoples' Division conduct their de ----------------------------------------- . -..... camp at Agnes«: dict last Saturday for »1700, the "This team has done more for pro votional« at 7 p. m. The Boys’ and Girls' World Club from severe injuries to her ankle, re amount the plaintiff lost through hibition than aijy other team..” Bridge Happenings Well! They in.ught us to Agnes« niaiieaoaiKe “The Aftermath,” depicted Coquille, meet*in Pioneer Hall at 7 p. m., Mrs. ceived in a fall Baturday night. malfeasance t»i of a former iurnivr manager, niunagci| for . _ Mr. and Mra. Edward L. Ulrich, of and we haven’t found the t“wn yet' 1250 attorney fees and tor costs, with the 18th amendment repealed, Chas. H. Oerding in charge. Lon Angeles, Calif., arrived at Bridge We know it is here some where for^ jUry which heard the case of saloon and beer parlors wide open, Prayer meeting Wednesday, gvening Riverton News last week and are settled in one of the the Captain told us no. raking in money for revenue from with a Love Feast in connection with Walter Tolquin vs. Wm. Chin Wing The annual grade school meeting Ehrig cabins for the summer. They While I think about it I will have to | Dong, a damage «uit arising from in j any and all sources available; which it. - are friends of the Ehrigs and are here was held on Monday, June 19. Joe tell you that the stories comm inly cir means from those suffering from sex Orchestra practice Thursday eve juries the plaintiff received in the de for Mr. Ulrich’« health. They are ac Nilsen was nominated and re-elected culated about the officers being so ual disease, cancer, sores and thing« ning, Mrs. H. H. Coleman, director. unanimously as director and Mrs. hard boiled and aloof are just plain fendant’s building, bought in a ver unspeakable. Sanitation is unknown companied by a pupil of Mrs. Ulrich. Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, dict for the Chinaman. Mr. and Mrs. Gunder Sanden and Mary Ellen Borgard was unanimously bunk; at least that is our opinion. The' in saloons, beer glasses that* have been F. G. Leslie, director. I The case of the state of Oregon vs. family, of Jacksonville, Ore., were re-elected as clerk. officers here are good fellows and do Clyde Goodman, indicted for rape, used by those with these disease«, Special vocal musical numbers at Mr. Bumgartner’s wonderful straw ing their beat to improve conditions. Saturday night guests at the Frank started in Circuit court Tuesday and rinsed in cold water, put to drain, and both services Sunday. Culver home, leaving Sunday fore berries are now ready for market and Just at present the new mese hall was given to the jury Wednesday eve refilled for the healthy boys and girls, A cordial welcome awaits you at all have been for more than a week. He noon for Siltcoos, where Mrs. Sanden and the shower rooms are under con ning. After being out all that night men and women of our city, thus di of our services, if. you do not wor and children plait to spend the sum plans to pick nearly-all of the berries struction but will be 'ompleted as rectly placing thta filth into their ship elsewhere come with us. mer. Mr. Sanden will return to Jack himself unless they ripen faster than soon as possible. Sanitation is carried their agreement to disagree was ac bodies. cepted by the judge yesterday min he expects. In that ease people can out to the utmost in every detail. We sonville in a few days. How the brewers and saloon men Seventh Day Adventist Church ing and they were discharged. Bonnie Jean Billings had the pleas ■lick ttieir own at reduced price. have a doctor in carqp at all,|imes,»« Before this case started Judge r introl the courts, school«; council, Pastor, H. A. Njergarth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Wellea, of ure this week of-a short visit from her well ax several first aid men. ’rttrs*^, > d every public office wis clearly Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 cousin, Virginia Hatcher, of Portland. Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Smith far they have not been very busy and Jrand ordered that all present under rh wn by the experience of Mr. Hall 18 years leave the court room. The a. m. , Mrs. Stanley Lake became very ill and daughter, Bertha Hartwell, of we all hope that they never will be. j d<,'"ce was of the most sordid na- as judge of the court, when the aa- » was of the most sordid na- Preaching service 11:00 a. m. Sunday afternoon with an attack of Whittier, Calif., arrived in Riverton, The work as a whole is not danger- ture tendin(f show the drunken locn keeper dictated the terms by The theme for the coming Sabbath gall-bladder trouble and submitted to Tuesday evening as guesta at the C. ous nor extremely hard. We average eondition of a 15.year old and which ItaJt'duld save his little daughter will be, “The Best Things: Simplicity, an operation that evening at the Mast M. Hartwell home. Mr. Welles is a about seven hours a day and five and the actiong of young men ranifing up from a life worse than death. Honesty, Truthfulness, Purity and hospital in Myrtle Point. She is re- former assistant state school superin one half days a week. Along with this to 0(5 years of age. and there was If Coquille in her indifference al 26 yearn of age, and there was Integrity." Delivered by the pastor. covfring nicely. Her little daughters, tendent and for many years was pres work we get three good meals a day to notj,jng ¡ntroducted to contravert the lows liquor with all ite attendant Virginia and Vivienne, are »taying at ident of a teaching agency in Port- and all our clothing is furnished. evil» to legally return then she is '„tate’n evidence. Baptist Church the Jamex Morrison home during her 'land. Mrs. Welles is Mr. Hartwell’s As this is my day of rest I will have u rep<)rt<.d tht. jury gtdod 8 for guilty and responsible for the lives of sister and has many years of teaching absence. The Sunday School of our church ta t,o huvrry J** thjf artiele J*n^<^)cOT>viction to 4 against, and the lat her citizen« ruined by it L. A. Liljeqvist, of Marshfield, gave I'n Oregon schools to her credit. They for the next mail. Some of the boys now in charge of the new superin To see these men, actors of ability, ter refused to give any reason for an interesting talk on the Sales Tax, '.eft Thursday morning, after spending have been much more fortunate than in his drama is to remember the les tendent, Mrs. Rutledge. Classes for their stand. at the Grange meeting Friday eve ■several hours as guest of John Quick, others and have rated steady jobs on son« taught by it always. Those who all ages. You are welcome. ning, during the lecturer’s hour, which of Coquille, to go to Portland. Their different gangs; At 7 p. m. the Young People’s ser missed this play missed a real treat. Denton Ellingson Can’t Thou Beat It? was for the public and well attended. final destination is southern Idaho, has a very good job on the survey Hall-Sumens continue their work vice will be held. The Grange is inviting the young where they will remain until some crew, whHe I am on one of the falffiig Consider the editor! A child is in the state until election day, then folks who' participated in the recent time in September. Methodist Episcopal Church crew«. Uta rest so far have been born unto the wife oT a menSant in move on to Washington, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, of Co shifted around from one job to an prohibition essay contest in the school Evening Preaching 8:00 [C m, town. The physician getteth 35 Idaho and other states. to a pot luck dinner Friday evening, quille, stopped in Riverton, Baturday other but in a week or so everything plunks. The editor writeth a stick Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. June 30, at 6:30. Wirmers are asked evening, on their way home from will be settled and every man will and a half and telleth the multitude m. Bear Cub’s Night Call Brushes Creek in Curry county. They to bring and read their eoaays. Mrs. have a special detail. In this group that the child tippeth the beam at Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. A few weeks'ago the Sentinel print Harold James was appointed to ar were accompanied by Ralph Smith, are Orville Chard, Willie Gaslin, Jack Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev- nine pounds. Yea, he lieth even as a ed the «tory of the bear encounter range some musical number for the who had been with them there. Pointer, Fred Watson, Frank Rivers. centurion. And the proud father giv- Jack Banholster and Archie Jacobsen eryone welcome. Mrs. Perna Harris, who has been Lloyd Hickam, Dick Summers and program and Mrs. Frank Porter will G. A. Gray, Pastor. eth him a Cremo. had with a she-bear on the river bank have charge of the games. Refresh cooking in a camp up Rock Creek, Paul Vincent. Gaslin and Ellingson 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Or.e. Behold the young one groweth up a mile above town, and now one of ments were served at the close of the came home to spend the week-end. She are taking a hike up to Illahe today. and graduateth. And the editor put-.................. R attention. her cubs is claiming At evening. The commitee appointed to changed Position« and will now be-R ,, , round tr¡p of ,ixUen mjlea (R’ teth in the paper a swell piece. Yea. least Lisle Goodwin says the animal First Church of Christ. Scientist serve refreshments at the next regu working for Mike Morrison. would be quite a joke on them if they a peach of a notice. He telleth of the which aroused him Tuesday night Coquille, Oregon Mr. and Mra. Dewey and family, of returned late for supper.) lar mieetinig constats of Meosrs. Henry wisdom of the young woman and of looked very much like a bear as he Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Brownson, Jason Jewett, Harold Lampa Creek, accompanied by Mrs« We are getting up a good baoeball Sunday Service at 11 «. m. Cusic, of Bear Creek, were Coquille team here in camp with two hundred her exceeding comeliness. Like unto saw it shambling dotan his driveway, James and Dwight Culver. the roses of Sharon is she, and her at.hta place on the Rink creek roadi Subject for next Sunday, “Christian Elbert Weihmann left Sunday for visitors Saturday. men to pick from. Gold Beach is to Mr. and Mra. Dewey Byers and «on, be the first victim on our schedule and gown is played up to beat the band, about 2:30 Wednesday morning. He Science.” San Francisco for a visit of several And the dressmaker getteth two score was wakened by sounds on his porch Wednesday evening meeting at 3 Frank, are now recovering from a weeks with relatives. we hope it won’t be the last. This and four iron men and the editor gets I and by the time he got to his front o’clock. Harold J. Laswell, Mrs. Wm. R. severe attack of chicken pox. game is scheduled for Sunday, June a note of thanks from the staeet girl door and looked out in the moonlight Free public Reading Room open in Brown and Mrs. Eltae Lamp, all of, - Mr. and Mrs. Rickman, from Co- 25th, so if you happen to be down in ■rraduate. (Maybe!) the critter, as large as a good-sized Church Building every Tuesday and whom taught here laxt year, have ac- quille, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rick- Gold Beach be sure and stop over to And the daughter goeth on a jour dog, was going down the gravel drive Friday afternoons except holidays cepted positions in the grade school man’s father, Mr. Bumgartner. see the gan*. A number of the gang ney. Andjthe editor throweth himself with the peculiar sideways motion oJ t’om two to five o’clock. ___ 1____________ for next year. The faculty has been will be there. on the story of the farewell party. a bear. Neither his chickens nor The public is cordially invited to at- reduced from four to lhree teachers. Huge Contract for Oils Yours truly, Claude (Snapper) It runneth a column oolid? And the anything elee around the place had tend our services and to visit the Miss Alma Larkins, who also taught The largest lubricating oil contract Stout fair one remembreth him from afar been disturbed. Reading Room. here the past year, was not an ap ever placed on the Pacific coast has with a picture postal card that costeth plicant, having accepted the principal been awarded by the United States Two Fire Alarms This Week six for a jitney. ■ Foursquare Orchestra Trip ship of a «chool near her home town, Navy to Standard Oil Company of Church of Christ Behold, she returnetih. and the youth Contrary to the usual rule there Mulino, Oregon. Last week the Foursquare Orches Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor • California. The contract call« for was only one additional fire alarm the ’of the town fall down and worship. tra visited the 'Medford Foursquare Mrs. Amelia Hill and daughter, Ma- 1,300,000 gallons. Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. ! She, and lo, she picketh a first of the week, after the one Sun -bel-, and Miss Evelyn Porter, of Co Departments for all ages. Ned C. The award includes the entire re lemon. But the editor calls him one Church that is at the present time quille, have been guesta since Sat quirements of the United Staton Navy day noon. One, almost always, means having a revival meeting in a large Kelley, superintendent. ' of our promising young men and get- urday at the home of Mrs. Hill’s at Pacific coast porta, including Alas three. The first was at the Vowell tent. There were 600 people out to 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn- home where an overheated stove caus I teth away with it. And they send hear the local orchestra and see the ing worship. Sermon by the pastor. mother, Mrs. Melissa Brownson, on ka and Hawaii, this being the first unto the editor a bid to the wedding, ed a fire which did about »75 worth Big Creek. 7:00 p. m. "C. E. groups meet for time that any company has won all and behold, the bids ate fashioned in steriopticon picture« on “Touring the ,Holy Land.” devotionais. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huff and chil of the Navy’s lubricating business for of damage. Thi« was at the second a far city. That night they were wonderfully Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. dren, Ruth, Billy and Lota, returned the coast. It also includes the re house north of the Ralph Nosier resi Bible Flowery and long ia the wedding dence on the highway. The depart I Study. Willett Jessee, leader entertained at the home of Mr. and Saturday from a visit with relatives quirements of those federal depart noticq. nrhicb the editor printeth. The ment extinguished it quickly. Mm. Martin Pinkston, formerly ~ of You are cordially invited to all of at Reedsport and Terrebonne. Mrs. ments that purchase under Navy con * The second caH was at 3:30 Monday minister getteth his bit. Huff's niece, Mta« Margaret Downs, tract and that operate in the Pacific The editor printeth a death notice, „ , .' f in Apple these services. afternoon when the chimney of the. two column« of obitua^i, three' lodge came home with them for a visit. - « c ic en dinner was en- coaat states. H. W. Covalt home burned put. - No jqyed that the Pinkstons had pre Mrs. James Morrison, Mrs. A. O. Church of God notices, a cubit of poetry and a card ' damage resulted there. Hooton and Mis« Maude Hooton at Callinr cards 1*0 for SI .00. _____ of thanks. And he forgetteth to read | pared. Fifteen chickens were eaten Seventh and Henry streets, 2 blocke ' in one meal. tended a Christian Endeavor confer north of Henry street bridge proof on the dead, and the darned Old Beaver Hill Vein Coal. »4.60 ; Tuesday < evening the orchestra ence in Coquille Sunday afternoon, WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Pastor, Rev. .Geo. S. Murphy. per ton for lump delivered in Coquille. »hing cometh out “Gone to Her Last nlayed at the Foursquare Church which was conducted by the Union All outstanding warrants drawn Leave orders at Roonevelt Service Roasting Ptiice." Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Roseburg. Missionary Superintendent, Miss Beu against School Diet. No. 4, Riverton. ceeding great jumps. And they pull- Preaching 11;00 a. m. Station, phone 114. C. Jack Shumate. lah Jenkins. , , Oregon, numbered 562 to 586, will be Prayer meeting 7:80 p. m Thurs- eth out their ads and cancelleth their 7tf SI Jame* Church Mr. and Mrs. Forrest N. Heath and paid upon presentation to the Clerk. day. i ■ . * ceeding great jumps. And thehy pull- family, who have been living at the Interest ceases on all said warrants ( Episcopal) '* A place wheTe a stranger does not Blanks for filing notices of assess eth out their add« and cancelleth their McConnell bar mines in California for June 16. 1938. Church echoed every . Sunday at If feel strange ____ _J ment work on mining claims for sale subs? and they swing the hammer even a. m. some time, have returned to Goos Perry Roper, superintendent Dated thia 16th day of June, 1933. at Sentinel office. unto the third and fourth generations. county, arriving the latter part of the Mrs. M. E. Borgard, Clerk, ______________________f ■ . -Eagle, Delano, Minn. £.,1c/0T C°W R**1 Dairy cream and week at the O. W. Heath home here. Justice Court blanks for sale at thi School Diet. Ne. 4, Treenass Notices, printed on cloth, milk, the only milk and cream made •ffico. Mrs. Albert Pancoast is suffering j 22t2 •tar &, Bandon, Oregon. for «ala at this offioo. Callinc c«Ms 100 ln ,100' safe by pasteurization.