PAGI PIVI COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE tt, 1922. News From Lee Section Aw— I Mrs. Hugo Michael entertained with a most delightful miscellaneous show er in honur of Mrs. Byron Hervey, a recent bride of the community. Mrs. Hervey received a largi number of lovely gnd useful gifts. Late in the afternoon cake and coffee were served to Mesdames Byron Hervey, Lloyd Huntley, John Parry, Walter Schroe We have arranged for shipments of select quality fruit. Fresh Fruits are der, George Clinton, Henry Brown, scarce. We believe you should can now. Webb Mast. 8. D. CJarluChester Will- son, Lloyd Haynes, W. H. Hervey, 8. L Leatherman, Tommy Weekly, H. W. Mast, D. R Lewis, Carl Anderson. Easy to make a cool Martin Gasner, James Hervey, J. W. ing Dessert. All Flav Sumerlin, Ina Davis, Nan Collier, A. The Highest Quality Coffer . ors. B. Gant, Misses Julia Merle Leatiher- Available. We invite you to LB. man, Lorane Clark, Helen Mast, Sadie make a comparison. PKG. Harmon, Lois Gant, Dorothy Lewis, June Rouse, Ardeila Michael and the hostess, XVs Hugo Michael. The W. V. Schroeder family and LB. Fur making fine cakes. LgC. Jerry McConnell, motored to Rock CAN • Good Housekeeping approved. pfc- ’ Cffiek Sunday where they enjoyed the day with a picnic dinner. That eve ning Mrs. Schroeder visited her mother, Mrs. Elisa Neal, in Myrtle Point. A New Delicious Malt* Malt Mrs. Hugo Michael and Melvin rd Milk loaf. It is good. XI IA . Johnson have been quite ill for several 7e a loaf. 3 for ’ "W nent F< k 4 s . in the Crystal days with the flu. ,Mrs. Byrpn Hervey' Quart Jar. Protect your health. JAK hag also been troubled with a severe case of tonsilitis, Mr. and Mrs. Jacl^. Roher, of Marsh field, spent the week end at the W. H. and marriage contract now and here Harmon home. They left Monday G«od Coffee at a low price. LB. tofore existing between Plaintiff and morning for Bly, where they will visit Free Jigsaw puxzle with each Pkg Defendant; that the Plaintiff be awarded the sole care, custody and with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bell. control of Roberta Leno re Enders, the Wednesdsy afternoon ^callers of r minor child of the Plaintiff and De Mr*. W. W. Schroedet wepfe Mrs. Paul fendant, and for such other and fur C. W. NOYES ther relief as to the Court may seem Bunch, Mrs. Herschel Bunch and Attorney at Law Judith Ann and Bobby, of Moscow, just and equitable. The grounds upon which said relief Idaho. Mr. Bunch is an instructor at Practice in U. 8. D. Court and is based in said Complaint is deser the Idaho university and they are 2 Bunches 3 Heads Fresh Stock State Courts tion. spending part of their vacation in this Bm. No. 3 Farmers A Merchants i This Summons is served upon you 1 by publication thereof in the Coquille part of the country. Bank Bldg. Coquille, Oregon Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of Sunday visitors at the George Clin t the Hon. J. T. Brand, Judge of the ton home were Mrs. Rhoda Murray, Title Guarantee & Abstract C®. above entitled Court, made, dated and ■ entered on the 12th day of June, 1933, Miss McNair, Mr. Patterson and T. Abstracts of Title. Notary Pub- At Market Prices. Berries are about gone. Short crop. and which order requires that the W. Coffey, of Roseburg. plete abstract plant in Coos Co. date of the first publication of said Mies Julia Merle Leatherman ac- Buy now and be Sure. lie, Ins. Bonds. The only com- Summons shall be on the 16th day of June, 1933, and the date of the last ■ompanied the Ranton family of Myr J. E. AXTELL, Sec. Max-i-mun^ for those —j publication thereof being Friday the tle Point to ’ Portland on Monday. Coquille, Ore. pancakes and waffles. | Rp 14th day of July. 1933. While there she will visit her cousin, J. ARTHUR BERG, Large PKG. AoJV Miss Betty Howe, while the Rantons Attorney for Plaintiff, Rosedale Whole Sweet, or Sweet Mixed. DR. J. J. LESLIE * QT. Jar Residence and P. O. Address, Co attend a conference. Julia Merle may DENTIST quille, Oregon. 22t5 go on to Seattle, where »he will spend Hours 8-12 m., 1 to S p. m. some time with her aunt, Mrs. Ray .IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Pettie. Evening by appointment STATE OF OREGON FOR A Light Flaky Cereal That Creates Energy. Over Hudson Drug Stora It has been reported that Ralph Pkg. COOS COUNTY Max-i-mum. THE UMPQUA SAVINGS AND ’’oak and Ed Worthman, of the C. C. Buy it now LAaft LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation, C. camp, formerly of Crofton, Nebr., EACH 2cans 13c (48 ca”> i Plaintiff, were seen running in from the woods DR. J. F. YOUNG vt. Chiropractor B. D. EMBRY, MARJORIE H. EM the other day with a black bear at / ERY, PHILCO RADIO DISTRIBU their heels. 345 So. Hall TORS, Inc., a coloration, and SEJ- The school meeting ww held Next Door south of City Hall BERLING RUBBER CO., a corpora Monday afternoon. Dave Moore The new phone 102-M tion, elected to serve as director in Defendants. Safeway. H:ghest nlace of Lloyd Leathe: rman, and Se- . Notice of Sheriff's Sale Baker's Moist « « Van Campale. Quality All Purpose I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that leta Leatherman wqs. 4|tain chosen JAS. W. WHEELER Southern Style Can | Prepared , by virtue of a writ of execution and clerk. 49- lb BAG Physician * Surgeon i order of sale issued out of the above A number of folks enjoyed a picnic Ellingson Bldg. Coquille ■ entitled court in the above entitled st the end of the road up the North I cause on the 24th day of May, 1833, to Leave calls at file directed and delivered, command Fork last Sunday. The party includ Green Giant Med« — Hudson's Drug Store er at Co Fresh and 2 ing me to sell the following described' 'd: Mr. and Mrs. Carl AnJerson and quille Hotel Salad Pmm real property, to-wit: (rispy Pkgg Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrer, Lota 8, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 13 in th« ZEE leads in sales. Extension to the Town of Myrt;« Ina Davis, Minnie Harris. William Point in Coos . County, Oregon Mast, Kelly Clinton, Walter Law- 3 Rolls to satisfy the sum of $6,343.71, witl home, Ardeila and Marie Michael and DR. J. R. BUNCH Del Maise Nib lets interest therein at the rate of 8 per Ralph Clinton. Favorite Brand Fancy Pack ZA LO Like Fresh Com DENTIST cent per annum from May 24th, 1833, Mrs. Ray Abbott, of Coquille, ia 3 Rolls until paid; the further sum of 8178 91, Service 3 Cans 25C X-RAY 2 CANS with interest thereon at the rate of «pending this week at the Henry Laird Bldg. First Street 8 per cent per annum from May 24th.' Hervey home. 1983, until paid, as insurance premi Coquille, Ore Telephono 82-L FREE DELIVERY Phone 122 A new bridge is being constructed Store No. 469 ums; the further sum of 8450.60, at torney’s fees; the further sum of st Woods creek. The old bridge was $15.10, costs and disbursements, and unsafe and a new one will be most the costs of and upon said writ, 1 welcome. . ,rn October 23. 1S57, and spent her the school by County Agent George .visiting in Coquille the past few weeks GRANT CORBY WILT. ON SATURDAY, THE 24th girlhood. Mr. and Mr«. Butler migrat Jenkins, who reports that the morn returned home Tuesday with Eriiest DAY OF JUNIE. 1983, at the hour Attorney at Law ed to Oregon with a party of immi ing sessions of the school are devoted Krewson. Celebrated Golden Wedding of two o’clock, in the afternoon, at the Richmoad-Barker Bldg. Mrs. C. M. Wilson visited at the front door of the court house in Co The only apology the Sentinel has *r*nt* fn’m Missouri, crossing the i to instructional work, club members Phoae 1*7 'Caqaills. Ora quille, Coos County, Oregon, offer for to offer for being so late in publishing PGins, via Meek s Cut-off in ^central ■ attending regular classes. Afternoon home of her mother, Mrs. M. A. Kirk- Rsskdeaee Pheas 34-M sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, sub in account of a golden wedding an- | Oregon, with an ox team in the year sessions are devoted to a general as endoll, of Coquille. Mr. and Mrs. David Crowley, of ject to redemption, as provided by nivemary is that Dr. Bloyd did not 1846. As a bit of early history, Mr. sembly and supervised recreation in nort Orford, were in the valley Sun- law, said above described real proper tell us about it at the time. The fol 1 Butler assisted Peter Skeen Ogden in cluded games and swimming. J. ARTHUR BERG ty, and will apply the proceeds of The radio is used to the fullest ex lay after a load of household furni the reburial of the remains of Narcissa Attorney at Law said sale in the payment of the costs lowing account appeared in a publica Whitman, at Waiilatpu, near Walia tent each year to carry as much of ture they have had stored at the Per Rooms 14 2 and expenses thereof, and the balance, tion of Oakland, Calif., last months the 4-H summer school program as ley Crowley home. Walla, Washington. Ormar. A Marchante Bank Bid« if any, I will pay to the clerk of the Miss Eula Doak, of Powers, is vis Phoae 17 possible to the parents and friend« of above entitled court, as required by The well known “ Jimmy ” Campbell, On Saturday, April 28, a very pleas LoqaiUs. Oregea law. of near Hillsboro, united Dr. and Mrs. club members attending the «ession iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. ant event took place at the home of Dated and first published May 26th, Jake Bohlander. Mr. and Mrs.« William Ziegler, Hills Bloyd ia marriage in the year 1883. To and to other members who are unable 1932. • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Durell made a to be present. At some time during 1 this union were born six children: Misk- . H. E. Hess. l>R. W. V. GLAISYER boro, Oregon, the occasion being the 19t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. celebration of the golden wedding an > es Zoa A. and Lucy A., of near Banks; .he two weeks session each county trip to Myrtle Point Monday taking VETERINARIAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS niversary of Dr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Mns. C. 8. Townsend, of Portland, Mrs. delegation, goes “on the air” for a their son, Lester, to receive medical I USOlV Hard * Maat lospMtee W. D. Hoag and Mrs. William F. Ziag- few minutes to discuss 4-H club work treatment for a badly cut hand. Notice is hereby given that the un Bloyd, of Coquille, Oregon. Miss Genevieve Crowley is visiting ........................ ter of Hillsboro; and C, V. Bloyd, of in their respective counties and the dersigned has been appointed by the Coquille, Ora After a dinner, at which IS were County Court of the State of Oregon seated, many relatives and friends call- Marshfield, all of whom, with their Coos county delegation was heard last his week at the home of Mr. and for Coo* County, as administratrix of Mrs. Fleyd Peterson of the Bar View evening. , the estate of W. H. Wimer, and all ed to extend congratulations and best respective husbands and wives were j. A. RICHMOND ranch at Bandon. wishes to the happy couple. They Were Present at the reunioH. There were J F ... "" ' " peraons having claims against said C. M. Wilson made a business trip estate are required to present them the recipients also of a large number Brewster Valley PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON ff™dchildren. > with the proper vouchers to the un of beautiful gifts and a shower of mes- m Myrtle Point Tuesday to take Mr. Mr h “ > b< *" • dortor of Chi ‘ Richmond-Barker Building Mrs. Jake Bohlander was a Sunday dersigned at the law offices of J. J. :nd Mrs. Ernest Krewson to the hos Stanley in First National Bank sages from those who were unable to apractic and Chiropody for 22 years, caller in Coquille, where she received Coquilla, Ora. pital, where Mrs. Krewson will have building within six months from the attend. The evening was devoted to 1 For Pa,t 14 ye,r* theY h,ve medical treatment for a sore hand. Phones: O®ca 62M. R—■ *** ;he final X-ray picture taken of her date of this notice. ---- g----- , Oregon, ---- music and singing and a number of ------ "¡ded — in Coquille, where he Mr. and Mrs. Julius Benham spent Dated and first published this 9th I afeo han a 640 acre sheep ranch as a Sunday in Myrtle Point on business. broken leg. readings by friends. day of June. 1983. The Bryant logging company had J. J. STANLEY Mary A. Wimer, Dr. Bloyd and his wife ere both nat- Kenneth Laird and James Crowley, _________ . the misfortune to fell a tree on the Administratrix of the Estate of W. ive Oregonians and have resided in I 1 lawyer who are engaged in logging on Rock power line, breaking the cable, The H. Wimer, beceaaed. 21t6 this state practically the entire time, Creek, upent the week-end at their Coquille Boys Over KOAC Office in Firat National Beak accident occurred in the morning and with the exception of about ten years homes here. NOTICE TO CREDITORS it was late evening before the Copco The Coos county 4-H club delega Bundlnr^Coqunie^reiro^ at Anatone, Washington, Mrs. Waltr Huff and two children, Notice is hereby given that the un spent men of Roseburg arrived to splice the tion which ia now attending the an dersigned has been duly appointed after their marriage. of Myrtle Point, visited Thursday and line. While here they finished felling Executrix of the Last Will and Testa Dr. Bloyd was bom November 21, nual 441 club summer school at Cor Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. trees on their right of way through iv tuf CIRCUIT COURT OF,XHE ment of the Estate of Addie G. Hack 1861, in a little house in the vicinity vallis, were heard over radio sta Julius Benham. er. deceased; and all persons having the F. A. Wlleon ranch. KTATE OF OREGON IN ANJ of 8. W. Clay and Chapman Btreets, tion KO AC between 6:45 and 7:30 claims against said Estate are here Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickason made FOR THE COUNTY OF («OS Jesse Laird, of Dora, is helping o’clock last evening. by notified that they are required to two business tripe to Coquille this CHARLOTTE M. EMBERS. Plain present same, duly verified, to the un- (Portland, near which a large elder used Minor Mead slash brush on the Hailey sum- 441 Clubbers attending the stand; but this identifying landmark week taking their daughter, Fem, who Laird ranch. dersigned at the law office of H. A. tiff, evidently been hewn down, i, as no mer school as representatives frem is receiving medical treatment for a Slack, in Coquille, Coos Count; ty, Ore- Mildred and Clarence Nylander, of ROBERT A. ENDERS. Defendant, gon, w thin six months from tl he --------- date trace of it'can be found. The neigh Coos county include Donald Smith broken arm. Powers, have been visiting the* past Sus»*u of this notice. borhood used to be known as ’’Irish from Coos River, who was awarded Mru. Elmer Wilson made a business week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dated this 24th day of May, 1933. Case No. 10206 .asuei E. Hasard, n»>«u Flat«.” His parents, WilHam A. and this scholarship by the Coos Bay Mu trip to Coquille Tuesday to receive Parley Crowley. To Robert A. Enders. the above named Mabel 'Executrix of the Last Will and Sarah C. Bloyd, settled here,from tual Creamery company in Marshfield. The Indies Club held a special busi R' t HE NAME OF THE STATE Testamen spd of the Estate of Addie Tountain Green, Ill., in 1862. His moth Jack Matthews, also of Coos River, medical attention. The annual . chool meeting for the ness meeting at the home of Mrs. El 19t6 G. Hacker. <• n.ased. OF OREGON, You er died when Clarence was just a little and Sidney Cadman, of Coquille, were election of a new director and clerk mer Wilson Saturday. Those pres quired to appear and snswe rl -boVe each winners of a scholarship award Knife Hospital Notes shaver of about three. He lived in plaint filed a«ain.t vou £ s.turitey. was held at the gymnasium Monday. ent were Mrs. Stella Crowley, Mrs. Mrs. Thomas inomas vnooen., Dr.UBe, ano«» Place», Linkville (now Klamath ed by the State Fair Board for win Elwin Alford was the new director Hilda Ihirell, Mrs. Mildred Benham. entitled sui*. on of.before Cribbens, v> of Bridge, the 16th <fey of Ju of four has been receiving medical treatment, Fa»«). Ro<*burg and Lake City, CaHf., ning first place in their various pro chosen in the place of Parley Crowley, Mr*. folly Nickason, Mrs. Ehner Wil being after the exp ration fliirt at the hospital for the past week. ' »ntil young manhood when he drifted jects at the State Fair. Clinton Burr, and Mrs. Polly Nickason was re-elect son. Mias Florence and Mrs. Kenneth weeks front the (iRte o . Virginia Swindahl. of this city, sub- <~t towards Hillsboro where he met also of Coquille, ia attending the sum ed clerk. J. N. Gearheart was elected Taylor. publication of thia 8u®!"®"\rer w>d mer school as a representative of the L fail ao to »PPc,r *nl1il*( Jie “to, mitted to a tonsil removal operation *n<l won Elxada A. Butler, a daughter Miss Maxine Simpson, of Coquille, to represent this school at the county Complaint or otharwr.. £ ~Vff ^ii on Thursday, and the same day Mrs. «nd Tabitha Butler, whose do- Coquille Calf Club. is visiting at ths Pei-lay Crowley The Coos county delegation was school meeting. for want thereof, the relief L. M. Sinclair underwent a major nation land claim is now the town of Mrs. Grant Harry, who has been home. operation Orenco, and where Mrs. Bloyd was taken to Corvallis at the opening of SAVINGS Saturday & Monday / It’s Ti2ne To Can Apricotes Jell Well Price Lowered 11 5c Pork tí Beans I .^C BREAD AIRY FAIRYÄ ■ Cigarettes Srmi!?N 99« MAYONNAISE Airway Coffee Professional Cards Fruits and Vegetables Carrots Lettuce Oranges IOC Strawberries PANCAKE Sweet Pickles 29« Grape Nut Flakes 9c Olives c’.nV Peanut Butter M-an,s. 19c Cocoanut Hominy £an X VC Post Toasties PEAS canX5C Oysters KSf&rJ&ST* **"i**’ CORN