Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1933)
SOC IAL NOTES MEDFORD’S GROCERY We Sell For CASH—But We Sell For LESS SPECIALS for FRIDAY MONDAY SATURDAY PHONE 166 FREE DELIVERY BEANS r COFFEE u Navy SOAP S & W vacuum pack 5 22c LIBERTY WHITE, an Pound • 27c ’efficient laundry soap. 10 »»• 39c 10 DOLLAR 19c MILLION COFFEE, with glassware Macaroni premium Elbo cut in bulk CERTO 32c Pound For delicious Jams and 4 tbs. 19c Jellies CORN MEAL RICE 2 For 49c Broken kernel 9 21c 10 ’-B 43c Toilet Tissue Kerosene Matches 1000 sheet rolls Pearl Oil 6 box carton 4 Rolls 17c GAL. 17c 22c EACH <1 J , . . . . String Beans CORN Refuge cut stringless Golden bantam 3 25c 3 Cans Cans Graham Crax. Honey Maid, Tra Blu 25c 2 25c Fresh Meat Department VEAL CHOPS CHICKENS Spring fryers, 2 - 2'/2 lbs. ~ 23c 29c 2 EACH SAUSAGE Fresh made, no cereal. ' Hamburger Fresh, pure beef 19c 2 j STEAKS Beef, all cuts Pound Shortening Swift’s Crescent 19c 3 ">•• 25c --- I’hr IIH taili. rr eluii ladic enjoyed 1 Tuesday luncheon and afternoon, at' the home of Mrs. A. J. Sherwood, at which time she included M h . Emma ! Lyons, Mrs. G. R. Wickham, Mrs. Jane Williams, Mrs. Harry A. Slack. Her daughters, Mrs. Slack and Mrs. | Bonney, assisted in serving at the beautifully appointed table which was centered ' with a large bouquet of bachelor buttons and daisies. Covers were laid for Mesdames F. L. Green- ough, R. A. Wernich, J. A. Lamb, Ly man Carrier, Bert Folsom, J. L. Smith, Nels Oamundaon, W. S. Sickels, C. J. Fuhrman, O. C. Sanford and Paul Van Scoy. On July 11th seven of the members will entertain the others at luncheon at the heme of Mrs. C. J; Fuhrman. Members of the Ecadrfen club en joyed a very pleasant day on Monday at the home of Mrs.-Burl Noeler on Sanford 'Heights, with places provided for Mesdames Roy Neal, Willard Bos ser man*, J. E. Axtell, E. A. Walker. Geo. Johnson and J. L. Aaeen. ' Many of Mrs. G. R. Wickham's friends called at her home Tuesday to extend felicitations in honor of her 83rd birthday. Mrs. Wickham is one of the grand elderly ladies of Coquille, who is still interested in snd enjoys many'of the activities and social af fairs of the town. Mrs. Hal W. 'Pierce was given a surprise birthday party Wednesday evening with the affair held at the home of Mrs. John L. Aasen. The guests presented Mrs. Pierce with a lovely card table and also furnished the refreshments which were eerved after enjoying aeveral hands of con tract bridge. Those taking part in • the delightful affair were Mesdames Frank Thrift, Ed McKeown, W. H. Mansell, E. A. Walker, F. C. McNelly, | Wellman Ball, H. S. Norton, E. M. I Kay, A. B. Collier,, T. B. Currie and J. L. Aasen. At her home on Spurgeon hill Thursday Mrs. Millie Waters enter tained the Laf-a-lot cjub members with the afternoon' pleasantly spent1 'in -tewing and conversation. Attend ing were Mesdames W. I). Simmons, W. E. Cross, Wm. Myers, Ed Detlef- sen, E. A. Wimer, Chas. Kime, Ar thur Ellingson, P. J. Jacobsen, C. C. Bonniksen and Mrs. W. H. Wimer, who was an extra guest that after noon. “Rasputin and the Empress” at Liberty Sunday Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Bananas Carrots Fresh local Fancy fruit 3 3 Bunches Cantaloupes Lettuce Large fruits Large, firm heads 3 HEADS’- 10c 2 f<m’ Cabbage solid POUND ““ Want Ads US FOR CANNING Strawberries 19c R». The dramatic atory of a man, cling ing to his contract to finish his job, who witnesses his martial happiness slipping in the red dust of the Java SEE jungles la the theme of the Columbia picture, “When Stranger» Maiyra,’’ which comes to the Liberty Theatre, Friday and Saturday, today and to morrow. Jack Holt is starred a» Steve Rand, a dynamic, colorful engineer faced I with the problem of losing his wife if J he remains in the tropics to complete Fresh, heads ' his railroad. Lilian Bond, the sensational titian- haired English star, is seen in the unusual character of his energetic , yuung wife. It „la her first leading role, and one that affords her vast op- j portunities for her acting abilities Marriage Licenses that have graced the .London and New June 16—Lawrence C. Brady and York stages. Geòrgie B. Stallard, both of Powers. [ Th^ two vivid personalities of these They were married by Rev. Louis C. characters are blended when they Kirby at the Powers parsonage last marry after a week of celebrating in Friday. Paria. Pari«. Against Against his his wishes, wishes, the the young young June .19 Jno. F. Matson and Zena vrife inaiata upon following Rand to £. Vitus, both of Marshfield. They the jungle. It la there, oppressed by were married by Judge Thompson at the monotony.and heat of the tropics the court house, Monday. that she demands that they leave. June 20—ÌL Theodore SChoettler when he refuse, to desert hie job, she and Alberta E. Rowe, both of Los goes to another man. Angeles. They were married by The climax ia brought up to a high Judge Thompson on Tuesday. point of action and drama when the June 20—Louis Floyd and Verna girl realises her mistake and attempts Drew, both of Broadbent. They were to fight her way to the side of her also married by Judge Thompson on husband, who has become involved in Tuesday. sensational intrigue. Applications for licenses, filed with The Saturday night previe?? is the county clerk thia week and which “Fsrt Worker«.” will be issued tomorrow, include the following: Assembling a east to match in mag Carl Braxton Looney and Ada nitude the first screen appearance to Major, both of Marshfield. gether of John, Ethel and Lionel L. N. Hadsall and Louise Maas, Barrymore, the Royal Family of both of Bandon. «tage and screen, was one of the big Lee T. Bartley and Velma Rookard, gest problems ever faced by a casting 'x>th of Bridge. director, when the huge list of player« 27 Maxwell Sedan 1 Anthony Steel Dump Bed Logging Trailer 4k bunks One fewst a WeH Hack taewrtte« LOST -Sunday, June 1«, end of day bed, somewhere between Coquille and Frank Fish ranch at Bancroft. SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. Finder please notify A. O. Walker Cequillc. Oregon Phene 26-J at Coquille Service Station. ...............- ■ - ■«*----------------- ■------------- Mias McGraw Speaks Here ■PICNIC or Sunday dinners are not Miss Edna McGraw, ef Marshfield, complete unless you have a few of Leeper’s 2-lb friers at 25c each. 2t talked before a group of about thirty Coquille ladies on Monday afternoon HEAVY TEAM for Sale—About 3000 of this week at the home of Mrs. O. C. lb Team Good workers. A. N. Sanford on Elliott street. Her sub Foley, Fifth'and Beach Street«, Co- ject, with a few variations, was the same aa «he presented at the Business quille, Ore. and Professional Wlomen’e convention CASH BUYER FOR GOOD BAR breakfast which was sponsored by the GAIN IN RAN OH. Send me full Marshfield chib ladies and held at Sun details at once. Goldstein 1522 12th set Beach a few weeks ago. Besides Ave., San Francisco, Cal. 23t2* Miss McGraw’s very interesting talk, Miss Ines Rover gave a piano number. FOR RENT—3-room House furnish Mrs. Lyman Carrier also favored with ed, breakfast nook, built-ins, elec a delightful vocal selection with Miss tric range, etc. Cheap. Phone 182R. Rover accompsnying her. FOR SALE—Ton and a half Chevro Past Grand Club Meets let Truck, in good condition. Cheap The Past Grands Club met with if taken at once. W. M. Tway, M!i?e Ids Oerding Friday, June 16th. phone 2R24, Coquille. The afternoon was spent with sew HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for ing. Afterwards Miss Oerding served • Wool. Get in touch with «s. T. refreshments. Those present were: Mrs. Emma Martindale, E. M. Kay, J. Warner. Coquille. L. Aasen. B. C. Minard, Ora Maury, Walter Oerding, Annie ’ Robinson, USED CARS •Hester Holvemtott, Jesee Beyers, 29 Ford Pickup Fred Scheer snd the hostess. The 27 Durant Coupe dub will no’ meet July 7 on account Ford Pickup 32 of the conventim at Bandon on the 26 Ckau COBCh- 8th. Mrs. W H. Wimer held the . 29 Chev Truck—Stake Body. lucky number 33, and received the Chrysler Coupe. 80 quilt. «, 30 Chev Truck- 31 Chev. 157 in. Truck V. R. Wilson. “Optometrist." Errors 28 Chrysler-4 Sedan. in refraction corrected, without the 30 Chevrolet Blue Coach. nee of drugs. “For glasses” see Wil 30 Dove Grey Ford Coupe son first and save money. 7tf 30 Tan ChqvroM Sport Roadster New Canes in Circuit Court June 20—Edna S. Dicks vs. Walter P. Dicks. Suit for divorce. June 21—State of Oregon, ex rei C. H. Gram, labor commissioner. vs. Coast Oil Co. June 21—Benjamin F. Hamilton Agnes Marie Hamilton. Suit for di- voree. June 21—West Coast Savings & Loan Association vs. A. E. and Ka trina Gagnon. June 21—Marie P. Cowart vs. Chas, S. Cowart. Suit for divorce. j < - See Mansell Dray age A Delivery Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled promptly. tf appearing in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s “Rasputin and the Empre««” was chosen. The dramatic spectacle of the last days of the Romanoffs, which comes to the Liberty Theatre Sunday for three nights, not only appear the mem bers of the most famous theatrical family in the world, but the most im- > posing list of supporting players ever role, even to the' Ralph Morgan, last eeen , in gathered. Every T ’i—• • by — an — artist —»»-A of _» i- smallest, is ■« filled in “Strange Interlude," enacts the Ccar ternational fame. The result la a cast in “Rasputin and the Empress,” in a that reads like the Hollywood “Blue makeup so skilful it seem« a rein carnation. Diana Wynya^d, the Lon Book.” Two of the Barrymores enact royal don stage star starred iti “Cavalcade” nersormges, John playing the role of shown here last Sunday evening, plays ___ _______ __ , the roman tie. lead opposite John Bar- Prince Chegndieff, and Ethel enacting of rymore. Tad Alexander is the little the ill-fated Empress. The role „ - the Mad Monk, whose plotting is «|CMreviteh. He is the boy who was forerunner to the fall of the Rus- shown here as one of the princi- sian ^«."¡s Tiayid by Li^sl B^r-P*1 characters tn "The Sign of the Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at this office. rymore. • Cross.” Radiotrician Locates Here Everette Palmer, a radiotrician, is now located in Coquille, having moved his family up here from Bandon laat Sunday. He has opened his shop in the room at the rear of the. Townsend barber shop on First street He has been doing radio work in Coquille for the past month and those for whom he has done work on their radios are well satisfied that he know« his stuff. - '__________ Calling cards 100 for 31.00.