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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1933)
T r \ -Iff t The Coquille Valley Sentinel 4 THE PAPEH THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XXIX. COQUILLE. CJ*OS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, IMS. NO. 23. $2.0* THB TBAR i Si._ A I POWER PUH Will Take Office July 1 Liljeqvist to Talk to C. of C. . Geo. A. Belloni received notice from Postmaster General Jas. Farley, I Monday evening, that he had been ap pointed acting postmaster for the Co- j quitle office. His commission as such will be issued when his $14,000 bond is received and accepted at the depart ment in Washington. Although he will spend considerable time in the office for the next week, familiarizing himself wit* his duties,, he will not take charge until Satur day, July 1. This will permit H. C. Getz to make out the quarterly, and annual fiscal reports of the office busi ness which has been transacted under his supervision as postmaser. Mr. Belloni will take over the job with the best, wishes of all the patrons of the office, who realize that -the ap pointment is'a recognition of his services in thU section as an active member of the democratic party. ■«^ GALLOWAY ON THE SALES TAX OILING STATE HIGHWAYS r liffiwu.-JLY234 A forum meeting of the Coquille ! Chamber of Commerce will be held in ' T. s _______ the Coquille Hotel dining roim next J------ ----- Wednesday evening at 6:30, at which Mayor Berg Has Declared- Being Built by Smith Wood- time L. A. Liljeqvist will be present Mrs. Bryant Elected School Di Keith Leslie Submits Figures e • for School District No. 8 to discuss the Sales Tax.’ rector—238 Voters Cast Cloning Agreement Is Products—Will, Generate There are Very few people who To Taxpayers Generally Signed Their Ballots 1500 K. W. t » à really understand how the sales tax I law will operate, aside from the two The report of Keith Leslie, clerk of Whereas: July 4th, 1938, falls on By the closest vote in the history The new power plant which ia being per cent feature, and Mr. Liljeqvist Tuesday, and ' built at the Smith Wood-Product» has devoted a great deal of time to of Coquille achool elections, Mrs. school district No. 8, as made to > vu»»y ouptiunriiueni Superintendent aun«j, Mulkey, «uu and Whereas: the local merchants and plant, between the present boiler research and posting himself on the Leona Bryant was elected director for County business men are anxjous and desir houso and the river, is expected .to be subject. There are many voters who three years by the voters of district"» read. to the school meeting Monday ous that the 3rd day of July, 1933, , ready for use by the middle -of Aug •re opposing this measure on general No. 8, Monday evening, receiving IIS' evening, show« the district'^ bonded be declared » holiday and that places ust, and the equipment will be here by principles, who might find it would votes to 114 for Ernest Purvance. Leo! indebtedness to be $54,000, all on the of business be closed on said date so the time the building is ready. be to their financial advantage to J. Cary; who had not been mentioned I high achool building; outstanding war- las a a candidate candidate prior to the the meeting, meeting, ■ rants $44,905.7^ and street improve as to give a three<day holiday at said prior to • The structure will be of steel rein have it passed and they will have an' tax ment obligations, $3,816.71. date, , . ' forced concrete, 67x51 feet in dimen opportunity' to learn just what the , received eight votes. __ # __________ Now Therefore, I, J. Arthur Berg, Only once before __ in ___ the ,____ past ... twen- , The estimated ■ value of the three sion», and fully equipped to produce law will do, by listening -to Mr. Lil- Mayor of the City of Coquile, Coos * all the power the plant will need to jeqvist’s talk. No one is barred. Ev ty years has the lead iq the counting buildings ia $96,931.16, of the land fluctuated as it did Monday evening, $12,500 and of .furniture and equip- County, Oregon, by virtue of the au- * operate all its machinery and electrity eryone invited. and at that time the final result show-i ment, $16,584.86. The assessed valua- thority vested in me, do hereby pro for lights. ed a much greater difference than two! tian of the property in the district is claim and declare July 3rd, 1933, as a For protection against high water New Grand Jury Drawn $1,736,876. Insurance carried is $75,- legal holiday within this city, and I votes. a string of piling has been driven Judge Brand, who dismissed the In the progress of the tallying, 000, although E. D. Webb, the retiring hereby request that al) places of buxi along the river bank. Piling to the Telegram Confirms Contract jury yesterday until some time in which was conducted by the tellers, board member', says that may be re- nes« remain closed on said date. number of 200 were driven as founda The only oil news tjiie week is the July, will leave after the Fourth to W. E. Bosserman, Lafe Compton, Dr. dueed to $65,000. J. Arthur Berg, Mayor. tions for the power plant. sit on the Mulnomah bench for a W. V. Glaisyer and E. L. Vinton, the There were 409 boys and 4'28 girls, announcement that a telegram was The concrete foundations have al couple of weeks. Before dismissing vote was tied on at least a dozen oc from. 4 to 20, in the district last fall, received Tuesday from J. P. Furr giv- The Chamber of Comemrce commit ready been poured and a crew of 20 the jury he ordered a new grand casions. At one time Mrs. Bryant who were presided over by four men ng approval to the contract made tee which circulated the closing agree men are at work on the construction jury to be drawn, the result being as led by twelve; at another Mr. Pur and twelve women teachers in the with the Coast Oil Co. last week for ment for July 3 and 4 yesterday af- of the building. follows: vance was three ahead; and not until elementary schools, four men and five a portion of the company’s acreage. • ternoon secured the signatures of 59 The steam end of the building will Thos. H. Ness, foreman; Carl the final slip was drawn from the hat women in the high school. That the rotary will be here early in Coquille business men; as far as hourte 650 h. p. boilers, capable of Evans, Geo. A. Coan, all of Marsh wax the result known. The clerk’s report on receipt« for July to start a new hole is confidently known it include« every business producing 1200 »team horsepower. anticipated by W. E. .Marrion. field; Wm. H. Mansell, Coquille; Two hundred and thirty-eight at a the year was as follows: house which closes on Sunday, Gov. The power will be generated by two Lloyd Leatherman, Lee; J. L. Burtia, school meeting in Coquille reminds Ca.ih, June, 1932 Meier has not yet declared a state $ 574.30 ' “ . steam-turbo generators, one capable Arago; Ernest E. Bender, Broadbent one of that open air meeting at the Taxes paid holiday for th« three days, but Mayor of producing one thousand kilowatts Washington buildipg in 1916 or 17 County school fund Berg’s proclamation for Coquille in and the other 500. when it was decided to locate the Elementary school fund - 3,990.86 sures that practically all business Part of this squipment is being State school fund - - 990.00 high school on ita present site. • houses will be closed from Sat-urday brought from Wenatchee, Wash., - 1,550.00 When Chairman E. D. Webb called Vocational «^nation night. July 1, until the morning of where Mr. Ulett purchased it from i - - - 5,666.50 for nominations for director and For tuition Cha«. V. Galloway, chairman of the the 5th. the Puget Sound Light 4 Power Co. clerk, Mr. Purvance was presented by For transportation The list of those signing the closing - 3,821.03 State Tax Commission, spoke in the ft was replaced there by power from State Highway road oiling crews C.- C. Farr, Mrs. Bryant by R. L, Other sources 288.82 Circuit court room last Friday eve agreement is ss follows: the big Rock Island dam in the Col* Total ... . $36,197.78 ning, before a crowd which nearly have bpen working in southwestern Stewart, Deo J. Cary by Chris Ter res, Hudson’s Drug Store, T. Warner, umbia river. filled the room. He came at the in .Medford’s Grocery, Rackleff Pharm- - Four men have been dismantling Oregon the past week, patching some all Mr director, and Keith Leslie for Unpaid warrants duripgs year ,- . $87^80.18 vitation of the Coos County Taxpay acy, Williams Cash Grocery. Fuhr the plant at Wenatchee and loading stretches of highway and putting on clerk by H. A. Young. Mr. Leslie re Grand total - ’ - ' »74,086.91 ers Equalization l.eagjie to address man Pharmacy, Coquille Valley Mer ceived 220 votes to one for J. L. . it on four -freight cans, the first of a seal eoat in other places. Another report was submitted by the voters on the very live question cantile Co., J. A. Lamb Co., W. J. Ten mile« of seal from Gold Beach Smith. In announcing the vote Mr. which M to arrive here Monday. Ferbrache, Drue Cunningham. C. K. Ray-Bwrtflp, -electrical engineer, south has been finished, as has been Webb laughingly remarked that the Clerk Leslie showing that the oper of the proposed Sales Tax law. who installed and operated the elec a three mile atretch south of Bandon, one was cast by Mr. Smith himself. ation of the school was conducted for Mr. Galloway is as well posted a*- Norcott. J. G. Page, J. S. Erwin, J. On the more important matter, that the 1932-33 year at a saving of 114,- any man in the state on tax matters, A. Fitzpatrick, E. W. Gregg, Arthur tric plant of the Sitka Spruce Pulp and an eight-m^e piece from» Bandon of approving ths budget for the 1933- 110 21; that is the expenditures were the vital need for a re-adjustment or L. Hooton, Schroeder Jewelry Store, 4 Paper Co. at Empire, will overaee toward Riverton. Another repair job was for six 34 school year, the vote was much that much less than the budget revision of tax laws; he knows that Coos Feed 4 Seed Stor«< Southwest ths installation of the equipment here, the counties are in a great deal worse ern Motor Co., C. L. Willey, Roberta •nd will then be in charge of the miles of road north into Reedsport smaller, though the favorable majori adopted last June. and also some of that city’s streets ty *as large. ■» The greatest saving was on the plight than the atate, and did not hesi Beauty Shop, E. L. Townsend, J. A. plant At this meeting, participated in by operation of plant item in the budget, tate to declare that the adoption of Thomas, Leneve's Sporting Goods 4 The crew on the Middle Fork is just With the extra men now on con struction work, the Smith plant payroll completing a five-emle paving job taxpayers only, E. G. Opperman, in a the estimate being $5,814, and the the sales tax law will help ths eoun- Hdwe., Peoples Market, E. G. Opper and municipal subdivisions a man, Noaler's Grocery, Dunham’s. F. Contains ths greatest number of from t)ie county line this way toWard wall presented talk, urged that th» actual expenditure I3.242.94. The votem cal) a halt on excessive expen greafcat saving was effected by the great" deal'more than it will toe state. •A. Wimer, New Deal Market, Coquille natpes it has had for the past year Bridge. ' . When a five-mile county road job ditures, and Chris Terres spoke of tie letting of a contract for janitors’ The earning power of the land with Valley Sentinel. Safeway Jhore, 469, and a half, tK^re being 140 employed out of Roseburg is completed the crew urgent need for reduetion in expenses, services after the budget wa» adopted. ______its constantly mounting load of taxes. Economy Canh Market, J. C. Penney there now. The next largest saving was $1,- is being destroyed, Mr. Galloway de- Con Slater’s Variety Store, Gould Mr. Ulett stated yeafierday that he there will move Saturday to Camas the consolidation or elimination qf de anticipated working two shifts in Valley and oil that road,- which has partments in the high s-hool, and 587.60 in teachers' salaries, textbooks I dared, and these real property taxes Furniture Co., Thrift Grocery, Ideal been considerably broken up, and will anywhere else a cut could be made. and supplies. The budget item , was cannot be paid. In Coos county but Bakery, Bergen's, H. N. Lorenz, E. L. the saw mill beginning July 5. But the voters by their ballots $26,746.28. spent $25,158.68. 30 per cent of the first half of the Hand, Ralph E. Nosier, The Title Co., He also said that prospects were continue down the mountain into the For maintenance and repairs $1550 1932 taxes have been paid and in Ned C. Kelley, Title Guarantee 4 Ab excellent for continuous operation of Ten Mile country, a ten-mile stretch. seemed to agree with M. O. Hawkins, citizen member of the budget com was estimated and $412.05 was spent, other countie; the situation is as bad. stract Co., C. H. Hodgdon. C. D. the whole plant throughout the sum mittee, that the committee h*d trim The debt service difference of $8,- 80 Acres of Peas Planted mer and fall. H x estimate of the first year’s rev Walker, V. R. Wilson, Geo. Unsoeld, med the budget to the Vninim-im, and 666 58 was not a real saving for it enue under the sales tax operation H. E. Meredith, R. F. Miller, Niles The flrat new logs to reach the mill Geo. Jenkins, county agent, report thia summer will be from the J. E. ed at the Chamber of Commerce meet ’hey approved it as presented 76 to had been estimated that $8,000 would was $6,000,000, which he declared Motor Co., Frank Ball, Mt. States be paid on warrants, but due to the would not cost more than 2H per cent Power Co., G. 4 S. Blacksmith Shop, Paulson camp on Floras creek, about ing Wednesday evening that there 23. On a previous vote, to incres.-e the lack of tax receipt« the $8,000 was to collect and administer, instead of Coquille Machine Shop by C. W. July 1. Bradford 4 Culver and Iver are about 80 acres of peas planted for This also reduced the in- the 5 >4 per cent which the law’s op Gemer, Geo. F. Burr Motor Co. (Sales son 4 Laird will begin delivering logs September harveating this year. This' budget this year «by more thart 6 per not paid. 4 Service), Natural Gas Corporation from their camps on Rock creek by in 45 acres less than last year. The cent over last year’s base, the in ercot payment on warrants from the ponents claim. •J.lgeteri $1800 to >1,138.42__ The sales tax will supplement the of rOegon, B. J. Smith, Fred Kunz the middle of July, and the Bryant largest acrjgge will be on the J. E. crease was voted 70 to 30. Even at the reduced annual coat of Th- emergency fund of $300 was income tai law on which exemptions of Oregon, B. J. Smith, Fred Kunz Legging Go. camp in Brewster valley Ford ranch’below Cedar Point, man maintaing the schools, it will be three not touched and there was a saving were lowered and rates increased by Garage, Mike's Implement House. is expected to be in operation by the aged by H. S. Cadman. or four years yet before the base, set of $294.56 in library books, nuppliss the last legislature, and the combina same date. Clinton 4 Christiansen The growers have made arrange tion of the two will relieve the heavy will begin hauling logs from Eckley ments with a Portland broker for dis by the county assessor a dozen years and transportation. t Boys Find It Hot in East The greatest increase in expenses burden under which farms and city mountain for the plant here in about posing of that portion of the crop ago. catches up wtih the actual re Letters from the Wade Arstill-Fred quirement« of funds for school pur over budget estimates was due to the property is now staggering. And if ten days. which is aot frozen, and there is ako Fuhrman-Duane Fitzgerald - George poses, and the need for voting on the alteration in the high school building the sales tax is not adopted July 21, a go>d proepect that the C. C. camps Ulett group from Coquille who left a six per cent limitation will then ex where the balcony of the gym wa« I there can only be one answer: an in Cutting Shakes Here Now can use a lot of. the surplus. couple of weeks ago to attend the walled off from the auditorium. The crease of property -tax which will re Chicago Fair, atated that tiiey ex There is also the probability that pire. Another evidence of the upward excess in capital outlay was $335.82. sult in greater loss of their property pected to reach the Windy City today trend of business conditions in Co a small cannery equipment • will be Insurance cost the district $41.62 bjr the citizens of this state. Flower Show Next Friday moved in from the outside to take —Friday. They enjoyed the day in quille is at the John Domath 4 Sons more than the estimate. __ __ ____ ______ Another sales tax opponent claim warehouse at the depot. In anticipa care of the No. 2 grade, but the One of the display« to be shown at The district lost $6100 as the result vhich Mr. Golloway denied, was that Kansas City, where Ralph L. Smith growers are$iot figuring on ehanging secured accomodations for them at tion of the demand for his grooved ’he Coquille Flower Show next Friday, • of the county redaction of per capila he proposed law would aid the utili- the Kansas City Club and that eve shaken, Mr. Dornath has contracted last season’s method of handling the '« to be an exhibit of floral paintings. 1 tax to $10 per pupil. ■ies of the state. His investigations ning visited an old house, more than for a large supply of bolts; he has in crop until it is fully demonstrated It may not be generally known that • ’"* " ■»roved to him that such would not be 100 years of age, where the old fron that it is an industry which can be stalled at the plant here a »hake cut there are several artists of merit in District Needs the Building 'he case, and he added that in no other tiersman, Jim Bridger, is said to have ting machine, a Diesel engine and a carried on year after year. Coquille and they are to show their of the United States were public utili lived for a time. They are enjoying The Stratagem, or shorter pea, will The Chamber of Commerce direct blower system, and including himself own and their pupils* work. Pencil ties taxed heavier than in Oregon. the trip immensely, notwithstanding and sons there are now ten men em bs. grown exclusively this year. drawings and pen and ink sketches, as on at their session Wednesday eve Mr. Galloway was quite hopeful for the hot weather. pother matter mentioned by Mr. well as those of color, ere wanted, so ning, in declining to take advertising ployed there. He also cuts shakes " ’Jenkin« was th« possibility of provid- be r.ure to enter them. space in a publication, adopted a the adoption of the law at the July at the North Bend plant election, but it is, of course, uncertain His last order is for(the shaken and | nr meat and vegetables, raised in the. S. P. Dollar Day for-Fourth There are also to be good display* rule that all the money spent for how strong a vote the Portland labor . county, for the C. C. C. camps. The timbers for a shake house at Reeds of house plants and binds. The com publicity should go to the Coast The first offering of Dollar Day port With the completion of the i imposition is being worked on by his mittees having the different displays Highway Association which is the organizations can pile up against it. transportation for the Fourth of July Signal Oil Co. service station and I office and it may be possible to pro- in charge are working hard and the in- chamber’s major project this year. period will mark Southern Pacific’s double cottage for the auto camp at. r ”ide a much larger market for local | dications are for a good show regard- Coquille pledged $20 a month to the Chaney Family Here for Summer part in excursion travel over the r’ > " - - ... Roseburg, plane are now under way rr.iwers than they have heretofore l«»» of the adverse weather conditions association’s support for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney re holiday thia year. At the suggestion of E. D, Webb, turned Tuesday evening from Pasa for another double cottage there. , enjoyed. thin spring. Individual exhibits are Announcement to thia effect was Fred Heidt, who is here now with Mr. also to be one of the big attractions retiring member of the school board, dena, Calif, where they spent the made here today by F. A. Pook, agent the chamber directors ddcided to of Si<>n Destruction Costly Domath, ia the interior designer of winter, coming up in their car. All of for the company. Based on a cent a and a number have promised to put throe attractive new buildings on the Edwin dement, 28, and Charley W. ”n I1*1 °nM- Don’t forget the data, fer the lease on the Community Build the family have been enjoying good mile, the low fares are to be avail highway in the Deer creek bottom at Royer, 19. both of Langlois, were June 80th, 80th’ and >n<1 bring b™g your flowers, ing to School District No. 8, provided health, and Geòrgie, for the benefit of able from June 30 to July 4, inclusive, Roseburg. fined $.?5 and costs each in Justice Plnnts. birds, fish, etc., and help make the city council was agreeable. The whose health they went to southern he said, with return limit of July 11. California, is feeling very well. ’tanlcy-« court Wednesday. Their of- ,he Community building a riot of city is the lessor. Embracing all stations on the rail This will not entail additional ex Whether they will remain in Co road's lines in six western states, the Presiding Elder Coming Sunday fense which consisted in destroying color ■nd the •kow • pense to the district which m now quille for more than the summer has excursions will provide both for —————— Rev. R. U. WaMraven, of Corvallis, several highway signs south of Ban-1 oaying $300 a year for its use for bas not been decided. Mr. Chaney stated nreriding elder of the M E. Church gon after the dance Saturday night, short and long-distance travel, it was Former Resident Passes ketball, class plays, commencement yesterday that he had no piarvi for pointed out. Routh for this district, will be in Co- was one which caused highway of Mrs. Geo. Halter received notice exercises, and anything Irise spon engaging in logging. 1 - ouille tomorrow evening to conduct the ficials to carry their investigations this week of the death of het brother, sored by the schools. Their yacht “Marguerite" hl lying through and. the young men pleaded last quarterly conference for the year. Fish Market Opened Here Guy Johnson, which occurred at El at the San Pedro dock. in the church parlors. He win also fill | guilty. Those signs coat the state The Coquille Fish Market, of which lensburg, Wash., on June 3. He was Botany Class Here Yesterday the pulpit of Pioqeer Church Sunday money tr i they nrtist be let ^lone, Carl A. Holgren ia proprietor, opened also a brother of Herbert and Fred New Farr & Elwood Store morning. for business Tuesday at 444 Front Prof. Stinson and 18 students of Johnson, of Fairview. William John- A Chrin * n Science 'Lecture Farr 4 Elwood are opening a feed street, ft ia their plan to have fresh won. of Portland, and Mrs. Clem Mor- his botany class from the University Ralph L. Smith to Visit Paul Star’- ° ’«ley, of Portland, a <ran. of San Francisco. of Washington stopped here yester store in Bandon on June $4. making fish, crabs, clams, etc., every day; Ralph L. Smith, president of the member of th- 3>i-d of Lestureahip, Mr. Johnson, who was 50 years of day to replenish their supplies at three they will have in the county. they are fresh because Mr. Holgren Smith Wood-Products plant here,'ac of the Mother Ch’nrch;—the First age, was born in Coquille. He left 'be Safeway stork. They are travel The others are here and at Marshfield. catches them daily while Mrs. Hol Note the companied by his daughter and a Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, here 25 years ago, and after working ling in several ears and expected to Orval Haga, who Jias been driving gren conducts the shop. friltnd of hers are expected here Sun , will deliver a lecture on Chris m the railroad out of Marshfield for 'amp at Port Orford last night for truck for the company, will be man prices in their adv. elsewhere in this day to spend a day or two. They are tian Science in the Odd Fellows Hall a couple of yean, went to Ellensburg, several days. Tfeey wil go down into ager of the new store, and will also issue. The shop is to be openSn Sun * on their way from Kansas City to here, at F p. m. on Friday, Juns 30. where for 28 yean he has been con nothkrn California and then swing handle the freight shipments down days. Los Angeles, where the Smith home The general public is invited to come ductor on the Ellensburg-Pasco divi east, being aevaral weeks on their there. He moved his family and and hear this free lecture. trip. household goods to Bandon last week. Calling cards 100 far »1.00. will be opened for the summer. _ sion of the North Pacific. I . - . —--------- > i 'I : , * X i »