I PAGB SEVEN m COQUILLE VALLEY 8KNT7NKL. COQUILLE, ORBGON. FRIDAY. JUNK 1«. 1933. 1 PKK YOUR TRUCK from this low-priced line economi ^CHEVROLET For the big majority of today’» truck owners, there’s no longer any question of what truck to buy. They aré making their selection from Chevrolet’s line—the lowest priced six-cylinder trucks on the market. And it isn’t just low price that makes them choose Chevrolet. These trucks, available in three wheelbase lengths, and a big variety of body types to fit practically every haul­ ing need, cost less for gas, oil, upkeep and repairs than any other trucks you can buy. You can »are with Chavrolet truck», the moat popular in the world. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICH. SPEEDY HALF-TON PICK-UP-Thia model ia helping many businesses improve service and cut hauling costs. The box is built of heavy steel. The cab is outfitted like a p ass eng er car. Syncro-Mesh gear-shift. Can’t be duplicated anywhere at. HANDSOME HALF-TON PANEL—No other panel truck handles so easily or costs so little to run. Has adjustable driver’s seat, weather-etripped doors, insulated interior with dome light. Choice of many color combinations. The best value available at hi JUlprioo» f. o. b. Flint, M¡chitan Spooial tquipmant »atra. Low da- bnrtd prioaa »nd MV O. 3f. A. C. terms. A Gañera/ Motor» Value. SAVE WITH CHEVROLET TRUCKS « Southwestern Motor Co COQUILLE WHAT IS B. P. W. Expresses Appreciation The Pioneer Methodist Church The following waa prepared by the Philip D. Hartman, pastor. 1 lesolutnjiks committee of the state Morning worship at 11:00 O’clock, Business A Professional Women’» with a message on, “Christ or Chaoa.” Club and adopted by the convention Sunday evening service at 8:00 in session here last month: o’clock with a (discourse on “The < L * The resolutions committee of the Causes of Failure Before and After Oregon Federation of Business and Marriage.” One of the greatest love your flower* anyway and don ’ t think Place: City Hall. they won’t be good enough for they 1’rofessional Women’s Club» submit stories of the Bible will be panto­ Time: 8:00 p. m. will be. Another thing we are want­ to thia bjHy tor adoption the follow­ mimed just before the sermon. ' When: First and Third Tueadaya. Bunday School at 10 a. m., Lyman ing is a good display of house plants. ing resolutions: President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. Where»«, ua guests of the Coquille Carrier, superintendent. We would like to have a big table of Treat.- -Mr». John A. Martin Business and Professional Women’s Both departments of the Young Cor. Sec.—Mr». Nellie E. Whereat them through the center of the room. Club, the members of the Oregon Fed­ Peoples’ Division conduct their de­ Another thing we want ia individual eration have enjoyed a most bene­ votional* at 7 p. m. The committee in charge of Co- displays; space will be provided for ficial and most enjoyable convention, The Boys’ and Girls’ World Club quiile’a annual flower show met at them. I hope to have the premium list it is, therefore, our wish permanently meet in Pioneer Hall at 7 p. m„ .Mrs. printed in this week ’ q paper so you Mr. Taylor’s home Monday night and ;o record our sincere appreciation of Chas. H. Oerding in charge. worked out mere details. One thing [ may all see it. Remember the regular .he many kindnesses and courtesies Prayer meeting Wednesday Evening we know and that is that we cannot meeting of the club next Tuesday shown us. Orchestra practice Thursday eve­ expect too much in the way of quality ^ody extend to our Hostess Club its appreciation and thanks and also to F. G. Leslie, director. after the season we have had; so bring^te^Il,^.^ .„te general chaiman, Mr*. Bertha J. Special vocal and instrumental ,mith; to the state convention chair- musical numbers at both services CLASS K Hules and Regulation« for » 60. Mixed bouquets,* any container, nan, Mrs. Belle R. Gould, and to all Sunday. Flower Show, June .‘Ml a. Garden flower«, b. Wiki flowers. f their committees for their most A cordial welcome awaits you at all inJ hospitality and good will so >f our services. If you do not wor­ CLASS L—JUNIOR DISPLAY (Continued from ftmt page) autifully demonstrated throughout ship elsewhere come with Us for you 61. a. Best potted plant compared « need ua and we need you. with others of same kind. b. Best cut his convention. ’ one number and in one class only. Be,It Resolved Further, that we ex­ flowers compared with other flowers The following is the list-of exhibits ' St. James Church f ■>f same kind. c. Best mixed bouquet end also our great appreciation to and claasificsrtions: (Episcopal) . )f cut flowers, d. Best mixed bouquet ’.he ,organizations in Coquille, to the ’ CLASS A Church school every Sunday at If >f wild flowers, e. Best miniature citizens who joined ift this enthusias- 1. Best display of potted plants and garden, 24x24 inches or lean. f. Best ie and cordial welcome, and to any a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent cut flowers by professional florists and •thcrs. who in any way, contributed The Rev. W. ‘E. Couper, of Marsh­ lish garden. growers. All children under 15 years of age to our comfort and happiness during field, will hold service and preach tn CLASS B nay exhibit. Display must be set up our visit here. Let it be the duty of St. James’ Episcopal Church, Coquille, 2. a. Individual non- competitive dis­ by child. « the Secretary to send a copy of these next Sunday evening, June 18, at.8 plays invited. Flower Clubs invited resolutions to Mrs. Emma R. Yearian; o’clock. to display set pieces. Senator Dorothy McCullogh Lee; and Brewster Valley CLASS C to the following: Fournquare Gospel Church Mrs. Ernest Krewson. who received 3. Display of various song birds Coquille Chamber of Commerce Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman, Ribbon for best singer of any claw i broken leg the first of the last Cuoquille Lions Club co-pastors veek, returned home from the hos- displayed. Cooquille Woman’s Club 259 E. 2nd St. Phone 159-J ital Thursday. She is getting along CLASS D Coquille Flower Lovers’ Club Sunday licely but will have to remain in bed 4. Displays of ornamental fish. Raymond Benthin 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Mrs. or some time. CLASS E Mrs. M. O. Hakins Jewell, Mrs. C. M. Wilson spent Wednes- 5. a. Best miniature garden by adult i - w ’ Supt. - - Jenny Lind Sextette ' 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Doc­ exhibitors. Size not to exceed 3C !ay in Coquille visiting with her Dorothy Cary trinal sermon, “The Angels.” inches square, b. Best arranged dish nother, Mrs. M. A. Kirkendoll. “Corn Fed Canaries” 7:00 Crusaders. James Crowley, who is employed by garden. s Inez Rover 8.00 p. m. Evangelistic service. (enneth Laird at his cedar camp at CLASS F Coos Bay B.P.W.C., of Marshsfield Special musical program by the or­ Rock Creek, spent the week end at his C o-juille Hotel management Roses- Single Specimen chestra. Sermon, “Who’s Who in 0. a. Tea. b. Hybrid Tea. c. Hybrid home here, returning Sunday evening. Coquille High School Orchestra Heaven.” Several weeks ago Mm. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Perpetual. d. Climbing, e. Climbing I. O. O. F. Lodge Jackman preached on “Who"a Who in dyrtle Leaf Club was held Thursday Clue ter. Cooquille Valley Sentinel Hell." Thia week’s sermon will be an afternoon at the community building. GLASS G Mrs. Lyman Carrier answer to “Who’s Who in Heaven." Roll call was answered by each lady Potted Plants—Collective Group Stewart Norton * Tuesday 8:00 p. m. 7. a. Begonias, fibrous rooted, 2 or giving a detailed report of her birth Florence Cary Midweek prayer service. more varieties, h. Begonias, tuberous —------- rieties. * Radio “Cathedral of the Air” pro­ ( "“ft. Potted Roses, 2 or more vari- r Durell had the misfortune to if Business and Professional Women's cut his hand quite badly while using Clubs, for making possible the pres- gram. etiee. an axe. He severed the artery and •nce of Mrs. Emma R. Yearin, repre­ CLASS H leader of his thumb. Potted Plante, Grown in Pots sentative fpom Idaiho; also to the Seventh Day Adventist Church Mrs. Anna Lou Taylor spent sev­ Speakers Bureau for Senator Doro- Single Specimen Pastor, H. A. Nier garth. 4. a. Asparagus, Plumosus. b. As­ eral days last week visiting friends 'h'y McCulloogh I^ee, Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 convention and relatives in Marshfield, return­ > ••eskers, who so ably assisted us with a. m. paragus, Sprengeri. 15. a. Begonia, fibrous rooted, b. ing home Sunday. Preaching service 11:00 a. m. nspiring messages and constructive Mr. and Mr». Albert Christensen, •uggestions, end to the very fine This Sabbath will be the commun­ Begonia, tuberous rooted, e. Begonia, Doris Prohaska, Christina Christen­ liusical talent which provided such ion service, conducted by the Pastor. Bex. sen, Mrs. Oscar Durell and son, Les­ lelightful entertainment through the 16. Calceolaria. ter, were business callers in Myrtle tonvention. 17. Coleus. Baptist Church 18. ». Fern, maiden-hair. b. Fern, Point Thursday evening. Whereas, the President of the Ore­ The Sunday School of our church ia Wm Bettye, of Coquille, spent the gon Federation. Mrs. Edith Falbe, has lOatrich-plume. c. Fem, Sword, d. now in charge of the new superin­ week-end at the J. D. Laird home, en­ levoted herself unsparingly through- Table Fem. tendent, Mr». Rutledge. Classes for joying a good fishing trip while here. 19. Fuschia, any variety.. •ut th? year to the affairs -of our all ages. You are welcome. Virginia Wilson is spending a few rtate federation, to its success and 20. a. Gerpnium, any color, b. Pelar­ At 7 p. m. the Young People’s ser­ gonium or Martha Washington, any days visiting at the home of Mr. and idvancement, and has during the dayn vice will be held^ Mrs. Bert Mead at Gravel Ford. color. •f this convention no ably and cour­ Mrs. Leslie Groat »nd son, Rogers, teously conducted the affairs of thia 21. Hanging basket, a. one variety; Methodist Episcopal Church have returned from an extended visi’ on. ention as its presiding offiver, b. mixed. Evening Preaching 8:00 p. m. *“ at the home of her parents. Mr. and 22. Heliotrope. E? Tt Resol k-ed. That the delegates Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. Mrs. Charley Holmes, of Bridge. 23. a. Lily, Calla, White, b. Lily. ‘o this convention extend to Mrs. Car) Laird made a trip to Myrti< 'albe their sincere thanks and appre- m. Calla, Yellow, c. Lily. Regal. Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. Point Thunoday and brought Mrs. Zil­ ■iation, and last but not least, let 24. Palm. Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev­ pha Krewson home from the hospital is express our heartfelt appreciation 25. Rubber Plant. « Sunday dinner guests at the hem< ’o all oar good officers who are re­ eryone welcome. CLASS I G. A. Gray, Pastor. of Mr. and Mrs. Win Nickason were aring and of the good work they have Cut Flowers Any One Variety 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. Mrs. Ivan Laird and family, Mr. and 1on« to promote the best interests of 6 or more specimens of each Mrs. Elmer Wilaon and family, Ber nr organizatflwHwsulting in not only Anemone. Y Mead. Mr. and Mm. C. M. Wilson : successful convention, but also a First Church of Christ, Scientist Anehusia. Coquille, Oregon •Minor and Florence Mead and Leeda nost successful year. Carnations. Groves. Supday School st 9:80 a. m. Respectfully submitted, — Resolu­ 29. Canterbury Belie. Sunday Service at 11 .. m John Kirk made a trip to Marshfieffi tions Coommittee. Ella T. Edmund- 30. Columbine. Tuesday with a load of fryers. Subject for next Sunday: “la the «on, Chairman. Maud K. Chapman, Calendula. X Edell Bryant, of Bridge, was a Sun­ Ann Wickman, Universe, including Man. Evolved by Dian thus. day visitor at the home of Mr. and Atomic Force?" Delphinium (perennial.) held at the school house Monday eve­ Mrs. Oscar Durell. Wednesday svening meeting at 8 Daisies, Shasta. ning at 8:00 o’clock for the purpose o’clock. Clarence and Mildred Nylander, of Dahlia. Powers, are visiting for a few days nf electing a director and clerk, Alto, Free public Readinc Room open in Gaillard ia. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. the member of the boundary board Church Building every Tuesday and Geusa. from this sine will be voted upon. Friday afternoons except holidays Crowley. 38. Gladiolus. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Watson returned* This district is in sone V. f-om two to five o'clock. 39. Heliotrope. Arthur and Lendon Jenkins and Thursday from a trip to eastern Ore­ The public is cordially invited to at­ 40. Hydrangia. gon for his girls, who have been at­ Hugh Lawhome attended to business tend our services and to visit the 41« Iris. at ’Rock Creek Monday. tending school there. Reading Room. 42. iLerkspur. Harold Glenn returned to his home Mi»« Fern Marie Nickason received 43. Lupine. a broken arm as a result of falling off Tuesday from Gravel Ford, where he Church of Christ 44. ». Uly, Calla. b. Uly, Tiger, c. a log. She was taken to Coquille has been employed for the past Turner 'B. MacDonald, Pastor Uly, Madonna. Tuesday evening by her mother, Mrs. month. Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. 45. Marigolds. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lawhome drove W. A. Nickason, and Elmer Wilaon. Departments for all agea. Ned C. 46. Nasturtium». Kenneth Laird has added to hk> to Roseburg Saturday, taking Mrs. Kelley, superintendent. 47. Poppies, a. California, b. Ori­ Mary Baker of Lee out to catch the “zoo’ collection by bringing home a 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn­ ental. e. Shirley. train for McEwen, Tennessee, where mud turtle. ing worship. Sermon by the pastor. ... 48. Petunia. «he is going to make her home with 7:00 p. m. C. E. groups meet for 49. Phlox (annuals.) i slater. McKinley Notes devotionale. 50. Pansies. The Home Economics club of Mc­ Wednesday, 7:80 p. m • Bible 51. Roses. The rah) last Thursday and Friday Kinley Grange is sponsoring a dance 52. Snapdragons. brought the water in Middle Creek ‘o be given at the community hall Study. Willett Jessee, leader. You are cordially irjvited to all of 53’. Sweet Peas. up into several gardens in the valley, Saturday evening. June 17. these, services. 54. Stock. causing slight damage. It was re­ John McDonald, superintendent of 55. Sweet Williams. ported that over two inches of rain he government forest camp at Mc­ Church of God 5«. Viblets. fall in the two days. Kinley. went to Roseburg on business 57. Violas. Seventh and Henry streets, 2 block» Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Beyers and Wen Saturday, 58. Verbenas. north of Henry street bridge Price, of the government forest camp Helen Glenn and Milford Mast call­ 59. Zirnjas. Pastor. Rev. Geo. S. Murphy. in McKinley, made a busineaa trip to ed on Mrs. Zilpha Krewson Sunday Marshsfield Monday. Sunday School 10:00 a. m evening. She is resting easier from a CLASS J Mrs. Owen Willson ia enjoying a broken leg she received last week Preaching 11:00 a. m. Cut Flower Collections visit from her brother and sister. Hu­ but will be confined to her bed soma Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Thurs­ Two or more Varieties , day. Same flowers as listed in Class I bert and Evelyn White, of Cottage time yet R. H. Lawhome was a business with same number and letter X at­ Grova. A place where a stranger does not The annual school meeting la to ba caller lit Coquille Monday. tached. • fool strange WITHOUT A GARDEN? 'I* 0 ’ 4 f % z