PAGB FIVE THE COQUILLB VALLBY SENTINEL, COQUILLB. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 16. 1933. News From Lee Section Mrs. Mary Baker left her many j friend.; laM Saturday morning when | she started for her future home in i McEwen, Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Ratliff Lawhorn» drove to Roseburg with her, where she boarded the train I for California, going by the southern route. Mrs. Baker has not been at her old home since coming here twen­ ty -seven years ago. She expects to make her home with her «deter who lives there. Tuesday dinner guests at the Geo. j Clinton home were Mr. and Mrs. Gus I Bender, Dorothy • and Ellsworth. Grandma Bender, Ernie Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durose, of Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haynes have been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Clark, for the last two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. ChqsU-r Willson were guests at a birthday dinner in honor' of her sister, Mrs. Ward Evans, at iha Felsher home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, of RooOburg, Visited at the John Parry home Sunday. Willy Parry came home with ^hem after visiting ini Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Her- , .’ey also spent the day with them. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willson return­ ed from California last week. They were accompanied home by Miss Eve­ lyn Wilson, who will spend the sum- mer with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Leslie and Mr«, R. H. Mast called at the Webb Mast tome last week. Helen Mast returned with them to spend a couple of days. Miss Lorene Clark was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Stan Clausen, last week on the North Bank road. Mrs. Wiley Sumerlin and Mrs. Nan Sollier visited with Mrs. George Clin­ ton Sunday. Mns. Lloyd Mast accompanied Chet Peden, of Myrtle Point, to Medford Thursday. Mrs. Mast will visit her daters, Mrs. William Miller and Mrs. Effie Adams of that city, for several lays. Mrs. Adams will return with ter to spend the summer in the coun-1 y. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson visited with Joe and Grade Sumerlin at their tome near Powers Wednesday. Adrian Schroeder returned to his work at Rock Creek Sunday, after «pending the week end" at home. - He A" a a accompanied by Mrs. Schroeder «nd Leanna. Lois Gant and Jerry Mc­ Connell. Mrs. Arch Aiderton, Mr. and ftrs. Willis Clark, of Portland, and Miss Maxine Laird, of Roseburg, spent sev­ eral days visiting at the H. W. Mast hoffie this week. Leanna Schroeder is helping her lister, 'Mrs. Severt Iverson, with the :ooking .at the Iverson-Laird damp at Rock Creek this week. Blanche Rozelle returned to her i«me in Empire after visiting with June Baker for several days. Ike Chandler spent last week at McKinley with his daughter, Mrs. I-ee Mast and Mrs. C. A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. MartiiT Gasner, of Norway, were Sunday visitors at the D.’ R. Lewis home. 0 Saturday & Monday JAM LB. Jar Strawberry AIRWAY 29® Frigid Jel The new pure fruit gelatin dessert 3 Pkgs A A 1 MACARONI e- LB. S* 5 Pkg. Z4C Cheese OREGON at Wholesale •’rw LB. 16c Stock up now- * , i. ■ BEANS Reds fQT Whites 6 i£. 29C zajl A quality Coffee at a low price LB X J Marshmallows ai - LB Fluffiest. Toast pkg. *5® Can’d Meats Libby's Devilled Meats 4 CANS >>C n •’ Salad Dressing It's here the new GOLD MEDAL SALAD DRESSING f O an QUART JAR Snowflakes Freeh and crisp It's the quality. I . “ Professional Cards SHRIMP White King « Pancake Flour IOC 1/C Fruita and Vegetables Calumet Tapioca 12® Bran Flakes ge Prince Albert 2^a,1S Z^G Pineapple » I fle TURNIPS I'—IU New Peas 14c Oranges 9 Grapefruit 3 for 17c Rolled Oats ’ 29® CORN SUGAR 4 lb8- 25c SS. «». I I / LB- PKG R. [ J0099, of said Court and commanding me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy the sum of 8162.50, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from July 20, .1931; 8162.50, with interest at the < rate of 8 per cent per annum from C. W. NOYES Granulated Soap. A depression January 20, 1932; 8162.50, with in­ Attorney at Law SAFEWAY QUALITY American Beauty brand. value ihat will soon be gone. terest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from July 20, 1932; 84293.46 5 oz. can. Practice in U. 8. D. Court and For Waffles also. 99^ LB. with interest at the rate of 5*4 per State Courte cent per annum from July 20, 1932; EACH Large PKG. PKG. • • Rm. No. 3 Farmers * Merchants 8174.60, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from November Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon 17, 1931; 81928.54, with interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from Title Guarantee & Abstract Co. October 14, 1932; 89.00, abstract charge, and the further sum of Abstracts of Title, NoUry Pub- 8360.00 Attorney’s fees and the fur­ MAX-I-MUM piete abstract plant in Coos Co. ther sum of 889.25 plaintiff's costs and Cane & Maple lie, Ina. Bonds. The only oOm- disbursements, together with accru- ingcosts, I WILL ON SATURDAY J. E. AXTELL, Sec. THE 17th DAY OF JUNE, 1933, at Coquille, Ore. Phone 36M the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the County Court House in the City of DR. J. J. LESLIE Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, offer BAKING POWDER Lb can DENTIST for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, Hours 9-12 m., 1 to 5 p. m. ¡all the right, title and-interest of the . Evening by appointment said defendants in and to the follow­ Over Hudson Drug Store ing described real property, to-wit: | Beginning at the center of the Oregon Grown Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Minute Brand. Quarter of Section Twenty-three, tbs. Cooks Quikly. DR. J. F. YOUNG Township Twenty-eight, South of PKG. Range Thirteen, West of the Willam­ Chiropractor ette Meridian, running thence North 345 So. Hall i «60 feet, to the North line of the said r Next Door south of C>ty Hall I Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence West along the Quar­ The new phone 102-M Large Size DoZ. ter Quarter Section line «60 feet to POSTS The Summer the Northwest Corner of the said PKG. Cerent. Southeast Quarter of the , Southeast JAS. W. WHEELER Quarter Of said Section Twenty-three I thence South along said Quarter Physician * Surgeon "Quarter Section line, 660 feet to a California or Arizona Ellingson Bldg. Coquille | point; thence West 99 feet; thence Leave oalls at I South 35 degrees West 99 feet: thence South 31 degrees West 346.50 feet; Hudson's Drug Store or at Co­ Quality Tobacco thence West 16Vi feet; thence South quille Hotel 26*4 degrees West 306.24 feet to a » point on the Section line running East hnd West between Sections Twenty- three and Twenty-six; thence West DR. J. R. BUNCH 'along said Section line 346.50 feet tc Large cans. c) ALBERS Sun-Ripe a point; thence South 1320 feet to a DENTIST Broken slice«. illlS point on the South line of the North­ Oregon Oats X-RAY Servile b ag west Quarter of the Northeast quar­ ter of said Section Twenty-six, thence Laird Bldg, First Street West along the said Quarter Quarter Telephone 82-L Coquille. Ore Section line 495 feet, more or lees, to Bridge Happenings ; the Quarter Quarter Section Comer VALLEY PRIDE White at the Southwest Corner of the North­ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Allen, teachers New 1H minute MIXEI west quarter of the Northeast Quar- Cans I ter of said Section Twenty-six, thence n the Bridge high school the past ' GRANT CORBY and 1 Pint ! South on said Quarter Section line to year, left Sunday for Newberg, where Attorney at Law i the center of Fiehtrap Creek; thence Mrs. Allen’s parents residq. They WESSON QI) Richmond-Barker Bldg I down stream along the center of said rill return to Coos county in the fall, , Fishtrap Creek in an Easterly direc- Phone 157 Coquille. Ora. i tion to a point 390 feet East of the ’ Mr. Allen has the principalship of Residence Phone 24-M Pure Cane Powdered Quarter Quarter Section line running he Arago high school. North and South through the North­ Mrs. W. A. Lett and son, Orlin, east Quarter of said Section Twenty- six; tnence North to a point which » were North Bend visitors Tuesday af- ’ J. ARTHUR BERG ----------- --------i—— 676.5 feet South and 390 feet East of ternoon. Attorney nt Law the Northwest Comer of the North­ Mr. and Stanley Lake and daugh­ Rooms 1*2 east Quarter of the Northeast Quar­ ters, Vivienne and Virginia, were en­ Store No. 469 V FREE DELIVERY Phone 122 Farmers * Merchants Bank Bldg ter of said Section Twenty-aix; thence Phono 27 East 191 feet to a point; thence North tertained at dinner Sunday at the Coquille. Oregon 676.5 feet to a point on the Section James Morrison home and in the af­ line running East and West between ternoon the two families motored to «aid Sections Twenty-three and Twen­ Gaylord for the short visit at the Al and Virginia Lake, and Lynn Culver. late of the first publication of said highest bidder for cash in hand, sub­ ty-six; thence West 136.82 feet; thence The next meeting will be held tion, as provided by DR W. V. GLAISYER 1933,. and the date of the last law. said above descril>ed real proper­ South 67.98 feet to the center of the Howard home. Monday afternoon, June 19, and of- June, VETERINARIAN publication thereof being Friday the ty, and will apply the proceed« of County road; thence South 79 degrees The home economics club met on fleers will be elected at that time. 14th day of July, 1933. West 190.74 feet along the center of Wednesday afternoon of last week at said sale in the payment of the costs toeetr H<4 « Meet Inspector J. ARTHUR BIERG, County Road; thence North 65’4 de­ the'Grange hall with the following in and expenses thereof, and the balance, Calling cards 100 for 11.00. Attorney for Plaintiff, grees West «6 feet; thence North 30 Coquille, Ore. if any, I will pay to the clerk of the Residence and iP. O. Address, Co­ above entitled court, as required by degrees West 83.82 feet to a point on attendance: Mrs. Dwight Culver. Mrs. 22t5 law. ! the Section line as aforesaid; thence Harold James. Mrs. Frank Culver, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE quille, Oregon. West Along the «aid Section line 152.46 Mrs. Jason Jewett and Mrs. A. O. STATE OF OREGON IN AND Dated and first published May 2«th, J. A. RICHMOND I feet to the Quarter Quarter Section 4 FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1933. Corner between the Southeast Quar­ HootOn. The afternoon was spent in CHARi.OTTE ft. ENDERS. Plain­ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON H. E. Hess, STATE OF OREGON FOR ter of Section Twenty-three and the quilting. 19t5 Sheriff of Coos County. Oregon. COOS COUNTY tiff, Richmood-Barker Building Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty- , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huff and chil­ VB. • THE UMPQUA SAVINGS AND six, thence in a Northeasterly direc­ dren, Ruth, Billy and Lois, and Mrs ROBERT A. ENDERS. Defendant, Coquille, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation. tion, on a direct line, to the place of Summons Huff’s sister, Mrs. Dollie West, left Phonea: Office 62M, B" 98 E Plaintiff, beginning. Notice is hereby given that the un­ Case No. 1020« «Excepting therefrom commencing last week for a visit with relatives in To Robert A. Endera, the aboie named dersigned has been appointed by the B. D. EMERY, MARJORIE H. EM­ County Court of the State of Oregon aY a point 643.5 feet West of the the vicinity of Terrebonne and Red­ Defendant: J. J. STANLKY ERY, PHTLCO RADIO DISTRIBU­ for Cooa County, as administratrix of Northwest Comer of the Northeast mond, where Mrs. Huff has a sister, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE TORS, Inc., a corporation, and SEI­ Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of lawyer the estate of W. H. Wimer, and all OF OREGON, ORKXJON. You are hereby re- SE u '|,' RUNG r RUBBER CO., a corpora. perrons having claims against said said Section Twenty-six. running Mrs. Clayton Downs, and Mr. Huff m „. th, „d Office in First Nztional Bank thence South 577.5 feet, thence West k „ ... estate are required to present them ___ De/endanrts. with the proper vouchers to the un­ 165 feet, thence North 577.5 feet, Mrs. Herbert Inks. entitled suit, on or before Saturday, Building Coquilta. O™«0* thence East to the place of beginning. Notice of Sheriff ’ s Sale dersigned at the law offices of J. J. Evangelistic services are being held the 15th day of July, 1933, said date Subject to the rights acquired by deeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Stanley in First National Bank this week at the community church «/ ‘ •JL by v recorded in Vol. 46 of Deeds page 613, weeks from the date of the first l oy virtue of a writ of execution and ouilding within six months from the is page 588, i records and Vol. 27 of Deeds ’ here, by Mr. McAtee, of Myrtle Point. . publication of thin Summons, and if | order of sale issued out of the above date or this notice. FORECLOSURE SALE Oregon, of Coos County, C._ ___ ^to which The meeting is scheduled to close you fall so to appear and answer said ' untitled court in the above entitled Dated and first published th» 9th NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. reference is hereby made., Coo« Sunday evening. Compliint, or otherwise plead thereto, cause on the 24th day of May, 1933, to day of June. 1933. me directed and delivered, command­ County, State of Oregon. Mary A. Wimer, A children’s clinic was held at the for want thereof, the . Plaintiff will ing me to sell the following described Said sale being made subject to re­ Administratrix of the Estate of W. apply to the Court for the relief. demption in the manner provided by ’ school house Monday forenoon by Dr. prayed for in her Complaint, to-wit: real property, to-wit: H. Wimer, Deceased. 21t5 Oregon ^TllwCounly^ Coos^on law. Lots 3, 4. 5 and 6 in Block 18 in the M. Earl Wilson, Dr. L. L. Sumerlin, For a decree dissolving the marriage Dated at Coquille, Oregon, thie 17 th and Mrs. Leia Elrod, county nurse. Extension to the Town of Myrtle and marriage contract now and here­ ft -'»¿"FeTellffi NOTICE TO CREDITORS Point in Coos County, Oregon, lav of May. 1933. . Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Barnett and tofore existing between Plaintiff and | t> «'atisfy y the sum of <6,343.71, 86,343.71, with 18t5 H. E. Hess Notice iff hereby given that the un- Defendant: that the Plaintiff bej Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. ' children, George, Virginia, I^wrence awarded the sole care, custody end interest 1 thereon ‘ at the rate of 8 per dersiinied has been duly appointed 1 __ . 24th, J933, Executrix of the Last Will snd Testa­ May | and Leslie, of Arago, and their control of Roberta Lenore Enders, the cent per annum from until paid: the further sum of <179 91, ment of the Estate of Addie G Hark- WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE guests, Vernon and Virgil Johns, who minor child of the Plaintiff and De­ with interact thereon of ee, deceased; and all persona having at the rate o. and for such other and fur- ■ -** dream drawn are Mrs. Barnett ’ « s br brothers, and Mr. fendant, All outstanding warrant« i_____ 5 from ____ May 24th, claims against said Estate are here- ther relief as to the Court may rwem 8 cr ccn' per annum 1°33. until paid, as insurance premi ­ by notified that they are required to against School Dist. No. 4, Riverton.' «nd Mrs. Ben James i and children ¡just and equitable. — • The grounds upon which said relief’ ums’ the further sum of 8459.00, at- present same, duly verified, to the un­ h±.nd Ju ’i TYomr^n; » «inkle .Oregon, numbered 562 to 59«, will be wre dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. dersigned ar at ine the law omee office or of H. A. based in said Complaint is deser-1 tomev's fees; the further sum of nenugnen husband. J un & G„ Company; paid upon presentation to the Clerk. Dwight Culver Sunday. Mr. Barnett ; is «’5.10, costs apd disbursements, and Slack, in Coquille, lie, Coos Count" Count», Ore- tion. _ ' • ♦ h< c .-ts of and upon said writ, I gon, within six i ---- * ----------- Interest ceases on all said warrants conducted the morning church service. _ . ____ ___ months from the date This Summons ie served upon you Coret Oil Company; The Loyal Temperance Legion met by publication thereof in the Coquille WH?. ON SATURDAY, THE 24th of - this notice. June 1«, 1933. * • Of Ad. E. Smith. DAY OF JUNE, 1933, at the hour Dated this 24th day of May, 1933. other persons or palute Uen Dated thie l«th day of June. 1933. Saturday afternoon with the leader. Valle” Sentinel, pursuant to order of Mabel E. Hazard. o'clock, ---------------- in the afternoon, . at the the Hon J. T. Brand, Judge of the of ... two --------------- claiming any *’5ht’ 1 ‘^te deecrib- Miss Ix>u Hooton Those present were Mrs. M. E. Borgard. Clerk, Executrix of the Lest Will and above entitled Court, made, dated and front dpor of the court house in Co­ or intere* in the real esw Coquille Bernard, Billy and Mary Alice Corpe, entered on the 12th day of June, 1933. ouille. Coos Ceunty. Oregon, offer for Testament and of the Estate of Addie School Diet No. 4, ed in the complaint herein, and u«qui 19t5 Star R., Bandon, Oregon., Archie and Anns Culver, Vivienne: and which order requires that the sale and sell at public auction to the G. Hacker, deceased. National Farm Loan n e 22t2 corporation are Defendant., C m * J ■ < June Sale of Important Foods V 9