Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1933)
TU COQUILLE VALUT 8KNTINKL, COQUILLB. OBBGON. FRIDAY, JUNE », 1»3S. SOCIAL NOTES MT, F. C. Hudson, C. D. Walker and Julius Ruble. Tuesday evening Mm. Edward W Lorenz entertained the members of Thursday evening Dr. and Mrs. C. the Senior “500” club at her home on A. Rietman were hosts to their dinner South Willard street. Mm. Pierce 'lub at which time a pot-luck dinner and Mr. Barton won the prizes which was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond were awarded the highest scorers. At A. Jeub were included besides the tending were Messrs, and Mesdamer > guiar members; Mr. and Mm. J. F. L. Greenough, J. S. Barton, H. E .rthur Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Luckey L. Hess, J. Arthur Berg, Bert Folsom, lonney, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Slack, Hal W. Pierce, Mm. M. J. Hartson, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gant, of Marsh- Mm. J. E. Paulson and Mm. George leld. After the dinner, contract was Lorenz. >layed with Mrs. Slack and Mr. Berg ■srrying away the honor prises. At the home of Miss Anne Van Today for luncheon and afternoon Seoy last evening a group of the Sophomore girl* enjoyed a pot luck >f sewing the J. G. W. club member« supper party. Afterwards the girls vill be entertained at the home of enjoyed games and dancing. Attend Mr*. O. C. Sanford, with several of ing were Misses Helen Pinkston, he club ladies as hosteases. Members Gretchen Neal, Audrey Kendall, Faye ’rom the following towns will attend: Hurrel, Jeanne Barbour, Esther Man North Bend, Marshfield, Myrtle Point, sell, 'Norene McKeown, Harriet Webb, !» Bandon and Coquille. Geraldine Minard, Alfreda Harry The Lafalot club ladies enjoyed and Hallie Knight, who was an extra 'Thursday afternoon at the home of guest. I . Mm. Wm. Myers on the Bandon The last meeting of the St. James highway. Present were: Mesdames Episcopal Church 1 Guild, Guild, which jrill Ed Detlefsen, Charles Kime, . C. C. discontinue until 1 September, was hftd Bonn ¡keen, Arthur Ellingsen, W. E. heir Pariah houA, , Cross, W. D. Simmons, E. A. Wimer, Wednesday at their _____________ with Mrs. A. J. Sherwood and Mrs. George Gilman, Millie Waters, Swain Geo. Lorenz serving tea late in the af Donated and Miss. Gwenebh Waters. ternoon. In attendance were Mes Mm. Waters will entertain the dub dames C. Vernon Smith, W. H. Man June 22nd. sell, George W. Taylor, Sr., E. A. At the home of Mrs. Inez Chase last Wood ya rd, E. W. Lorenz, Bert Fol som, J. W. Laird, J. S. 'Barton, C. T. Friday afternoon, the Past Noble Grands club of the Rebekah lodge Selbig and Muri Pettit were very pleasantly entertained. Denton Ellingson, who left Wed Miss Ida Oerding invited the club to meet at her home Friday afternoon, nesday for the forestry camp which is stationed near Agness in Curry June 16. Attending Tuesday were county, was the honor guest at a Mesdames B. C. Minard, Jack Leach, party given Thursday evening of 'last C. T. Skeels, Fred Schaer, Emma Mar week at the home of Mias Bernice Eg tindale and Mias Ida Oerding. gleston, at which time a number of Denton's friends were included. Cards were the diversion for the following guests: Ray Detlef sen, Belmont Ire land, Everett Seeley, ‘Harold Wik liams, 'Ray Woodyard, Randolph Lor- enz and Max Morgan. The Monday Night Bridge chib ladies enjoyed a very pleasant eve ning with dinner dessert served them at 7:30 o’clock by Mm. Muri Pettit at her home on South Elliott street. In contract which was played Mm. Fol som won the high scorn prise and Mm. E. W. Lorenz low score prize. Present were Mesdames H. A. Young, J. L. Smith, Bert Folsom, Hal W. Pierce, J. A. Lamb, Geo. Lorenz, E. W. Lorenz, R. F. Miller. Monday Mrs. L. W. Oddy was a luncheon hoetess at her home on El liott street, at which time she in cluded the following guests: Mes- damee Emma Lyons, Bertha Larson, C. J. Fuhrman, J. A. Lamb, Annie J. Robinson, Lloyd Rosa, Paul Van Scoy, M. O. Hawkins, Mrs. Marvin Lyons, of Marshfield; Mrs. Jane Williams, of Medford, and Mrs. T. M. Stiver, of Vancouver, Wash. The afternoon diversion was sewing and conversa tion. Emanon Club Notes Mm. George Johnson served lunch eon to the Ecadrien dub members on Monday of this week, with covers laid for Mesdames J. E. Axtell, Roy Neal, Earl Nosier, E. A. W*lk«r, J. L. Aasen and Willard Bosserman. PythL n Sisters Convention The district convention of Dist No. 5, Pythian Sisters, was held Wednes day evening, June 7th, at W. O. W. hall with Justus Temple of Coquille as hosteae. The hall was beautifully decorated with Temple colors, ever greens and flowers. Justus Temple exemplified the open ing ceremony, then turned the meet ing over to Olive Hickok, D. D. G. C. Mrs. Inez Chase's address of welcome will long be remembered by all. She preaented Pacific Temple with an imaginary piece of tapestry woven i>y the officers and member« of Justus Temple. Mrs. Anna Erdman’s re sponse of acceptance was beautifully given. The installation ceremony was ex emplified by Pacific Temple. Needless to »ay it was well given for Bandon never does things by halves. Mar guerite Detlefsen read sketches from Our constitution that were very in structive to all. Mary Arnold gave the obligation and Ada Shull a read ing. They were both well given and we enjoyed them very much. A one- act dialogue was then given, after which Justus Temple took charge and closed the meeting in ritualistic form. A dpi ici jus lunbh was then served. AU present declared -it'one of-the beat conventions ever held. The next con vention will be held in Bandon.—'Press Correspondent. MEDFORD’S GROCERY c June 2—Clarence Albert Lloyd, of Camas VaBey, and Hazel Emmeline Scofield, of Marshfield. They were married here by 'Rev. P. D. Hartman laat Friday. June <1—Percy Calhoun and Doris Ott, both qf Allegany. June 6—Emory C. Smith and Elsie Doughty, both of North Bend, They were married Tuesday by Judge Thompson ait the court house. June 7—Herman Fred Eickmeyer, of Berkeley, Calif., and Elda Laird, of Myrtle Point. June 8—Harold D. Simomns, of Co quille, and Edith M. Hull, of Riverton. Calling cards 100 for $1.00. The White Sister, With Clark Gable and Helen Hayes Coming to the Liberty Theatre Sunday for Three Pays I We Sell for CASH Current Prices We Sell for LESS ! < . Before The Tide Turns PHONE 166 SPECIALS for FRIDAY - SATURDAY — r -•> FREE DELIVERY MONDAY X SO|AP COFFEE SUGAR One of the fastest ad vancing commodities on today’s market. SNOWBALL or LIB ERTY WHITE Laun dry Soap, hrrge bar Buy in bulk and save the price of the can on these fine quality coffees. C & H Fine Cane - Price rapidly advancing Buy Now! 10 Medford’s Best Blend 100 B”- $4.83 19 c bars BIG BOY ARMY SOAP An efficient soap for heavy washing 4 17c bars WHITE KING TOILET SOAP 4 B«rs 17C CITRUS WASHING POWDER Reg. 25c size 1 £2^. NOW - - ., 1OC • Medford’s Special Roast M. J. B.,vacuum pack can Can 29c LB. CAN 1.09 Pound 4 25 lb cloth bag 1*23 10 lb cloth bag 49c POWDERED SUGAR 3 15c BROWN SUGAR 4 19c »«v Peanut Butter Mt. Vernon or Oregon Brands CANS 18c. POUND MILK 6 25c pound in bulk 33c 2 $2.59 >17c lbs- BEANS MATCHES Mcxic,n’ 22c 4 lb9 0box carton FLOUR White or Yellow 9 LB. BAG Van Camp’s Med. size 18c 4 MAYONNAISE in bulk 3 QUART 28c 19c CANS with puree No. 2*4 can CANS 22c Pork & Beans TOMATOES SNOWBIRD Crown’s hard wheat 49-lb 95c SACK Want Ads ■ Buy now, while our stock is co.nplete and our prices at the lowest ebb. Catch CASE Mrs. Walter I.itsenberger included Mrs. J. L. Aston, Mrs. Frank Thrift and Mrs. Wellman Ball at the regu lar meeting of the “Entre Nous” club of which She was hostess <m Tuesday evening at her home on East Second and Maple streets. In con tract which was the diversion, the high score prise eras won by Mm. Ball. Members present were Mas- dames Donald Estes, Kenneth Kist- LULLE The market has advanced on many commodities, but we find ourselves prepare«! to protect our customers against these advancing prices at this time. Marriage Licenses Misses Jeanette Pook and Edna Robison were hostesses last week to the Emanon club. The members gath ered at the Pook home and spent the evening sewing. A daisy afghan en tered this meeting arousing quite a lot of interest. Later refreshments were served to Mieses Agnes Newton, New Cases in Circuit Court Alda Sloan, Lena Williams, Gertrude June 6—Beryl O. Sumerlin vs. ’ Tway, Gertrude Lambrecht, Florence Folsom, Mesdames Maybelle Loveland. Charles Delbert Sumerlin. Suit for Ethel Jackson, F. A. Pook and the divorce. hostesses. June 7— A. A. Schramm, Supt. of Banks, vs. Cal Gant et al. June 8— Charlotte M. Enders vs. Tankanso Club Notes Robert A. Endens. Sujt for divorce. The Taukanao club was very pleas antly entertained laat Friday evening Probate Court Items at the home of Mra. Jack Page. Cards Mrs. Mary A. Wimer has been ap were enjoyed until a late hour and de licious refreshments were served to pointed administratrix of the $1195 the following members and guests. estate left by her late hueband, W. H. Mesdames Jack Leach, Ernest Leach, Wimer. The appraisers named are Geo. Burr, M. D. Sherrard, F. M. È. A. Wimer, Z: C. Strang and Geo. Wheaton, Wm. Peart, Henry Belloni, S. Davis. Robt. Waggoner, C. E. Martindale, W. Simmons, J. W. McGuffin. and Carl Knife Hospital Notes Enaele, Misses Mary Burr, Patricia Dismissals from the Knife Hospital Peart, Helen Martindale, Geraldine the past week included Charles Of- Enaele, Virginia Page and Melvin field last Sunday, Mm. Verrill Mc and Donald Wheaton. The club will Curdy and baby daughter on Wednes not meet again until further notice. day and Elwyn Nosier today. Calling cards 190 for $1.00. PAGE THREE 30c Fresh Meat Department Ow C«rt • Ward S m I i bwrtfaa FOR RENT—-3-room House furnish* ed. torqpkfast nook, built-ins, elec tric range, etc. Cheap. Phone 182R. PORK PORK FOR OA1LE—Ton and a half Chevro LEWIS STONE and HELEN HAYES /n let Truck, in good condition. Cheap 'THE WHITE SISTERS if taken at once. W. M. Tway, Heralded as one of Metro-Goldwyn- ing the place of the more luridly melo phone 3R24, Coquille. Mayer’« most ahmbitioua productions dramatic volcanic eruption of the ori of the year, “The White Biater” will ginal narrative. The picture’s Italian HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid fee open at the Liberty Theatre for a backgrounds are ss>d to be among Wool. Got in toad» with T. three day run, with Helen Hayes and the most artistic ever constructed at I Warner. Cegnille. Clark Gable co-starred for the first the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. Listed as highlights of “The White time in their respective careers. Miss Hayes plays the part of An- Sister” are the decision of Angela to USED CARB gela Chiaromonte, daughter of an break away from the sheltered life she Italian prince, in “The White Sister." has been living to engage in a love af Gable, whose most recent Alm appear-. fair with Giovanni, the young Itelian anees were in “Strange interlude” and officer; the tragic death of Angela’s “No Man of Her Own,"ha* the role of father in an automobile accident while Giovanni Severi, a lieutenant in the trying to «top her from meeting Gio Italian army. The strong part of vanni; the young officer’s summons to Angela’s father is enacted by Lewis the front just as he and Angela are Stone Mid important roles am Ailed about to be married; Angela’s tragic by Lousei Cloaser Hale, May Robson, resignation on hearing a report of the Edward Arnold and Alan Edwards. death of her lover Un action; her en "The White Sister,” termed the trance into a convent in an attempt to most stirring and poignant love story forget the past; the sensational return in the history of Action, was se of Giovanni from a prison camp and lected by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer at an his frantic attempts to get Angela to ideal vehicle for the co-starring tal break her vow«; and the Anal spectac ents of Helen Hayes and Clarke Gable. ular air raid in which Giovanni under The period of the story was modern goes an set of heroism in an effort to ised to that of the World War with aerial bombardments and diswters of protect Angela's convent from bom thq conAict over the Italian Alps tak- bardment » SHOULDER ROAST or SHOULDER STEAKS CHOPS OR LOIN From cornfed hogs 12c P Pound SAUSAGE d Pure Pork 2 »»s. L 22c Pound BACON Oregon Brand. Dry sugar cure. Med. weight. 18c Pound a Bacon Back SHORTENING Crescent, in bulk Medium Weight 16c 3 POUND tos. 25c Regular Prices on Tobacco and other Merchandise CIGARETTES 10c CAMEL’S pkg. 99c Carton George Washington Vacuum packed can Smoking Tobacco POUND CAN Del Monte COFFEE 59< LB. Can 25c A CORN Prince Albert Reg. 2 for 25c Can LB. CAN lie 83f Argo Corn Starch Golden Bantam Reg. 2 for 25c. Reg. 3 pkgs. 25c 3 Cans NOW pkg.