f f Valley Sennit! THE PAPEH THAT8 LIKE A LEITER FROM HOME > VOL. XXIX. COQUILLE, COO$ COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE ». 1933. NO. 21. A Took His Pay in Guns Speak Here This Evening .1 a I Sheriff Hess and Deputy Sheriff Wm. E. ((Pussyfoot) Johnson and Davis got back from Sitkum about Dr. Thos W. Gales, who spoke at the 2:80 this morning, bringing Everett Bay last evening, will come over to Leelie, aged 20, and Clifton Parrish, Coquille today to speak in the Com­ Has Brilliant Celcbratton of 50th munity Building this evening at 8 Petitions Granted and Denied— Bridges to Replace Ferries on 15. They also have on display in the sheriff's 'office a rifle, two revolvers, Coast Highway to Be Fi­ o’clock. Signal Oil Co. to Have Anniversary of Its Organi­ two knives, atxaxe and a mouth organ Their talks, will be in opposition to nanced by R. F. C. Service Station Here zation Last Friday Eve which Leslis is accused of stealing the repeal of the eighteenth amend­ from the man he had worked for the ment and in favor of the prohibition That the five ferries on the Coast past two months. The Golden Jubilee, or fiftieth an­ laws. The meeting hare is a part of ■ A representative of the Signal Oil are to be replaced with has -------- been negotiating with Highway -------- — _ . _ niversary .of Beulah Chapter No. 6, the four weeks' campaign which the • Co., which Leslie, who came from Michigan O. E. 8., was celebrated here last dry forces of Oregon are waging to , C. A. Machon for a lease on the bridges on which no toll will be three years ago, claims that he had Front and Willard street corner with charged is the cheering news which been paid nothing and took the stuff Friday evening by an attendance of keep the state on the dry side. members which taxed the limits of the Everyone is invited to come to trie . the idea of installing a service station has appeared in the daily pte»« the in an attempt to get something for hall to capacity. And it was one of meeting this evening and bear these > there, was present at the city council past week. his work. session Monday evening to make ap-; When it was first suggested, that a the most beautifully arranged and noted speakers. The younger boy lives out on the plication for permission to use ' the toll pe charged, it wm with the idea East Fork and was apparently leaving well presented celebrations ever held John Dornath A Sons shakes for the that the loan from the R. F. C. wiud home to cast his lot with Leslie. , • in Coquille. From the lovely decora­ No Definite Oil New? ' » • 1, ■ buildings they propose to erect. A« make them self-liqudating. But this tions pf banquet hall and lodge room W. E. Marrion, president of the ' the lot is within the fire district, he suggestion is contrary to the govern- (o the perfection with which every Notice to Water Users* Coast Oil Co., came in yesterday af- atated that they wotlld treat the ment policy of free bridges* and in part in the two hour program was ternoon for a conference with oil meh i shakes to an asbestos coating if that order to conform the toll idea has Notice is hereby given that all carried out, there was not a'flaw, and who are expected here. Rumors of The annual main­ water xusers are required to pay their would comply with the city’s ordin­ been abandoned. Beulah Chapter sustained its reputa­ renewed activity in the local field have ances. He was requested to submit tenance cost of the ferries is *200,000 delinquent water bilb to the City of tion and added to its laurels for car­ been rife here for the past few days ‘ their building plans for the council’s aiii with the highway commission Coquille on or before the 25th day qf rying out to a most successful conclu­ but until negotiations are completed consideration and he promised to have agreeing to apply this amount each June, 1933, and pay their current bills sion anything it undertakes. there ia nothing to report, and such year to retirement of the loan the monthly thereafter as stated on their them here at the next session. The pleasant evening started with reports as are in circulation must be The Cream O’Coos company was decks seemed to be cleared for the water bilb. In the event those pay­ the dinner in the banquet hall at seven considered as rumors only for there is ' granted a wholesale dealer’s license' starting of bridge building this year. ments are not made as requested and o’clock. Here again had everything nothing definite ss yet to indicate ' to handle light wines and beer. The The estimated cost of the five requiied, water service will be dis­ been so carefuMy arranged that the that drillling is to be resumed here. bridges—across Cooa Bay, the Ump­ continued without further notice and fee paid was *25. 340 who sat down to the tables were Several citizens who have been qua, the Siuslaw, the Alsea and meters removed. No further personal served without confusion, rapidly and granted permission to use city prop­ Yaquina—is *3,400,000. if the gov­ demands will be made and meters will efficiently. Mrs. Gladys Gano, chair­ erty in the swab between Fourth and ernment’s program of 80 per cent be removed without further notice. man of the dinner committee, and her Fifth streets were present to protest grant and 70 per cent payment of Those parties wishing their water corps of assistants are to be compli­ mented. against the staking out of cows where R. F. C. loans goes through, it will service to be continued will therefore they would interfere with the gardens mean a repayment of *2,380,000 be required to keep their water' bilb Gracing the table was the huge That there is to be a three-day hol­ they had planted and the marshal was which will require 12 years to set­ paid and this ruling will be enforced birthday cake, a three-deck affair, and and followed on all water users with­ lighted with 50 candles, loomed as a iday early in July is becoming almost instructed to notify the owners to tle at *200,000 a year. Whether an attempt will be made out exception. graceful and tasty decoration, but it certain. Talk of thin kind was started keep their cattb and stock up and was not cut until (after, the program, in Coquilb last week and this week where they would not damage the to deal with the Southern Pacific and J. Arthur Berg, Mayor. build an upper deck to its railroad and then served with punch and waf­ it is learned of an attempt to make it gardens. ers before the memberaleft for home. coast-wide—for Oregon, Washington Word from pipe dealers that repre­ bride, for motor transportation, is Singing, led by Mrs. Roy Boober, and California. sentatives of the city government hot known! That would probably be The Fourth of July comes on Tues­ should come to Portland to confer the cheapest method of crossing Coos enlivened the dinner and was partici­ pated in by all, whether they could day this year ahd the plan is to have with R. F. C. officials in regard to the Bay. A great deal of lumber will of ne­ Monday, the third, also declared a loan asked for bj^ the city to renew sing or not. The opening ceremonies of Beulah holiday. rotten pipe in the water system, re­ cessity be used in the construction of Five true bilb, two of them blind, At the Chamber of Commerce meet­ sulted in a decision that Mayor Berg, these bridge and with the large num­ Chapter were conducted by the sev­ enteen officers, all the ladies dressed in ing here Wednesday evening the Councilman Jeub and Engineer Stacer ber of men to be employed, it will be were returned by the grand jury white, in the most effective manner and board of directors went on record as «hould go as soon as possible, early the mean« of materially advancing which met last week, in the report employment along the coast, with the mid« to Judge Brand in Circuit court, the perfection of the ritual ceremony favoring the plan, statewide or coast­ next week. « gave indication of what the atten­ wide if that plan b carried out, or E. A, Aasen asked permission of ultimate benefit of greatly increased Monday. The three made public were against dance could expect during the evening. locally in Coos county if the other the council to haul logs across the tourist, travel through Coquille from bom Weekley and Clyde Goodman for Mrs. Catherine Ruble, worthy ma­ towns in the county are agreeable. dam at the Rink creek reservoir dur­ Brookings to Astoria. attempted rape, and against Ed tron of Beulah Chapter, gave • re­ The secretary of the Chamber will ing his logging operations up there Bieacke for contributing to the de­ markable demonstration of how a canvass the local business houses to this summer. The council did not Ulett Heads Lions Club linquency of a minor. Following their 50th anniversary osldbratlon should ascertain if alt in Coquilb are favor- grant the permission, feeling that it Election of officers for the- Lions report the grand jury, which has * would endanger the city’s water sup- be conducted and not once during the abb. Çlub for the ensuing year at the served since last October, was dis­ entire evening did she leek for words J. E. Norton reported that he had 1 ply, nor were they willing that ..tie club’s luncheon yesterday noon re­ in expressing a welcome to the many received word' from State Highway ]off8 be high-lined across the reser- sulted in the following being chosen: charged and a new one will be drawn this month. distinguished visitors present, or in Enginoer Baldock that no realignment voir. They did, however, agree to sell Pre«.—Geo. A. Ulett. Weakley and Goodman were ar­ conducting the program to its success-1 or regrading on the Marshfield high- Mr. Aasen eight or nine tree*, at »5 First Vice Pres.—F. S. Emery. raigned Tuesday. \They pleaded not ful conclusion. Nor were the other way ia contemplated for this year as per thousand. These trees are over Second Vice Pres.—H. A. Young. I guilty and will come to trial during officers any less efficient. Mrs. Lafe a relief measure. However, the di­ the hill from the reservoir and not Third Vice Pres.—H. E. Hess. this term of count. Compton as conductress, and Mrs. C. rectors felt no chagrin that their sug­ on the watershed. Secretary—N. C. Kelby. Bieacke pleaded guilty yesterday A. Rietman as associate conductress, gestion ia not to be heeded, for with It is to be regretted that the city Tailtwister—R. L. Stewart and was sentenced to one year in the were likewise most charming in pre­ the final oiling of the Coast Highway did not beat Mr. Aasen to the pur­ Lion Tamer—K. P. Lawrence. county jail and fined *200. He is senting the visitors and won whole­ in the Yachats section and below chase of the two tracts up there which Directors—D. E. Rackleff and Dr. treated as a pariah by the other in­ hearted piaudita for their ease of Port Orford, as well as the prospect he secured from the owners and thus J. W. Wheeler. mates of the jail who will have noth­ manner and perfection in performance of having five bridges started this make sure there were be no future As soon as the new officers were ing to do with him. year, the coast road b receiving al) logging operations in the vicinity of of their multitudinous duties. seated, the new tailtwister started in Clifford Hoyt, of Bandon, who was The grand officers introduced were the attention to which we are entitled. the city’s source of water supply. getting even with Ferb Emery who caught in the Golden Rule store at Mrs. Aana M. Ellis, of Garibaldi. | But that crooked highway will ha« been moet persistent as tail­ that place last Saturday night, after worthy grand matron; Monnie M. some time be straightened and bad twister the past year in extracting he had packed up a lot of clothing and Meal Was Forced on Him Hauser, of Salem, associate grand curves taken out as is now being dimes from the unwary Lions. It ’ s a littb difficult for anyone to merchandise, 'pleaded guilty Tuesday matron; Ines Graisyer, Coquilb, ~ as-jdone to — so — large on the - • 1 -w- an extent ... —- Pa- .- J. L. Smith is in charge of the lo­ and was sentenced to a maximum of te grand conductr conductress; Ethel Ben-, cific highway. Hundreds of thousands foretel] what he would do if forced sociate cal Lions stent committee which will four years in the pen. grand Electa; Metta of dollars are being expended in one to eat a meal when already full. We son, I Garibaldi, ------ -------- ----------- do its stuff at the Lions state conven­ might even characterize the one who Rosslow, of Myrtle Point, grand place, at Rice Hill, now in eliminating forced the stuffing as the “meanest tion in Roseburg next Friday eve­ representative from Maasachuaetts;, grades and curves. 19 at Pre-School Clink ning, and he is getting a good line of man in town!" Freda Roberta, grand representative Mr. Norton also reported that all entertainment nxeu fixed up to advertise One day thia week a panhandler ac- rotertainment up v The pre-school clinic, sponsored by from Illinois; and M. E. Everett, of matters had been smoothed out be­ costed a prominent banker and asked Coquilb and the local den. the Coos County Health Association, North Bend; grand representative tween the Port of Bandon and the The entertainment yesterday for the wherewithal to buy a meal. yesteroay noon and with -Drs. Drs. J. J. W. W. Wheeler, Wheeler, Jan. engineers and that the 16-foot project for the wherewithal to buy a meal. from Ohio. He was given two bite and the bank- ( w“ • ta"‘2>y , ”»o,*,P»on °" wh> Richmond Ind J. R. Bunch co-operat- at the mouth of he Coquille would be Past gand officers were Mrs. Al­ er watched to see if the mendicant 1 ^e Sales Tax law should be adopted ing, examined nineteen children at the berta McMurphy, from Eugene; Paul­ carried out .as funds are «vailable. The used the money for food. He did not, | t*,e ^1 election. I city hall, Monday. Those assisting ine Moore Riley, of Pori toad; Chas. A. extension of the north jetty will be but continued his begging. were Mrs. Leia Elrod, county health Howard, of Salem, who was worthy the eext development there and may This aroused the banker’s ire and Going to M. E. So. Conference nurse; Miss Gylene Fitzpatrick, Mrs. eome when the restoring of the pres­ patron while a resident of Coquille. he caught up with the fallow, demand- North west Conference A.aem- I Cora Mackey, Mbs Harriett Gould, Visiting worthy matrons and pa­ ent rock wall is started. .ng to know why be d>d not buy a, My M E Chureh „ * (Mrs. R. A. Wernich and Mrs. H. E. trons who were in attendance included I w* , ■ < " "Rut I can ’ t eat now ” was th. re- 1 ** ” * TrOy ' Id,ho ’ thU J * ,r ’ July Hess. Freda Clausen, of Elgin, Myrtle Attend Legion Meet at Salem But I can t eat now, was the re- From pr^nt in<|ic>tk)nt Point; Ida Moe, of Mystic, Powers; C. W. Gano, commander of the Co- Hasel Woods, of Occidental, Bandon; quilb poet of the American Legion, J Getting C. C. C. Camp Started will be eleven in attendance from the • Nettie Marhoffer, of Doris, Marsh­ Ray Jeub, state vice commander for I This did not satisfy the giver, so Coquille church—Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Fred Osborn, foreman at the North field; Jennie Lee, of Vesta, Florence; this district, and R. L. Stewart went he forced Mr. Panhandler to go into Hartman. Mr. and Mns. Ernest Pur- Bryb Sypher, of Curry, Port Orford;, up to Salem last Saturday to attend a the Quelle Cafe, buy, eat and pay for vanee and daughter, Margaret, Mr. Fork camp of the Civilian Conserva­ tion Corps, was in Coquille last eve­ Sarah J. Wylie, of Coos, North Bend; legion meeing at which the national a 25 cent meal. and Mrs. Lyman Carrier and daugh­ Nara Burton, of Martha, Gardiner; commander, Louis A. Johnson, was I It evidently was gas the man want­ ter, Martha, Mrs. Birdie Skeels. Mrs. ning. He stated that progress was being made in clearing and ditching ed for with a younger fellow, he ap­ Illma Thum, of Cotatge Grove, Cot­ present Delegations from all over Georgia Richmond and Mbs Audrey tage Grove; Nell Hyde, of Blue River, Oregon were present tb hear the na- plied at the city hall for help in buy­ Kendall. Mr. Carrier .is to be instruc­ the camp site, which is close to the Fairview-Lee road, but that yester­ Eugene; Hilda Carrothens, of Minerva. (tional chief, and a very successful ing gas to get out of to rm. He was tor in one of the departments. day's rain made it pretty nasty work­ Portland; A. W. Burton, of Martha. scraion Saturday evening is reported. not accommodated. Mrs Hartman, president of the ing. The first detail is expected to We wouldn’t think o( mentioning Gardiner; Henry Burgess, of Dois, They saw two former Coquilb men, Conference Missionary Soicety, will arrive there today or tomorrow and the banker ’ s name, but his initials are Marohleld; and Henry Miller, of El­ San A. Archibald, now at Indepen­ preside over the sessions of that body thfe main body of the corps as soon E. D. W. gin. Myrtle Point. dence, and Ruesen Mudd, who is still on July 12-14. as the camp is ready. G. F. Beseey, Frank B. Robbon, of Norway, and with the state highway department, As B>hop Arthur J. Moore b just of Coos Bay, is in charge of that Price Robison, of Arago, charter at Sabm. The learned that Wm. A. 2 Inches of Rain in 2 Days finishing his fourth year as bishop of camp. mem!>ers of Beulah chapter, were ar- Zosel is managing a service statton Winter played a return engagement the Pacific Coast Conference, it ia Supervisor« of the other camps in corded places of honor in the east, and at Seaside. yesterday and a steady downpour all probable that this will be his last Coos county will be John McDonald were presented with 50-year emblems. day increased this season's rainfall appearance in the Northwest. at McKinley, R. A. Miller at Loon _A simple memorial service for de­ ♦‘Gin Law” in Operation Mr. Hartman’s return to Coquille by more than an inch. The total Lake, and Geo. Gwyer at China Flat parted members was conducted by The so-called “gin law” goes into since Sept. 1 is nearly 70 inches. But for the next year has been asked by near Powers. Mrs. Rubb, Mrs. Emma Pierce as effect today, along with several hun­ to everyone except strawberry raisers the board of stewards of the Pioneer The following bulletin from Eugene, chapbin, and other members who dred other laws passed by the last It was a welcome rain, for the wind church here, but ho is being sought headquarters for this Oregon district, formed a cross at the altar. The legislature, and hereafter a three had dried out the gardens and lawns by churches in Spokane and Montana. will be of interest to the people of music for this ceremony as wrfl as days* wait will be required of f H those and fields to an unusal degree. this section: for the rest of the evening was fur­ ■seeking a marriage license, after ap­ Donations to Library nished by Meedhmes Birdie Skeeb, plication is made, before the county Teachers Exams June 14-16 The army under Che direction of June Walker, Edith MeNefiy and Ef­ clerk can issue it. The Coquilb (Library last week re­ fie Johnson, accompanied by Mrs. E. State Teachers’ Examination will ceived contributions of 4f magazines Major General Malin Craig in the A. Woodyard at the piano. Successful Marriage be held in Coquille on June 14, 16 and and ten book«, for which Mrs. Elling­ Ninth Corps Area, at Presidio of San A wedding pantomine will be en- M. Only a very few teachers have sen, librarian, expresses the aesocia- Francisco, California, has charge of The entry of the thiry past "matrons and patrons, each carrying a candle, acted at Pioneer Methodist Church made in quiry as to this date which tion’s thanks. Many others have of­ the handling, equipping and feeding and who were introduced by the asso­ next Sunday evening, followed with a indicates that as usual few will be in­ fered contributions'and it is expected of the C. C. C. men, the forestry de­ ciate matron, Mrs. Ulett, was an ef­ message by the pastor on “Success­ terested in taking. A very large per­ to make collections on the first Mon­ partment has charge of the actual “A Modem Deca­ centage of the teachers in Coes -re day of each month. Anyone who has work projects in the forest and the fective manner of presenting those ful Marriage." 3-DAY HOLIDAY IS PROPOSED f» GRAND JURY INDICTS FIVE ■ L z •• ‘s I i logue,” or “Ten Commandments for Normal graduates and therefore not either books or magasines to donate to'the library may call phone 106. Husbands," will ba given. required to take examinations. ' . r ' .’ I T9 < Coquille's Condition Would Rec­ ommend It for R.F.C. lxMtn for Water Line Mayor J. Arthur Berg, Councilman Ray Jeub and City Engineer J. Loy Stacer will leave the fore part of next week for Portland to confer with the regional director of the Reconstruc­ tion Finance Corporation in regard to Coquille’s application for a loan of <30,000 which will be used in replac­ ing the wooden and steel pipe in the local water system, if the application i/ approved. ' A statement of the city’s financial condition, especially as regards the water system, has been prepared by City Treasurer Bickels for submission to the R. F. C. director. Briefly this report shows receipts of »21,000 since Jan. 1, 1932—seven­ teen months, and a balance of more than »8,000 to the credit of the water fund. The estimated value of. the pbnt is *250,000. On the debit side of the water fund account there are outstanding *113,- 500 in bonds, none of which are due before 1945, and *3,800 in warrants. Not included in Mr. Sickels' pre­ pared statement, but simply as an in­ dication of the city's total indebted- ness, it can be added that there are approximaely *58,000 of outstanding l>onds and warrants of the general fund, making a total of *175,000 of outstanding indebtedness. Beside thst there sre improvement bonds, street and sewer, totalling *96,000, but as these are payable by the prop­ erty owners the city should never have to pay a cent on those bonds, al­ though they are a city obligation. The water fund always hps shown a profit, above coat of operation, and Ooad retirement and interest. and it should not be difficult to prove to the R. F. C. officials that thia would be a self-liquidating loan, and that the funds are necessary for the preserva­ tion of the Coquilb water oystem. The city officials will also present the plan suggested by the Lions Club that *6900 be loaned the ci* for the fitting up and main t wmn e s of • s wi m ming pool at the east end of First street. The plan outlined by the eluh shows that thia would also be a self­ liquidating project. Dry Convention Candidates The meeting ef Coos county forces, in (Pioneer Hall here last day afternoon, resulted in the or- gani^ation of the Coos County Dr# League, of which Dr. T. M. White, of North Bend, ia president; Rev. E. G. Ranton, Myrtle Point, vice president; Rev. T. R. Jackman, Coquille, secre­ tary-treasurer. There were upwards of one hundred persons in attendance, who endorsed m dry candidates to the prohibition repeal convention, to be held in Aug­ ust, the following: W. Taylor Dement, of Myrtle Point; Lyman Carrier, of Coquilb; and Mrs. Wm. Vaughn, of North Bend. An active campaign until the elec­ tion July 21, when delegates to the -tate convention are to be chosen, will be conducted by the new league/ It will require a lot of work to change the wet majority of 2214 in Coos county at last fall’s election. In Coquilb the repeal of the state's dry law egrried by only three or four votes. Galloway Here Next Friday At a meeting of the Coos County Tax Equalisation league officers held at the city hall, Coquille, Wednesday evening the meeting went on record to combine forces with the committee of eight and use all their ' energies towards pushing the campaign for the passage of the Sales Tax measure to be voted on next month. L. A. Lilje- qvist, vice president of the tax league, was invited by the Coquille and Fair­ view Granges to speak on this issue. The school situation was discussed and the Sales Tax was the only pos­ sible remedy offered to the taxpayer to aid our schools in this present crisis. Chas. V. Galloway, chairman of the''' State Tax Commission, will speak in Coquille on Friday, June 16, at the court house at 8 p. m. Recommendations Recognized Liberty Theatre goers are learning that when Messrs. Clovers and Wood give their personal endorsement to a picture, as they did to “King of the Jungles”' the first of the week, it in worth seeing. Another picture which drew crowded houses both Wednesday and Thursday nights was “Teas of the Storm Country, featuring Janet Gaynor and Chas. Farrell. * „