f TUB COQUILLH ▼ALLEY SENTINEL. OOQÜILLB. OREGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 1, IMS. '-■i SOCIAL NOTICS I' I -, PAGE THESE —■w—e— ‘Pussyfoot” Johnson to Speak Decoration Day Fittingly in Coquille Next Friday Observed Here Tuesday Listen, Son! FINE NEW Below is a soliloquy that hae had Joe Don Este», »on of Mr. and Mrs wide circulation but is so brimful o' Donald Estes was give« a lovely (Continued from Aral page) (Continued from flrat page) thoughts every father has or should party at his home Saturday by ha have, that we believe its reproduc- mother* in honor of his eighth birth­ >f elephants, an honor reserved for tional anthem, Ray Brown was an­ ion in the Sentinel may do some boy, day. The afternoon started by Mrs. /ery distinguished visitors. Wther- nounced by the chairman, C. W. Ganu. or father, some good. Its title is Fates to king all the children to th* iver he goes, “Pussyfoot” carries a He sang, "Rase off No Man’s Land.’ 'Listen, son:” matinee and later bringing them back < watch presented to him by* a 'Prince Mrs. Orville Newton, beautifully to her home on South Beach street, q India in recognition of his services garbed in white, appeared from the I am saying this to you as you lie where they were served refreshment.- igainat the liquor evil. wings during his jaoag, representing asleep, one little paw crumpled under out on the lawn. Mrs. Estes was fff- ‘ Pussyfoot” has personally inves- the’ sieter of mercy with whom tht your cheek and the blond curls stick- Charming Windows Can Be Yours — -iated by Mrs. W. L. Kistner and Mrs igated the results of various methods theme of the song dealt. ly wet on your damp forehead. 1 So Inexpensively, with This Rich George Davia. Invited were the fol­ >f liquor sale m France, Scotland, Ire- Robert McGilvery’« delivery of have stolen into your room alone, lowing children: Phyllis’Mae Litzen snd, Norway, Sweden, and more d.s- Lincoln’s Gettysburg address was ar lust a few minutes ago, as I sat readi­ berger, Doris Ann Wkxid, Margaret ant points on the globe, including splendidly done as we in Coquille ever ng my paper in the library, a hot Ann Wilson, Harriet Anne Tozier, Australia. heard. Clear enunciation, excellent «tifling wave of remorse swept over , ; Verene Bailey, Fhyllis Mae Christen­ “Pussyfoot" Johnson is at present lelivery and loud spoken, the recita­ me. 1 could not resist it. Guiltily I sen, Muriel Davis, Patty Brody, Kay m a tour from coast to coast; speak- tion was heartily applauded. •ame to your bedaide. Leslie, Margaret Rom Covalt, Fritz ng against repeal of the Eighteenth Marvin W. Skipworth, of Marsh- “These are the things 1 gate think- Kunz, Earl Haynes, Tommy Martin, Amendment. His meetings are under .ieki, who hade the principal gddres* Newest styles — newest weaves — ng, son: I had been cross to you. 1 Wade Cowan, Calvin Anderson, Le .he auspices of the Anti-Saloon newest colors—ot Penney’s worth­ (resented several thoughts worthy of ■colded you as you were dressing fir Verne Neal, BiUy Kistner, Peter .eague of America in co-operation while savings! jons ide ration. We are too prone, he school because you gave your face Wheeler, Lewis Allen, Jack Newton with the State Leagues and local dry 1 said, to neglect Memorial Day which merely a dab with the towel. 1 too' and Donald Cramer. Slab - Filled Rayon yE irganizations. was a day set apart for the living ton to -task for not cleaning your Warp, Sicilian Weaves,Sqf more than for the dead, although wc wn after having been a guest of her sis­ igainst the liquor evil. He made his • Id Memorial day and he was pleased 50 Yard our food. You put your elbow,« on I ter, Mrs. James Watson, for a few flrat ’ temperance speech when only to see so many present. table. You spread butter too thick days. The delightful affair was' a fifteen years of age. We should pause for a short time, on your bread. And as you started dinner with bridge fallowing. High At eighteen he was a detective in Mr. Skipworth said, to honor the off to play and ,1 made for my train, and low score prizes were won by the city of Montreal helping enforce dead, if for no other reason than for you turned and waved a little hand Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Robinson. In­ the law against the liquor dealers of the effect on the coming generation. and called “Good-bye, Daddy!’, and I cluded besides the honor guest were that city. He faced the best liquor They should be so reared1 as to keep frowned, and said in reply, ‘Hold your Meadames James Brady, Pearl Elling- lawyers in Canada and lost only four their patriotism at a glowing heat These Bright shoulders back.’ • sen, Annie J. Robinson, Inez Chase, which will cause them to-love and "Then it began all over ag^jn in and James Watson. protect their country. the late afternoon. As I came up the Another thought presented was the hill road I spied you down on your The O. D. O. club ladies are meet­ remark of an Englishman who said knees playing marbles.'/ There were Make Marvelous Comforters! ing thia afternoon „at the home of Mrs. he could tell from the way in which a holes in your stockings. 1 humiliated B. B. Sanders on the Bandon road. nation kept the graves of its dead you before your boy friends by mak­ —Drapes! Brilliant colors’ Florals, Attending were Meadames L. A. how much religion played a part in ing you march ahead of me back to —Slip Christensen, George Sherwood, Fred large and small’ Patch­ the lives of its citizens. the house. Stockings were expensive Covers! 'Kuns, H. G.Prey, Grant Wilcox, Guss work effects •’ Light and Following the services at the the­ —and if you had to buy them you Tillman, Lee Hand and Ralph Lucas. ■» — Cushions! atre a procession formed and marched would be more carefid! Imagine that, dark grounds! A marvel­ to the bridge where the W. R. C. son, from a father! It was such a ous buy at Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Paul sprinkled flowers on the water in stupid, silly logic. Van 8coy were hosts to a dinner party honor of the unknown dead, and from “Do you remember, later, when 1 Smooth, Lustrous at their home on Knowlton Ave, with thence to- the Odd Fellows and Ma­ was' reading in the Library, how you covers laid for Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Finish I sonic cemeteries, where the graves of came in, softly, timidly, with a sort 'Fuhrman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb, leparted soldiers were decorated. of hurt, hunted look in your eyes? Mrs. Emma Lyons, Fred and Rolph A squad of eight ex-service men, When I glanced up over my paper, Fuhrman, Anne Van Sooy and out-of- inder the command of W. F. Oerding, impatient at the interruption, you town guests, Mrs. Marvin Lyons, of fired a volley at each of the three hesitated at the door. ‘What is is Marshfield; Mrs. Jane Wiliams, of stopping places, and taps were blown you want?’, I snapped. 1 Medford, and Mrs. T. M. Steiver, of at each by Tracy Leach. The Good-night Kiss Vancouver, Wash. "You said nothing, but rail across, of a hundred cases in which he had Clinic for Pre-School Children in one tempestuous plunge; nd threw' Tuesday evening Mrs. H. S. Norton gathered evidence agaiwt saloon your arms around my neck and kissed entertained the ladies of her bridge keepers who violated the law for­ To parents of entering primary chil­ me, again and again, and your small dren: • club for dinner dessert at 7:30 o’clock bidding sale to boys and girls. . The annual pre-school health clinic arms tightened with an affection that with contract enjoyed fallowing. Pres­ So effective was the work of young will be held Monday, June fifth, in God had set blooming in yourr heart ent were Meadames A. B. Collier, F. Gales that throats were made against the city hall from ten to twelve a. m. and which even neglect could not C. McNeliy, J. L. Aasen, M. J. Hart- his life. At one time he was as­ This announcement and any com­ wither. And then you were gone, son, Geo. Johnson, E. M. Kay, and Jas. saulted on the street by a gang of uttering up the stairs. Brady. Mrs. Collier and Mrs. Mc­ hoodlums who resented\his dry ef­ ment is from the standpoint of the Time for a fresh, new “Well, eon, it was shortly after- Nally held the two highest scores for forts, and at another time he nar­ public schools of Coquille. We urge wardfl that my paper slipped from my set — for living room,* that evary parents having a child to the evening’s play. rowly escaped assassination when a bedroom, even kitchen enter school in the fall take advan­ hands and a terrible, sickening fear shot fl red by one of his enemies per­ tage of this clinic. At the tijne of ■ame over me. Suddenly I saw my- and bathroom! Here Mrs. Willard Bosserman honored forated his hat. examination, pre-registration ques­ «elf as I really was, in all my horrible are the newest styles— Miss Saima Lindros, bride-elect of C. Following his earlier experiences in --.elfishneas, and I felt sick at heart. G. Csughell, with a ten o’clock break- the warfare, against strong drink tionnaires will be given parents. These ready • to - hang — at “ What has habit been doing to me? fast at her home on South Henry while a -boy in Canada, Gales came questionnaires properly filled out as­ The habit of complaining, of finding Penney’s famous econ­ 4 street on Tuesday, of this week. . A .40 Chicago to study for the ministry. sist the primary teacher* very much ’ault, of reprimanding—all of these omy prices! lovely bouquet, made up of white He became associate paster with Dr. with beginning children. vere my rewards to you for being a We earnestly solicit the co-opera ­ •C flowers and greens, centered the large Johnston Myers of .the Emmanuel ■oy. It was not that I did not love table where the waffle breakfast was Baptist Church, and was placed in tion of all interested parents at this rou; it was that I expected so much served with covers laid for Miss Lind­ charge of the Central Mission on pre-school clinic. , Chester L. Ward, Supt. >f youth. I ws measuring you by the ' ros, Miss Edna Robison, Mias Blythe South Clark Street in that city. Here ■ardstick of my own years. Tailored net panels, shadow weaves, Cousins, Mias Jennie Lindros, Mes- night after night he saw the effects “And there was so much that was Bandon Man a Suicide dames A. N. Gould, Geo. Bryant, Inez of the saloon as he worked to help fringed or plain—EACH tr;........................ jood, and fine and true in your char-, Chase, Henry Lorenz, O. L, Newton, she hundreds of hopeless drunkards The body of Dan B. Johnson, 66 icter. You did not deserve my treat­ Sunfast ruffled Priscilla, plain body with Tracy Leach, Jas. Richmond, W. V. who spent all they could beg in the years of age, was found in his cabin ment of you, son. The little heart of dainty printed ruffles and cornice valance— Glaisyer and Bertha Smith. At the barrooms. near Bandon last Sunday, and it is you was as big as the dawn itself Lindros dose of the breakfast Mias Following his experience in the supposed that he committed suicide iver the wide hills. All this was Sunfast ruffled Priscillas, in marquisettes, was presented a beautiful electric ministry, Gales joined the forces of last Friday. He had placed the mus­ shown by your spontaneous impulse waffle iron from the guests present. the Anti-Saloon League first in Wis- cle of a rifle to his head and puleld the to rush in and kiss me good-night. scrims, and printed designs- SET............... ■onein, and then as state eupefinten- trigger.-------- Nothing else matters tonight, eon. I The St James Episcopal Church lent in North Dakota. In the latter Schroeder & Gano, mortician«, fin- have come to your bedside in the Guild ladies and their children enjoyed date, he has been the leader in the sUy located one relative in the east, larkness, and I have knelt there, a picnic together Wednesday, just flght to prevent repeal of Prohibition but so far as learned he was practi- choking with emotion, and ao asham­ above the county park on the North laws, directing state-wide campaigns t -rally alone in the world. He had food ed! DI r AB T M **N T • • T O * B Fork. They all gathered at the Par­ and opposing the efforts of the wet in hie cabin and funds in the bank at “It is a feeble atonement, I know ish house at ten o’clock, where cars forces at the State Capitol. zle of a rifle to his head and pulled the you would not understand these 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon were provided for those who enjoyed At the (Assent time, Gales is in Bandon, showing that it was not des­ things if I told them to you during the day: Meadames Lloyd Rosa. J. S. general charge of the speaking cam­ titution which caused him to commit your waking hours, yet I must say Barton, E. A. Woodyard, Annie J. paign of the Anti-Saloon League in self destruction. He had lived at Ban­ what I am saying. I must burn eac- Robinson, Muri Pettit, Bert Folsom, the North west. He is traveling with don for a long time. rificial fires, alone, here in your bed­ babe all man-made ranks den or grass land near Coquille on W. H. Mansell, A. J. Sherwood, "Pussyfoot” Johnson, whom he pre­ room, and make free confession. A<)d equalities are ironed out, »nd all man-1 Folsom place. For particulars Luckey L. Bonney, C. D. Walker, H. cedes on the program at “No Repeal" Horses Mounted the Tractor I have prayed God to strengthen me kind kneels reverently before the Hv-. write Walter G. Pearmins, Salem, A. Slack, E. L. Vinton, Jas. Watson, rallies with his address, “Bring Up George Hermann, of Broadbent, met in my new resolve. Tomorrow I will ing image of the Creator. To under­ Ore. R. 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Lorenz, Anne the Reserves.” In his remarks, he » with a very serious and unusual acci­ be a real daddy! I will chum with stand a child, to go back and grow and Ben Barton, Anne Van Seoy will explain the present drive of the dent Sunday morning while worlpng yeu, and suffer when, you suffer and up sympathetically with it U> hold WANTED—Baby Walker, will either Faye MoCue, Louise Woodyard, Clara- wet forces to legalize beer in egery buy or rent. Mrs. E. E. Johnston, in the field. He had been using his laugh when you laugh. I will bite its love and confidences, to be accept­ beU and Frederick Watson, Dick Vin­ state and attempt repeal of the horses to drag trash from his field my tongue when impatient words ed by it without fear or restrafat *s 870 West Fourth street. Phone 172L ton, Harry and Judith Slack, Bally 18th Amendment. He will outline the and left them standing with their come. I will keep saying as if it a companion and playmate, ia just 'Bonney, Charles Walker, George Fol­ activities of the drya to resist repeal doubletrees while he used the tracor were a/ritual: ’He is nothing but a about the greatest good fortune that HIGHEST CASH,PRICES paid for som and Joyce Schroeder. and maintain both state and national in discing the ground. Before he re­ boyv-a little boy!’ Wool. Get in touch with us. T. can come to any man or woman in Prohibition laws. Warner. Coquille. “I am afraid I have visualized you this world—and perhaps, in any other alized what was happening the horses Members of the Needle Workers ran, frightened by the train, and as a man. Yet no I see you now, sop, I world, for all we know. club were guests of Mrs. Jack Arnold Party for Phyllis Mae Johnsen PIANO BARGAIN -L«te model pi­ straddled the tractor. One horse was crumpled and weary in your cot, I And I am passing thin “ _________ confession” yesterday afternoon at her home on ano located here in Coquille will see that you are still a baby. Yeater- llong u fathers who may be priv- cut severely by falling on the disc. Virginia and Marjorie Oerding, the Marshfield highway. The hostess sell for the. small balance due on day you were in your mother ’ s arms, ileged to read iti ,nd for the benefit Hermann was bruised from being included two extra guests, Mrs. Sam --mall daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John contract with most any terms., If your head on her shoulder. I have o1 all the --littte fellers ” — the grow- struck by the horses. He was resting Arnold, Sr., and Mrs. Ralph Sigsby, O'. Oerding, entertained Wednesday interested write at once to H. B. | in<> earth-blessing little “Jimmies” easier at press time.—Myrtle Point asked too much, too much. besides the regular members: Mes- afternoon with a doll party in honor McNeil, 401 East Main St, Med­ “Dear Boy! Dear little son! A and -Billy«,” and “Marya” and Harold. of -their cousin, Phyllis Mae Johnsen, dames W. D. Simmons. Ray Sim peon, ford, Ore. , 18t3 penitent kneels at your infant shrine, ' ..j anea ” o f this very good world of, Frank Book, E. C. Yarbrough, Ed. of North Bend, who has been their here in the moonlight I kiss the little oura . Marriage Licenses DetJefaan, W. E. Cross, C. C. Bonnik- guest for the past, week. The children USED CARS fingers, and the damp forehead, and nen, Swain Donated, Josh Ruble, E. A. brought their dolls and all had a May 27—Cliffbfd L. Yarbrough and the yellow curl. I N Chev. 157 in. Truck Card of Thanks Wimer, Goo. Gilman and Fred Hickok. grand time. Game« were played on Mabel M. Russell, both of Marehfield. “Tears came, and heartache and re­ the lawn and later in the day refresh­ They were married here Sunday at For the kindness and sympathy 28 Chrysler-4 Sedan. morse, and also a greater, deeper 'hown us by our friends and neigh- 27 Oldsmobile Sedan. ments were served to the little tots by his home by Rev. P. D. Hartman. Sea Shell Hikers i love, when you raq through The li­ •ora during our recent bereavement, 30 Chevrolet Blue Coach. Mrs. Oerding. Those enjoying, the May 29—L. L. Corliss and Lola M. Three members of the 4-H rjmp party were: Phyllis Mae Johnaen, brary door and wanted to kiss me!” ind for the beautiful floral offerings 30 Dove Grey Ford Coupe Stanford, both of Myrtle Point. They cookery club, Eileen KendallyJ3»*nnie Marianne Rackleff, Patricia Brady, The Shrine of Sleeping Childhood it the funeral of our husband and 32 Chevrolet 157 in. Truck were married by Rev. T. R. Jackman Gage and Imogene Hick am, accom­ Betty Emery. Martha Jane Oerding, 1 do not know of a better shrine father, W. H. Wimer, we wish to ex­ 30 Dark Green Chevrolet Coupe vt the Foursquare parsonage here panied by their leader, Miss L*ura Phy His Bunch, Agnes Dunkel, I vanelie beforfl which a father or mother mav press our sincere and heartfelt ap­ 30 Tan Chevrolet Sport Roadster Tuesday. McLeod, went out Sunday morning Jackman, Jerry Oerding, Nancy Ann ■ Green Chevrolet Coupe kneel or stand than that of a sleep­ preciation. * for an early breakfast. They went up Haga, Franklin Oerding, Virgins and ing child. I do not know of a holier Mrs. Mary A. Wimer and family. 30 Maroon Ford Coupe the Cunningham logging road and Marjorie Oerding and John Oerding. SUNDAY - MON. & TUES. nlace, a temple where one is more 27 Maxwell Sedan over a hill where they stopped and Jr. The little guest of honor is the Anthony Steel Dump Bed likely to come into closer touch with Calling cards 100 for 11.00. prepared their breakfast of toast daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. John­ Logging Trailer A bunks ■all -that is infinitely good, where one" ehip-beef gravy and egg«. Illness or son. who were former residents of Co­ may come nearer to seeing and feel­ the 8:80 hour for starting kept sever­ quille. ing. From that shrine come matins 2________ » al others from going on the hike. of song and laughter, of trust and V. R. Wilson. “Optometrist," Errors cheer to bless the new day; and be­ Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and in refraction corrected, without the fore that shrine should fall our soft Ose Cent a Warfl Eash Iaoarttea milk, the only milk and eream made use of drugs. “For gt—ii" see Wil­ vespers, our grateful benedictions for SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. LIBERTY THEATRE son fl ret and save money. 7tf i Phone M-J safe by pasteurisation. the night At the cot of a sleeping FOR RENT—Firs acres of good gar- Coquille, Oregon DRAPERIES to brighten up the home Overdrape DAMASK a W Cretonnes 15c I The Values of Year CURTAINS Í rb 0 ¡ 49« S9c 49« J. C. Penney Co. b Want Ads ’ •»