THE COQ ü Í l LB YALLEY 8ENTIN BL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 2. 1938. PAGI TWO — The Th« new MAN! GOODYEAR PATHFINDER I Supertwirt Cord Tire 4.40-21 ‘4 66 4.50- 20 $ç00 4.50- 21 $g20 4.7Í-19 • ’s68 ’6’° , »630 5.00-1» 5.00-20 * 5.25-18 $à86 .>■r*? GOODYEAR WHAT TIRE VALUES GOODYEAR OFFERS! HEN you buy • Good­ year you get KNOWN VALUE. Today thie value is the biggest ever. W This new Pathfinder has . FULL CENTER TRACTION, t for complete non-skid safety. And 20 per cent thicker tread, for bigger mileage. And a still stouter long-life body of Supertwist Cord. / Yet look at the prices for this Improved “quality tire witfa- ,ln the reach of all.” ALL-WEATHER Supertwist Cord tire Brooms! Brooms! Brooms! r-v • 4.40-21 Here’s Your Chance for a Clean Sweep $£»85 4.50- 21 :. »680 4.75-10 SsyOO 5.00-1» 5.25-18 $g60 Most Complete Assortment of Brooms < ever shown in Coquille. Everything from the i 5.50- 19 5^70 Brooms 29c • Brooms 39c -® Brooms 49c ® Brooms 59c @ Brooms 69c @ Brooms 89c ® Brooms 99c ® Brooms $1.09 Toy Brooms « 29c 6.00-19 ’ll00 •is80 6.50- 19 And think of buying an All- Weather Goodyear, the world's acknowledged top- j quality tire, for no more A money than an off brand, fll i “nobody’s tire” might cost jM Get one of the nine while this Sale is on PLAY SAFE Every car owner who to running around on thin, wurnout, danger- ou. tires, should re­ place them with safe new onee NOW. Old tires on hot roads are a risky proposition. » Phone Busy Comer Grocery > Free Delivery % Tuesday from Ashland, where she has King of the Jungles” been, teaching. * a ' Coming to Liberty Sunday Miss Adeline Gurney arrived from Mr«. Syl Jones, of North Bend, and Grants Pass Saturday. She to an in­ Mrs. Freda Ellis and daughter, Kaspa, the Lion Man, and Romulus of Klamath Falls, were guests for structor in the grade school of that and Remus, the two legendary infants luach and a pieaeant afternoort'at the city. credited with the founding of Rome, Rev. Mr, Iwrteon, of Medford, ■have much in common, according to Deyoe home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. -Laird and preached the Memorial sermon, Sun­ Max Marcin, adaptor of the screen daughters, Marguerite and Elda, Mr. day, at a union service held at the story, “King of the Jungle,” which and Mrs. J. H. MdGloekey, of Norway, ,4 Methodist church. relates the fabulous experiences of a and Mrs. Lucinda Morgan and daugh-i ' The members of the local Woman’s white god of the jungle. ter, of Bandon, motored to Floras Club entertained their huebands with According to Marcin, the Lion Man Lake Sunday, where they enjoyed a a seven o’clock banquet in Schroeder’« and the twins who are alleged to have Hall Monday evening. The meal was founded the Roman Empire, were picnic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Giles and chil­ served by 'Hamm’s Cafe. Those in both buckled by wild beaata frofii in­ Mrs. Fred Lafferty entertained as Giles Lay, with chickens. This club dren, of Manahfield, were guests at the charge of the entertainment were Mrs. fancy. Live News From Arago E. C. Barker, Mrs. A. M. Swurtrup and Kaspa, the Lion1 Man, “King of the Mrs. Gordon Fleming entertained a house gueet the past week Hazel can not^ake any more mertbbers now N. G. W. Perkins home Tuesday. for they have all the Jeader feels like Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Guerin, Mrs. Mm. Al Neideigh. Jungle," which comes Sunday to the the ladies of Arsgo and vicinity at an Naxburg, of Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lafferty are Liberty Theatre screen for three days, Winnie Pauli, of Portland, »pent • he can handle. Mary Holt, Mrs. F. G. Lafferty and old-fashioned quilting bee at her home moving to town from Arago, where was orphaned in the jungle as a the week end here with her parents, The majority 1 of the then in Powers daughter, Janice, and Mrs. W. W. De ­ Thursday. A potluck dinner was en­ joyed at noon. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. 'Leon Pauli. She returned j are at work, with the Coos Bay Lum- yoe motored down the coast Tuesday. they have lived for several months. child when his white parents were and a few men They »topped at the family graveyard Mr. Lafferty has employment in the killed on a hunting expedition. Adopt­ Mesdames Lloyd Oddy, of Coquille, Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ I ber Company working for the Foreat Service. There ■ 1 at Denmark and from there drove to Pearce garage. ed by a lioness, the baby was brought Elton Aaeen and tyamg Aasen, of lace Miller. Mrs. Chaster Peeden enjoyed fish­ up as one of her cubs, growing to Rev. J. B. Moomaw, Jr., left Thurs- • are also several Other projects where Port Orford and had lunch on the Myrtle Point, Clarence Schroeder. ing Wednesday and Thursday on Rock manhood unaware of hie human ante­ George Robiaon. Albert Gutotrom, Al­ lay morning for Jerome, Idaho, whet» I a few men are employed. And every beach. T. M. Stover was a business visitor ' creek. cedents, believing himself one of the bert LiHie, Marvin Shaw, L. M. Aaeen, he Will have the pastorate of the ■ one to trying to get in his late garden. Geo. Dewyer, who will be in charge in North Bend Friday. peck he nan and hunted with, and Naomi Robison, Everett Lafferty, Neil Christian Church. Mrs. Moomaw and I Riverton News Mtoa Hazel Gearhart left Tuesday ’rowing in strength and power until Ferrari, Mary Kribba, Gus Schroe­ :hikirsn, Donna and David, remained I of the Reforestration work here, to She will I getting the bridge in shape to ernes for Astoria, where she has employ­ der, Lynn Burtto, Luke Myers, Frank here for this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Anae) Hayward spent w became king of the King of Beast«. | last week-end with Mrs. Hayward’, Burbank, Misses Opal Robison, Lois each school m Curry county next fall. the Coquille at the fish hatchery. ment for the summer. According to old poetic legend, Mar­ Miss Cornelia Clausen and Miss , parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. 8nyder tin deeiarss, the story of Romulus •Schroeder. Iola Robison and Freida , Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Shaw, of Go- They will use the Pepper Brothers' qtlilte, are rejoicing over the birth of road to get to China Flat, where the Dolores Bellon! drove to Corvallis Fri- < Schroeder. ind Remus has many pointa of simi- of Myrtle Point. - - day where they were week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller had as a in eight-pound son, born Monday, . camp will be. Mrs. Lola Olson has been »pending arity. The two infants, princes by On Sunday a Memorial program of Mias Priscilla Deyoe. Saturday this | house guest last week Cecil McQuigg, May 29. Mrs. Shaw wax formerly week with her aunt, Mrs. Mettie >lood, were the sons of Mars and Rotha Knabe, of Arago. was given at the Pioneer theatre evening the. girls attended a formal Peterson. of Coquilte. ] Ilia, the latter a daughter of Numitor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doyle, of Eu- There was only an attendance of dance, at the Benton Hotel ballroom1’ Ezra Smith accompanied by Eugene Amulius, the usurper of the throne of Jim Mullins, of Grant« Paas, vis­ ited friends in Arago and vicinity rene, have returned home after a about two hundred, which was very given by the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Smith, C. M. Hart weft and daughter Alba on the Italian peninsula, who had Monday and Tuesday. Mr. MaTftm wo week«' visit here with friends and dixappointhigtothe committee who They returned home Sunday. Cherie Mae, spent a pleasant day taken power in defiance of his brother. had arranged the affair. The Me­ Mrs. Harriet Gould, of San Bernar­ ■Sunday, fishing at Bandon. taught two terms m the Arago school relative«. Numitor. ordered the infants thrown Bertha Clinton, of Coquille, is a morial address was enpecially good, dino, Calif., to viaiting with her daugh­ a few years ago. He to at present Mm. Flora Haan and son, Aubrey, into the River Tiber. bringing a thought to the people that ter, Mm. E. C. Barker. principal of the grade school of ;uest of Leona Pauli this week. The basket in which they were left Thursday for Ashland, where they we dojoot get every day. The fol­ Grant» Paes. James Lewellen underwent an oper­ plan to spend the hummer, Mr. Haan placed drifted downstream with the News Notes From Powers lowing program was given. Mr. end Mrs. L. A. Myers enjoyed a ation the latter part of last week far is one of the teachers in our high current until it became entangled in visit over the week-end with their the removal of tonsils.. vines near the foot of Palantine HiH. On Wednesday the Woman’s Club Song, "Star Spangled Banner” school. . » • . - Audience daughter. Pearl Myers, of Portland. of Powerw met for the laat Tegular Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Summers and The legend, according to the writer* Mr. and Mrs. Frederick She returned home Wednesday. children, Lorna Jean and iHarry, left leaving Saturday for a two weeks’ of "King of the Jungle, "goes on to. iay meeting of the club year, with the Salute tqrthe Flag led by - - Rev. Mr. Wise arson Friday to viait Mr. Summers’ mother stay with Mrs. Beck’s parents, Mr. that the infants were found by a wild Mrs. Geo. Langor, of Powers, is vis­ new officers in the chairs. They are iting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Nellie Rolfe, as president; Mrs. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address in Eugene. From there they will go and Mrs. Land, at Creswell. she-wolf and suckled by her as if C. E. Schroeder. Mrs. Langor is a Myrl Fox, secretary, and Mrs. Dollie - Dean Bundy to Junction City, where they will be Romulus Robert Scorby is recovering from they ware her own cube. stoter of Mr. Schroeder. Davis, treasurer. Two vet^ prominent Song. "Long, Long Trail” Audience guests of Mrs. Summers’ parents. a xerioun cut on the foot received Sun­ and Remus were found in the wolf’s Miss Evelyn Woodward is home for member» are moving away. Mrs. F. Memorial Day Address N. G. W. 'Perkins and daughter, Mm. day, while swimming. den by Faustulus. one of the King’s J. W. Mclnturff, Marshfield Ala Moon, left Friday fer California. the summer vacation. She has taught t. Stewart, who was first vice presi­ Contrary to all rules, Friday, the herdsmen, who took the princelings school the past two years at Pistol dent this last year and program Song, "America The Beautiful” Mr. Perkins will viait in San Jose and day for the school picnic, proved to be home to his wife. Tt was she wax River in Curry county. ■ - Rev. Mr. Wiscarson from there will go tq Los Angeles, ideal. The high school journeyed to subsequently raised them to manhood, 'hairman, ^as moved to Berkeley, - Rev. Mr. Wiscarson where he will visit with Mrs. Moon for Floras Lake, where they enjoyed naming them Romulus and Remus. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, Shel­ Calif. And Mrs. T. S. Zimmerman, Prayer L. A. Ljljeqvtot will speak at the an indefinite period. by and Mary Jane, returned home who has been a member fair 7 years Upon reaching manhood, Romulus baseball, swimming, boating, etc. The Sunday from Bandon, having spent wd wa.< next to the oldest member Pioneer Theatre on "For the Sales Mrs. W. E. Lundy and daughter, grade school spent a very enjoyable was chosen by the inhabitants of the the past week visiting friends and n the club and also president the past Tax.” on Saturday evening, June 8. Belva Alice Stemmier, have gone to day at Croft’s Lake. Thus ended nine surrounding territory as their king. Men here who are signed up to Sacramento, California, where they months of hsrd study and began three They built the ramparts of the city relatives at Ijingloto and Bandon. year and a member of the highest Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl made a standing, to moving to Eugene. Thfy work with tbs Reforestration army will visit for some time with another months of vacation. of Rome under his directional and un­ trip to Portland last week. Mr. Car) will be greatly misled by the mem­ are patently waiting fo^ the call to daughter of Mrs. Lundy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dye, of Portland, der him conquered neighbor!^ tribes, work. • * went on county businees and Mry. bers and their many friend«. Mr. and Mrs. Amzy Mintonye left came to Riverton Sunday to spend a aa well as the civilisation« of Greece Carl to see her brother, Charles, who Tuesday for Bandon, where they will few days with Mr. Dye’s parents, Mr. and Carthage. , Miss Zilda Hayes returner! home to II in a Portland hospital. Tuesday evening for her xumemr va- J V. R. Wilson. “Optometrist*’ Errors make their home. Mr. Mintonye will and Mrs. A. C. Dye. They returned For Jhe role of Kaspa, the Lion Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller and cation. Her father, John Hayes, met in refraction corrected*, without the have employment in the Garoutte Ser­ Tuesday morning. Man, Paramount chose the most per- uae of drugs. “For giassea” see Wil­ vice Station of that city. daughters, Colleen and Vanita Maxine, her at Myrtle Point' frctly formed specimen of American - of Portland, arrived Saturday evening The Livestock 4-H CJub met Mon­ son first and save money. Mining Location notices for sale at manhood. Buster Crabbe, world’s Mr. and Mnx. Geo. Adams, of Co­ for a few days’ visit with friends and day. Two new members were added quille, spent'Sunday with Mr. and this office. champion Olympic swimmer, holder of relatives in Arago vicinity. They re­ to the club. They are Stephen Corn­ Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at Mrs Earl Adams. five world's records, and 85 national turned home Wednesday. wall, with rabbjta for his project and this office Calling cards 100 for ||.00. Mtoa Andre Wagner arrived home marks. ” ^MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Mvi people ride on Goodyear than on any other kind] C oquille S ervice S tation » Phone 133