THE COQUILLE VALLEY TALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLH, COQUILLE. OREGON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY MAT 36, N, 1933. Manager Fortier is optimistic about from, fl rat places in the mile and half the club Chis season and fully ex­ mile runs. pects to have his ball playeru fighting Of the three entries from thie sec- Yowsah! Yowsah! And a couple at the top of the percentage column. tion only two placed. Harry Helmkin or so for basehita! Last Sunday, to gained second place in the discus in the tune of the crack of the willow The two exhibition games schedul­ which the winner, Brack, of Wash­ and the thud of the mitt, the Coquille ed with Roseburg on May 28 out ington, broke the state record with a Loggers scampered through a real, there and on Decoration Day, May throw of 129 feet, 4% inches. Harri­ honeet-to-goodneas baseball practice, 30, here, will be the only ones prior to son, of Marshfield also took part in as our dear friends, old Sol, burst the scheduled season's opener on a record-beaking event, placing third through the clouds to beam down on June 4 with Eagle Point. By this in the high jump in wfyich two men, Mother Earth. Taking advantage of latter date Fortier will likely have Freene, of Roseburg, tied for first and this fine spring day, Bill Fortier sent his Loggers well organized and net second at 6 feet, M inch. In all, six his squad of around twenty men for the ten-game schedule to proceed. records were broken, the others being through a good three-hour rehearsal. It is planned by the Southern Oregon in the 220, 440, pole vault, and relay. The results of the Whearsal were ex­ League officials to have the champions It is also interesting to note that a tremely promising, ««cording to Man­ compete for state honors. comparison of Washington state ager Bill, and he experts to have an­ marks and those of Oregon for this other famous Logger team in the com­ Among the other clubs of the league yesr would give the home state nine petition this season. there are real baseball men at the firsts out of fourteen. F’lsyers from Marshfield and Myr­ head. “Red” Ruppert at Roeeburg, tle Point reported for baseball duty, Howard Hobson at Ashland, Frisco Though Edell Bryant failed to among them many old and a few new Edwards at Klamath Falla, Hoosier take first place in the Oregon-Oregon faces. Noble Brundage and Perry Rop­ Hufford at Eagle Point, and Harold State dual meet, he still holds the er were the most notorious outsiders, Haight at Medford are all well- honor among Northwest school for though Hugh Chapman and Paul Mc­ known basebail'/iuminariea. Hobson msrking up the best time so far this Hale. both of the bay, are also well Last Friday can be remembe'red as a Coquille play­ reason in the mile. known in semi-pro circles. Kolstad, er in 1922. and 1923. Latef he went Hunter of Oregon defeated Edel), run­ a newcomer to Marshfield, worked to the Timber league. While attend­ ning the distance in 4:28, but the ex- out at first base and showed much ing the University of Oregon, Hobby C. 'H. S. athlete's 4:26 in the rocond promise. Pat Rickard. Myrtle Point, starred in baseball and basketball. Oregon State five-way event is still and Skinner, Jacobeen and Murray, ¡ At present he is athletic director at high. Bryant has yet to compete in al) of Marshfield, were also strange Ashland Normay. the Northwest conference meet. tossera on hand. £rom the group that reported Sun­ L. H. Gregory gave the Southern The Logger squad out last Sunday day, the team that will meet Roseburg Oregon league a real boost in his included Bill Fortier, manager and in the two exhibition gamer on May column last week in which he quoted catcher; Carl Gilbert, Paul MoHale 28 and 30 will be. selected. Bill also a letter from Billy Hulen, Jr., of the and Skinner, pitcher; Jerry Extra and hopes to have Chick Hauser in the Ashland Daily Tidings. Hulen ex­ Joe Kolstad, first base; Hugh Chap­ fold for these contest! but as yet the plained how this league was organ­ man and Marion Fischer, second base; status of this slugging catcher is un­ ized in order to- promote semi-pro Bill Stewart, short stop; Ray Wood­ known. ball and to develop young players. yard, third base; Pat Rickard, infield; In the event that Hauser is on hand He continued by explaining how Art Pul ford, Perry Roper, Noble he will go behind the plate for the "Red” Ruppert had a team composed Bundage, Ansel Hayward, Jug Lor­ two pre-season engagements. Mc­ if many boys yet in their teens or ens, and Glenn Murray, out field. Hale, in better early season shape •arly twenties. Every club, however, Fischer Is also listed as a catcher and than Gilbert, is the mound Choice, but will have veterans to steady the kids outfielder, while Lorenz may also be in the infield there is a huge question. Roseburg, it is known, having none used elsewhere. Ray Woodyard seems to be set for >ther than Hal . i_______ Turpin, ex-Coast P*- third and Bill Stewart for the short League hurler with Sap Francisco Philosophen patch. Koletad and Jerry Extra are znd Seattle, as her mound mainstay The founders of modern phllosophy battling it out for the first base post, Ruppert is fortunate in having the are Bacon and Descartes. Among the whife another feud is on between entire of Douglas county from which Krentest modern phllosophers are Chapman «nd Marion Fischer for sec­ to select performers. Hegel. Kant. Herbart, Lotse. Nietzsche, Behopeuhuuer. Herbert Spencer. Dar ond base. The latter, however, can wln, John Stuart Mill. Locke, Hume, be used anywhere, and if Hauser Is The Oregon inter-ecKofastic track Cousin. Voltaire, Bergson. Jonathan not in the lineup he will likely receive. The outfield candidates are led by and field meet held in Eugene last End place taken twice and third once. Not only this but four of the fourteen county records are held by Coquille, those in the 440, 880, mile, and relay, all taken in 1931. ' The two second places were taken in 1982 and thi spring, while the third spot was gain ed in 1931: In dual, and other meets aside from the county, Coquille ha also made fine showings. At the end of this four-year period all of the boys under Hartley in 1929 and 1930 have departed from school giving him an entirely new array of performers, boys of his own coaching. The lineup for next season is, of course, doubtfnl, but if all possible circumstances culminate, high school sport fans can look ft>r fairly promis­ ing results. The situation, however m always uncertain. The following :x>yw gained letter this year, those with the first name* given in each .case being graduates: 'Football—Linus Seeley, four years; Alvin Shaver, two years; Tracy Leach, one yeaf; Craig Perrott, tww yean; Delbert Donaldson, two yean; Glae Gould, one year; Russell Martindale, two years; Mike Ireland, two yean; Jack McCue, two years; Harrison Greenough, one year; Niel Peart, two yean; Tom Stevens, one year; Justin Cary, one year; Harry Helmkin, two yean; Morris, two yean; Stonecy­ pher, two yean; Hatcher, two yean; The most unsuccessful game under Hartley ha« been football. His 1929 team won but one game, that from Riverton. One tie was played with Bandon, however, while two of the defeats were by one touchdown mar­ gins. The following seasons saw bet­ ter results as the 1930 outfit, though hampered by injury throughout the schedule, won three conference and one non-conference games, and was beaten only twice, v on each occasion by two touchdown margins, after warm arguments. One tie game was also hung up. Again in 1931 the Red Devils faced defeats during the regu­ lar season, losing five games, tying one, and winning one. A special post- «•«*0% game with North Bend was played, snd in this Coquille somewhat erased the blots of a poor season by taking the decision. The team last Newton, one year; Plaop, throe yean; % « PACK A, Basketball — Linus Seeley, four years; Alvin Shaver, two yeara; Jack McCarthy, one year; Delos Shinn, one year; Collier, one year; Stonecypher, me year; and Morris, one year. Track—Mike Ireland, four years; Russell Martindale, two years; Gun Gallas, one year; Morris, one year; 3tonecypher, two years; Cooper, one year; Bonnikaen, one year. Linus Feeley, one year, was not out and Niel '’eart, one year, was ineligible. So. Oregon League Schedule Official Southern Oregon Baseball eague schedule: lune 4—Ashland at Klamath Falls. Roseburg at Medford. Eagle Point at Coquille. June 11— Coquille at Ashland. Medford st Eagle Point. Klamath Falls at Roseburg, lune 18—Roseburg at Ashland. Medford at Coquille. Eagle Point at Klamath Falls June 26—Coquille at Klamath Falla. Ashland at Medford. Eagle Point at Roseburg. July 2—Klamath Falls at Medfcrd. Ashland at Eagle Point. Roseburg at Coquille. July 9—Klamath Falls at Ashland. Medford at 'Roseburg. Coquille at Eagle Point. July 16—Roseburg at Klamath Falls. Ashland at Coquille. EagleJ’oint at Medford. July 28—Klamath Falb at Eagb Point Ashland at Rosebunt. Coquille at Medford. July 30—Klamath Falls at Coquille. Medford at Ashland. Roseburg at Eagb Point August 6—Medford at Klamath Falls. Eagle Point at Ashland. Coquille nt Roseburg.