*f.WÌ THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY It. 1931. ss ss Favorite Recipes of Coquille Business and Professional Women Although we are not cooks we know the way to a man's heart. Then ghale cheese and mix with may onnaise, add the whipped cream, then fold in the fruit« and celery. Pour into trays and freexe, or All a mold lined with waxed paper and pack in Ice and salt (3 parts of ice to ,1 of coarse salt.) Unmold, cut in slice# and *erve on lettuce leaves. Extra mayonnaise may he served to those who desire it. Before serving sprinkle each slice with flnely chopped walnuts. Jacqueline Holloway K cup waler, 1K cup sugar, in double boiler over boiling water, beating with egg beater constantly for 7 minutes, remove and beat until *<tiff, spread over cake, then add 2 sq. unsweetened ■*-■' * - - ■ i. ■ let boil up onee. Add small piece of butter and let thicken, then add half eup cream. Put over any fruit. Will not discolor fruit. Use only enough to moisten salad. L. G. Bryant. ------------------- 1 I GEORGE.WASHINGTON PIE 1 cup flour, 2 eggs, K cup water, I tap. baking powder, 2 tbsp, choco- ate, 1 cup sugar. Dressing: 2 tbsp, sugar, 1 cup milk, I tbsp, corn starch, 1 cup chopepd wal PEANUT BRITTLE nuts. v 2 cups sugar, 1 cup light corn syrup, Frceting:' 2 tbsp, cream, 2 tbsp, co K cup water, 2 cup« raw (ufrroasted) coa, enough confectionery sugar to peanuts, 1 teaspoon vanilla, IK tea «pread well. spoon soda. Bake in cake tine in two layers. Mix the sugar, syrup and water to Katherine Jane Hassler. gether in a deep heavy pot or skillet. Boil to the hard crack stage (300 de MOTHERS APPLESAUCE CAKE grees) or until the mixture cracks Put together; 1 cup sugar, ? cups when some of it is' dropped into cold flour, 2 tablespoons chocolate (pow- water and broken between the Angers lered), 2 tablespoon*» corn starch,' i Add the peanuts and let it boil up teaspoon each cloves, cinnamon and again. Remove from the fire, add the nutmeg, K teaspoon «alt, 1 rounded vanilla and soda and stir until foamy. teaspoon soda. Add K cup melted nPour onto buttered plates and cool. butter, IK cup appjes or pear sauce, 1 Break into pieces suitable for serving. cup each raisins and nuts. . Bake in « Myrtle DeLong. loaf or layers. Ines R. Chase. I oranges, pulp and rind cut fine, K lb RHUBARB TAPIOCA 1 cup pink tender rhubarb cut in almond« blanched and chopped coarse, small pieces, IK cups boiling water,' 8 cups sugar, juice of one lemon. . ■ cooking tapioca, IK cups ------ £>et afan<j over night. • Stir well and K.cup quick cook abbut 45 minute«. Add almonds Sugar, K to K teaspoon salt. Add ingredients to hot water in ten minutes before taking from stove. Jennie Lindros double boiler. Cook for thirty min utes or until the rhubarb is soft, stir ring frequently. Chill and serve with NUT BREAD 2 cups graham or wholewheat flour, whipped cream. If too thick more water may be stirried in. (One may 2 cups white, flour, K teaspoon «alt, K cup sugar, 2 teaspoons soda, K use lese tapioca. eup molasses, 2 cups sour milk (some Jennie C- Price. times requires a little more), 1 beat CHOCOLATE DIVINITY LOGANBERRY JUICE en egg, K cup raisins, K cup walnuts 2 cups sugar, K cup water, K cup To seven pinta of berries crushed Sift together the flours, salt, sugar light corn syrup, 2 egg whites utiffly add 2K qts. of water and let stand and soda and add other ingredients. beaten, 3 sq. Baker’s unsweetened 24 hours. Strain and to each pint Let stand 30 minutes after "being Chocolate melted and cooled, 1 tea Bake about 45 minutes in of juice add IK lbs. of sugar. To mixed. spoon vanilla, 1 cup nut meats, coarse the whole amount add 2K ounces of loaf form in oven with temperature ly broken, dash of salt. tartaric acid. Stir sugar and arid >f white bread. Cook sugar, water and corn syrup together, then add to berry juice and Martha E. Mulkey. together until a small amount of syrup let stand another 24 hours. Then forms a medium hard ball in cold bottle and cap. '(Use a stone crock.) APPLE CUPS FILLED WITH water (240 degrees F.) Remove from Jennie C. Price. SWEET POTATOES fire and pour about one-fourth of mix fl I medium-sized oweet potatoes, K ture slowly over egg whites, putting BROWN GRAVY STEW cup i granulated sugar, 4 tablespoons the remainder back to cook. Beat Use any stewmeat, put in bowl red hots, IK cup water, 6 medium- about 1K minutes or until it loses with flour, salt and pepper. Shake till sized apples, K cup milk, 3 tablespoon gloss. Cook the remaining syrup un all pieces are covered. Put in pah of brown sugar, K teaspoon salt, K cup til it forms a hard ball in cold water hot grease and brown quickly. Cover chopped pecans, 6 marshmallows. (252 degrees F.) Add second syrup with water and boil till done. Onion Method: Boil sweet potatoes until slowly, beating as before. When near may be added if desired. Make« a tender. Meanwhile add ougar and red ly cool, fold in chocolate', vanilla, nuts, good-looking dish. * hots to water and beat slowly until and salt. Turn in greased pan 8x8x2 dissolved. Peel and scoop out center inches. Cool until firm. Cut _ into ORANGE BISCUITS of apples. Put in hot sugar syrup ahd pieces, lxlK inches. Makes 3K doz Use ordinary tea biacuita; after simmer slowly 20 minutes or until en pieces divinity. Blythe Cousins placing them in pan, place a cube of tender, basting frequently. Fill with sugar, dipped in orange juice, in the potatoes that have been peeled and FRUIT CAKE center of each, and bake. mashed smooth with milk, brown Cook' together 1 cup raisins, K cup Georgia Gould Richmond sugar, salt and nuta. dates, K cup walnuts in enough water Top each with a marshmallow. Put to cover and cook till raisins puff up. STEAMED FRUIT PUDDING in baking dish with remaining oyrup Cool while mixing 1 cup sugar, K 1 cup sugar, 2 cups soft crumbs, and bake in moderate oven 10 minutes cup butter or shortening, beat 3 eggs K cup fllour, 2K teaspoons baking or until marshmallows are lightly light. To hot cooked fruit add 1 tea powder, K cup butter, K cup milk, browned. 'Serves 6. spoon of soda and 1 cup flour, K tea 1 cup dates, K eup walnuts, spices. ->. Beatrice Morris. spoon cinnamon, nutmeg & doves. Steam three hours. Cake very good warm or when older. Ida K. Owen. WAFFLES Bake in slow over K hour. 1 cup milk, IK cups sifted soft- Cara Bosserman ' SANDWICH LOAF wheat flour, 2 tablespoons shortening, (Serves 12) 1 to 2 eggs, 2 teaspoon« baking pow DATE CAKE Cut crust from whole loaf of sand der, 1 tablespoon sugar, K teaspoon Make mayonnaise of: 1 egg, K cup wich bread and cut into four equal salt. oil, pinch of salt. * parts lengthwise. Spread one piece In mixing, fold the beaten white of Pour 1 cup boiling water over: 1 with butter, then thick layer chopped egg into batter after all the other in- sweet pickles held together with may gredienta have been added. Have the cup dates (chopped), 1 cup walnuts onnaise. Butter next piece and spread waffle iron hot enough to brown the (chopped), 1 teaspoon soda. Set this mixture*to cool and when with K lb boiled ham chopped with waffle quickly and well greased if it is cool add 1 cup ougar, the mayonnaise one pimento an<jp mayonnaise. Place not electrically heated. and IK cups flour. Bake in loaf in on former slice and proceed aa before, _______ _____ ___ Laura McLeod.___ very mbderWoVMi 1 hour. using three hard boiled egfs mixed Edna A. Robison. with mayonnaise. Ice the entire loaf POTATO SALAD with 2 pkgs, cream cheese moistened Mix together cold sliced potatoes, PINAFORE CAKE (White) with mayonnaise to spread like frost diced lettuce and celery. Chop two 1'4 cups sugar, 1 tablespoon short ing. Cut in slices and serve on lettuce hard boiled eggs, bread and butter leaf, Other combinations as Tuna pickles and mix in lightly. Add juice ening, 1 cup milk, 2K cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, whites of 3 fish, nut«, green olives, etc. can x of pickles for flavoring. Mix with Kathleen McClintock mayonnaise. Salt to taste. A table eggs, 2 tablespoons cold water, lemon used. flavoring. spoon of sugar may be added if de Filling: yolks of 3 eggs, K cup FRENCH FRIED CELERY sired. Ida F. Oerding. «ugar, 1 cup milk. 1 large tablespoon Wash and scrub celery «talk and cornstarch, pinch of salt. inside leaves. Cut celery stalks into WALDORF SALAD IN APPLE Ula M. Leach four-inch pieces and boil 15 minutes CASES - in water. Drain water and let celery 1 cup cubed apple, 1 cup celery, 1 DATE CAKE cool. cup nut meats, salad dressing to mois 1 cup date«, 1 cup nuts, 1 eup sugar, Prepare following mixture: 2 eggs ten. 1 cup bread crumbs,. 3 eggs, 2 L bak well beaten, 2 heaping tablespoons Cut slice from tops of green or red ing powder, little salt. flour, K teaspoon salt, dash of pep apples. Scoop out the inside pulp, Beat eggs with sugar. Add the rest. per, lemon juice of K of a lemon, K leaving just enough to hold the skin cup fresh milk or canned ' cream in place. Fill the shells wi_th salad Mix. Bake in shallow pan about 30 minutes rater slow. Harriet* Gould (thinned with water.) Beat well. mixture and serve on lettuce leaves. A Fry butter brown, then dip one little salad dressing may be put on SOUTHERN FRUIT CAKE piece of celery stalk at a time into top of each. A garnish of celery 1 cup raisins, ground, 1 teaspoon mixture and fry in browned butter. leaves may be used instead of lettuce soda. 1 cup hot water, cover and let Fry on both sides till brown. Gar leaves. Mns. Cora Mackey stand while mixing rest of cake. 1 nish with lemon rings or parsley if de cup sugar, K cup shortening, 2 egg«, sired. Miss Ines Rover. TOMATO SALAD DRESSING 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 cups flour, salt. Into a quart jar put the following Caramel Icing: 2 cups brown sugar, PLUM DUFF ingredients» 1 can tomato soup, % 1 cup brown sugar, K cup melted cup vinegar, K cup oil, K cup sugar, 1 cup thin cream, 1 tablespoon butter, shortening mixed .in the sugar, 2 1 tablespoon Worchester sauce, 3 K baking powder. Boil sugar, butter and cream until it forms soft ball- eggs, 2 cups stewed prunes drained tablespoons of grated onion. do not stir. Add baking powder and and run through chopper, IK cups Then mix 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tea flour, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved in one spoon i paprika, 1 scant teaspoon mus- vanilla. Beat until creamy. Viola Newt«n. tablespoon milk, 1 scant teaspoon tard. Put all into jar with above mix baking powder. ture, seal i and ahake well. Stir each PUMPKIN PIE Mix and put in two 1 lb baking time before I using. 1 cup pumpkin, K cup sugar, 1 cup powder cans and steam 1 hour. Use Mr«. Isabel Unsoeld. milk, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon good pudding sauce flavored with lem- melted butter, 2 egg yolk«, 2 egg Saims Lindros. FROZEN FRUIT SALAD 1 lg. can pineapple, 1 Ig. can whites, vanilla. Beat egg whites and put in last. SUGAR COOKIES peaches, fi lg. bananaz, 1 small can 2 cup« sugar, 1 cup butter, K cup Maraschino cherries, or any other Bake in raw crust. sweet milk, 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon soda, combination of fresh or canned fruits. Mrs. R. B. Knife. 2 teaspoons cream of tartar, pinch Cgt «mall and mix with the follow of «alt. Cream butter and sugar, ing dressing: Beat yolks of 4 eggs LOG CABIN SALAD add milk and eggs. Add enough flour and 4 tablespoons vinegar, Cheese straws, fruit salad, fruit 1 table to roll, sifting soda, cream of tartar spoon sugar, 1 scant teaspoon «alt, a salad dressing. » and salt with flour. Use 8 cheese straws for each MtV- little mustard and paprika, put in Raima Lindros double boiler, stir conatantly until ing and build up a square, log cabin thickened, remove and add 12 marsh style, /round the fruit.sglad; arrange PINEAPPLE WAFFLE SYRUP mallow*. Allow to cool and add 1 pt. on lettuce leaf. Top With fruit salad 1 cup pineapple juice, K cup water. whipped cream and freeze. dressing. ^Belle R. Gould 1 cup sugar. Boil all together until Effie F. Miller nice syrup ia formed. Add two rings PORCUPINE SALAD of pineapple diced eery thin and boil DELICIOUS FROZEN SALAD Place halved pears on lettuce leaves. up again. Add 2 drop, peppermint if K C crushed Pineapple, K C whip Take 3 clove« and put them in, stem deaired. Serve either hot or cold on ping cream (which makes 1 cup when end to form eyes and nose. Then cut waffle, or hot cake«. whipped), 2 T lemon juice, K C grated halved almondsjn slices add stick Bertha J. Smith. cheese. K C mayonnaise, K Ç aljced thickly in pear. Cover with a little ■ —... . date«, K C celery, diced very fin<. fruit salad dressing; Drain the pineapple for 10 to 16 Fruit Salad Dressing: Three lem- RHUBARB CONSERVE 4 full cups rhubarb, 1 can diced minutes. Whip the cream and add mons (juice), two oranges (jpice), one pineapple, 10 dates eut coatee, I lemon juice, which makes it stiffer.¡cup sugar, two eggw. Put on stove. !J chocolate melted and 1 tablespoon sugar. Pour this over cake, letting it run over sides. This is very good and easily and quickly made. Georgia Gould Richmond DUNHAM’S.^ Welcomes the B. P. W. Club to Coquille See Our Gigantic Display of TOILETRIES and HOME REMEDIES at DEEP SAVINGS — CUT RATE PRICES You too can save by buying here. « I, CUSTARD PIE 3 eggs, 4 tablespoon« sugar, K teaspoon salt, 2K cups milk, 1 tea spoon vanilla, few gratings nutmeg. Beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, vanilla and milk. Strain into pie plate lined with pastry. Sprinkle with nutmeg. (Makes one nine-inch pie.) Bake in oven 4'50 degrees about 40 minute«. Belle R. Gould. SPANISH BUN CAKE 2 cup« brown sugar, K cup short ening. Cream sugar and shortening. Add 3 egg yolks, K cup sour milk,; 60c Italian Balm - - - 25c Kleenex - - - - - $1.00 Coty Powder 50c Hinds Honey & Almond 25c New Improved Kotex Pint Russian Mineral Oil 2 qt. Hot Water Bottles - . - 50c- Phillip’s Milk of Magnesia 35c Cotton Dabs - - - - 50c Jergen’s Lotion - - - ■ $1.00 Cod Liver Oil 15c Epsom Salts - - - ’ - All 50c Shaving Creams All 50c Tooth Pastes - - 75c Fitch’s Tonic, with Hair Oil Free 50c Rubber Gloves .... 50c Lady Peggy Shampoo 50c Non Spi - - . - 49c 18c 89c 37c 15c 33c 39c 39c 9c 39c 69c 9c 39c 39c 49c 29c 39c 39c « And that’s not all—Hundreds of other items at tremen dous savings. See our display—then buy and Save! Dunham’s of Course Coquille Phone 81 dissolves 1 teaspoon salt, K cup wal nuts, 2 cups flour, to which is added K teaspoon nutmeg, cloves, cinna mon. Icing: 3 egg whites beaten light, add 1 cup walnuts and 1 cup brown «ugar. iPour over cake mix- turé i and bake in slow oven about one Clara Bosserman. hour. ICE BOX CAKE 1 Tb marshmallows, 1 tb chopped walnuts, 1 lb chopped dates, 1 pt. stiffly whipped cream, 13 graham crackers. Roll crackers fine and mix all ingre dients thoroughly, form in roll . in waxed paper for 24 hours. Slice and serve with whipped cream. Bertha J. Smith ————————— IMPERIAL SUNSHINE CAKE IK cups sugar, K cup water, fl •ggs beaten separately, K teaspoon salt, 1 cup cake flour, % teaspoon cream tartar, 1 teaspoon orange tract. water until Boil sugar and threads, Pour hot syrup in a stream on beaten egg whites, then add egg yolks well beaten. Sift flour once, measure, add cream of tartar and sift again three times. Fold into the egg mixture, add extract, pour into angel cake pan. Moderate slow oven, 325 to 350 degrees. Ida K. Owen PEPPERMINT CHOCOLATE CAKE IK cup of shortening, 1 cup ougar, 2 egg yoika, 2 <vq. unsweetened choco late, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup sour or sweet milk, flavoring. Melt chocolate before adding. Bake in square tine or oblong. Cover with this icing: 2 egg whites, High in Food Value BUTTER and CHEESE Withstand Every Test As Ideal Food Products BE SURE TO SPECIFY I BROOKFIELD BRAND Swift & Company