Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1933)
< 1 TU COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAT I», 1933. PAGE TEN Mrs. Marc Shelley and her son, Ralph, who has been in an hospital at Portland for some tiqie, returned Wednesday with C. W. Gano, when he returned from that city. Ralph is greatly improved in health and a complete recovery seems now alnioat certain. T The Junior - Senior Banquet The Junior-Senior banquet of the Coquille High School classes was held at Pioneer Hall last Friday evening with all members of the two classes, the faculty, school board members and others present Beryl Unsoeld acted as tosstmaster and did a fine job of it, with the as sistance of the buck-passing by those she called upon. About 45 minutes was spent by the students called upon in telling why they were not prepared to make a speech, and which one had a speech already prepared. Mayor J. Arthur Berg made the talk of the evening, his subject being “Educational Values.” It was brimful of excellent suggestions to those jus( ready to embark on life’s voyage and was enjoyed by the young people as T s well as by their elders. Bob Bailey, junior elaaa president, welcomed the seniork The , response was made by the senior class presi- dent, Delbert Donaldson, who also presented the cane, bedecked with the colors of all the classes, to'the junior president Music was furnished by s sextette composed of Anne Barton, Faye Mc Cue, Jeanne Barbour, Margaret Pur- vance, Edythe Farr and Audrey Aaseq, accompanied by Miss Phyliss Hall at the piano; and by H. H. Hart ley with a piano solo. Maryanne Axtell gave a reading. Mias Kathleen McClintock, junior class adviser, wae in charge of the banquet preparations. Mrs. Ruth Beyers is senior class adviser. Commencement for 1933 C.HÄ Class Last Evening SAVE; .„¿SAFETY (Continued from first page) 81,000 per student for their school life.. E. D. Webb, chairman of the school board, made a most appropriate reply Mrs. Guss Tillman and daughter, to Mr. Hartley’s fine talk, and it wa> Olive, and Elda Gilman left this morn Anne Van Scoy, who missed the ing for Seattle where the two young one of the best chairman’s presenta __ tions this writer has heard in 35 or last two weeks of school when she ladies will enter nurses’ training. Af came down with an attack of tonsilitia, ter a days’ visit with her sister there, more' years of attending high school commencements. At the conclusion of has practically recovered and is free Mrs. Tillman will return Monday, ac his remarks, he called the graduates, from fever now. companied by Mr. Tillman’s mother, I one by one, and handed them the cov See Mansell Drayage & Delivery Mra M. C. Tillman. eted diploma, aft$r which the class Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled Miss Vera Booth underwent M descended to the main floor and were promptly. • t* opereration ait the Knife Hospital last accorded the hearty congratulations Sid George, ex-commander of the Friday which will delay her returning of those who had witnessed the hon- American Legion of Oregon, and now to her home at Amity, Oregon, for a ors accorded the students. national committeeman for the state week or more yet. She haa taught in The list of those graduating was over here from Roseburg on the Marshfield schools for the past eludes: Harold Berry, Bertha two years and was over here for a " business Wednesday. , Clinton, Merlyn H. Clinton, Maxine visftt at the J. W. Laird home. Colliru, Yvonne Cross, Lester Cun Fruita and Vegetables at Tuttle’s ningham, Ethyl Davis, Delbert A. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and stand, Folsom Apartments, corner You can always be sure of making the right im nliik, the only milk and cream made Donaldson, Duane S. Fitzgerald, Flor Highway and Third. pression when you write your letters on Sym ence Folsom, Gus Gallas, Glae Gould, safe by pasteurization. The American Legion Auxiliary phony Lawn. Jn the luxurious weight—fine tex Harrison Greenough, Cloris A. Hatch i J. S. Houck was taken to Portland potluck luncheon which was to be held ture and in the correct size of every sheet and en er, Lyl* Faye Howell, Gail Hufford, at the home of Mrs. €. W. Gano next Sunday in the Schroeder 4 Gano am velope you’ll find the work of stylists. Prices you Ferryl Hughes, Bonita Huntington, 9 .Tuesday noon, May 23, will be held in bulance for medical' examination and can afford, too! J Clarence Ireland, Viola Johnson, La- possibly an operation. He has been the Legion hall instated. SYMPHONY LAWN Veme Knift, G. Tracy Leach, Hazel seriously ill for some time. Mrs. V. R. Wilsos, “Optometrist.” Errors Mansell, Marie Marshall, Gwendolyn Houck accompanied him.tmLwill be in refraction corrected, without the Martindale, Russell Martindale, Glenn with a daughter there while Mr. use of drugs. “For glasses" see Wil- Mast, Jack McCarthy, Faye McCue, Houck is in St. Vincents hospital. eon first and save money. 7tf Jack O. McCue, Madelene McKeown, Mias Lyndell Southstone, of Rink Yula Minard, Myrtle Murphy, Elwyn The MacDowell music club is to Creek, was very much surprised on Nosier, Ro belle Oderkirk, Neil Peart, have its last meeting of the fiscal Tuesday evening by a party of Craig Perrott, Elizabeth Pierce, year next Tuesday afternoon, May 23, friends appearing at all the doors at The Itero Helen Robinson,, Donald Ross, Carol at the home of Mrs. M. O. Hawkins. once wishing her a happy birthday Saling, Dall Sanders, Wm. Linus All members are urged to attend. STATIONERS and many of them. The hours were Seeley, Alvin Shaver, Delos Shinn. Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and spent in playing games, with music Mel-Roy the Magicain Lorraine Simpson, Maxine Simpson, at Liberty Saturday Margaret Staninger, Tom F. Stevens, milk, the only milk and cream made and dancing. At a late hour dainty — safe by paateurization. refreshments * were served, Mrs. Fame Olive M. Tillman, Jack Wheeler, See Mansell Drayage & Delivery The ultimate syllable in magical Were not this desire of fnme very Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled Carol Young. Gene Howe, who has been confined Southetone acting as hostess. achievement is exemplified in the tf A coincidence worthy of note is strong, the difficulty of obtaining It, promptly. to his home on the highway, a few Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sanford, of Ash production of Mel-Roy, “Master Man blocks from the business section, has land, were in Coquille last Saturday of Mystery,” who, with his all new that Jack MdCue shared with three and the «longer of losing It wlwi» ob talned, would be sufficient to deter a r been quite low for the past week and and spent a few hours here with his show of wonders, is to be the attrac nieces the honors of graduating last man from so vain a pursuit.—Joseph practically no hope is held for his re brother, O. C. Sanford, of the First tion at the Liberty Theatre for one evening. Hi* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison. covery. National Bank. The visitor grew to day only, Saturday, May 20. A special' John McCue are also the grandpar A. F. & A. M. ' ents of Faye McCue, Maxine and Lor Man’s Paradise Felix Miller, who has spent the past manhood in Coquille, having left here matinee will be given for the children, Stated Communication raine Simpson. Earth will tie a paradise for a man eight or nine months in the Willam nearly a third of a century ago. The in which many magic rabbits and We regret that time this moAing when he can wash off whiskers ns he Tuesday, June 13, 8 p. m. occasion of their trip was that they ette valley, with headquarters at Eu candy will be given free by Mel-Roy. does not permit our giving a more does dirt —Florida Times Union. In addition to Mel-Roy's prowess aa gene, came in last Thursday for a might epend Mother’s Day with their complete report of the talks given by laughter in Roseburg and they came week’s visit with his parents, Mr. and an exponent extraordinary of magic here and also spent a short time in he is recognized as the foremost dem Mr. Ward and Dr. Wararington. The Mrs. M. C. Miller. subject of the latter’s address was V* Marshfield, seeing old friend». onstrator of psychic phenomena, and Old Beaver Hill Vein'Coal, «4.50 “Youth and Their World.” » " was perhaps the first to present his per ton for lump delivered in Coquille. FRIDAY (One After complimenting the clans and W. H. Wimer Dies As sensational demonstrations via the Leave orders at Roosevelt Service the indication it gave of a fine aggres A THRILL A MINUTE! Result of Sawmill Accident radio, having been heard over forty sive citizenry in this district of Coos Station, phone 114. C. Jack Shumate. See Tom in Action Midst the Fiercest Forest Fire Ever Screened! ■■■!■ ■ ,1 I ■ odd stations. 7tf county, Dr. Warrngton lauded Oregon k (Continued from first page). The illusions carried by Mel-Roy Last Tuesday at the regular meet constitute many new Oriental master as the next to greatest thing in the ing of' the Coquille Woman’s Relief 1899 in trucking and mill operation. pieces in addition to those from his world. The Pacific ocean is the great With Judith Barrie, Raymond Hatton, Eddie Gribbon Corps No. 48, plans were completed Mr. Schmitt said that in all that time own workshop. Magic that will de est. Referring to the depression which for Memorial Sunday and Decora there had not been a written contract light any age, from the materializa NEWS COMEDY CARTOON tion Day. Further notice next week. signed, all their agreements being tion of threver expected rabbits to has affected school* as well as busi Children 10c .... Adults 25c —«Press Correspondent. verbal, and that there had never been his most elaborate offering, all will ness, he told, of a negro preacher who had taken up golf, and wanted to use r be shown. Fruits and Vegetables at Tuttle's a solitary dispute between them. William H. Wimer was born in Jo During his famed seance, or “ques golf terms n a sermon on bow to end ! stand, Folsom Apartments, corner MAY Day Only) He finally evolved sephine county, Dec. 7, 1871, being tion answering,*’ where he responds to the depression. Highway and Third. this masterpiece: “ Putt ” your faith in six months past 61 years of age. Ha queries, written either in the theatre Her Coquille friends will regret was married to Miee Mary Adams, of or in the pivacy of home or office and God; putt your car in the garage; hearing that Mr». Rosa Glossop, for Bandon, on Fishtrap, a few miles sealed aa the writer may desire, he and putt your wives to work.” And His Entire Company Presenting Magical Sensations mer teacher in the schools here, frac This class has at its finger tips the above Coquille, Feb. 12, 189«. A few wishes it thoroughly understood that Direct from RKO tured her right limb when she fell on years pfter their marriage they went he disclaims any affiliation with pow accumulated wisdom, knowledge and the steps of a neighbor’s home at experiences of all the age, and there out to the Grants Pass district, but ers other than natural and that what NEVER BEFORE HAS SUCH A ROAD SHOW BEEN Marshfield, Wednesday morning. for the past eleven years have made he does, although apparently uncanny, are no hqjghto they cannot scale. The ENGAGED FOR THE PEOPLE OF COQUILLE. Mrs. Lyman Carrier and daughter, their home on Spurgeon Hill in Co still is within the scope of the aver only thing that can cause them to fail lies within themselves. No other You will see a living woman sliced into 4 parts, before your very eyes! Martha, intend accompanying Miss quille. age human. Thia modesty on Mel- A living person suspended in midair, without any means of support! Hazel Adams to her home at Union. Beside his widow, Mr. Wimer is Roy’s part, while attractive, leaves power can stop them. Through the modern agencies man You will see .Mel-Roy catch pigeons and gold fish right out of the air. Oregon, for a few days’ visit. They survived by six children—Wsyne W. his auditors unconvinced that he''is will leave Sunday. Misa Adams has and Lyle Wimer, Mrs. Ivan Gregory not possessed of faculties out of the is in constant touch with all the news There are hundreds of experiments that will delight both of the world, aa it happens; he has all adults and children taught in the Coquille schools for and Miss Elda, all of Coquille, Mrs. ordinary. several years. J. C. Dean, of Aberdeen, Wash., and “Never before has such a road show the modern took known to science for development of a still higher cim, SPECIAL MATINEE SATUR EVENING 2 COMPLETE Lawn mowers sharpened arid put in Mm. John Darrow, <rf Astoria, and been engaged for the people of Co ilization, but the sad part is that he DAY 2 P. M. SHOWS five grandchildren. Also a sister, quille, ” is the announcement from first elaaa condition at C. E. Collins Children - 10c Children 15c < cannot, or has not, yet learned how to Auto Body Shop, West Front street, Mrs. Elisabeth Veltum, of Cathlamet, Messrs. Clever A Wood. ______________________ F use those tools for construction rather 35c Adults Adults Wash., and three brothers, G. W., of 35c Coquille. Marshfield, J. D., of Leland, Ore., and Impressive Grand Council Fire ithan destruction; nor how to make Many Magic Rabbits & Candy will be given FREE them prevent such a depression as Mrs. Harry Peltz, who came over E. A. Wimer, of Coquille. All of the At an impressive Grand Council the world has endured for nearly by Mel-Roy Saturday Afternoon last week to visit at the home of her above mentioned were here yesterday father, A. L. Simpson, for a week, for the funeral except J. D. Wimer, Fire ceremony, held in the high school four years. auditorium Wednesday night, the says that Klamath Falls has seen who was unable to leave home. The twentieth century man is lit r Camp Fire Girls groups of Coquille erally lost in the civilization he has snow fall every day this month. In Mr. Wimer will be missed by a Coquille it has been rain every day large circle of friends and acquain preaented their parents and friend created, and his wish for the gradu & TUESDAY with a most enjoyable spectacle. since April 29. ates was that they might step out tances. Of a jovial disposition, hon The ceremony opened with the en BEHOLD THE WONDERS OF NEW SHOW WORLD! M. C. Miller and son, Felix, left to est in all his dealings, and upright in trance of the guardian. Mrs. Leona from their school life with the con day on a trip to Forest Grove, Port all things, he was a man who at- Bryant, Misses Rosabel Shone, Mary sciousness that they are superior to their circumstances. land and Seattle. They will attend traded friends. Ella Cary and Katherine Jane Hass “I accept my universe,” is a re Another good man has gone to hie the commencement exercises of Pacific ler, end they united in the Wehelo mark Dr. Warrington frequently Univemity where Miso Virginia Miller reward. call. The Camp Fire Girls* singing of makes to himself and by putting him graduates this month. All three will “Kahwito Kamya," was followed by self in accord with nature and her a return in about ten days. Quick Trip to California the hand sign and the Candle Lighting inviolable laws, man develops a suc The Heart Song of the Great White Way! Roy Gudmundaon and Dan Fish i ar ceremony, performed by Margaret C. B. Gregory, who had gone down cessful life, z I Belloni. Vivian Henderson and Alice into Curry county on a prospecting rived home from their California trip The speaker declared himself as DAZZLING ARRAY OF STARS! THE 200 MOST BEAU trip, up Elk river, came home last at ten o’clock Tuesday evening, hav Wheeler. not interested as to what the young TIFUL GIRLS IN THE WORLD! HIT MELODIES THAT Marilyn Compton and Dorothy men and women were going to do, so week. There was too much rain, and ing left Stockton, 547 miles away, at ARE SWEEPING THE»NATION! BREATH-TAKING with the streams swollen he eould do six o’clock that momfing. They were Glaieyer were awarded the rank of much as why they were going to do little prospecting. He intends going stopped a total of two hours on the Fire Maker and presented with the it A fesither floating in the air and SPECTACLE & ACTION! return trip. They made the trip from symbolic bracelet by their guardian, back when the weather clears. an arrow whizzirig toward the mark Coquille to Richmond, 517 miles, in while Margaret Belloni, Vivian Hen are so very different because the ar GREAT Guy Forsythe, in the game enforce 14 Vfc hours. At Santa Rosa they derson and Audrey Taylor received row has a purpose. Too much milling ment department of the state police, talked for a few moments with a the Wood Gatherer award, the purple around and not enough purpoee in WARNER BAXTER BEBE DANIELS GEORGE BRENT was up here from Gold Beach Wed former Coquille girl, Catherine Pook, beads being presented by their guard life, are the great causes of failure. GINGER ROGERS UNA MERKEL RUBY KEELER nesday night. Like so many of us now Mrs. DeVoto, and then went on ian. . He also exalted a philosophy of GUY KIBBEE DICK POWELL NED SPARKS he wanted to know when the weather to Vallejo and Oakland where Roy The ceremony closed with the sing life which will give to a man a sense I was going to change. He aaid lota of visited his parents. They visited an ing of “Mammy Moon” by the group of dignity as he stands in the midst trout are being caught on the Rogue aunt of Dan’s at Stockton Monday. of which Mrs. Bryant is guardian. Matinee Sunday 2 P. M. of the universe. now. Dr. Warirngton concluded his re 'No Evenings two shows 7:15 Matinee 19c A 25? The Children’s Church of the Four Match Volley Ball Game, May 23 Edel) Bryant Camptm Champion marks with the quotation from Oliver and 9:15 Evenings Volley ball is still going strong at - 10c A 35c square Church entertained their moth- Edell Bryant, former Coquille High Wendell Holmes’ “The Nautilus,” ers last Saturday afternoon. A special the Community Building every Tues School athlete, settled the dispute | which begins, “Build thee more state program was given after which re day evening and the 25 to 30 business as to who was the fastest miler on ly mansions, oh my soul!” freshments were served to all the and professional men are getting the Oregon State campus when he A special won this event in a five-way meet mothers and children. Mrs. Denser is quite a kick oat of it WEDNESDAY MAY 25 Not Werth the Cort the superintendent of this department game has been arranged for next here last week-end. He covered the The bureau of mines says that many Tuesday evening, at nine o’clock, be four lapses in 4:2« in competition of the church. tween two picked teams. On one with runners from.Pacific university, pro cosese have been proposed for ex tracting gold from water, but none Mrs. Clifton Brockman and two will be Denton Ellingson, Geo. Mc BARBARA STANWYCK in Oregon normal school, Willamette has proved commercially profitable. children, who came down from Port Clellan, Haldane Holmstrom, Geo. University and Oregon State rooks. The usual solvent for gold is aqua tt1 land last week for a visit with her Anderson and Done McCune. On the Bryant, a sophmore in college, hae regia, a mixture of hydrochloric add parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Terrea, other will be a bunch of not so young two years more of vareity competi- and nitric acid dllbted in water. f expect to return home next week. has-beens: Luckey Bonney, Pete tion before being graduated. Mr. Brockman, who was employed at Miller. Jiggs and Brick Leslie and Art the Busy Comer here a few years Berg. If you want to subscribe for a Port ago, is now conducting a store of his Spectators are always welcome, land daily the eiubbing combination own in Portland and could not get but we advise against placing any we offer with the Sentinel win save away for the trip down here. bets on the decrepit bunch of ratal you money. Telling About People and Events in the City and County Your FRIENDS are SURE to Recognize 75c to $1 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc 1 DRUGGISTS Chadwick Lodge No. 68 Day Only) MAY 19th Tom Mix in “HIDDEN GOLD” SATURDAY 20th (One Mel-Roy “The Magician” MAY 21-22-23 SUNDAY. MONDAY ‘ a 42"“ Street 14 STARS „ ADMISSION 24 - AND THURSDAY Pal Night . The Bitter Tea of General Yen” LIBERTY ä ” le L t» * 4, A * 4.