Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1933)
X TH» COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1933. * I and Haileta Laird, Mrs. Ivan Laird r and children. Mas. Bert Mead, Minor and Florence Mead and the Elmer Wil 4 son family. Shown by Morton'a Fleel of The tegular meeting of the ladies’ Myrtle 'I-eaf Club m A h held at the home of Mrs. Ctacar Durell Thursday afternoon. Everyone responded to Operating Cotta of Morton Salt Company roll call by giving the meaning of the of Chicago, III. days of the week and also of the months of the year. The afternoon 1st Ford 1Q12 V-8 Automobiles was spent in needlework and visiting,, Total Mileage to December 31, 1932—1,965,067 sfter which a delicious lunch of whip ped cream cake and banana* and t*a OPERATING COSTS Cost per Mile was served to the following: Mes- Gasoline __________________ .0118 dames Elsie Hicks, Florence Wilson, ( oil ................................ .................. .0016 Stella Laird, Bert Mead, Carrie and Repairs _______________ ...______ .0013 Polly Nickason, Zilphia KrcWaon, Stel Tire and tube repair or replacement .0010 la Crowley, ¡Phoebe Harry, Miss Flor Lubrication__________ .0005 ence Mead and the two hostesses. Anti-freeze solution_ .0002 $ .0161 Mrs. Hilda Durell and Mr*. Doris Vkerman. OTHER VARIABLE COSTS .Glenq Ackerman came home Thur«- Washing and parking __ ___ .___ $ .0009 lay And returned Monday to hi* work. Garage ___________ w__ _____ .0011 He, i« employed on the state highway ToHs....... .......... .......... ................ .0002 •tear Drain. Accidents ____ _________ __________ .0003 .0025 Mrs. Ethel Abernathy, of Dora. ’Pent the week up in the valley, tak- Sub Total______ :_____ _ S .0189 , ihg care of the postoffice during the FIXED COSTS . ’ absence &f her mother, Mrs. J. D. 1932 & 1933 licenses & other taxes $ .0010 Laird. Insurance (for 12 months)_______ .0024 Miss Eula Doak, of Cooquille, Is vis Depreciation___ _______________ _ .0095 .0129 iting at the home of her aunt, Miw. Jake Bohlander. Grand Total $ .0318 Those to enjoy ¡Sunday dinner at the The cat* on which the above costa apply were in service an average home of Mr. and Mrs. W.- A. Nicka Bridge Happenings of six months each a* of December 31«t, 1932, and were used in every wn were: Mr. and Mr*.- Bert Mead, described real property ..................... ----- real to satisfy * ,the An interesting meeting of the Alta Mead, Mrs. Eva Burris and section of the United. State* ilcui Jersey City, N. J., to Beaumont, sum of 31 . . ___ 31647.00, and __ the ______ further »f,|2r “ aa attorney’s fees, and Grange was held Friday evening, with daughter, Lois, all of Gravel Ford, sqm of .3210.00 Texan, and from Tampa, Fla., to Seattle, Wash. , Depreciation on these I coat* and disbursements, together a number of visitors present during Mr;l*n<| Mrs. Ivan Laird and family, automobile* is figured at a flat rate of 3187.00 per year per automo I with accruing costs, I WILL ON SAT the lecturer’s hour. The program con bile. Most of the units in the Morton Salt fleet of Ford V-8' r are Mr; and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and fam-' URDAY, THE 20th DAY OF MAY, sisted of the following numbers: I v,{ Florence^ and Minor Mead. Carrie Tudor Sedan« with a few Panel types included. 1933, at the hour of 10 o ’ clock in the C. W. NOYES ... Ionells Cutties 'lijkason and the W. A. Nickason forenoon of said day at the front door Solo Attorney at Law I of the County Court House in the City Recitation, “Mr. Nobody” family. I of Coquille, ¡Coos County. Oregon, offer Practice in U. 8. D. Court and Lynn Crilee Culver ifrs. P. A. Alford, who has been for sale and sell at public auction, to State Court* th* highest and best bidder for cash Dialogue, “Learning to Drive” quite ill, remains the same with Ut Rm. Ne. 3 Farmer* A Merchant* in hand, all the right, title and inter Ionella Curtiss and Winifred Clayton ile improvement. eat of the said Defendants in and to Skit - Bank Bldg., Coquille, Oregon - Helen Jamee, Geneva Alta Mead returned to her home at Mrs. Fred Powers entertained her the following described real psoperty, Safety First Evernden and Roy Porter Gravel Ford after spending several bridge to-wit: 1 club at luncheon Thursday; lat Certain African tribe* require that DR. H. W. HERMANN Lot 3, the South East 14 of the Contest, “A Flower Romance” days in the valley. i er bridge wa* played. a man to be eligible to marry must be j North West M, and the North East Won by Mrs. Alvin Allen Optometrlat Mr. and Mr«. Tom Lawhorn made a John and Lloyd Wilson, of Coquille, able to run, jump, swim and fight. % of the South West 14 of Section Games, Looby Loo and Barnyard Buff Coqui il* Hotel business trip to Marshfield over the were ' attending to business in Power* These items evidently are listed In the One (1), in Township 30 South, of The solo, dialogue and skit were week-end, 2nd Friday each month ' Range 15 West of the Willamette < on Tuesday. order of their importance.—Atlants Meridian in the County of Coos, and furnished by Mrs. Estelle Porter, ae F. A. Stewart, who has been in the Constitution. Latest methods of fitting glaeeee I State of Oregon. surprise numbers. Coos Bay Market for several years, News Notes From Powers Said sale being made subject to re A Flora program is being planned Flotsam «old to Dunham and closed his store demption in the manner provided by Title Guarantee & Abstract Ce. Mrs. Fred Stock entertained her Tuesday evening. The Stewarts have for the next meeting. The Home law. Naturalist* are baffled by a strange Dated at Coquille, Oregon, thia Economic« club meets with Mrs. Al bridge club last Thursday at her home made many friend* while they were fish washed up from the ocean. A Attracts of Titio, Notary Pub* 20th day of April, 193.T bert Panioast this week. Mra. Eatelle when three tables of auction bridge here who will regret to see them go. tentative theory la that someone ha* píete abstract plant in Coo* Co. H. E. Hees, Porter was unanimously elected as were in play during the afternoon. They will leave in about two week*. dumped hl* bridge prlae* at *ea.—De Ite, Ina. Eonds. Th* only eom- ♦ 14t5 Sheriff of Coo* County, Oregon. troll New*. drill leader of the Grange. At th* High score went to Mrs. Ray Stewart J. E. AXTELL, Sec. i close of the evening, refre»hments and low to Mm. Vera Carty. Coquille, Ore. Phone MM Camp Fire Girls *Notes IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE . - -------------- - - - The Coon Bay Lumber Co. is trying Awere served. Thi* Grange is parti- TRANSPORTATION BIDS STATE OF OREGON IN AND ---------------- to get started and will send the men The Otokaon group held a regular I cipating in the “Know Your Oregon FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS . _ The combined Riverton School DR. J. J. LESLIE In the Matter^of the Estate of J. L. *nd the West” campaign, and wa* out as soon a* the snow is off the meeting Tuesday, May 9, at the home Board* will receive secret bid* for the DENTIST L Holycroas, Deceased. ground. — | of Mrs. Geo. Bryant, their guardian. I fortunate enough to receive the sec- transportation of pupil* on the follow Notice to Creditor* Hours 3-12 «>, 1 to 3 p. m. A nice farewell party was given A contest for attendance wa* started. ' fond prize, amounting to 316”in the No. 3052 ing route* at their meeting, May 15, Evening by appointment M..i. Dude Watson on Tuesday at the The side having the least number ab 2 p. m.: 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, March contest. Over Hudson Drug Store That the undersigned has been duly i Mr. and Mra. C. B. Frayer, of Bat home of Mrs. VeraCarty. Four table* sent!* to be given a dinner by the 1. Bear Creek, Parkersburg to Riy- cSCrt"1- Executrix of^he* estote’of «« re’ spending pen°,n* " a lew tle Mountain, * ar8 few o.y. day* of bridge were in play during the af losing side. Th* sides are as follows: erton, (regular route.) ternoon. High score went to M m . Ray Virginia Hartson, captain, Isabel ■aid Deceased, and has duly qualified thw week at the Wm. R. Brown home. 2. Bear Creek, Parkersburg to DR. J. F. YOUNG aa such. 7 I There wa« an attendance of 48 at Stewart and low to Mr*. C. H. Crew. Uns >eld, Kathleen Brady, Eileen Per »rton plus Leneve and Coaledo to , NOW THEREFORE, all persons Sunday School Sunday, in spite of the A lovely guest prize was given to Mr*, cy, Lorraine Sandens, Martha Carrier, Chiropractor "rton. (Regular route plus upper ' having claim* against said Estate are stormy day. Mary Lou Nosier, Audrey Taylor, Jo N*orth Bonk route.) There was no church Watson. 343 So. HaU hereby notified and required to pre The Royal Neighbors gave a Moth- sephine Lucas. Next Door south of City Holl sent the same, together with proper service, as J. W Barnett was unable 3. Randolph to Riverton (regular Maxine Brining, captain, Lucille vouchers therefor, to the undersigned to be here, so the Christian Endeavor! er’» Day program Monday night, when The new phone 102-M at th office* of J. Arthur Berg, in Co- meeting was held durjng the church «bout 15 mothers were guest* of the 3herwood, Marilyn Compton, Marion route.) 4. Randolph to Riverton plu* Len- ?uilie, Oregon, within aix month* hour, under the leadership of Junior lodfie- After a nice program Mrs. Ray Hess, Dorothy Glaisyer, Jean McNeliy, rom the date hereof. ever and Coaledo to Riverton (regu . Stewart, Mr*. Reuben Steven« and Georgiana Johnson, Margaret Belloni, Dated this 28th day of April, M. Bartlett. lar route during past year.) Viola Holycroas, Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Lett «pent the Mrs. A. I. King served a nice lunch, I)roi* Compton. Coaledo, Leneve to Riverton Executrix of the Estate of J. L. past week-end with the latter's broth- The Royal Neihbor* will sponsor a Josephine Lucas, an old member of (regular route 1931-32.) , Holycroas, deceased. er, Will Carl, and family, near Grants community program on Memorial Day. our group, returned from Coos River J. Arthur Berg, The school board reserve* th* Attorney for Executrix. 16t5 Paes. Robert James drove the car for ! Mr. and Mrs. Art Munger returned and is planning on rejoining. right to accept or reject any or all them. Mr. Lett is recovering from an 'to Powers Tuesday evening, —Audrey Taylor. bids. 16(2 NOTICE OF WARRANT REDEMP injury to his leg. received when he ' TION was struck by a falling tree laat week. ' I Notice i* hereby given that all war Miss Charmian Knight, of Bandon,’ DR. J. R. BUNCH ranta outstanding, issued against the who had been a guest at the home of. DENTIST Water Fund of th* City of Coquille, her aunt, Mrs. Dwight Culver, for * X-RAY Servie* Oregon, and endorsed prior to Janu couple of weeks, went Monday to the ’ I ary 1, 1932, are now called for pay home of another aunt, Mrs. Dsn Crib- Laird Bldg. First Street ment and redemption. Interest on bens, where she will visit for a while. i Telephone fil-L Caqniile, Or* same will cease on May 14, 1933. Stanleyregke, accompanied by a I It W. S. STCKELB, couple ort friends, «pent a few day« ~T Treasurer of City of Coquille, Ore. last week at hi* home here. They re-1 GRANT CORBY turned Monday to Oakridge, where Attorney at Lav McKinley Note* they are employed. Mrs. Ray L. Beckett and Mis* Mian Maxine Ingram, of Lee, who is CoqaHle, Ora. Maude ¡Hooten are arranging a Moth ■toying with her brother, Norman, un 34-M er's Day program, which will be pre til school is out, visited her parents, sented during the Sunday school hour Mr. and Mr*. Bud Ingram, over the next Sunday morning, The program week-end. J. ARTHUR BERG MAKE UP YOUR OWN CLUB! f will consist of readings, song* and a Several of th* McKinley people at Attorney al Law short play. tended the play at Fairview Saturday Commencement exerctaes of the night • Farmers AMwehaat* Bank Bld* Bridge High School will be held in the PkoM 17 Harold Glenn went to Crave! Ford 1 Magazine From Group “A” high school auditorium on Thursday Saturday, where he is working for 2 Magazine« From Group “B” evening, May 25, at 3 o’clock. There Herman Detlefsen. are five members in the graduating Ami A large crowd from McKinley and class. surrounding communities met at the WHY PAY THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Year) McKinley community hall to hear Paul MOQE? Brewster Valley Dal* of the farmer*’ national commit Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laird and son. tee of action and H. J. Correll of the farmers’ state committee of action5 Kenneth, left Wednesday for Rosebufg Your Choie* of Any On« Your Choice of Any Two The men talked on the relief situation. to spend several days visiting their Magazine in This Group Magazines in This Group J. A- RICHMOND ' Lyman King returned to hi* home' son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Binger GROUP A PHYSICIAN and BURGBOlf GROUP B in McKinley Friday after spending Laird, □ McCall'* Magasin* Batter Homas A Gardens .1 Yr. several weeks in Bandon working for, Mm. Leslie Groat and son, Rodgers, Richmood-Barker Building □ Woman's Hom* Comp,....! YE Woman's World._________ 1 Yr. his brother, Elmer. i who spent several days last week in Coquille, Ore. □ Pictorial R*ri*w_______ 1 Yr. Household Magaste*.___ 1 Yr. Lee Mast took hi* faher, E. P. Remote with her parents, Mr. and »ïrÀECÏAFr □ Scrssn Play___________ 1 Yr. N**dl«cr*ft 1 Yr. I’honee: Office «M, Bee- (Lark) West, to Coquille Thursday to Mrs. Charley Holmes, returned home □ Hollywood Meri* Mag i Yr. see the doctor. The elder Mr. Mast Monday, □ Open Road (Boy*) J. J. 8TANLBY has been in poor health this spring. I Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilson went to □ Pathfinder (WMy.) Roseburg Thursday to attend the J. F. Glenn, who haa been making LAWYHR his home with Cecil Dugger thia win funeral service* of an old friend of Office tai y« National Bank ter, spent several days last week with the family. While there they stayed with their son, Edward Wilson. his son, George Glenn, and family. Ruilding. Coquille, Oregon John Jenkins, of Norway, spent Albert Christensen received a badly several days last week with friends in bruised hand Wednesday evening when a “myrtle cant" fell on it. Norway. FORECLOSURE salb Gentlemen Mike Krantz, father of Mrs. Cecil Mr. and Mr*. Jesse 'Hick* and eon, NOTIC® re HEREBY GIVEN. I enclose That under and by virtue of «n Exe Dugger, spent Wednesday evening at Claud, spent Saturday in Roseburg. Mr. and Mr*. Hailey Laird and , cution and Order of Stale issued e«t of the Lee Meet home. .«eked with a year's There ara no strings attached to thi: the Circuit Court of th* 9tota of Eighth grade diplomas will be Phyllis and Haileta, of Portland, sur Oregon for the County of Coo* on the presented to Anna Holmstrom, Arden prised many of their friend* and rel offer! Every magazine subscription 20th day of April, 1W3, in a rariajn cause in eaid Court pending wherein Maiden and Bert MaDowell Saturday atives over the week-end when they will be filled exactly as represented Bertha 0 Stilwell is Plaintiff. and evening. Two short one-act comedies arrived in th* valley for a short visit. If any of your subscriptions are re Geo. B. Morgan and A. L. Morgan, will be presented also, followed by a Those to enjoy Saturday dinner at sometime* known ae Laura Morgan, dance. newals the time will be properly ex- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil-1 now Laura McDuffee. formerly hus eon were Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Nicka- band and wife, ar* Defendants, Cnee | Warranty ana Bargain A Bal* son and family, Mr*. Carrie Nickason, No, 10137, of said Court and com-, Mr. and Mr*. Halley Laird, Phylli* manding me to »*11 th* hereinafter Deeds for sale at Th* Sentinel office. Coquille School NewB > Washington Building Our geneial review is now on in all the rooms.' The grade work for the year ha* been covered by each teach er and in preparation for the final test a serie* of tetita are being given I to refresh and prepare the mind* of all for the finals. The four rooms upstair* listened to an interesting description of the work carried on at the State Blind School given by Mine Cobb who baa had ex perience in work at that school. More flowers, more beauty, more interest and all for the best for all our pupil*. Many lovely bouquet* have been brought in by the pupil* of the various rooms and have been enjoyed by all. High School Last Friday the Home Economie« Club entertained the student body and.a group of parents with a style show. The "clothe* modeled Were made by the girls wearing them and made a very pleasing display. The dirls League held their an nual Mother's Day tea in Pioneer Hall last Friday. Due to the weather, the attendance was not a* great as usual but therse who came were well entertained by the appropriate pro- gram prepared by the girls. ECONOMY and EFFICIENCY 1 Ford V-8’s Professional Cards Niles Motor Co. Phone 25 Coquille LOOK HERE FRIENDSlA„W a DOLLAR SAVING OFFER! — CHOOSE ALL4 ONLY ÍT’fwSrowfs f n