TBB COQÜILLB TALLEY BBNTINBL. COQUILLE. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 11. 1»M. PAGB FOUR The Sentinel .TABLOIDS I a seoo eases is a moo mm By W. 8. Sickels | “An I know i* what I read in thel H. A. YOUNG and M._ D. GRIMES Fu^iiahers H. A. YOUNG. Editor papera.”—Will Rogers. Subscription Rates One Year ..•••»,*••• Six Months ................................ ... Three Months........................................ 40 -, No subscription taken unless paid for ia advance. This rule is impera­ tive. •RS Advertising Rates play advertising. 25 cents per _ it less than 5 inches. 30 cento per inch. No advertisement inserted for less than 50 cents. Reading* notices 10 cents per line. No reading notice, .or advertisement of any kind, insert ed for less than 25 cents. Entered at the Coquille Postofflce a» Second Class Mail Matter. 1 - Coquille should put on its gala dies« next week and show the ladies of" the Business and Professional Women’s Clubs that we appreciate their coming, to Coquille for their state convention. There are very few people who can draw $4500 in cash from a bank in these parts, and it is not a safe thing to do, anyway. Week before last, J. H. Morrison, of Myrtle Creek, 77 years of age, did. just that, intending to put the money in a postal savings account the next day. But that night a burglar entered the Morrison home, hit the old man over the head with a flashlight, reached under the bed clothes, extracted the wallet and fled without leaving any clues. 1 j f Greed The ancients had many gods and goddesses, also many devils. Vices were designated aa devila, ths casting out of which was performed through various incantations and ceremonies Greed ia a devil who practices infern­ al magic with much success, even in this day and generation. He is re­ sponsible for much of the discontent and dissatisfaction pervading the wofld. At his door may be placed the ills, unhappiness end concomitant evils which distract and harrow the souls of men. The greedy manufacturer, not con­ tent wivh returns sufficient to enable him to live comfortably, enlarged his plant for the purpose of making more money, and making it faster. The greedy merchant expanded hia es­ tablishment that he might become rich beyond bis needs. The greedy farmer added acres and acres to hie domain with the thought of becoming rich and influential, and so it has been throughout the whole gamut of human affaira. To which waa added high-presure salesmanship—and the result was over-production. The mar­ ket crashed, values fell, wages de­ creased, millions were thrown out of work, causing a hectic scramble for ths lean pickings left—“everyone for himself, and the devil take the hind­ most.” What business and industry need is the removal of the incubus of confis­ catory taxes. The remedy, we think, is in the hands of the people them- wlves, who must resolutely tackle the problem, or like the Romans, be en­ slaved in a system at taxation that means the decline—or perhaps the ie« traction—of the existing order. bris”; yet you wouldn't say "dee- briss”, instead of “de-bray". “Eventually, why not now,” is an advertising slogan that has been used for several years by a certain line of business, but is would not make much of a hit in an undertaker’s ad. “Am I thy brother's keeper?” the evasive and sneering answer given by Cain to the Lord when He inquired m to the whereabouts of Abel. As the Bible does not answer that ques­ tion there is justification for believing that persons of sound mind are ex­ pected to take care of themselves. Those unfortunates having unsound minds are in the care of keepers, duly provided by orpin ixed society. feJLLUJUJi The fact that the state textbook commission adopted now texts in >>ome subjects last fall does not mean that perfectly good and usable books must be discarded immediately in favor of the new adoptions, Chas. A. Howard, state superintendent of public instruc­ tion, points out. The change to the new texts may well be postponed an­ other year in such cases with a saving of thousands of dollars to parents and taxpayers. Establishment of book exchanges ip high schools and a rental system for text books such as history and litera­ ture is also recommended as aids toward economy. If the legislature could haye fore­ seen the grief it was wishing on to the board of control by vesting that body with authority to “adjust” salaries under the new pay cut schedule it would probably have omitted that au­ thority and made the salary reduc- tions on a hard and fast basis, At its meeting this week—the first in a month, incidentally—the board touch - od on the subject, backed otf and then agreed to tackle the problem next Monday and go through with the dis­ agreeable task. State Treasurer Hol­ man indicated an inclination to leave the matter of pay cuts pretty much up to the various department heads. Secretary of State H om opposed the suggestion on the ground that it was contrary to both the letter and spirit of the law. While many of the de­ partments are applying the cuts ac­ cording to schedule, others show a tendency to fudge on the scheduled re­ ductions wherever possible. I ost of Ivory 3 tiectnc KerrigeraTors la H omos Today b a G-E Monitor Top • TTERE’S the refrigerator *en- X j L sadea of the year ... the aew 10* General Electric! Before you invest a penny in gefrijew^Mib^aiiy this great The new 10* G-E freezes more Ice fester, rmr—»— leas current, operates so quietly yon can scarcely hear it. New nll-iteel cabinets bm Reaming porcelain faaide and oat... beautifully modern in appearance. Even the famous Monitor Top is newly dssigned, with glistening ONE outstanding feature in refrigeration. No other mecha­ nism has matched its record for dependable, trouble-free service. It alont among hading mahet, it now guaranteed 4 Yean against mechanical failure. There’s a G-E model, size and price for every home and purse, in­ cluding the Standard MonitorTop models, and she new G-B Junior .. today's out­ standing value among conventional flat-top refrigerators. Prices as low as Come in .. let us show you the marvelous new 10* G-E with its ten star features! See the com* plete G-E line! As little as $7 down and $7 • month putt • G-E in your kitchen tomorrow. Savings on food costs alone will more than meet the easy monthly payments. Why delay, when welting is actually wasting! That reliable agency, the Associ­ ated Press, has made a survey of tax lelinquency in Oregon by counties. Tere is the paragraph given to Coos. :ou«ty: “In Ooos county taxes due hie year amount to $1,814,000. The ax collecting agencies here, however, relieved little more than 25 percent The G-B Monitor Top is >f this amount would be received. There the county gets but 37 cents Irinew generation. So it is fitting that on Mother’s >f each tax(dollar paid.” The state’s iroportion of all taxes levied, whether Day we honor mothers, it is even collected or not, must be remitted in more fitting that on this day we MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY should take steps to make mother­ •ash by June 1. There will be little hood safe for them, as it is agreed by »r nothing left for cities and school leading authorities that at least half listricts. To these the “turn-over” the 16,000 women who annuaHy die in ’rom the treasurer will consist mainly »f warrants that have been recenved childhbirth could be saved by ade^ >y him in payment of taxes. Ap- quate maternity care. rarerftiy the state of Oregon cares A meeting aimed to help remedy William Einsig, secretary of th« $2,187,932, while this year under .the carrying them straight through the Indian Relics Given U. of O. the situation is being held in New vot if every one of its geographical board of control, to checking up on the stimulus of the new forestry program year. A collection of Indian relics valued subdivisions defaults and becomes York City today with Mrs. Franklin building needs of the state institutions it is estimated that, al. least $7,000,000 Experience' in Oregon during the at approximately $800 hae been pre­ D. Roosevelt as principal speaker. A 'snkrapt. It must have the money to with a view to negotiating a loan from will be spent in this.state. J*.* last few yeans has demonstrated sented to the University of Oregon by number of outstanding medical eu­ urn over to Portland bankers, who Uncle Sam's Reconstruction Finance more clearly than ever before the >rought the usual pressure to bear in Dr. L. S. Cressman, professor of an­ thorities and educational leaders ere Corporation. All capital outlays were A total of 1,896 work permits were value of immunizing children against thropology at the University of Ore­ »reventing a change in thio iniquitous on the program. passed up by the legislature because issued to Oregon children under the diphtheria. Diphtheria can be eradi­ 'aw by the last legislature. Every gon.. The collection includes obsidian of lack of funds but if the federal gov­ age of 18 during 1932, according to cated from this state. Young child­ •ounty treasurer is groaning under blades, mortar«, tools and even skele­ MISSISSIPPI PASSES TAX ON ernment is willing to foot the mil C. (H. Gram, state labor commissioner. ren under six years of age should be he rank injustice of being compelled Oregon may as well get its share, es­ Employment of children under 14 protected. Evidence is clear and un-1 tons, found by Dr. Cressman during (Oregon Voter) to rob other funds in order to satisfy his studies in Oregon. Most of them 'Leering how by experience, the he rapacity of the state. A refusal pecially since it is taken for granted years of age in industrial plants is mistakable that diphtheria is at least I are from the famous Gold Hill section. I that none of the R. F. C. loans to the forbidden by law in this state and twice as dangerous for the child un­ jnorchanta of Mississippi are passing to comply would result in removal Included in the collection are a Ne­ states wilt ever have to be paid back. the sales tax along to their customers, ’rom office—but not disgrace. Sup- children between 14 and 18 years of der five years of age as for the child grito bow and four arrows, donated by and the customers are accepting and voce the people would immediately re­ age may only be employed on per­ above that age. Major R. H. Back of the University Picture a solid ribbon of books bor­ mission of the department of labor. paying the tax as a fair tax. Few projects have greater possi­ flect to office a treasurer thus remov­ of Oregon R. O. T. C. unit. dering the Coast highway from Gold On charge accounts, 2 per cent is ed? What then? Or an apreciative bilities for promoting better health Beach to Astoria, thence up the Col­ added to the monthly bill. among children than the physical ex­ Promote Health >eople might order that his salary be Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and umbia river and the Oregon Trail On cash sales, nothing is added on *ontinued until the expiration of amination of all pre-school children the highway* to LsGrande and on up the (Oregon State Board of Health) a purchase of 24 cents or leas, one who are scheduled to enter school milk, the only milk and cream made ‘erm to which he was elected. The need for health promotion 'is for the first time next fall. safe by pasteurization. LaGrando-Enterprise highway as far cent is added on a purchase of from as the city of Wallowa — a ribbon prticularly significant at the present i 25 cents to 59 cents, two cents on a Early diagnosis of tuberculosis ia Perhaps thio column has had too purchase of from 60 cents to $1.24, much to say on the subject of taxes. 906% miles in length and composed of time. Although the general health another project that can be carried three cents on a purchase of $1.26 to Hit there to nothing to talk about that 6,147,826 books laid end to end. That, condition* have been maintained at through the year. Skin tests for de-' according to Harriet C. Long, state li­ unusually favorable levels there are termining whether or not a person is' $1.59, and so on. s more important. brarian, represents the circulation of here and there, on the health horizin,| infected ia important in locating the Customers reacted resentfully Oregon ’s 120 public libraries during definite and unmistakable signs that source of infection. against stores which absorbed the tax The star Arcturus, in the constella- in their prices. The suspicion arose tion of Ursa Major, and the distance 1932. This was an increase of 1,880,- inidcate that the general financial de- ( that these merchants were profiteer­ >f which is 240,000,000,000,000 miles 107 volumes over the books circulated pression has paved the way for the j Feels 20 Years Younger insidious onset of far-reaching dam- ‘ Fan Tell Sex of Baby Chicks ing on the tax while pretending to ab­ from Earth, has been chosen to per­ by the same libraries in the prosper­ age to health among people who have The time is not far distant when a ous year of 1929 and proves conclu ­ sorb it, that it was concealed in the form a little service for us. A beam “I surely can recommend Kruschen price mark-up. A big department >f his light, which takes 40 years to sively that depression and unemploy­ I felt acutely the pinch of economic poultryman desiring to raise 1,000 Salta. I reduced from 156 to 110 | pullets will order just enough more I fos., my natural weight and I feel 20 ment have greatly increased the de­ ' distress. store is reported to have lost a lot of -each Earth, will be captured by an mand for library books, according to Sharp increase in malnutrition baby chicks to care for the ordinary ____ _ yesrs younger. ‘A pinch a day, keep« its trade because of this suspicion, un­ the fat away.' ” Mrs. Vale Walter, Mtronomer’s telescope and by ampli­ Miss Long. I among echo! children has been noticed mortality, rather than ordering twice Seattle, Washington (Dee. 80, 1982). til it swung into line and collected the fied intensity be made to set in motion by public health workers in certain •• many knowing half of them will be °n«s • d*y Uke Kruschen Salts— tax with the sale, as were the other the wheels that w+il turn on the lights Considerable interest attaches to communities in Illinois, and has also cockerels. In fact that is the condi- one-half teaspoonful in a glans of hot stores. ind open the Chicago “Century of the outcome of J. M. Devers visit to been reported from New York City, tion in Japan now, and two Japanese water first thing every morning. Be­ Oregon merchants will not find it so Progress” world's fair. The Colum­ sides losing ugly fat SAFELY you’ll easy to pass the tax along. Here in bian Exposition was held 40 years ago the national capital in an effort to se­ suggesting that this condition may be ' experts on sox determination in baby gam in health and physical attrac­ State tiveness—constipation, gas and acid- cure federal funds to finance cowtruc- on the increase everywhere. Physical i chick« recently visited Oregon --________ Oregon, the merchants are benefited and the beam of light that is to be tion of the five toll bridges on the defects are allowed to go uncorrected college and explained the method to ity will cease to bother—youHl feel by suspension of the tax on their utilized this year is said to have start- Coast highway. The bridges, esti- m,,re th,n in ««me localities. poultry specielista and Oregon hatch- younger—more active—full of ambi-. tangible movable personal property. , tion—clear skin—sparkling eyes. w earthward at that time. Quite a mated to cost $3,500,000 would un- Needed dental repair has not been erymen assembled there. , J,r V*at lasts 1—w w we( This benefit varies. It is not uniform, I, A 4 weeks costs but a coincidence—also quite fantastic. questionably pay for themselves^ don * “ generally aa formerly. There* The method was shown to interest- ' at Fuhrmar^'a’phc' as is the sales tax rate. The merchant through the imposition of a nominal never • time when the Pr°- ed 0»*geaiaee 1 by Hikosaburo Yogo ! dri5*"t*irVn the world—but demand who tries to pass the full two per cent An old Ohio insurance company, toll charge, in the opinion of R. H. taction of mothers and children sms ■ trained expert t ---------- in this work ------------ whn.« 5”° Kruschen and if one bottle tax along will be under the suspicion Z *yfu,,y -«Sfy you-money Health condition* tour in America at present is being of making a profit by the full amount, that has been in business for 84 years, Baldock, state highway enginer. If more important. by the Japanese jruuitry Poultry as his personal property tax saving writing al) kinds of risks except life started at once the bridges would take . which prevail among the children of sponsored .4 ** and is under the leader- may be fully equal to two per cent on insurance, has paid over $44,000,000 three yesrs to complete and give em- today will have a profound influence association In losses. That is better than one-half his sales. payment to hundred* of workmen, ae-' over the character of national vigor ship of Tokuzo Yamagueh, editor of In the long run, the condition will million dollars for each year of its cording to Baldock. and national health of tomorrow. The the Japanese Poultry Journal. existence. It requires a lot of hustling In the demonstration at Corvallis tend to equalise itself if the mer­ important point is that the quality of ✓ for new business to withstand a strata chants do not add the tax on specifi­ There is more snow on the Oregon child health is something that can be Yogo took 100 day-old cMclu from a Hke that on kinds of cally, but recover its excess cost to hills this year than there was a year largely determined through consci­ ' >cal hatchery and quickly separated them by the same kind of price in­ ago, according to a survey made by entious effort. Medical and sanitary them in two groups of 54 cockerels Do unto others as they would do the state engineering department facilities are at hand. The problem and 46 pullets, placing them at the creases they have to charge when they have to take on any new expense that unto you, but do it fust.-4)avid With favorable climatic conditions to to put the knowledge and facilities rate of about 17 a minute. Not content to let time reveal the falls somewhat alike on all their com­ Harum. and I*ong Distance this summer this means plenty of to practical uee. percentage of accuracy, the cockerels petitors as well as on themselvef. This water for irrigation purposes. State Parents, teacher« and all friend« of The word “coupe” as applied to the Engineer Stricklin points out. On the childhood have one common obliga­ were all killed and examined, post ' passing of ths extra tax coot along in the price is the reverse of the prac­ two-paseenger style of closed automo­ other hand if climatic conditions are tion: To bring health and happiness mortem« revealing that Yogo waa 100 tice which is found to work so well in bile, is properly pronounced "coo-pay.” not so favorable it may result in dis­ and a *»tiefactory life to every child perceirt correct as far as that ¿roup J— Naturally the pul- interior Mississippi (not so well tn To say “coop” is to make use of a astrous flods. in, the community. It ia suggested was concerned. border towns, we are told.) At that, form obviously bom of ignorance. that every community in the state lets were left to grow. the Oregon merchant may learn some­ Yet, because it ia popular, very few Since 1916 Uncle Bam has poured a undertake ai health promotion pro­ 11 thing from the Mississippi merchant's persons—even those of educational at­ total of $13,9624666 into Oregon for gram. The most can be accomplished V. R. Wilson, “Optometrist” Errors tainments—have the courage to pro­ the construction of roads and trails in by limiting local effort to one or twe in refraction corrected, without the sxperisnee. nounce the word correctly. It is of national forests. Last year Oregon's projects. It is recommended that pro­ use of drags. “For glasses” see Wil-1 French origin, as la also the Calling cards 100 far «1.00. share of the federal road budget was ject« bs undertaken with the idea of eon first and save money. Ttf L. The great events of this world are not revolutions, and economic confer­ ences and banking reforms. The great events of thia world are babies The most important people in this world are not soldiers, and statesmen and bankers. The most important people in this world are mothers, who are called upon to bring into existence « JUST 46 POUNDS OF FAT GONE New low Price all COAL Local HAUUNG' Phones 101 224L Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. ■a «