THE COQUILLE »VALLEY SENTINEL COQUILLE. ORBGON, FRIDAY, MAY C. IMI. WHAT IS Where’s Is it in some neighbor’s house or in the store? It ought to be in your own home. You need it everyday__ * friends, to call the office, call the butcher, baker, grocer— and to receive business and social calls. You may need one badly some day— to call the doctor— the police—the fire department. 1° The question is not—Can you afford to have a tel­ ephone. It is—Can you afford to be without one? Especially when— * V s ou can have a telephone in Your Own lome for less than 6 cents a day. S West Coast Telephone Company Cooa Boys Going to Camp Enrollment for the 1983 - Ellis E. Newton, Jack R. Pointer, Mar- Citixena’’ vin Skeels, Harry W. Wilson, Coquille. Military Training camp at Vancouver, Wash., has been completed in Cooa county, it was announced today by camp authorities under direction of Brigadier-General Stanley H. Ford. Twenty youths have been notified of their acceptance. The acceptances are contingent up­ on compliance with the entrance qual­ ifications, which included the neces­ sary vaccinations and inoculations, but in most cases these already have been met. Those for whom four weeks of active outdoor work and recreation are ahead, beginning June 23, are: Darrell W. Beaumont, Wm. D. Briggs, Stewart C. Endicott, John E. Forres­ ter, Wm. P. Jones, Walter Williams, Marshfield; Jack H. Bullard, Allan B. Evans; Bullards; Melvin E. Bunch, Deri D. Carver, Lynn Cooper, Lloyd 1 TRANSPORTATION BIDS The combined .Riverton School Boards will receive secret bitte fbr the transportation of pupils on the follow­ ing routes at their meeting. May '16, 2 p. m.: • 1. Bear Creek, Parkersburg to Riv­ erton, (regular route.) 2. Bear Creek, Parkersburg to Riv­ erton plus Leneve and Coaledo to Riv­ erton. (Regular route plus upper North Bank route.) 3. Randolph to Riverton (regular route.) 4. Randolph to Riverton plus Len- ever and Coaledo to Riverton (regu­ lar route during past year.) Coaledo, Leneve to Riverton (regular route 1931-32.) The school bos rd reserve« the A. King, Thomas L. Ostrander, Lloyd right to accept or reject G. Ray, Myrtle Point; Kenneth bids. Hughes, Scott C. Phillips, North Bend; Calling cards 100 for 11.00. without a ] PAGE SEVEN !c. E. CoBventioa at Eugene Largely Attended Methodist Chnrch Hartman, pastor,..s Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock with a sermon on, “A Little Further.” Communion follows. Epworth League Anniversary Day will be observed at the evening hour. The Senior Department of the Young Peoples* Division will be in charge of the service. Church school at 10 a. m., Lyman Carrier, superintendent. Both departments of the Young Peoples’ Division conduct their de- votionals at 7 p. m. • 1 The Boys’ and Gills’ World Club meet in Pioneer Hall, Mrs. Chas. H. Oerding superintending. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, F. G. Leslie, director. Special vocal musical «elections at both services Sunday. The Epworth League orchestra plays Sunday eve­ ning. A cordial welcome awaits you-at all of our services. The 43rd Oregon Christian En­ deavor convention wm held at Eu­ gene, April 27-30, with 1,299 dele­ gates having registered by Saturday i evening. Between 1,200 and 1,700 these persons attended the sessions in which people a very fine recommendation many interesting messages were for quality and quantity of plants and brought by prominent pastors of Ore- packing. A discussion of pool troubles I When: First and Third Tuesdays. gon.‘ The convention opened Thurs­ followed. President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. day evening and closed Sunday eve­ Mrs. Sloan then read an article on Tress.--Mr*. John A. Martin ning. The main addresses, were Cor. Sec.—Mrs. Nellie E. Whereat suitable plants to grow in the shade. “Where Thy Treasure Is" by Dr. Per­ This was followed by Roxie Petten- ry C. Hopper; “Treasures of the It ia surely spring if you judge by gill’a “A Little Garden Story.” Roxie Good Life,” by Rev. Milton S. Weber; the beautiful flower* which were en­ ia one of our younger members and “Christian Endeavor as a Missionary tered in the cup contest at the regu­ her reading was much enjoyed. Joy Enterprise,” by Dr» Paul C. Brown; lar meeting of the Flower Lovers' PettengiH read "Gardening in the “Imperishable ¿Treasures," by Dr. Club Tuesday night at the city hall. Rain,” by Francesca V. Balch in the Levi Pennington and “In Him Are All Mrs. Sloan, Mrs. Strang, Mrs. Roy May number of “Better Homes and Treasures Hidden,” by Dr. Victor P. Pettingill, Mrs. ;Beyers, Mrs. Kern Gardens.” This writer recommends Morris. Eleven conferences were held and Mr. Alexander brought some dressing for protection from rain and Friday, taking in the different de­ very fine displays; in fact they were then getting out into the garden and partments of the C. E. work. Many so fine it was hard to decide Who was working: transplanting, weed-pulling, pastors, scrapbooks and other inter­ entitled to the cup. The first ballot .edging, etc. I am afraid I can’t agree esting thfngs-were displayed in the resulted in a tie between three con­ with her enough to follow her ex­ exhibit room. Dramatisation and testants, and a second ballot ' was ample,- however., • Oratorical contests were also a part Foursquare Gospel Church therefore necessary. • This resulted in The article on Dahlias and their cul­ of the program. a victory for Mrs. Edna Kern, who ture on the "Garden Guide” page of- Second and Heath Streets At the banquets Saturday evening displayed a. large basket of several the Sunday Oregonian was then taken 714 young people and intermediate Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman, PMtors beautiful varieties. Our contest for up by Mrs. Beyers. There was iiome Friday, 7:30 p. m., Bible Study. Christian Endeavorers were present. the next meeting on May 16th, is to be good wholesome direction« in this and Saturday 2:00 p. m. Children’s Myrtle C. E. Union, which is com- mixed bouquets in any kind of a con­ .1 the dahlia lover will find many prac- , posed of the various societies of Church, Mrs. Denser, Supt. tainer. Be sure to come and bring tical suggestions in it. Sunday 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Coos, Curry and part of Douglas your flowers. And remember, the, Mrs. Ida Owen asked the club for counties^was well represented at the Mrs. Jewel, Supt. hour is 8 p. m. ' | help in securing flowers for the B. P. Sunday 11:00 a. m., Morning Wor­ convention, having 73 delegates pres- Mrs. George Leach waa with us; W. convention which convenes this ent, of which, approximately 70 were ship. again thia week after several months’, month. Anyone having flowers and from Coos county. Sunday, 6:30 p. m„ Crusaders. absence caused by the flu. We are wishing to know the dates, please Sunday, 7:30 p. m„ Illustrated ser­ Courtier College Degrees were con­ sure glad to see our old members re­ communicate with Mrs. Owen, either ferred upon the following persons of mon on “The Shadow of the Cross.” turn. Mr. Taylor was unable to be at her home or Bergen’s flower shop. Coquille: Myrtle Benham, Henry Special music. with us Tuesday night, greatly to the The annual flower show sponsored by George, Frank George, Agnes New­ regret of the members who sincerely the Flower Lovers Club each year ton, Willett Jessee and Alvin Mc- First Church of Christ, Scientist hope he will be able to come next was diecussed a little Tuesday night. Quigg. These degrees are awarded Coquille, Oregon time. His place was very ably filled J. P. Beyers is chairman of the gen­ each year to those successfully pass­ Sunday School at 8:80 a. m. by Clifford Kern, one of the vice pres­ eral committee and it is expected that ing the C. E. Expert examinations. Sunday Service at 11 •. m. idents. he will call a meeting of this com­ The lowest grade was 95 per cent and Subject for next Sunday: "Ada* Mrs. Kern gave quite an interest­ mittee soon. We certainly want to the highest 99 per cent. end Fallen Man.” ing talk on the Myrtle Point Garden ’ make our show a success thia year This Union was further honored Wednesday evening meeting at 8 Club’s flower show, which was held and to do that every one must “put by having Mias Alda Sloan elected » last Saturday and at which she and their best foot forward1 and help! as state social superintendent and •’clock. Free public Readinc Room open in Mr. Taylor were judges. I was glad help!! help!!! Don’t forget your Mrs. The (la DeWeese, of North Bend, to hear that one of our^members, mixed bouquet for the next meeting, as state missionary superintendent. Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays Alton Grimes, carried off first prise May 16, at 8 p. m. Miss Sloan was also honored by hav­ from two to five o’clock. on his tulips. ■ — ing her Social scrapbook chosen as The public ia cordially invited to at­ See Mansell Dray age & Delivery the best in the state and she received sent Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled first prise—a book of Socials. Vada tend our services and to visit' the ------------ tf Reading Boom. Swinney, local Quiet Hour superin­ tendent, received a C. E. New Testa­ St. James Church ment for her notebook which repre­ (Episcopal) sented six months* work in her de­ Church school every Sunday at 10 partment I Myrtle C. E. Union was awarded a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent fourth place in the parade and receiv­ Evening service May 7 at 8 p. m. ed a flag bearing her name, position, Rev. W. E. Couper will conduct ser­ place and date of the convention vices. Professor Piccard Plans New Flight Into airaiospnere From Soldier Field at A Century of Progress Exposition thereon. Of the 18 Unions repre­ sented only three were ahead of ."Myrtle” in the flag contest. The convention was very successful and carried out its theme in a won­ derful way and wm indeed an inspira- tion to all those who attended. Cape Town Ona-of Moat Beautiful in All World At the left, Profettor Pla­ card’t balloon w thoron jutt at it will appear when it rieet from Soldier field at A Century of Progreu. The balloon wot ac­ tually photographed at it left the Dübendorf Aerodrome near Zurich latt tummer. Above, Profettor Piccard (the third fig­ ure from the left) it ditcutnng the propoted flight with hue brother Jean (left), Prof. Ar­ thur Compton and Prof. Henry Crew (right). They are ttand- ing in the balcony overlooking the great hall of the Hall of Science, where Prof. Piccard’t ttraiotphere gondola it to be ex­ hibited thii tummer. It may truthfully be said that few places In the world compare with the Cape Peninsula. South Afri<-a, either In scenery, climate, verdure, woods, water salubrity or association. Table mountain, upon which Cape Town rests Its shoulders while Its feet dangle In Table bay, throws Its ever- changing shadows upon a land of trees, flowers, OHk groves, pine woods. health ful hills and arum-lilted valley a In all the world there Is, perhaps, no city so beautifully located as Cape Town. A nobler site for a city could hardly be Imagined. It rtvala Gibral­ tar and Constantinople. Bombay and Ban Francisco. Immediately behind the town, which Ilea along the sea. the majestic mass of Table mountain K sm to a height of 8,600 feet, a steep slope capped by a long line of sheer precipices more than 1,000 feet high, and to the right and left by bold. Isolated peaks. The beau­ tiful sweep of the bay In front, the towering crags behind, and the ro ; mantle pinnacles which rise on either > aide makes a landscape of unusual grandeur. Cape Town enjoys a most equable climate. There Is a wealth of sun­ shine at all seasons of the year. The hrerxe blowing fresh from the sea tenifx-rs the rays of the African sun. —Philadelphia Public Ledger. Methodist Episcopal Church Evening Preaching 7:10 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. Preaching at Bandon 11 a. m. Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev­ eryone welcome. G. A. Gray, Pastor. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore Church of Christ Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor 8unday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. Departments for all ages. Ned C. Kelley, superintendent. 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn­ ing worship. Sermon by the pMtor. 6:30 p. m. C. E. groups meet for levotionals. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Bible Itudy. Willett Jessee, leader. You are cordially invited to all of these services. Church of God Seventh and Henry streets, 2 blocks north of Henry street bridge Pastor. Rev. Geo. S. Murphy. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting 7:80 p. m. Thurs­ day. A place where a stranger does not feel strange Baptist Church ATI the regular services will be held next Sunday, including Sunday School, Young People’s service and public worship services conducted by Capt. G. L Hall. Next Sunday the services in the evening will begin one-half hour later, making Young People’s service start at 7 p. m. and evening worship at 8 p. m. You are cordially invited to worship with us. Next Sunday will be Mr. Hall’s last Sunday at our church. , To Hear Lecture Over KEX „ Radio listeners in Coquille and vi­ cinity will have the opportunity to­ morrow ¿Saturday) evening at eight o’clock io authorised Christian Science lecture on the timely subject, “Christian Science Meets Humanity’s Needs,” by Gavin W. Allen, C. 8. B., of Toronto, Canada, a member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. This lecture, to be delivered under the auspices of Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, in the city auditor­ ium at Portland, wBl be broadcast over station KEX. 1180 kilocycles. are already being constructed ia va­ rious countries ea prineiplee devel- tbe aluminum sphere seed t vbyage. A flight between k and Paris will aadonbt- nade in from six to eight MW plane, he See Mansell Drayage A Delivery Co. for Alpine coal. Ordere filled Ve«pUy. M 4 - t