MB r. « * < « THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY S. 1933. PAGE 8IX --------- —.1 ' sure a keen gun. Th* sixteen i* cham- 220 yd. dash — Browning (M>, Sport Briefs Morris (C). Gailas (C). Time, :26.1. , bered for the long shell that carries a By Mark W. Seeley By 1-ena Leneve 440 yd. dash—Wade (M), Ireland ' regular 12 gauge load while th* six- Again the weather gods framed, Sport attention will be directly (C), Gould (C). Time, :67.8. > teen gauge load may be fired in the against the fisehrmen, Sunday, with centered in Marshfield tomorrow Mile run—IBonniksen (C), Peart' the result that m.ny were kept in by 1 ! 20 ‘Y gauge. Gradually the larger bore* where Coqs county high school ath­ %(e/s$uto Camps (C), Lee (M). Time, 6:06.0. I the rain, but nevertheless, despite the letes will congregate to compete in 880 yd. run—Ireland (C), Barnard i the smaller gauges are becoming more & /fpartments nasty dsy, many fared forth to their the annual truck and field meet on (M), Anderson (M). Time, 2:16.0. popular each season. Time was, when favorite trout streams and many good g I Golden field and, unless weather eon- 120 yd. high hurdles—Mullen (N. an eight gauge gun, that discharged a catches were reported. The past ten .editions put a damper on the proceed- B-), Cooper (C), Ferris (M). Time. whole fist full of shot was popular'; I ings, the event will be one of the days’ trout fishing in the main river :18.4. - and too, there was the old swivel gun, ha* been excellent and some wonder­ most nuccessful of recent years. 220 yd. low hurdles—Cooper (C), mounted upon the bow of a boat that ful catches made. Beside* th* trout Work on the track has put it in fine Mullen CNJi.), Schroeder (M). Time, ‘¿Grafres C. ’ shot ten or twelve drams of powder fishing, hundreds of shirfer* have been shape for the races, more lanes being :28.2. i 'jnltsements and a half of a bucket of shot and taken. C. E.' Close landed a three- made for the sprints, and rough spots Relay (leas than 880)—Marshfield. simply mowed the ducks down. In pound steelhead on a shiner outfit. being removed over the entire lot. Time, 1:30.1. those day* the man with a twelve The big fish «truck a hook baited with As to the reigning favorite to carry Shot put—Brainard (M), Martin­ gauge shot gun wae -scoffed at. Thou- a worm, which ia quite unusual. There ' sande of ten gauges were then in use. off the championship honors, Marsh­ dale (C), Bjorkquist (M). Distance, ia no question but that there are more ' Today the swivel gun and the eight field holds this cookie with Coquille 39 ft., 6H inches. fish in the various stream* this spring ranking close behind. Onbom has a Discus — Bjorkquist LM). Martin­ gauge are barred in all state* and the Souvenirs than in many years, as well as in the well-balanced array of athletes on dale (C), Brainard (M). Distance, ten gauge in many and the big gun main- river. hand, among them more lettermen 116 ft., 4H inches. man of today shoots a 12, while Fete Alford, -of Brewster Valley, than the other schools can boast. The urants Javelin—Cooper (C), Collier (C), thousands of sportsmen go afield with bagged a cougar out in that district sixteen and twenty gauges.. The day Pirates are particularly strong in the £ Groceries Chaney (M). Distance, 138 ft., 2 last week. The animal was treed by pole vault, the weights, the high of the game hog is fast vanishing, inches. “S. O. S.”—Sell OrhCtHi Scenery Groat’s dog, Queen. Pete had quite jump, and the sprints, while in the High jump—Harrison (M), Mullen though it is true that there still exists Sell Oegon' Scenery to more people 1 “An, analysis of the tourist dollar a time with the cat. He made several other events there are many capable (iN. B.), Clark And Bjorkquist (M). and increase Oregon’s third largest shows'^the expenditures to be distri- many of this type of'man. For in­ different attempts to bring it to tree men. Browning in the 400 and 220 stance, the other day a man was tell­ Height, 5 ft., 6 inches. _ . I business m the text of an article in ‘ buted as follows: 20 cents of it go for and apent one night far from home af­ ing me of catching 228 trout in one yard dashes, Wade in the 440, Brain­ i ■ u, in I'the May issdf of the Oregon Motoristj transportation costs, including such ter following the dog all the after­ ard, and Bjorquist in the weights, • L Height, 10 ft., ’jomcialypublication of 7he Oregon’ items a. gioline, garaging and ac- afternoon. That’s too many fish for l [ official publication of the Oregon items as gasoline, garaging and ac- noon. But finally a hot track was any one man, even though there was Harrison in the hurdles and high inc es. ' State Motor Association. .' ^ ¡ceasoriei 'State 1 cessories* purchased enroute; 20 cents struck in the neighborhood where the jump, and an entire trio of Pirate no limit.- It is such catches as this, ' , M . rO p J un> P ' w? T .' Ta G 1 The artiole is written by Ray Con- of it are spent for hotel and other cougar had killed a deer and the chaae the limit thrice killed in ducks, pheas­ vaulters are expected to carry off ’W 'inches^0 ’ ’’.way at)d outlines the campaign for’ types of accommodation; 26 cents of . was on. When the dog barked treed, many honors. Harrison and Bjork- ants and upland birds, that depletes j * lnC ------- developing a larger tourist business it go to the retail stores—largely ex- Pete made good time getting there. the ranks of our game. Suppose ev­ quiet may threaten county records. now being carried on by the Oregon- 1 pended by women for such things as He found the dog limping about be­ Coach Hartley ’ s men of the local Baseball stock in Coquille, though ery hunter that took to the fields and ian and the Motor Association, and i linens, lotions, post cards, beads, bas­ neath a leaning tree with a stick abeut streams had no respect whatsoever lair are for the most part uncertain as yet uncertain, took a. raise last* urges every citizen to tear out each kets, blankets and a large variety of a foot long stuck partly through her Ireland, Martindale and I for the game laws and limits? If quantities. JmURCle*: ^h‘w.s\‘h7c.'Mou?^re^’would Stonecypher, lettermen, will likely I week after Bill Fortier received a one of the thirteen full page travel other things. Twenty-one cents of it ’ letter from Charles S. Brooke, aecre- that the chase was over and that the carry the brunt of the work, and of i tary of the Roseburg Baseball Club. | articles printed in the Sunday Ore- go to the restaurants; six cents of it dog had stopped on account of the in- i ! be devoid of fish and our fields and the other athletes, C 1 gonian and send it to a friend or rel- go to confectioners and eight cents ~ marshes of birds within a few years. Brooks states that Red Rupert, man- jury. After considerable difficulty tlie of it go to the theatres and other * j Morris, Gould, Bonniksen and ------ - --------- --------------- —i Bill gjfer of tlle Umpqua team, has or- alive outside the state. One of the greatest gesture* of “Every Citizen Should Be a Sales­ places of amusements.” stick wax extracted from her leg, sportsmanship is to give the game a Peart are strong contender, for point ganiled , fagt Uam for the coming whereupon she ran to the base of the “These figures, of course, are ap­ gched. man of Oregon," states the article chance, be conservative with your kill­ r-ming. However, the full .trength geagoni and that alregdy leaning tree and barked again. Pete “ “nkn<>wn’ but uW Ray Brooks’ West Side “Babe.” which emphasizes the value of the proximate, but they are close pnough ing and not take to the woods, the ’ glanced up, and there a short ways to show that the tourist dollar bene- team tourist travel as follows: fields, marshes and streams with the wid* likely entries compering in all.ior May 6 and 7 and above* him the cougar crouched in the “Travel from any source means in- fits not one or two classes, but that it - ----------------------- t alg0 glg0 deaireg thought of slaying and catching all events except the pole vault and high ; for the uth Ru branches. A well-directed shot creased business for everyone for the finds its way into a great diversity of jump; the Red Devils have a good op- the game and fish tha| you can bag. a game with Coquille for the 21st brought the animal to earth, Pete tourist dollar is not only a new dollar channels and has a vital oearing on - portunity of upsetting the bay team. Some one told me last week that 111 on the local field. * states that the deer the cougar had they had an old cock pheasant in their Two men, Ireland in Che middle dis- "I Roseburg would like to see'a Doug­ in the community, but it is the most j* >our 0' entire economic structure.” killed, evidently a few moments before widely distributed dollar of all.” “This effectively demonstrates the neighborhood that started drumming tanct runs and Martindale in the las-Coos league organised, proposing the dog hit ita trail, had not been ‘"The tourist dollar not only stimu­ value and desirability of getting as at one o’clock of a morning. Can’t re­ discus, are gunning for new records. a meeting for discussion of this at eaten. I wish to thank Pete for tell­ lates, but nourishes the community in many tourist dollars as we can. The At North Bend Coach Adams’ all- member whether it was Vern Hatcher an early date. Fortier will likely go ing me the story and here’s hoping he which it is spent. - Everyone feels the tourist business is one business that around performer, John Mullen, will or Dick Summerlin. Hey, which one out there on Sunday to negotiate with repeats the performance again. invigorating effect of this new money ye can increase. ___ gain the biggest share of .the few And now _ is the if you fellow* was it? Rupert. If his plane go through, the -and the dollar remains to be spent ^ight"time"to'go ’about'the’job of in­ Roy Gudmundson, local mail carrier, We have a little brush thrush that points that the Bulldog, will take. league will be composed of two clubs hae struck up a queey friendnip. burnt* into song at all hour» of the Nagle is a prospective broad jumper, from that section and two from Coos time and time again after the tolinst. creagjng Ffikfijt Dungey has a pigeon that has | night. We don’t exactly own the lit­ but aside from these two, Adams has county. Sutherlin and Oakland could moves on.” taken a liking to the mail carrier to little to work with. tle brown fellow, but feel that he be- ' form a team of players from these all deserve much .credit. As in the such an extent that h it watches watenes for ior him mm ipngb< Myrtle Point and Bandon have yet towns, while Myrtle Point has an- Beautiful May Day Fete i to u* owing to the fact that we every day and as 1 he approaches the- ^v< and Dance Last Saturday past, Mrs. Ida Owen made the queen’s ..jva fed'him and watched him *H win­ to enter competition, thus little or ^ncid "he? inT^ti'ona* of catering a crown; Mesdames Geo. A. Ulett, O. Dungey house the bird files just ahead ter. nothing is known about the entries of c]ub C. Sanford, Geo. Lorenz and M. F. of him and alights on the roofs and (Continued from first pace ) The persistent cold weather and these schools. McConnell, winner of , K thig ]ea birds” have been sprung on tender­ of beAuty. .iet the dope. It is Z R j, rumored that pcr co „ t could meet in , flna) The Garland Girls ’ dance followed flies that the writer has seen were feet for many moons, but how many of taken by two local fishermen, who, Breuer can do around five feet, ten 1 <>i “little world’s series.” Granta Pass, and it wae a very pretty and attrac­ you have heard of a hammer-tail Rose Festival, June 8-11 _ ____ _ Those partici­ upon the promise of th* writer that inches, in the high jump. if present indications hold true, should tive presentation. cat?” Several years ago, a newcom­ Though the prospects that any pating were Georgianna Johnson, Portland will celebrate the silver he would not mention their catch in come out on the top in the south, but er arrived at a logging camp. He, aa Marilyn CoWipton, anniversary of its Rose Festival, this column, was shown the fish. They county record, will be broken are the status of the-upper coast teams is Eileen Percy, I have stated, was a stranger. It aleo Eileen Kendall, Patricia Chapman, made famous during the past 26 years were beauties and J feel that such exceedingly bright, one or two may unknown. appears that he had a good imagina­ modesty on their part should not go fall by the wayside. Two year, ago As some of the Loggers are going Elizabeth Varney, Marion (Hess, Mar­ for its color and beauty, June 8 to 11. tion and was easily led astray, or Thia Silver Jubilee fetq will be staged , 1 unrewarded, so I am not mentioning the 1931 crop of rracksetent went on to Reedsport on Sunday to see To­ garet Stewart, Doris Compton. perhsps I should say that he possess­ Mrs. C. D. Walker and Miss Mere­ on a more elaborate scale than any their names, but will simply state a rampage and cracked ten old marks, ledo play Reedsport, practice will not ed a very trusting nature and believed that they run a meat market next but never again is «uch a wholesale continue until later in the week. dith were in charge of the preparation festival in past years. There will be everything that was told him by hi* door. assault likely to take -place. The costumes were' four days of pageantry, fun ________ The “Tow” Stinson and “Chick” Hauser, for this dance. and fellowmen. But be that as it may, provided by Mesdames W. H. Man- frolic during the time the “ Queen of Trout have been taking a spinner prMent county rocords are: ex-Coquille stars, are performing for somebody, sprung this hammer-tail” 100-yard dash; Woods, sell, R. L. Stewart, Ray Thomas and Rosaria" holds sway over her mystic Myrtle Toledo. lot* better than flies, aa is usually th* cat story on him. The stranger was D. E. Racyleff, realm. .ewe eariy in the seaaon. It will take Point—:10.4, 1930. gravely informed that “hammer-tailed I The feature dance to the music, The great floral parade, one of the beyqral day* of bright sunshine before ' 220 yard dash; Woods, Myrtle Piling up a total of 63 1-6 points, cate” abounded abolit the district and I “Spring Time in the Rockies,” was most beautiful and colorful pageants they will be hitting a fly to any *x- Point—:23.1, 1931. Coquille, for the second successive that they were very dangerous and [ >fl»nt. r 440 yard daah; Pulford, Coquille— year, won the annual grade school presented by a group of Miss Mere­ ever staged in connection with any that logging camp cooks were their ’ lvn* thing the fishermen of this dis­ :530, 1931. track meet in the “A” division, at dith’s pupils at the Bay and as were festival, will be held on the afternoon special diet, and that It was up (o him, 880 yard run; Bryant, Coquille— trict are blessed with ia an almost Golden field last Saturday afternoon. all the dances, it was very attractive. of 'Friday, June 9. Fundreds of gor­ the stranger, to give said cook protec­ Miss Mary Ella Cary was in charge geously decorated vehicles will wend perpetual seaaon of fishing. TTiere 2:06.4, 1981. Included in the local point* were tion. The stranger was armed with a Mile run; Bryant, Coquille—4:42.0, eight first places, five seconds, and of the Dutch boys and girls, who their way through the Civic Stadium are a few months in the entire year rifle and for several days he walked when an angler ia unable to enjoy 1931. eight thirds, taken by a well-balanced marched and drilled with the precision and along many miles of streets of the about the cook house keeping a sharp Pole vault; Sheedy, Marshfield—11 fishing in the main river or some of group of young men and women who of veterans and finished by winding city. look-out for “hammer-tailed cats.” ft., 7H in., 1926. " ‘ ¡ti the various streams... Eastern fisher­ competed in defense of the champion­ the Maypole. Their costumes were Not content with this, late one night, Shot, 12-pound; G. Miloeevich, prepared by Mrs. Lafe Compton, Mrs. Valuable Right ef Way men are not so fortunate in this re­ ship. Close behind in the scoring one of the boys wrapped a bearskin Paul Van Scoy and Mrs. Roy Neal. ’ Less than half a mile of railroad spect, as their trout stream* are Marshfield—46 ft, lFTa., 1981. was Bandon with 68 2-3, Bunker Hill about himself and climbed into bed Discus; Van Leuven, Riverton—118 Half of the Dutch performers were track used by a western gold mine frozen over for months at a time. with 42 1-8, Marshfield with. 39, and with the cook’s guard. There was a recently yielded over $3,000 in pay ft, 6 m., 1981. Nfrth Bend with 35 6-8. Millington dressed as boy«, these being Donna startled scream. Coven flew in all dirt In one month after a weigh mas­ Javelin; G. Mlloeevich, Marshfield Getz, Violet Hqward, Emma Frances was victorious in the “B” division, directions, a mad scramble for the J no. H. Greves Dies st Mulkey, Virginia Page, Doris Chap- j ter noticed that the right of way was —160 ft., 6H in.', 1981. taking 18 first, ton seconds, and throe North Bend Sunday Night door and out of the shack went the man, Carol 'Higa, Barbara Jean Lea- , literally paved with gold. Before the Broad jump; Menffiant, Marshfield thirds for 98 points, entirely over­ ore was sent through the various stranger, over the hill and a head-long —21 ft., 1 In., 1916. lie, Bonnie Gage, La Velle Dale, I whelming the other schools. Sunday evening after having aa- processes, each ear was weighed, and dive into a huge hole left by an up­ Yvonne Kern. Those attired as girls j High jump; Clark, Marshfield—5 Five new county grade school rec­ thia I was done by pushing It on the rooted tree. And there friends, you ! .«isted in th* detail of passing the ft, 10 in., 1913. were Ann Hawkins, Evelyn Jane i ecal< le< then giving It a shove to send ords were established during the com­ have the true story of the “hammer­ offering plate* in the Presbyterian High hurdles; Ward. North Bend petition, Stanley of Millington, who Kramer, France* Sullivan, Betty it coasting down the track to the mill, , ohurch, Mr. J no. H. Greves was tailed cat." This is not a made up —17.0, 1981. Kern, Margaret Smith, Dorothy Belle says Popular Mechanics Magaslne. won four firsts, breaking two of the yam, but true and it is history among , stricken and an hour later passed Low hurdles; Ward, North Bend— Newton, Frances McCool, Beverly, The weighmaster observed that each «way. old marks. In the pole vault he Friends noticed him as he at- a lot of old logger* whom I could :27.4, 1931. Jean Nprton, Imogene Hickam and time a car was bumped In switching, ^mpted to return to hie seat with hi* reached 10 feet, three inches and in name. a quantity of dust sifted out A lease Relay (860); Coquille, (L. Seeley, Patricia Peart. The juncas or snowbirds have all 'amily, and assisted in taking him to M. Ireland, 8. Pulford and Williams) the high jump five feet, 4ft inches. Music for the feature dance* were was obtained on the tbree-elghth-mlle the Keizer hospital, where he partial- There fnarks are good enough to take about departed. They are off to high­ —I:i7.6, 1931. track and men began cleaning It up. first places in many high school furnished by | Mrs. C. A. Rietman and Ore valued at $175.000 a car has been er range* of our own state and also to , ly regained consciousness for a mo­ Miss Inez Rover, who have again and meets. shipped to this mill, and it has been other state* where they will nest and ment, then lapsed, passing away aa given Coquille audience* exhi- I estimated __________ , ’ _ s trianguler ____ ____ _______ The other marks which fell were again Last Saturday meet ” t . W VIIIII «^«71 ««11X7 <111 III|7 BKFIIV that «SIX- the I residue dump alone rear their young. It is always with a itated. Cerebral hemorrhage via the feeling of sadness that I note th* de­ cause of death, Dr. Ruae*ll Keiser as­ was run off under very adverse eir-1 taken by Miss N, Strader, of Upper bition* of their complete mastery of contains unclaimed gold worth $3,000,- the piano. 000. parture of this little friend. They are serted. He was surrounded by mem­ cumztances, a wet field slowing up the Two Mile, who made 166 feet, 6 inches < The floor was crowded with dancers hvsvk * ( wa uivug ------_ of the wvsaav athletes, though many >n the Class 2 baseball throw; by one of the nicest little birds that win­ ber« of tiia family and a number of «. efforts for an hour after the Maypole wind- ' , ntimate friends when the end came. interesting events did take place. | Moore, of Bandon, in the Class 8 high Raiay Day Changes View ter here; friendly and trusting and are Funeral service* were held in the Running true to predictions. Mi Marsh. I jump at 6 fest, M inches; and by ing. The music was good and every­ Nothing quite puts such a new aa regular visitor* to all yards where __ Hamblin, of Bandon, in the class 4 thing went ae merrily as a wedding pect on thoroughfares as a rainy day, off the high grapes ofN they are fed during the winter. The church Tuesday afternoon at one field carried oil . _ | especially If a touch of fog Is added pair of little chiek-a-deee that have i'clock. Rev. W. A. Couden preaching the meet by scoring a total of 62 pole vault at 9 feet, 9 inches. Of the bell. for good measure. Fog has a sort of he sermon, assisted in prayer by first places Coquille entries took the pointe, including eight first places, The intermission features present-; wintered here are still with us. Each ed Dori* Compton in the toe dance, a magnifying effbet causing even the day they come and scout about the Rev. Mr. 'Robertson of the Marshfield four seconds, and ten thirds. Coquille following: Sprints — 60 yards. Donated, class splendid tap dance by pupils of Mies least observant wayfarer to note some flower garden in search of bugs, then Presbyterian church. A ladies choir was not, far behind with 44 markers, thing startling, almost. In the api>ear >sng the numbers which in the year* Meredith frolii the Bay, and a Jazz 1; 100 yards, Donaldson, class I. while North Bend lagged far in the fly to the piece of suit, suspended ance of familiar thlnn. Instead of Broad jump—«Donated, class from an apple tree limb, they take a of service in the church Mr. Greve* rear with 1« checkers, moot of which Is Skit by local high school girls. Miss) being clearly cut against the sky. Flowers banked were scored by Mullen, the Bulldog West, class 4. few dainty bites and with their cheer- ’ appreciated moat. Meredith gave them the step« but, houses down the street do what man­ Shot pot—A. Bailey, class 8; Don­ •the drilling and rehearsing which en-' kind has agreed tn call “loom" when ful little call sounding, they fly away. th* pulpit and th* church was com­ all-around ace. filled with admiring and aym- The Harris sparrow is also growing pletely 1 abled the girls to present so pleasing fog touches their bricks and stones Perhaps the feature event was the aldson, class A Relay (440 yards)—Coquille. scarcer, no doubt spreading out to a I pathizing friends and business asso- 440-yard run in which Wade, Marsh­ s performance that they were repeat­ with Its vapors.—Washington Star Sprints (Girls) — 76 yards, L. edly encored, was under the supervi-1 wider range and migrating to other 1 ciatea. The service wa* conducted by field runner, barely nosed out Mike t sion of Misses Avis Hartson jrnd Jean ' parte. It does a person good to know Thuerwachter’a Funeral home. The Ireland. . Ireland, starting from an Terry, class 4. Heeg It Oats Shabespabre -------------------------------------- Young. Mr*. J. E. Norton, president that he has befriended these little 'Gody was taken to Canby, Oregon, ae- outside lane, trailed most of the way, The class had tieen sradylng English feathered friends throughout the win­ I companied by th* family for burial in but in the final stretch he nearly over­ of the Woman's Club, asks the Sen­ poetry and was now undergoing a quiz Painter's Faase , the family plot. ter by keeping their feed rack heaped The unique honor of painting the tinel to give those two young ladies on that subject. The Instructor had hauled and passed the leader. Brown­ Mr. Greve* was born in Worthing- ing, Marshfield dash winner, also put first group la the history of American special mention, for they deserve a with the food they like and not even taken from one of Wadsworth’s poems a Scotchman, I believe, would be­ I ton, Indiana, September, 1872, and ia on a show for the crowd, and by tak­ art is usually given to John Smybert. great of credit for the excellence of the following line, which she asked grudge the small amount of money I survived by MnT. Greves, Ann* and ing both the 100 and 220, along with who painted "Bishop Berkeley and His the Jazz Skit. The ’participants were the class to explal^: “The child la ( Nina Greve* and Jack Greves, the lat- his points in the relay, he placed as Family." Beryl Unsoeld, Jeanne Barbour, Hazel father to the man." expended on the birds. I ter a student in the O. 8. C. — Coo* One young man studied the question and Esther Mansell, Margaret Paul­ Of interest to shooters la th* fact high score Pirate man with 11M that the Remington Arms Company |®*y Harbor. son, Anne Van Scoy, Harriet Webb In perplexity for several momenta markers. Cooper. Coquille, led in the Finally, be wrote: “This was written and Marjorie Knight » -- ------------------------- L now ....................................... have on the market automatic entire point gaining with 11. The re-: by 8hakrapesre. He often made this See Mansell Drayage A Delivery suits: shotguns in both sixteen and twenty Nearly all the ladies of the dial), kind of mistake.” gauges. I had the pleasure of exam­ Co. for * ** * ‘ filled Alpine coal, helped in the huge task of presenting 100 yd. dash—Browning (M), Wade' ining those guns recently and they are promptly. thia wonderful May Day dance, and j (M), Ireland (C). Time, :11.1 Callta< cards 100 for 01.00. OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF