THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1»M. B. P. W. Club Hear a Most Interesting Talk by Y- Mrs. T. R. Jack man at Monday Night’s Meeting The laat dinner meeting of the members of her committee, had ar- Business Women _ __ and were in charge of the Club, ___ for ____ this ________ fie- ranged cal year, was- prepared and served .to , W- program, - - ’---- j-w ’ Z the at — the club rooms last ( — members ------------------ Following the program, a short Monday evenng by Mrs. Georgia Rich-1 business' meeting waa held. It was . mond, assisted by Gloria Getz, Myr- J announced that Mr»; Emma Yearian, tie DeiLcsig, Mrs. Jennie Price and of Lemhi, Idaho, and a member of Mary Elia Cary. ~ The tables were the Idaho legislature, would be the very effectively decorated with the national representative at the atate club colors in green and gold. The ‘ convention to be held here on May 19, club had as their gueeta at the dinner, 20 and 21. Mrs. Yearian is scheduled Mrs. T. R. Jackman, Mr. and Mrs. to speak at the reception on Friday John Martin and son, Bruce, and Mr. night and at the banquet on Saturday A. Mackey. night. Invitations are being-issued After the dinner, the members en to the Friday night reception to be joyed one of the moot interesting! held at the Odd Fellows hall. programs of the year, with Mrs. T. R.! Another delegate, of distinction at Jackman giving a splendid resume of the convention, will be Mrs.- Dorothy the Mediterranean Cruise and trip in-l McCulloch Lee, senator from Multno- to the Holy Land from which she mah county. Mrs. Lee is to,apeak at and Mr. Jackman recently returned, the banquet on Friday night and at Mr». Jackman told of the political, I the business session Saturday fore- economical, religious, domestic and noon, historical situations of each town and The entire convention program was country she visited and. displayed read and every minute is taken up for many beautiful souvenirs from the the entertainment and business ses different countries. Several musical sions of the convention members and selection« were rendered with Mrs- delegates that will be here for that Cora Mackey at the piano, Mr. A. event. Mackey, the piano accordion, and Mr. Mrs. Leona Bryant, Mrs. Inez Chase John Martin, the banjo. Mr. and and Blythe Cousins were appointed Mrs. Martin also favored the club delegates to the convention from the with two Swiss yodelling songs. I local club, and Ida Oerding, Edna Mrs. Jennie Price, chairman of the Robison and Saima Lindros as alter- Transportation committee, and other nates. — - ------ . 1 ■ 1 ... .... —-------- ------ “State Fair,” Featuring Will Rogers and Other Movie Stars Com ing to Liberty Theatre Sunday SOCIAL NOTES In oL«erving their twelfth wedding anniversary, which was on Friday, April 28th, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Martin entertained a number of friends that evening at an interesting bridge party at their hume on Co quille Heights. Attractive bouquets of purple iris and yellow doronicums were used ¿bout the room, where also refreshments were served following1 several hands of contract. Mr. and' Mru. J. E. Roy, of Marshfield, carried away both the ladies’ and gentlemen’s prize« for highest score. Included at this delightful occasion were Messrs, and Meodames C. D. Walker, R. L. Stewart, Louis Charneski, D. E. Rackleff, E. L. Vinton, Kenneth Med- ford and J. E. Roy and Mrs. M. Earl. Wilson. Tuesday evening Mrs. Kenneth Kistner entertained for dinner des sert the members of the Entre Nous Club and a few additional guests, Much to the hostess’ surprise, the la- dies arranged for a shower which they gave her that evening. Mrs. Thrift’ and Mrs. Vinton were high •score holders and were each given a prize gift. Extra guests that eve ning were Mesdames Marie McGil- very, Hal -W. Pierce, E. R. Barnes, George Anderson, Frank Thrift and E. A. Walker. Members were Mes dames E. L. Vinton, Julius Ruble, C. D. Walker, Harry H. Oerding, Don ald Estes, Walter Litzenberger and F. G Hudson. On Wednesday afternoon at the Episcopal Parish house the Woman’s Guild met for their regular weekly meeting with Mrs. C. T. Selbig and Mrs. Muri Pettit as hostesses. At tending were Mesdames Geo. Lorenz, E. L. Vinton, W. H.Jdansbll, J. W. Laird, E. A. Woodyard, Annie J. Robinson, Nels Osmundson, Charles Hodgdon, Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. and C. K. Norcott. Last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Martin, their neighborhood contract club members . enjoyed a few hours together. The club members are Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Rackleff and the hosts of that evening. This afternoon Mrs. Lee Hand is entertaining the O. D. O. Club ladies at her home on Taylor street. During the late afternoon hours the hostess • will serve refreshments to the follow- , ing members: Mesdames L. A. Chris tensen, Guss Tillman, H. G. Prey, B. B. Sanders, Fred Kunz, C. W. Gang, WW John-Jayes, Geo. Sherwood and Grant I PC - Wilsox. More than 100,000 people, among them eight of the screen’s leading stars, appear in -------- “State Fair, ----- — ’---- » ” coming — . on Bunday for three days to the Lib erty Theatre. The stars of the mammoth produc tion are Janet Gaynor, Will Rogers, Lew Ayres, Sally Eilers, Norman Fos Frank Craven ter, Louise Dresser, T RJTC aa FI owma * I end Victor Jory. Miss Gaynor, Rogers, Foster and Mies Dresser are Yesterday at the home of Mrs. Ly- Janet Gaynor, the farmer portrayed by Will Rogers or the carnival girl man Carrier, several of the Just-a- that Sally Eilers characterizes. Or mere club ladies entertained the other perhaps it will be the newspaper re members at a delicious luncheon which porter Lew Ayres plays, the matron waa followed by the afternoon spent played by Louise Dresser, or the in sewing and conversation. Bou country storekeeper portrayed by quets of mixed spring flowers were Frank Craven. Somewhere along the i used about the rooms and on the line, . every person who sees the pic-; luncheon table where covers were laid 4*« MA will -- ’11 recognise - AM especially A-A MM M a 11«* kin- fo* a wm L* D am S tA« 1 ture an for MAarlnmzi* Mesdames TAT J. A. Lamb, Bert Fol- dred spirit j som, H. A. Young, G J. Fuhrman, seen as members of a Midwest farm “It is characterization of this type," family enjoying their annual outing continued the director, “that makes a at the state fair. Ayres plays a news- .dory an ideal screen vehicle.” , paper reporter who covers the fair for( For ths Kiddies Matinee Saturday his paper, Miss Eilers portrays a afternoon Zane Grey’s “Mysterious carnival performer. Craven charac- Rider” will be shown, Buster Keaton and Jimmy Durante teriaes a country storekeeper and Jory “ “ operate a genuine brewery in their appears as a barker. Henry King, who directed “State'new comedy, “ What! 1 No Beer?” a ‘ ----- Fair,” asserts that every man, woman ' burlesque on »w. the beer problem, which and child who sees the picture will will be seen tonight and Saturday night at the Liberty Treathre. The recognise a friend in it “The charatcers of ‘State Fair’ are two comedians sought to persuade the the moot human I’ve ever seen in a technical expert who supervised the picture,” declares King. “And that operation of the brewery to let them goes with out reservations. They are make “just one glass of real beer.” the sort of people we meet and talk Because of the failure of the “Beer by Christmas" movement, however, with every day. “Furthermore, there is at least one they had to content themeelves with in the group that every person will making “near-beer.” The preview Saturday night will be understand particularly well. It may be pie pretty farm girl played by Zane Grey's “The Mysterious Rider.” | Card Party Well Attended Engagement Announced PAGE THREE Nels Osmundson, W. 8. Sickels, M. 0. Hawkins, J. L. Smith, Paul Van Scoy, F. L. Greenough, R. A. Wernich, Hal W. Pierce, O. C. Sanford and Lyman Carrier. Members of the Needle Worker» club enjoyed Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. A. Wimer on South Henry street. Coral bells were used in decorating the home for the occasion. Refreshments were served to the following ladiee: Mesdames Fred Hickok, W. E. O om , C. C. Bon- niksen, Josh Ruble, Frank Pook, E. C. Yarbrough, George Gilman, Frank F. Schram, Jack Arnod and Ed Detlef- sen. At this meeting Mrs. Pook in vited the ladies to meet at her home in two weeks. As usual May, 1933, io proving to be one of the most disappointing months of the year. The blossom month in moat parts of the country produces beautiful weather, but rain IB vite rule ln is the rule in western Oregon, and there has been more than a week of it In i,Ct th* fine »in«« fal1 could all be crowded into a three wccka* period ToU1 rainfB11 ,ince W 1. now reached 64 inches, an increase of 1.5 The public card party, given by the _______ the approaching, _ _______________ Regarding marri- Social Club of Qie Eastern Star in age of one of Myrtle Point’s promin- Masonic Temple, Wednesday evening, ent younger set the Oakland (Calif.) was largely attended, more than 160 Post-Enquirer states: w hj . , . j -1.x , w ' being present for the very pleasant' “*“ EU‘ t*,rd’lB‘£hU,r Mr, evening and enjoyable party. and Mr«. Pinkaton Wad« Laird of Prize award was made to Mrs. E. °int’ Wi" "‘fl1’4 • L. Vinton flor ecoring the first grand T, Ae. ?*.ui .r_P>r*n iU,7? ^ slam of the evening. In contract Harman Eichmeyer, son of Mr. and i over the 1931-32 season total of bridge, of which there were a few Mrs. Fred Eichmeyer of San Diego. 62.6. tables played, Mrs. M. Earl Wilson , Eichmeyer graduated from the Uni : ’ held high score for the ladies, with versity of California with the class To Wed Next Month 3080. and C. D. Walker for the men, of ’31. He h a member of Beta Beta The engagement of Miss Hazel 3220. Mrw. 'Bert Kay and W. E. Bos- and Skull and Keys honor aocieties. serman held low score. In auction Miss Laird, member of Sigma Kap Davis to Mr. Osbourn Nulf was very bridge J. E. Nprton, with 2280, was pa sorority, will graduate from the cleverly announced by her sister. Miss high for the men, and Mrs. Karl University of California in May. The Ethel Davis, at a social gathering this week. Miss Davie is the daughter of Kaufman, of Myrtle Point, setored couple will live in Berkeley. 2309 to -win high _ prise among the The bride-to-be is a niece of J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis. Mr. Nulf is the son of Mr. and Mr». J. 0. Nulf. Mrs. Ed ------------------------------ McKeown and H. Laird, of this city. ladies. L- ---------- of Lerfeve. He is employed by Swift H. Hartley received low score prizes'. & Co. at the present time. The Mrs. 8. L. Fitzgerald and J. D. Gil Cow Veaereted young couple expect to be married lespie, with 2270 and 13^0 scores re Two thousand years before Christ some time in June. spectively were high at “600,” while Mrs. Gillespie and Mr. Fitzgerald the moon waa Identified In Egypt as the eow-beaded goddess. Hathor, with Marriage Licensee were low. Jigsaw puzzle« and “pedro” occu-' the moon between her horns. Hathor April 3 —Hiram I. Hall, of Alameda watched the fertility of the fields. --____ pied the attention of a portion of the The Nile was likened to a cow. Its county, Calif., and Helen Barber, of crowd, which included visitors from fertilizing waters were likened te Multnomah county. They were mar- Myrtle Point, Bandon and Marshfield. nsllk. Yearly at the beginning of the ried by Justice J. J. Stanley at his Light refreshments were served in river’s rise, the cow was paraded at office here Wednesday the banquet hall just before midnight the festival of Osiris —Hoard’s Dairy-I ________________ to close a most enjoyable party. | Calling cards NO for $1.00. w- T last—new leadership! Money in motion! Fear on the run! Good cheer in the air! And Penney’s keeping pace—yes, taking action, too! NOW! When it counts! By placing trainloads of merchandise at the command of Americans - - - at prices that may never again be duplicated! JkT A PENN OUTSTANDING! Men's Fancy Vat*Fast Printed HOSE Broadcloth! Cclincsc ¡.laited ! Its colors and patterns make it useful for a variety of charming frocks! And at a price * Mercer- ued tops heels and toes • like this, no one need feel limited in the quan tity she buys! 35/36 inch. mm aa fiRw YttNl Broadcloth SHORTS ££c Mercer ized broad cloths —in new striped patterns with nariow piping •o match' Two Perfect Slip Materials! X Pen-Ray Alpaca “GENTRY” Oxfords Pajamas Restless young feet appreciate :hese sporty ihoej in smoked Elk, with putty beige trim I and Slipsheen Exclusive with Penney I First choice with thousands of women I Try them once, and you'll never use i anything else. Go Sporting in for Mitte» Infant» Children Superior quality 98« Better wear Comfortable «5« yRUgi * Terry TOWELS YES J—Penney’s is the Place for LACE TRIMMED Panties Heavier than ever ' at SILK Crepe! 19® 34” X 48“ Long May they Wave! Buy a good supply at this low price I ROUGH CREPES Men's Heavy CANVAS WORK GLOVES 5 ^|^Cy.rd Pair Staert fer taitereJ veer, rperls /rsrii ««J »«»■<«* t»ml Choose a crinkle weave ... or a rough weave ... both high in favor' Soft, supple, heavy enough for graceful draping .. . if you know your fashions, you'll wear these every hour of the dav * J. C. Penney Co. DEPARTMENT . m STORE 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon Ralph Noah, Box 582, Coquille. It* Justice Court blanks for sale at this >ffice. USED CARS LOST—Green Umbrella on Third 3® Chevrolet Blue Coach. • near Washington School. 27 Chevrolet Coupe 27 Chevrolet Truck—Dual Wheels Kindly return to Sentinel office. 31 Maroon Chevrolet Sedan BANION Furnished Four-room 30 Dove Grey Ford Coupe Modem House for rent. Very rea 32 Chevrolet 167 in. Truck ■►n* Cent s Word Bach lasortioe sonable if taken for summer. Write 30 Dark Green Chevrolet Coupe Box 642 or Phone 1672. It’ 29 Chevrolet Sedan—Black LOST—.Be tween Fairview and Co 30 Ten Chevrolet Sport Roadster quille, a gold watch chain with Elk’s booth, marked "W. M. B., IFOR QUICK SAVE—4-room house 28 Green Chevrolet Coupe and lot $350. Dodge coupe $50. 30 Maroon Ford Coupe 1160.” on the back. Finder please 1 Terms <>r trsde for car. Wm. Nel 27 Maxwell Sedan leave at Sentinel office. son, Coquille. ' It* ------- —---------------- -- -a, Anthony Steel Dump Bed Logging Trailer A hunks WANTED—Jersey or Guernsey Bull. FOR SADE—40 fresh milk cows and One and one-half to two years old. 40 head of sheep. Inquire of Geo. Guernsey preferred. I L. Baum- ’ McClellan at Southwestern Motor If. gartner, Leneve, Oregon. Co., Coquille. Want Ads i WANTED—-Small hand hay «utter, FOR RENT—House at 123 So. Coul ter street See Alton Grimes, or t—____ suitable for chopping alfalfa foe Give M m , price, etc. j call 14-J. fabbit feed. 1 «