Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1933)
THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY S. 1933. PAGE TWO -v. SBB tOOD/fEAtt Leads All Candidates by MILLIONS of Sales The public votes Goodyear Tires the best again in 1932 as it has every year since 1916. That’s a record you can bank on. The public KNOWS tire values by experience—it buys more Goodyears than of any other make. Why buy any second-choice tire when GOODYEARS cost no more? 1 lb Million Dollar Coffee 1 Piece Topaz Glassware—your choice. 1 Million Dollar Coffee Dripot—Latest Model All for only ÇÇC Coquille Service Station Makes better, more uniform Coffee Phone 133 Live News From Arago ( Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reed and eon and Mrs. Melden Carl, of Reedsport, [ were entertained at the J. D. Carl home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collier and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Collier motored to ( Cape Arago Sunday and spent the day fishing. Mrs. C. E. Mrs. Emily Hickam, , Schroeder, Mrs. Frank Burbank and | Ixsis Schroeder made a business . ... trip to Marshfield Saturday. A group of young folks of the In , termediate Christian Endeavor class enjoyed a hike up Halls Creek Sunday. Those going were Stephen A seen, Shelby McAllister, Iris Barklow. ' Anne Watkins, Mary Helen Watkins, ’ Annie Deardorff, George Pauli, Jean J Watkins, Frances Barklow, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McAdams and Myrtle Murphy, of . Coquille. . Jake Moomaw, Mr. and Mrs. Orvus I Miller, Alice Scott, Ruth Keltner and Leola Robison returned Sunday from the Chriatian Endeavor convention at i Eugene. They will give a report of their trip at church services next Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Myers enter tained the following guests at a house party over Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. John Myers and daughter, Rohama, Mr. and Mrs. John Stinson, of Myrtle Point, Bert Myers and Eli Eddingger. Mri. Albert Lillie and children, Clyde, Laura Bernice, Gerald and Glenda Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulstrom and sone, Junior and Dar win Burl, were dinner gueste of Mr. and Mrs. Price Robison Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve McAllister and children, Shelby and Mary Jean, via- ited friends in Bandon Tuesday eve ning and attended .the commencement exercises of Bandon high school. Their nephew, Berl Cox, waa a member of the class. Rev. J. A. Barnett and wife and family were entertained over the week-end at the home of Mrs. Bar- nett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. | John, of Bandon. i Mrs. Edith Woodward, Ethelyn | Root and Ruth Woodward made a buTnesTtrip“ to Mamhfield SateM.y" Kenneth and Raymond are graduates of the high school, Genevieve is a former student and Mrs. Borgard is i the school clerk. Frederick Beck and Mr. and Mrs. . Joe Nulf are giving a turkey dinner in honor of the basket ball boys Friday evening, May 6. The boys are permit ted to bring their lady friends, too. The members of the team include: William McFarlane, Fritz Hull, How- ard Hull, Howard Schroeder, Chester Danielson, Donald Auer, Maurice ' Nulf, Mario Sacket and Robert Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Multhu ac companied by Tom Hull, were Oo- luille visitor» Saturday evening. It has been decided that the River- ton high school will sponsor a dance to follow the four one-act filays to be given Friday night, May 19th. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley from Eugene were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck Saturday evening and Sunday. Capt. Hall, of McMinnville, was a guest for luncheon at the fkftne of Mr. ind Mrs. C. M. Hartwell Wednesday, Earl Edgmon went to Arago Sun day.' He spent the day setting out .-aspberry plants. Earl Edgmon was elected president >f the Riverton high school student Sody for the coming year at an elec tion held Wednesday. The other of- •1cer» elected were: vice president, Lloyd Hunt; secretary, Eleanor Heil man; treasurer, Margaret Eckholm; lergeant-at-arms, Norman Chappell; sditor of the Chanticleer, Lubert Be rnets; yell leaders, Evelyn Berry and Carl Eckholm; athletic manager, Jack Auer. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith, of Co quille, visited the E. A. Smith home Sunday afternoon. A good representation of the peo ple were present at the school meeting last Saturday. Next year’s problems were the main items discussed. All board members were there except Joe Nilson. The seventh and eighth grade room had a very good exhibit of the year’s work with many pioneer and early Oregon relics on display last Friday and Saturday. The fourth, fifth and “xth ^‘dei were ,lso "presented in w . u . ibihiciu onvuruay. ,. John Henry Schroeder visited his father, Jack Schroeder, of McKinley, over the week-end. 1 Mrs. Mary Kribba, of Powers, is visiting at the C. E. Schroeder home thia week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Collier enter tained a number of young people at a dance and card party at their home Saturday evening. Refreshments of cake, sandwiches and coffee were served to about 40 guests. Mr. and Mrs. I-ester Clinton and daughter, Jean, spent Saturday with Mr. Clinton’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Clinton, of Coquille. * Gertrude Borgard spent the week end with her father at his home on Lamps creek. Mrs. Eva Settem and son, John, of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert “ Fish. Mrs. Settem and Mrs. Fish are sisters. Here’s Another Nice One kU-U e ex 1 • News From Lee Section Mrs. Mae Clark was hostess to the Lee Ladle* Club last Thursday after noon. After the usual business meet ing the following ladies were served Jelicious refreshments: Meedames Lillie Willett, Dora Schroeder, Hettie Gant, Lizzie Clinton, Blanche Baker, Lola Sumemrlin. Lena Anderson, Anne Michel, Mary Hervey; Maud Mast, Marie Mast, Bessie Mast. Violet In- rram, Petterson and Misses Helen Mast, Sadie Harmon an<i the hostess. Sunday visitors at the Hardy Mast home were Meedames Hal Pierce and A. B. Collier, of Coquille. Me. and Mrs. A. F. Willson and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Willson were guests at a surprise birthday dinner in honor of John Felsher, of Myrtle Point. A number of ladies surprised Mrs. ►A Riverton News . Ben Gant Tuesday by dropping in to Commencement exercise« for the help her finish a quilt. At noon a de Seniors of Riverton High School will licious hmeh was served to the fol Mrs. A. F. Willson, Mrs. be evening, a V1 May 25th, i _ lowing: w held Thursday ■ nisi "V c* y £<JUllp ~ in the high school auditorium. Prof. I * ;------- r*e ----------- Mast, — Maud Mast^ Mm, S. Stephenson Smith, from the Eng Lena Anderson, Mrs. Blanche Baker, lish Department of the University of Mrs. Mae Clark, Mrs. Dora Schroe Oregon, will be the speaker of the der and Misses Lois Parry and Lois evening. His'topic will be: “What Gant and the hostess, Mrs. Gant. Miss Lois Gant returned home Next?” Bonita Bernet. will deliver the valedictory address for her clan» Tues Tuesday from visiting her aunt, and Georgia Philpott, the salutatory. ' Mrs. Will Warner, at Broadbent. Misses Doris Johnson and Dorothy There will also be various musical ' number« and diplomas will be pre- ' Lewis spent the week-end with Mr. sented to the eighth grade graduates. and Mrs. Martin Gasner, of Norway. Wesley Bean and George Martin returned Monday after taking Mrs. Bean to Molalla, where «he is spend ing several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riding. Verna Drew, Genevieve Franklin, Kenneth Hultin, Raymond Van Leuv-' en and Mrs. Lester Borgard ware vis-' Eight taxes imposed by the state of Oregon are duplicated by federal lev ies. These include the individual and corporation income taxes, inheritance, gasoline, oleomargarine, electrical energy, oleo dealers and manufactur ers and levies on foreign insurance itors In the high school this we«k.' companis». MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Royal Brand Tea lb package Cellophane wrapped—either Green or Black And 1 Large Topaz Iced Tea Glass Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Moulin and son, Lynn, of Burbank, California, ar- rived Wednesday and will visit for a few days at the home of Mrs. Maulin’s Tea a Beautiful uncle, W. W. Deyoe. F. Brown left the last of the week for Rice Hill, where he has employ ment on the road. We Attractive of Mrs. Ora Laird is confined to her home this week with an attack of the the Store Display and let us about it. flu. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Morrison re turned home Wednesday, evening from a business trip to Salem. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits our special and you Dr. Milne, of Powers, waa a Myr tle Point business visitor Wednesday. can safely You will with our The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Verne Lundy with Miss Emma Schneider aaafsting. After the busi ness meeting a delicious lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. W. A. Wellman had his tonsils re moved at the Mast Hospital Wednes- iay morning. He is reported getting dong nicely. Mm. J. Hayes returned to her home I near Powers after a several days’! iait at the home of her ■ daughters,' Mrs. L. Mullen and Mrs. Josephine Neal. Mrs. Flentge Perkins entered the Mast Hospital the first of the week and on Tuesday morning underwent Wednesday,** and “A Wedding,” Fri dent, was quite ill last week, being ' over 26,000. a major operation. She to getting day evening at the high school audi threatened with pneumonia. | Although Oregon has a larger 4-H along nicely. W. W. Williams and grand son, club enrollment than any other state W. W. Deyoe had the misfortune to torium at 8 p. m. Miaa Katie Furman returned to Ellis Davis, of Myrtle Point, visited in the West, attention is centered on hurt several of his finger Tuesday Gold Beach after spending several one day last week at the H. C. Van the completion of the work by the while working in the saw mil). The days with her parents. Alstein home. Mr. Williams ia Mrs. members in thia state. Two years ago wound will keep him from work for a Van Alstein’s father. ¡Oregon and Maine tied for the honor few weeka. Members of the local society, who of highest percentage of completions McKinley Notes Mr. and Mrs. J. D. More returned to their home in Portland after a McKinley Grange met at the com attended the State Chriatian Endeav-' by club members for the entire United short visit with friends. munity hail Saturday night with Mrs. Or convention in Eugene, April 27-80, States, and for a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sigsby arrived Hilda Brown, home economics chair were Orlin Lett, Winifred Clayton, Oregon has been among the top few It this week from Woodland, Calif., and man, in charge of the program. I. Lineila Curtiss, Maude Hooton and with the highest number of comple- will again make their home here. consisted of Grange songs by the Mae Hatcher and they were accom- tions. group^ pianoM~o‘ by" «¡len“ Glero,1 My_rtle j/iasasvr oviu l / j i.vivu vracuai) ; . - - The Ladies Auxiliary of V. F. W. Easter talk by Hilda Brown, song by PtoMrt - Myrtle Union wel1 "P™' met at the Christian Church Friday Knife Hospital Nòte* at the convention and had, u , . . for their regular meeting. Mildred King and Hilda Brown, and ¡fourth , sented place in the parade which took ' ¿°UZ d*u»hter of Mr. .nd Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Hoffman and games. A large crowd of visitors ! ; place Saturday afternoon. . S' No,1'r' '• recovering nice- «on, Dan, left last week for Seattle, from the Fairview North Fork Grange Next Sunday to the regular day for toT appendicitis, after a week’s stay here, coming were present. Refreshments of fruit Tueeday afternoon. J. W. Barnett, of Arago, to conduct, here to attend the funeral of Mr. Hoff jello, cake and coffee were served late Mrs. Harold Gould will be able to the church services here. The Sun man's brother, Milton. in the evening. leave the hospital where ahe had been day School attendance last Sunday Miss Edna Price has rteurned home Miss Jessie Lawhorn spent the numbered 60, i for the paet two weeks, this evening. after a week’s visit with relatives in week-end with friends in Marshfield. Jimmy, the youngest son of Mr. Marshfield. A crew of relief workers are em New Cases in Circuit Court and Mrs. Chas. Mack, was quite eeri- ' Mr». Ralph Sawyer and daughter, ployed on the Cherry Creek road. ously ill the latter part of the week, April 29— _____ iSaima _________ Lindros vs. Paul Grace, of Roseburg, are spending a Elinor Maiden, who is recovering few days this week visiting at the from a recent appendicitis operation as the result of a fall but he is well R- Briedwell. | ■ May 1—A. A. Schramm, state su- home of Mr». Sawyer's pa fonts, Mr. was able to be brought home last again now. ____ week. I | | Harold E. James, who has been perintendent of banks, v». G. Earl and Mr». Frank Zumwalt Mi«» Avis Jenkins returned Sun- •Pendi"K "om' ti«e at his homestead, Low. Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown have moved lay to her school work in Ashland af- ca7Je home Tuesday evening. | May 4—Pacific Savings and Loan from Stringtown to the Coffee Cup Mr* >nd Mri- Fr*nk Culver and Asm. va. Coon Bay Greenhouse Co. ranch on the Roseburg highway just er spending a week with home folka. i Work ia well under way on two one- <’hlWren. Lynn, Tommy and Edson.---------------------------- out of town. Sunday of Mrs. Culver’«! Calling cards 100 for 11.00. Mrs. Roy Osborne returned home act comedies, “Such s Quiet Evening", *ere Sunday from Gold Beach, where she ind “Kitchen Mechanics" to be given br«»ther- G1»»n Hutton. --------- Both for only 25C Good and have Another Very Housewife. See receive place orders by phone. Glass interest to every tell you Deal attention be pleased’ selection Busy Corner Grocery ¿pent several days with her husband, who has employment there. Mrs. Stanley Cupinski was able to leave the Mast hospital the last of the week and return to her home on the Roseburg highway. Mr. and Mr». J. J. Carr, of Califor nia, are visiting relatives and friends here this week. The Ladies Aid 'of the Methodtot church motored to Arago Wednesday afternoon and met at the home of Mm. Roy Robison. Dainty refresh menu were served at the close of aa enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Russell was able to leave the Mast hoepftal Friday and return to her home. Mrs. Viola Boren has returned from Roseburg, where she spent a few days on business. J. H. Myers returned home 1 ast week from a several months’ trip to Sabetha, Kansas, where he helped care for his father, who was ill. Mrs. E. V. Ostrander, Delbert and Robert Steel, Paula and Eleanor Breuer returned home Sunday after noon from Eugene, where they spent the week-end attending the state Christian Endeavor convention. The Senior Class of the high echool will present three one-act plays, "Not Quite Such a Gooee," “Wienie. M it the Community Hall Saturday light, May IS. These are to be fol- 4-H Club Leader Here owed by a dance. L. J. Allen, assistant state club lead- Miaa Rosabel Shone, teacher in the 'oquille schools, spent the week-end , er of c*ub wor'«> wat in Coos coun- with friends is McKinley. |ty d“nn< the fore of this week Haldane Holmstrom, of the Coquille wor*in« County Agent Jenkins Service Station, spent Saturday with on th® ,club Program in the coun- his mother, M ts . France« Holmstrom. ' ,y' •’ «’•lowing his work here Mt. Ai- Mtoses Alice Mast and Alice Jenkins 1 Curr> county, where he and Mrs. Arthur Jenkins were busi- helP R; M Knox- assistant coun- ness callers in Coquille Saturday. i *F with the club program there. Miss Alice Kolen and Henry Glenn, “?ve™‘ *«Ticultur»l clubs have al- of Marshfield, spent «eversi day» last organised in Coos. «iounty this npring and it is pointed out by week at the George Glenn home. According to the McKinley “weath Mr. Allen that all clubs should be un erman” the valley has had a total der way soon in order to get best re rainfall of 58.62 inches etnee Septem sults from the work thia year. 4-H clubs an<l members in the Ara ber 1, 1932. The total rainfall for go. Broadbent, Myrtle Point and Co the month of April was 3.67 inches. The average rainfall for this station quille sections were visited on Tues is 67 inches. The maximum tempera day, and on Wednesday Mr. Allan and ture for the month of April was 82 the county agent visited communities degree» and the minimum 31 degrees. in the northern part of the county Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Beyers of the where help was giaven to the various clubs. Tioga country spent the week-end Mr. Allen reports that 4-H club en with friends in McKinley. rollment in the state was greater last year than during any previous year Bridge Happenings and that indications now point to de Miss Alma Larkins and Mrs. Elise cided increase over last year. [jmt Lamp were guests Saturday at the year there were approximately 22,000 Lawrence Knight home on King boys and girls of club age participat ing in thia work and it is estimated Creak. Lite Shield», aa eighth grade atu- that the enrollment thia year will be Delivery r Clover Leaf WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE Our Herd of Jersey Cows Tested for T. B. and Contagious Abortion April 1, 1933. We seU Milk and Cream from our own herd of healthy cows. Handled with greatest care and sanitary methods IFe Invite You to finit Our Dairy at Any Time Phone 7R42 V. L Cornelius J