The Coquille Valley THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER EROM HOME VOL. XXIX. NO. 16. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1933. Health Aaa’n Here Tomorrow 82.44 THE TEAR A COLORFUL FETE RAIE IS REDUCED Auction Sale Date Uncertain FOR MUSIC WEEK Again this week J. L. Smith has found it necessary to postpone the next Public Auction in Coquille be- t cause of lack of articles to offer, Not Proved by Three Who Drove Woman’s Club May Day Dance Five Cents per Thousand for only have those who urged that an- To Be Observed in Coquille by other sale be held in May failed to Sprinkling — New Milk from Astoria to Creceat City Clubs, School, Churches Appreciated by Hundreds list enough «tuff, but Mr. Smith is in Leos Than Nine Hours Ordinance and Societies Last Saturday Evening unable to get any horses in here, for the May 13th date. The action by the city 'council at A. J. Sweet, mayor of Tillamook, J. Coquille has made a splendid record Notwithstanding th® rain last Sat If listings in sufficient number are urday night the Woman’s Club annual ’ its Monday evening session this week turned in to Mr. Smith by next Thurs by her past observances of National W. Schroeder, secretary of the Tilla- fook Chamber of Commerce, and G um May Day fete was attended by a larg- which will affect the most people in day he will be ready to announce the Music Week, being qne of the first er crowd than has heretofore enjoyed Coquille was that reducing the irri- ■late next FridayL ■Hafenbrach, secretary of the Astoria small cities in the state to fall in line. Chamber, the three men who travelled Al- - ration Charge for --------------------------------- the summer month**. - -. Mrs. E. A. Woodyard was named lo and participated in the event. i.. ---------- „------- though the dancing admission was re- jHenry Belloni, chairman of the water in a V8 Ford sedan last Monday, from Machon’s Good Improvement cal chairman by the state chairman Astoria to Crescent City, in eight at Salem. She has been assisted in duced to 40 cents this year the ladies committee, presented the committee’s Whatever use may be made of the the plans for the week by Mrs. C. A. cleared nearly $100, the total receipts [ recommendation that those who made hours and forty minutes, were guests being in excess of 8200. i application for irrigation or sprink- lot and building at the corner of Rietman and Mrs. Ruth Beyers. Fol of the Coquille Lion« Club Tuesday It was a beautiful fete; the dances IbiK privileges should be charged five Front and 'Willard afreets, and C. A. lowing is Coquille’s plan: noon. They told something of their .Maehon stated this morning that he trip and Mr. Schroeder said it was Tuesday night—Guest night of the City Calling Some Warrants were all cleverly executed; the hall cents per thousand gallons, after the had not signed a lease for it yet, the was decorated in an admirable way, 7,000 gallon* at the 82 minimum rate MacDowell Music Club. planned and executed to give publicity At a conference Monday evening, and interest was keen. to the fact that the Coast Highway to Thursday night—Community night | Was used. That means that for 83 a improvement at that entrance to Co an all-winter road and open for its after the regular council ■session, at From the crowning of Queen. Ro- month a resident may use 27,000 gal- quille is the most notable of any made with the musical organizations of the here ’ in two or three years. To have tended by the mayor, city treasurer belle I by Mayor J. Arthur Berg, to I®08 for household use and for írri- full length across the state, north and local school giving the entire pro and finance committee of the council, the “Home Sweet iHome” at midnight, 8«t>ng. The rate does not apply for that broken *3own sidewalk removed gram of the evening. south. They left Astoria at 7:10 Monday it was decided to call water fund war nothing was left undone to make this any other purpose and will only be and new concrete laid has improved Each church has been asked to ar the appearance of that corner of the morniong and arrived at the Califor rants issued in October, November May Day dance as successful an af-*l'0*,‘<l when application is made .to range its own program and the Four business section several hundred per nia border at 3:06 p. m., and as Cres and December, 1981. The amount of fair as any the Woman’s Club has' Recorder Leslie. square church has already announced | The purpose in reducing the sprink- cent. cent City at 3:60. The only reason money to be paid will total $1300 for presented. its program for next Wednesday eve At they did not reach Crescent City on face of the warrants and interest ning. The Liberty Theatre will pro At eight eight o o ’ ’ clock clock the children’s, Hug rate is that lawns and gardens schedule was because of a flat tjre vide organ music as "a special attrac march, led by Mrs. iH. H. Coleman’s may be kept more green and beautiful south of Brookings. Their schedule tion and may add other features. rhythm band circled the dance floor this summer, se long as the city has called for arrival at Crescent City at with the several instruments the1 lit- of water in the reservoirs, It is. hoped every member of the The next important matter, and if it 3:26. Forty-seven minutes were community will enter into thé spirit tie folks keep good time with, sound spent op the five ferries between New of Music Week that it may prove as ing a merry clatter. Those taking acts as a protection for health, it is port and North Bend, but it was on “The King Ride By," C. H. S. sen- successful as the opes of past years. part in thia march were: Bobby Mc- by far the most important, was the the ferry that the car was refueled C. G. Caughell, head of the Coos Larrin, drum major, Barbara McLar- >■>'• age of a milk ordinance under ior class play, lived up to all ita ad The follo'wing proclamation, declar- and the men ate their lunch. county tax collection department, says rin, Joyce Benham, Marianne Rack- whose provisions all those who sell vance notices a« presented in the ing Music Week in Coquille, was is- Coming off the ferry at North Bend that tax payments have been coming leff, Yvonne Bailey, Ardella Shelley, milk in the city, except to creameries, Community Building last Friday eve- sued by Mayor Berg on Tuesday: 21 minutes ahead of schedule, the car in fairly well but that he doesn’t be Phyllis Litzenberger, Billy Kistner,' cheese factories or condensaries, are ning and the members of the cast I passed through Coquille at 12:66, the lieve it will be quite up to last year’s. Jackie Stevens, Betty Lou Christen licensed at a fee of 81 a year, all li gave as good a presentation of their Whereas, National Music Week will scheduled time to I mvo the ferry, and They have been so' busy waiting on sen, Geraldine Oerding, Phyllis Chris censes to expire Decernbr 31 each parts as any school play put on in re- again be observed throughout the na- cent years, and the audience did not ‘ tion from May 7 to 14 inclusive, and it was not until they crossed into Cal the public that he has not had time tensen, Jessie Sherwood, Nola Finley, year. Another provision of the ordinance know that a printed page of the play | ifornia that they began to lose ground. to check up on totals. Whereas, special musical entertain- Ernestine Battey, Harold Culbertson, Nearly all the public utilities have Elizabeth Daniels, Harriet Tozier, requires that all cows from which was Mayor Sweet, who to Ford dealer in unintentionally omitted, so ment is being planned among the Tillamook and also president of the paid the first half of their taxes, and Gwendolyn Elrod, Jackie Cole, Joan mi Me is sold in the city, even though smoothly did the action and dialogue music lovers in this city, to co-oper- | ate with other towns and cities in ob- ■Lions Club there, was the driver of today is the last on which payments Williams, Eugene Johnson, John it be but a few quarts daily, muBt be continue. the fastest moving car which ever can lie made without penalty. Craig Perrott, as the superior court serving this nationwide event, and Knight, Calvin Anderson, Fem Greg-, tested for tuberculosis and contagious- _ travelled the Coast Highway for the The Southern Pacific paid over ory, Earl Benham, Maxine Briner, aboition, and a certificate from the judge, handled his domestic affairs,1 is fit and proper that full length of the Oregon coast. He 819,000 in cash of its twenty thousand Phyllk Brady, Maxine Wiggins, Mar- ’authorized tester be filed with the re- which included a visit by his ex-wife said week should be set aside as Na expressed the viators’ appreciation of odd dollar tax, and the Mt. States garet Ann Wilson, Joy Norton, Pa corder, showing that the animals are and their daughter, to his home after tional Music Week and that special in the Lioi»’ action in advancing their Power Co. check was for 828,000 in ■ tricia Berg, Martha Berg, Eugene T. B. and abortion free, or the milk his second marriage, with an ease terest should be displayed during said mettmg date two days, but said he addition to its 827,000 payment in Ward, Bernita Gregory, Elinor Mur must be pasteurized. and sereneness of manner that stamps week to inspire all individuals in at At first glance this might appear to him as an embryo diplomat. would leave the speech making to the warrants. A great many warrants phy, Mary Lou Woodhurst, Juanita Nor taining higher and finer musical Chamber of Commerce secretaries. issued by all tax-levying bodies are Culbertson, Mary Alice Nosier, Don- work a hardship on a dealer who was did he hesitate to forget his legal standards. Mr. Hafenbrach in his talk called being^ _ taken in, but County Treasurer _ na Perkins, , Patty Steams, Bernice.O»>ly selling the surplus from one cow, position in bringing the notorious Now Therefore, I, J. Arthur 'Berg, attention te the sea lions eaves near Stauff says that without kioubt he will Stearns, Betty r Lou Donated, Avis but,on the other hand the milk user is gsngster, Cash McCord, to a better Mayor of the City of Coquille, Coos Yachats He charsetsrized this point have more than enough to meet the. Ricketts, Aldine Yarbrough. Vivian*f "titled to know that the milk he ' way of living. | Coupty, Oregon, by and through the —••*“* . at- state’s demand for ita half—834,000— Cole, Sylvia Blaylock, Burton John- ' is pure and free from disearif at iataseat aa om of the greatest With his past experience in Mon- authority vested in me, do hereby pro- Mtaa before nivmofit —;ii Tosier, 1 germs. irprm« * payment U la Him due .Tiinp June 1 1. tractions on the coast and urged those otony Killers presentations as fine claim and declare May 7 to 14 indu- son, Carl Johnson, Marrill Just what percentage of the pay- Florence Campbell, Charles Mulkey. who had not visited the caves to do The ordinance will not go into ef training, Tracy Leach filled a difficult sive, of the year 1933, as Music Week California such a spot would 1 manta have been made in warrants no so. “ Tn 1 The queen and attendants, who en fect until June 1, giving everyone role as Simmons, the butler, and kept in Coquille, and ask the hearty co-op- be worth millions," was his way of one at the court house knew this tered next, were lovely in their time to have cows tested, Fines for the audience intrigued by his faith- j eration of our citizens in lending their • ' showing how Oregon is not living up morning. pink, orchid, blue and green dresses, violations of the ordinance were fixed lewness to hto employer. support and interest to make this a to its. opportunities. He also sug Helen Robinson, Lorands, the maid most successful observance of Na and after the coronation, ascended the at from |5 to 8200. gested that a Lions dub might extend The application of C. A. Machón to of the judge's staff of servants, was tional Music Week. B. P. W. State Convention platform to witness the feature its activities and include sea lions in J. Arthur Berg, Mayor. The state convention of the Busi dances of the evening. Miss Robelle remove a part of the frame building exceptionally good. She was very at its sponsorship. ness A Professional Women’s Clubs Oderkirk, as queen, was attended by on his lot at the corner of Front and tractive, was mixed up with crooks, M. Hafenbrach also complimented of Oregon will be held in Coquille two In keeping with National Music Florence Folsom, Helen Robin- Willard, to put a fiat roof on the part and declared herself in on the pro Lafe Compton very highly as a weeks hence, May 19, 20, 21, and the ™n', Lo",in* an<1 M“x]pe Simpson, left standing, to install three gas posed robbery of the judge’s guests. Week an evening of music will be of booster at all times for his home local club members have nearly com Bonita Huntington and Carol Young. pumps, to lay a plank flooring, put up Bonita Huntington took the part of fered the public Wednesday, May town. “When he is away from home pleted their preparationa for the con The flower girls who strewed petals a steel service station and make other the judge’s present wife and was fine 10th, at 8 p. m., at the foursquare I he is the biggest booster in the crowd. vention, which will include receptions, before the royal party were Patsy repairs on the corner, was granted by as the fluttery, nervops mis tress of Church. Everyone is cordially invited It’s not the Coquille Hotel that Lafe dinners and evening entertainment Barnes, Shirley Slater, Mary Ann the council, on condition that tanks the household. to this interesting and varied musi- aviator,'cal program, arranged by Tracy talks about, it’s Coquille and its ad beside the business sessions. Capt Rosa Wheatley, Walker, ¡Ruth Mannelin, Laura Emily be buried three feet and other city or vantages. People may not know seemed to be an admirer of Mrs. Dor Leach. The following program will Patsy Norton. Little dinances be complied with. From the number of reservations Ruble and where Coquille is, but they do know already received, indications are that Bernita Miller acted as a most sedate Mrs. Martha Mulkey was given per set, but managed to keep himself in be presented: that it’s Lafe Compton’s home town.” the Coquile Hotel will be crowded to crown bearer, while the pages were mission to repair the sidewalk around good standing with the judge and in Army A Navy March Mr. Hafenbrach also urged that all the limit for the first time since the Georgie Gant and Gene Masters. That her place at the corner of Eleventh the final scenes helped rout the gang - - Foursquare Orchestra ^^*0 Duane Fitzgerald took the Rhythm Band portions of the Coast Highway sec annex was built. Over 200 delegates they had a little trouble in keeping and Holly streets, and te tap the'man- sters. ... tion become better acquainted, and are expected to attend. Mrs. H. H. Coleman, dirtetor the flowing shoulder qpbe at the hole in the intersection for a sewer part and made it an important one. Deborah Winchell, played by Eliza-' “Bohemian Girl' co-operate more unitedly in going af - Orchestration Then Sentinel has in preparation a proper tauntness only added to the conneetoin. ter the tourist travel, one of the special B. P. W. section for its May merriment The request that the block on Bush beth Pierce, and Hal Stanley, her lov- "Trees,” vocal solo - Jack McCue biggest assets to the state when lbs 19 issus. - - Following the queen and her royal street, from Holly east, be repaired so er, the part taken by Jack McCue, Violin solo Glenn Neideigh beauty, its climate and its natural Mrs. Neideigh, accompanist attendants were a Boy Scout patrol that it can be used, was referred to were essential to the carrying out of, resources become better known. the plot, and they did full justice to Vocal Duet Mr. and Mrs. John Martin the street committee. and a Camp Fire Girls group. Another speaker at the Tuesday To Observe Golden Anniversary “Night in June” Dr. M. Earl Wilson was appointed the parts. Elizabeth was as lovely Splendidly did Doris Compton ex - Orchestra Beulah Chapter No. 6, O. E. 8., will press the-popular approval of Queen and confirmed as city health officer. luncheon was L. J. Allen, of Corval bride-elect aa to often encountered. “Priera,” harp solo Florence Cary lis, 4-H club leader, who spent three celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Robelie I, in a beautiful flower dance Saxophone solo Stewart Norton (Continued on last page) ____ again, — ..___ days here this week 4 with County ite installation on Friday, June 2. As which “Teach Me to Pray” vocal solo as it has ... in ____ the _____ past. Grand Council Fire May 10 II Agent Jenkins, visiting club projects. the number indicates it was the sixth proves this young lady to be an ar- I Dorothy Cary New Deputy on the Job A Grand Council Fire of the four! He suggested that Lions might in chapter to be organized in Oregon. tist ; tn terpsichore. Graceful rhythm Billboard March • crease their interest in educational The chapter at Lakeview, No. 6, just of : movement but slightly expresses Camp Fire groups of girls in Coquille Wm. Davis on Monday became dep Foursquare Orchestra will be held at the auditorium in the uty sheriff for Coos county, succeeding matters by getting in doser touch recently observed its golden anniver 'Continued on sixth page.) high school building next Wednesday Pete Culver, who is now city marshal sary. Beulah Chapter is making ex with 441 club work. Coquille high school will celebrate evening at 8 o’clock. All four groups at Myrtle Point Mr. Davis has had music week by presenting the organi Other guests at the luncheon were tensive preparations for the event Spring, 1933 will take part in the program and the several years’ experience in police zations of its music department in p Wm. Davis, Ray Thomas, C. E. Niles, and has sent invitations to the 210 * The worthy Spring comes, thia year, like a bird parents and friends and all interested work and his new duties are not en free concert to be given at the Com J. A. Lamb, E. D. Webb and Earnie chapters in Oregon. with a broken wing. in the work are invited to attend. tirely strange to him. He expects to munity Building next Thursday eve Ferrari, who delighted the group with grand matron has announced he in tention of coming; other grand of We have waited her long, have look There will be no admission charge. several selections on the accordion. move his family from North Bend to ning at eight o’clock. This concert is ed for her coming .with prayer, ficers are expected, and it is thought The Grand Council Fire was de- Coquille in another ten days, after an annual affair and consists of And the hills have awaited her, hun- cided upon and arranged for at a school is out over there. groups of numbers by the high school Woman’s Club Luncheon Tues. there may be 400 in attendance. ~ gering, brown, and bare; * meeting of the Guirdians group, held There is to be a benefit to the Co orchestra, the glee clubs and the band. The annual luncheon of. the Coquille We have searched the skies for her at the home of MrszGeo. W. Bryant, quille high school athletic teams in The band, which wsf organized Two Concerns to Move Woman’s Club will be held Tuesday, glorious flight of joy, the Davis removal to Coquille, for about four years ago, numbers seven-. in Kmwlton Heights, Tuesday eve Enieet Perrott is this week May 9th, at the Coquille Hotel at one But here she comes creeping, a hurt ning. Mrs. Bryant is chairman and his son. Joe, 17 yeans of age, will be teen pieces and has made wonderful o’clock. The new club officers will at modelling the room in the First Na- and bewildered thing, a senior here next year. Joe has progresi in that time. Glee club work Another tional Bank building, formerly occu Into our hearts—and she has no song Miss Katherine Jane Hassler secre that time be introduced. tary of the Guardians’ Group for the been prominent in athletics at North has been enjoyed by the students for very interesting program has been pied by The Title Go. Partitions in to sing. Rend since entering high school, and a long period of time. But it is to coming year. arranged. If Judge James T. Brand stalled will provide ah' office in the —Frances Holmstrom, the past year starred in both football the orchestra that this concert is of can possible be in the city he will talk southeast corner of the room to be McKinley, Oregon. especial interest, since this marks the Will Continue at Valley View .and baseball. on “The Relation of the Philippine ’occupied by the Hodgdon A Walker close of the tenth consecutive year of X Islands to the United States.” Mr. Real Estate and Insurance Co. - They Sheriff Had Them Worried The Coquille school directors met Men to Serve Cafeteria Dinner orchestra work in the high school. J. E. Norton is also to give an ad will engage in a general insurance Sneak thieves are a little wary here la*t Monday evening with the direct The men of the Pioneer church will During that time it has maintained a dress. Musical numbers for the day and real estate business. if the sheriff and his force. Recent ors of the Valley View district, and serve a dinner in Pioneer Hall next membership of about ten per cent of The rest of the room will be occu are harp selections by Miss Florence ly the theft of. windows and a little spent considerable time discussing the Thursday evening, May 11, starting the student body and now has twenty- Car/ >nd vocal solos by Miss Anne pied by the William« Cash Grocery proposal to run a bus to Coquille next three members. at six o'clock. It is a cafeteria din pée ____ sent ‘ household stuff from a house in the Barton. Price of the luncheon will bo which will move from ito i The participants In this concert will north part of town’ was reported to year and bring all their pupils in here. ner and you pay for what you get. Front street location. The moves will 50 cento. The Coquille directors decided that probably number over fifty, an unusu the sheriff. They started investigat The public is invited to attend. The be made on the tenth. ing and so hot did the officers get on 845 per pupil was as low a figure as last time the men of the church served ally large number for a school the Son Born to Former Teacher the culprit’s trail that the next time they were justified in making for a dinner the patrons enjoyed a good size of Coquille High. All students A six-pound son was born last Fri Must Wait 3 Days for License the officers visited- the acene of the tuition. meal and this one will not suffer by have been working hard under the di rection of Mr. Thompson, Miss Hall Adding to that figure the cost of comparison. day to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Serex, at t The new marriage license or, “gin” thievery, lo and behold, the windows and Mrs. Beyers and the program Long Beach, Calif., Mrs. Berex was law, will go into effect on May 18. were all back in place and the stolen transportation, led the Valley View promises to he good. All friends directors to decide that it would be formerly Mis* Helen Roseman, home The provisions of the law make it nec articles replaced. Our 1933% Winter friends of the school are urged to at cheaper to continue their school, just economics teacher in Coquille High essary to apply for a marriage li The Coos County Chamber of Com- this side of Johnson Mill, and they School, and she has hosts of friends cense at the clerk's office three days Our spring and summer were quite tend. here* who will be glad to know that before the license is issued. There is j meree will meet on Monday, May 15, have re-engaged Frank Burbank aa short this year, and we are now en ho publicity required, rvquir other than the at Hamm's Cafe in Myrtle Point, for principal, and Miss Elsie Halliday as joying our winter of nineteen thirty-' both mother and babe are getting . no Dance to the music of 42nd Street •formal application. j the regular bi-monthly seMioa. teacher. three and a half. at Graham's HaU, May 4th. along well. A special meeting of the Qoos Coun ty Health Association is to be held at the Coquille Hotel here tomorrow at lil5, with an informal 36 cent lunch. The main purpose of the meeting is to formulate plans for pressing a vigor ous membership drive in the near fu ture. The affiliation fee will be ton cento. At the same session tomorrow, Mrs. Leia Elrod, county health nurse, will discuss the clinics that are to be held this summer for children who will en ter school in September. Mrs. R. A. Wemich is community chairman for Coquille. Everyone interested is invited to at tend tomorrow's luncheon. I SENIOR CLASS | SCORES A HITl FAIR PAYMENT OF TAXES MADE i I !