THE COQUULLR TALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 28. 1933. PAGI um — — Coquille School News Lincoln Building community hall where music, games and jig-saw pussies were enjoyed. Later in the evening Mrs. Wilson served cake, sandwiches and coffee to the party. Mr. Boyer of the U. S. Department of Interior and District Warden J. A. Walsh were in McKinley Saturday in vestigating the possibilities of con structing a forest road into the Tioga cuujitry. Misses Ruth Sparlin and Alice Jen kins, teacher» of the Fairview school, together with a group of Fairview young folks picnicked at the Law horne falls Sunday. Harry and Fred Jarvis and Harry Bunch killed a cougar In the Tioga country last week. Mrs.'Nola Parry who.has been suf fering from a “catch” in her back went home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Wilson, of Lee, wty>.visit ed at the Parry home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast and family visited with Mrs’. Mast's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Felsher, of Myrtle Point, over the week-e,nd. . Mias Norma Johnson spent several days laet week at the Owen ^Vilson home. EGG LAYERS IN CONTEST Last Saturday morning the Coun ty Spelling Contest was held in the Internationa] Competition at A Century of Progresa Lincoln Building. Robert McCilvery, Violet Dornath, and Jack Martin represented our achool but none won j «-cored place* in the contest. In the declamation contest that 1 took place in the high school gymna “MONEY IN THE BANK sium 'Saturday afternoon our repre MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS sentative, Robert MdGilvery, rated OF THIS SWIFT MOVING joint winner for first place with the DYNAMIC WORLD OF TODAY representative from Empire. Accord ing to this plan each school is to keep the silver cup, presented by the Marshfield Civic Club, one-half year. Coquille will have it from now until October when it will be sent to Em pire. The cup was offered two years ago to be won first by Coos River • suggesting you have yours at who lost it last year to joint winners from North Bend and Manahfield. Any school which can win the cup FIRST NATIONAL BANK three consecutive years retiuns it as permanent property. of Coquille, Oregon An serial view of Chicago Century ol Progress which will include The Junior High inter-class track an International Egg Laying Contest Tbs artist's sketch in th* right meet was- held last Friday afternoon foreground show* ths detail of th* Poultry Exhibit. Her* 1,000 of the after 2:30 p. m. Through this, elim-, best birds of the laying breed*, specially fed and housed. will compete - * where your dollars are for Individual and pen honors every week for 3 months—May 28tb to ¡nation was made for the county track October 29th. 1933. meet to be held in Marshfield Satur given a greater sustaining day, April 29. The results were a* Million* of city folk* along with wUl be oue ot the most valuable ot power through our co-operation Brewster Valley follows: ■ (First and second places, alllton* of their country coiisfeia exhibitions at the Fair. only, are given a* representatives to rill have tlie op|H>rtunlty to see st Grant Harry made a business trip One of the heat *|iace* on th* Irst hand the nperatlon of modern ground haa lieen reserved for the go to Marshfield.) to Coquille last week where he receiv poultry pistil* at the Century of exclusive use of the poultry men Class I ed medical treatment for a badly in Progress Expoaltlisi at Chicago. May Over list modern poultry houses Broad Jump — Lowell Waggoner, jected hand. described real property to satisfy the 28th to Octolier Mh. each divided Into two pen* bousing Kenneth Laird returned Friday eve sum of 31647.00, and the further Dougl^h Donated. More than S.taai ot the boat |m a total of 2d females and 2 males sum of 1210.00 as attorney’s fees, and High Jump—Zoe Sinclair, Doug- ning from a trip to Tule Lake, after a Juclng hena tn the country will he each will form the Poultry Exhibit. costa and disbursements, together las Donated. load of hay. ■» with accruing costa, I WILL ON SAT sutertxi In an international Kga At the very ent rune* tn the Poul Sprints—I,owell Waggoner, Doug- Mis* Hazel Shrader, of Myrtle URDAY, THE 20th DAY OF MAY, Laying I'ouleat uutler the auspices try Colony will be exhibition peas Point, and (Miss Ruth Dornath, of las Donsted. 1933, at the hour of 10 o ’ clock in the In which will be housed unusual of the National Poultry CounelL C. W. NOYES forenoon of said day at the front door Broadbeift, spent the week-end visit Class II The Atiieriian public la hot eon breed* of chickens so that every Attorney at Law of the County Court House in the City Broad Jump — Marvin Goodman. ing with Miss Hazel Taylor. Burning the uiitnlier or eggs annually visitor can heratn* acquainted with of Coquille, Coos County. Oregon, offer Practico in U. S. D. Court and Mrs. Stella Laird made a business . i for sale and sell at public auction, to Melvin Wheaton that our t'aiiiiillun nelglilaira are. ar the many varieties and breeds of State Coarto ■High Jump—George Huhton, Zoe ‘rip to Myrtle Point and Coquille I the highest and best bidder for cash cording to the poultry official* liar hernyard biddies Km. No. 3 Par mera A Merchante Every week a model hatchery will I in hand, all the right, title and inter Sinclair. t _ Monday. vey tl Wood. Manager of the Interna est of the said Defendants in and to produce more than 5.000 baby Bank Bldg., Oregon Sprint* — .Lowell Waggoner, Doug tlonal Egg larylng Contest at the Pete Alford trailed and killed a the following described real property, Century of I'r.igreea. Mates that chick* on regular seliwlale. Theos las Donsted. cougar on his homestead near Split to-wit: Canadian* eat IM more egg* per cap wUl tie packed and «hipped to any Mountain Tuesday. Lot 3, the South East M of the Class III DR. H. W point In the I’nlted stats* via Uncle ita thau do U. 8. citizens North West *4, arid the North East Broad Jump—Jack Hunt, Loren Mrs. Myrtle Christensen, Christina Optometrist . Sam's Parrel Post Service Th* U of the South West % of Section “ On* of the purposes In conduct Christaenxen, Mrs. Fannie Alford and Simmons. Coquille Hotel wisdom of getting offspring from I One (1), in Township 30 iiouth, of Ing Hila exhibit, ” says Mr. Wood, High Jump—Jack Hunt, -Dudley Miss Gene Smith made a busineM trip Range 15 West of the Willamette known producers al the contest will 2nd Friday each month “ is to make million* of new friends Meridian in the County of Coos, and Walton. to Coquille Monday. Mrs. Grant «■ he apimrent. Latest methods of fitting glasses tor the poultry Industry. Also we i State of Oregon. Shot-put—Alan Bailey, Loren Sim Harry, who has been visiting relatives A Broiler Plant where chickens are want to demonstrate In a practical fattened for market will produce | Said sale being made subject to re- there, returned with them. ! demption in the manner provided by mons. way what good quality la eggs really special fries to be sold to visitors. Sprint*—Loren Simmons, Kenneth Albert Christensen received another Title Guarantee A Abstract Co. ■ law. means" It to more than a Poultry Show Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this Waggoner. contract for myrtlewood, so Monday Abstracts of Title, Notary Pub- In tlila effort to nyove tb* produc that |e getting under way now at 20th day of April, 1933. he sawmill run by Ivan Laird and Clan* IV plete abstract plant in Coos Co. ing ability ot hens kept under top speed for the Century of Prog H E i H mb v Broad Jump — Lewis Donaldson, lulius Benham resumed operations. proper conditions and fed according ress lie, Ins. Bonds. The only eom- . 14t5 Sheriff of Coo* County, Oregon. It Io a dem<>n»t ratios of the The largest number attended Sun- Donald West. to pro|ier feeding methods the offi 'value of accumulated research head J. E. AXTELL, Sec. lay School here Sunday, with ui to High Jump — Lewi* Donaldson, cial Huies tVimmlttee of tb* Contest ed by our Agricultural Schools and Coquille, Ora. Phone MM FAT ELK DRAINAGE DISTRICT baa decided upon an < Mbela I Rgg turned Into practical commercial tal of 50. Four visitons were Mr. and Donald West. MEETING laylnu Mash and Scratch Grain service under the untiring direction Shot-put — Lewis Donaldson, Jack Mrs. Lloyd Leatherman, Miss Bul Notice is hereby given that there DR. J. J. LESLIE which must be fed to all bird* en of the research division of commer locks, of Lee, and Bert Mead, of Grav- will be a meeting of the owner* of Smith. tered. After an exhaustive March cial feed mills DENTIST land in the Fat Elk Drainage District Sprints—Lewis Donaldson, Donald il Ford. for a feed that would meet all re held at the City hall in Coquille, Coos MbClellan. Hours 9-12 m, 1 to 5 p. m, The mom feeds that will be aven- Harold And Wilda Shepherd, of j County, Oregon, at the hour of ten (lulrements th* conniiiltve selected able to the country's best bens at Evening by appointment Dora, spent Saturday visiting in the Relay Team — Lewis Donaldson, o’clock in the forenoon of Friday, Purina Breeder Egg Chowder and the Oentury of Progress Interna Over Hudson Drug Store valley. the 28th day of April, 1988, for the Donald McClellan, Jack Smith. Purina Hen Chow. tional Egg Laying Contest ere avaU- purpose of electing one Supervisor Mrs. Walter Laird was railed to Co- Pole Vault—Jim Schaer. Thus th* exhibition ol th* poul able In exactly the Mme form to for said Drainage District who shall The Girl* Event* resulted as fol 4»ilie Monday to the bedside of h*r try people will npt only be recren ih .<" , misers to every pert ot the hold hi* office for a period of three DR. J. F. YOUNG daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Dutton. She ” * V. - years and until hi* successor i* elect lows: tlonal but Informative, and aa such «•. Chiropractor ed and qualified: and for the transac- ------- Class I taken to the Mast hospital at • tion of auch other business a* may Sprints—.Frances Sullivan, Agnes Myrtle Point and her mother will re 345 So. Ball lawfully come before the meeting. main near until the crisis m passed. Caudle. . Next Dour south of City Hall Dated thia 15th day of April, 1932. Perley Crowley and son, Edwin, Baseball Throw—Agnes Caudle. The new phone 102-M ror*, W. E. Cross, E. L. Detlefsen, are in Portland visiting Mr. Crowley’s Betty June Johnson. S. H. Stockhoff, brother, Charley, who is ill in the Class H Trustees. JAS. W. WHEELER They left Sprints—Imogene Hickam, Elisa hospital with a cancer. 14t2 Edna A. Robison, Sec’y. Sunday morning via iitage. Physician 4k Surgeon beth Varney. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Volck, of Lang- Baseball Throw — Jotty Watson, Ellingson Bldg. Coquille IN THE COUNTY COURT OR-THE ioia, and Ralph Noah, of Coquille, Imogene Hickam. STATE OF OREGON IN AND Leave calls at FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS vt-re Sunday visitors at th* Perley Clam HI Hudson’s Drug Store ar at Co In the Matter of the Estate of J. L. Sprints—'Ids Caudle, Linnis Terry Jrowley home. - Everyone enjoyed a quille Hotel Holycross, Deceased. Baseball Throw—.Elizabeth Varney, picnic up at the Jake Bohlander place. Notice to Creditor* Those from here to attend a birth- Ida Caudle. No. 8052 NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN, Class IV lay surprise party given in honor of DR. J. R BUNCH That the undersigned has been duly Sprints—Ida Caudle, Linnis Terry. Mrs. Fred Durham, of Pleasant Hill, appointed by the above entitled DENTIST Genevieve^ Baseball Throw—Kathleen Brady, Friday evening were: Court, a.< Executrix of the estate of Cloise and Jernes Crowley, Mr. and X-RAY Service said Deceased, and has duly qualified Ida Caudle. a* such. This makes a total of twenty-five Mrs. Jesse Hicks and son, Claud. Laird Bldg., Firat Street NOW THEREFORE, all persons Mrs. Jake Bohlander ran a fish lelegates from Coquille. Coquille, Ora Tslephcne 82-L having claims against said Estate are In the inter-class competition the hook into her hand Sunday and was hereby notified and required to pre sent the same, together with proper 8A1 room was victorious with a to taken to Coquille to receive medical vouchers therefor, to the undersigned tal score of 35 points. The 7A1 treatment. While there sherstayed at th offices of J. Arthur Berg, in Co GRANT CORBY quille, Oregon, within six months room ranked next with 27 pdnta ahd at the home of her sister, Mrs. “P*te” Pointer. Louis Laird is helping with Attorney at Law the 8A2 third with 28 points. from the date hereof. the chorea during her absence. Dated this 28th day of April, 1933. Richmond-Bar her Bldg, Viol* Holycroas, Those taking pert in the County sae 157 UoeuiMe. Ora May fourth and fifth will be pro- Executrix of the Estate of J. L. Residence Phone 24-M mary visiting day. Parents* who in Spelling Contest at Coquille from Sit- Holyeross, deceased. tend to enter their children in the kum school were: Leeda Greves, sixth J. Arthur Berg, 15t5 fall are urged to bring them to achool grade, and Jack Mayee, third grade. Attorney for Executrix. J. ARTHUR BERG on the above dates. Teachers will ex In declamation, Claud Hicka, aeventh Attorway at Law News Notes From Powers plain general rules and regulations grade, gave the reading, “Th* Mus Ruomi 1 4k 2 tard Plaster or When Ignorance is The Coo* Bay Lumber Co. turned concerning the new entrance blank. ■ . ■ mar* * Merchant« Bank Blds Bliss,'' taken from “The Speaker.” over to the unemployed committee PhoM *7 Thoee to enjoy Sunday dinner at McKinley Notes several hundred gallons of fruit and • uqaille. Orsgaa the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ben- vegetables which were given to the Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maiden spent Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd needy Tuesday evening. Over 200 the week-end in North Bend visiting ham were: DR. W V. GLA18YKR families were assisted with not less their daughter, Elinor, who'is recover Leatherman, MIM Cera Bullocks, of Mto Robert McAtee, of McAtee, of Myrtle Myrtle VETERINARIAN than nine quarts of food. The C. B. ing from an appendicitis operation. .’«nt, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krew- L. Co. expect to be going some time Minx Avis Jenkins returned to her ■o* and < oeatv Herd A Meat Inspector soon. About 25 men are rebuilding home after spending several months Coqtulla, Ora. M hs Flotence Mead has been help- the Baker creek bridge. in Ashland attending Southern Ore •ng witlj the work at the hoane of Mr. Mm. Martha Mulkey and George gon Normal School. ind Mru. 'Ivan Laird during the illness Jenkins were speakers at the P. T. A. J. A. RICHMOND The Ladies Club met Thursday at- of their two- children. Friday telling of the 4-H club work. ternoon with Mm. Hilda Brow«. The PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Sunday dinner guest* at the C. M. The kiddies’ part of the program was ladies decided on the quilt pattern Wilson home were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Rb-hmond-Bnrkar Building furnished by the first and second which they are going to start work A. Nickaran and family. Grant Harry' Coquille, Ora. grades. A large crowd was in at on soon. After an enjoyable after Mrs. Carrie Niek**on, Mr. and Mrs. tendance. Office UM. R m . MR noon was spent in conversation and Elmer Wilson and family, Bert and Leslie King, Frederick Stock, Rus sewing refreshments were served to Miner Mead. sell Berven, Bruce Keller, were the in Mesdames Bea Lawhorne, Mildred J. J. STANLEY spiration for a huge birthday party at King, I. J. Bennett, Nola Parry, Lee lawtu Emanon Club Notes the Kindergarten Friday. After the Mast, Nellie Brown, Violet Wilson and regular games, a lovely lunch of C. O. King and Misses Jessie Law Entertainment of a little different, t-irthday cakes, ice cream and hot horne, Helen Glenn, Norma Johnson kiad was offered last week by Mim Gertrude Lambrecht, wheh she was rhocoiate was served to twenty-seven and the hosteea. little folks. Mrs. Langston, the tasch-: Anna Holmstrom from r the __ ____ eighth hoetes for the s Emanon club at the sit er, furnished the candy and a birthday grade, Ivan Maat from the fifth and K'toe of her sister,-Mrs. Mabel Love - FORECLOSURE SALE gift for the little one*. j Veva King from the third represented- land. A magic show was given, with NOTICE 83 HEREBY GIVEN, Joe Marshall, who has spent a lot the McKinley school in the county »eorge Ulett, Jr., in a swallow-tailed There were followed by refresh That under and by virtu* of an Exe T. Morris Dunne, af Portland, who >f time in this vicinity and who ¡impelling contest in Coquille Saturday. coat and a black mustache as the ma ments served to Misses Gertrude succeeds the late Chas. T. Early ta cution and Order of S»1* ... winter, was j unjay w-itH the Circuit Court of th*„ mining in Colorado this The roa( road j wag was lined g Sunday with gician. His tricks were clever and Tway, Jeanette Book, Edna Robinson, Oregon for the County of Coo* on the fortunate to locate a pocket last week earloads of fishermen and picnickers, many and thoroughly enjoyed by Mestlames Margaret Mullens, Mabel a member of the industrial accident commission is another of Oregon’s 20th day of April, 1983, in a certain ♦ _ _____ , Jr, successful business men. | Several " ' carloads r reported ' * good J those preseat. | Loveland, Messrs George Ulett, cause in «aid Court Pe"<Jing wherein in which he found 310,000. He also Bertha O. Stilwell is P*Ih,t,£' r *"d rare Ulett. A surprise followed thia perform- ' Geo George Ulett, Sr., who wti was nt»iu»n present catches of fish. brings to his new job a wealth of ex anee. “ — ■ - ’ 1 - ■ *- - ■ — - Geo B. Morgan and A. L. JJ®rgan. Opening dance at the Gravel Ford A crowd of friends gathered at the Some amateur motion pictures the latter part of the evening and ex sometimes known a* La»aJ*orP®’ Community Hall, 'Saturday evening, Owen Wilson home Friday evening of the Smith Wepd^roducts plant plamed some of th* pictures, and lit- perience as an insurance man which now Laura MoDuffee, formerly hus April 18, and every Saturday evening, and surprised him, the occasion being w " *h*wn. These pictures were t>4 Gerald Lambrecht and th* hostess. should stand him well in hand in deal band and wife, are Defendants, Case ing with the e No. 10157, of said Court and com Good music and a good floor. Come, his birthday anniversary. After the taken a year 13t4 »urprise the crowd aU wrat to tlto **•*•«• from Calling carda 100 for 11.00, manding me to raU th* hereinafter 50 cents per couple. confronting the TODAY AND IT’S NEEDS Professional Cards IN THE GOLDEA n EM’H F OF JEHOL ♦ i *