.•uxw ’ -1* s « » » < PAGE SIX THE COQUILLE VALLET 8 ENTIN EL, COQUILLE. OREGON, PEIDA Y. APE1L IL 1M3. hood at midnight last week. I have the slight breezes stealing across the man wishes to turn upon them and quantity. Hartley bemoans the loss County Spelling Contenu in < Uncoin Bldg. Tomorrow also beard ruffed grouse (native mountains and caressing my cheek -day them. »It seems that there are a of his all-around star of last season, By Lans Leneve pheasants) drumming at least an was the soft voices of the Great Red certain 'class of would-be sportsmen ' Harry Helmkin, who carried off top i The old fishin* season opened with . hour ■ before * ....................... ............ ■- »»- -» if v ------------- » — *■-------- (Continued on sixth par«) daylight during spring, in J- Goda the Forest, who were -------- once -1 who simply cannot stand to see any- scoring honors in the county meet in a bang. Long before daylight cars the high mountains. again welcoming the return of one of filing left alive in its native haunts if 1932 with twenty points, nor has he were chugging out of town, piloted by it is in their, the sportsmen’s, power uncovered men to replace Williams in Willanch; Marguerite Christensen, I was amused at a picture that ap- their disciples. ' Far below the voice expectant fishermen on their way*to peared ins'. Portland paper not long th‘ rtroam *“ cnllmg-thnt call so to kill it—in fact to exterminate it. the sprints or McCue in the distance Haynes Inlet; Ellen Breuer, Catching their favorite streams. That is, the dear to the heart of a fisherman and It would be a pity indeed to wage war runs. Mike Ireland is the best local Creek; Freida Young, Prosper; Dor fortunate ones were on their way to — a*^ It showed tbousnds of ducks in fare against Oregon’s antelope herds. threat, while Martindale, Cooper, othy Watson, Flagstaff; Clinton Burr, flight under the caption “Honk! Honk! once heard, never forgotten. their favorite streams, while their But the lust to kill that is bom in 9tonecypher, and Gallas, form a quar Roy. It was a long hard trip down into , Honk!” Which causes us to inquire, lees fortunate brother anglers who, some men never seems to die and they tet of athletes, who may provide other 8th Grade—Lavaun Hammack, J have you ever heard a duck "honk”? that rock bound canyon to the bank of owing to the fact that the opening day the stream, but it was well worth the are never happy unless they are .ruth entries lots of trouhle in their respec Twin Oaks; Bernice Anderson, Bun Not long ago I stood on a narrow came on Saturday and who were un trip. With what anticipation the rod lessly slaying some of nature’s child tive events. On the ‘whole, however, ker Hill; Olivia Olson. North Bend; able to get away from work, stayed trail at the very summit of a lofty was assembled and the first cast ren. The appeal of such men brought the remainder of the squad are flrst- Patricia Nosier, Cunningham; Royce behind and tore their hair and no mountain. I had made the climb in made! And then—the strike! The about the* open season on elk in four year men and the local mentor will Latham, Myrtle Point; Jack Martin, doubt swore mighty oaths—for, be the half hour of semi-light that comes first fish of the season! Thrill of all counties in this state this season, and have to see them in competition be Coquille; Norma Briner, Bandon; Lois lieve it or not, there are might few before the sun pokes his cheerful face thrifts'! As I dropped the trout in my no doubt they are sorely disappointed fore he can determine their ability. Roberts, Fairview; Robert Silver- fishermen who do not swear. They over the crest of the blue mountains basket and again sent the gaudily because every county in the state was Many of them are promising, and, ateen, Marshfield; Ervin Gant, Lee; may start out right, but It only takes j off to the east and casts his radiant solored fly sailing through the air to not opened so they could practically after tfie interclass meet which start Frances Grove, Powers; Alice Weltx- a short time to acquire some swear smile over the woodlands. The soft alight at the foot of a riffle I would exterminate this noble animal. Here's ed yesterday afternoon and is to be heimer, Allegany; Mary Robertson, words, after a big one or two gets throaty song of a robin reached my not have traded places with any mil hoping that the game commission continued this afternoon, their status Empire; LaVern Jennings, Merchant anyway, the ---------- fortunate ear’ and from the °P®n *lade’ the lionaire who had never answered the turns a deaf ear to the appeals of will likely be known. The triangle away. ’ Well, ------ , — , , — (IDelmar); Leda Grove, Sitkum; anglers all returned with broad grins west came the cheerful and yet path call of the woods. those who wish an open season on an meek with North Bend and Marshfield FaUniel Moore, Bridge; Johnnie Wil etic whistle of my greatest little of satisfaction—that is, all .1 saw. E. Our myrtle robins, varied thrush or telope. Remember our beaver were on Golden Fiejjl listed for next Fri- liams, Willanch; Mary Frances Sul V. Hand, to my knowledge, was the friend of the woods, a mountain quail. Alaskan robins have most all departed almost exterminated and—remember day’will offer further actual work to livan, Catching Creek; Ione Sulin, first to arrive in town with the limit The streak in the east grew stronger for their northern homes. They are the buffalo. prepare the unknown for the county Prosper; Harold Chaney, Flagstaff; of 30 fish, with Mrs. N. McAdams a and stronger and suddenly, in all his with us during the winter but migrate date on May fl. j b Dorothy Bender, Norway; Lucille close second. Ralph’Taylor, as usual, glory. Old Sol. burst upon the scene, as far as Alaska during the spring. Danielson, Riverton; Harold Shull, 8port Briefs ftinging beams in every direction; brought in the limit making his catch I Carl Gilbert, Junior League base Roy. You. will no doubt notice a scarcity in’ By Mark W. Seeley with a fly, while George Taylor dis-- driving shadows from beneath the the ranks of robin red breast soon as ball coach, is awaiting developments 5th Grade—Virginia McNair, Twin - ™ a wonderful”basket _____ of trout ..... 'ochy cliffs and transforming what a played Things along the baseball front before making any real efforts to Oaks; Doris Beal, Bunker Hill; Helen he will be leaving your lawns and thrt he caught on a spinner. George’s ’ew momento before had been a groat, yards where he hras been fed during are slow in forming shape, but Bill start the youngsters who aspire to Huseby, North Bend; Myrtle Endicott, fjsh would have done any angler hushad e«Panae into • world of throb- tKe winter. In fact, most ail of your Fortier states that he will not give play under him in their practice ses- Myrtle Point; Opal Rosenblad, Ban- proud. They were Mantis«, all ths >inK Hf« and wondrous splendor. A. J -- «i • , nay YX — ssitjnn --- J XY — mm ! — r d*v - laaaaaa Ftat¥8 that or^anizcti cío ; bir^s will begin to disappear with the up without a good attempt at organiz sioDM. iNorriB, bi rv i vvv , »1 unv thousand feet beneath me came the way from eight up to 15 inches in exception of a very few. It is but ing a league. Reedsport, one club ex workouts will likely commence late Benedict, Marshfield; Maxine Gant, -length. Not a small one in the lot. rumble of the swiftly mov^g trout natural. It is getting near their nest pected to string along with other next week. At Marshfield plana by Lee; Charlotte Grove, Powers; Mary Bill Bettys also got a nice basket of stream, wending its way between the ing time and they are seeking secure towns of this section, has entered an the American Legion Post of that MdEchern, Allegany; Dorothy But- fish, while Norris Tyfell, one of our rugged hills to the bosom of the broad places to make their nests and again, ther league comprising Florence, city were discussed at a recent meet ton. Empire; George Fonslund, Mer- most persistent nimrods, copped the Pacific. This stream was my ob too, insects are beginning to show up Newport and Waldport, as 'well as ings, Fred Osborn being appointed as chant (Delmar); Genevieve Johnson, limit by using both spinner and fly. jective. Its voice had not changed and the birds’ natural food supply is Reedsport, thus eliminating one en coach and G. C. Huggins and J. B. Bridge; Glennie Finley, Valley Visw; In addition to these anglers there since my last visit there the past replenished by Mother Nature to such try. In normal times the Loggers Bedingfield publicity men for the bay Ivan Mast, McKinley; Irene Myrberg, were dozens of others, men, women spring; a song heard in my dreams an extent that they no longer have to could affiliate with these tovms up the teams this season. Like plans are Prosper; Betty O'Donnell, Flagstaff; and children, who got the limit on the which had rung ip my ears as I sat in rely upon the hospitality of their city coast, but at present the travelling thought to be in progress in the other Anita Tedaen, Norway; Virginia river of both shiners and trout. I an easy chair beside a glowing fire friends for their substance. expenses would likely be too high, towns. O'Dell, Riverton; Theodore Gerlach, and drew on the old briar on cold stole a few golden hours myself on * OMMM Newport being 121 miles away, Roy. L The Coos Bay Harbor states that a that eventful day, that day of days, winter evenings. Yes, it was the same Waldport 103, Florence 68, and Reeds We see that the Marshfield Tennis 4th Grade—Stanley Felsher, Twin dog belonging to Davis Howard bayed and those rugged old hills had not that will linger forever in my memory. port 43. club, of which William Walsh is pres Oaks; Florence Berman, Bunker Hill; an elephant last week and that it Taka it all in all, with reports from ■hanged as they were etched on my Last week Fortier mailed communi ident, is aramging for a city tourna June Huseby, North Bend; Jennie wasn't any pink elephant either. Cir the different streams in the county, it memory from past visits. To the cations to several towns and by next ment, and several inter-city matches. Amend. Cunningham; Carol Hoover, cus elephants seem to have a habit of looks like a cinch that this is going to north, the. east and the south range week he should know just what It is too bad that Coquille can’t have Myrtle Point; Alice Pepion, Bandon; getting loose and rambling around in prove the greatest fishing season in ',pon ra"<e °f mountains reared their stand the other managers wish to ® •• 'I cvmvii vMza as in wz g^nisi*»<x uivjii , caiiu such m a tennis organisation, and IB if Margaret Hagen, Marshfield; Dorio this part of the country. Many of you years. Many of our best streams have i timbered peaks or rock bound ledges take. Eastside shoult be ready to go, some club would help provide good Fry, Broadbent; Marie Michel, Lee; will no doubt recall the two that es- not been splashed by dams for a few high into the heavens, their shapes be- Ritchie Wilson, Powers; Cleone Stem I caped from a circus several years ago having more players ready for action courts, tennis would boom, seasons and the fbsh are gradually • -ome dimmer and dimmer until they 1 at Bandon, invaded the Fout’s ranch than any other team in tbe county. ■ merman, Allegany; Bill Makey, Em ! finally faded away into a long blue coming back into their own. I be pire; Bonnie Jeqn Billings, Bridge; 1 and scared the owner out of bed, off Marshfield is alurays a question, but if I^»ts of Action on the lieve it is safe to say that the pros line. Beauty, the pure untarnished proper «Up. were tak.n ( Amateur Boxing Card Velva King, McKinley; Timothy Sulfl- the ranch and almost out of the count pects for good catches throughout the beauty of nature, lay before me. As I this bay club could easily organize. lvan, Catching Creek; Ila Barkdoll, ry. Why not liberate a few elephants season look brighter than they have stood there on the little rocky trail,, North Bend« after a succeeeful season The amateur boxing smoker in thg Flagstaff; Joyce Schroeder, Norway; "in this district? Everything has been in communion with the very heart of last year, should be hopped up. Pow- Community building,’ panted by Nancy Roberts, Riverton. for the past ten years. planted here from fish to moose. The poor fellows that had to stay nature, surrounded by all its beauties, u” *'***** to enter^a traveling club, Ag boys, drew a very good crowd 8rd Grade—Eleanor Floyd, Twin Several sportsmen’s organizations but this seems unadvieable. home on Saturday sure got a tough I could not help but think of the poor I last Thursday evening, and provided Oaks; Betty Lee, Bunker Hill; Ruth are petitioning the game commission fellows back in town who never hark break Sunday. The weather gods Aside from Coquille, the only other a good program for the fans. With Manos, North Bend; Alice Ames, Ban “ganged up” on them and mixed a lot ened to the call of the woods; had to open the season on antelope in this Douglas and Coos county town show one or two exceptions the boys were croft; Dorothy Graham, Cunningham; of good rain up with hail, so the boys never climbed a rock strewn trail or state. Ye gods, what next! Oregon ing any promotorial interest, is Rose Danny Ortman, Myrtle Point; Donald very well matched. has one of the largest, if not the larg- wended their way v to a favorite fishing who hit the streams that day fished burg. "Red” Ruppert, famed bush The opening bout was a wrestling Sweet, Bandon; Patricia Stockwell, stream. What they have missed in life! »it antelope herd in the United States under trying conditions. x I ■ . . . . I league magnate, is the man behind Roberta Pratt, Dora; match, in which Morris Stonecypher Marshfield; Do you know that birds sometimes It is easy for one’s imagination to and it seems to be grieving some the power over there and he is taking had a shade the better of Harold Genevieve Robbins, Broadbent; Wan -un in such surroundings, eapeci- sportsmen to see this rare animal . run riot especi- .sing at night? It is not unusual for »tepe to put Roseburg on the baseball Plaep in their ten minutes of muscle da Willson, Lee; Brian Otis, Powers; _____ N<* jl * front- Ruppert has made known his a brush thrush to sound his sweet ally if lie is alone, and so it did not flourish in our state. T" Sullivan, Allegany; Bertha of my itnagi- these animals were being fe<i by man iata^Uons ofpiltting forth Rose"burg’Z straining but it was so nearly even Billy little song at any hour W» of the night take such a great stretch # WWW , - - ! J____ ,,____ ____ - uiwsnuvn. Ml putting tortn itoseourg s the referee, Lyle Bishop, called it a Howell. Merchant (Demar); Jack One wan sounding off in our neighbor-[ nation to conjure up the thought that to keep them from starving and now gy for a place in the proposed class D draw. Morris threw Harold a few Mayse, 8itkum; Evelyn Morrison, league if this is formed next season. times but could not pin his shoulders Bridge; Dorothy Brown, Prosper; Klamath Falls has also announced her to the mat. Marian Franson, Flagstaff. intentions of entering this circuit, From the opening round of the Pete The grade schools declamatory con and if present plans materialize, Anderson-iBud iRhule scrap to the test will be held in the Coquille high “Frisco” Edwards, who is now the end of the last round there was action, school tomorrow afternoon at 1 p. m. manager at K. F., «rill start organiz and more action, some of it clever and The public is invited to attend this ing a team this year in preparation some of it less scientific, but in each program. The books given as prizes for the following. one of the nine three-round bouts the to the winners of the spelling con We can’t see, however, how such a boys were in there trying with all tests of the morning «rill also be widespread organization would be a they had, and many a fan had paid awarded at this time. The musical success. Coquille would be quite dis tWo or three dollars to see a flght portion of the declamatory contest tant from the Willamette Yalley where there was not nearly as much will include the following four num towns, but in good times a fast club action or entertainment for the spec- bers: in ogr city would outdraw any of tatora. I Solo by Margaretta Wood, of Alls- them. The Logger teams of 1929 and J. W. Laird and H. E. Hess acted gany; violin solo by Raymond Ben- 1930 were classy enough to measure . as judges with Mr. Bishop for the thin, of Valley View; boys glee club up to class D standards, and these program. The results ------‘ **■* “ — * View, ”— and numbers ----- * were as fol- thin, of * Vajley by clubs brought out the fans. lows: , the boys glee club of North Bend and Fortier has a nice nucleus of play Anderoon-Rhule, a draw. by the harmonic band of Benker Hill. ers for a team thia season. Wood Jim Schaer-Kenneth Rhule; deci The contestants are as fololws: yard, Pulford, Gilbert, Fischer, Stew sion given Schner. Magne Smedirg, Bunker Hill; Beryl art, Davis, Roper, Lorenz, Hayward, Lawrence Vincent-Lee White, draw. Williams, Myrtle Point; Nobert Mc- Sturdivant, Extra, and Guptill are Norman Powell-Cedric Croas, deci Gilvery, Coquille; Nina Kroening, available for duty, while a teaser or sion to former. Bandon; Alice Lang, Empire; Jack two from Bandon may be signed up. Geo. Anthony- Clynard Holverstott, Boone, Marshfield; Margaretta Wood, Many of the boys have already been draw. Allegany; Claud Hicks, Sitkum; working out, though ths practice on Mary Tom Schaer-Wesley Harrison, draw. Johnnie Williams, Willanch; Sunday will be the first organised re Fred Coleman-Lynn SWahi. The Bird, Haynes Inlet; Charlotte How hearsal. ard, E tai ha; Albert Vgja, Flagstaff; latter KO’d Fred in tbe third. Carl Yeoman-Orval Chard. Bishop Jaane Mills, North Bond. Marshfield, with a squad of over stopped it in the first and awarded 25 lads, is conceded the bast chance decision to Chard. o8ae Mansell Drayage A Delivery of winning the county track meet on coal. Orders Bob Bailey-Vem Hansen, draw., Co. for Alpine _ ______ filled- May 8. Four lettermen included in Bailey had the beat of the first two promptly, thia squad are: Don Wade, sprints; rounds, but Hansen staged such h -- - Marion Popeecue, broad jump and fierce assault in the final round that, Calling cards 100 for 11.00. sprints; James Harrison, high Jump_________ he evened __________ the count. and sprints; and Ted Perry, pole ! Gus Gailas acted as announcer for vault and sprints; while Coach Os- the card, born has a number of other talented individuals who are showing nice Cottes Not a 3 form. Marshfield has «ran the meet Sea-Island cotton was formerly for the last two yean, and for the grown on the Islands along the eastern most part her points have come from coast of 8<>uth Carolina and Georgia. having a large squad of performers It bad to be abandoned there because who counted points by taking second of the ravages of the boll weevil and and third places. -Aside from the Is now confined to the drier Islands of efforts of one of two outstanding ath the Weal Indies, where It was reintro letes the bay school has made no out duced from the United Staten. A little standing assault on records or first eottnn of this type is grown experi mentally at Yuma. Aria. places in «rinning her championships. At North Bend only one letterman, John Mullen, a hurdler, is included in “Oblate«” a squad of over twenty. * Coach An oblate la tbe Roman Catholic Adams has not won a championship' church Is one who, not being a pro for some time, though his teams al-' fessed monk or friar, has either la ways place high in the point gaining, j , youth been offered to God and ful In 1930 Coquille barely nosed out, filled that offering or In adult youth North Bend by a margin of lees than has dedicated himself to the service a point, and in 1981 Marshfield over-, of God In holy religion. There are ob came her bay rivals about two points. Last spring the Bulldog squad placed third. Already this school year North Marrlage Bend has won the football and bas Is now generally considered that ketball buntings, this being highly l Is no reason why first cousins indicative of the present caliber of athletes competing under Coach Adams. ‘V I . Coach Hartley is working hard «orient problems, Ot^OF-DOORS STUFF I toward the development of his team, which la, as yet, a very unknown •I