VOL XXIX. NO. 14. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL«21. 1833. ■ ■■■-.....eds I Open House in the Schools Two Matters Discussed by C. of C. Would Benefit Co­ quille Valley Open house day will be held at the Coquille schools on Friday, April 28th. This year regular clasees are to be held in all of the buildings. This plan has been judged to be the best as it gives the parentx^nd friends an opportunity to see the children at work under normal conditions. The programs for the day are un­ der the direction of the Principals of the various achqole. At the high schotol parents will be given an oppor­ tunity to visit an assembly devoted to the nomination of Student Body of­ ficers. In addition the Holme Econ­ omics department will serve tea to the mothers. > At the grade schools the Principals have arranged to have all displays and projects placed in the halls. This has been done to preserve the natural environment of the school room. All patrons of the schools who are interested in seeing the children at Work with every day school tasks are cordially invited to attend. 82JH THE TEAR ------------------------------ - --- - Motorlog Visitors Here . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :ELDER F.5. BUNCH Ray Conway, of the State Auto­ mobile Association, and Ed W. Miller, staff writer on the Oregonian, stopped 1 at the hotel here yesterday noon on Hundreds Here for Public Sale Holy Land Magician Recovers their way u GoId Beach. Passed Away at Gravel Ford, , These two men are making twelve Saturday—Next One to Sunday—Funeral Services Chicken From Rev.. T. R. i motor*; trips over the principal high- Be May 6 Here Wednesday Jackman ’ s Pocket i .9 i ways of Oregon, which will appear in > twelve iiwues of the Sunday Oregon­ The public auction last Saturday Rev. T. R. Jackman was a guest at ian ar> motorlogs of the state’s scenic Funeral services were held at the drew several hundred people to Co­ the Llona club 'luncheon yesterday. and road attractions, and which will chapel here at 1:80 Wednesday after­ quille, visitors being noted from m He waa introduced by Frank Martin be of the greatest interest to all noon for Elder Frank S. Bunch, who far north as the Lakeside section and with the remark that what Mr. Jack­ travelers. It is stated that over a passed away at his home near Gravel from below Langlois to the south. man told about his European trip million pages of the Oregonian will Ford Sunday riforning. . So successful was this first sale would enable the Lions to check up be devoted to their travels during the The services were conducted by Elder Fred.E. Jensen, of the Adven­ that J. L Smith states that another on what Geo. Ulett reported when he next few months. • . - will be held, probably two weeks from returned from Europe a few weeks Their first trip wm over the Coast tist College at Wulla Walla, with tomorrow, On May <5. And as for the ago, but the Foursquare pastor re­ highway. From Astoria tb Newport whom Mr. Bunch had been associated last sale, it is necessary to get list­ ferred but slightly to France and will be published in one motorlog and for many years when he was dean of ings at once of whatever is to be of­ England, devoting most of hia atten­ from Newport, through Coquille, to theology there. The interment was in • th« cemetery at Gravff Ford. tion to humorous incidents in Pales­ Crescent City in another. fered at that time. The horses brought very good tine. Mr. Bunch had not been well for The above cut shows the Chevrolet prices. One sorrel work horse waa He did say, more strongly than we in which they are travelling and the the past three years. He suffered a bid in at 1105, and a fine team of have heard it before that war in Eu­ two men who are to cover thousands skull fracture in an automobile acci­ blacks brought 8125 and 8186 each. rope ia inevitable, with Italy and if miles in the state to let the travel­ dent at Medford in 1930 but the frac­ As between a car and a horse the Germany on one side and France on ing public know what can be found in ture was not discovered until' last animal was much more in demand. the other. Hitler and Musolini, dic­ Oregon. winter, and his malady is described One horse, seven yean old, was sold tator« in_their respective countries, by the doctors m avtumorous growth for 8137.50, while an Essex coach, of have formed an alliance against in the brain, due to the accident. a 1928 vintage, brought only 828. The France, and the most optimistic pre­ Frank Sherman Bunch was born in diction he heard was that the war span of mules sold for 895. Lion county, Kansas, Feb. 11, 1Ô55, 1865, The other stuff sold fairly well and was not more than five years away. y*ar,< two months and In Italy he was able, by virtue of five days of age. the little leas than a thousand dollars The county spelling contest will be effort, to secure one of the which the aale totalled was very good constant ' He came with his parents to Coos The ladies of the Coquille Woman’s held in the Lincoln school here to­ considering the amount of stuff offer­ Mussolini emblem lapel buttons which county in 1879, and in 1890 was mar- morrow, Saturday, April 22, starting he prizes as one of his most treasured Club netted 847 from the annual card ried to Mary E. Leek at Gravel Ford, ed. party, given in the hotel Monday eve­ at 10 a. m. Following are lists of souvenirs of the trip. who aurvives. I The very fine pony which was of- those from the various grades and Magicians are quite common in the ning. v These funds will be used by I feyed aa a prize to the holder of the Seven children were bom to this schools in the county who will parti- y^et drawn the club in support of. ths city library, , was put up at auction countries at the eastern end of the union, all living except the youngest cipate: in fixing up the tennis courts on Tenth and brought 817.50, the winner pre­ Mediterranean, and he was made the son, Dorsey, who passed awsy in 1926. 8th Grade—Virginia Rakes, Twin goat by one of that class while still street and for such other civic im­ The living are Mrs. Edith Bothwell, ferring the money to the pony. Oaks; Esther Bamef, Bunker Hill; provements aa the club sponsors. Mr. Smith says he was stung in one on the boat’s tender, with the magi­ Floyd Goldbloom, Kentuck Inlet; particular. A man bid in a hand cul­ cian in a rowboat six feet away. The who ia taking nurses’ training at of the general committee in charge, Margaret Pratt, North Bend; Donald tivator for 83.25 and then while Mr. native pointed to Mr. Jackman National City, Calif., Dr. J. R. Bunch, and Graham, Cunningham; Robert Emery, and the other ladies of the club are Smith was occupied elsewhere, walked insisted that the visitor had his of Coquille, Herschell Bunch, of Mos­ quite pleated with the result and cow, Idaho, and his twin brother, Low­ Myrtle Point; Vashqn Hall, Remote; off with the plow, forgetting to pay chicken. The latter had his coat Robert McGilvery, Coquille; Ula tightly buttoned, but finally to •It­ grateful to the merchants whose co­ ell Bunch, who is a missionary at for it operation helped make the party a Pukett, Bandon; Dorothy Lewis, Lee; : Singapore, and Paul Bunch, of Gravel Most of the merchants noted an in­ pease the fellow and his own embar- sudbess. . Geraldine Gifoert, Riverton; Louise rassment, he felt in I Ford. All were here for the funeral crease over their usual Saturday busi­ his pocket and Almont every foot of space was oc-1 Thorp, Powers; James Tuohy, Em­ found a baby chick, He had no idea Wednesday except the son in Singa­ ness. pire; Lite Shields, Bridge; cupied in setting up the thirty card pore. Mr. Smith ia figuring on something how it got there. Robert Cornelius, Valley View; Anna In Canaan, where Christ performed tables in the hotel dining room and I Surviving also are nine grandchil- novel or new for the next sale, May Holmstrom, McKinley; Pansy B. Dem­ his first miracle, they are still per­ passageway at the rear, and the 130 I dren, two brothers and four sisters: W. 6. arest, Willanch; Margaret Anderson, forming miracles. ___ ______ Without know- ladies and gentlemen in attendance H. Bunch, of Myrtle Pynt, C. H. Haynes Inlet; Ellis Crosby, Pleasant ledge as to how or when, Mr. Jack­ completely filled the rooms. 975,000 Case Non-Suited Bunch, who lives a couple of miles out Hill; Florence Vala, Flagstaff; Frank i Everyone present enjoyed the occa­ man’s fountain pen and pencil were ■ of Coquille on the Rink creek road, The case of Evelyn Gallagher va. Biases, Norway; Josephine Robison, I extracted from hia pocket, a and at sion, even the half of the crowd which Mrs. Belle Bennett, of Myrtle Point, Coos Bay Dredging Ce, for 875,00«. , "a. at won no prize. It w*« practically which w. started in circuit court L w“ uke"' Mra, Alice Holt, »fixing Beach, Calif., Grade—Leona Kibby, Bunker half of the players who won prises He managed to recover the pen. it would coot money but H would be Mrs. Mary Bright, of Gravel Ford, Tuesday, came to an abrupt end yes ­ Hill; Viola Hoyez, North Bend; Ruth The hatred of the Moslem for the for there were 64 awards. for a needed public work. and Mrs. Hattie Airey, of Forest terday morning when the plaintiff’s Dainty ' 'refreshments were served Amend, Cunningham; Pauline Hoover, Jew caused an Arab chauffeur to at­ Lisle Goodwin wm in attendance at Grove. They were also all here Wed­ attorney moved that the case be non­ the session and made a suggestion Myrtle Point; Bob Hagadorn, Re­ tempt to get Mr. Jackman to call at the close pf one of the most enjoy­ nesday except Mrs. Holt. suited, with permission to renew the mote; Violet Domath, Coquille; Lin ­ able public parties ever held in Co ­ their Jewish guide by a name which that would be of as much benefit to Mr. Bunch lived on Fishtrap for a action. he insisted meant one thing but which quille. Coquille and the whole valley as any­ ley Chamberlain, Bandon; Anna Mae few years after coming to Coos coun- Holverstott, Fairview; Wayne r Mra- Gallagher was badly injured a Bridge, Hearts and “ 500 ” were, the it later came out wks the word for thing that can be done for agricultur­ ’y and then moved to Coquille, where al development I Thompson. Dora; • Melvin Michel, Lee; eouPle of Xear» *8» when • kravel dog. Luckily Mr. Jackman was too Continued from third page he built the original mill, that and ' — “ ( Riverton; Chrol truck - driven by Chas. McCann, cut ’A cannery to preserve the fruits „ nn e **•« Ro*’ shrewd to fall for the trick. Briggs, Powers; Bernice Thornton, !> too quieWy on the highway near •»there have been burned since, where The cities in Palestine have ali and vegetables which can be raised in Bradfords Going East the Coquille Lumber Mill now stands. the valley was his suggestion. Moro ^,la«faBy: ««hnasto, Empire; Gold Beach and overturned the ear shown a remarkable growth in the in which the plaintiff was riding. She Cor Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bradford in- He also built the Coquille Academy, past 19 years, and more than 125,000 or less incidentally, the pea business Helen James, Bridge; - - Richard . - ­ The entered into the discussion, and Mr. Valley View; Lewis Williams, has been crippled since and will nevei Jews have returned from other lands tend leaving today or this week end now the Knife Apartments. icademy was an Adventist school and have the use of one arm. The plain­ for their old home in Augusta, Wis. Goodwin’s plan as outlined was bMed to the holy land during that time. the greater part of Elder Bunch's tiff’s complaint charges that McCanna on the securing of contracts to mar- ' In some of the cities an Arab is Business matters there require his was working for the dredging com­ immediate attention, but as soon as life was «pent in ministerial and de- ket the stuff that may be raised, with not allowed to enter, and Mr. Jackman Pete Culver Resigns »omiational school work. In 1914 he pany and the charge at the trial was A a ^I a J a I.. a # a mmmeeam found the squalor and filth of Afriea their daughter graduates from an pledging of credits A to .wur. tfc. p.te w c who went to Walla Walla to become dean that he was peeved because the auto entirely absent in these very .modem eastern school in June they expect to it theology. He and Mrs. Bunch re­ which he sounded his horn to pass did ichief deputy *h,riff of return to Coquille, probably about the cities of Palestine. 0^71.7« Írwnizaiion hTXtimat- for P“’1 ,our yeara- r«8ÍÍT"ed that mained there until 1921, when they not allow him to go by soon enough. Gene Branson, of the U. S. Biologi­ middle of that month. Mr. Bradford -H . ^uldhandta th. .stiro out- ' «"» ot returned to Coos county and settled at The dredging company denies that has a contract with the Smith Wood- cal Survery, was also a guest at yes­ ed that it would handle the entire out- ■.. Gravel Ford. He continued in the McCanna waa employed by them. Products company for delivering put of a cannery if one was built hero,1 .____________ ui„ v. terday’s luncheon. Myrtle Point, to which position he :edar and with the Moore mill at Ban­ school work, however, until the acci­ and if the cannery was assured it .was appointed by Mayor Kring Mon­ “Curly” Larson Fatally Injured don for fir and he wants to begin cut­ dent which later resulted in his death. would only be a question of organisa­ Holy Land Pictures Sun. Night day evening and was confirmed by Elder Bunch was a man of strong ting just as quickly as possible. His Chrl J. (Curly) Larson is not ex­ tion among the growers to insure that Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman re­ operations are and will be on Rock character, an upright citizen and one the council. The resignation becomes ported to survive the accident Which it would have the produce on which to turned Saturday evening from their creek and the Middle Fork. effective May 1. who devoted hia life to helping de­ work. | To succeed Mr. Culver, Sheriff Hess occurred at his cabin at Lakeside last trip to the Holy Land and Mediter- velop with his example and teaching Saturday afternoon, when he fell After an hour's discussion the mat­ ranean Cruise and report that the has named Wm. Davin, chief of police the growing generation whom he met from the porch. ter was' referred to the industrial Where Ia J. D. Smith? trip was very pleasant and profitable at North Bend, who has made a very in the class room and in the pulpit. An x-ray picture, taken after he committee, of Which C. E. Niles is but are glad to be back in Coquille. R. H. Mast, secretary of Chadwick efficient officer in the Bay city, is pop­ had been rushed to the hospital at the chairman, to investigate and report at They arrived in New York harbor Lodge, A. F. A A. M, is in receipts of ular there, and has frequently assist­ bay, showed that the fractured verte­ Another New Shake the next meeting. aboard the S. S. Statendam that was a letter from the Masonic lodge at ed the sheriff’s force on that side of brae had severed the spinal cord. A their home for the entire cruise. They Estacada, Ore., asking that help be John Domath has again sprung the county. weakened condition, as a result of the encountered no storms on either given in locating J. D. Smith who at something new in the way of shakes Mr. Culver’s reason for resigning flu, is supposed to be the esuse of his crossing. The executive committee of the was that the 8125 a month salary in I one time lived in or near Coquille, but and from the appearance of the rooma fsll. Sunday night Mr. Jackman is to who has not been heard of for some he has fixed up for living quartern in Coos County Taxpayers Equalization Myrtle Point would be paid in cash- Mr. 'Larson, who has been in the be attired in the full Palestine cos­ time. His mother, residing in Eng the warehouse, across the tracks from- League will hold a meeting in the able warrants, at par, while hie 8160 furniture business at the Bay, was a Coquille city hall next Wednesday warrant from the county can only be tume, the same style of flowing robes land, is very anxious to get in touch the S. P. depot, it is one that will be Coquille reel esirient some 17 or 18 years that were worn in Bible times. Stere- with him or receive information' con- *ery popular with those who intend evening, April 26. leashed at a pocketbook-breaking dis- ago, and I hat many friends here who building. The grooves on the new The committee is giving extensive count. Pete ia a good officer and haa opticon slides are to be shown of the cerning him. are | grieved to know that he cannot entire Mediterranean Cruise and study to what the sales tax will do if hundreds and thousands of friends in If anyone knows where he is, or shakes are made to run diagonally in ive. survive. chiefly of Palestine. Mr. Jackman what has happened to him, a favor two direetiona and gives a more dis­ adopted by the voters In July and is the county who regret that he found says that they are the most beautiful will be conferred on the mother by tinctive appearance to the outside planning a two months’ speaking the step necessary. ___ t__ V — V A T X 11^—1-A 4- Prefers State-Owned Car campaign by L. A. Liljeqvist, in favor slides he has ever seen, the work of notifying either Mr. Mast or the Sen­ covering. It is well worth a trip down there artist who has made hie home in 48 tinel. While here or near here he ia Warren Cornell, abate police officer of the bill. F. F. A. Boys to Corvallis in the game department, returned last countries while making hia pictures supposed to have lived at the home of to aee the various eoombinationa ef­ W. M. Cunning, Smith-Hughes in­ Saturday from Salem with one of the and was on the cruise with the Jack­ Hattie Metzker. fected for both exterior covering and Where’s Grandma Tonight? structor ait the Coquille high school,___ __________ ______ ___ ______ interior decorations. mans. new Chevrolet coaches which have Remember the 8-act comedy-drama. accompanied by Wm. Floten, Alfred been purchased by the state. Half of Fred Heidt waa over here from Last Sunday night the main audi­ Will Be a Service Station "Where’s Grandma?" to be presented Plaep and Hardld Berry, left JMtat- the 83 purchased for the game dlvi- torium of the Foursquare Church was Roseburg Monday and showed the at the Community Building this eve­ day for Corvallis to attend ** the state sion were Chevs and half Fords. C. A. Machon haa had lota of in- Sentinel scribe pictures of the auto filled to capacity and it is »expected ning by members of the Young Peo­ Future Farmers of America sessions. State officials believe the state will the auditorium and balcony will be quiries aa to what use is to be made camp and service station which he is ple’s Christian Endeavor Society The of the comer lot at Front and Willard building at Roseburg, using the Dor- Bill Floten is representing south­ nave money by owning the cars for filled too this next Sunday evening. curtain will rise at eight o’clock. western Oregon in the state F. F. A. the officials, and the officers them­ streets, where the sidewalk is being nath shake. It will be a very hand­ Specialty numbers between acta will ' repaired and the building remodeled. some camp when finished and is al­ extemporaneous speaking contest and selves are pleased with the new ar­ Chas. Franklin Buried include a bird whtotling imitation by should he win at Corvallis today he rangement for they felt that they He stated last evening that he is going ready attrartng a great deal of Willett Jessee, a reading by Alda Mrs. Geo. Halter, accompanied by to lease it for a service station, but tourist attention. will represent the state at the western lost money on the Ave cents a mile the Sloan, and violin eelectiona by Ray­ her son, Virgil, and daughter, Ardis, doee not know yet which of three dif­ district contest in Salt Lake City next state paid for travelling expenses. mond Benthin. went out to Elkton Saturday to at­ ferent propositions made him will be month. Art Currie Transferred tend the funeral of her brother-in- most acceptable. The other two boys went out to take Clean-Up Day, April 29 Rabbit Breeders to Meet law, Charles Franklin, who passed State Police Officer Art S. Çurrie, the state fanner degree of the F. F. Mr. There will be a meeting of the rab­ A. At the suggestion of several citi­ away at that place Thursday. who has been mtrolman for southern No More Court Till June bit breeders in and near the city of zens, Mayor J. Arthur Berg has offi­ Franklin lived in Coos county when a Coos county for the past three or four When Judge Brand adjourned court years, has been transferred to Klam­ Coquille on Tuesday evening, April cially proclaimed Saturday, April 29, boy. He had many friends in this The Coquille Woman ’ s Chib 25, at the residence of C. F. Hawke, aa elean-up day in Coquille. The section and was well liked by every yesterday morning he disihiaeed the ath Falls, the change to become ef­ A large crowd jury subject to call, but stated that he fective May 1. Mr. Currie ia a very 208 No. Elliott street, for the purpose Tuesday, April 28th, at two p. m. trucks will be around on that date to one who knew him. of organising an association for the the Coquille Woman's Club will hold collect all trash and debris which have gathered to pay their last respects. I did not expect to hold another ses- efficient officer and haa made hundreds benefit of all rabbit breeders, who a short meeting at the Episcopal Par­ been set out at the street’s edge, and The Masonic lodge had charge of the'«ion here until the June term. He is of friends in this section who regret going to Curry county for a week or hia departure. He will be succeeded raise them for home use for for the ish House, at which time annual re­ all residents are requested to have funeral. tws session of circuit court at Gold heap-by Harry Hogan, who at one market. All who are interested ports of the various chairmen will be their property cleaned up by that time, Justien Court blanks for solo at this Beach, and after that will go to Lin­ time waa with the state prohibition throughout the county an invited to das. coin county to ait on the bench. oquad. > attend. At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce directors at the hotel Wed­ nesday evening, J. E. Norton discussed at some length what the Port of Ban­ don cooenmission, of which he is president, is endeavoring to have ac­ complished in developing the mouth of Coquille river. In these days of economy in public spending the Port would not attempt to have funds appropriated for the work needed at Bandon, were it not for the fact that tremendous sums are being appropriated by congress for public work as unemployment relief measures, and the development of harbors is just as important in one way m the building of highways is in another. A 16-foot depth at low tide ia the project, which has been approved by the army engineers And for which some funds have been budgeted. But with the currents in the ocean con­ tinually piling up sand at the bar the only hope of stopping thia sand bar is by an extension of the north jetty some 1200 or 1500 feet seaward. Such a stone wall would stop the accumu­ lation of sand at the mouth and would once for all permit the passage of vessels of any size. Since the hardpan on the bed of the river was broken up with dynamite and the channel dredged the depth in­ side' the bar has been maintained, and it is only the sand accumulation out­ side that hinders boats from entering the harbor. The average depth aA the mouth at low tide is now about twelve feet What Mr. Norton asked, and what * wm agreed to by the directors,„was that each one who had been ac­ quainted with congressmen from other states, or who had influence in districts ehewhere, use that influence to get get through congress an su­ * CO. SPELLERSTO VIE TOMORROW LARGE CROWD Al CzARD PARTY and was J If