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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1933)
PAGE EIGHT THE COQUILLE TALLHT SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAT, APRIL 14, 1983. Telling About People Events in the City and County _______ * Last Wednesday, evening a few of Mnv J. W. McCuffin’s friend« sur prised her al her home, the occasion being her birthday. The evening was spent playing table games. Present were Mesdame» J. W. Guffin - Wm. Peart, Jack Leach, George Burr, Carl Enselc.and Misses Irene Burr, Mary Burr, Patricia Peart, Geraldine En- sele and Marjorie McGuffin. Pioneer Church Easter Program ■ Adam Grant’« Daughter I ' The following program will be .given at the special Easter Pageant to be held in the Pioneer Methodist Church next Sunday evening: I. Selections by the orchestra. II. Pageant, “The Joy of'His Morn ing.” _ Scene One: “Night of Sorrow.” Characters, “Joy,” Virginia Oerding - “Night,” Bernice Stearns; “Stare,'* Jerry Oerding, Marjorie Oerding, Elisabeth Daniels, Donna Gormley, Maxine Wiggin, Betty Lou Christian sen, Shirley Slater, Patricia Brady, Joe Ann Knight, Jeanie Brown, Phyl lis McAllister. Solo, Mary Ann Rack- leff. Scene Two: “Joy of Hope Re stored.” “Mary,” Phyllis May Chris- tasnsen; “Mary Magdsflene," Juanita and enough for the whole family Culbertson; “Hope,” Joy Pettongill; "Johanna,” Donna Marie Brown; IVE the whole family a treat with this two “Faith,” Ruby Pierce; “Angel," Jane and one-half pounds of delicious assorted Oerding. Solo, Patricia Yarbrough. chocolates at the thrifty price of only 69c. This Scene Three: “Joy of Victory.” package has all your favorites____ creams _ _ Solo, Phyllis Mae Litaenberger. “Gar solid centers _ _ _ chewies and others _ _ all dener,” Patricia Stearns. Laura Emily coated with velvety smooth chocolate. Reserve Ruble, Harold Culbertson, Velma Coy, your package now. Nancy Ann Haga, Clinton Peart, 0 Douglas Brown, Coleen Ostrander, ' - .- - ■ * 9 Joy Taylor, Bobby Taylor, Bobby I Oerding. Solo, Yvonne Bailey. Scene Four: “The Joy of Service.” Heralds: Richard (Haga, Junior Peter son, Burton Johnson, Jack Johnson,' Junior Aaaen, Jackie Stevens, Don ald Minard, Jimmie Peart, Joe Don Estes, Peter Wheeler. Scene Five: “Morn of Glory.” Tab leau. DRUGGISTS STATIONERS Music: Orchestra. III. Dramatization: “Her Easter Choice,” by iten High-Road Giris, Margaret Purvance, Audrey Kendall,' Smith, of Coos River Martha Carrier, Barbara Oderkirk,' Jesse A. Smith, aged 61 years, a Maxine Brining, Margaret Belloni, resident of Coos river his entire life, Zelma Bosserman, Alice Wheeler, Lois passed away at the Keizer hospital Wilson, Joy PettengiM. last Friday morning following a three THEATRE — Coquille months’ iilneess of heart trouble. He “Where’s Grandma?* had been at the ho* pi tai for several • ♦ Something new and different! 'A weeks. play to make you laugh all your cares Funeral services were held Sunday FRI. & SAT. APR. 14-15 away. z 1 afternoon from the Thuerwachter WET OR DRY? Gretchen, a dear but nagging sister, funeral home with the Rev. D. T. is trying to keep her sister Carol and Robertson officiating. Interment was Judge for yourself after you see thia thrilling drama, which • is brother Jack from ruining their lives made at Sunset cemetery, the greater evil— by marrying against her wishes. Al-‘, Deceased was born on Coos river though Bob, her husband, rebels she April 28th, 1872. He was married to DRINK sends for Grandma to come and help Louisa Danielson Sept 8, 1896. The or PROHIBITION? ier run her unruly household. Grand- family home was at Daniels creek and ma arrives—and what a Grandma! I Mr. Smith ran the ferry that has been Jack becomes involved in serious operated near bis home since the road trouble but Grandma straightens out was put through. Twice the length of an ordinary the whole tangle, A colored pair add The deceased is survived by his picture because it's got something plenty of fun too. widow, two sons and two daughters. to say—and says it with thrilla! The Young People’s Christian En —Coos Bay Harbor. , Greet Events, Great Daye, tears, deavor Society of Coquille will pre laughs, drama, all are here in this sent this snappy 8-act comedy-drama. New Canes In Circuit Court mightiest of screes entertain Come and laugh with Grandma and at April 7—State Industrial Accident ment«! herat the Community Building, Fri Commission vs. C. 0. Jennings. And What a Parade of day, April 21 at 8 p. m. April 8—Stanton C. Laphan vs. Also hear Willett Jessee give his STARS Oma E. Laphan. Suit for divorce. whistled bird imitations, Alda Sloan WALTER HUSTON April 8—A. A. Schramm va. T. B. recite and 9-year old Raymond Ben- and Eva 8. Currie and A. E. Seaman. LEWIS STONE thin play his Violin. ' April 11—(Emma T. Stonecypher JIMMY DUARANTE vs. E. A. Stonecypher. DOROTHY JORDAN Sixty Associated Hotels April 11—State of Oregon, for the Neil Hamilton, Myrna Loy W. J. Hoffman, of Portland, general World War Veterans Aid Commission Note- manager of the Associated Hotels of vs. Cornelius A. Lagerstrom et al. Due to the Extreme Length of the Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Califor April 12—State Industrial Accident picture, there will not be a preview nia and British Columbia, was a Co Commission vs. Roosevelt Super Ser- Saturday Night. quille visitor yesterday. This mso - vice Station, FRESH for By DOROTHY DOUGLAS • ky McClure Newspaper ayadlcat*. WNU Servie« Mra. Ray Dean was a Coqttilie visi Milk and cream from V. L. Cor- ZAIJ) Adam Grant, editor and pro- tor from Bandon, Wednesday. nelius* Clover Leaf Dairy every day «-J prletor of one of the great west- Orange« 81-60 a box, Tuttle's Fruit at Peoples Market. 8 cents for milk, ern newspapers, never wanted it said I ®f hl® that be gave preference to any & Vegetables on Highway at Third. 16 cento half pint cream. i«* ' ' mAnihfir milv— — _ member nf of hia his norn own fa family — -In Ln the* the Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Emery returned ir Baptist matter of positions on his staff. nd-'.. Z last. —Z. mdon That waa „jjy hla p,raiy daughter. last Saturday from their week’s trip week-end. £_ Dr. and _ ' *" Mrs. Jas. Rich- * Eve, found herself established tn a to Portland. mond gave them the use of their email fiat tn New York, surrounded See Mansell Drayage & Delivery cabin. Those leaving from Coquille by and observing the contents of a coal. Orders filled Co. for Alpine hundred and one magazines. Labori tí Friday evening were: Jeanne Hatcher, ously and very Intelligently she was promptly. Aletha Leatherwood, Priscilla Miller, Felix Miller, who has been in Eu- Eva Plaep, Arlie Aaeen, Wanda Lee studying the world of fiction from the «■ gene the past winter, visited hit par Hickam, Jessie Dean, Marvine Hur magazine standpoint. “When you’ve mastered the analytl ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller, here rah, and Cherie Mae Hartwell. They cal sense and can express It In words Sunday.’ returned home Sunday afternoon. that convey your meaning to the read ; C. C. Farr is still confined to his era of my paper—then and then only bed and wiH be for two or three .weeks Granddaughter Passes in Calif. can you have a position on my “staff.” yet. Dr. Wilson says he is afflicted Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Lukens received Old Adam had told Eve. “If you stay with undulant fever. word last Saturday that their grand at home here among your friends you won't get anywhere. Hop off to New Milk and cream from V. L. Cor daughter, Mrs. Marjorie Smith, had York for a year and pack -that pretty passed away Friday morning at her nelius’ Clover Leaf Dairy every day head of yours with first-hand knowl Mrs. Smith was edge." at Peoples Market. 8 cents for milk, home in Oakland. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aunt Clem, ber mother's sister, hail 15 cents half pint cream. Yoakam, former well-known resi came along with her to see that she Mra. J. F. Spooner came in Tuesday dents of Coquille and Coos county. ate three square meals a day. moaning from her home in Eugene Mrs. Yoakam was formerly Mies Irma It was Aunt Clew who. bored at for a two or three days’ visit with her Lukens and for several years taught times Into reading the personals In brother, M. F. Pettit, and wife. school in Coquille and other county the papers, came across the advertise Alpine (¿oal, lump $4.50, 2 tons schools. They left here more than a ment that gave ber an Idea. It read, “Old magazines wanted by 88.50, nut coal $3 per ton. E. M. quarter century ago. writer." And there was a name at Mrs. Smith was 26 years of age, tached which made Aunt Clem smile Briner, phone 71. 45t2*tl Walla Walla, secretly. Misses Madeline McKeown, Rotelle having been born in her hueband July 27, 1907. Beside Aunt Clem sighed In relief. The Oderkirk and Carol Young loft this she leaves two children, Ralph Louis small fiat was becoming like a storage noon for Eugene to spend the week room for magazines. end at one of the sorority houses on and Irma Joan. In a letter to her mother, Mrs. She consequently answered the ad the campus. Yoakam writes that her affliction was vertisement and left a huge bundle Opening dance at .the Gravel Ford a rare disease of which there is no of magazines to be called for. ' Not by the proverbial candle, but Community Hall, Saturday evening, known cure. beside a well-lighted table, young April 18, and every Saturday evening. Avery Weldon carried on his as yet Good music and a good floor. Come, Sunrise Prayer Service embryonic authorship. But he was 50 cents per couple. 13t4 Next Sunday morning before break-j working desperately hard to succeed Nick D’Ambrosia, who is employed fast the people of Coquille are all in-' and was reading fiction In the maga at the hotel, was taken to Mercy hos .rited to gather at 6 a. m. in the Bap-' «Ines voraciously In order to get a pital at North Bend last Saturday. He list churc& for a special sunrise ' dr,ft with the market. had been quite rll here with typhoid Easter service. As much as possible' Th,t w«« how the hu*e pile of old fever before being taken to the hos let all the Christian people-of the city »»««sines happened to be on the floor pital. come together, people of all churches beside- him. He couldl't quite afford to buy all the new ones nnd his adver Myrtle Point Greenhouses* plants, and people of their own faith as well, tlsement had brought him many. Tuttle’s Fruit 4 Vegetables, on are, cordially invited. This will mean ( “By Jove! This Is funny!’’ Marshfield highway, corner Third St. much .to you. Capt. G. L. Hall invites Reside -the title of the stories were .he other pastors and churches to par- fine marginal notes of crltlctam. Fred Minard left this morning for ticipate. You will hear the bell couched In terse but most expressive northern California to look over a ring, but we advise you to get up be language. timber deal on which he haa been fore you hear the bell or you’ll be late. “Medium. Not had. Piffle, No working for some time, He says if point Wlsh.v- Washy. Very good. the deal goes through a three years’ Why was It given «pare? Doesn’t Finds An Old Relic know men. Needs tn study women.« operation will follow. Bert Holleribeck was a Coquille vis Avery swiftly picked lip tbe publl- Old Beaver Hill Vein Coal, »4.50 itor Wednesday morning. He is now cations thnl had printed hla own work per ton for lump delivered in Coquille living on a ranch seven miles north and with a somewhat ahrinklng heart Leave orders at Roosevelt Service of North Bend, on Ken tuck Inlet. He opened the page. Yes, there beside Station, phone 114. C. Jack Shumate. brought with him a card handed out his own story which* be had In a mo 7tf by W. W. Gage when the veteran ment of stnpldlty called “A Rose of Marc Shelley left Wednesday for sheriff was running for that office in the Desert’’ he «aw the words “Au thor In tbe making hut sadly lacking Portland where Mrs. Shelley and son, 1918, and said he also found a card the human touch.” Ralph, have been for the past two of John Yoakam’s. The latter was Avery puffed a hit furiously at hla weeks. Ralph has been in the hospi running for county commissioner at pipe. The nail was hit straight on tal there and his condition was >o seri the same time. Mr. Hollenbeck found the head. Avery knew that. the cards in an old abandoned cabin ous that Mrs. Shelley sent for Marc. And because a real author must not in the hills above Kentuck Inlet when be strictly conventional or too awful Mr. and Mr«. K. E. Medford have ly bound by law* of society. Avery got moved to the 8. B. Leeper chicken he was looking for strayed cattle. up. put on hl« hat and «trolled toward ranch northwest of town on the high the apartment building from whence Fatal Accident Last Friday way. Mr. Medford expects to fatten elation, of which the Coquille Hotel is April 13—Kais Peterson vs. Sylves- bls magazines had arrived. A fatal automobile accident hap hogs and help in the raising of chick The elevator took him up to the a member, is composed of sixty bo- ter and Bessie Jone, ens there for Medford’s Groesry here. pened at the Heckell service station, fifth floor and there left him. And _____ In tela, individually owned and operated,1 April 13—Karl B. Steiner vs. An V. R. Wilson, “Optometrist.” Errors a mile north of Langlois, about seven another few moments he was standing but joined in the association for mu nabelle Steiner. Suit for divorce. SUN. MON. TUE. • o’clock last Friday evening. Mias at an opened door Aunt Clem her tual benefit. Mr. Hoffman says the . April 18—Patrick Geaney vs. Coos in refraction corrected, without the self was out. hut Eve answered hl* hotel men have been having their Bay Lumber Co. APRIL 16 -17 -18 Jane Cox, 13-year old daughter of use of drugs. “For glasses” see Wil ring. trouble, as everyone else has, but that IT’S HERE! son first and save money. 7tf Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cox, of Langlois, and a sister of Mrs. Fred Woodhurst,1 Avery didn’t know what to say there seems to be a brighter outlook Probate Coart Items now that he was there and with Eve ’ s THE BIGGEST HIT SINCE M. C. Miller and family enjoyed a of Coquille, was the victim. now and a little more optimism Nathaniel Simpson, of Lakeside, calm eye* gazing at him he felt that THE TALKIES visit Tuesday and Wednesday from In the Cox car were Seth, a broth- he made rather a sorry story’ of the among the fraternity with which he was on Tuesday named as executor of two sisters of hia and the son of one er, and Eva^^a_ jister,^ What a Pal—and what a gal ¿,ne’ Incident of buying the old magazines, is connected. the will of Andrew Simpson who of the sisters. The guests were Mrs. They were driving north on the Coast j u _» K-,.e about It and died April 8. Blythe Cousins, Anna Jno. R. Jones, of Waterville, Wash., highway and a* they approached ■ the Invited him In. MAE WEST in New Inmates of Jail Rooney and A. T. Morrison were ap Mrs. Ida Nelson, of Florence, Ore., service station. Lew Frasier, of Har “I didn’t even know my aunt had Sydney Johnson, charged with be pointed appraisers of the 83000 per Mr. and Mrs. Vic Jones, of Salem. bor, drove oqt from the station to cleared them out." she said, aa he fol ing drunk in a public place, and after sonal property estate. "*A delightful time was enjoyed by a head south, right into the path of the lowed her Into a magazine-strewn having been in aeveral fights in Pow Mathilda L. Smith, widow of Jessie room. group of friends who gathered at the Cox car which the driver was unable ers, was brought before Justice Stan A. Smith who died at Marshfield "I wanted an dexperately to chat home of Mr. and Mrs. Lars Gssholt on to stop before the crash. Eva suffer with the critic who had jotted those ley here Monday. He pleaded guilty April 7, was appointed administratrix Until you see her, you ain't seen North t Hull last Friday evening to ed an injured shoulder but the other* remarks down that I chum-ed coming and was sentenced to 60 days in jail, °f h'* “tote yesterday, J. A. Lar nothin'—until you hear her sing escaped. criebrate their fifth wedding anni 0. Rogers and n D. E. Douglas A n here." he «aid. boyishly. “My dad has but is to be paroled for a year after son, A. The coroner’s jury, Friday evening, given me a year to make good In story versary. Delicious refreshments wers were appointed appraisers of the es “FRANKIE AND JOHNNY” he has served ten days. rendered a verdict that the accident I served after an evening spent in (flay writing, bless him." he went on, see "I LIKE A MAN WHAT Merle Sawyers, arrested for receiv tate which is estimated to consist of was avoidable and Frasier was re ing the kindling Interest In Eve's eyes, ing 500. 35600 in real property and 81000 in ing stolen property — parts of • bi TAKES HIS TIME" leased under 81600 bonds. He has “and I believe If you'd be so good aa cycle—was arreeted at North Bend, personal. Milk and cream from V. L. Cor not yet had a hearing.-*- “ I AIN ’T GOT NO PEACE to help me. with criticism. 1 could win Wednesday. His bail waa set at 8100. nelius’ Clover Leaf Dairy every day out.” ” OF MIND” Claud »tout, of the North Fork At Christian Science Churches at People* Market. 8 cents for milk, “I know you could." was Eve's un If You Want to Know ain't heard nothin'. you 16 cent* half pint cream. “Are Sip, Disease, and Death expected answer. “1 see It some country, was arrested Tuesday and Cast Includes —what's going on here at home, and where In the deep places of your sto lodged in jail. He is held for investi-| Real?” was the subject of the Leason- Learie H. Clark, accompanied by his also over the world, The Sentinel and CARY GRANT gation by the Forestry Department I ' Sermon in all Churches of Christ, love to help you." wife, was a Coquille visitor Monday The Pathfinder will keep you posted. ries—I won Id ___ Noah Beery — Owen Moore She told him ___ then ______ about ___ her own officials. I Scientist, on Sunday, April 9. night He is the representative of as nothing else will. The bargain price dad and who he was nnd all about The Golden Text was, "Bless the Not recommended for children the Auto Club of Southern California, for the two—every week for a whole hom” «nd Avery laughed. Then he In City Recorder’s Coart Lord, O my soul, and forget not al) and sends in daily reports of the high year—is only 82.60. Ask for a sample P»1’*1 • fray’d letter from hla pock- Ray Stewart appeared before Re- his benefits: who forgiveth all thine way condition* as he travels, His and see for younself. i •**“* letter written some nix months conder Leslie Tuesday and paid a 86 iniquities; who healeth all thy dis- report* to the main office at Los ____________ ___ i before, and handed It to her. I fine for committing a nuisance. eases" (Pa. 108: 2, 3). -Angeles were quite favorable. I WED. THUR. APR. 19-20 Notice to Clean U> and Burn ” thran J. V. Nygren, arrested by Marshal Among the citations which com , y°n re messing- about with your Writ- Many Coos county friend* will be PAL NIGHT 2 adulta for 25c Notice' is hereby given to Coquille tak* tlm* to took up Old Howell for possession of half a gal prized the LesaonJBeimon was the interested to hear of the arrival of a residents that all rubbioh and trash All«m Grant'« daughter. She'« gone lon of moon was fined 810 Tuesday by following from the Bible: “Thou art Struggling for Happiness. Love. little daughter at the home of Mr. around their homes should be cleaned ,o ,N*W Tork the recorder. my hiding place; thou «halt preserve mak* ,o°- Pawer la a sky —piercing Pinnacle and Mrs. Harold P. Greer, of La Failure to observe stop Signs in the me from trouble; thou «halt compass up .nd burned prior to May 1. After J**”- d*<’ of Steel! Grande. The little miss arrived April that date burning is allowed only by VT*’ city the first of the week caused the me about with song* of deliverance” 7 and has been named Gsnina Fay. special permission. °° fnr,b* cars of C. W. Gano, Geo. H. Chaney (IP*. 32:7). Mrs. Greer was formerly Miss Verda . C. W. Gardner, Fire Chief. X * and Ernest Purvance to be tagged. The I* son-Sermon also included the Trowbridge and she haa many friends Mr. Chaney and Mr. Gano appeared following correlative passage from the | “ I like that ! Six whole months and in this county. before Recorder-for-the-day Linus Christian Science textbook, “Science with the idol of the screen B. P. W. Meeting . x you’ve never even taken the trouble—“ Seeley, Tuesday. The temporary city and Health with Key to the Scrip Geòrgie, the three-year old son of I "And darn glad I am. too.” said WARREN WILLIAM official let them off with only a talk tures”, by Mary Baker Eddy: “Hoal- Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Gant who ha* been and near Women ’ s Club will be held Mon ing the aiek and reforming the ainner ill with undulant fever for some I doubt If a single story would have on law observance. MAUREEN O’SULLIVAN weeks, is still being confined to his day evening at the clulb rooms at left the typewriter—I should have ! are one and the same thing in Christ- Card of Thanks *«n Science. Both cure* require the Anita Page - Norman Foster bed, although he has shown some im 7:30. All members are urged to at been bumped into a dream so glorious 11—oh, I ««y. Eve, when do we go back provement. One of the worst features tend. I wish to thank the Coquille Fire "■me method and are inseparable'in Jean fcersholt > home—I'm longing for the time when Department for their prompt and ef Truth. Hatred, envy, dishoneaty, fear of that disease is that it la recurrent I can get down to hard work and and medical authorities cannot tell Optometrist Coming April 19* ficient assistance Tuesday afternoon and so forth make a man sick, and mpke use of all this study to do the Matinee Sunday at Í P. M. when it is finally conquered. And un- when the storehouse on my place neither material medicine x nor Mind Dr. F. W. Clarke will be in Coquille Mg work that only yon can help me can help him permanently, even in less the patient it fully recovered the burned. Their response probably Wednesday, April 19 at the Schroeder with.” ADMISSION 10c & 25c later resulta are very serious. Aunt Clem earns In nnd smiled—she saved my house or barn or both from body, unless it makes him better men- jewdlry store. See him about your . telly, and so delivers him from his destruction. tasw a thing or two. Calling cards 100 for 81-00. eyes. The examination la free. destroyers" (p. 404), ' G 2!/2 lbs- 69c Fuhrman » Pharmacy, Inc »»• Jtesag LIBERTY “She Done Him Wrong” Skyscraper Souls” .T? °L -------- »— AT*7b T ’ k"'*