PAGE SIX THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 14, 1IU. ".................. OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF | ■ 1 11............. .......... "-T-" - I I _____ __________ f Appeals have been made mal. 'But the thrill of hooking a big ground track in 1:37.6. and one fish but not to exceed 30 country? Last season the meet championship fish in any one day or 30 pounds of by apoiumen from thia district for »almon, the nong of the reel, the sight! "i. h an.! i>l*C -i.c .ixl, lot ix>t to exceed years to have the season open earlier of the itendjng rod, the battle to bring was decided in the relay, Marshfield 50 Hah in any seven consecutive owing to the fact that the present sea- the fighting warrior to gaff; after it taking thia event and nosing out Co­ days.” ' son extends into the mating season is all over it always leaves me weak quille by a very few points. High in The synopsis goes on to state the of deer when buqks are unfit to eat ' in the knees and with hand« all individual point gaining was Harry !akes where different pounds and But whsit results have we received atremble. . Helmkin, Red Devil performer, who It Here is some dope for you fellow« counted 20 markers by winning the num Jef of fish may be taken, but no from these protects? Not any New Money Sound There ia no nee«j for folks to worry i.uiw Iwneve about that new money. It » wi*r man once said that only a by the U. 8. government and «"^hrng or a Stranger would predict Ore- that has Uncle Sam behind it is as weather. Weil, 1 am no etranger good as gold. According to James H. yet laut week I cafite forth with an Rogers, Starling professor of Econom­ article stating that spring was here. ics at Yale university, the new cur­ And oh, what an errer that was! rency issues are in no sense dangerous Hencefoi'.h I am going to leave the for top honors in the pole vault, and or inflationary in character. The new predicting of the weather up to the oi s,ze or length. The only inkling the prime breeding stock of buck deer Both upper and lower Rock Creeks placing in other events. Perform?, Federal Reserve notes are weather bureau. But with grouse of this law ia stated in thia manner: are being killed off, that the» are should be good fishing. Figure the ances by Mike Ireland and Harold against the Federal Reserve hooting, quail sounding their mating “It is always unlawful to catch trout thousands of barren does throughout East Fork too cold for anything but Williams _______ ___________ _ also stood ___ out. they do not have any specific gold call, birdu 'building their nests, hum­ under six inch«» in length from the the staite, and that he would .mwke * bait fishing, but the North Fork 1 This is, indeed, a rather formidable reserve behind them. ming birds bdzzing about and butter­ waters of (Jniop or Wallowa coun- move to protect the bucks to 'some ex- ‘ should yield good catches with «pin-' record when one consider« that un­ The printing of these additions flies flitting here and there I felt ties.” But nevertheless, the 30 limit, tent. . < ners. Cherry Creek should prove a , til Hartley accepting the coaching bank notes by order of the Federal that spring was really here. Old regardless of size was, passed at the An outside sportsman was in the good bait stream as well as Myrtle rein« track and field was practically Reserve Board made the Bureau of Mother Nature simply told me a bare­ laat legislature and I(believe that the store the other day and related an Creek. Ten Mile Lake ahould pro- an unknown sport in Cpquille High, Engraving and Printing at Washing­ faced lié and one for which 1 shall people should have been more en­ experience he had down on the Rogue duce good catches both with spinner j It is true that in 1918 the local achool ton the nation’« busiest “industry for never forgive her. My article on lightened upon the subject But to­ I last season. He had always been and bait. If you try a fly, would aug- | won ■ a county championship in this two weeks. Night and day the huge spring being here was written on rn .rrow all you kiit, all you women strong for hunting but only took up gest a Red Tag Palmer. I jiave had competition, and that for a quartet of money-making presses at the bureau Monday and handed over to the Sen­ j and all you men may go out. to your angling a couple of season» back. He wonderful luck with this fly in the years while the Simmon« boy«. Zed turned out new currency, from the line*! editor. Monday didn't look so I favorite trput streams or to the river was standing out in water above his early part of past season». But don’t Finley and others of that time were plebian |1 bill to the aristocratic »10,- .good until noon—then thte weather . and catch your limit of 36 regardless waist, paying out his line—just learn- forget to take a can of worms and , in school a few entries strived for 1 000 note. More than 500 additional if1 broke just right. As the days passed of their size and still be within the ing the art of carting. Finally he got some salmon eggs along for you are recognition, but not in an organized, workers were ¿ailed on duty* ai the 1 patted myself on the back—I was a law—that is, if you posse»» an ang­ out all the'line he could manage. He liable to be disappointed with fly or ' supervised group. And, then, the plant went on a three shift basis for real prophet! And then came Friday, ler’s licence. drew the line back with a migttly spinner fishing wherever you go. It’s squad« under Hartley have been that period to speed up the produc­ I '9 the day of publication and what a Thousands upon thousands of the sweep of his arm and the fly ‘struck a cinch that the shiners and small small and without much experience, tion. With the emergency over they day it was! Rain, sleet and finally I out lost their jobs. sportsmens ’ money has been paid to the water many feet behind his back, trout will be hitting in the river and but steady work has brought " ” snow! J assure you thaj there will Then he gave a ffreat heave for the ' one is almost ass tired of his limit if wonderful results. . • maintain an educational director in j Few people «top to think that the be no more weather forecasts made cast. Bang! A six pound steelhead he he hits hits one one of of the the local local wharves.. wharves.. Well, Well, I Again this spring the squad is the atate game commission., It is national capital shelters one of the in this column. only fair to the sportsmen who pay struck the fly behind him and the good luck to everybody—see you all small, with ineligibility likely to fur­ world’s greatest specialty factories, The question hax been written in, their good money* for licenses which strike upset him. Down he went but again next week. ther deplete the number. Track fans says a bulletin of the National Geo­ “how long does a person have to re- nerves to maintain the game commis- hung on to his rod. He came up can, nevertheless, look for a group of graphic Society. Such is the Bureau side in Oregon before he is entitled well trained athletes competing un­ of Engraving and Printing, the place Westmont Golf Notes sion that they, should get scene results spouting like a whale, got his breath "to"a-pioneer’s license?” Tbe anawer from such offices as the educational TKT then his feet werit out from un­ der the local colors in the four com- where Uncle Sam makes his paper Next Sunday s activities at the . _ . . is: As the law stands at the present director. The director is supposed to der him again. Four times he went . . n . ... u i ing meets on April 29, May 6, May 18 money, bonds and stamp«. Westmost golf links in Bandon will be ' u... writing, any person residing in this take to the field and study wild life, under, but he clung to his rod and and possibly on May 20 at the state Even in a normal year, the bulletin a handicap tournament between the state prior to 1870 is entitled to a acquaint himself with the facts con­ finally landed the fish. Bring in gathering. An interclws meet, which continues, the Bureau of Engraving Westmoat players of Coquille, Myrtle pioneer's license. But the Hew Jaw, cerning wild life and fish in each dist- s?we more of your salesmen Barney, Point and upper Coquille Valley i will provide an intial test, is scheduled and Printing makes paper money (for April 20 and 21. ‘heir yarns. which will soon be in effect states rict' of the“ ¡Ute’and" report Vthe I1 enough to piaster four rows of notes, point« and the Bandon players. The that any person residing in this state commission his findings, whereupon •*^aw Yoakum coming across the representing 83,945,000,000 around the challenge was issued by the Coquille 60 years .thail be granted a pioneer’s