I Coquille School News THROUGH AGGRESSIVE CONSERVATISM AND WATCHFULNESS, THIS BANK HAS “MAINTAINED . ITS - POSITION” OF STRENGTH IN DEPOSIT LIABILITY THAT IS UNEXCELLED and most satisfying to our many depositors. speaking from the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille, Oregon STRONG CONSERVATIVE ACCOMMODATING Professional Cards Coquille can be justly proud of its little school band. Two yean* ago when Kenneth Thompson assumed his duty as band leader there were only three or four from a group of eigh­ teen students who could so much as play the piano. Now our band con­ sists of nineteen pieces capable of playing together. Mr. Thompson has ! taught moat of these students how to play their instruments in spare time. The band, as a whole, practices the latter part of the noon hour twice each week. The personnel of the band is aa follows: trumpets. Bob Bailey, Fred Coleman, Carl Jewel, Jack Hughes, Vivian McCue, Owen Newton, and Alan Bailey; baritone, Jesse Bar- i ton; altos, Maxine Collins and Made­ line McKeown; saxophone, Elois Wil­ son; clarinets, Faye McCue and Don­ ald Smith; trombone, Earl Shinn; tubarDelos Shinn; snare drummers, George Ulett. >nd Chas. Hall; baes 1 drummers, Lewis Donaldson and Linn Swain. i The honor rail for the past six week« in the Lihcoln School is aa fol­ lows: 1 | All l’s—None. Ail 2’« or better—Leonard Farr,! Strictly Fresh Extras, Jack Martin, Billie Wheeler, M a xine Candied and Inspected. Knight, Wilda Van Meter, Barbara Leslie, James Richmond, Eileen Per-j cans cy, Georgia Sherwood, Kenneth Wag­ a former resident of McKinley. goner, Katherine Brady, Dorothy . Wm. Cunning, Smith-Hughee in­ Glaisyer, Ray Mattoon, Robert Mc- structor of Coquille high school, was Gilvery. in McKinley Saturday visiting the All 3’c or better—-Betty Axtell, Calumet, Double Action. various projects carried on by Smith- Marilyn Compton, Laura Harrison,' Hughes boys in this community. Virginia 'Hartaon, Cecil McQuigg, ■ Ira Shields returned to his former Mary Lou Nosier, Vem Oderkirk, Al­ home in Michigan, after making his Best Foods, has that extra quality ton Schroeder, Marcus Shelley, Au-| home here with his grandparents, Mr. that makes salads so good Pint Swift's Premium. No Ham drey Taylor, Norma Buell, Agnes and Mrs. I. J. Bennett, for several as Good. Coeta but Little Caudle, Orville Clinton, Violet Dor- years. More. Half or Whole. nath, Marion Hess, Wallace Howard,' A large crowd is expected to at­ (Slice« 10c) & Carol Haga, Betty June Johnson, Ann tend tbi dance at the Community Hall POUND IOC Hawkip«, Kenneth Lawrence, Donna Saturday Hight, April 15. Getx, Emma'Frances Mulkey, Beverly Misses Alice Mast and Alice Jen- Norton, Esther Petersen, Faye Sin­ kinee took Lendon Jenkins to Gravel clair, .Gloria Vacino, Lowell Waggon­ Ford Sunday afternoon, where he is er, Melvin Wheaton, Elwood Wylie, going to work this spring for Her- Lucille Sherwood, Dorothy Mattoon, achal iBunch. I Stuart Miller, Russell Nelson, Mar­ - -9 Mill Price* Advancing garet Smith, Dick Stacer and LaVelle wise to stock up now. CORN 9 Bag To Be Cascara Bark Demand , Dale. # V • Grade all Purpose. Farrell Bailey, a new student in the ' PANCAKE FLOUR Higher prices for- caecara bark for seventh grade, entered last week from 49-Ib 1983 and a more rigid inspection of No. San Diego, California. what the peelers bring in to local Mildred Thurman and Lucille Riddle Mix dealers is indicated in the fallowing from the seventh grade have been ab­ Oregon Milled Hardwheat. Guaranteed. GRAHAM 9 lb Bag item which appeared in the Times sent from school for the past ten days. last week and which was written by BAG Both have had appendicitis operations. Sherman Smiley of Reedsport. Con Knudsen of Port Orchard, School Editorial Wash., agent for I. P. Callison 4 Crime Coats Everyone Pays Sons, Inc., of that place -visited'here In this, the last editorial, along the Saturday. The Callison firm is one line of crime and its costa, we desire of the large dealers in cascara bark Kerr Brand Preserves. 3 lb Jars to compare these crime costs with on the Pacific coast and handle a con-, school costs, ft wiH be necessary to siderable quantity of locally peeled refer to previous editorials in order CAN bark. Mr. Russell of the Pacific to fully appreciate these figures. Del Maix Fancy Quality Coast Cascara Bark company, accom­ Ritter’s, with pork and tom»- The net cost per year of crime un­ panied Mr. Knudsen on his trip. In to sauce. 16 ox. can Cans der all heads was found to be $1,500,- the past a great amount of bark has 000,000. The total cost for all type» been peeled in southwestern Oregon, of public education in a recent year but the annual peel is gradually drop­ was $2,500,000,000. “In other words, ping off, as the baric that is handy to Washing Powder. Let the ~ we spend about $1.50 because of crime roads or the river is almost gone and Gold Dust Twins do your for every $2.60 spent for public edu­ what ¡« left is too far back for profit­ cation. It is estimated that per capi­ able handling.—<— ta cost for law breakers is $1500 an­ Adulteration of bark reached such nually.” The 25,000,000 public school a stage during the past season students cost the public, on an aver­ that drastic changes are to be made age, about $100 each per year. It in the inspection of bark purchased has been found to cost $300 annually this season. One of the largest con­ for every person in prison. Schools cerns in the east to handle bark from for juvenile delinquency operate at the Pacific coast wrote a dealer from a per capita cost of $400 per year. which bark was purchased that a Compare these figure« with the aver­ hammer, handle and all, damaged the age cost of $100 per year for pupils Large Solid Head« machinery in one of their mill« to enrolled in public schools. EACH such an extent that the mill was What do all these figures mean to shut down for several days, throwing the teacher, the parent, and the com­ the entire crew out of work until re­ munity? Schools are said to cost too pairs were made and causing them a Favorite Brand Quality. 6 BOX CARTON much. Are we equally concerned over considerable loss for repairs. Fancy California our crime bill? “Can a nation that While repairs were being made on bunch Tall can pays over $1,500,000,000 for crime the damaged machinery, another California Ripe. A treat conditions afford to pay less than plant was operated in its place. A twice that sum for education?” Do breakdown of the second plant was we realise that it costs three times caused by a large piece of metal that a* much to maintain a prisoner as it was in bark from the same shipment does to teach a school child? What as that causing the fimt trouble. A does it mean when a socisfl order must list kept by this manufacturer showed debate whether it shall spend its re­ a variety of old abandoned engine FREE DELIVERY Store Phone 122 sources on prisoners or on schools ? It parts, rocks, etc., received in the bark costs less to keep people out of prison. they had pucrhased, and gave the Our schools are the beat insurance weight of these articles. In addition found to date against crime. You can I Thirteenth annual convention in Pow­ service at Bancroft. to the above, a large amount of dirt, near Coquille. stop building a road without harming Mr». O. W. Heath and Mr». Ray L. ers, on Friday, July 14. Anna Stall­ sand, gravel and rocks were found, The Coos and Curry Pomona the home and nation, but you cannot apparently put in with the bark to Grange met here Tuesday for their Beckett, who have been HI with flu smith, of Eugene, state supervising stop the march of your child. There the past few day«, are better now. give extra weight. Other bark is regular quarterly meeting, deputy, will attend. These crime figures should mean was a good attendance from the vari- [ An Easter program consisting of also added by certain peelers, alder L. Royer, of V°quille, accompanied more careful thought, better “child and willow being the moot common, i ous subordinate granges. The pro- recitations, recitations, songs and pantomines, by some mining men went into Iron teaching,” a desire for more definite | This adulteration of bark apparent­ gram, which was presented in the af- will be presented by the Christian En- M l Monday with a pack train. The knowledge about our schools, and bet­ ternoon by the Pomona Lecturer, Mrs. ' deavor society Sunday evening at the snow is now in patches. The trail is ly is done by only a few peelers, but ter co-operation. I it is so hard to determine just who H. H. Hansen, was open to the public church. The -people of the community in a terrible condition. Chester L. Ward, Superintendent i those few are that agents buying And quite a large crowd waa present are invited to attend, Leo Frye and McCracken went to bark are to open one or more sacks to enjoy the following numbem: Com-, work for the Forest Service Monday „ Bridge Happenings of each lot received and dump the munity singing; recitation, "The News Notes From Powers on the Salmon creek trail. contents on a clean floor for inspec­ Mrs. Olin Lay entertained her Harold E. James returned home Easter Bunny,” by Lynn Culver; skit Mrs. Harold Summers died Monday tion. This practice, strictly adhered Friday from the Veterans’ Hospital from the high school plag, “Helen I bridge club laat Thursday at the at the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point, to, will put a stop to the placing of in Portland, where he recently under­ Preferred;” talk on the Sales Tax home of her mother, Mrs. Beaty. abandoned equipment in sacks with went an operation. He 1« much im­ and other measures, by State Master and will be buried at Idaho Falla, Ida­ High seore went to Mrs. Paul Bales ho, Saturday. Mrs. Summers was the good bark and its sale as baric. Ray Gill; humorous reading by W. A. and low to Mrs. Dude Watson. A nice proved in health. Cascara baric in this vicinity has a The Bridge Christian Endeavor so-' Lett playlet, “The Marriage Shop,” horn Nov. 21, 1R91. She was presi­ lunch was served late in the after­ dent of the P. T. A. and a member of large amount of moss on it usually, ciety ___ _____ ______________ ___ by Lavina James, i, Velma Johnson, was __ represented at the Myrtle noon. She and this interferes with the handling Union executive meeting in Coquflle I rene -Hatrield, Peari Smith, Myrtle the Woman’s Club of Powers. Hopes for the Cobs Bay Lumber Co. of the bark after it is peeled. The Sunday afternoon by Maude Hooton, Holverstott, George Hampton, Henry leaves besides her hueband, two baby starting work soon have been blasted daughters, Wilma and Kay, and two moss weighs so little that it does not Mae Hatcher, Alma Larkina and Orlin Gustafson, Vem Magill and Chas, the last few days. A good many bring the peeler any extra amount of Lett. ' I Johnson; two vocal selections, sons by a former marriage, Ralph families are preparing to move away and Kenneth Craig; brothers, Dude revenue to speak of, but dealers are A special school meeting wm held “Treia," and an Irish cong, by (Helen from Powers when school closes in asking that the thickest of the moss Friday evening to elect a new clerk Pancoast, with piano accompaniment Watson, of Power«, Ralph Wataon, of May. San Mateo, and three sisters, Kate be removed before the bark is peeled, to flnish the term of . Fred - . - . who ................. - Ehrig by Marvel . - Brode; community singing, Bill Ede, of Eckley, was in Powers Lufkin, of Lorenao, Idaho, Ethel [ Bark with an excesivse amount of died the latter part of March. Mrs. Jesse A. Barnett, of Arago, eon- Monday enroute to the lower Co­ moss will be refused this season. The Clsrence Biflings was elected to the ducted services at the Bridge com- Hunting, Menan, Idaho, and Mrs. C. quille valley. buying season for bark will open office, j munity church Sunday morning, and A. Pulse, San Mateo, Calif. Johnie Pleasuck has returned to F. C. Dillard, oA^ Medford, was in Powens after spending the winter at within the next few weeks but no J James Morrison was ill with flu at the Bancroft school house in the I price m yet has been announced. Be- the past week end but is able to be afternoon. Mr. Barnett and family Powers for a short time Tuesday eve­ Andy Brown’s homestead near Tule cause of the small amount of bark out again now. ¡Were entertained at dinner Iat the ning delivering some powder to be Lake, | ________________ peeled last season, a stronger mar- Mrs. Eliee Lamp visited Bunday af- home of Mrs. Lucy Culver. Several used at the Hubner mine on Sixes. Baking Powder LB. Can HAMS DR. H. W. HERMANN Optometrist Coquille Hotel 2nd Friday each month Latest methods of Atting glass Mayonnaise Jar FLOUR Cereals OATS MEAL SPERRY BAG AURORA BRAND DR. J. J. LESLIE DENTIST Hours 0-12 m^ 1 to S p. m. Evening by appointment Over Hudson Drug Store • • 49-Ib • • 93c - Wheat & Oats FLOUR lb Bag lb 10 Bag 9 lb Bag Jell Well CORN IOC See Our Display of Easter Vegetables Gold Dust Asparagus Lettuce Carrots MATCHES . . . 19c OLIVES 9« SPUDS J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Lav " 50 & No. 469 DK. W. V. GLAISYER VETERINARIAN County Herd A Meat Inspect Coquille, Ore. J. J. STANLEY lawyer Office in First National Baah Building, Coquille, Or«ro« ket is expected for IMI. (ternoon at the J. N. Jaeobaon home went from Bridge to the afternoon The Royal Neighbors will hold their ( Calling cards 100 for 11.00.