Coquille Valley Sergei THE PAPER THA'PS LIKE A ixETTER FROM HOME ■ ' ■■■■ !!■■■■ ■—— * i i* i , l 'J J 'i----- - School Teachers Re-elected Public Auction Expected Draw Thousands to Coquille ... i., to A courtesy election was given all Instructors in the Coquille schools by the board of education at its session Monday evening except the four who have declined to return here next year. A courtesy election means that the board will sign contracts with the teachers after the budget has been approved by the voters at the annual school meeting in June. ). Those who- have resigned, to take effect at the end of this school year, are Miss Beatrice Morris, commercial instructor in the high school; Wade Arstiil, principal at the Lincoln build­ ing; M. L. Kathan, junior high in­ structor;' and Mies Naomi Cobb, grade instructor. The board instructed the clerk to call for bids for wood fuel for next year. The adv. appears elsewhere in The Sentinel. . i t . iiii — 32.M THE YEAR 'COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 14. 1933. T M ---------------------- -—'—----- Cooes Bay Lumber Co. Sued IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH Let us keep it who will, with white lilies heaped upon altars, With light thro stained glass falling; with the sound Of a mighty organ, and the soaring voices Of many singers, elegantly gowned. Or let us keep it on some windy hBl-top, Where the light of God falls mix.-d with the light of sun, Or the dim-aisled forest dogwood-starred, whose mosses Non* but the trillium hath walked upon. • , A suit for 32650, plus interest at aix per ceht and costs was filed by Pat Geaney yesterday against the ' Coo« Bay Lumber Co., and an at- ■ tachment filed against a large amount of the timber owned by the defendant company in Coos county. , i With Mr. Geaney’e own claim of 31,000, are added the following amount« by the other property own­ ers out on Cunningham who leased strips of their land to ' the company fbr a right-of-way, and who assigned their claim« to Mr. Geaney: Hugh Hastings and Maud Dawson, 3460. Frank R., -Louisa A. and Rose B. Bullack, 3800. C. E. and Edith A. McCurdy, 1400. The figures mentioned are the an­ nual rentals on the land, which were lea.ied in 1925. The complaint speci­ fics that the amounts were due the first of last November and have not been paid. The suit was filed by Liljeqvist, Swanton A Slack, as attorneys for the plaintiff. Figures Submitted to Court- Outstanding Warrants Less Than in 1928 or 1929 Eight head of the horses to be sold W. H. Wann and A. B. Collier sub­ ’ at the public auction tomorrow ar­ mitted their annual audit for Coo« rived yesterday afternoon from Eu­ county to the county cqurt Monday and it ia on file in the clerk’« office. Aye, lpt u« keep it as we will—for Easter gene and the rest of the bunch will ■1 be brought in today. They came by Is but a day that dawns and then departs; It ia a voluminous affair and to re­ truck. »* ' But give us, God—each one—the fadeless Easter print in full would require several Of a Risen Christ new-born within our hearts. Indications are that thi« sale will newspaper pages the site of the Sen­ be largely attended, not by eight or tinel’s. , —France« Holmstrom ten thousand as have been present at Thè figures and comments submit­ «ome »ales in the state, but J. L. ted are’for the year 1932. Last year’s I Smith says there is widespread inter­ budget aggregated 3803,378.02, with est in the sale and people all over expenditures of only 3533,810.58, an WIN Have Charge of Woman's G. H. S. Civic ( liras Officers southern Oregon are asking him apparent saving of 3269468.04. But about it. the picture is not aa pleasing aa that “* Manage City for a Day Club May Day Dance Th« horses «re being kept under would appear, for of the 3803,878 of Merchandise for Card Party ",“r JIX A the Dornath plant across the track Mrs. J. E. Norton, president of the estimated receipts from al) sources, The higlj school civics class had a That is an attractive display of from the depot, and should it be only 3445,799.12 was collected (this lot of fun Tuesday and received a good Coquille Woman’s Club announced the merchandise being shown in the Mt. wet tomorrow they will probably be includes taxes of course) and a deficit insight into the conduct of city busi­ following committee assignments and States Power Co. display window by auctioned off there. of 3357,579.50 results. ness when Mayor Alvin Shaver, Re­ program for the annual May Day A change in autioneers was made the ladies of the Coquille Woman1*' corder Linu« Seeley, the six council­ dance, to be held in Graham’s Hall on A comparison of the first two Club. They are to be offered as necessary by Col. Greer’s inability to Jury Called for Next Tuesday month« of 1933 with January and prize, at the annual card party of men men and «no councilwomen, couneuwomen and ano the we ap- ap- Saturday, April 29, at the meeting of be present. Mr. Smith has secured the dub, to be held in the hotel Mon-| P010*^ 1°®®era handled c,ty affaira the club held Tuesday afternoon: The Circuit court jury is to be February 1992, show« a drop in ex­ Col. Goodnight, who hails from nbrth- day evening. Committee in charge—The board called for next Tuesday, April 18, ac­ penditure« from 372,172.60 to 328,- The ticket campaign fo£,th,e1 day* „ ...... em California, and whose success in ha. been going well but the pwte- office“ named laat week of directors of the Coquille Woman’s cording to word received by County 563.83, due in *large part to the fact handling public auctions has made •. . . .... ,. ... 'the following served by appointment: Club. Clerk Oddy from the court reporter that R. F. C. funds have been used boards have not all been sold and there ; him in demand, to cry the Bale. Decoration«—Chairman, Mrs. H. E. this morning. The case to be heard for indigent relief. Russell Martindale and Mike Ireland, will be room for more than those who Th* grand prize, to be given away During the past year the general police officers; Florence Folsom, city H«*a, Mrs. C, J. Fuhrman, Mrs. Geo. that day is Gallagher vs. Coo« Bay have already bought. Tickets are 36 absolutely free to some one. attend­ Bryant. fund outstanding warrants have in­ Dredging Co. cent«. The playing will not be con­ i treasurer; Harold Berry, street com- ing the sale, is a fine pony which Mr. Entrance March—Chairman, Mre. missioner; Elwyn Nosier, water su- Judge J.'T. Brand ia expected home creased by 359,319, the general road Smith says he would like to win him­ fined to bridge, but the players may perintondent; Jack McCarthy, en­ H. H. Coleman, Mrs. F. S. Emery, Sunday from Portland where he has fund by 348,312, the Jsthmu« Slough decide on their own game. self. According to latest announce- gineer; Maxine Collins, health officer; Mr«. Kennett Lawrence, Mrs. C. L. been sittinig on the Multnomah bench bridge by 33,579, while the market meats everyone attending the sale Bill Flöten, city attorney; Delos Ward. Pianist, Mrs. C. A. Rietman. for the past month, and he intends road warrants decreased by 35,874. has a chance to secure this pony, and Queen’s Party—Chairman, Mrs. C. going to Curry soon to hold court at The total increase for the year is Shinn, Are chief; Tom Steven«, Glenn those making a purchase will have Mast and Alfred Plaep, park com- Vernon Smith, Mro. J. A. Lamb, Mrs. Gold Beach, but it will be after the 3101,190. two chances. J. L. Smith. Pianist, Mro. C. A. Riet­ session which is to start here Tues­ Following is the outstanding war­ Usioners. Everyone is ufged to come early. rant record of the conuty, aa of De­ At a council session held Tuesday man. day. There will probably be a lot of stuff Winding the May Pole—Mid« Mary cember 31, 1932: the student council passed an ordin- brought in which can he traded and Another of these red-blooded ama- anCe requiring cows to be inspected Ella C«ry, Mia« Kathryn Jane Haes­ General fund, 3398,820.97. i the «ale will start after the swapping teur boxing and wrestling cards,1 twice a year; recommended that the ler in charge. General road fund, 309,879.16. Mro. C. A. Rietman, is finished. featuring the boys of the Ag club of c|ty .way with the chlorine plant puraist. District maintenance, 3438.18. To help make the auction more at­ C. «. 8. is to be presented in the ¡f an overdo«« of chlorine happens Feature Dance—Miss Elsie Mere- Market roads, 373,157.64. tractive, all Coquille merchants are Community Hall, tonight atJLOO p.; ordered that the vacant lots dith in charge. Special road fund«, 31,078.00. offering special bargains for tomor­ m. Some outside boxers will com­ opposite the high school be fixed up Flower Dance—Mi«« Doris Comp­ Bond series No. 1, 312.60. Funeral services were held Wed­ row. pete against the high school lads. __ _____ r and that the city parks be _ ton. Indigent soldiers, 3342.00. for _ tennis, ____ Mies Inez Rover, . pianist. Including the lirt published last But one wrMtHng bout ia on tap, cieared up. Garland Dance—Mrs. C. D. Walker, nesday morning at 11 o’clock, in the Isthmus Slough bridge, 315,891.00. week, the following gives some idea this bringing together two huge Emergency fund, 3324.00. C. A. Mach on requested that the Mre. Claver, in charge. Pianist, Miss Christian Church here for another Oregon pioneer, Mrs. Amanda Hol- of what has already been listed with huskies, Alfred Plaep and Morris cny se|j him dirt from the parkings Inez Rover. This total of 3799446 of outstand­ Icnbsak, who has been living with het ing warrants at the end of last year Stonecypher, both of whom ^•ve ip Willard street at 10 cents a yard, Mr. Smith for the «*M: General Dancing. daughter, Mrs. Oscar Bunch, at Dora is approximately 315,000 I ms than it enough man muscle to Throw a steer anti offered to furnish the gravel so head workharnea, 1 ssddle Intermission Toe Dance—Miss Doris Compton.!8he paa“d away ,aM Sond«y *’*’«'"* wa« at the end of 1928, strange a« it 3 mules, 4 milk cows, B registered with ease. Last year these boys that those parkways could be made I after an i,IneM of two X*»«*- Jersey bulls, 1 yearling Dorset buck, ’ grappled in «eyeral clean, hard-going available for parking cars, if the city Pianist, Mis« Inez Rover. may seem. Outstanding warrants at Feature Dance-Miss Elsie Mere- ' Servicea conducted by Rev. the end of previous years were: 2 dozen Barred Rock hen«, 1 rooster,1 exhibitions which ere still remember- would haul the gravel up from Ban­ 1 b*rooder, 1 12-inch John Deere plow ed by the fans. Being football play- ' G* A* Gray- and interment was in 1928— 3814.954. don. The council acted favorably on dith, in charge Jaxz Skit-Miss Avia Hartson, Miro the* C(’met«ry Fairview. Six of (new), 1 2-horse cultivator, 1 double ers they both employ tactics gained the request but so far no dirt has 1929— 3806,218. Jean Young in charge. Miss Inez !!**_•* beare”; shovel cultivator, 1 centrifugal pump, from this sport, thus msking the been moved. 1930— 3565367. v Mrs. Hollenbeak Wa« 79 years of 2 sets work harness, 1 saddle, 7 tur- show much livelier. They scale 1931— -3697,856.----- —-----------------— Four arrests were made by the po­ Rover, pianist. age. having been born in 1854. She key hens, 1 turkey gobbler. 1 young around the 175 pound mark. General Dancing. 1932— 3799,345. lice officers: “Penny” Studivant lar Duroc boar, 1 garden tractor, I «mall The boxing will bring out most of sending them on wild gooee chases, The program will begin promptly croated the plains with her parents The auditors state that it will re­ electric motor, 1 Atwater Kent radio, the leathers throwers who stepped was fined 35 or five hours in the can at 8 o’clock p. m. General dancing when 11 years of age. They settled quire 32437.175 to retire all the coun­ 1 electric radio, 1 24-gal steel tank, over the resin in the last card, many by Recorder Seeley; Margaret Paul­ will begin about nine o’clock p. m. first in the Willamette valley, then ty’s outstanding bonds, 31.642,000 for 1 lawn mower, 1 ohe-horse cultivator, of the bouts being red-hot rematches son for passing up a stop sign was Intermission about 10:30 p. m. Music moved to California, but for the .past the f.r of the bonds and 3685,175 for 1 centrifugal pump, 1 gasoline pump, The main event will feature two ex­ sentenced to an hour in jail, and the will be furnished by an orchestra of 53 years she has been a resident in interest 1 Essex coach, I trailer, 1 grindstone, perienced mittstere in Carl Yeoman of girls with her, Elizabeth Pierce and Coquille musicians. Mis« Elsie Mere­ Coos county. Her husband, Stephen 1 cream separator, 1 60-egg incubator,'* the school and Orville Chard, pride of Carol Young, were also given an hour dith, of North Bend, ha« general su­ Hollenbeak, died 22 years ago. Fire Last Monday Besides the four who preceded her 50 cedar poets. the Coaledo section. Another inter- in Jail for contempt of court. They all pervision of all dance features while f ____________ _____ The fire7 department was called to the future life, Mrs. Hollenbeak ' esting mix will pit Lynn Swain served their time, too. (the practice is done with the commit- about three o’clock Monday afternoon against Fred Coleman. The other Coquille Mill Operating The street department under Com- tees in charge. Costumes are in was the mother of seven children to the Bert Sanders [dace, a mile and still living. She is also survived by bouts are: missioner Harold Berry, put in a day’« charge of two committees composed The Coquille Mill started operations Yarn Hansen vs. Bob Bailey. ! effective work cleaning the street« of Mrs. Lafe Compton, Mrs. Roy i 30 grand children and 39 great a half below town and aero«« the Monday morning with a crew of thir-1 * Tom Schaer va. Shorty Harrison. one river. The chemical truck only was and trucking the trash to the city Neal, Mrs. Pau) Van Scoy and Mre. ■ grandchildren, one sister and ty men, under the management of M. taken, but the fire had too much start ■ brother. , Jim Schaer va. Casey Mast. dump. | Wm. Mansell, Mre. Ray Thoma« and O. Hawkins who has been receiver for | The children are Mrs. Wm. Snave­ before the alarm wa< turned in and Luke Pearson vs. Norm Powell. I Supt. C. L. Ward had supervision of X 1 * ’ - R. L. Stewart. the Coquille Lumber Co. The circuit the building was burned to the Henry Teal« va. Bud Anthony. ________ ____ ___ the student government activities, and Admission will be forty cents for ly, of Portland; Mrs. John Saunders, court decree, returning the mill to These cards are supervised by old- tbe one regret the students had at the men and twenty-five cents for ladies 'of Coquille; Mrs. John Darling, Pow- ground. It was an old frame build­ Denni« McCarthy was signed last er men who see that every fighter en- day>g doag waa that they were not and for all spectators. Children un­ I era; Mrs. Oscar Bunch, Dora; Mrs. E. ing, formerly used as a house, but now Thursday and he took possession Fri­ tering th« ring is physically and men- abje arrest and jail the «uperinten- der ten years of age will be admitted E. Willard, Sacramento; Mm. R. C. utilised as a wash and «tore house. day. I Davis, Powers; and Jas. Hollenbeak, A washing machine, a milking ma- tally in condition. free of charge. dent for some city law violation. The operation this week has been ■ chin«, vegetables and other stuff were of McCloud, Calif. to restock the retail yard and from Her sister ia Mrs. Nancy Neeley, of in the building at the time and all State Demanding Its Money Literary Evening Enjoyed Smith Plant Operating now on Mr. Hawkins says they will Mr. Sanders esti- Fairview, and her brother, W. C. Bsn- were destroyed, County Treasurer Chas. Stauff is carry a complete stock of carpenters’ Ralph L. Smith, of Kansas City, ham, of Coquille. A very good attendance enjoyed the , mates his loss at 3350. in receipt of a letter from State and builders' needs. Literary Evening given in the assem­ Mo., president of the Smith Wood- Mm. Sandero had finished her wash­ Mr. Hawkins also has hopes that Treasurer Holman’s office, demanding bly room at the high school Wednes­ Products company, accompanied Mr. Mrs. W. O. Matthews passed away ing about noon and had come to Co­ with a rising fir market, at least it the state’s share out of the first day evening. Mrs. R. A. Wernich, and Mrs. Geo. Ulett when they re­ this morning at 4:30 at the family quille and so far as known no one had has shown a little sign of life, that money« received from tax payments chairman of the educational commit­ turned from Portland last Saturday, home in Fairview valley. Sarcoma, been there between noon and three he will be able to operate the mill this month. The amount demanded is tee of the Woman's Club, acted aa After a couple of days here and at from which she had been suffering o'clock. What started the fire is not fairly continuously this spring and 334 661 38. I chairman. Bandon Messrs. Smith and Ulett left for «ome time, wa« the cause of her known. The letter calls attention to Sec ­ summer. He is sure it will be if the I The destroyed building was between I Mm. J. H. Dalen, of Bandon, made Tuesday morning for Seattle on busi- death, lumber price permits a little profit. tion 69-746 of the Oregon Code for a very clever and witty talk on French nere. The funeral services will be con- the barn and the Sanders home, but 1930 in which it is explicit y directed If it does run it will mean the em­ The Smith plant began operating ducted by Rev. G. A. Gray at the fortunately the wind wa« from down . literature and that it was thoroughly that the state's share* shall be paid by ployment of 30 to 35 men steadily. 1:30 p. p. m. m. to- to- ^he tbe river, river, so M that that the the cinders cinders and and enjoyed by ail who heard her is again Wednesday of thia week and Fairview Church at 1:30 each county out of the first funds re­ Interment will aperks were not carried- to either proven by the many favorable com­ will continue as orders require, but morrow (Saturday.) ceived, and beside« other penalties hgrn nor without assurance that it will be in be * in “ the Fairview cemetery. * Will Register Unemployed ment« expressed. provides “if he shall so f^jl for the Vina Jane Freman was born at continuous operation for the next few -Miss Catherine Wernich read the “Penny” Sturdivant asks the Sen­ space of ten days he shall forfeit to ! Clear Lake, Iowa, April 19, 1868, and tinel to give notice that ha is prepared the state 20 per centum on the poem written by Mrs. Frances Holm­ months. Fair Will Be Held This year i would have been 65 years of age next strom. “ Daffodils.'* to register the names of those seek­ amount withheld; and if he shall fail I At a meeting of the Coos and Curry , Wednesday. The musical portion of the program A Freak Trillium ing work in the government’« refor­ to pay over such moneys for 30 days I Beside her husband she is survived county fair board held in Coquille estation program. It la not known after sueh specified time he «hall for­ consisted of a piano solo by Mies Ines Tuesday morning Cyril McCurdy Tuesday evening, all doubt was net Just how soon a call wifi ba made for feit his office aa treasurer and be Rover, and a duet by Mrs. J. P. brought in to town a freak trillium by five children, Mrs. Alice Hohrer- Beyers on the bam viol and Martha which Earl Hamilton had found out stott, of Coquille; Mrs. Edith Du- at rest as to whether the fair would workmen her*, but the list is to be deemed a ptiblic defaulter.” Carrier on the violin, accompanied by on the MdCurdy place. This lily usu­ faxin, San Francisco; Wm. H. Mat. be held at Myrtle Point this year. It made in anticipation that soma of the A test of the law ia being made in is to be presented, with the usual quarter million in the United States some Oregon county, but Treasurer Mrs. Hawkins at the piano. Their of­ ally is satisfied with three, petals but thews, Bangor; Eldon and James Mat­ farm crop, stock, poultry, etc. display. will ba selected from around Coquille. Stauff says he will comply with the ferings were excellent and enjoyed by the freak had a dozen or more, all thews, of Fairview. A feature will also be the 4-H club Her mother, Mr«. J. A. Freman, of One of the requirements is that law which seta May 31 as the last the audience. bunched and not spread out in the and Smith-Hughes students exhibits. the applicant is not married, but does date for payment to the state of its usual form. Geo. Taylor, who exam­ Roseburg; three sisters, Mr«. Irene With the new state law in operation Snider, of Corvallis, Mrs. Ella Pat­ have dependenta. • Registration will portion of tiie first half. Fishing Season Opens Saturday ined it, «aid that it looked as* though terson, of Roseburg, Mrs. Minnie it is also expected that the racing be conducted at Relief headquarters two «terns had grown together. It If the sales tax is approved by the Tomorrow «ees the opening of th« Herahey, of Centralia, Wash., and a features at the fair will be the most in the Sentinel building. voters at the July 21 election there fiehing season and everyone who can was indicated by a ridge down the half brother. Geo. H. Tompkins, of attractive held in many years. stem. . will be no second half taxes to be get away—and has a license—plans | Chicago, also survive her. Handles Three Grades of Gas ’ paid the state. to be out Those who can’t go tomor­ Operetta at Riverton Father and Son Banquet Mr«. H. W. Covalt has been show­ The Coquille Service Station this row will make up for it Sunday. ing considerable improvement the The two-act operetta, “The Belle of Meetings to Continue .week buried the fifth tank and in- A Boy Scout “ Father and Son Ban ­ In Coos county, in all the coast ■«alled the fourth pump for measuring Captain G. L. Hall, who has been country and everywhere in Oregon, quet“ is being planned for Monday past week, although still at the Knife Bagdad,” ia to be given April 21, by I gas to its customers. The new tank conducting services at the Baptist except ____ ________________ _ _ in ___________ „ evening, April 24 Scoutmaster Wade Hospital where «be underwent a ma­ the Riverton high school glee clubs, for two streams the eastern and pump will be for the handling of Church this week, was invited by the part, any length fish that take« the Arstiil informed the Lions Club yes­ jor operation a few weeks ago. Her accompanied by the town orchestra, what is known aa third structure church to continue next week. He hook is a legal catch-. There is no terday that it would probably be parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. A. in th« high school auditorium there. gas which retail« at two or three cents announce* ■ general theme. “After‘nix-inch restriction during the open served in Pioneer Hall, and ail men M. Easterbrooks and B. H. Easter- The setting is .oriental Bagdad and less than the standard variety. Thia the Resurrection, then what?" Dis- season, But, the bag limit ia thirty were invited to go whether they had brooka, arrived here from Bellingham, combine* modern America with an-, enable« the service station to ac­ cussrioa will run through the entire fish, Scout sons or not. The Lions voted Wash, last Saturday. The two men ! cient Turkey. The admission will be commodate any demand, for ethyl, week with services each night at. to «upport the get-together and returned home yesterday but her twenty-five cents for adults and fif­ I Calling carda 100 for 11.00. | mother will remain hero for a time. teen eants for children. 7:80 p. m. except Saturday. pledged themselves to attend. standard or third structure. AMATEUR BOX ING TO-NIGHT TWO PIONEER LADIES GONE