TME COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL T. 19*8. PAGE NINE OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF finally located lying against the side of a fallen log. Minard told Croqkett By Lan* Leneve - to shoot it and Crockett handed the The call of the woods get» ¡»to an gun to Minard and told him to shoot autdoor^man'« blood at thin season of it. He also stated that he didn't want the year and the call to hard to re any more holes in the hide than could sist. It has been raising havoc with be helped. Whereupon Jap spoke up me of late, so Sunday was spent in and said that he would finish Bruin rambling over several miles of log with a club. He searched about and ged off land ’way up into the big tim found a good stout club. Minard told ber. And signs of spring were on him that he would keep the bear cov every hand! A coiled -make basking ered with the gun and for Jap to go in Che warm rays of the sun; the mat ahead and do his stuff and that he, ing call of the mountain quail; the Minard, would protect him. Where hooting of the sooty grouse; digger at Jap approached the bear and squirrels perched upon stumps; a struck it a resounding crack on the frisking chipmunk; a brush thrush head. And then the fireworks start busily engaged in collecting dry grass ed! The bear charged Jap and Jap So while in town come in and let us ex- with Which to line its neat and ite beat a retreat, but he managed to get mate warbling encouragement from the bear between himself and Minard 1 atop a nearby bush; lilies peeping plain the details of the International the latter could not shoot for forth from sun-kissed spots; a pair of of hitting Jap. But evidently humming, birds bulling about a clus Jap was making such excellent tiiSe Harvester’s 1933 Crop Price Guarantee ter of wild currants; the laxy drone that the bear decided he would pick of bees and butterflies drifting about; on somebody else ’so he turned and which means a big saving to you on ail the sullen roar of the mountain charged Minard. Minard shot for stream of a few scent week« ago now his head and just burnt the side of it'. just a purling stream, ite once muddy The bear slapped at it and kept on water now clear as crystal; the splash coming. Hastily Minard fired again of a leaping trout; a buxxard Wheel and missed and by thin time Bruin ing -about on laxy wings far over was within striking distance and head. There is no doubt in my mind I right here the gentleman with the but that spring has finally arrived I • gun took to his heels with the bear a 4 An article appeared recently in a few scant inches behind. After a Portland paper relative to a tame. eloge race the ^,7 7iandon7j tie goose that had been saved from the chase and lit out dowh the hiH. Re pot owing to the fact that he honked covering his breath, Minard fired and each time a clock struck and this lit killed the bear. Then he set out look tle trick had spared his life. We ing for Jap. He found the club Jap have an old goose that's got it over had carried and a few yards farther Hardware Fishing Tackle , Implements the other goose a mile. Each time he found that gentleman with both t!he train or the mill whistle blows he arms entwined about a slick myrtle I honks, and moreover he is as good as which he hsd tried ‘vainly to climb ■ -1.. I.B y a watch dog. The slightest sound and Minard said that never in his life accurate and is used a great deal for Aside from Helmkin in the jump« out of the ordinary at night is greeted did he ever behold such a worf>egone by a honk or two. He answers to expression a* that upon the face of target work. Mounted with a scope and Everett Seeley in the hurdles, the the name of “Bummer” and comes Jap. And right here I want to make they sell as high as *126. The 22 high red and white has never been strong Q J the next from any part of the yard when he it plain that I am neutral on this and power was never much of a success, in these under Hartley, so any points Send 1 for months of 5 is called, talking goose language to am not intending to get mixed up in owing to the fact that it was so hard from them will be like a gift. you at every step. on all kinds of - any backwoods feud. I am telling the to clean the barrel and that the tre he I promised yod last week the true story as Mr. Minard told me, so you mendous velocity of the toads soon Yes, and not" only have the balmy facts regarding the trout limit for lay off me, Jap! If you don’t, I’M wrecked a gun barrel. As to how the days brought out the tracksters, but tlantic monthly the coming season. The limit to SO tell how you “trained” a hound once Hornet is in this respect, I do not the basebailers, as well. Sure enough! AKE the most of your read feel justified in stating though I Last Sunday an advanced squad of fish, regardless of site or length. It by crawling inside a bear-hide. Local and Long Distance ing hours. Enjoy the wit, i matters not whether the fish are one I appreciate a little story, some- imagine it would be rather hard to the Loggers encarred to the Athlete the wisdom, the companion inch long or two feet, you are sup thing like Mr. Minard told me. It keep clean. Park for an afternoon of training ship, the charm that have made Some hunters take pride in their camp activities. posed to creel them all. This means helps' the writer out a lot and gives the ATLANTIC, for senvty-Ave the saving of thousands of fish that tne readers a variety. One subject, guns. A gun owned by them for years Phones 101J—224L years, America's most quoted heretofore have been thrown back such as fishing to bound to grow mo is as nice and bright inside as a new In’ the regular shoots last Sunday and most cherished magaxine. and died and it also means that the notonous, just as all football, all bas dollar. Other sportsmen treat their the Cooe County Gun Club was de t most delicious of all trout may be ketball and all golf does, day after guns with no respect whatever and feated in two events and won the Send 81 (mentioning this ad) fried and enjoyed—those about four day in the columns of our big dailies. within a short time the gun is rusted, other, while in the tie shoot-off the to or five inches in length. So I hm slwsys looking for something the barrel pitted and the stock gunners again knotted with ” Port The Atlantic Monthly, 8 Arling L. F. Minard «trolled strolled into the new wilh whitjh to entertain you, so scratched up. To a man who really land, but overcame St. John's. The ton St., Boston store the other dwy jpd told me the natUrally a contribution like Mr. Mi- kxves-guns it to almost heart-breaking club was in seventh place prior to to ace a gun treated in this manner. these results, having won ten events following bear story: ' 1 Happy Crock-ig appreciated. nri wnnnridtri Tbday, with the present brands of and lost four for a percentage of ett a while back ahot and wounded * a it It Is a pretty generally understood If you want to subscribe for a Port large bear. Mr. Minard, a man by fact that Chinook salmon seldom bite ammunition that are on the market, ¿14. Klamath was leading the pack Justico Court blank* for tale at thia land daily the clubbing combination the name of Rohrer and our old friend ' fish eggs. Just now and then one to a gun with a little care given it should with Pullman, Heppner-Pilot Rock, 3orvallis, Bend, and Portland follow- we offer with the Sentinel will save Jap Yoakam went out to help him caught in this manner on such famous last any sportsman, a life time. trail the bear down. The animal was ng before the Coos team. The shoot vnn money Calling cards 100 for 11.00. streams as the Rogue, but there is a Sunday will conclude the telegraphic - Sport Briefs river in. Oregon where the mighty rounds. By Mark W. Seeley Chinook takes a gob of salmon eggs almost as readily as he does a spinner Fine, balmy day« are bringing the and that to in certain stretches of the best out of Coach Hartley’s track and Westmost Golf Notes From the Western World North Umpqua. It is hard to under Aeld men as they prepare for the stand just why this is, for I believe coming quartet of meets which cAn- The tombstone tournament at the that it is the only stream in the mence late in April and continue unti) northwest where they strike eggs ex May 20 when the state meet is held Westmost Golf links at Bandon last cept upon rare occasions. Chinooks in Eugene. Probably on April 29, Bunday was a huge success and pro do some funny stunts at times. It Coquille will tangle with MarshAeld voked a great deal of good-natured ri There were thirty entrants, is seldom that thpy take a fly, but a and North Bend in a .three-way dual valry. men anil women. The handicaps were couple of years ago four were caught meet. The county meet is listed for on one riffle within a Aort length of May 6, these Ant two athletic shows so well set that the large majority of time and they were all caught on a taking place on Golden Field, and players died within a radius of a few fly-hook. then tn May 13 the district teams strokes of the sixteenth hole. Winner for having reached the The question often arises, “is game will assemble at Granta Paw for the farthest distance with his allotted getting scarcer as the years go by?” state tryouts. At present Hartley does not have number of strokes was R. A. Gallier, and, “are there as many ducks as who with an eight handicap for the there were several years back?" all the possible talent in school out 18 holes died in the» cup on the 17th There are many arguments both pro for track. Those not yet going hole. He played a splendid game, and con on the two subjects. I do not through the paces may continue to making the second round in 36. think there is the least doubt but stay away, but even without them, Mrs. Herbert Brown won the conao- what game animals and birds are Hartley should develop a good enough ation prise for having died the quickest scarcer and a great deal scarcer than squad. He has very few veterans on She expired on ths 14th green but it hand as most of his 1932 squad, in they were a few years back. I know was almost a matter of inches be- for a settled fact that buck deer are cluding Harry Helmkin, who alone '•wf*n her and Mrs. L. T. Roselle, the scarcer, owing to the fact that they accounted for 20 points in the county latter also erecting her tombstone on are warred upon season upon season. events, are not available now. Re the 14th green, but a little nearer the It would be an almost impossible feat sides Helmkin, such point gainers a* tup. Among the women Mrs. L. D. Jack MdCue, Harold Williams, Harold for huntirs ever to exterminate the Felsheim reached the farthest on her deer in Coos, Curry and Douglas Kolkhorst, and Neil Peart have de allotted number of strokes, passing counties owing to the excellent cover parted from this endeavor. out on the 17th fairway. Mike Ireland, middle distance win afforded the animals. If some dis George Ulett, of Coquille, received ease does not become rampant among ner, is the highest hope of the 1983 the prise for the beat epitaph. His the ranks of the deer they should still team. Ireland, during his three pre monument was inscribed with the fol be here a« thousand years from now. vious years of competition, always lowing terse but expressive words: gained points for the locals, capping But owing to the fact that ail fields “He struggled herd but 'twas ail in in the valley are now open and all his performances last season when vain, he died on the seventh with a the ducks in the valley may be he captured the half mile run and gasp of pain.” glimpsed, It is pointed out that there placed second in the 440. Again this For next Sunday a Scotch Two-Ball are more birds here than in years season he is expected to be a pace set foursome tournament has been ar past. When this valley was covered ter tn these events. ranged by the tournament committee. with willows there were, I believe, a Stonecypher and Martindale, the Handicaps will be employed and part thousand ducks to where there to one other two letterman, should gather ners will be drawn from a hat. The at the present time. The willow« points in the weight events, as wall as average handicap of the two players were simply alive with ducks and in others. Both men have been show will determine the handicap for the You probably w*aM eonsider th“ idep of falling in Ion wfth thousands upon thousands of them ing promising early season signs snd partners. Both men and women will thing to cook o* aa ridiculous. This beautiful new range ... the flew from the Fishtrap country and hsve been getting some good distance participate. Prises will be given for last word tn eleetrie eookery, will change your mind- TW 04- uppet marshes to Coos Bay each even out of the weights. Last spring the couple making the low medal ing. 1 have aeen more ducks in a Stonecypher improved quickly at the score and for the low net score, and cagoan has a beauty of color, finish and design positively un «ingle day in years past than may be end of the season and this year he a consolation prise for the high net equaled. With it* new self-regulating and timing devices, sliding sighted, in an entire season at the will likely be a steady performer. score. oven shelves to bring the food out in the open where you een see Martindale is at times erratic, but present time. T)>e entertainment committee has it, large warming compartment, money saving thrift cooker and Nevy Hatcher tells of talking to a when he is in stride this husky might sent out cards announcing a social stainless, porcelain enamel working top to the right of the surface prospector from the upper Sixes river like as not heave some missive out evening for Saturday at the club country who tells a pitiful tale con of the lot. house. Cards, dancing and refresh it stands alone as the last woi word in modern eook- cooking elements, It cerning the deer in that district. The Gailas in tne weights and dashes; ments will be the diversion. All ing equipment. man state« that the heavy frosts kill Cooper in the hurdles, middle distance those interested in golf at Westmont, ed practically all the deers’ natural and weights; Greenough in the together with their ladies, are Invited TJhe Chicagoan is being introduced at a specie 1 pries that cannot food and that they are now in a weights and middle distance; and whether they receive cards or not as be maintained. Prices are going vp. Investigate this exceptional starving condition and doxens of them Bonniksen, Gould and B. Peart in th« the list available is quite incomplete. dying off. It to to be hoped that they middle distance events are men of A charge of 76 cents a couple is to offer at ones. Free range wiring service. Easy monthly terms. have fared better in other districts, more or less promising ability. Added be made. Net proceeds are to be A marked decrease is noted in the to these Hatcher, Swain, Burch, Bailey used by the entertainment committee ranks of our mountain and valley and Newton are unknown quantities in caring for tournament visitor« dur r , . who may develop later. ing the coming season. quail. The biggest problem facing Hartley A question this week is, “what is Warranty ana Bargain â Sale a 22 ‘Hornet’?" The 22 Hornet to a seems to be in developing a miler and rifle, somewhat similar to the 22 high a sprint man. Coquille has always Oveds for sale at The Sentinel o«ce power Bavage rifle. It is a powerful been strong in these events and if the / Calling carda 100 for 11.00. little rifle and to said to be extremely talent to on hand Hartley will And It Of course you are coining to the Public Auction In Coquille, Saturday April IS McCormick-Deering Implements J. A. LAMB CO. New low Price COAL HAULING T A M Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co. WHEN A WOMAN Meets the Chicagoan MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY