■> 4 •S*. TU COQUILLE VALUT SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. F BIDAT, APRIL T. 1M3. PAGB 8EVEN — s. ' • Unsoeld’s Week of . ■ ,1 &.AA AAA7' ) s % « Bargain Surprises Saturday, April 8, until Saturday, April 15 ■ ' 4 f , ■ . ' *• Why Pay More? Table . z . r Many More BARGAINS ♦ r/ * ’ * 48 inches wide. New colorful patterns as well as plain colors and white. Standard 25c qual ity. A Bargain Surprise at yard « I 15c I Sweaters Good-looking Pullover Styles - in wool and cotton - - sixes 26 to 34 - - regular values up 98c each. A Bargain Surprise at 8^ Unusual Business Conditions To Raise our Sales Volume we have started another Store in Crescent City. WE ARE NOT QUITTING BUSINESS HERE as some would like to have you believe! WE ARE STAYING RIGHT HERE to serve you better than ever! WE ARE OUT AFTER YOUR TRADE! out after New Customers—out after all the business we can get — That’s the Reason for this Event — Never in the History of this Community have PRICES LIKE THESE been offered to the public. If you value a Dollar and want to SAVE MONEY be sure to Come. GEO. UNSOELD Children’s Rayon Pajamas Run-resist Rayon in attractive J9 colors - - fast colors - - sixes 4/1 VI to 10 yearn - - regular U*' values. A Bargain Surprise at c Children ’s Dress Gloves <• Suede Fabric Gloves in a good assortment of tan, brown and grey shades. Sixes 4H to 6. Regular 49c value*. A Bar gain Surpriae at pair 10c Æ] I I » • I • ? r ? regular^! QC Sites 8 to IS yean - ■ ;ain Sur-^f^z 11.26 values. A Bargain prise at Sanitary Napkins 12c New Spring New Swagger New Puffed Sleeve HATS 88c SKIRTS $1.88 Sweaters 88c Air C Outstanding Bargain Sur- prise - - You must see these clever models that combine Jine style style with striking value. ___ At this price you can afford to - buy 2 ’ or 3 to match your different cos tumes. ’ New with sixes prise 19c Sandals colorful, attractive models crepe soles. ChWdren’a 8 to 2. A Bargain Sur at pair 69' Dainty Collar & Cuff Sets Equally suitable for making _ — ng overCB^C new dresses and making old ones. Many daint; to choose from. A ___________ Surprise at ’ æ Z îj Child’s ■ J 39c $1.95 Silk Blouses, in white and eggshell. New Collars and Sleeve treatments. Also featured in printed silks. Qfix» vOC 59c to 98c Batiste Blouses printed and embroidered models, fast colors. «eV Good quality flannelette - - __ either striped or printed with ofc cute nursery patterns. Sixes 2 to 4 years. A Bargain Surprise at 69c 49c Black Sateen Bloomers, sturdy quslity, well made, elastic at wais| and knee. Sixes 10 to 18. pair 15c 59c Men’s and Boys’ Fancy Sweat Shirts with black and white or multicolored stripes. All sixes. 28 to 42 35c 98c Gym Bloomers black sateen, well tailored, full and roomy. 25c The Thrifty Buyer Will Nall - 49c - *1.25 Coats t« match 49c $1.00 • $1.25 Qualities Leather Handbags and Purses Colors white, black, green, blue, tan, blond. 49c Fine quality all wool flannel« and crepes in newest pleated and flared models and jumper styles. Color White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Wine and Tan. Sixes 26 to 32 waist. These Bargains (T4 OO dPt.OO 59c 72x90 Glaxene Covered Cotton Batts “The Fairy Quilter” 1% lbs. 37c 9 31.25 - $1.95 Rayon Combination Suits famous Carter quality. Sixes 36 to 42. Children's Rayon Bloomers Good Quality. Six<s 6 to 12 years. Fine smart styles - - dainty lacy weaves, in combination of bright, attractive colors with the popular large puffed sleeves which give them an unusually smart, draped effect. Sixes 34 to 42. Colorful new Spring Prints — in gorgeous color combinations and lovely pastels bright as the flrst tulips—that are as good for you as a tonic—and ever to pleasant to take. And thia year it is Fash ion at a price! At a price thdt’s so easy to pay! You must see these lovely dresses at 88c Pair 72x90 All Wool Quilt Batta - Weight one pound. AU pure wool. 15c * 25c Fast Color Voiles Plain and printed patterns. 86 and 40 in. wide. / 88c < Women’s All Silk Hosiery Service weight. Newest spring shade*. Sixes 8H to 10. New Spring Dresses Linen Lunch Sgta and Cloths regular values up to $2.60. Set reduced to - - - 12'/:c yd. AQr* 39C pair 49c yd 69c 98c Women’s Summer Weight Cotton Union Suita Sleeveless, knee length, pure white, Sixes 36 to 44—usual 49c retailer 29c ier Weight Cotton Vesta. Sleeve- Women’s Sui _ leaa, elastic knit, pure white, regular 26c value. 15c $^^•88 $*£*88 $^.88 A Chic Spring Coats a Polaires - - - Crepe Weaves - - - Fancy Tweeds - - - Flake Mixtures. Newest style trestments in collsrs and sleeves and popular lengths. The collars are designed to be worn open or closed. Sixes 16 to 44. And every coat la specially underpriced for this event at X. • a. • \w 8 Smart New Shoes for Spring Q Oxfords with low Heels in White or Smoked Elk or in Combinations. Smart Pumps with Cuban or French Heeia, in White, Black, Brown or IK Bk>nd. New Strap Slippers in Patent Leather, Kid and Calf, with Cuban or French Heels. Other Qualities: »2.53 MJ5 »3.50 - W « ^8 I* Ultra Spring^Suits Dainty ribbon trimmed Bonnet«, as well as knitted bon- nets, caps and berets. All re- duced to each Children’s Shoes Suits an in Demand. They have'a fashion appeal that is quickly recognised by the smart drusen. You’ll like the styling of these suits—their striking fabrics and new Spring Color. ‘ And you’ll also like their modest pricing. 1 Infant’s Dresses Daintily hand-embroidered lawn or nainaook Dresses for ir fants from six months to 1 yean. Values up to 79c. Bargain Surprise at 139c / JI C aä 8^ ■■■■■■■■■MammmmaMmHmmiMmMmmmmMmm Bleached Sheeting 1 JL K« 9j a y' New, Sturdy. Good-Looking White Elk Sandals and Oxfords - - Strap Slippers in Patent Leather, Kid or Caff Sixes 5 to 8, 8^ to 12 and 12H to 2. Other Qualities: 88c $1.48 r / Fast Color Prints A Z 79c to 98c All Silk Flat Crepe 40 inches wide, prints and solid colors. Infant’s Bonnets 81 inches wide - - «turd; that will stand a lot of lue. ing * - regular 29c value. Bargain Surpriae at yard OQ Sixes 34 to 42 31.00 - $1.23 Men’s A Boys’ Pullover Sweaters. Some sll wool, othere Wool and Rayon mixed. Good patterns, splendid quality. * Flannel Sleepers Yard wide - - stan<tard%uahty prints - - good, , clean cut pat- terns and coloni ings - - regular 10c quality. A L Bargain Sur- prise at yard 39c “V 59c Berets and Tama attractive, flattering new styles, spring colors. Children’s Wash Frocks Summer " »6.85 Al Wool Double Blankets Site 70x80, colorful plaids. 3-inch satin binding on ends. Girls Khaki Hiking Breeches Fast Color Vat Dye Lineen Dressss • - cute styles - - sixes 7-8-10. A Bargain Surprise at • $1.25 Double Cotton Blankets large six«, pretty plaids. Regular A Bar- 4 m Santo for comfort - - rounded ends - - absorbent - - soluble. A Bargain Surprise at dox. ' . 31.25 Cotton Tweed Hiking Breeches For Women snd Girls - - - Children’s Broadcloth Sleeping Pajamas Sixes 8 to 14 years. values up to 98c suit gain Surprise air '1 79c to 98c Colorful Silk Scarfs new styles - new coloring. - now only Unusual Business Efforts C . 33.95 Women’s Lounging or Bath Robes, of heavy silk and ffl AC wool crepe or all wool nannel. Sixes small, medium, large. V«»«/v call for I • ‘ Like These Throughout the Store 31.25 Silk Bias Cat Slips, made of heavy quality, alt silk flat QQ-. crepe, washable, colon pink, peach, white. Sixes 34 to 44. OOC * Oilcloth Children’s . V ■ ■V $1.7» ? ’ Men’s and Boys’ Shoes for Dress or Work $1.39 $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 I 4 Geo. Unsoeld a 444 First Str. PHONE 184 Coquille, Ore.