THE COQUILLE TALLBT SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON. FRlDÀT, APEIL T. IMI. "7 MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Why Buy Any A. W. Buell, of Salem, was in Myr tle Point Wednesday and Thursday of this week, viaiting friends and rela Have You Tried Our Best Bulk Coffee? tives. The high school carnival, which was given Friday evening was a great suc cess; the school cleared over a hun dred dollars. The program was said to have been one of the best ever put on in the hig^ school. There was a large crowd and several from Powers, Coquille and Marshfield. Due to a lack of bueines the L«nd POUND Toggery has closed its doors. Mr. Lund stales that he has not plans for the immediate future. Right now you car-owners “ pret Robert Clarke and Julia Myfi Leatherman spent Sunday afternoon ty.* can more safe, Van at Bandon. How about a nice fortable, mileage for a dollar OVAL SARDINES The Myrtle Point Lions dub met Thursday evening at 6:30 in Hamm's than in previous year. You ’ 2 for Cafe, the chief business being the ini for your to up with second-choice tires rea tiation of six new members. The new fast? Yes, have of because first-choice members are: J. H. McCloskey, Perry ——----- ' --------- .---- '----- . ------------------ • Roper, Mitchel Myers, Herman Det- cost you no more! - - Goodyear ’ Smoked lefsen, Monte Nudahl and L. L, kind — SARDINES Powers. The new officers elected at W— the last meeting were: Flentge Per- throughout throughout the na 3 cans kine, president; Elton Schroeder was Eastern Boneless more than 2 to - - out; 3 appoihted to complete the unfinished CODFISH term and Herman Tedsen, of Norway, all others because of guar succeeds Elton Schroeder as secretary. antee, or special Coach John Essman, science in for your Suey deals, but simply because structor, basketball and football coach of the high school, his wife and daugh biggest ’s and can ter left Sunday for St. Paul, Minn., Best Grade I - t argued benefits to make their home. Mrs. Ted Myers and Gladys Myers, Boneless be had from tires our of Coquille, were Myrtle Point visitors service. 1 tb Brick Sunday afternoon. _______ ____ in 3 Mre. Nellie Dale, who lives on B street on the hill, suffered a stroke of 2 large paralysis the first of the week. LIBBY ’ S. At the next meeting of the Myrtle Grange the men will be asked to an A Stew swer to roll call with a statement as SOAP 2 - 25c to what kind of feed they are sowing now. Reading«, stunt« and short talks will take up the lecture hour and all Grangers are urged to Fancy there. Miss Wilda Irene Barker Large Size united in marriage to Elbert 25c Schroeder Tuesday morning at. o’clock in the First Presbyterian church in this city. Miss Barker is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Barker of this city and Elbert Schroe der', is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder. After the wedding dinner the couple left for San Francisco for a short honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder wiH make Plaoe: City Hall. were greatly complimented by Mr. their home in Myrtle Point where Mr. Schroeder has employment in his Timo: 8:00 p. m. Taylor. father ’s store. Time: f:30 p. m. * Mrs. Kern sketched the last two Mrs. Roy Oeborne returned Thurs- When: First and Third Tuesdays. “Oregoniar\ Garden Guide” pages day from Gold Beach, where she haajf[ President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. which appear each week in the Sun day Oregonian, Thia page is''of been visiting her huaband. Trees.—Mrs. John A. Martin Bin Mullen left the first of the Cor. Sec.—•Mrs. Nellie E. Whereat particular interest to all who like to week for San Francisco, where he will Dick Taylor, Donald Auer; and chorus work with flowers and I hope that Mill, where the children will attend ners at Bandon Poultry Show and receive medical treatment. “George in a Jam” took away quite other club members read "it also. of native, guards, tourists and dancers. school. County Fair. Fertility guaran Miso Perma 'Harris, of Riverton, a bit of our attendance at the Flower Miss Dorcas Gibbs, who formerly Mr. Taylor told us last night how teed. Cecil Laws, Coquille. It* Myrtle attended high school at Redmond high Lovers Club Tuesday night, but at to raise large-flowered, 'long-stem spent Thursday visiting in Mining Location notices for sale at Point that we had enough out for a meet med, fine colored daffodils. He said school in eastern Oregon, entered our this office. Improved New Oregon Strawberry At a recent meeting of the Myrtle high school Wednesday as a junior. ing. We also had several fine entries it was a matt^ of good bulbs and Plants, »3.00 a 1,000 ; 2,000 for of mixed bouquets; the one which fertilization. He uses one part bone Point Garden club, officers were AU the members of the high school »5.00. Small lota, 35c a 100. L. C. carried off the cup was one brought meal flour, three parts sheep guano, elected, as follows: Henry Schroeder, and grade school boards were Call, 1H miles from Cooquille on by the two Cardwell boys, Billie and one part finely ground peat. Now you president; Mrs. C. E. Huling, vice present at their first joint meeting Fairview road. 1112 president; Mrs. Elmer Russell, secre held Tuesday afternoon except Horace Danny. It was a very' attractive folks, see what you can do. tary; and Emma Schneider, treasurer. Berry. All of the present staff of One Coat a Ward Back lMerttaa bouquet of daffodils, narcissi, tril- FOR SALE—Corvallis Strawberry There was the usual discussion of liums and Wild currant. These two culture of plants and bulbs and there Plans were laid for a spring flower teachers were re-eelcted with a 20 Plants,* fifty cents per hundred. A. FOR EXCHANGE—94 acres 4H boys are regular attendants and when is always much to be learned in show to be held the last of April and per cent cut in salary, for next year. T. Morrison, Coquille, Oregon. It* miles S. E. of Colville, 40 acres we realise that they live on a home these talks. One member has a good a discussion was held of the problems The Sam Clinton family went to cultivated; fair buildings. Want FOR SALE—Corn on cob, 75c per 100 stead over a mile from town and practical system, she takes notes of the garden arising at thia time of Marshfield on business Friday. place, fair buildings, that will sup lbs., at Randolph school house. have to walk at that, it certainly during the evening and then trans year. The next meeting will be held George Hether has purchased the port 16 costs , two horses, clear for ought to make us all ashamed that fers these to a notebook. We could on Tuesday, April 11, at the Henry property just south of the school Homer Cochran, Bandon. It* clear. Send full description. H. we do not attend better and take all copy her example and not hurt us Schroeder home. house from Mr. and Mrs. Abe Flewel- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Watzling, Mr. and ing, of Centralia, Wash., and intends T. Casidy, Rt. 1, Colville, Wash. 2t* FOR RENT—Unfurnished, desirable more interest when we live right in any. Our next contest is mixed bou 5-room house. For information see town with street lights and sidewalks. quets in any kind of container. And Mrs. M. J. Morrison, Albert LaBranch, to dear up all of the brush and re FOR RENT—Modem 5-room stucco Mrs. W. S. Sickels. Other fine entries were by Joy, remember we do not meet until 8 p. Roy Morrison and Katie Guerin spent model the house.. Sunday at Floras Lake picnicking. bungalow with two. acres of land 4% Ruth and Roxie Pettengill, Mrs. Kern m. now during the summer. Mrs. Alton Clausen was a Marsh Next Following the regular chapter meet field visitor Friday afternoon. miles from Coquille. »10 per month. USED CARS—Beat selection in Coos and Mr. Clinkenbeard. whose narcissi meeting on April 18th. Mrs. W. H. G.riffin, Riverton, Ore. — ing of the Elgin Chapter of the Order Wm. Church and Mrs. Goldie Grif county, on our lot ..crone from Co of the Eastern Star Thursday evening, fin were visitors last week in the; Phone 1R43. 1 12t4* quille Hotel. Price« are right. Sold 1 Cross of Coquille. Saturday night Live News From Arago was a dance. grade school. Ray Smith and Wini-1 with a written guarantee. Liberal she visited Priscilla Hickam of Co Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane of Co Mrs. 8. C. Braden and daughter, Ired Schroeder visited in the high WANT RANCHES, dairy, stock, etc., terms. quille and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meyers quille. Have cash buyers. Quick action. Jacqueline, are visiting Mrs. Ralph school this week. Dorothy Houshire ad George Royer *W>d Olive Meyers were dinner guests Price moat be fair. Goldstein 1622 Sigsby. Mrs. Braden's daughter, in Miss Rets Hundley, a former River ' of Myrtle Point and Mr. and Mrs. ■df Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter Sun Rocklin, California. 12th Ave., San Francisco, Cal. 12tl* ton resident and student, is visiting . Wm. Miller were guests of Mrs. Mary day. The Presbyterian Ladies Aid met friends in this vinicity after an ab- ' JERSEY WHITE GIANT hatching Ethel Collier visited friends in Miller Sunday. Wednesday afternoon at the home of «ence of six years. Mr. and Mrs. George Zwiserling eggs, from ten pound birds. Also North Bend last week-end. Mrs. Roy Garrett. Mrs. Bessie Warner SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO. Mr. and Mrs. Lige Culbertson and White Leghorn eggs. Prise win Mm. Sarah "L. Wood returned to and children Edith and Junior went assisted. Coquille, Oregon Phone 26-J family of Gravel Ford and Mr. and to Eugene Wednesday on business, re- her home in Coquille Friday. Her v Mr. and Mm. Arthur Nelson and Mrs. Jim Watson and family spent sister, Mrs. L. R. Hampton spent the _U1 children, Eleanor and Donald, from the day Sunday with Isaac Watson Clyde Lillie is able to be back in week-end with her. Drain, have been viaiting his parents. and family. school after a week ’ s absence with in A group of ladies of the community Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zumwalt have Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Molthu went fluenza. gathered at the home of Mrs. Everett moved to their ranch on the cemetery to Washington this week to visit Mr. John Henry Schroeder visited his Lafferty Wednesday and assisted her‘with some ' quilting“~A pHluek^^L^i ^roe<,*r McKinley road. Molthu’s brother. E. A. Smith ac Mr. and Mrs. ChetPeadsn, Mrs. M. companied them as far as Oregon City. over the week-end. dinner was served at noon. Those en J. Morrison, Ann Watzling, Mrs. An Ladies of the South Methodist Mrs. 0. H. Aasen entertained her joying the day were Mesdames A1-. na Tripp motored to Riverton Thurs church of Coquille planned a surprise Sunday School class at dinner Sunday. bert Gulstrom and son Darwin, B. B. day afternoon. party for Mrs. A. T. Morrison, who Watkins, George Hampton, Adrian Those enjoying the day were Bernice has a cranberry bog near Bandon Halter and son Allen, Wendell Rob Gillespie, Alvina Billings, Gladys Mil- .-ru n-n They stopped in Riverton inson, Stanley Halter, Albert Lillie , ler. Junior Gulstrom, Arda Gillespie, “The Belle of Bagdad, a two-act and D. L. Perkinl „ and daughter Glenda, G. A. Collier, Mary Jean McAllieter, Gerald Wood operetta to be given by the high vlglting brother,r G J. D. Carl, C. E. Schroeder and Noami ward, Oncar Purser, Laura Bernice school glee clubs, accompanied by the Shelton, ■I Lillie, Loree Randleman and Melba Robinson, town orchestra, will be given for I I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Atkinson were Mr. and Mm. W. A. Wellman, Mr. Purser. the benefit of the Coquille Grange Mrs. Cleve McAllieter entertained visiting their son snd daughter-in- and Mrs. C. J. D. Ray and Mrs. Eu- ' Thursday evening, April 20, and in genia Fairly of Myrtle Point were as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. the Riverton auditorium the follow law, Mr. and Mrs. Loe AtkinJon, Bun day. entertained as dinner guests Monday : Edward Wannamaugher and Mr. and ing evening, April 21. The setting evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Mrs. Leo Cox and son Burl of Bandon. Mrs. Susan Leggett, of Myrtle is Oriental Bagdad with beautiful Jim Stauff of Santa Monica, Calif., Otha Ray,.the occasion being Harold Bagdad girls, aviators, movie stars, Point, who paused away at her home visited friends in Arago Friday. He Lee'» fifth birthday. assassins, calif or ruler of Bagdad, last week, was a former Riverton The juniors and sophmores were came up on business concerning .English lords and homely old maids. resident. Her son, Goo. Hether, and entertained by the freshmen and se large dairy ranch at Arago, The cast in order of appearance are: grandson, George Hether, are now Stauff was an Arago resident niors at the gymnasium Friday even Mrs. J. Horace McCann, Cherie Mae residents of this vicinity. T^»e party given by the student body ing. The evening was spent playing many years. , Hartwell; Elsa McCann, Eleanor Mr." ad Mrs. J. A. Barnett enter games. At a late hour refreshments | Heilman; Anne Blackwell, Velma last Friday night in the gymnasium ♦ tained as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. were served. Rogers; Lord Archie Fitzgibbons, was probably the beet invitational The grade boys and girls basket Em mitt Hammack of Myrtle Point Bin Ridle; Zelinda, Helen Nulf; Rose, party given here in some time. Games, ball teams were entertained as guests Agnes Hull; Lily, Deen Haris; Ali dancing and card playing afforded the See Mansell Drayage A Delivery Ben. Mustapha, Lubert Bernets; Has amusement while supper was served at a chicken dinner at the home of Orders filled son El Carib, Mervil Hultin; Jewel, I at ten-thirty to about 86 people. Mfs. Jesse Robinson Saturday even Co. for Alpine eoal. ing. After dinner they played games. promptly. tf Lavelle Watetrom; Bob Ballentine. Mr. and Mrs. Oylear and three chil Lois Schroeder spent Friday night Jack Auer; Bill Blake, Earl Edgman; < dren have moved from their ranch on aa a guest of Lodema and Yvonne Calling carda 100 for I1A0. Henrietta Whipstich, Paulino Miller; 1 the North Bank road, to Johnson's Second Choice Shen Its Real Quality—Not a Cheap Product First Choice Xm PER • • • - - - You . troublefree any put sons economy, are sitting buy com- Camps SALT MACKEREL Sunday morning break we them don t have for tires - Tires —the we sell are first-choice here, the state, tion, by 1! - They sell not any trick or phony inducements, they give people the money worth, people know it - - Don’ be out the to the leading and 15c cans Fancy Small Norwegian 15c each . 25c Fancy Ready Cut lb Box BEAN SPROUTS Chop Per Alaskan CODFISH — GOODYEAR v cans DINA-MITE MUSH Cooks minutes packages 35c RAGOU Good Beef - - LIFE BUOY 15c Coquille Service Stati FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT CREME OIL SOAP 3 for Busy Corner Grocery Delivery Want Ads Believe It Or Not! Values up to Vi dues up to $7.50 $4-50 for Only for only > 79c 49c and Other Special Prices AT Hudson’s Drug Store e -4