h ■ t THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH «1. 1H». RAGE TWO ■■ MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Why Buy Any Second Choice when First Choice X«? • • • % x I . .. Well, March is About Gone! , Right now you car-owners are “sitting pret ty.” - - - You can buy more safe, com fortable, troublefree mileage for a dollar than in any previous year. You don’t have to put up with second-choice tires for rea sons of economy, because first-choice tires cost you no more! - - - Goodyear Tires —the kind We sell—are first-choice here, throughout the state, throughout the na tion, by more than 2 to 11 - - - They out sell all others not because of any trick guar antee, or phony inducements, or special' deals, but simply because they give people the biggest money’s worth, and people know it! - - - Don’t be argued out the benefits to be had from the leading tires and, our service. * - Good . The Intermediate Christian En deavor of the Coquille Church of Christ, presented a splendid three-act play to a large crowd at the church here Tuesday evening. Those in the cast were Vada Swinney, Julia Hick- Robert Bailey, Everett Seeley, Tom Stevens and Ellis Davidson. Marilyn, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Davis, who was ill last week with flu is recovering nicely. CALIFORNIA Tall Only They for 25c White NEW POTATOES - Trupak - 10c size 25c SPECIAL! while they last Southern Sweet Navel ORANGES Large Size Harold James is getting along nice ly, following an operation last week at the Veterans’ Hospital in Portland. The high school students are work ing now on the senior play, “Helen Preferred,” which will be presented at some date in the near future. The cast of characters is as foUows: Geo. Gay, an attorney at law, Ralph Scar borough; Peter Latham, Ardemore’s rising real estate broker, Ovid Bry ant; Helen White, one of George’s cli ents, Maxine Holmer; Sadie Lane, a stock actress, Donna Knight; Nod Lane, her hueband, Warren Cribbins; Mrs. Bloomer, a mother, Ionella Cur tiss ; Irene Bloomer, her daughter, Winifred Clayton; Mrs. Blackwell, an other mother, Elva Cribbins; Sue Blackwell, her daughter, Erma Jen nings; Albert Jones, a drug store clerk, Elbert Weihmann. Mm. Matilda Hill, of Coquille, moved last week to Bridge to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Hoot on. Bridge lost one of her pioneer resi dents last week when R. A. Cribbins parsed away on Thursday forenoon, following a long illness. Funeral services were held in Myrtle Point Saturday and interment was at En chanted Prairie cemetery. The Home Economics club met at the Grange hall again last Wednes day for an all day quilting. A pot luck dinner was served at noon. Those present were Mesdames Rose Jewett, Anna Wilson, Velma Johnson, Nellie Culver and Irene Hatfield. Four of the school teachers, Mrs. Elise Lamp, Mrs. Ruth Brown, Mrs. Marie Allen, and Mim Alma Larkins, were also present during the noon hour, and the group was joined in the afternoon by Mrs. Estelle Porter, Mrs. Beth Culver and Mrs. Hattie Hatcher. Death came to the Ehrig home Sat urday evening when Fred Ehrig suc cumbed to cancer of the stomach from which he had suffered for many weeks. He is survived by his widow and three sone: Amo, of Los An geles; Bernhardt, of Berkley; and Karl, who lives at home, all of whom were with their father when the end came. Two cousins and Mrs. Amo Ehrig were also present, having come in reapone to word of his illness. Funeral service« were held Tuesday afternoon in Myrtle Point Harry Browneon was a Marshfield visitor Saturday. He was accompan ied as far as Coquille by hie mother, Mrs. M. Brownson and his niece, Miss Mae Hatcher. 15c 14 Desert No. 25c ’S CATSUP Bottle Vanilla Bottle Lemon Phone 13S Happening« Larre Jara 15c CoquilleService Station Bridge then we right, FLAKES No. GOO»/YEjiÄ Bargains left to That will need the now few prices too, we 9 t Miss Priscilla Deyoe left early Sun day for CorvaMia, where she will at tend O.-S? C. this term. The Myrtle Point high school is put ting on a Carnival Friday evening, March 31. The program will be broadcast to the crowd from station M. 'P. U. H. S. Many of the famous radio stars will be on the air, some of them being Kate Smith, Rudy Vallee, Baron Munchausen and Charlie. Luther Barker will be the announcer for statiun M. P. U. H. S. Glen Nei- but have a of those March — and deigh’s orchestra will play several numbers. Some of the ahimni, who are told that are going advance. be ail are known as the “Hill Billy” quartet, but we money will sing several numbers. Billie 'Lund and June Barker will give a tap dance and sing. A rooster dance «rill be featured on the program. “The BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES Municipal Davenport," a one-word TUNA playlet, will be put on by two stu Special Saturday . White Meat dents. Some of the girls .from the 2 physical education club will stage a tumbling act and a group of students will put on an amusing vaudeville RITTER 8 oz. skit. The Richfield news reporter will be on the air some time during the oz. Bottle 4 oz. Vanilla evening. The auditorium wiH be dec Catsup • 2 oz. Bottle orated as Chinatown and everything will be CMaese featured. There will be booths with cartoonists in them, RIPE OLIVES Sweet ready to draw your picture and there GRAPE FRUIT Can will be a booth where you can have your palm read or one where some are good 2 Cans - 2 one will tell your weight. Some of the booths will have hot dogs, candy, SAUERKRAUT confetti, serpentine and paper hats. Small And those of your who enjoy play 2*4 ing “horeie” may play all evening. 2 Cans 2 for The admisaion at the door will be ten cents. The program ia free. The doors will open at 7 p. m. Come early and enjoy yourself. Milton Hoffman, who waa kicked by a horse several weeks ago and suf-' feted an abscess to the brain, is much improved. The county speaking contest will be held in the high school auditorium April 21. Wilma Johnson will repre sent the interpretative reading and Luther Barker the extemporaneous speaking for the boys. Margaret Garret and Delbert Steel spent Saturday evening in Powers, where they attended the senior prom. V. V. Hagedorn spent Saturday afternoon in Marshfield on business. Miss Katie Furman, of Gold Beach, spent the week-end in Myrtle Point visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mm. Harold Watxling have moved from the. A. E. Baker property on Fourth street into the James Endi cott property on Sixth street. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Ireland and children, Colleen and Donald, moved the last of the week to Roseburg,' where Mr. Ireland will be employed by an oil company operating in the grandfather, O. S. Cobman, eras much Mra. Mettie Peterson, Edith Live News From Arago valley. improved. Mr. Coleman suffered a HuR and Mias Violet Morris, all of Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson mo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson and stroke a week ago. Riverton, and Mrs. E. L. Clinton, Mrs. tored to Roseburg Sunday to take two children from Drain have been Richard Alonso Cribbins, 77, passed Christy and Mrs. A. C. Christensen, their son, Houston, that far on his visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ja- sway last Thursday following an ill from Myrtle Point. wsy to Eugene, where he is atend- cbb Nelson of Myrtle Point, and other ness of three years at his ranch home Bonita and Lubert Bemetz and ing the university. relatives and friends in this vicinity. in Bridge. The funeral was held Sat Retha Watson were visitors in Marsh Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Aaaen, daugh Mrs. V. V. Hagedorn, who under urday in Schoreder’a Chapel. Inter field Wednesdsy. ter, La Vaun, and son, Stephen, went an operation at the Mast hospi ment waa at Enchanted Prairie; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gilbert are the visited Mr. and Mr*. E. F. Hoffman, tal last Monday, was able to be W. Lee Ray underwent a major parents of an 8U pound baby boy, ot Myrtle Point, Bunday. La Vaun moved to the M. J. Morrieon home operation Tuesday morning in the born Monday. They have named him remained over night and. Monday Tuesday. She is doing nicely. Mast hospital, Dr. R. C. Keiser, of Gordon Allan. morning wont oir the Ashland where Miss Alice -- Alverdes, commercial North Bend, being hia surgeon. At ahe is attending school. teacher in the Myrtle Point high present Mr. Ray is much better. New« From Lee Section Mrs. E. J. Mirers entertained as din school, | received honorary mention Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Morrison were Mrs. Effie Adams and daughter, ner guests Sunday Rev. and Mre. for her paper, “Motivation in Type in Coquille Saturday on business. Mrd. Marie Mast, and Mrs. Maud Wm. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley writing,” which was published in a Mast were business callers in Marsh Halter, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood national shorthand magazine. Rivertoa News ward and son, Gerald. field last week. Gene Kinnicut sailed Thursday for Mr. and Mra. W. A. Lett and son, Those to enjoy Sunday dinner at A party is to be given tonight by Juneau, Alaska, to work with his Ernest, of Bridge, were dinner guests the Owen Willson home were: Mr. and the gold side, or losers in the high uncle, E. C. Guerin, in the government school Curtis Publishing company Mrs A. 'F. Willson and family and Sunday of Mr. and Mre. J. D. Carl. survey in that section. Mrs. J. L. Burtis has been a victim W. H. Fearnley motored to Eugene contest, for the green side, or winners. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Willson. Mrs. Sunday to take his daughter, Flor It k to be given in the gymnasium and Owen Willson and children returned of the influenza the past week and is each one in asked to bring one friend home with Mrs. A. F. Willson and is still confined to her bed. ence, back to school. visiting a few daya. Frank Sinko drove to Ashland Mon Mrs. Birdie Hazelton received word •rith them. Mias Lois Parry returned home day, taking his brother, Jos, back to The high school baseball boys are Monday from Eugene, which inform ed her of the death of L. L. Hase lion. practicing daily upon a “Smoker” to Saturday after a long visit with her school, after a week’» vacation at gt- Mr. Hazelton was well knovm in this be given next month to help defray sister, Mrs. G. B. Reed, of Roseburg. home. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clinton have G. W. Ayers and wife and daugh some of the expensea of their trip to vicinity. been confined to their home with the ter, Dorothy, spent the week-end with Ernest Pearson has moved his fam Ashland. Mrs. Ayers’ brother at Cottage Grove Mrs. May Hofcrook has been ill at flu the past week. ily to the house on Spruce «treat hill, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Clausen are the Mr. and Mrs. Merle Poland, of Myr owned and recently vacated by Mau her home the past two weeks due to a proud parents of a baby boy bom tie Point, and Mias Agnes Polsnd, of rice Roy. bad attack of flu. Miss Lavelle Walstrom, of Ran Sunday at the Pinkston hospital. This Idaho, were dinner guests of Mr and Mias Dolores Belloni and Stanley ia'their second dhild, the other being Mr«. L. M. Aaaen Wednesday. Furman spent Saturday evening in dolph, spent the week-end with Mies a little girl. Jean and Mary Helen Watkins en Eleanor Heilman. Powers. Lawrence Coleman, Adrian Schroe- tertained as guests Wednesday night Mias Wilds Houser, of Leneve, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rickman moved , der and Mrs. Walter Schroeder spent Misses Leola R<A>inson, Lois Schroe into the house on Sixth street, which spent the week-end with Mine Cleo Sunday with Mrs. Paul Bunch, whs der and Beams Lewis. was formerly owned by Clark Fens- Bush. Mr. and Mre. T. W. Dunwoodie and Mrs. Smart, of Eugene, «pent sev returned with the Schroeder« as an ler. over-night guest. daughter, Patay, Mr. and Mra. B. S. eral days this week with her daugh Miss Adeline Gurney left Sunday Walter Schroeder accompanied Paul Wallen, Mrs. Chester Root and daugh morning for Grants Pass, where ahe ter, Louise, of Coquille. Mias Smart Bunch to Klamath FaTls, after a load ters, Alice and Lois, of Myrtle Point, is a teacher. Mias Gurney spent is commercial teacher in our high of hay. They went out Saturday, re were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George spring vacation with her parenta, Mr. school. Hampton. Word has been received from Sum turning home Sunday evening. and Mrs. Wm. Gurney. Mrs. Lloyd Mast entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clinton and Mrs. Lloyd Keene has been visiting ner of the marriage of George Smith her eighth wedding anniversary last daughter, Jean, »pent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John W. Flanagan, to Pearl Norris and of Mildred Smith to Vernon Goodale. George and Mo Thursday evening with a delightful Mr. CMnton’a mother, Mrs. Minnie of Marshfield. dinner. .Those present were: Mr. and Clinton, of Coquille. Milton Schroeder, Robert Clarke dred are brother and sister of Mrs. Mrs. Chet Peden and family, Mr. and Mias Edith Woodward returned to and Julia Myrl Leatherman returned Fred Sell and both were former Riv Lloyd Lewellen and family, Mr. and Eugene Sunday where ahe is attend home Sunday evening from Portland, erton students. Pearl ia the daugh Mrs. Santy Weekly and family, Guy (ing the university. where they attended the ping-pong ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris, for j Bruer and the host and hostess. I I ^ _______ _____ r’ Nre. Emery Johnson and tournament. They reported a very mer residents of Riverton. Mrs. Lola Sumerlin and Mrs. Emma sons, Bob and Richard’ Mrs. J. D. Donaldson has just re rood trip. Ingram were joint hosteaaas for ths ' ware dtone7'iu^ta“of ’ Mr^ Jd ’ m ™ Mrs. Roy Osburn is spending a turned from California, where She had Lss ladies club test Friday. An all-, L. M. Aaaen nZrod„ week in Gold Beach, risking her hus spent several weeks with her eon, itaX^re m*iold‘b,’,2,tol^Uek u W»lt«r Barktow •«»«■» ‘nied A accompanied A Mon Mon band, Roy Osburn, who has employ Louis. dinner were enjoyed by the following: Butler to Salem Sundav Th.« t™L Mrs. Fred Beck and Mrs. C. W. Mesdames Mack Baker, Will Willett, Caroline *) Schneider Salam Sunday. They took ment there. .L wara^t a miscellaneous Mrs. Mervin Moller ISft last week Martin sponsored Ben Gant, A. F, Willson, Norland Morris to the Willamette Univ r.;« for San Pedro to visit her parents, shower for Mrs. Ansel Hayward, Wed Gant, McCann, Norman Ingram. afUr . Mr. and Mrs. T. S. CordiM, for a nesday afternoon, given at the let Dan Lewis, Martin Gasner, Hugo their f«Wr. h ’ ter's home. Mm. Hayward received month. Miss Carolyn Schneider left Sunday many beautiful and useful gifts. Be •• <" Mast, CnAwnin£, WU1 A im - th< Anpn lawi»»« w * for Salem, where she is attending sides the hostesses, those present in tin, Chinee Pettenon and MU mb h/hJr Mondey ** Loe Atkinson, Willamette University. She spent cluded Mesdames spring vacation with her aunt here, Adolph Molthu, Jim Watson, Lester Clausen, W. T. Alpine, W. A. Bean, Miss Emma Schneider. Miss Katie Guerin received word A. C. Dye, Jack Cooper, C. M. Hart- fro» Forant Grove Thursday that bar well, IL J. BwUi Mrs. Here Has«, Brewster VaUey Kenneth Laird has purchased a new Chevrolet truck and ie tracking hay from Klamath county into Coos. The Brewster Valley basketball team met the Myrtle Point boys here Friday evening at the gym. The game was very interesting and close, the final score being 28-32 in favor of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Poky Nickason and Mrs. Flossie Wilton gave a surprise birth day dinner Saturday at the heme of Mr. and Mre. C. M. Wilaon in honor of Mist Florence Mead. At noon a delicious chicken dinner waa served. The cake was beautifully decorated with pink and green. Those present were: Mr. and Mra. C. M. Wihon, Mrs. Ivan Laird and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickason and daughters, Betty and Fern, Mrs. Carrie' Nicka son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilaon and family, Minor Mead and the honored me, Miss Florence Mead. Mrs. Myrtle Christensen was taken suddenly ill Friday and as* the seri ousness of her condition waa un known, she was taken to Coquille Sat urday for medical aid. She is report ’d doing nicely. Mr. and Mra. Tom Lawhorne and daughter, Anna Lou Taylor, spent the week end visiting at the home of Mr. Lawhorne’a brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ratliffe Lawhorne, of McKinley. Joe Laird made a business trip to Myrtle Point Sunday to visit with his son, Gene, who is home for a short 'isit. Mrs. C. M. Wilson has been quite seriously ill at her home with liver ’.roitoie, being confined to her bed all ‘.he past week. At present time she is able to sit up a little. Mre. Jake Bohlander ia suffering •rith a bad cold and a gathering in her head. *• Mrs. Julius Benham, accompanied >y Mias Florence Mead and Mre. Ethel Abernathy, of Dora, spent Mon lay in Marshfield. Robert De Boer, of Gravel Ford, was a Tuesday evening caller in the Valley. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Abbott, of Myrtle Creek, ware prospecting and panning in the valley several days of this week. They succeeded in finding » few rubies. Mies June Chandler, of Dement -reek, who has been visiting with Miss Hazel Taylor the part week, re- 'urned Monday to her home. Mrs. Jean Smith ia helping at the Albert Christensen home during the illness of Mrs. Myrtle Christensen. Mrs. Florence Groat spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mre. D. W. Lawrey, of Dora. Mr Lawrey has been very ill with the flu. Dr. a F. Pabst says that outdoor life and Indulgence In athletics, to gether with the Intermingling of th« dark-skinned race of southern Europe with our own, will produce a brunette ns the retrains heanty of the future. Alpine Coal, lump |4.50. 2 tons 38.50, nut coal *3 pef ton. E. M. Briner, phone 7L tttt'tf f 2 doz. for Busy Corner Grocery Delivery