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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1933)
THK COQUILLE VALLEY AKNTINEL, COQUILLE, (NUCGQN. FRIDAY, MARCH 34, IMA PAGE FOUR ——— , who is mayor-eject of rty wm billed fur a total of >5,6445.32 during 1932. The state’s claim against the povaral counties for the * MOD WU M A SMS TOM S. C. Cotton and J. 8. Simmons, of year aggregated >294,810. In veto H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMM Coquille, were both formerly looomo- ing the bill Governor Meier declared tive engineers. Mr. Cotton wsa with that “the state has made ne proviaion the Santa Fe railroad in Kansas. Mr. for meeting this expense and has no H. A. YOUNG, Editor Simmons held down runs in Iowa and money with which it could do so. On the other hand the countiM have made other adjacent Matos. Subscription Rates such appropriations and have levied One Year..................... I................ >2.00 To approve Studebaker Bros., South Bend, Ind., taxes for that purpose. Six Months ............... ............... L00 Throe Months.................................. .W were at one time the largest concarn of this act would throw out of balance No subscription taken unless paid Hn the United States engaged in the both the state finances and the coun for in advance. Thio rule is impora- manufacture of wagons and buggies. ty finances.” The bill to relieve the When the automobile appeared the counties of this expense burden was Studebakers were among the first to sponsored by Senator Corbett and read the hand-writing on the wall received almost unanimous support in and turned to the building of auto both the senate and the house. mobiles, pioneering in the business. A total of 12,667 automobiles had Now Studebaker Corporation is in fi nancial difficulties, having been placed been registered throughout the state Advertising Rates Display advertising. 26 cents canta per in receivership this week. The news up to March 10 under the >2.60 bar inchea, 30 80 cents canta per papers said it was a "friendly receiv gain rate provided by the last legis inch: less than 6 inches, inch. No advertisement inserted for ership,” whatever that means. lature, according .to Secretary of “M 60 cent». — leas than Readings notices State Hoss. This wga 10,096 more 10 centa per line. No reading notice, B. Mike (William Moyes), the Ore cars than were registered in the same or advertisement of any kind, insert gonian radio editor, is rapidly gaining period—February 11 to March 16— ed for less than 26 cents. a high place among contemporaneous a year ago and indicates that a num Ente rod at tho CoquiHe Postoffice humorists. When Ralph Lee, sports ber of cars which had boon placed in Second Ciao* Mail Matter. cartoonist, joins in with his crayon storage by their owners were enticed into the open again by the inducement they make a great team. Office Corner W, Firkt and Willard 84. offered by the cheaper licnsq. In What this country needs is a spell spite of the stimulus given to regis trations by this bargain pffer registra State Treasurer Rufus C. Holman of solar psychology. Here u an excellent opportunity to • tions for the year were still nearly may be the biggest man in Oregon, own an electric range you will always Those two brilliant stars, one. above 26,000 cars short of the, 1932 figures, but we doubt it. When he departed on a five weeks’ vacation trip to Mex the other, to be seen these evenings indicating either that many motorists be nroud of. A high grade, Hotpoint, ico, after refusing to endorse state in the eastern sky, are the planets were still unable to finance the license full automatic, electric range at an exceptional price for a employes’ warrants, so that the war Mars and Jupiter. Mars is about one- investment or that many cars which thia quality. Attractively finished in two-tone combination Silver- ranto could not be cashed until after half as big as Eearth. but Jupiter is have been consigned to the junk heap his return, he showed himself to be of quite a big fellow, being more than have never been replaced. Coos county wing Gray and White porcelain enamel. One large and two utitlity the smallest peanut variety of politi ten times as large as Earth. Jupiter alone accounted for a total of 136 ap ■iKe .Hi-Speed Calrod surface units. Thrift Cooker, oversize porce cian, one who wants to get even with has nine moons, while Mara has only plications during the first month of two to worry about Figuring out a the new low licenses. somebody._________________ lain enamel oven, automatic temperature control, new type oven set of tide tables for Jupiter’s oceans timer and kitchen clock. Install this I igh grade electric range Beer and wine can be legally sold might be quite a task, unless the mul The basic science law enacted by the in all states which do not have pro- tiplicity of his moons has the effect of last legislature after one of tho most and obtain our very low combination rate on all the electricity you two neutralizing the forces of attraction. bitter fights of the entire session is hibitory statutes, beginning use. Free wiring service and easy terms. Come in tomorrow and weeks from today, Friday, April 7. Under such conditions there would be now under attack by the Public Health President Roosevelt signed the saeas- no tides. Jupiter requires 4332% of Protective League which is invoking see this new range. ure, psosed by the new congress, oa □ur days to complete his journey the referendum in an effort to defeat Wednesday. Beer of 8.2 per cent po arouhd the eun. With Mars it is a the measure. If the move is to suc tency is supposed to be non-intoxicat matter of 687 days. ceed its sponsors must secure 16,667 ing, but we hear of some drinkers signatures to their petitions by June who hsve become drunk on near-beer, Republican postmasters are not A so it will depend - somewhat on the greatly concerned over the impending mental attitude whether 3.2 per cent eyt of 16 per cent in salaries. Co Property owners who are delinquent stuff will intoxicate or not. • quille will be cut from 82600 a year in their tax payments for 1930 or to >2126. Postmaster Gets’ term ex prior years snd who want to take ad WHY BEER BILL FAILED vantage of the new Wheeler law pired last December. Read what C. C. Chapman, editor of waiving penalty and interest on the the Oregon Voter had to say last Governor Meier tqok some raw ma- delimjuent taxes, do not havs to wait —2-8 «and -.-.J «III I»«. A — becomes ef week about prohibition, or rather tho terial with 2a it created a state fin tit Jpne 9 when 4L. the L. law liquor business. Himself an opponent treasurer. Now the Frankenstein is fective to make their payments. The of prohibition in its earlier days, he out of his control. state tax commission has advised is strenuously opposed to the re-open- county tax collectors to accept pay ng of saloons, under whatever name ments when offered and to indicate on may be adopted: the tax receipt that the payment was accepted subject to the Wheeler law Prohibition—Abandonment of pro becoming effective. This procaution hibition is facilitating transition from is taken in the event the now law* the old order to the new deal. it might be defeated through the refer looks like liquor will lubricate polities endum or through eourt action. Re for years to come. Some kind of ports from several counties indicate saloon, prtffiably worse than the saloon that a sizeable rush to pay these de of unsavory memory, will absorb the linquent taxes has already started wages of the thriftless, whose fami Approximately 400,00 Oregon mo under the inducements held out by the lies will have to get along without torists will be under the necessity of new law. clothing, movies and college education renewing their driver’s licenses be while the household head exercises his tween now and September 1, under Discovery of an apparently fatal constitutional right to treat the MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY the provisions of the new law which joker in the Thomas utility bill after crowd. All that the dries can do is becomes effective June 10, according to the measure had been permitted to be to register their votes of protest; ap William Hammond, in charge of the come a lew only serves to emphasize petite, aided by greed, io conquering operatora’ division of the secretary qf the iniquities that attend eleventh moral assertion that expressed itself state’s office. Thia number represents hour legislation. Designed primarily in unwelcome restriction of personal an estimate of the operators licensed to increase the authority of tho utfli- of 30 per cent during the boom period • Added to the list are Mrs. Sickela liberty. prior to July V, 1.931, who are still ac ties commissioner over public utility llargely made of this same American and that they still have a wide mar and myself. You see, we have almost Thrist for Real Beer couM have wheat! tive. Figures compiled by Hammond qorporatons, an amendment written > American consumers are mode to gin. He says that both the baking a colony of Independence people hero. been gratified lawfully in Oregon show that juere than 676,000 driven* into the bill in the confusion of the hM ap ¡P«y Un centa * P°und f<>r brMd concerns and the chain stores could A word about Oregon: In area were it not for offenses against good licensee wr» issued between July L closing hours of the seaei parent! y robbed ths commissioner not ¡which is not as good. And the French stand a much reduced profit, and thus about the sise of Kansas; undeveloped taste committed in lobbying and li 1920, when Oregon first put this sys quoring members of the state senate. only of the authority he sought consumer» have to pay ths cost of give the consumers the benefit of and sparsely settled; a little less than tem into effect, and July L 1981, but Those who are irked by senate fail through the new taw but of much Of ¡transportation thousand« of miles into savings. By their own story, the one taillion population, over one-third many of these have since died or re , 'the bargain. That’s another good bikers could pay the grower two or of which is in the one city of Port ure to enact the beer bill and submit moved from the state. the power which he wielded under the three times as much for the wheat and land; far excels Kansas in the mat Oregon prohibition repeal have only law. The in question , 'trick. Can you explain itt Operators who haqe been licensed, old ------------ — amendment .... ... liquor and liquor interests co blame. We read in the current issue of "Jo «till get by. We read, under "Bright ter of improved highways;. Kansas since July 1, 1931, or who have had wo written into the bill by a confer- Observing the effects of liquor at Sa their licenses renewed since that date «■«« committee of tho House and Sen Bait Tout,” published in Faria, that Spots in Business,” in the daily pa-, excels Oregon in having no large lem, we have dried up drier than ever will not be required to renew their li- •** in an eleventh hour attempt to , American bakers, by the aid of new pars, that some of the big breakfast cities, but many fine little cities. On » and will co vote. We like liquor but !ense«i until June 30, 1936. I the bill from defect through the ! processes now adopted, can make food companies are not only making an air-line Coquille is about nine their “usual profits" but that they are miles from the Pacific ocean. dislike the way it works in politics. By Under the new law licenses must be stalemate into which the two houses ' bread for one cent a loaf les« than by even declaring extra dividends. highway, down the valley of the renewed every two years at a coat of bad boon maneuvered. The oonfor- the old method. Is the consumer get ’ ting the benefit of the low price of About the only American workers mighty Coquille river, it is eighteen 11.00. However, the holder of an old ,inee which lasted until well past the license—one dated prior to July L' m>dnight hour of the last day of the , wheat and the low cost of producing who can afford to indulge in those miles. When we feel like we would puffed-up aristocratic cereals would like to see the breakers we can drive 1931—may have hia permit renewed session wee held in the lobby of the , bread ? No. By W. 8. Bickels be those >ll-a-day carpenters in to the beach in thirty minutes. Our The farmer is expected to produce between now and June 9 by aubmit- capital building and wm attended WMhington. “All I know is what 1 road in tho Httle city is county seat of Coos coun ting to the prescribed examination by the utilities commissioner and by , grain at a loss—but instead of pac ing the benefit on to the consumer, the ty. It lies in the midst of a saucer papers.”—Will Rogers. corporation . lawyem tt a cost of only 60 centa, this license several shaped valley with a circle of timber- then being good until June 30, 1936. None tho friends of the bill were able middlemen continue to take the same CeqaiDe Write-up iu • % rake-off. The Pathfinder has received covered mountains that afford protec . Gladsome spring days, offering fish After June 9 no attempt will be made to analyse the amendment at the time. Kansas Newspaper tion at all times from extremes of thousands of letters showing up the Not the utilities commissioner who to examine applicants for renewal of ing and other allurements to the av shameful state of thing, which exists. either summer heat or winter cold. At the conclusion of a column and erage small boys, used to bring forth 'icenaes except those more than 70 had followed the measure carefully A. R. Anderson, of Sioux Pau, Mont, It is the only spot in the United a half article of reminiscence« by the expressed wish that the darned years of age or those whose records from the start wm able to explain says he has to give nine bushels of States, so far m I know, of which it indicate that they are what had been dona to the bill. Ap 100 round sack of I W,It*r S Äd“to’ tkb city’ WhUh not competent old school house would burn down, or «ack of | , . . _ . „ -. can be truthfully said that “it never ' t. ‘ . parently, however, there must have wheat now to get a 1 100-pound appeared in the South Kansas Tri sumpin*. If small school boys think to drive. flour at the mills, or almost three get hot, and it never gets cold.” been some one on the job who was bune, published at Independence, such thoughts these day«, then kids times as much m in 1914. w Fred Kiddle, of La Grande, presi- Grande, preai. wide awake even at that lata hour and Kansas, on tho occasion of its sixty- living in the earthquake sone of south Tbs railroads, the millers, the third anniversary, appeared the fol Oregon Senators Rank High ern California, where many school fient of the state »ehate, was elected that somebody had no particular rea buildings were destroyed, are enrap chairman of the state emergency son for strengthening the arm of the wholesalers and the retailers are not lowing reference to Oregon and the Seastors McNary and Steiwer ro- expected to do business at a lose— farmer Independence people now liv board at an organization meeting of utilities commissioner. tured in a carnival of joy. eured noteworthy assignments in re that board in Salem Saturday. Dean then why should this be required of ing in Coquille: organization of ‘ha United States sen Walker, Mate representative from the grower? The French farmers are It isn’t expected that professional ate. rioting right now because they say Polk county, was elected secretary of H. Allen Young and wife, who was reformers would work at their Jobe Senator McNary has been ehosen the profiteer« are taking all the prof the board. While in session the board formerly Mias Pansy Sickels, and minority leader of the senate and he without pay. Therefore the voice of Authorized an emergency appropria its. (Pathfinder) • their daughter, Jean. A younger maintains his membership on the many a militant reformer would be tion of >16,000 for the purchase of a We have roeeived copies of a broad daughter, Carol, wm bom here. Mr. Houdini oouldn’t do the trick any silenced by cutting him off the payroll. committees of Agriculture and Fores new boiler for the state prison to re better. Take wheat for which the side which shows, however, that the Young and sister, Marian (now Mrs. try, Commerce, Irrigation and Re place one condemned by the state de "spread ” between the price of wheat growers are paid m low M 26 centa a A. H. Grimes), in partnership, con clamation. Manufacturers, and Terri It took Thomas Gray «even years to partment of labor. This was the first bushel, make it into flour, bake it into and the price of broad is very small duct the Coquille Valley Sentinel. tories and Insular Affair«. perfect to his liking his "Elegy Writ time the emergency board has had broad by machinery—say a few magic compared to that in some other eases. Henry Allen Young, Jr., is married Senator Steiwer has been msde a ten in a Country Churchyard,” but it occasion to function for more than words over it—and presto, the price is This statement says. “Corn flake« re and is now a druggist in Yakima, member of the unofficial committee on immortalised (ts author. That wm two years. increased 10 to 20 times! The big tail at >11.20 a bsahel, when the Wash. | committee and has been placed on his only reward.- So*it wm with the milling companies have a little trick farmer is getting ten centa. Puffed E. G. Opperman and wife have been the powerful rules committee producers of all of the old classics in ----------------- His Governor Meier’s veto of Senate of their «own of adding the freight wheat is sold for 1* cento for four “ ................ — ~---------- committee Mti, _____ ilgnmenta include literature. No doubt potential liter Bill 194 which sought to transfer the both way. That’s a good one too. ounces, which is >86 a bushel. But Appropriations, Banking and Cur- ary geniuses have come into the world cost of caring for non-yiolent ineane The bakers protest that the cost of puffed rice is the real aristocrat, as «*«wy (to which banking measures A----- during modern times, but they go in patients from the counties to the wheat is only s small part of ths re it is made of rice that cost 820 a ton' «nd the majority of relief legislation for commercial tarn. Tho one-a-day state will cost Cobs county approxi tail price which hu to be charged for (and the price is puffed up till H is John L Rasa and wife last year re- «• assigned), Public Lands and Indian grind stifles genius and production mately 811,000 in the next two years bread. Scappoose, Oregon, near Affairs. However, the people of >1,490 a ten.” Of coarse, tho 16-cont »»eed under pressure does not live much . based upon the experience of the'past France, for instance, buy fine hand cereals are often sold for 13 centa or Portland, where John is now lignU.f. 1 longer than the eopy of the daHy year. Under the terms of the flgiela- made bread for m low m a little.over two for 26 in cut price stores. I «» newa paper that is used to kindle tho j tiro act of 1981 imposing thia ox Safety Fimi U m C ow Bell Dairy’s i «nt i poupd. The strange part of states that w S l MH k “ d pro U et fire in tho furnace. it is that that fine The Sentinel Porttand? Kitchen Tasks MADE LIGHTER fluffed Automatic Electric Renee TABLOIDS