PAGB KIGHT THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, IMS. One Coquille resident at least was in the earthquake disturbance last1 Friday evening. It was Mm. O. O.l Avoid Unlicensed Insurance ! IJonn Welcome Uletts Home Laut Evening State Insurance Commission A. H. r Averpl has again issued to the Ore­ Lund who had just gone down to Long (Continued from firkt page.) gon public a warning to be on its 4 Beach to visit her daughter, Mru. May guard with reference to the solicita­ Telling About People and Sanders. Tho Sentinel has not yet tion of insurance of any kind or mometer 40 to 60 degrees below zero. heard from Mrs. Sanders with a per­ form by unknown companies or by in­ The cold up there is dry. Events in the City and sonal acepunt of their experiences ubt dividuals not licensed nor authorized Local fishermen wanted to start at County is confidently expecting to hear soon. to transact an insurance business un­ once for the sportsmen’s paradise Safety First! Use Cow Bell Dairy’s der the Oregon laws and under state when he told of catching 150 fish in a “But Myria, 1 ain’t a goin’ to do it.” little over three hours on one occa­ Pasteurised Milk and protect your supervision. —Pa Larkin«. Mr. Averill says: "Thia solicitation sion, and of 60, all of 16 to 18 inches health. is being made through the mail and in length, in an hour’s time on another , Mia« Lila Lewi«, of Norway, is A letter the first of this week from staying at the Dr. J. F. Young home. Mrs. Geo. Chaney, written in Pasa­ by various other methods and in spite trip. The gold and other mineral« of; of the repeated warnings issued by Make some money by saving it dena where they are staying this win­ the insurance department the public Alaska, the fishing industries, the through our lower rate on fire insur­ ter, stated that George and the boys is being misled through attractive other exports from that wonderfully had just gone down to San Pedro, ance. Phone 60-R, J. L. Smith. letters and flattering descriptions of rich land have returned hundreds of and in a postscript added, “we have Mrs. Walter Cox and two baby the merits and generosity of thair re­ times the 87,000,0000 which the U. S. just had an, earthquake.” As nothing daughters, of Bandon, are here visiting spective ’special’ policies, and inno­ paid Russia for Alaska. It is a most further has been heard from them it at the A. 0. Culbertson home. * , cent and unsuspecting citizens are fertile land in huge tracts of its ter­ . is taken for granted that they escaped parting with their hard-earned money ritory and the production of crops is HEN you use a remedy as frequently as you Alpine Coal, lump 84-50, 2^ tone all injury. for supposed insurance protection greater than in any of the states. E. M. use Aspirin, you want to be sure it is safe 88.50, nut coal >3 per ton. Frank Tennison, an old-time Co ­ where the cljjef selling argument is There is a stretch of four months be­ 40t2*ti Briner, phone 71. — and always dependable. That is why you tween frosts in that country and in quille resident, who has been living in the initial low cost.”' should insist upon Puretest Aspirin. For pain— that San Diego, Calif., with his eont/7k>m, Mrs. Dunne received word Such coverage, Mr. Averill points summer the interior is hotter by for headaches—for colds—one or two tablets give Mrs. W. E. Sangler, of San Pedro, tar several years, came in last Satur­ out, is usually expensive at any price. many degrees than is our western quicker relief. Puretest Aspirin does not depress , Calif., is safe.'. Mrs. Spangler wu day evening for a week’s visit with The terms are so vague and mislead­ Oregon temperature. the heart or irritate the stomach, You get more formerly Bernice Butech. Mr. Cowden’s glowing accounts of old friends here. He left southern ing as to make it difficult, if not’im­ for your money, too! life in Alaska made everyone present California on Thursday and was well possible, to collect for death, sickness “I am twenty, white, and in my box of 24 right mind, I will marry tho man 1 out of the quake area when Long or accident, and in cate of denial of feel a desire to experience the abun­ dance which crowds the daily lives of Beach and other towns of that section liability — which often follows when love.”—Ruth. \ were so badly shaken. claim for indemnity is made—it is its citizens. There is room for mil­ College students from 0. S. C., U. found that the companies are outside lions in that territory. We commend of O. and the Normal at Ashland are the jurisdiction of the Oregon courts Mr. Cowden’s story of Alaska as in­ Little Girl Dies from Burns expected home thia week end or early tensely interesting and advise anyone Funeral services were held Monday- r and to attempt to Collect in courts of next week for the aping vacation. their home state is impracticable be­ who can do so to hear him. or Jacqueline May Chard, three and Those in attendance at the session Old Beaver Hill Vein Coal, |4.5O cause of the high expense of doing so. 1 half year old daughter of Mr. and .per ton for lump delivered in Coquille The latest invasion of Oregon ter­ were Rev. and Mrs. W. ' Jft Cowden, Mrs. Robert Chard, of Delmar, who Leave orders at Roosevelt Service ritory by a foreign company of this Messrs, and Mesdames W. F. Werth, vas so badly burned a week ago last T*e Station, phone 114. C. Jack Shumate. Sunday that she died in the Keiser ^Itaraeter which has been called to D. E. Rackleff, Geo. A. Ulett, F. A. the attention of the department is Pook, Wade Amtill, J. A. Fitzpatrick, 7tf nospital at North Bend last Thu re­ DRUGGISTS STATIONERS S. L. Fitzgerald, C. W. Gano, Lafe It will cost you just 80 eta. for each lay evening. She was buried in Sun- through the literature put out by the' El Dorado Mutual Life Association Compton, C. J. Fuhrman, J. E. Norton, 8100.00 insurance for 3 yearn on your «et cemetery at Marshfield. (an assessment association of Los J. A. Lamb, R. L. Stewart, J. L. The fatal bum wm received in a home or contents. Angeles, California) organized under Smith, M. Earl Wilson, F. W. Martin, distance .from other cities of their brought out during this round table Phone J. L. Smith, 50-R. ub of boiling water. The father vas the California law governing mutual Jas. R. Bunch, Theo. Clinton, E. R. ■own-county was thè reason stated Tof “talk was thé fact that the* fire depart- ireparing to give the little tot a bath The play, “George in a Jam,” being _ -_________ ............................... .... has com- benefit and life associations. The Barnes, K. P. Lawrence, J. L. Stev­ their wish to join ,i. the Coos county or- I ‘ ment, headed by its chief, tnd had removed the tub from the put on for the B. P. W. club conven­ en«, C. C. Farr, F. 8. Emery, Geo. W. ganization. latest available financial statement of . „ ' plete control over ___ __ a Are ___ area even :tove to the floor when in some way tion fund, 1« progressing in fine shape. this association dated December 81, Bryant, E. A. Bradford, Mrs. L. S. The speech by Chief George F. superseding police authority. . Th« he little girl etumbled backward and Keep the date, April 4, open for your­ Brooks, Mm. C. L. Ward, Miss Wal­ 1931, shows: Hughes of Myrtle Beint on “The fireman may set the fire line, control .at down in it, burning henself from self and family. lace, Miss Gloria Getz, N. C. Kelley, Insurance in force, 810,289,000. Crime of Arson” was well received. traffic and conduct their own investi­ ler knees to her shoulders. She was Ray Jeub and H. A. Young. Total admitted aaaeta, 118,000.10. “My boy friend sho am enameled, -ushed at once to the hospital and Dr. J. M. Shelon from the state Are mar­ gations. Total liabilities, including tax due over me.”—Odessa. shal’s office, Salem, also talked on Refreshments were served at the Xeizer told the parents after her X California, 818,780.68. Most Forage Crops Must Be arson and brought out the fact that close Of the meeting and all visiting S. V. Epperson this week received leath, that had she survived she Oregon citizens, before being mis­ Replanted Says Hyalop the people themselves pay for incendi­ firemen left expressing that they had word from a cousin living in Long vould have been a criple for life. led by non-admitted companies, ary fires. He further showed where had a moat satisfactory meeting and Stephen and Orville Chard, employ- Beach that she and her family were should make inquiry of the insurance (Continued from first pace) the whole-hearted co-operation of city wonderful time. not injured but that they iro»c «till it the hotel here, and Mrs..Ed Camp­ department or of one of their local councils in the way of helpful ordin­ There were 84 Coos county firemen ion, -re uncles and aunt of the little living out in the yard. insurance agencies and be sure that made. This kind of millet makes ances was a necessity to good Are present, nine of these representing jiri. Becides her parents, she is also the insurance purchased gives them good cattle or sheep hay but is not a fighting unite. See Mansell Drayage A Delivery Myrtle Point, and a good contingent mrvived by a two-year old sister, the protection they desire. Co. for Alpine coal. Order» filled good hone hayand should not be fed At the close of the business meeting from each city in the county. ZhylHs. promptly. tf to horses to any extent. a round table discussion was held. The next meeting will be held in For rummer green feed the genuine Chuck Taylor from the state Are mar­ Bandon at a date to be set in the near Many New Faces in Jail The Missionary Society of the Pi­ Legion Feeds Auxiliary oneer church will serve a noon lunch­ There was a flock of new names on Japanese barnyard millet is most sat­ shal’s office led the dissertation with i future.—Herald. „ The American Legion and the Aux- California an account of his experiences as chief the blotter in the sheriff’s office this isfactory, however, the eon, beginning at 12 o’clock, next liary met in their regular sessions Calling carda 100 for 81.50. Thursday, March 28, in Pioneer Hall. Monday evening in Yhe Legion hall. morning for the past week. First to water grass sometimes offered as Jap­ of the Klamath Falla fire department appear was that of Leo McCool, ar­ anese barnyani millet need is unsat­ regarding the solving of incendiary Everyone is invited to come. Price per Die entertainment and eats which rested by Deputy Sheriff Culver and isfactory. The seed testing labora­ fires, whit to look for, and how to plate, 26 eanta. 'ollowed the business sessions were Marshal Howell last Saturday night, tory at Corvallis can identify these handle cases. Mrs. W. O. Terry and daughter, furnished by the Legion, the ladies Each department represented fol­ after complaint had been nled by 'two kinds. Lois, Mrs. Howard Pointer, Mrs. J. >f the Auxiliary not even being asked A. F. A A. M. Because of shortage of forage it is lowed with a discussion of their own Boyd Shields and a Blaylock boy that F. Young and Mrs. A. O. Culbertson x> provide the cake. Stated Communication likely that mangles or cow beets will experiences and how they coped with McCool had pointed a gun at and and son, Harold, «pent Tuesday at At the next regular meeting, April Tuesday, Apr threatened them, at the east end of be particularly important for next them. Chief Loomis of North Bend the home of Mrs. Ben Gant, of Lee, 10, a .pot luck dinner will be the first 7:30 P. M gave a very good talk on this subject. Third street here that evening. The winter's use. helping on a quilt. ivent of the evening. A bulletin on the Japanese barnyard officers report that McCool was intox­ An interesting and important point The Auxiliary ladies will hold a V. R. Wilson. “Optometrist.” Errors icated. He pleaded guilty before Jus­ millet and further details on other in refraction corrected, without the juilt tying at the hall next Friday, tice Stanley Tuesday and was sen­ emergency crops may .be secured be use of drugs. “For glasses” see Wil­ March 24: Refreshments will tenced to six months in jail. He was through the county agent’s office. son flrat and eave money. , 7tf served and all ladies are requested to then paroled for two yeara during it tend. good behavior. W. C. T. U. Meeting Cheater L. Ward, Coquille super­ H. A. Jackson, of Gravel Ford, was intendent of schools, left Tuesday O. E. S. Social Cub to Give A fine business and social meeting sentenced by Justice Dodge at Myrtle morning for Seattle where he was to was enjoyed by the local W. C. T. U. Another Party, March 23 Point, Monday, for being intoxicated attend a convention this week and All at the home of Mrs. P. D. Hartman in a public place. speaking engagements in that vicin­ last Friday. Hereafter the regular The 0. E. 3. Social Club is planning Archie and Arthur Button, 17-year ity. He expected to return home Sun­ mother social evening, at which the old twins of Coos River, ware ar­ meeting will be held on the second day. entertainment will consist of dancing rested for breaking into the Seaman Friday of each month. Mrs. Hartman used as her subject Sea Mansell Drayage A Delivery »nd cards, next Thursday evening, cottage on Coos river last September. Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled March 28. The regular Eastern Star The case against Arthur was later for discussion the “Washington Let­ promptly. tf session will start at 7:80 and the so- dismissed and Archie will be taken ter,” found in the “Union Signal,” each week which informs its reader» Hugh L. Sherman, who was ar­ :ial features about eight or soon before the juvenile court. of activities of congress and interest­ thereafter. All Masonic and Eastern Elvin Lee Baker was fined 8100 and rested after he had broken into the ing up-to-date articles on prohibition. Dunham store at Englewood recently, Star members, their families and in­ sentenced to one year in jail by Jus­ Safety Council director of Kansas vited guests will be welcome. Music tice Dodge at Myrtle Point for driv­ waived grand jury investigation in City, Missouri, Michael Lynch, is Circuit court Tuesday, pleaded guilty for dancing will be provided by a ing while intoxicated. He win be pa­ quoted by the Twentieth Century and was given the minimum sentence four-piece orchestra, and punch will roled after 30 days. be served during the evening. Admis- W. D. Howard, former Singer Sew­ Progress: “It won’t be the drunken of two yeara in the pan. y given that I will dose or treatment of single tax free Are department of the City of Reeds­ the officer could find no one who would not be responsible for ihj debts con­ Everyone is invited. There are port expressed a desire to become a claim it tracted by anyone except myself. faees each Thursday evening. member of this organisation. A prox­ The Sentinel for S W. P. Dicks, MT imity to C om county and tho groat the QUICKER, SAFE RELIEF for HEADACHES W ASPIRIN 25C Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc r ,-r - Chadwick Lodge N0.Ó8