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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1933)
- » ■Ä? THE COQUILLE TALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1933. PAGE SIX HA —».MU 1 ■- - ■-■-t-J------- U14 ! .... ....... i n . 3 , ff,- ------- L--------------------------- - ------- '■---------.. . --------------------------------- men and gun elubs. why I’M put in harmkss »pecie. It is a crime to kill high aloft and drops it upon the rocks, lest game of the meet, 35 to 34, and . OUT-OF-DOQRS STUFF with you. Slowly (and at that not ao such a trusting, harmless little bird, where, of course it bursts open. Then ' then dropping North Bend in the hug- By l.a^s Leneve « siowly) but surely, the poor sports- ‘ HMM and •* it arouse« A one’s ire to have war- ( he swoops down and devoum the eat upset, 28 to 1«. Marshfield, with nIQWIJr/ UUL DUIVlJ, VIW JWV» A* . . .. -v . .. meat. an easjer gpot on fiy, schedule beat A familiar sound came to my ears man is being forced from the picture, fare waged against it. - I think that ■ ■ th. other morning a. 1 »tepped r it would not be amiss to advise the ! It is only a matter of time until the Riverton, 64 to 27, and Port Orford, __ ___ _____ 11 -1 119 a - - * ----- A a a J* I aaa a thia IQ 4.« ')fl sma ar\n.4neia upon the bat* roreh-th. callofthe g<> * farMer >n<j by p„. rtsr to 28, sm in her other A two contests. Times wild life writer to study L- birds muk z deer season will will be closed 4 in thia 49 evening grosbeak. As I have told in 1 He l.tter.wkh th. necessary more closely before ehe sends boys state. A few years ago muk deer The line-ups: pot imue^ thi. bird h- only fmkd or 1MUed b pASMAzl «411«. ont / aws pursued in their habitats by lo- Coquille (21) Marshfield (32) armed with air-rifle» out to lril-1 kill kasvn_ harm- * ’ ib were - _ -S _ A _ J a —— — * * J L _ A 1 L AA X AAA AM 1 «* AM A A A A A A • A A A« W > « / Pw once in thirty year, to our yard. commi„ioni la allowed to „ 1 leas birds. (2) Atchison (5) F And. as — 1 T have stated be- — cal hunters only. T'Vl Than each BVA year saw I McCarthy • They appear along about thi. time ku >iuJ bunt wby (8) Barnard F I upon his place and hunt. Why was fore in this column, the same writer more hunters taking to the brush af Morris (10) each year and* their numbers are al 1 this law enacted ? It certainly does advises small boys to war upon the ter the “mulies” from outside points. Seeley (4). Bjorkquist C ways about the same, there being G (14) McLean i not protect the poor man who has a sap-suckers and woodpecker» and Today there is an influx of hunters Collier 11 ► about seventy-five in the flock. 8ome | hard time raking up the three buck« and there isn* one person in a thou from over the entire state in pursuit Shaver (1) G (8) Manaen seasons they stay for a week or so, I necessary for a hunting license. It sand that knows the harmful specie of these deer. 'From all pointe of the Shinn S Lee but this season their stay was very I gives the moneyed man the opportun from the beneficial one and owing to compass the hunters come each sea brief—just two days and then they Sport Briefs ity to hunt upon any land he chooses. the fact that there are only two harm son and the mule deer is doomed in were on their way. They are beauti By Mark W. Seeley It is a known fact that nmey-nine ful birds out of many, it is a crime to| Oregon if drastic measures are not ful birds and the males are very farmers out of every hundred will not instruct a boy with a gun to start 1 taken to «top sta slaughter. There are Highlights of the 1933 basketball shooting the harmful specie« of eap-1 a thousand hunters today waging colorful. They have large white bilk, allow a member of a gun club to hunt tournament were many, ranging all not unlike a parrot’s beak, only the i warfare against this animal where a upon their land. Under th« present suckers when his dad, his mother, his ’ the way from upsets to the develop former’s ia not hooked. Their colors law how are they going to prevent older brothers and sisters and alL the few years back there was but one. ment of players who, prior to the differ, the femak being lighter than said member from doing ao? What neighbors can't distinguish the dif This deer will go the way of the buf games, had exhibited but little to the male. The latter*, coloring con II am trying to dope out is who was ference between the specie«. falo if the* slaughter is not stopped. write home about. And all in all the sists of brown wings, white crested, the instigator of this new law. It ia A man came to nie not long ago and Mule deer are to be found only east tournament was successful as far as an orange-colored crown with a a cinch that k wasn’t sponsored by inquired as to where he could pur-, | of the Cascades. White tail« and black crowds and competition waa concern streak of black down the center and the majority of sportsmen. I am won chase an air-rifle. He informed me tails seldom mingle with mule deer. ed, though the caliber of the players his back feathers are shot with or ____ _ _ _______________ dering if it might not act __________ as a boom- that there was a pesky robin that ( Owing to the open country that mule was not as high as in past years that ange and red and he has a brownish eran7 to gun clubs. What prevents a woke him ••cl‘ rooming by its song deer frequent they fall an ea«ier prey we have witnessed the Coos meets. breast. This bird breed« in the mount- hunter from paying fifty cento and <wtside his window. Somehow l( to the hunter than do our blacktailed The outstanding performer of the sin« of western Britkh America and going upon gun club lands to hunt? cannot imagine a man who would wkh deer, which abound along the coast games was “Red” McLean, thf northwestern U. 8. I am satisfied We are going to get the awvvwwv lowdown on ' to »top the — gqjden song of a bird with and west of the Cascades. Owing to Marshfield'carrot top, who not only _ , , vv Z5 mat •« v».. . . h that non. of them are natives of < * this U|b >nd k out fellows bo- < »hot from a gun. . It ip beyond me. ‘ the thick brush and natural cover af- led the contestants in scoring but district and perhaps not of this en fore long. fc‘- — ------------------------------ | The «leepy chirp of | a brw»h wren at forded the blacktail it would take a dominated the play in one way or th« Norri* Tyrell caught a beautiful, du»k, the hoot of a big timber owl, thousand yean to exterminate this tire state. They migrate as far as J 1 other at all times. McLean, diminu the Mississippi in winter and during steelhead last week in the river near the chirp of a sparrow and the cheer- species but such is not the case with tive, but sturdy and fast, was the early spring or late winter return here. It was one of the prettiest fish ful friendly notes of the chickadees, the mule deer, backbone of the Pirates’ offensive, his farther north. It k during their mi the writer has seen this season— these are things apart from every-' In tome »täte« it is unlawful to fioor work, shooting, and cleverness gration north that they pay us their bright as a dollar, evidently just com day life. They are notes that I have hunt without a licensed guide. It mat- catching the eye of every writer visit each year. thrilled to for years—something that ten» not how good a woodsman or there, ing in from the ocean. Following the fiery-thatched The more I see of game laws that Some boy with an air-rifle is de touche« a responsive chord in the hunter avnan happens to be, it is ne- buckaneer was Harry Helmkin, Port are enacted by the state legislature, pleting the ranks of the little «parrow» heart of man and I sincerely believe cessary for him to procure the ser- Orford ace, Linus Seeley, Coquille the more firmly convinced I become about town. There were about fifty that something is wrong with a man vices of a guide before he k allowed kingpin, and Hansen, McLean’s run that the sportsmen should have a rep a few week» back, but only a few are who would desire to hush the song of to go in pursuit of any game animal, ning mate, men who competed in three resentative out at Salem from each now in evidence. I noticed them start a robin at dawn. i This law works a hardship on lots of games. dktrict who understands wild life ing to disappear soon after an article Years ago sea-gulls were seldom hunters, especially those who are un 'Each game presented one or more better than he does polities. If such appeared in the Coo» Bay Timea by a seen this far up the river, but today able to afford guide hire and to the putstanding player on each team. In was the case we might get some sen wild life writer of that dktrict who it is not an uncommon sight to see man who prefers to hunt alone. Many the preliminaries, Hansen, by scoring sible laws passed governing our game advoeated the shooting of English manv of them ««heeling about in the hunters prefer to hunt alone while 18 points, led the field in the Riverton- binds and animals. sparrows and whoever ia doing the air near town. In fact, for several others like company.. It is seldom Marshfield clash, while the fioor work I still cannot help but “meow” over killing here evidently thinks he is do- days one big white gull has been sail that any two men hunt alike and to be of McLean proved that he was to be a the fact that a law was enacted thk j ing a kindness to our wild life by ing about over town and lighting in in the woods with someone who is dreaded player in the other contests. session of the lagislalure requiring a warring upon the sparrows. But such chicken yards and eating the scraps forever balling things up on the hunt McFarlane, of Riverton, fought hard hunter to pay a farmer fifty cents for is not the case. The sparrows here with them. The gull is a wise old arouse« the ire of many a hunter. agaipst the Pirates, but it was more hunting upon his property.' If that _ are not Engliah sparows—but just a bird. If he finds a clam upbn the Out in the big woods it is really nice than a one-player task. kn’t a law that favor. the rich sports- ¿ZgJ feUow'Tf a beafeh, he seizes it in his talons, sails to have a hunting companion, for in Port Orford and Myrtle Point put case of an accident or sickness it up a great battle in the opener, the I "9 RM policy, track will hdve to be rushed along. We believe that this will le practical if the coaches will cut out the dual meets and concentrate on an early district congregation. We hope so, at least. Next week we will present a resume of the basketball season, including standing, records, individual and team scoring, and other interesting detail». Th tournament results: Preliminaries Port Orford, 3«—Myrtle Point, 31. Marshfield, 64—Riverton, 27, Coquille, 85—Arago, 34. North Bend, 31—Powers, 27. Semi-Finals Marshfield, 49—Port Orford, 28. Coquille, 28—North Bend, 16. Consolation Port Orford, 27—¡North Bend, 14. Finals . Marshfield, 32—Coquille, 21. Library Report for February— Non-Credit Reading Courses -I »SI—I. The report of Mrs.. Pearl Ellingsen, librarian, for the month of February show» that 2,407 magasines and books were loaned by the library dur ing February. The maximum circu lation for one day was 123 and the minimum 51. During the month 1590 adult fiction and 442 juvenile fietion, 99 adult non fiction and 75 junvenile non-fiction, 159 adult magazines and 42 juvenile magazine» were loaned. Twenty books were received from the state library. The library committee of the Wom an’s Club, of which Mrs. Flora Comp ton is chairman, has been assisting in mending and shellacking the 35 books "repaired during the month. Fines and rentals for February to- -, tailed »7.60. The offer of the State Library to prepare non-credit reading courses has met a very warm reception. It will be recalled that the movement was initiated by the State Library in De Curry team winning mainly through cember, in an effort to reach young the decisive efforts of (Helmkin v^ho people who found themselves without tallied 21 markers, besides doing more funds for attendance at college, or bothered wiht a companion who doesn’t than his share of the floor play once even for a correspondence course, but really know what it’s all about. he warmed up. The Myrtle Point who would welcome an opportunity It Is claimed that out of 27 species tee, Shelton, broke a regular schedule for study. The reaction has been im I of hawks found in the northwest that «lump in rsttling the basket for 12 mediate and beyond anticipation, only four of the species are harmful points with an unerring eye that al showing conclusively the need for this and that the rest are beneficial. Not most vanquished Port Orford. Thera , I special service at this time. ’ AAA ______ 1OC _____ 1 a _______ 11_A -*_ a long ago the state of Ohio paid a Thursdsy evening Coquille met Ara- arc now 185 people enrolled for bounty of 25 cents on each hawk kil go and North Bend met Powers in courses in 70 different subject The led and today it is unlawful to kill a engagements which almost saw the course« requested have been largely a hawk in that- state. It is claimed “B” league clubs upset the dope. in the vocational field and the most that the killing of the hawks increased Curry, of Arago, extended the beat popular'are as follow«: the rodents to an alarming extent. In Accounting, Advertising, Aeronau performance of the evening by ring this vicinity I have failed to observe ing the bell for 19 points, nine of tics, Agriculture, American Novels of many hawks that do not prey on bird which were made by free throws. 20th Century, Automobiles, Bible His life. Mullen, with 14, led the pennant-win tory, Bookkeeping, Carpentry, Civil In Canada 800,000 square miles of ning North-Bend five, and though he Engineering, Child Training, Draw forests have been destroyed by fire was able to outjump his adversary ing, Economics, Electricity, Electri while only 100,000 square miles have center, tfubbard, the Powers boy« pes cal Engineering, English, Flower Gar fallen beneath the axe. tered the Bulldog« throughout the dening, Forestry, Geology, History, Do you know that caterpillars hi fray and at the same time dropped in Home Economics, Interior Decorating, bernate during winter months? I six goals. For Coquille the sharp eye Journalism, Landscape Gardening, have been observing one that has lain of Jack McCarthy and his all-around Music, Navigation, Nursing, Psychol dormant in a market basket the en smooth play only slightly overshadow ogy, Public Speaking, Radio, Sales tire winter. , ed the brilliant breaking of Earl Mor manship, Short Story Writing. Harold wes late for Sunday school ris. Many other subjects are included in and the minister inquired the reason McLean led his Pirate hearties to the list of courses, the names of why. “I was going fishing with Dad an overwhelming victory over Port which may be secured from Mrs. El but he wouldn’t let me,” was the boy’s Orford in the first semi-final game lingsen at the library. answer. "Now that’s the kind of by breaking through for 16 pointa, as In every case where we furnish the father to have,”said the minister. “Did well as feeding the other player« with reading course, we reserve the books he explain why he did not let you go?” much consistency. He was closely recommended for dates a month apart, “Yes,” replied Harold, “he said there followed in the scoring column by so the student will not be discouraged wasn’t bait enough for two.” Conley, of Port Orford, who made 16 through failure to receive the books. markers in grabbing Che beet plum On his application blank he agrees to ' Marshfield Wins at Tournament from Helmkin. read a book a month. The biggest upset in the three days For three long quarters of basket Riverton News ball, Coquille and Marshfield battling of competition, the debate in which Coquille defeated North Bend Friday ' for the tournament championship of Randall Johnson has all the founda Southwestern Oregon played on even night saw Seeley, Red Devil leader, tion and fioor completed on his new rise to high efficiency in entirely out terms, but in the last quarter the lat- house. ter team, freaher after an easier pre playing Mullen, completely throwing Mr. and Mrs. Lee Atchinaon return enough the Bulldog ace off his stride as the ed Monday evening from a several liminary schedule, added loqal boy hounded him in all quartern. «team to win, 32 to 21, Saturday months’ stay in Klamath Falk. They Collier also did fine work in this game, night at Marshfield. will take up residence in their home this local lad and Seeky scoring Just before the third quarter here while Mr. Atehinson will aid whistle Msrshfi|eM dropped in two enough points between them to beat Randall Johnson in building hs huse. the pennant winners. pretty gosh which gave her a four- Mr. and Mm. Geo. Steward, of Len- Saturday night when the eham- point lead, 20 to 16, at this intermis. eve, went to North Bend Tuesday to Dionship waa determined, most any «ion. This in turn proved to be the transact business. emphasis which started the 'Pirates* thing was looked for. Mcl-ean pro The Riverton basketball team went vided the highlight of the issue, his well-oiled machine into a higher, un fioor work and scoring leading the vic- to Ashland Wednesday to attend the • known gear and sent them further to regular Southern Oregon basketball ‘oriou« Pirates to their win. Hansen the fore. The unerring eyes of Mc tournament. The party included: Mr. «nd Barnard ako did some scoring Lean and Barnard peppered the bas and Mrs. Frederick Beck, Donald while on the Coquille side, Morri« ket unceasingly, and it turned out to Auer, William McFarlane, Howard broke through for for'ten points for be a case of one good team making Schroeder, Robert Smith, Maurice ‘he best red and white showing, and its shots and the other not doing so. Nulf, Chester Danielson, Mario Sach bis otar performance of the week-end. But before Marshfield met Lady et, Fritz Hull. Their first games was The consolation mill in which Port Luck in this final stanza, the fans nlayed Thursday morning against 'Irford upset North Bend eaw Helm were treated with as great a show of Rocky Point kin equal Seeley’s guarding exhibition excited, intense, and close ball as ever Mr. Gibbs suffered a paralytic of Mullen, whik Conley came through has been staged by toqring finalities. stroke Monday afternoon and has been with another nice performance, as did Do not think, though, that the Red quite ill. He was taken by his son- ''romm. one-armed ace and moot popu- Devils gave up in the last stretch for in-law, RAert Train, from Coquille, 'ar athlete of the game«. they fought just as hard as they did to the Knife hospital on Wednesday. So ended another tournament. in the first three quarters when, if Edgar Gillespie, of Lamps Creek, Marshfield has gone out for her fourth anything, they slightly overshadowed was in Coquille Wednesday night on ime and the second in succession, the men of Coach Osborn. business. hoping again to make a record like To start the fray, Marshfield drop- Mr. Roberts went to Salem last he did last season. “Red" McLean ned in the opening field goal, but this was the outstanding player; Fromm, week to visit his wife. The doctor lead was short-lived, as Morris evened vf Port Orford, the most popular, and there reported that Mr«. Roberts was the count for the locals. The game we believe that the Red Devils, who improving rapidly, developed into a hip and tuck issue provided the biggest upset <n defeat from this point on, Hansen dropping New Cases In Circuit Court ing North Bend, were the most popu in the biggest share of the Marshfield lar. Mar. 14—'Blanche O. Olson vs. E. points, while two additional goals by B. Gehrke. Morris and one by McCarthy, along There io some question in Coos Mar. 16—Edward Oìand vi. Hanry with five free throws which gave Hartley’s basketeers a margin of 18 county school circles whether or not Compton. Mar. Id—Virgil to 12 at half time. The quarter score track will take its place on the ath L. Martin ▼1. letic calendar this year. Due to the Nora Martin. Suit for divorce. was 8 all. Coquille gained a place in the finals early closing of the Bandon and Calling carda 100 for SI40. by first nosing out Arago in the hot- Marshfield school» and the possibility a |* MOUNTAIN <TA TES I that other district« may follow thia POWER COMPANY A r ♦ 1 >