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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1933)
VOL. XXIX. NO. ». COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 17. IM3. " Murder Waa Sure at Medford -'"■ ■i" 1 : i . m i l i u n ,. ji . .' Daffodils in 1»33 WONIN’S CLUB It wm bound to happen. When I look upon a world today everyone gets to carrying a gun as Reaping the harvest it has sown. they were doing qver at Medford, /The «rented things are passed away, there is certain to be bloodshed. And Dim lies the morrow, and unknown. of 818,000 at Firat now Llewellyn Banks, independent Planned for Coquille Early in Discussed by Woman’s Club Hears Splendid Talk by Mina 1 Like houses children build of blocks candidate for U. 8. senator against April—J. L. Smith to Be National Firat Day Bank Ladies and Supt. C. L. t Go hopes and plana of toilsome years. Avia Lobdell Here on C. L. McNary a few years ago, and Is Open in Charge The solid earth beneath us rocks, Ward on Monday Tuesday the cause of all the civil war at Med » .♦' ' * The music fails among the spheres, ford, has revealed himself as a com Permission to dpen the First Na mon murderer. He started all the A “swap day” or “farmer’s day” or Parents are most earnestly request The laggard tree-buds hesitate The March meeting of the Coquille tional Bank here wae received from trouble in Jackson county because he “auction sale,’’ or what have you? ed to see that their children do not To burst, the hills bewail their grass, Woman’s Club which was held at the Federal Reserve Bank in San couldn't control the county’s policy, was suggested by J. L. Smith to the play on the school house fire escapes The springtime holds ite breath to wait the Episcopal Parish house Tuesday Francisco about 8:80 Wednesday and share, as publisher of the News, Coquille Chamber of Commerce direc after school hours. Several children The thing that needs must come to afternoon, March 14, was one of the morning and since that time normal in the county printing. There is no tors at their session Wednesday eve have been hurt in the past, more or pass. outstanding meetings of the year, banking conditions have been the rule. question that a great percentage of ning, and he was appointed as chair lew painfully by fallings but the (Hs- with such an eloquent speaker m Yet, as the rainbow in the cloud. Both Marshfield, banks, the ones at his followers are honest citisena who man of a committee to arrange for trict cannot afford to keep watchmen One pledge shines forth unfailing still, Miss Avis Lobdell of Portland bring Myrtle Point and Powers opened the desired only that county affairs bo such a day, early in April, as the to prevent the use of the fire escapes as ing thè afternoon to a close with By weight of prescience unbowed, same morning and permission to open cleaned up, but the underlying cause committee may decide to name it play equipment and Mr.'Ward makes great satisfaction. The business The glory of the daffodil. the'state bank at Bandon was received with Banks himself was selfiahness. Auction sales, which are so common another earnest appeal to parents meeting was first taken ears of with Wednesday afternoon. Tho earth has black where green Mrs. J. E. Norton, president, in the It is to be hoped that his declared in the middle west and east, are very for co-operation. should be. The increase in deposits here was intention* to plead inMnity will not be rare in this section of the country The matter came up Monday after- chair. Reports from both secretary in line with those all over the country, allowed by the court. •and they always attract a lot of at- noon when the Educational committee And skies are gray that should be blue, and treasurer were read and short following the suspension of the two Sergeant C. C. Williams, of th« tention. Every rancher, farmer and of the Woman’s Club and other mem- Hope’s word and faith’s epitome. activity report« for the month were weeks’ holiday. In the Coquille First state police, left yesterday noon evep ( the residents of towns have bers met with Mr. Ward in his office, The daffodil abideth true. made by the Various chairmen. Mrs. National the deposits were in excess Medford, on instruction something around the place which Those attending the conference were Its golden-trumped praises drown from Sickels, finance chairman, reported on of »26,000, and after deducting the chief. Just where the dynamite may they no longer need and whieh they Mesdames R. A. Wernich, M. E. Wil the clubs previous card party and al The moaning utterance of ill: »8000 in checks, left a net gain of next explode is not known, and the would be glad to sell for what they son, L. H. Haxard, R. L. Stewart, Geo. so announced plans for snother one “The overcomers hath the crown,” over »18,000. police of the state are being ta could get out of it To help get buy A. Ulett and F. 8. Emery. whieh wilV be held April 17, definite* So chant the hosts of daffodil. Gold and gold certificates have been ns mb led to preserve order, if such a er and seller together, or at least in plsnts to be announced later but all'j The Educational committee has se O daffodil, this word you bring received here in considerable amounts. thing is possible. the same neighborhood, is the pur cured some results in their request to are urged to give it their earnest sup I take, as your faith, mine shall be. »1600 in certificates and »1100 in gold Banka shot a constable, Geo. "Pres pose of such a day and it was placed | the Flower Lovers Club for plants or port was the total yesterday afternoon. cott, who was attempting to serve a in Mr. Smith’s hands to Mt the date, Sowers to be used in the various With you, I look to God and sing, Mrs. C. C. Farr and Mrs. R. E. “ 0 grave, where is thy victory? ” deposit of »260 and another of summons on him. Banks shot while make all the arrangements and con school rooms, but not nearly enough Boober, heads of welfare and bill »375 was received Wednesday in gold standing behind his wife. duct the sale. Whether it will become have been donated for all the rooms. Frances Holmstrom, McKinley board comtaitteee, gave short ac and yesterday morning another of counts of work. jfrs. R. A. Wernich, a monthy event, semi-monthly, or will The ladies’ committee has also been »110 was made. The latter was made continue at all will depend largely »Forking on the plans to have a lawn education chairman, gave a splendid by a man who said he had no thought on the result of the first “day” held. around each of the school buildings, report in regard to the meeting of of hoarding gold. He had had it in Further announcements will be made and as soon as weather conditions her committee with Supt. C. L. Ward his possession for years and didn’t as the plans develop. permit the groqnd will be spaded and st the high school on Tuesday of this realise that the government had de A further suggestion is made to sown. Lyman Carrier has agreed to week, at which time she invited sev manded that all gold be brought to Coquille merchants that they arrange furnish the seed. eral guasta besides her committee to C, A. Machon on Wednesday com Sixty members of the Coquille the U. 8. treaauryf for a special bargain event on the Another beautifying touch at the Lions club, their wives and invited attend. The meeting was one of in Only one refusal to permit a with pleted the deal which he has had pend day the auction sale is held. Their high school will be added when the ing with Coos county for several guests, eat down at 7 o’clock last eve terest. She also stated that on the drawing of the depositor’s account merchandise would not be put up at underbrush in the depression just months, and becomes the owner of the ning to a dinner in the hotel dining evening of April 12 plans are being was made by the bank which is act auction, but an offering of real bar north of the high school has been room which was tendered as a wel made for an adult education pro- former Allen Collier 60x100 foot lot ing on a strict compliance with in gains would add to the rest with cleared out, and a tiny park will be at the comer of Front and Willard come home to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. pram at the high school, at which structions from the federal reserve whieh this kind of an affair' can be the result. there will be educational talks and if streets. The county bid the lot in at Ulett. The affair wm postponed from bank. If the bank officials believe carried out. April 12 was the tentative date Mt these are found interesting to people sheriff ’ s sale last year for delinquent early in the month because of Mr. that a withdrawal is being made for for a literary evening, which will in snd. well attended, plans will be made Ulett’a absence from Coquille. the purpose of hoarding they must re taxes. Most Forage Crops Must Be clude music as well as speaking in for more next winter. Mr. Machon at next Monday ’ s coun Having previously been quoted on fuse to permit it. ■ Replanted Says Hyslop the high school. Tho event is to be the story of their European trip in The club voted to donate »26 to the cil meeting «rill present his plans for sponsored by the Educational dt- improving the property. He intends the newspapers, Mr. Ulett said he Coquille public library whieh at pres Grange Party Last Night Because of the moat serious winter tee and will be particularly for adulta, would confine his remarks to the ent is greatly in Med of stoney. tearing out the old shed at the rear, The president appointed Mrs. Birdie Nearly 100 members and guests next the Liberty theatre; he will put killing that has taken place in western with high school students who may statement that they were delighted to Skeela, Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman and Mrs. gathered in Woodman Hall teat eve in a concrete block and cedar poet re Oregon in the last fifty years it is' desire to attend included. The speak be back in the United States. ning for the frolic given by the Co taining wall to provide support for the likely that extensive plantings of cr will be from Marshfield, Music for the occasion wm furnish L.-H. Haxard on the nominating must be mad» Instead of having a night school __ __ quille Grange. ed by __ an orchestra composed of Mias mittee fur the' election of oAeer __ lies. accorittay <We yvnr, Supt. Ward told the ladies Katherine''wilsoii’at the piano,* H? 8 £ A play, “The Irish Peddler,“ pre- _____ _ chief in farm crops that he anticipated having an “open ‘. May 1st. She asked them to have ■ented by six members of the Lang- repair the walk on Willard street, bZ.1" G *• Norton and Kenneth Btaninger. 8tate who h“ ***” hou-* ®f the some day next lois Grange, of whieh I. B. Bevy is aide remodelling and repairing the Ferb Emery received the bulk of their report* ready for the April , wor*tint with George Jenkins, eounty month, when all patrons and parents master, was a big hit of the evening. building throughout. -he evening’s raising for his meek meeting. He has engaged Elmer Olsen to do tor p,rt few d,Jr* on be"t wiH ** inviud ■ttend “nd •*• the It was well presented and entertain The ladies of Jhe ch* voted to epost- ness when his wife was present, in the repair work and will begin it the ««•“ «rtification and in study- «teal, every-day eondutt of the A ing. comparison with his usual swash- w the annual May Day Ball which — r buckling manner as tailtwister at the will be held April 2ftth at Graham’s The Coquille Grange quartet ren first of next week. Mr. Machon says i inf the forage crop situation in Coos schools. All exhibits of the p y** The freese has destroyed so will be on display*«» the time, and an tlrr Hall. This is a. fete at which time dered several Irish songe, and two he has already had several applica eounty. "* regular noonday luncheons of the ,Uo h* etab,7nd Mv^al r^oete b"y brttewte the senior girls of our high school Langlois men, in costume, staged a tions to rent it. comical rooster fight. The clog dance, Thia corner, right at the entrance has Mt back or destroyed so much of ranged for. friends threw light on his boasted take an active part and is one of the Wade Arstill is chairman of tbe claims being the boas at his home. outstanding yearly affairs sponsored by C. V. Smith and H. 8. Cadman, to the city on the highway from the the upland pasture that the forage by this elub. wm another feature. south, has been in a delapidated con situation is mrious. Hay suplica for committee in charge of making ar-, Kennett Lawrence had to repeat After the club business wm com Games of various kinds wore en dition for Mveral yearn, with a fence next year’s use may cause some con- rengamente for an all-grade school why he had refused a Mat in Presi program two weeks from today, | joyed after the program and the eve around it to keep pedestrians from cem. dent Roosevelt’s cabinet after having, pleted Mrs. C. D. Walker, program Among emergency plantings oats' March 81. The program will be given ning closed with the serving of re falling through the sidewalk or under almost single-handed, given the new ehairman, introduced Miss Lobdell, freshments. the building, and even to have that and Canadian field peas are most i >n the Community Building at 7:80vp. president the greatest popular vote who talked on “Woman’s Place in In ■ m., and contemplates one student from fence removed and the sidewalk re promising for lands that may be in the nation’s history; and many ternational Peace.” While there wm Aill Flfiten Wins at Roseburg paired would be worth a good deal to planted between now and April 1 in each room, in tho costume of the other Lions felt the swing of the laah a good attendance it is regretted that the warmer areas. Near the coast country be or she represente, who will which brought them to their feet with more men and women of • Coquille Bill Floten, who is a Smith-Hughes the city. A coat of paint, solid un could not have heard this talk at where it is cooler, plantings are safe participate in a Peace conference. derpining, a new front and other re apologies or denials. Agriculture student, won the public These monthly meetings between to about April 10 or 16. The Cana Rev. W. A. Cowden, Presbyterian which time the speaker gave accur speaking contest held at Roseburg last pairs will do a great deal to lessen the dian field peas are planted at from the Woman’s Club representatives and pastor at North Bend, who was ac ate statistics on money expended by Saturday, in competition with some of traveler’s first unfavorable impression 60 to 80 pounds an acre with about 60 Mr. Ward are producing results in a companied over here by his wife and our government for armaments in the the largMt schools in Southwestern of Coquille when traveling north on greater Mr. and Mm. W. F. Werth, gave one year, 1931. The expenditures amount to 60 pounds oate. The Schoolmam better understanding and the Coast highway. -» Orogen. publicity for the efforts the superin of the most interesting travelogues to an appalling sum. The most ur- variety of oate is preferred because This contest is sponsored every year of its resistance to rust, acocrding to tendent is making to advance Co ever heard in Coquille. His subject gent movement before the nations of Fine Coast Highway Map by the state department of vocational Mr. Hyslop. Whore peas are to be quille’s school to an even higher wm the Alaskan country which was today is the reduction of armaments. agriculture for boys taking Smith- The Coquille Hotel thia week re- standing in the state than they have shown in stereopticon views of that Miss Lobdelle made ctear that this Hughes Agriculture. The State is di ceived from The Victoria and Island grown on vetch land there is no oc heretofore enjoyed. huge empire, he himself having taken must come and' urged every woman vided into sections and the winners of Publicity Bureau nt Victoria, B. C-, casion to inoculate but when grown on to make her desire known to the new land or where there has been no the sectional contests meet st Corval one of the dearest snd beet maps ever Inaofaratiou Victurra Teuermr the pictures. Mr. Cowden knows his AI m I u , and president of the United States, Mr. lis, during the state convention of Fu- produced showing the highway sys vetch, tho pea seed should be inocu RooMvelL Aphids Fer ten minutes of tho Paramount while some of his statements were as , turn Formers of America, to compete tems bf Washington and Oregon, west lated previous to planting. Tho last numbers on the program for state honors. The winner of the of the Cascades, and also the ferry sometimes attack pern just as they at news reel at the Liberty Theatre to tounding they are correct. One was were two solos, “Hills of Home.” and tack, vetches . Early planted peas suf that he felt the cold more tn North state contest then competes m the sec connections across the strait and morrow (Saturday) evening, patrons and a hymn, “Sweet Peace, tho Gift fer less from aphid attack than late tional contests for national honors. sound to Victoria. All connecting planted oms . Scho. Imam oats alone will see and hear the ceremonias of Bend this winter than he did in the of God’s Love,” sung by Mrs. H. W. Bill Floten, through local tryout, roads between the Const and Pacific the presidential inauguration set interior of Alaska with . the ther- Covalt, accompanied by Mrs. C. A. earned the right to represent the Co highways are shown and the Coast make a very good quality of hay but WMhington, D. C., on March 4. (Continued on last panel Rietman. They were greatly enjoyed. quille Chapter of Future Farmers of highway stands out as direct a route should be planted thickly. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the thirty- __________ At the dose, tea wm served by A new crop suited to later planting America. There are ten schools in to Victoria as that eity’s slogan im- second president of the United States, thia section. Bill won by a score of pliee, “Follow the birds to Victoria.” and capable of making good hay and the third democratic president in Dentists Met Here Lust Night Mmdames C, C. Farr, C. J. Fuhrman, yields on warm, rich soils is the soy the past 72 years, will be shown and The regular monthly meeting of the C. E. Niles. R. «. Boober, M. O. Haw 238 points out of a possible 800 pointe kina, and Geo. Lorena to the follow bean; Soy beans grow fairly well on in competition against Granta Pam, Services at Christian Church sour soils if they are rich and warm. heard taking the oath of office. His Coos County Dental Association was ing who attended: Miss Avis Lobdell, It Cottage Grove and Roseburg. inauguration address will also be held in Coquille last evening. The evangelistic meetings being Soy beans are planted in rows 80 given and there will be shown many opened with a dinner at the hotel, af Miss Ines Rover, Miss Catherine Wer The subject spoken on was: “Taxa nich, Mesdames O. C. Sanford, C. L. tion and its Relation to the Rural conducted by Earl F. Downing at the inches to three feet apart and about glimpses of the inaugural parade. To ter which adjournment wm taken to Christian Church here, which started four to five inches apart in the row the 124K million people in the United Dr. Rietman’a office where Dr. D om - Ward, Leo J. Cary, Wm. Candlin, L. Schools.” H. Hasard, Julius Ruble, Donald It is the purpose of tho local Smith- at the morning service Sunday, have and when grown in this way require States (there were a quarter of a bey, of Bandon, gave a procelain jack Estes, J. A. Lamb, Paul Van Scoy, W. Hughes department to promote lead attracted a good attendance and have about 46 pounds of seed per acre. million in WMhington that day) those et crown clinic, and other matters per H. Mansell, E. A. Walker, R. L. Seed must be inoculated. Planting proved very interesting. ership among the boys and these pub of us who had no other contact with taining to their profession were dis Stewart, Ray Thomas, W. 8. Sicketa, Mr. Downing, accompanied by his may be done with a corn planter, with the inauguration than the radio gave, cussed. lic speaking contests, appearances Those present were Dr. E. A. John Lyman Carrier, R. A. Wernich, C. D. before the Granges and other civic wife and two children, came from bean planter or a grain drill. Plant win be interested in seeing the Spec Walker, E. L. Vinton, R. B. Rogen, ing takes place at about the same time Santa Clara, near Eugene, where he sen, of North Bend, Drs. E. A. Smith, bodies, are for the purpose of giving tacle “by remote control.” L. W. Oddy, Lloyd Rosa, George T. F. Montgomery, C. F. Chapin, Clar the boys an opportunity of doveloping has been the minister for several you would plant corn and may con Ulett, Ernest Purvance, C. A. Riot tinue until about June 16. The soy months. The meetings will continue themselves along thia line. Sues for Fractured Arm, Hip ence Brown, of Marshfield; Dr. R. F. man, H. W. Covalt, A. N. Gould, W. beans will make a good cultivated at least another three weeks. aMssMMMMMMSwMWHwmme - * ‘ Milne, of Powers; Dr. Ray Donahey, | crop on many of the warm bottom The case of Mrs. Mary Kaino oj gan<jon< Dr. C. A. Rietman, of E. Boeserman, Geo. Bryant, J. E. Nor Keep Open Your April 4 Date ton, L. P. Maury, C. Vernon Smith, F. 1 lands as well m in the higher valleys. against the Wert Coart Telephone Co. Coquille, Legion Dance Tomorrow L. Greenough, Kennett Lawrence, P. Almost nightly rehearsals by the 1 Soy bean hay is very palatable, very and the Coos Bay Building Corpora Don't forget that the dance at Gra b" rich in protein, and may be harvested tion, for damages, wm started in Cir 8. Emery and M. Earl IWilson. Monotony Kills cast of ten, which is ham’s Hall tomorrow evening, spon H. S. Operetta Tonight to present “George in a Jam,” at the , in the fall. Culture for inoculating cuit court here yesterday morning. sored by the CoquiHe American La-' Epworth League Institute The high school operetta, “The Liberty Theatre on April 4, proves the either peas or soy beans may be had The jury waa secured yesterday after «ion post, is a benefit dance, the pro- ( I through the county agent’s office Soy noon and the rert of the panel dis Lucky Jade,” is to be presented this efforts these amatdttr performers are A district Epworth League Insti eeeds to go to the post's junior league evening at the Liberty Theatre, with tute will be held in Pioneer Methodist making to stage one of their most beans and com make excellent oilage. missed until tomorrow morning. baseball fund. Music by the Silver. brilliant suceeeem out of the many Another late planted hay crop is The com , conducted by J. W. Mc- Jeanne Barbour having the lead. The Church Saturday and Sunday of thia Spray orchestra, and no admissidn they have shown here in years part. Hungarian or common millet. It Inturff and J. B. Bedingfield, is the re story which the operetta telle was week. Leaguers are expected from charge. Five cents per dance. Keep the date in mind for you will makes a good quality or grass hay sult of injuries received by Mrs. sketched in the Sentinel lent week. Roseburg, Myrtle Creek and Medford. not want to miss thia comedy. that may be planted from early May Kaino when the swinging door of the The ticket sale thia week tarn been Dr. James A. McKee, of Walla Walla, County C. of C. at Bandon ---------------------------- I ___________________ to the middle of Juno. Fifteen to Hall building Sew back, after she had fair and many will attend who had will superintend the work. Kenneth The bi-monthly meeting of the Coos twenty pounds of seed are used per pulled it toward her and she wm not purchased tickets beforehand. Thompson will be instructor ¿f the The Past Matrons and Patons Ch* There is considerable musical talent class taking. “Recreation and Person •nd passing through the doorway. of the Emtern Star will Mt hold ite County Chamber of Comeres will be «ere. The seed bed should be in the Coquille high school and “The Dorothy Dale shallow sowing should be struck her, knocking her dowi monthly meeting thia evening, bat it held in Bandon next Monday evening firm Lucky Jude” will bewail worth hoar- ». »ni have | suited in the fracture of her will be held some time in Mareh, the at 6:30. The session will be held at' lag. Jerry’s. date to be annotmeed later. MACHON TO RE PAIR PURCHASE LIONS WELCOME ULETT^HOME ! -- I