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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1933)
COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH W, 1988. PAGE EIGHT B. P. W See “George in a Jam,” at th^Lib erty, April 4. Mrs. J. L. Stevens has been quite iU at her home with an attack of ap pendicitis. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Wilber McCracken, of Cape Blanco, is here visiting Dr. and Mra. J. F. Young. See Manaell Drayage A Delivery Co. for Alpine coal. Order« filled promptly. # C. E. Johnson, of the lower North Fork section, was a Coquille visitor Wednesday. , Mias Dorothy Cary returned home Sunday evening from a week’s visit with friends in Portland. See “George in a Jam,” at the Lib erty, April 4. - ' ■ Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Prey and Mrs. Fred Kunz returned last *yreek end from a few days’ visit to Portland. Mrs. C. F. Hawke, of Marshfield, is here visiting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Ashton, who has been quite ill. Mark Dunham, manager of the lo cal Dunham store, has been off jiuty this week, being confined to his home with an attack of the flu. Mrs. Levi Wilson left this” noon for Corvallis to attend the U. 8. C.-O. S. C. championship basketball game in the gymnasium there this evening. Harlow Call, who was called to Co quille, last Friday night by the seri ous .Ulnees risf his mother, returned Tuesday to Eugene to resume his studies at U. of O. Wm. A. Zosel was a Coquille visitor last Sunday. He came down to be present at the meeting of creditors held in the Referee Joehnk's office in Marshfield on Monday. Mm. L. P. Branstetter, Mrs. Pres cott Branstetter and Miss Sybil Walk er, of Capetown and Ferndale, Calif., left Thursday morning for home af ter a week’s visit here and in Marsh field. | V. R. WI toon. “Optometrist.” Errors in refraction corrected, without the use,of drugs. “For glasses’’ see Wil son first and save money. 7tf Mr. and Mm. C. D. Walker returned Wednesday from their week’s trip to Seattle. They had an enjoyable visit, but he says the return trip was not so pleasant, due to inability to cwh checks. Ward McReynolds will be at the Co quille city hall on Tueeday, March 14, from one to five o’clock, to conduct examinations of applicants for auto mobile operators and chauffeurs’ li- H. A. Soders, arrested last week by Warren Cornell, of the state police, for killing deer last month, was fined 6100 by the justice of the peace at Lakeside, and sentence was sus pended. r the club here yesterday. L. W. Clev er, elected to membership last week, was given the obligation by J. L. Stev- vns and the meaning of Lionism, and its duties and responsibilities were presented to the new cub by R. L. Stewart. There will be no noon session of the den next week, the session being scheduled for 7 p. m. next Thursday, at which time the ladiea and any iruest* the members mav care in- Vite Will assemble. The “ladies night” will be in honor of and as a welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ulett Deals Temporarily Off A«l deals for the Fat Elk oil wall are off for the present, states J. Ellis Loreman, geologist, to the Sen tinel scribe Tuesday morning. He added further that a deal which would have meant development of the field was all agreed upon and would have been signed bad not fl- nancial conditions knocked every thing gaHey west as it has. Wires received this week cancelled all the of Mim Mary Greiner, who returned a couple of weeks ago from the hos pital at the Bay, where she received trestment fof her broken arm, is a Past Grand Club Meets guest now of Mrs. R. B. Knife at the The Past Grands Chib of the Re hospital here. bekah lodge met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Unsoeld, who left Saturday for E. M. Kay last Friday. Sewing on San Francisco, accompanied by Her their quilt was the diversion of the man Ellingeen, is expected home to- afternoon. Those present were Mee- day. Mr. Unsoeld is dividing hie time dames Ora X. Maury, Tracy Leach, between his Coquille and Cres- W. H. Wimer, J. C. Oerding and baby, Annie Robinson, B. C. Minard, J. L. Ctty stores. Aasen, George Johnson, Fred Schaer, W. Noyes, attorney with the and the hortoas, Mm. E. M. Kay. Re Western Mercantile Co., was last freshments were served by Mrs. Kay Monday named as trustee for the City and Mrs. Johnson. The club will meet Market of Coquille, by the creditors Friday, March 17, at two o’clock, with who met in Referee in Barikrutcy Mm. Tracy Loach. Joehnk’a office in Marshfield. Robert B. Smith, of Medicine Hat, Mother Dies Near Eugene Alberta, Canada, is a guest this week Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boeaerman re of Ms sisters, Mrs. N. A. Dunford and Mrs. R. W. Bishop, also his brother, turned Tuesday from Leaburg, near W. J. Ferbrache. This to Mr. Smith’s Eugene, where they were called by the death of hie mother. Mm. Roaa first visit to Coquille since 1929. Bosserman, which occurred at the Howard, 16-year old son of Mr. and home of her daughter, Mra. Viola Mrs. E. L. Detlefsen, suffered a frac Crow, on Sunday. She was 73 years tured vertebra in his neck during the of age, having been born in Misoeuri Ag basketball game last Thursday in 1860. She is survived by three evening. While ho has been out of sons and five daughters. school the past week the injury is Mrs. Bosserman had visited her son not Hkely to prove serious. in Coquille on several occasions and Mr. aad Mrs. M. W. Pinkston, who had many friends hero who grieve at left Coquille for Jacksonville where her passing. they conduct a hospital, came in last Saturday and expect to return to R. H. Mast Was the Defendant Jackson county tomorrow. Mr. Pink In reporting a court case last week ston says he came over to join the hunger marchers and ia now in a the Sentinel stated that it was the hurry to get back to watch the big Mast Motor Co„ which was defendant in the suit, and in whose favor the Jackson courtty war at Medford! verdict was rendered. R. H. Mart, Dr. and Mrs. G. K. Low came in personally, was the defendant, the last Saturday from Granta Pass where suit growing out of an automobile ac they are now located, bringing with cident some time ago. The fact re them their grand daughter whom mains, however, that the defendant they have had for several weeks past, won the veridet by dismissal of the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart's baby. case. They returned home again on Bunday. I)r. Low's hand which was so badly burned by an X-ray a year or so ago is still in very bad condition and he fears that be may lose it yet. Calling 100 fee 01.00, H. 8. Operette to Be Some Demands They Blade At the regular meeting of the Busi- ' Presented Next Friday us Women's Club Monday night (Continued from First Pago) further plans and arrangements ------------------ -—-«----- - - — — • were discusaed for the state conven weeks .under the direction of Mias Hall tion to be held hire in May. An nouncement was also made that Mrs. and Mrs. Beyers. A study of the cast personnel «hows Edith K. Falbe, of Roseburg, the state a surprising versatility on the part of president, will be in Coquille next many whom we now find in roles 8unday to go over the program for other than those in which we have the convention with Mrs. Belie Gould been accustomed to see them. and Mrs. Bertha Smith, local conven The cast follows: . ' tion chairmen.”" In the Prtlogue^- It was »iso announced that the Dorris Compton Lael Monotony Killers are going to put on Craig Perrott Guion a play in the early part of April, in Temple Priests order to assist the club in raising Margaret Belloni Barbara Kelley further funds for its convention fund. Louise Domath Wanda Lee Hicksm The next meeting will bo on March In the Play x 20th, in charge of Mrs, Leona Bry Downs ... Linn Swain ant, chairman of the Public Relations - Edythe Farr committee. The high school senior Mrs. CourtnOy Uss - -. - Faye McCue girls will be guests of the chib at that Nancy — - Margaret Purvance meeting. Jeanne - - - Elois Wilson Col. Waverly Russell Martindale Masons Going to Gardiner Herbert - - • Jesse Barton There were nearly: 150 Masons Bill .... Elwyn Nosier present at the special communication Ted ’ -. -■ - Merlyn Clinton of Chadwick Lodge last Saturday eve John Endicott - Ernest Cooper ning at which time Bingham Lodge of Mary Ann Courtney’ Jeanne Barbour - - Audrey Aaaerr Powers presented the Traveling Fanchon Trowel to Chadwick Lodge. The team Mr. Courtney - ' James Robison of eight or ten, headed by J. W. Gam Horace Ferguson - - Jack McCue well, which originated and staged the The Sheriff - - Craig Perrott ceremony, gave a very interesting Butler - - Lawrence Hatcher presentatioi) of an ancient Masonic Accompanists: Anne Barton, Edythe incident, and were warmly congratu Farr, Audrey Aasen, Margaret Pur lated for'th* excellence of their per vance. formance. House Guests and speciality num-' Visitors were here from as far bers: Girls—Martha Carrier, Louise south as Gold ’Beach and from the Dornath, Barbara Kelley, Priscilla Umpqua on the north. A committee of Millar, Eleanor Peterson, Lorraine ladies from the Eastern Star served Simpson, Maxine Simpoon, Anne Van the refreshments which closed the Scoy, Harriet Webb, Freda Wilson, evening’s program. Eileen Kern, Margaret Staninger, Tomorrow afternoon a group of lo Mary Kern, Gwynne Martindale, Bar cal Masons will go up to Gardiner to bara Anne Oderkirk, Joy Pettengill, present the Trowel to the lodge there, Margaret Daniela, Mildred Noyes, the last to receive it in this district. Vona Van Mater, Margaret Belloni, The start will be made from the Co- Mabel HH1, Myrtle Munphy, Sarah juille Hotel at 3 p. m., and it is urged Margaret Nye, Olive Stewart, Wanda it all who can should join the group. Lee Hicksm. Men-r-Donald Bailey, Bob Collier, Cecil Laws, Nell Peart, Calvin' Savage, Marvin Skeels, Tom Lions to Honor the Uletts J. D. Clinton, of Myrtle Point, and Stacer, Ray Williams, Don Hicksm, Wm. Langdon, of Bandon, both Lions, Gerald Westbrook, David Robbins, were guests at the noon luncheon of George Anthony,. Francis ArrvlL Calliag A moat orderly affair was that of the “Hunger Marchera” last Saturday morning. About 20 or 26 men, wom en and children came over from the' Bay in truck» and cam aiyd assembled at the front door of the court house. The group was augmented by two or three from Coquille, and there were upward of one hundred spectators who .assembled to see what would take place. ¡H. Gillis, of the Bay, first addressed the marchers and read a list of de mands, all of which were accepted by the participants. These demands included an |8 in cash payment per week for unem ployed married men and 32 additional for each child; the delivery of a quart of milk per day per child of unem ployed parents, to be paid for by the county; 64 per week for single men with no discrimination between mar ried and single persons; 50 cents an hour for relief workers; seed and feed loans without collateral; no fore- cloaures; no forced labor; no shutting off of water or electricity because bills were not paid. . E. Gillis, also of the Bay, was chairman of the committee which pre sented the demands to Judge Thomp son and Commissioner J. D. Carl who were present to receive them. The judge stated that their de mands would be presented to the county court, that what could bo done for relief by the county would be; that impossible demands could not be met, and that many of their demands were outside the province of the coun ty court to grant or deny. The judge added that he was and had been opposed to the plan of com pelling anyone to work for Red Cross flour. He requested the marcher« to observe property rights while in Co quille, and issued a ticket to every one who came and asked "for it en titling the holder to a noon meal that ^«y, the expense to, be born by the county. /' ¿... • ; Wm. Holt, of this city, was one of those who addressed the group. There was no suggestion of violence in any of the talks, the speakers confining their repiarka ’’to characterisation of the government, both present and past, as being controlled by Wall Methodist Men’s Council Sixteen of the 110 present at the street. Coos County Methodist Men’s Council session in Myrtle Point, Tuesday eve ning, were from Coquille, the list in I cluding Messrs, and Mesdames Ernest Purvance, E. M. Wilson, F. G. Leslie, L. W. Oddy, W. E. Thompson, P. D. Hartman, G. A. Gray, and Messrs. C. That’« Moat Conservative L. Ward and Kenneth Thompson. of the Estimates. The meal was served by the ladie* of <the Methodist Church there, and Accepting tbe minimum estimates on the program was a humorous read of the tuuet eonserrstlve experts tn ing by Dr. O. H. Clarke. The musical such matters, the 1968 World's Fate portion of the program was furnished In Chicago will attract 350,000 vtot- by Myrtle Point performers. Dr. P. tore every day of tbe five months D. Yams, district superintendent of the gates are open, from June 1 to a the M. E. Church, of Salem, made the November 1 That would total of MJMMIto» <lurlng the A Osa- principal address of the evening, his tiiry of Progress Exposition. subject being “Methodism’s Most Tliow ex|H-rts refer to attendance Essential Present Task.” Rev. O. A. at former world's fairs for statto- Gray spoke on “The Call of Africa.” *l,-n on which 1» base their eed- The next regular meeting will be nuitra TI iokc atatlatlcs Indicate sa held in throe months in Marshfield. average dally nttendance equaling Miami IO per cent of the local pop ulation. Last Day Income Tax Reports Over 50,000,000 to See World Fair Next Wednesday, March 15, Is the dead line for filing income tax re turns and the following taxpayers will be lisMe foq filing returns under the 1932 set which applies to tbe year 1932. Single persons having a gross come of 85,000 or ft not income 11,000. Married persons in come of 85,000 or income ai 8M88. Partnership« regardless of the in- come. Corporations regardless of the fo come. Not many people in this neck ot the woods will be required to pay a tax, but anyone who to liable, even though a Mank was not marled him or her, must make and submit a re port, or run the risk of a heavy pen alty. See Mansell Drayage t Delivery Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled promptly. tf Safety First! Use Cow Ball Dairy’s Pasteurised Milk and protect your health. The Only Cotton or used. Unroll the cotton through the slot, press the cutter and tear off as much as you need. The rest remains clean—sanitary. Absorbent Cotton in the patented DUST-PROOF package Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc TBs DRUGGISTS ~ Astronomies! T Saros, la speaking of eclipses, to a time interval of 18 years 10 days, be ing 223 times the Ume elapsing be tween two successive new moons and 242 times the period of the moon tn Ito orbit around the earth. Therefore It to the principal period between eclipses—-any eclipse which occurs Is repeated after 18 years 10 days. Motorcyclists Enjoy Ride Sunday STATIONERS Stenley Vowel! Arrested Big Game in Corvallis Tonight Stanley Vowell was attested by State Officer A. S. Currie and Marshal English, Monday night, and is being held in the county jail on the charge of burglary not in a dwelling. He was found by the ofltears removing parte from an old Gardner car belonging to a man named Emery whose heme in on East Eleventh street. Emery ia absent in California and his state ment of the case is not available for confirmation of Yowell’s story. The story is that Emery had two Gardner cars and was taking parts off one to put on the other. Vowell helped him and say« that Emery told him to take off the dismantled car what he might want. As soon as Vowell was arrested the officers secured a search warrant for his home op the highway, and there they found-a lot of tools and equip ment, part of which have been identi fied by those from whom they had ovi, dently been taken. Due to the legal holiday Vowell has not yet been arraigned before Justice Stanley. Oregon State College, northern di vision basketball champions, will play University of Southern California, winner of the southern division cham pionship, at Corvallis this week-end for the Pacific coast conference bas ketball title. The teams will play Fri day and Saturday nights at '7:30 as the championship will be decided on the winner of two out of throe games. 1 1 ■ 11 — If you want to subscribe for a Port land daily the dubbing combination we offer with the Sentinel will eave you money. ' Calling carda 100 for 11.50. Chadwick Lodge No. 68 A. F. ft A. M. ’Stated Communication Tuesday, March 14 7:30 P. M. Get Our Price« on Kelly-Springfield lires New Low Prices Roosevelt Sapor Service Station Guss Tillman, Prop Galling carda 100 far 81.50. LIBERTY Baste foe Estimates Ten per cent uf the population ot Oilcagu alone—the city proper, Without Its far-reaching suburbs and the cities and towns Included as the < 7111 ngo metropolitan area-would in sure .450.100 visitors dally at the Fate. Include merely the suburbs that are so close to Chicago that they are part of tbe city in all but their to rsi governments, and the population total of 4,000,000 would give an an- tlmate of 400.000 guests dally for tbe Fair. Extend tbe areas to Include what »(tlclate of Chicago. Its newspapers and commerce chiefs call the metre- imlltao area, and the population Jumps to around 5,000,000. That aould mean 900,000 visitors every day at the World’s Fate. It would mean that 75.000.000 p< view the exposition betd and November L **• THEATRE - Coquille FRI. & SAT„ MARCH 10 ROMANCE RIDES THE SKIES! “AIR HOSTESS with Evalyn Knapp, James Murray, Thelma Todd A True Story Magaxine Story PREVIEW SATURDAY NITE Attend the Nine O'clock Show Saturday Night and Remain me Our GucoC to S ee Tkiu AddiMi F ea ^ ufe Edmund Lowe in ‘ATTORNEY FOR THE DEFENSE’ with Evelyn Brent, Constance Cummings SUNDAY, MON„ & TUES. MARCH 12 OUT OF THE THUNDERING CAVALCADE OF HIS TORY COMES THE SCREEN’S MASTERPIECE Towering head and shoulders above the screen giants of the ” part - - - Acclaimed aa a “■■rveteua picture' which “Has everything.” EDW. G| ROBINSON ll with Bebe Denieta - Aline MacMahon • 4 Stan awarded by Liberty Theatre Magasine to this history-making hit! WEDNESDAY A THURSDAY, MARCH 15 • 10 PAL NIGHT! Two Adulta for 25c “He Learned About Women with Stuart Erwin - Ahron Skipworth pl* te guarantee tertaiament ADMISSION Last Sunday a number of motorcycle enthusiasts from Coos id a ride to the beach at Bradley Lake, below Bandon, riding eight Harley-Davktoons, were ia tbe Children Adalis Ite MATINEE 25c Sunday at 2:00 O’clock