TU COQUILLE VALUT 8KNT1NEL, COQUILLE, ORBGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 1«, 1938. town and hope the club members will' who was here in the interest of their | give them all the encouragement poa-; complete fertiliser, “Vigoro,” and aible. Mr. Kramer's efforts were men-J also a “Garden Index,” which they V. 4 The cup contest of the Flower Lovers club brought out the fact that there were some spring flowers in bloom, and it certainly was encour­ aging, for it made one feel as though there were good days ahead and com­ ing noon. The contest Tuesday night was for narcissi and daffodils in any kind of a container. .... Mr, Alexander had a small but pretty bouquet of mixed varieties in a lovely «tear glass vase; Mrs. Owen brought a bouquet of single trumpet daffodils in an art pottery vase and, by the way, aho carried away the cup for the next two weeks. Mrs. Kern’s entry was of mixed daffodils and nar­ cissi in a low black bowl and (Ruth PettingiH’s entry of single trumpet daffodils in a low crystal bowl was very lovely, indeed. -A letter from MUs Ruby Haskins, a member of our club who is now liv­ ing in Brownsville, was read by the secretary. Miss Haskins is missed greatly by the members, for she was always interested and ready to do her part. I am glad to report that Mias (Haskins says in her letter that her health is steadily improving; «he asked to be remembered to all the members and thanked them for the flower» and other kindnesses shown her during her illness here. s Various gardeij den activities were re- re­ ported by the I publicity committee, Most of these * ffeje on Spurgeon _ Hill, as 1 have not yet been around tile town. The Mieses Kendall showed true gardening instinct last Saturday when they started in op thé former Grace Norton home where they now reside. The results are a clean lawn spaded and planted flower borders and a cleaned up back yard where shrub­ bery and grass were rampant. We are glad to see people like that in our ' Riverton News The Riverton quintet woo from the Coos Biter boys 81-18 Thursday eve­ tinned and regrets were voiced at the. put out. These are to be carried by ning of last week. This tied Riverton destruction caused by some careless Farr A Elwood. How the profeaaion- snd Power» for first place and Coca auto driver, who backed across tho ( ala produce one single immense spike River and Arago for third. Thia was walks and* destroyed shrubbery. The i of flowers on glads was next demon­ by far the best game of tho season, improvements on the Goodman place ««tratul by Mr. Taylor, who took bulbs as both teams were bent very strong­ on Willard and Fourth streets and to illustrate his talk this is done by ly on winning. at the Benham home on the highway cutting out all but one eye and natur­ Mrs. Elrod, county health nurse, were also spoken of. I expect there are ally all the strength of the bulb will wss making examinations in the lots more places and if this weather go to thia one eye; the root rfystem grade school Monday. keeps up I am going to start out and and bud forming of the bubs were also Mr. and Mr*. Loren Willard, of Co- see what is being done. shown and described. It was very quqille, were visiting the W. W. Kight Young Billie Cardwell next enter- J line. family Sunday afternoon. tained tlhe club with two lovely mouth Mr. Beyers told of'some fruit trees Ronald Holbrook is filling the posi­ organ solos and later in the evening and a ehrub which he purchased of tion as janitor of the Riverton school gave us another. He is certainly C. E. Moyer, of the Moyer Nurseries, i tn place of Jack Wells, who resigned very fine on this instrument and Roseburg. He wsa very high in his last week. shows great promise. I hope he will prai* of Mr. Moyer’s stock and Mrs. Flora Haan and son, Aubrey, come often and give us more music. treatment and advised all who wished spent the week-end in Ashland. He and his brother were also keenly to secure first class stuff at such ex­ Bonita Bemetz returned to high interested in the glad bulb demonstra­ tremely reasonable prices to send to school Monday after an absence of tion put on by Mr. Taylor and took Mr. Moyer. If any reader wishes Mr. seversl weeks. home some of the cuttings of cactus Moyer’s • price list, if he will phone Miss Edith Hull returned Thurs­ Mr. Jaylor gave the club members. 9-M. I wiH give him one as I have day from the Jesse Robison home ia Come again, boys, we are glad to have ;ome of them here. Arago. Mr. and Mrs. Robison ac- you. \ , ’W , A A decision of grafting and tree Mr. Kern read an interesting and planting methods followed, after c impanied her and attended the Coos River-Riverton basketball game. instructive article on the fertilizing which the next cup contest was decid­ The Riverton boys went to Myrtle of roses. This article was by Dr. Sult 'd on. It is to be for the best coilec- liger of the (Portland Test Gardens ’ion of daffodils and narcissi in any Poiqt last Monday night and met and appeared” in the Oregonian last \ind t>f container and of any type, their third defeat in the league sched­ Sunday. Mr. Taylor told of a visit > 'otne out and show your »tuff. Next ule. The whistle ended the game with a score of 21-80 in Powers favor. of a representative of Swift A Co., meeting is March 21, at 7:80 p. m. Mrs. Flora Haan finished her “Dutch Giri” quilt Wednesday. The ladies who helped in completing it were Mrs. Clifford Martin, M m . A- C. Dye, Mrs. Horace Berry, Mrs. Ellis Holbrook, Mrs. C. M. Hartwell and the hostess. 9 The Pioneer Methodist Church Philip D. Hartman, pastor. Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock, with a sermon on, “The World Today.” Evening worship at 7:30 with a message on the following theme, “Lookout for Snake».” Church school at 10 a. m., Lyman Carrier, superintendent. The Wesley Fellowship Group con­ venes in the auditorium at 6:30 p. m. Chester L. Ward, leader. Both departments of the Young Peoples' Division meet at 6:30 p. m. for devotional». Boys’ and Girls’ World Club meet st 6:30 p. m. in Pioneer Hall, Mrs. Chas. H. Oerding in charge. Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ ing. ‘ • Choir rehearsal Saturday evening, F. G. Leslie, director. Special vocal musical selections at both services Sunday. Jack Bar­ bour,renders, “Christ in Flanders,” as a solo at the morning worship hour. A cordial welcome awaits you at all >f the services of our church. I Foursquare Gospel Church Second and Heath Streeta Rev. and Mrs. T. R. Jackman, Pastors Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 Young Peoples’ service 6:30 Evening evangelistic service 7:30. Sermon topic: “Christ the Deliverer.” Tuesday, Prayer Meeting. Friday, Midweek Bible Study. ^CHEVROLET ” St. James Church (Episcopal) Church school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Perry Roper, superintendent Church of God CHEVROLET THEWORLD’SLO WEST-PRICED FULL-SIZE SIX-CYLINDER ENCLOSED CARS A NEW ANO ADDITIONAL LINE OF CHEVROLET SIXES Seventh and Henry streets, 2 blocks north of Henry street bridge Pastor, Rev. Geo. S. Murphy. Sunday School 10:00 a. tn. Preaching 11:00 a. m. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Thura- A place where a etranger does not feel strange Baptist Church Sunday school 10- a. m. Mm. R. B. Cummins, Supt. We Invite you to come. Methodist Episcopal Church Evening Preaching 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. Preaching at Bandon 11 a. as. Scriptural, Spiritual Preaching. Ev- eryone welcome. G. A. Gray, Pastor. 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Oro. ' First Church of Christ, Sdeatist CoqtdUs, Oregon Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 ■. m. Subject for next Sunday, “Sub- rtar.ee.” Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock. Free public Reading Room open in Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays from two to five o’clock. Tho public is cordially invited to at­ tend our services snd to visit tbs Resding Room. Church of Christ 0 Another great now Tino of car« from the leader! Worthy componions to the present Chevrolet Master Six, world's moot popular automobile! Tomorrow, Chev­ coupe .. *445 * rolet présenta the new Standard Sut—gf the lowest price« ever placed on full-aise six-cylinder enclosed car*. These prices are many dollar» lower than those of Turner B. MacDonald, Pastor Sunday, 10:00 a. m. Bible School. Departments for all ages. Ned C. Kelley, superintendent 11:00 a. m. Communion and morn­ ing worship. Sermon by the paster. 3:30 p. m. C. E. groups meet for devotionale. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Bible Study. Willett Jessee, leader. You are cordially invited to aB of these services. coach .. ’455 any corresponding six-cylinder models you can buy today. Yst each body-type is a big, full-aise, full length automobile. Each is a brand new ca out. And each is a Chevrolet— featuring COUPE with rumble At Christian Science Churches Thc introduction of this new car opens the way for new thousands to enjoy Chevrolet quality. It gives the pubHc, standards of quality that have made CHEVROLET the for the first time, a full-size automobile combining maxi­ greatest name in low-price transportation. mum quality and maximum all-round economy. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN CHEVROLET STANDARD SIX Southwestern Motor Co 474 W. First Street, Coquille, Oregon “Man” was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, March 5. The Golden Text was, “What man knoweth the things of a man, eave the spirit of man which is in him 7” (I Cor. 2:11). Among the citation« which compris- - ed the Lesson-Sermon was the follow­ ing from the Bible: “The Spirit R-