THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH », 1MR ----- 1 The Sentinel a sms raru is a woo tows H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publisher» H. A. YOUNG, Editor UL— .,IIH'l8ffri'.lIUM'rjJ»K.'lll I W.ll,.!Z ■ ",1 l 8 !ffl'lll.\U.I T..I' l.'ik. Subscription Ratos »2.00 One Year............... 1.00 Six Months ....... Throe Months .t. .................. . .00 No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. Thia rule ia impera­ tive. Advertising Rates Display advertising, 25 cento per inch: leas than 5 inches, 30 cents per inch. No advertisement inserted for less than 50 cents. Readings notices 10 cents per line. No reading notice, or advertisement of any kind, insert­ ed for less than 25 cents. Entered at the Coquille Postoffiee as Second Class Mail Matter. A.-’’ TÀBLOIDS I By W. 8. Sickels I Ride 'Em, Cowboy T According to a bill introduced in the legislature by Senator Goes and Representative McCloskey, the sal­ aries of certain Coos county officials are to be reduced. Still shooting at a pitifully email mark that can only be seen through a telescope! That 2.38 cents of the taxpayer’s dollar! That is all that is now required,to pay all of our county’s officials and their regular staff of assistants. Just how will business be helped by cutting down the purchasing power of these people? Of course, the county seat will be the principal loser. To the Senator’s town, Marshfield, it wifi make little difference, perhaps, and ia likely to meet with an approval other than from the viewpoint of an econ­ omy accomplished. With sincere politeness, and in ths spirit of due humbleness, likewise humility, etc., may it here be inquired of Senator Goes: Aa a lawyer »rill he for himself reduce fees and retainers that have heretofore been considered by him to be “reasonable” compensa­ tion for his professional services? Representative McCloskey operates a ranch. Prices of ranch products are now at the bottom and cannot be re­ duced. He might donate to the state part of hia pay of »3 a day as a leg­ islator. ---------------- J. . social college life for their children. Under these conditions the eoat of education at a tax-supported univer­ sity is as great ao at a private insti­ tution. Neither are available to the majority of the boys and girls, but their parents, nevertheless, are com­ pelled to help purchase the alleged advantages for children whose par­ ents can afford to pay the expense of maintaining them away from home. Therefore, oppressed and angry taxpayers have placed “higher edu­ cation” (for the few) on the spot Mankind Disposed to Suffer • Thoughts from the Declaration of Independence; Governments are instituted among men that they may render secure cer­ tain unalienable righto; among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. (Happiness includes the peaceable possession of property your, labor may have created.) Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be chsnged for light and transient rea­ son; and accordingly all experience has shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are suf­ ferable, than to right themselves by • abolishing ’ the forms to which they are accustomed. Thus we continue to tolerate nefar­ ious systems of taxation; disgraceful methode of legislation, as witnessed by congress and the Oregon fiasco at Salem; graft in national government; the law’s delays; insoWnce in office; acketeering in businqsa, politics and religion; and there are other things. We’re about ready for the second Bos­ ton -Tea Party. Confiscation of property, WITH due irocese of law, is going on ao rapid­ ly in this country, through the pres­ ent systems of taxation, that the peo­ ple are both bewildered and alarmed. A Flight of Imagination Every professional man should keep » few carpenter’s tools in the garage >r basement and busy himself at odd lours with them in constructing the various articles that are always reeded about the house. There is a Treat deal of pleasure in feeling your »wn independence of other trades, and nore especially of the carpkhter. A nan will, if he tries, readily learn to io a great many things and his wife will brag on him to other ladies and they will make invidious comparisons between their husband«, who can’t do anything of ths* kind whatever, and you are so “handy.” Medford’s Grocery EXTRA SPECIALS FOR FRI.-SAT.-MON FREE DELIVERY PHONE 16« MEAT DEPARTMENT GROCERIES' COFFEE 4 n>8. $1.13 SUGAR C & H ». SAUSAGE CITRUS 25c size. Washing Powder M. J. B. 3 Pure Pork. SOAP 25c Rout Pound Pound Frankfurters PORK LOIN Snowball White Lauadry LIVER Fresh Ground 3 EACH 10 39c 10 BARS 19 c 100^8 $3.85 TOMATOES No. 2Yt Puree MILK AU Brands 3 CANS 25c 5c TALLCAN MALT Shortening Swift’s Crescent Coquille, Oregon ?'■ 9c Swift’s Quality 2 it»- BACON CHICKENS I Standby Quality E». 35c 39c 45c All Steaks Swift’s Med. Weight Pound Bacon Squares Swift’s Dixie t ■ Pound EACH POUND —r—------ Lettuce Oranges Fancy Naveb. Med. size. 2 doz 35c Large Solid Heads EACH Bananas Golden Ripe POUND William ing friends of the governor but it did mistakenly regard butter and fruit which has now made the circuit of! boys—Henry Hanzen the two law^jnaking. bodies. The Einzig—to reconcile their differences ' not go over very big with the rank juices as luxuries, rather than abso­ Stockdale bill also contains two other and make up for the best interests of and file of the legislators who agreed lute necessities. Deaths by accidents, including those important changes in the county unit the state, which has given the capi­ with the governor that the thing for law. It limits the right to vote on tal a good laugh. While the boys everybody to do was to stay on the caused by automobles, are reported the lowest in several year«, not be­ the question of adopting ths unit plan might shake hands across the table job until it was finished. i. cause we are much more careful, but to those voters living in the territory it’s a pretty safe bet that they would because there sra fewer industrial which would be included in the unit, be kicking shins under the table at Unwise Economy May eliminating residents of the larger the same time. Affect Future Health plants running and fewer automobiles on the streets. cities who may now vote on the ques­ The Journal of the American Medi­ Child stealing in Oregon hereafter (Oregon State Board of Health) tion. It also provides for an adjust­ This writer has heard much about ment of the indebtedness of the vari- will be punishable by life imprisonment Many official reports published re­ cal Association, in a recent editorial, the split infinitive. He confesses to oua independent school districts in the under the terms of the Paget hill cently indicate that death and sick­ called attention to the fact that it is not knowing what it is, but would event of consolidation under . the which is now In the hands of the gov­ ness rates are unusually low; In fact not wise to be too optimistic about like to understand that it is not some­ county unit. The provision for a vote ernor. The bill originally fixed the death rates have never been lower. the effect of business adversity on thing pertaining to a wood pile. on the county unit plan in the several penalty for kidnaping a child at death Some people have interpreted this puMic health. It pointed out thst counties at the time of the annual but this was reduced ^o life imprison­ falling off in deaths as due to the de­ hard times seemed to be having a bad Amnesia, Thy Guilt is Great school election in 1934 was stricken ment by the cenote. pression. It has been said that these effect upon the mental health of Absent-mindedness can be tragic as out by the senate. One hundred vot­ hand times are good for the health of people. This effect is reflected in an nM as ludricrous. Think of the plight The modern shylock« have appar­ our people. ers in any county may, however, bring apparent increase of mental disordem. of the poor fellow who arrived in ‘Old Even under a regime of strict econo­ the matter to a vote by-, petitioning ently scored a victory in their fight Statistics are valuable and neces­ Mexico recently and discovered he had against proposed amendments to the sary but unless properly interpreted my it is possible to prevent many of the county court. brought with him another man’s small loan laws. The attempt to re­ may lead to wrong conclusions. War the delayed effects due to an improper wife, and by some strange overnight The bill sponsored by the committee duce the legal rate of interest on and hard times are known to under­ diet or a depressed mental state. had left hie own at home with five on education in the house and provid­ small loans brought to Salem one of mine health, although the ultimate Good health was nsVer a better in­ children. It hardly seems passible ing for the creation of non-high the moat powerful lobbies of the ses­ effects may nut be evident statistically vestment. (Let us protect our full that a man could be so completely en­ Hopes for adjournment this week school districts to handle tuition and sion headed by that master strategist, for a long while. For example, after share now and insure ever increasing veloped in a brown study of the blue depression that he would err in the —or during the early hours next Sun­ transportation problems ha« also been Gua Moeer, former member of the the influenza epidemic wm over in dividends for the future. matter of a wife and five children, day—of Oregon’s 37th legislature ate paseed by both branches and sent to , state senate. Indications are that 1918, death and sickness rates de­ The granting of a »2.50 automobile but such seems to have been the case. cooling for even the moot optimistic the governor for signature. This bill J those who are compelled through clined markedly for some time. Es­ of aenatons and representatives at the creates a new d’.itrict and a new board force of circumstance to patronize pecially was this true of the chronic license fee by the legislature, good cancer and until June 80, has brought many can The first thing an honest dictator state capitol. By the end of the week in' every county in the state except these agencies will continue to pay diseases tuberculosis, would do would be to knock the gov­ legislators will have labored 15 days the three in which the county unit through the nose, with little or no heart diseases—because influenza had out of winter quarters. Of the 151 li­ carried off many who were already censee issued for Coos county cars ernment's props from under incompe­ and as many nights without pay in plan is in operation. While no pro­ protection. in the early stages of these diseases, 'a8t week 42 were Coquille cars. Only tent and dishonest business. In the in dfort to complete the heavy sched­ vision ia made flor a direct vote on the And speaking of lobbies and lobby­ who, in the natural course of events, three or four of them were for new old «leys if a railroad got into difficul­ ule of business remaining after com­ question of transportation of high ties through Hi-Conception or misman­ pletion of the 40 salaried days of the school students this matter is left to ists, they do not all represent preda­ would probably have died a year or so cars, the rest were on cars which had Although the law­ the discretion of the non-high ^school tory interests and soulless corpora­ later. agement, why it was just too bad. If «pedal session. previously been licensed. The The effects of the depression can­ a life insurance company or a bank makers themselves are not being paid, district board of five members who tions. Not by a great deal. held a lot of the bonds, why that was costs of the session in running ex­ will, unquestionably, be elected large­ state Grange has had its master and not help but influence future rates of To Whom It May Concern several members of its legislative sickness and death, in this land of just too bad, also. Now the govern­ panses and employee salaries still ly on this issue. Notice ia hereby given that I will committee at the capitol throughout fflenty there are many who are not ment ia rushing to the aid of every­ amount to more than »3000 daily. not be responsible for any deLt con- No session of the Oregon legisla ­ the session while Ben Osborne and Definite indication of the final trend getting the right kind of food and who thing and pretty soon that will be treated by my wife, Madeline G Ben- >f numerous key problems in legiela- ture would be complete without its several other labor leaders have been are not wearing proper clothing. A just too bad—but it will be too late. fights between rival fishing interests. constantly on the job looking after scant and improper diet frequently nett. .ion developed thia week. Frank E. Bennett, An income tax bifi that would cut This session controversial fWh legis­ the interests of labor. Neither would results in malnutrition, the effects of “Higher Education" It* Suffern, N. Y. A few weeks ago the opinion was axemptions to »800 for single and lation was limited pretty much to the the lobby list be complete without the which may not appear for some time. Chrisman bill seeking to restore fish names of a number of state officials 51500 for married persona, and levy Of course, it ia a fact that «1 pros ­ expressed in this column that the Justice Court blanks for sale at this public’s responsibility in the matter of 'rom 2 to 7 per cent taxable incomes, wheels to the upper Columbia river. who have been conspicuously active perous times many people eat too providing education for the youth ■>ss«ed the house with no opposition. The bill passed the house by a vote of about the capitol almost continuous­ much rich, indigestible foods. Plain office. The house also passed the flat »5 more than two to one but when it got ly ever since the session opened. should end with the high school. Con­ sensible foods wit! do such people good. But a larger number of people siderable reading lately on the sub­ lutomobile license bill providing for into the .«enate it met defeat by ap­ It may be, as the poets sing, that who, even in prosperous times had to ject of the “higher education,” for in increase in the state gasoline tax proximately the same ratio of votes— a rose by any other name would live on the cheaper foods now find it which the people have to pay, has not 'rom 4 to 5 cents. The fiat »5 plate 20 to 10. smell just as sweet, but hereafter the difficult to get sufficient food to charge wifi not go into effect until resulted in a change of that opinion. feeble-minded maintain health. This ia true in im­ The governor will be given legal state Institution for A father sent his son to a state 1934, however, according to provisions rf the bill. Between July 1, 1983, and authority to do the thing which may­ will be referred to as the Oregon poverished familys where children es­ university. First year: Cost to the fond parent, next year »6 will be charged for the ors of various Oregon cities have been Fairview Home. The legislature has pecially may not be getting a suitable half-year to prevent difficulties to the doing without any authority, declare a no decreed. diet, balanced to contain required »126 a month. food elements, vitamins and mineral Second year: There wasn’t any. «tate highway construction program. moratorium for banka, under the pro­ The wise-cracking columnists have salts. , Fond parents informed son hie allow­ At the same time the automobile li- visions of an amendment tacked onto I V,y the house committee on taxation and brings into blossom all the natur­ “ much importance to eased tonsil« are left to discharge in­ al attractiveness that every woman and revenues Anally reached the poration commissioner came as - a also to go to work. Reason for son’s decision: Didn’t house this week. If enacted it would complete surprise to every one out- he« raisers who depend upon the in- to the system poisons which may possesses. , morning take one half tea­ want to again mingle with student tax 2 per cent on all retail sales and side the immediate administration •«•try {oT • livelihood as any bill later lead* to rheumatism or heart spoonful .of Kruachen Salts in a glass body unless he had sufficient funds all retail professional and business circle. Carey’s name had never been ,hat has been acted upon at this aes- disease. A person with chronic ap- °* ho} water before breakfast with which to maintain the previous services from July 1, 1933, to July 1, mentioned in connection with the ap-, ’h”1- The measure, all joking aside, pendicitis may delay having an opera- cut down on paktry and fatty meats i------ « to »_ protect — .----- tion performed in the interval interval) between ffo light on potatoes, butter, cream apiaries from social statu». You know the picture— 1935. No personal property would bs pointment. Herbert Gordon, repre- is designed automobile, fraternities, sports, par­ assessed for taxation during that tentative from Multnomah county and invasion* vt diseases which might well attacks became he does not feel fl- and sugar—In 4 weeks get on the J. *s ,nc* note **ow many pounds of ---------- able - ties, and the general rah-rah idiocy. period. nancially at present to meet ex­ fat have vanished. one of the administration’s strongest wipe out the entire industry unless-------- Monies received would go to offset supporters in the present session of checked by precautionary measures of penses involved. He does not realise ,. Conclusion: The father, in this case, * bottle of Kruschen Salts - was abundantly able to allow his son the state property tax, »260,000 for the legislature, was believed to be this kind. that an emergency operation is likely the coat is trifling end it lasts 4 weeks. If even this first bottle doesn’t Con­ ’ .»125 per month for expenses. He unemployment relief and some »600,- slated for the job but it is understood to be attended by much greater vince you this is the easiest, safest It did not take Governor Meier long ard. wisely decided not to do so. Son just 000 for the state bonus commission. that the salary of »3«00, less recent and surest way to lose fat—if you It is an indisputable fact that most as well off. * cuts, did not appeal to him and he to spike the ill-advised recess boom. u * "upcrb improvement in High schools of the smaller towns turned down the chance to »erve the The suggestion that the legislature welfare agencies, responsible for fur­ neaitn—so gloriously energetic vig­ Sons and daughters of wealthy par­ take time out for a couple of weeks nishing food to the needy are more orously slive—your money gladly re- ent« make it hard for those students and cities as well as the elementary state. turned. in order that the governor might at­ aware than evey that a diet of salt who are at the universities through schools will be inclulded in the coun­ But be sure for your health's sake sacrifices of parents not so fortunate­ ty unit of school administration un­ The legislative ways and means tend the conference of state execu­ pork, potatoes a nd be ana Is not ade- s you J!’*1 ^or ,nd f«t Krusehen next quate. ly situated and who yield through der the amended bill, sponsored by committee has advised State Treasur­ tives beck in Washington, D. Nevertheless Get them st Fuhrman’s Representative Stockdale ' and others, officials and many heads of families rnarmacv, Inc., or any drugstore in loving indulgence to the financing of er Holman and the administration Monday, was advanced by well toe world. HOW MODERN WOMEN LOSE FAT SAFELY NNMMM PAGE FOUR