THE COQUILLE TALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1T. 1933. < WHAT IS WITHOUT A GARDEN? skinny woman with a big, black, note­ book and a pencil poking around your gardens you will know it is the Flow­ er Club reporter and not a burglar. For Flowers in May Evergreen Blooming Srube . Tamarix (pentandra) pink. Blooms With all of the rain and frost, there March to June. Tamarix africana. Delicate pink. are signs of spring in our gardens and trees. Bulbs are pushing through Blooms April to June. Viburnum earlisi. Pink-white. the ground, tree buds are swelling and shrubbery is leafing out. L am Bloom« April to June. Viburnum odorytissimum. white. sure the alluring seed catalogues are making all of you just as impatient Blooms May to June. for spring as they are me. I have ‘ Geranium (Pelargonium). All col- not yet been ambitioud enough to do jrs. Blooms April to November. Berber» steophylla. Golden yellow. any spading as some of my neighbors I have but I am making lota and lota Blooms May, June. Berberia dulcis. Yellow. Blooms of plans. Just down the hill on our street, May, June. Cotoneaster in different species. Mr. Kramer has started in on his yard and the beginning that he has made White, pinkish white. Blooma May, gives one An idea of what he intends June and intermittently. Azalea pontica. Purple-brown. to do. It certainly looked fine—and then one morning there were great Blooms May, June. Rhododendron himalayar. White. wheel tracks from a car clear acrorn his newly planted beds and his new Blooma April, May. Rhododendron, califomicum. Ro^y walk. He has repaired the damage purplish pink. Blooms May, June. but it certainly must have been dis ­ At Christian Science Churches Rhododendron ‘Hybrida. All colors. “Soul” was the subject of the Les; couraging to see what had happened. Blooms May, June. Hon-Sermon of all Churches of Christ, There are altogether too many care­ Pyracantha, Evergreen Hawthorn less, reckless drivers here, as I have Scientist, on Sunday, February 12. in variety. White. 'Blooms May, June. The Golden Text was, “O bless our found out; not long ago, I had some Chinese Sacred Bamboo. White. God, ye people, and make the voice very fine iris completely ruined by Blooms March to Auguat. ¡«f his praise to be heard: which a reckless driver, while another row Viburnum ochitidophyllum. Yellow­ holdeth our soul in life, and suffereth of more common iris also suffered ish white. Bloom« May, June. from ear wheels. And it is not only not our feet to be moved” (Ps. 66:8,9)' Viburnum lucidum. Pinkish white. Among the citations which com­ our gardens which are in danger from Blooms May, June. these drivers, but the lives of our lit ­ prised the Lemon-Sermon was the Photinia davidsoiae. White. Blooms following from the Bible: “Incline tle children who have to travel our May, June. streets to and from school. Of course, your ear, and come unto me: hear Spanish Bayonet. (Yucca filmen- and your soul shall live” (Isa.65^). there are lota of children playing in tosa) white. Blooms April to June. The Lesson-Sermon also included the streets who should play in their California Tree Lilac (ceanothus the following passages from the yards, but the average city lot does thyrsiflorus) Lavender-blue. Blooms Christian Science textbook, “Science not permit much play ground room May to July. and our taxes do not allow us to own and Health with Key to the Scrip­ Lilac (ceanothus cyanue) Deep tures", by Mary Baker Eddy: "Soul more ground. I, am in -hopes blue. Blooms March to July. and Spirit being one, God and Soul summer to have a place where Mountain Laurel (Kalmia Lati- ___ are one, and this one never included kiddies of our-street can come folia), rose-white. Blooms May, June. play in safety. in a limited mind or limited body. Spanish (Broom. (Genista hispan- Just below Mr. Kramer's place and Spirit is eternal, devine. Nothing ica.) Golden yellow. Blooms May to across the street, Mr. Goodman hat but Spirit, Soul, can evolve Life, for July. i Spirit is more than pll else. Because been creating a new home out of a Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius. very much run down place. The ' Soul is immortal, it does not exist in Bright yelow. Blooms May, June. ground has been cleared and planted I mortality... .Only by losing the false Broom. (Cystiaus racemosus) sense of Soul can we gain the eternal to flowers which they brought there Golden Yellow. Blooms May, June with them and he has built a small unfolding of Life as immortality but very neat pool in the front yard. and intermittently. brought to light” (p. 335). Oregon Grape. (Mahonia aquifoli- It gives promise of being another um.) Golden yollow. Blooms May, beauty spot in Coquille. I have not Camp Fire Girls Notes June. The To-IHa-He group of Camp Fire had a chance, to get but much and look California Grape. (Mahoni pinnate) girls met at Mia* Hassler's house on things over, but hope to as soon as yellow. Blooms May, June. — — <- ------- Valentine day and had a delightful good westher comes and then I am • Monkey Flower (Mimulus) cream, party. The Camp Fire girls of Co­ going to' tell you what every one is quille are going to entertain their doing in their yards. So if you people 7*Bow, orange. Blooms May, June, (To be continued) parents at the Guild IHall on Tueoday, who do not know me, see a tall, February 28th. Reporter, Jane Kramer. Bridge Happenings Inrkins, Mrs. James Morrison and Orlin Lett. Orlin Lett and Maude The Four-IH sewing club girls piec­ Hooton are members of the Union ed a quilt during last summer and cabinet they have it put together and in the The school children enjoyed a de­ frames now for quilting. When com­ lightful Valentine party Tueaday af­ pleted it will be «old for the benefit of the hot lunches, which are served, ternoon, with several viators in at­ tendance. free of charge, to the school children. Mrs. Jas. Morrison took Mrs. Stan­ Dinner guests Sunday at the ley Lake and daughter, Virginia, to Dwight Culver home were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Evernden and daughter, Myrtle Point Monday afternoon, for medical attention for Virginia, who Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Brown a suffering with sinus infection and Mrs. Lucy Culver. Place: City Hall. Time: 7:30 p. m. When: First and Third Tueadaya. President—Geo. W; Taylor, Sr. Treaa.—Mrs. John A. Martin Cor. Sec.—Mrs. Edna Kern. ELECTRIC I S afeway S tores Food Opportunities for Saturday and Monday Peanut Butter Max-i-mum is extra Quality LB. 7® Cake 21e Protect your Health Chocolate Vi 1b Bitter Chocolate Baker’s Premium i COOKIES Genuine Bakery Made Cookie« 16c quality for dosen * CHEESE «m Z* BOX 2-lb Correct Aged, Local made. 25c —m PKG. VV .Oysters ss, 4 10c | J/”» 1ÄL Extract Schilling’s Beat Quality. - 2-oz. Bottle mdVL Pickles Avocado Toast The Toasted Bis- cuiL (Reg. 10c.) Gulf Kiat. Fancy • LB. Crackers N. Bl C. Fancy Sodas - s. Catsup Whole Red Ripe Tomato Cataup LGE. Bottle f FLOUR To further introduce thia higher quality Flour, SAFE­ WAY FANCY HARD WHEAT, we are offering thia low price. Be sure of satisfaction. Thia price fur two weeks »•«y 49-lb BAG Jell-Well X5c Soap All Fruit Flavors, The New Package Sunny Monday For the Laundry Milk Mas-i-mum Quality. Tall Cans 2 PkgS. 4« Beans 25C EACH Sugar jo« Pure Cane. Fine Granulated. BAR 10 lbs. Fancy Small or Medium Whites 7 lbs. Butter Safeway Fancy Creamery Airway Coffee 3lb*- 63c QUART 17c Salad Oil Is rich in Flavor, Mellow. A quality Coffee at a Low price. Golden West, Pure Vegetable Oil Grapefruit Carrots Lemons Med. Sise BEETS TURNIPS Large Sise E«-2C bunch 6'"13® ARE YOU LISTENING TO EDDIE PEABODY EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 7:M OVER THE NATIONAL BROADCAST Mrs. Afeert Pancoast and Mrs. , 76,000 New Universes Clarence Billings made a business trip to Roseburg Tuesday. Reporting on a photographic sur- Store No. 469 FREE DELIVERY Phone 122 The Christian Endeavor topic for vey of the heavens from the Harvard next Sunday evening is "Why Mar­ University observatory erected in riages Succeed or Fall.” Mm. Ray L. South Africa, Dr. Harlow Shapley says Beckett is the appointed leader. that 76,000 new universes, which can­ M. O. Hooton, of Coquille, is here not be seen from the Northern Hemi­ this week, building a fireplace in his sphere, have been discovered and ; ms brother’s new house. charted. XR\N I I I The February meeting of the Home Moat of these universes, even when Economies club was held at the home photographed through powerful tele­ of Mrs. Dwight Cuvier. The mem- H scopes, appear as only faint blotches Stetes BayerTabletsi bers present were Mesdames Jason or dots of light, but the closer one Compeny Jewett, Frank Culver, Chas. Johnson, may be seen to have spiral structures, Aspirin C. S. Murphy, Harold James and the ■ like gigantic Fourth-of-July pin­ hostess; guests were Mesdames Fred wheels. FORECLOSURE 8ALE Ehrig, Jimmy Jewett, Walter Clayton The earth is in the interior of one NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, of these spirals, of which the Milky That under and by virtue of an Exe­ and Miss Alta Mead. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Barnett and Way mark« the outer rim. These other cution and Order of Sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of children, George, Virginia, Lawrence universes are not distributed uniform­ Oregon for the County of Coos on the and Leslie, and G. W. Scott were en­ ly in space, but cluster much more 19th day of January, 1933, in a cer­ tain cense in said Court pending tertained at dinner at the W. A. Lett thickly in some directions from the earth than in others.—Pathfinder. wherein Portland Mortgage Co- a home Sunday. corporation, is Plaintiff, and Nellie Stanley Lake was here from Oak­ Schulz and Bernard C. Shuts, her hus­ ridge the past week end for a short i Letter From Mrs. Harnden band, are Defendants, Case No. 10039, of said Court and commanding me to visit with his family. In a letter to the Sentinel, Mrs. W. D. Hale, of Battle Mountain, sell the hereinafter described real Carrie B. Harnden, who formerly property to satisfy the sum of 3906.87 who recently went to Portland for with interest at 9 per cent from Jan- medical attention, returned home last lived across Fat Elk, near the oil well, writes from her home in Story City, 133, for the further sum of week. .., th interest at 10 per cent Iowa, on Feb. 6, as follows: Mm. Frank Culver entertained a ary 17, 1983, for the fur-, “Iowa with all its farmer fore- of 310.00 and an Attorney group of friends at her home Satur­ fee of 3100.00 and costs and disburse­ day evening with a jolly "soup party" ' closures and bank failures is very hard pressed. The prices on all pro­ ments 362.50, together with accruing IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE costs, I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE for the benefit of the hot lunches for duce are ao low that it’s impossible STATE OF OREGON IN AND 18th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1933, at school children. The soup idea was to meet expenses. Many farmers are FOR THE COUNTY OF OJOS tl* hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon cleverly carried out in the various burning corn for fuel as it doesn't In the Matter of the Estate of Ernest of said day at the front door of the games and contests. At the close of J I-arson. Deceased, County Court House in the City of the pleasant evening, fruit soup and pay them to market it at 10 cento a Notice to Creditors Coos County, Oregon, offer bushel. It seems strange that in the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Coquille, for sale and sell at public auction, to cookies were served to the following: midst of plenty, people are freezing That the undersigned the highest and beet bidder for cash Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter, Mm. appointed by the above entitlwi Court, in hand. all the right, title and inter­ and hungry. We are having a real as Administrator of the Estate , est of the said Defendants in and to Elis» Lamp, Mm. Marie Allen, Mias ( cold «pell, it’s 25 below aero today and Deceased, and has duly qualified as the following described real property, Lou Hooton. Mias Alma Larkins,1 the forecast «ays it will continue for Orlin and Ernest Lett, Glenn Hut­ *UNow Therefore, all persons having to-Wit: a week longer. We (she and her Lota numbered 10 and lLein Block ton and the host and hostess, Mr. and claims against said Estate are hereby {daughter, Betty) are thankful to be number 12,* West Bunker Hill Addi ­ notified and required to present the, tion to Marshfield, Coos County, Ore­ Mrs. Frank Culver. only one and a half blocks from school same, together with Prop*T,vo“tch.£ Winifred Clayton, one of the high in weather like this. according to the plat thereof on With kindest therefor, to Hie undersigned,at the . gon, file and of record In the office of the school girls, has been ill since Thurs­ greetings to all our friends and neigh­ ci»w. day with an attack of flu. bors.” 8th day of >ebrnary,1 Said Sold sale «I? bejng being made s*ject subject to ru- > Th* Bridge Christian Endeavor so­ drmption in the manner provided byjciety was represented at the Myrtle Safety First! Use Cow Bell Dairy’s 19M. r. u..- If you want to subscribe for a Port­ Union executivg meeting and rally, Paateurhted Milk and protect your Carr’s Variety Store Quitting Busi­ F. W. Powers, Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 19th in Myrtle Point Sunday afternoon, by Administrator of the Estate of Er­ ness Sale till March lot Only a land daily the clubbing combination health. day of | the following members: Mae Hatcher, nest J. Larson. Deceased. short time left. Save 60 per cent on we offer with the Sentinel will save Sheriff of CooiCounty, Oregon Maude Hooten, Ellae Lamp, Alm your Calling cerda 100 fer 1140. Ranges and Refrigerators Throw OFF That rte ~’5hl"frS. A g-wa-» 1