The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, February 17, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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program in the hands of the legisla- Incidentally, he renewed his plan for
tore before adjournment thia week. legislation designed to control local
tax levies and bond issues, a measure
Prior to the opening of the Kaeion which was defeated by the voters at
it was freely predicted that Governor the polls last November. 4-
Meier was due for a liberal “raising"
atShe hands of the lawmakers this
Senator Upton’s attempt to reduce
time. So far, except for a few widely county aid to local school districts has
«scattered shots in the direction of the oeen rejected. The bill, according to
Subscription Rates
The . lirge city newspapers, influ­ executive office, thia prediction has its sponser, would hare resulted in a
One Year.......................................... <2 00
enced perhaps through extensive use not'materialized. In fact the gover­ i5 percent reduction in the county
Six Months .......................... I......... l
three Months............................... .60 df advertising space by-mercantile es­ nor seems to be faring pretty well school fund. Opponents of the bill
No subscription takes unless paid tablishments, do not print, some kinds at the hantta of the legislators. While pointed out that this saving would be
for in advance. This rule is impera­ of newe. Therefore we get facta oc­ there was for a timé some complaint more than made up by district levies
ti*«- '
casionally from other sources and here because of the failure of the governor ,f the schools were to be maintained
quote from a New York special dis­ to definitely point the way out of the >n their present «standard.
... i
- ------- :------------------ --- ---------------- —
state's financial dilemma, even that
patch to Christian Science Monitor:
"Somewhere in the Young Women’s criticism has «subsided now.
A bill introduced into the House
Christian Association there ie a mem­
teaks to restore the state fair to the
The anti-gin marriage bill, requir­ jonfrol of a board of five mendiera as
ber who last week earned 23 cents for
putting 200 pockets in men’s suits. ing a three-day notice before a mar­ it was up until two years ago when
Advertising Rates
riage license can be issued in Oregon the fair was turned over to the direc­
Display advertising, 25 cents per Somewhere there is another member
whose work in a pretzel factory last has made the circuit of bo'th House tor of the state department of agri­
meh: less than 5 menés, 30 cents
men. No advertisement inserted for week brought her 93 cents and whose ind Senate, and will Vecome a law if* culture.
All four members of the
L le» than 50 cents. Readings notices carfare cost her 31,' so that she paid signed by the governor. The measure Marion county delegation of the
\."JV Cents per line. No reading notice,
is -expected to have a deterring effect House joined in the introduction of
or advertisement of any Kind, insert­ seven cents for the privilege of being
employed. And somewhere else there >n hasty and ill-considered marriages. the bill which is construed as a slap
ed tor íes» tuan 25 cents.
fs a member in a shoe factory who
at Max Gehlhar, director of agrieul-
Bargain, prices for automobile li­ ture, and his management of the fair
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as pays five cents week for drinking
Second Claas Mail Matter,
cense plates are now in effect. The last yeaf.
This ia from a survey being made Snell-Winslow bill providing for’»
Office Corner W. First and Willard St by Y. -M. C. A. secretaries throughout flat’ fee of 32.50 for all makes of cars
Three bills are in the legislative
the country. We who buy the cheap for the remainder of the present fiscal hopper Which have for their purpose
offerings of merchandise by the large year was signed by the governor late the legalizing of horse and dog racing
•stablishmenta are to blame for this Friday afternoon. Immediately Sec­ and the pari-mutuel system of bet­
The first thought of the average
condition of industrial slavery endured retary of State Hoss ryotified all sher­ ting. With the budget director and
man, upon reading or hearing that
by women workers.
iffs that they were authorized to ac­ ways and means committee turning
Col. Chas. Lindbergh is to shake the
cept applications for plates at the thumbs down on all fair appropria­
dust of the United States from his
When the junk yards have disposed new rate and the rush was on. Hoss tions this year, sponsors of the bet­
feet and with hta family go to France
of all of the parts of the model T’s, estimates that the low license will ting bills declare that thia is the only
to live, ta one that he is perfectly jus­
where will motorists obtain the mater­ bring from 50,000 to 60,000 cars out means open for financing these activi­
tified in that decision. And perhaps
iel with which to construct the home­ of storage in the family garage and ties if they are to operate at all.
he ta. But there is another side which
made trailer ?
And a very useful put them back on the highways. Oth­
W. S. Sckels brings to the front in
niece of equipment it is.
ers think that this figure is entirely
In a radio speech Sunday night
his “Tabloid” column on this page
too high and that not more than 15,- Governor Meier reiteratedhis recom­
which causes, one to ponder.
Rumors connected with a recent 000 or 20,000 cars will be added to the mendation for a sales tax as a sub­
Were the degenerates who so upset
real estate deal in Coquille say that registration list by reason of the low property. Two bills covering thia
the whole Uaited States, when they
the site will be used for one of many fee.
subject are now in the hands of the
abducted and killed little Charles
ourposes, among them being: a filling
house committee on taxation and rev­
Lindbergh, citizens of the United
station, a bank, apartment house, of-
Once again have efforts at consoli­ enue and one of them should be given
States, or were they part of the
1ee building, etc. A town that has dation of state activities gone for into the hands of the legislature be­
scum of -southern Europe which has
mmorr isn’t dead by a long ways.
naught; -, The House bill providing fore the end of the week. One of
been inflicted on this country for
for consolidation«- of soln? 14 health these is the so-called Medford plan,
many yean past?
There are two ways of regarding boards and commissions into a de­ which provides for a homestead ex­
Another thought:
Is our boasted
.he announced intention of Col. Lind- partment of Health and Sanitation emption up to *2,600 of assessed valu-
civilization standing up to its duty?
>ergh to remove to France. That a was withdrawn by its authors when stion. The other bill provides for
Are we as a nation protecting our in­
freat crime was committeed in this they bpcame convinced that its pas­ in exemption on all personal prop­
dividual citizens? Has the flouting
.■ountry against his family, and that sage was impossible. The senate bill erty but extends the tax on sales to
and disrespect for law become so much
he has reason to be greatly angered banking, corporation _ and insurance wholesale as well as retail sales.
Not only does this report show the
a part of our being that we can view
by Xhe impotency of government to departments -in a Department of Fi­
Then pain came to Herman Carl, taxpayers are curing the headaches of
with equanimity the breaking of all
properly avenge that wrong, is ad­ nance was indefinitely postponed on
A bill sponsored by Senator Corbett and twisting, disabling rheumatism. legislators but they are furnishing
law, even though the crime may be the
Also he has been further recommendation of the committee should be. of vital interest to every Perhaps it was because he worked in them with other luxuries. While mem
most hideous which the fertile brain
harrassed, and these are probably his which had it under consideration.
county court. It seeks to relieve the all kinds of weather and never thought bera of the House of Representatives
of man can devise?
reasons for voluntary expatriation.
counties of the cost of caring for of a holiday. The pain centered at are not provided with free shaves,
Are our courts the prompt dtapens-
Many people will approve his action.
Pay of state officials and employ­ non-violent insane patients in« state the base of the brain. There was an haircuts and singes, as are senator-,
en of justice that the founders of the
However: A few years ago Charles ees will be reduced from five to 3(1 hospitals by repealing that provision operation on the infected mastoid. the 435 members of that body epent
government proposed they should be?
Lindbergh was barn-storming about percent under the old scale during the in the law passed two years ago. The There was another, hastened, to save more than 33,200.000 last year, includ­
la the average life termer confined as
the country as a stunt flyer. A lucky current biennium by reason of action provision is said to have worked a a life.
ing salaries of House employees, be­
long as a decade? Do our law en­
break made possible for him an his­ taken by the ways and means com­ great hardship on some of the coun­
It was milking time in the dark of side» the <4,000,000 they got in sal­
forcement officers do their whole
torical achievement of world-wide im­ mittee. The committee early in the ties, some of which have been abeo- last Sunday morning. The sufferer aries themselves (now reduced to <9,
portance which 4s not here minimized session adopted a pay cut schedule ’utely unable to pay the atate*» claim on the hospital cot etirred convul- 000 a year each).
By far the larger percentage of
in the least. He has been signally hon­ ranging from five to 60 percent but for the care of these patients. The aively.
Perhaps he heard a clear
Among the many item« in Clerk
crime is the result of a greed, for
ored by his country.
Many recitals Governor Meier objected to this pro­ bill passed the Senate Monday and is voice saying, "Come on out with me. Trimble’s report were: 2,400 headache
money; ^ie protection given organised
could be given as to this. On some posal as hitting some of his appoint­ now in the hands of the House com­ Come out to the green pastures and
crime is’the result of graft?
tablets costing <19.80; a carton of
occasions, be it stated regretfully, he ees in the higher brackets too hard. mittee. .
still, deep water. You have earned fizzing sedative netting taxpayers
Is not the real cause of nearly all
has been up-stage and insolent to The governor suggested a flat 15 per­
back <13.08; water coolers costing a
crime, all law violation, all corrup­
news reporters and photographers— cent cut on the salary and wage bud­
Both House and Senate are working
So Herman Carl was dead as milk­ total of <70, despite the fact that ice
tion, to be found in St. Paul’s letter
gets for all departments, leaving ad­ under high pressure in these closing ing time was over and the light of water is supposed to be piped to each
to Timothy: "For the love of money
his fame.
justment of the pay of individuals to days of the session. Long hours of the new day fell across the peaceful member’s office; more than <1,280 for
is the root of all evil.”
Also he has attained much wealth, the head of the department. This strenuous labor have frayed the face. And, perhaps, though he had
ice to keep these water coolers cool;
■V partly through marriage, and there­ would have worked a severe hardship nerves of some of the members and left so much to do, he smiled os he
paper drinking-cups, <350; towels,
fore is no longer of common mould. It on some of the departments, the maj­ sharpened their tongues until they looked back and saw two tall sons be­
<3,187; soap, <525; newspapers, <895;
is unpleasant to contemplate his join­ ority of whose employees are in the sometimes say unkind things about
side their mother, their arms around 76 hairbrushes, <44; 144 combs for
ing the despicable colony of Ameri­ lower brackets. The wage budget'of each other. For instance in the course
By W. 8. Sickels
her, and a little daughter not forget­ <18; clothes brushes, <23.50; new
cans in Europe who assume the atti­ the state hospital, for instance, would of debate last week Senator Gosa re­
ting her duties though tears were on typewriters and repairing old ones,
tude of being ashamed and apologetic have been cut 333,000 below that of ferred to Senator Woodward as “that her cheeky
telephone bill, <31,400; clocks, <370;
Money-lenders cry out in alarm at of their country.
the so-called Woodward schedule. On nasal legislator.” Woodward a few
24 cuspidors, <34; 12 ice picks, <2,25;
the suggestion of moratoriums for
The arjme agamet-ftai. Lindbergh’s the other hand the governor’s depart­ days before had referred to one of
rewards await more beautiful than 18 long handled bath brushes, <27;
real estate mortgages. They wain us home was not perpetrated by Ameri­
ment would have received in excess Goss’ bills as “smelling.” Thqn again medals of gold..
48 nail brushes (imagine)
—or is it a threat—that the fountains cans, but by beasts who most likely
of 31,000 more than he, himself, had Senator Upton charged that Benator
matches, <37.50; ash trays, <17; <4,-
of credit would immediately go dry. were aliens. No doubt uneasiness and
recommended had the 15 percent cut Strayer’s position on another bill was
Extravagance of Congress
000 to the House parliamentarian for
Perhaps so, but not for long. Besides, dread have reigned in his home sinoe
been adopted.
The 5-to-30 percent due to the latter’s stubborneas.
preparing a special digest of the House
money has many useful purposes that terrible day. But a million other
reduction represents a compromise Strayer admitted that he. was stub­
rules although he was getting a regu-
other than being loaned. Money must American homes are terrorized today
>etween the committee’s proposal and born and that he was excelled in this of cutting federal expenses Ccngrass
l*r salary of <375 a month, etc., etc.
have action. Currency will not be by the spectres of hunger, privation
that of the governor.
quality by only one man whom he had
stored in vaults to eventually crumble and hopelessness, for which none of
"charity should begin at home” to
•ver met and that was Upton himself.
with .age.
Former Resident Writes
read “cutting expenses should begin
the unfortunate blame their neigh­
The governor's attempt to dictate to
The following note ta from Mrs
in Congress”, says the Pathfinder.
bors. On the other hand they are go­ the ways and means committee with
At Milking Time
Many a successful business has ing to fight it through and win. More,
According to the annual reports of Agnes Hall who was chief operator
been firmly established by means of -ommendable on the part of Col. Lind­ respect to its pay cut program drew
(Oregon Journal) -
the secretaries of the House and Sen­ at the telephone exchange here some
credit. Likewise many great enter­ bergh would be a manifestation of sharp criticism from Senator Strayer
When Herman Carl and his wife, ate for the fiscal year ending June 30, 16 to 18 yearn ago, but who has been
prises have collapsed because of bor­ that fighting spirit that would aid in whose caustic comments always at­ Ellen, came to the new farm near last, there ta room for both houses to an employee of the government in
rowing. Most of the economic dis­ -idding his country of criminals. Be­ tract attention. The solon from Ba­ Hubbard, in the Willamette valley, practice the economy they preach. Washington, D. C., since leaving here:
tress of today, both public and pri­ sides, we have read of many disgust­ ker county wanted to know who was bey lived in a tent Around them The report of Edwin P. Thayer, Sen­
It ta, indeed, with great pleasure
vate, is due to excessive borrowing. ing crimes that have been committed making the appropriations, ths gov­ were the stumps and trunks of. giant ate secretary, sbéws that the total ap­ that I again send my subscription for
Mortgaging the unknowable future ia n France.
trees, so huge, so heavy, so widely propriations and expenditures of that the Sentinel. I look for its coming
wanted to know why 14 supposedly
rooted in the black soil, that the body for all the fiscal year 1932 and eagerly week by week. It is a link in
intelligent men, composing the com­
young dairyman and his wife looked parte of other periods was more than the chain that bind« my thoughts and
If wars had to be prosecuted on a
puny and helpless, standing beside 34,000,000. Of this amount <1,850,- longings to dear old Oregon and Co­
der their own best judgment to the
cash basis they wouldn’t even get
sny one of them.
000 went for salaries of officer« and quille in particular.”
started. Thu« great waste would be
The years that followed were years employees of the Senate; meagre al­
the governor issued a statement de­
prevented and the costa reserved for
of the toil that begins soon after 3 lowances and compensation of sena­
nying any attempt to dictate and ex-
general improvement It is not be­
o’clock in the morning and ends at tors, including their salaries of 39,000
preMing regret that hia efforts at
yond reason to think that we might be
night long after the lamps are lighted a year each, <1,200,000 ; 3457,900 went
helpfulness should have been so mis­
better off were borrowing and lending
and there is no more strength to work for investigations, and 39,000 for min­
to become extinct activities in hu­
until there
mere is rest.
eral waters, witn
with ice.
check with statements made by ad­
man affairs. Let's see how it was
They worked and planned together,' Another item of importance
r . —— was
The legislative session will run into ministration supporters on the com­ the wife attending to her domestic 38,000 for the Senate barber «hop. But
regarded by one of the charactem in
Hamlet, a creation by the greatest in extra week during which the law­
duties, and as she had the time, toil­ the taxpayers have been giving sena­
literary genius whose writings the makers will serve without pay al- “ths governor will not stand for the ing outside, with the strength of a tor« their haircuts for many years.
on man. One be one, by dint of the The next largest item was <6,600 for Ixmt Her ^romiaent Hip«—
.hough the pay of clerks and stenog-
records of the past have preserved:
“Neither a borrower or lender be;
aphers will continue without inter- the 15 percent reduction.”
team, explosive and the stump-puller, the upkeep of the Vice President’s ear
Rouble Chin—Sluggishness
The loan oft lose« both itself and uption. That ta the guess of those
the enormous stumps were uprooted. from July 15, 1931 to June 30, 1932
I«egal interest rate« in Oregon will The Guernsey cows grazed in a and which included the salary of a
vho are in beat position to estimate
«••»•d Physical Vigor-
remain unchanged so far as this ses­ widening area of cleared land. Down chauffeur.
And borrowing finite the edge of hus­ he situatioi^at this time.
A Shapely Figure.
Other item«
The 40 days' for which the Oregon sion of the legislature is concerned. in the bottom, Canary grass grew were: Two <1 & bottle« of Bromo
-■onstitution permits payment of the Senator Dickeon’s bill reducing the and fed three cows to the acre. On Seltzer, several pound« of soda mints causeir°U're
If you are so unfortunate as to have legislators for their services in a reg­ rate to five percent with a maxi­ the higher ground there came to be at 60 cents a pound, two <1.20 bottles1
°ï*'. ^*11 teaspoonful
a mortgage on your real estate that ular session expires Friday night mum of eight percent on contracts, room for planted fields and for ex­ of hair tonie, 800 aspirin tablets at Kn“ch«n, Saks in a gKU
fías« of
ta greater than today’s sale value of Much of the work of this session, how-
85 cents a hundred, 140,000 pounds of
f «»ratag
»«V1IIIUK —in 3 weeks
periments with alfalfa.
the rf*f
and m
the land, you'll get no relief from sver, remains, still uncompleted and
“ h"£
The tent was succeeded by a com­ ice at a cost of about <400, and one O»
the government agencies that have much of it yet untouched. This is
Pointing out that local tax levies fortable home as these two toiled. pair of chauffeur’s gloves, <3.45.
that you have gained in
been politically touted during the past »specially true of the revenue pro­ represent »0 percent of Oregon’s an­ Their children grew up around them
Senator David I. Watah, Democrat J^rW—your skin is clearer— you
year. Home loan banka, reconstruc­ gram, one* of: -the moat important nual tax bill Governor Meier in a and grief made1 it« first call when of Maasachunetta, commenting on thè
younger in body—Krachen will
1* BTiy fat PSTSOTi a
tion finance corporations, etc., are not items before the session. Delay here Monday urged that laws be enacted accident took away the oldest The Mfiratirv'a
secretary’s ranniH
report amGI
said AK*A
that the «
intended for you-—poor, distressed city has been due largely to g desire to compelling reduction of governmental first new <feiry barn was long an should practice economy on Itself. The
But be
be sure
sure it
it ’ ’ s s Kruaeh»—
dweller and farmer.
They are man­ find out how much the state budget costs in counties, cities, school dist­ object of pride, but presently it was Bay Stater pledged his efforts to close ¡jealth comae first—and SAFETY
aged according to rules set up by your could be trimtaed' before^^ny -new ricts and other sub-divtaiowi of the supplemented by an addition so much the Senate’s purse to odds and ends "Tf
9** •
Salta from
representatives in congress, and upon money raising legislation should • be state. The governor particularly urged larger that it overshadowed the old for the comfort and enjoyment of Fuhi
Ph,arn,scy, Inc., or any
whom you relied for relief.
They attempted. -Wi ■th the work of the that the 5-to-30 percent pay cut and loomed on the landscape.
I t
«Mtng druggist anywhere in Ameri-
promised you bread, but have handed ways and means committee
itttee completed which ia being applied to the pay of
And yet, somehow they found time • The report of South Trimble, clerk CB <*««ts 4 weeks) and The couATbut
and its report in, this excuse notofiger state employees be extended to ap­ to mean much to the community—to of the House, showed that the House
you a stone. Bunk.
* ty1.* ?*** bottle doesn't con-
-------- —
avails and the revenue and taxation ply to wv
the pay
sxpenssa the
the easiest, SAFEST
pa; of officials
oinciaa. and
ana em
em- ine
the scdvqi
school, . the
me wnuvB
church auu
and the
wiv Sunday
ounuay like the Senate, had
committee ta expected to place its ployess an the payroll» of local unita. ■ school and tita group affairs of faian- average voter
way to lose let — your
The Sentinel
ning Poet features pictorially a muni-
cipal court scene, the
_ being
the sentence of the court: “Beating
your «rife, eh? Five dollars fine and
H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES fifty cents federal amusement tax.**
That stale joke haa been going the
rounds for several years and wouldn't
H. A. YOUNG. Editor
now get by any country editor.