» THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEB* U AKT 1». IMS. Telling * About People and Events in the City and County M m . Thos. Lane has been quite ill for the past week, her trouble being flu and complications. * Remember the dance at Graham's Hall Saturday night. Munie by the Six Serenade«. Wm. J. Ferbrache ia quite ill at his home on the Myrtle Point high­ way, with a relapse of the flu. * Go to Leneve’e Sporting Goods A Hardware for your fishing .tackle, hardware, guns and ammunition. C. E. Collins, of the Front street Body Shop, was down town this week for the first time in several weeks but is unable to return to work yet. A Valentine box social will be an Found Not Guilty added feature at the meeting of the Mm. S. A. Weekly, of Bridge, Was American Legion and Auxiliary next found not guilty in Justice Stanley’s Monday night, February 13. After , court yesterday on the charge of reck­ the biwiness session which will begin less driving, preferred by Vincent at 7:30 a program will be held, fol­ Prescherm, of Roseburg, a couple of lowed by the box social. All members months ago. are urged to come as it promises to be Mr. Prescherm and M. L. Daniels a very enjoyable evening. had been out looking for stock on the Ward McReynolds, examiner for au­ 18th pf December, and left Myrtle tomobile drivers’ livences, will be at' Point after dusk with their lights on the city hall next Tuesday, Feb. 14, dim. Mike was driving and when two from 1 to 5 p. m., to pass on the ap­ miles this aide of Myrtle Point, he plications made by new drivers, or old saw the Weekly car spproschng, he drivers who wish their licenses re­ swore that be drove the car two feet newed. The application, of course, off the highway. Mrs. Weekly’s state­ includes the mental and driving testa ment was that the lights of Prescherm car so blinded her that she could not Mr. McReynolds may require. tell where her ear was. The Holy Name Altar society met The two cars were damaged and at the home of Mrs. M. McCarthy on Mr. Prescherm suffered a sprained Wednesday for their regular meeting. thumb. Plana were made and committees The jury which heard the case was named for the Fourth Annual Pre- composed of Mrs. Via Leach, Mrs. Lenten Card Party which will take Maud Wilson. M. O. Hawkins, Lafe place on Tuesday, February 28th at Compton, W. L. Kistner and Elmer the C. P. Zumwalt home. Further Holverrtott. plans will be announced later. Dr. F. W. Clark, the Portland Op­ tometrist, will be in Coquille Tuesday, February 14 at the Schroeder Jewelry store. See him about your eyes. The examination is free. See Mansell Drayage A Delivery Mrs. Emily Hersey came down from Portland a week" ago for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Julius Ruble, and , while here decided to have thb build­ ling occupied by the Cow Bell Dairy repaired. A new roof is to be laid, Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled the interior papered and painted, and promptly. tf such other repairs as are necessary made to put it in good condition. Clyde E. Niles, local Ford dealer, The fire department was called left Wednesday morning to attend a meeting of Ford dealers at the branch Wednseday at 12:30 p. m., to the Kay plant in Portland, where the new 1933 warehouse At the bridge, where a backfire had set fire to the oil in a models will be on display. Rugby truck beloning to Leonard We will sell light Hens again Sat­ Sell, of Riverton. The fire was ex­ urday for 15 cents a pound dressed. tinguished before the department ar­ Peoples Market. rived, the only damage being the Cecil Elwood was a Coquille visitor burned oil and the wiring of the light­ from Marohfield Tuesday. He was ing system. called over to see his father, John Harold Stevens suffered a broken Elwood, who is very low with heart bone In his right elbow Wednesday trouble at hjs home on Tenth street. evening, during the Independent bas- C. E. Rally Here Tuesday Nearly four score were present at the Pioneer chureh Tuesday evening for the Christian Endeavor Rally, which started with a banquet in Pi­ oneer Hall at 6:30 p. m. Guests were present from all points in the county. Kenneth Thompson acted as toast­ master. The devotional exercises later were led by Rev. G. A. Gray, of thia city. Dr. Thos. D. Yernes, of Salem, dis­ trict superintendent of the Church, South, made the i talk of the evening, his subject being “The Romance of Discipleship.” Entertainment features on the pro­ gram included a duet by Misses Louise and Velloa Belleiale, of Marsh­ field; a North Bend group singing; musical numbers on the saw by Rev. E. G. Ranton, of Myrtle Pomtf and a violin solo by Martha Carrier, ac­ companied by Audrey Aasen. The next rally will be at Myrtle Point in May. Xi, Notes From County School Superintendent The first rural meeting for the year has been scheduled by County Bupt. Martha E. Mulkey to meet in Coquille. This will be held in the high school on Saturday, Feb. 18th, beginning at 10:00 a. m. State Club Leader H. C. Seytaour will be present to discuss 4-H Clulb work. Besides Mr. Sey­ mour, the following will speak or lead diecuMiqn in the meeting: C. L. Ward, Supt. of Coquille schools; Wade H. Arstill, Prin. Lincoln Bldg.; and. M m . Ines Chase, first grade teacher, Coquille; Frederick Beck, Riverton; G. W. Ayres, Arago; Lee A. Meyer, Coos River; Carl Rice, Lakeside; H. L. Ingraham, Bunker Hill; J. F. Burk­ hart, Eastside; Harold J. Lass well and Alvin Allen, Bridge. Empire has been chosen as the meeting place for February 25th. Regular school work will be carried cm in the morning by the Empire teach­ ers, Mrs. Josephine Widner, principal, Mrs.. March Kv Brown and Mrs. Dema Youhgmayr. The Empire board and parents «nd children are co-operating by having school on Saturday morn­ ing for the benefit of visiting teach­ ers. Miss Florence Hill remedial teacher of North Bend, will lead in a discussion on remedial work in read­ ing. A meeting will be arranged later ia Myrtle Point. At each place the teachers will lunch together during the noon hour. Although the meetings are planned for teachers of rural schools, each in­ terested teacher is invited to attend and participate. Schools are doing good work in spite of conditions. School boards in general throughout the county are taking a sensible attitude toward the situation, giving more thought than in the past to the actual needs of pu­ pils and the financial condition in their own districts. Parents are endeaving in every way to secure clothing in which they can send children to school. In her visits through the schools, Mrs. Mulkey has noted many attempts to adjust to the shortage in cash which show that a large percentage of poorer people are not allowing them­ selves to fall into that passive way of soliciting charity until they have first made definite effort to help them­ selves. Children’s rubbers made from inner tubes, soles from rubbem and galoshes being sewed to the uppers of shoos and the trading of clothes be­ tween families. Among neighbors we have noted more thoughtfulness in helping each other during illness. Families are seen exchanging meat, vegetables, garden. seeds, etc. This all indicates that a definite attempt to get along in as independent manner as possible is still a strong desire of our Coos county people. And lastly, as pertains, to the schools, there is evident among teach­ ers a willingness to co-operate by giv­ ing their very best service in school and by showing a sympathetic under­ standing of the child’s home condition. ket bait game at Myrtle Pqint A piece of the bone was broken off. This is the same elbow which was broken when Harold was playing football in high school, and Dr. Wil­ Ray Hickam is acting as night Clerk Library Financial Report son Bays he will lose the use of that at the hotel while Ralph Noah and r t arm for several weeks. Following is the financial report of Clarence Bean -are on a hiking trip Mrs. Harry Pelts came in from the Coquille city library as submitted up the coast. The boys expect to make a mote extended trip than they Klamath Falls last Saturday to visit to the city council Monday evening by her father, A. L. Simpson, and her its treasurer, O. C. Hanford, for the did last year. ■ « many friends here. She will return year 1932: Lloyd Johnson was sentenced to five ‘ - Receipts with a cousin who ia now in Salem days in jail, and sentence suspended *270.26 where her mother is very low. Mrs. Cash on hand Jan. 2, 1932 provided he pay Che costa, by Justice 54.00 Pelts says ahe has not seen any rain Cash from Woman’s Club Stanley, Monday. He was arrested 5.00 since they left here, Nov. 27, but that Cash from Legion Auxiliary by A. 8. Currie for driving his ear - • 91643 she enjoys the snow which still lies Cash from city with but one headlight. 82.10 three feet deep on the. ground there. Fines and book rentals Alpine Coal, lump 8440, 2 tons Ernest Krewaon of Brewster valley 38.50, nut qoal 83 per tqp. E. M. Total 61438.93 was a Coquille visitor Monday. He Briner, phone 71. 45t2*tf Disbursements was down investigating the fern gath­ Salary of Librarian - • 8740.00 Last Saturday afternoon at 4:30— ering business. Mr. Krewson said Book*, magazines, papers 139.29 Sam Taylor standing on street watch­ that on Sunday he followed a band of Supplies .... 2348 ing Dewey Walker rushing madly to a elk for quite a distance hoping to get Janitor .... 2240 prominent attorney’s office and de­ a picture of them but that they be­ Postage .... 7.49 scend to street in a few momenta with came alarmed and ran away before he a more undisturbed mein. could snap them. He etatea that he Total - - - 1937.66 Leneve Sporting Goods A Hard­ found a foot of snow at the forks on Balance cash on hand, Dec. 31 3396.33 Brummett creek and that is was deep ­ ware will order anything you need hills. in hardware, guns, ammunition or er on the / ________________ John Carl Visit« Legislature fishing tackle, if not in stock. Jno. D. Carl, who returned Wed­ Carr’s Variety Store Sale Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hambrick, of Ag Singers Enjoyed nesday from Hubbard where he at­ Carr’s Variety Store ia elsewhere Myrtle Point, are the happy parents tended the funeral of his brother, says The “ten-legged quartet” — Ernie of an sight pound baby girl born in this issue advertising a cloae-out that it was snowing up in the Willam­ Cooper, Bill Floten, Delbert Donald­ February 9th at the Knife Hospital. «ale of the stock here, during which ette valley, but they ran out of it at son, Jim Robinson and’ Russell Mar­ Dr. Clark was in attendance. The everything in the store will be reduced Oakland. , tindale—of the Ag class in the high young lady has been named Kathaleen in price. Jas. M. Carr, who was here He stopped at Salem and conferred school, furnished the entertainment' from Roseburg Tuesday, said that Jay. with Representative J. H. McCloskey at the Lions club yesterday. Accom­ they hoped to so decrease the stock See Mansell Drayage A Delivery here in the next two weeks that they and Senator John D. Goes, who as­ panied by Miss Edythe Farr, they Co. for Alpine coal. Orders filled could move by March 1. He had no sured him they would do all possible rendered most harmoniously three promptly. tf criticism of any kind to make, but he to defeat the bill which, if passed, numbers and were urged to sing o____ a ________ , . . I would return the secondary roads in again, but claimed those were all Mrs. Sarah Wickham, who has been an«i *>is brother had decided that busi- neas in Coquille did not justify their I the state to the counties for improve­ they knew. confined to her home on Second street ment and maintenance. It would add Dr. J. J. Leslie, who was a guest for the past two months, with the flu continuing here longer. quite a burden to Coos county if these at the luncheon, was mentioned as and complications, was able to be out secondary roads were abandoned by their instructor in harmony, but ha Tuesday for the firat time. She at­ Masons, Attention! the state highway association. disclaimed all credit for their splen­ tended the Relief Corps meeting in All members are requested to be did singing, giving the boys all the the Woodmen building. present at our next Stated Communi­ To Burn Old Records credit because of their “work and Firemen's Annual Ball, Silver Spray cation, February 14th. Your ladies more work.” The. county court this week order ­ Gardena, Bandon, Sat, Feb. 11. Ad­ are invited to join ua in a social It being district governors’ day in ed that all poll books and election mission free, tickets 4 for 25c. Visit­ meeting at card« immediately follow­ Lion circles, J. E. Norton was called supplies, prior to 1910, and all claims ing lodge. Visiting members and ing firemen to dance free. on the general and road funds, filed upon by Preaident Rackleff to tell their ladies are cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hickok, who The something of a district governor’s W. E. Bosserman, W. M. prior to 1926, be destroyed. have been in Grants Pass since the dark’s office is cluttered with a groat duties. He responded with an inter­ middle of last year, and where he amount of these useless old papers esting talk, paying tribute to Dis­ Firemen’s Dance nt Bandon was running a donkey engine for a and additional storage space is needed trict Governor Shea, of Portland,* and mining company, returned to Coquille George Lorens and “Curly” Helfer- for the county records which contin­ when he finished the club expressed Monday, and do not anticipate that stine, of the Bandon volunteer fire de­ ually accumulate. a vote of thanks for the good services * they will return to Josephine county. partment, were in Coquille Tuesday Another order by the court was of Ray Jeub, deputy district gov­ We will sell light Hens again Sat­ morning to invite Fire Chief C. W. that 3112 be paid Kruse Brothers for ernor for southwestern Oregon. urday for 15 cents a pound dressed. Gardner and members of the Coquille 56 head of sheep killed on the bay, department to attend as guests at the and 376 to Page A Woomer for 38 Peoples Market. Coquille Forum Subjects killed near Bandon, Coquille visitors from Salem last annual Firemen’s Ball to be held Sat­ head urday. February 11, at Silver Spray There was a good turn-out at the amounts are to be paid out of Saturday afternoon until Monday Gardens, Bandon. meeting of the CoquiHe Forum in dog license fund. noon were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Folsom, the city hall last Thursday evening, Dr. Fred Folsom and Louie Folsom. Royal Neighbors Attention! at which time “Technocracy” was They visited at the home of their B. P. W. to Give Dance discussed. As outlined by the speak­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Folsom. Important business meeting Mon­ A Washington’s Birthday dance is ers technocracy is a snare to catch Dr. Folsom is the father of Miss day night February 18. All mem­ to be given at the I. O. 0. F. hail the unwary, and would not help soci­ Florence, who makes her home with bers please be there. Social hour fol- next Friday, February 17, by the ety. her grandparents here. | lowing. Refreshments. — Press Cer- Business and Professional WoOlbn’s ' respondents. Last evening’s discussion was on The Six Sersnaders furnish the club. There will be entertainment the subject, “Sales tex is not good for kind of music that dancers enjoy. for everyone as there will be card the small taxpayer.** Copyright Protection Hear them at Graham’s Hall every playing for those who do not care to Next Thursday evening. . Feb. 16, The copyright laws provide that any dance. There will also be some Saturday night there will be presented an illustration person who Infringes a copyright mn- W. A. Medford, who has been em­ slcal composition shall be liable In special features, and everyone is Cor­ of the Harvey System of No Tax, as ployed in the Medford Grocery here damages to tbe copyright owners In dially invited to attend. The charge advocated by the Liberty party, com- ainee last May, left this morning, an amount not to exceed 85,000 nor win be 35c per person. Refreshments nared with Henry George's Single will be served. This dance is being Tax ide«. with M m . Medford and their two chil­ leas than 8250. given by the club for the purpose of dren for the north. Mrs. Medford is We all know that farm lands, city raising more funds for their conven­ property and timber lands are not be­ going to Yakima for a time while he is tion fund. getting settled in the new position he ing justly taxed. Everyone is invited has accepted as manager of a store to come to the city hall next Thura- in the Spokane district. music. ______ Thdt’s _ why Graham’s Safety Firetl Use Cow Ball Dairy’s Hill tf so popular every Saturday Pasteurised Milk protect night Calling earts 100 for 8140. Firemen’s Annual Ball, Silver Spray Gardens, Bandon, Sat, Feb. 11. Ad­ mission free, tickets 4 for 25c. Visit­ ing firemen to dance free. The Valentine Gift that’s always expected forget It’« simply unforgivable for a man candy on Valentine’s Drfy—February 14th. And it’s unforgivable not to give Artstyle Chocolates. The most delightful candy!’ The smartest Red Satin heart-shaped box. Order it now! e-’ . . ARTSTYLE ^$1.50 2«-» 2.50 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc n*9hmK*" DRUGGISTS STATIONERS ,c Marriage Licenses New Cases in Circuit Court Feb. 3—Coquille Valley Mercantile Feb. 4—Fred I. Logsdon, of North Bend, and Marjorie Ball, of Marsh­ Co. vs. C. tJeOarmichael. field. Safety First! Use Cow Bell Dairy’s Fab. 6—Lewis Metcalf and Grace Beebe, both of Charleston. They were Pasteurised, Milk and protect your married by Rev. R. G. Green at his health. home on Monday. Fab. 9—Gail Sleaples and Christina 4 Koch, both of Winchester Bsry.. Chadwick‘Lodge No. 68 I Probate Court Items F. W. Powers was on Wednesday appointed administrator of the es­ tate of Ernest J. Larson who died Jan. 7. The estate is estimated to be «worth 32500 in real property and 38480 in personal. A. F. & A. M. Stated Communication - Tuesday, Feb. 14 7:30 P. M. V Get Our Prices on Kelly-Springfield Tirei New Low Price» Roosevelt Super Service Station Guss Tillman, Prop. ^.r %