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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1933)
PAGE SIX THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1«, 1883. lu 'J ! engaged in a fish catching contest air rifle. to our migratory fowl that could be ( ' The writer that advocates the kill- in BulUkin creek. Dave «tuck to the 'made are the following: the complete By Lana Laneve 5 ing of certain species of birda-tiad fly «nd landed the must fiah. But abolition of baited lake« and ponds Dur)ng the past month hundreds of ! better put on the brakes ,for said. Vernon, using a bait casting rod and and decoys and the abolition of pump myrtle robins (Alaskan robin«) have writer is simply advocating the ■ a xhimniv shimmy wisrirler. wiggler, cauarbt caught the bineat biggest and automatic shotguns. A hue and made their appearance in th!* vicinity. slaughter of countless hundreds of fish. That’s what makes fishing such cry would go up far and wide from Sitting by the window, as I write, I beneficial wild life when she advo an interesting sport No two of u* Loth sportsmen and gun manufact can count a* leant a dozen of them cates the slaying of «ap-suckers and are agreed as to the proper opera urers if such a thing was sought to hopping about the yard. These robins English sparrows. In the old day« tion of landing the big boya. be put over. If all magazines on are easily distinguishable from our such a policy might have met with ap About three yean ago John G. pump and automatic gun* were block robin red breast. They have a reddish- proval but at the present time it is Rand of Ballston, Oregon, while hunt ed to hold only one shell (the one car Almost daily people who discontinued their yellow breast and a black collar, black, frowned upon by the majority of ing, shot and wounded a wild Cana ried in the chamber making two) and telephones during recent months are ordering markings about the eyes and a gray «pertsmen as well as residents of any dian goose. The tip of one of her double guns used, it would be a won their service restored. They found that the small ish back with splashes of yellow. They community. I challenge anyone to wings was broken. Feeling sorry for derful saving in wild life. Why? cost of the service had been repaid many times may be irwtantly identified by < their show me where an English sparrow the bird the hunter took the goose Very simple. There are 7,000,000 each month In convenience, in time and actually black collar and their single call pt has eve? inflicted any damage upon home and turned her in the barnyard guns fired into our migratory wild in money saved, “chir-r-r-up." That is their only call wild life in this district. And further with his chickens. At finaC the goose fowHeach season. Seventy-five per ar|d they do not sing like robin red more I would like to have any person was very shy at the approach of any cent of them are automatics and pump breast. The latter is one of the Others miancd the cJoee and personal contact , »how m- N flock of .English sparows human being, but being entirely de guns. After two shots have been tak sweetest songmers of the woods. with friends made pomrible by telephone service. in Coos county. So why should any- pendent for her living upon the hand en at a duck he is getting slightly be » ¡While-he» may be found in great num Still othere mentioned the Joss of many pleasant, •<_ H" »ne Wish to send boys with air rifles that was feeding her, in time she be yond range. By the time the fourth, bers in the field* and ’ lowland* it is impromptu eocial gatherings when their friends out in pursuit of these bird* and to came quite tame. And eventually she fifth and sixth shots are fired it is seldom that he sings in thoee sur were unable to reach them by telephone. kill off all the woodpeckers by mis became a great help on the Rand questionable if a clean kill may re roundings, but in the very center of taking them for sap-suckers? Years farm. Every evening the goose goes sult. Thousands upon thousands of towns and away out in the hills he i igo the youngstef was cheered who out into the pasture and drives the ducks are wounded by third, fourth, It is all true . . . what these subscriber fairly bursts hi« throat At the ap- I could pick off a nesting swallow from cows home by biting them on the fifth and sixth shots that never bring friends of ours say. Telephone service costs so preach of dawn. According to my ob- . , , . . * ... L........ i. i. . Lta* »- telephone wire. Thousands of birds legs, and when they reach the barn down the bird but cause it to die a little and its value is so great that it really servatioiis it is seldom that a robin were slain in orchards and within the this clever honker drives each cow lingering death or fall prey to some ' doesn’t pay to try to do without it. sings after the day is full bom. They •ity limits. The lust to kill prevailed. into her own stall. Occasionally when predatory bird or animal where it has evidently are too busy searching for Today it is different. That wonderful .rime cow becomes unruly and re- alighted. The elimination of pumps worms and grubs, of which they are organization of America, the Boy *usea to go into her stall the goose and automatics would mean 90 percent said to consume a dozen times their Scouts, inetruots those lad* of killing has to work very hard but she never less crippled game. It is estimated own.weigbt each '»lay. I ige in the protection of wild life and gives up until she has succeeded in that forty million ducks fall beneath All birds are great eaters but I be i not in the destruction of it. Few of driving each animal into its proper the guns of hunters in the United lieve that the prize winner of them all j hem will kill innocent birds and ani plafe. The above was written by State* each season. How many of is the little chirping sparrow. This | mal«. They are receiving an eduea- Juliette Frazier for All Outdoors. these are crippled ? It is coming to a . saucy little fellow will lfhexup to a pile I tion along the right lines and if the “Every msn in life can do some time when we must look facta square of food twice as large an himself anil olatform of the organization is ad thing to ,<top some of the awful de ly in the face and give the game a 47 to 19, but with every break going FarmerH Meeting Well Attended whittle it down without seeming to wrong way the Red Devil« could 1 hered to our,wild life will be in evi- struction of game that is now going chance. Next week I trill give you the The farmers’ meeting, sponsored by stop for breath. Once they become overcome North Bend. lence for countless eons. some figures on crippled birds shot not 1 the Smith-Hughes vocational agricul on. The states must do more than acquainted^with a feed rack they cer A North Fork resident comes in they, have ever done before." Thu* by hunters in Oregon and explain why ture department of Coquille High tainly camp around it About 50 of H. S. Wins Siow Game with a very good deer story. It seems says the magasine Plain Truth which our own «tate is listed as one of the C. ’ School, was well attended and much them hang about our yard and they chat he wa* in the vicinity of the old deals with game conservation. This, “killer” states of the union. From M.-P. Bobcats interest was shown. ■ are in evidenc^ most every hour of the rock crusher on the North Fork when magazine further states that the best ■" 1 ■ —-4 - Ji The subject was “Feeding Miner day. These birds are often mistaken Though li*tlessly playing through als.” Dr. Vf. V. Glaisyer handled the Sport Briefs ’“for English sparrows and warred upon I le heard the barking of dog*. It was way to protect the retraining wild four quarter«, the Coquille Red 1|<-’WJ» subject and some intteresting facta not long until a deer took to the river life m for a higher license fee. I have They are of a different disposition en-} By Mark 8eelay were able to «hoot -well enough to de :everal hundred yards above him. He always been in ihearty aecprd with were brought out. It was shown that tirely from the scrappy little Engfish Coo* county independent basketball feat the Myrtle Point team by a1 3^ ollected a lot of rocks and decided Plain Truth nvigffrinss and Have in the our Coos county soils lack in the two sparrow and are cheerful and haem- has progressed relatively well this to 20 count last Friday. The locals :o< try and dispatch the animal. past copied a ■ojgoF'^eir suggestions minerals, calcium and phosphoros, leae little bird* to have about.—A 1 Down the river came the deer (a regarding the .'ortservation of game, season, and though no league has been exhibited flashes of offensive work, which are necessary for growth and Bay wild life writer suggest« that formed it is thought that some basis but a« a whole played very ragged ’ favorite stunt of this animal to throw but I certainly disagree with them milk production. Consequently the small boy» with air rifles, if they af determining the championship will Jogs off the trail). When the deer upbn the idea of a higher license fee ball. animals do not get „these minerals in must shoot something, shoot the Eng be found. Bandon, boosting a fine Both teams opened slowly, and it sufficient quantities in their natural was within a few feet of him the man to hunt wild game. A higher license lish sparmw and ths aap-swwer. record which includes defeats of all was not until the second quarter that feed. In order to supply this need »egan throwing rocks at it. Hie aim simply means the elimination of the There are very few English spar^pws other clubs in this section, is pressing Coquille rained enough momentum to was poor and the deer swam straight poor man from the picture and allow tbe farmer must feed minersis. in thi* entire district and the chances her claim for the leading honors. Ban advance to a comfortable lead. Mor toward him. His rocks were gone ao •*The minerals recommended were are that hundreds of harmless specie* 1 he took up the steep bank for the ance of only the wealthy sportsman don has met defeat but once, this at ris and Collier hit th« basket to dem- steamed bone meal or lime, The of sparrows will be slain; and as to road. The deer passed him and reach-1 to hunt. Why’they should advocate the start of the season when Ekb lad'* nate the scoring for the red and former has the advantage of contain such a thing is beyond me. I honestly sap-suckers, there are only two or dropped the sea townera by a 40 to 24 <sd the road ahead of him but kept white, while in these opening periods ing both lime and phosphorus and three harmful specie* of these birds ' near him, walking along slowly in attacked by a cougar, came charging score, but since the she has reversed Hunt lead his Myrtle Point mate madly into the front yard of a resi has a higher rate of digestability, al and ninety-nine out of a hundred the tables by trouncing the Marshfield scoring by dropping in ten of t front of him for a quarter of a mile. dent of the middle creek section. It though not ao palatable aa lime. -adulta are unable to distinguish the, _ team. The Hub has also been de difference between a sap-sucker and a' That show« once again that ani- takes a lot to gain the confidence of feated, 50 to 28, but a return game pointe. The half ended 20 to 11. Slacked lime can be fed, however, During the second half neither with good raaulta. woodpecker. So what chance has the ,n,ls w:ien ln P®1-*1 wil1 ’“ek the aW the forest creatures, but once you do, between this team must be played on The minerals should be fed at least boy with an air rifle of telling J"!’"?'_*W’y you have steadfast friends. If man the bay before the supremacy is de scored with any brilliant e once a day the year around, although ference. Woodpeckers aye beneficial ' cases ”***" are tfh record " where jeer have did not war upon wild.Ji/e it would cided. Bandon had one close shave in Coach Hartley clanged the lineup many times, giving every lo*e~c<rntact that feeding two months before breeding and rid fruit and other trees- of in ' «ought the protection of man when be astonishing the cl< barely beating Coquille’s independents, string player an opportunity to would be established between man, sorely pressed. The big buck that and cohtinuing two or three months jurious insects and bugn. So intent 28 to 27, but the locals are out of hia worth. U after breeding will give good results. are they in their pursuit of these left the banks of Rogue river and bird and beast. consideration due to other previous The Coquille defense worked much About three years ago, says All Feeeding minerals in Coos county is worms and bug* that they may be «UM right up to John Adam* when .-«versos. better in the concluding quarters, and an improved farm practice that no approached to within a few feet and pursued by a coyote is evidence to Outdoes, Dave and Vernon Coombs Ekblad’s Sport Shop team and the it was not until the fourth period that farmer can afford to neglect. fall an easy prey to the boy with an that fact. A sorely wounded deer, believe that the two greatest savings Hub quintet, Marshfield’s leading Myrtle Point was able to drop in a In that the mineral content ofthe soil representatives, are challenging Ban field goal. Poor passing and much would determine the amount and kind don’s claim, and as all three clubs are fumbling hampered the Red Devil of minerals fed, it was suggested that scheduled to meet in the future the play, costing many scoring, qjiancee. the next meeting be devoted to testing issue will likely be decided. Hunt, Myrtle Point forward, drop •oil «ample« for lime and phosphorus. - — * ped in 15 points to lead in the «coring, The next meeting will be held in the 'North Bend’s 25 to 23 defeat of but he did not make a good percentage Smith-Hughes room of the local high Marshfield featured the **A” League of lu* ibota. Collier of the Red Dev games last Friday. By taking this ils also met with the. same success in school Tuesday, February 14th, ai K p. m. contest the Bulldogs may as well be counting 12, while Morris with 8, all All are welcome to come and bring handed the championship flag for the made in the flrat half, broke nicely soil sample*.- second consecutive year, ad there is under the basket to hang up his total. Suggested topics for1 Che next few little likelihood of the present cham- A closely contested second team meetings are "Providing Green Feed pidnT being defeated in more than one fray, which went into an extra three- Through July and August” and i game. Coquille has a good chance minute period after being tied 14 all, “Peaa.” \ of doing this tonight, but Bandon and preceded the “A” team game. The Myrtle Point will offer the Benders “B” squad battled fiercely throughout If you want to subacribe for a Port- little opposition. the game. Myrtle Point coming from '«nd daily the clubbing combination In the game last Friday, North behind to tie the score up. <e offer with the Sentinel will aave Bend had an IB to 4 load at half time, vou money. but in the second half the Marshfield Additional Notes From Salem Pirates presented on entirely different Resignation of J. R. Callahan a« front to outplay the champions. Two foul shot conversions by Mullen, North ■avings and loan supervisor in the Bend pivot man, won the game in the state corporation department has re vived speculation aa to who will suc Anal half minute. The games tonight will be featured ceed James W. Mott when he resigns by the encounter between Coquille as corporation commissioner March 1 and North Bend, while Bandon goes to assume his new duties as Congress to Marshfield with little opportunity man from the first Oregon district, of performing any upset. The "A” as well a« to who will accompany M-ott to Washington as hia secretary. League standing is: Loot Pct Callahan's name has been mentioned Won 1.000 in connection with both jobs but so 0 • North Bend Miss M. Katner of Brooklyn, N. Y .000 far there has been no confirmation of wnte«: “Have used Krushen for the 3 2 Marshfield >aet four months and have not only .800 either rumor. 3 Coquille 2 oat 35 pounds but feel so much better The biggest show yet staged at this in every way,. Even for people who .260 4 1 Myrtle Point .000 seesion was the public hearing on the don’t care to reduce, Krusnen is won 0 4 Bandon • high school transportation bill in the derful to keep the system healthy By defeating Arago, 84 to 21, Riv- House last Thursday night. The room I being a nurse should know for I’ve tried so many things but only Krush- erton i* now the leading team in the wba too «mall to accommodate all i932)*Wered *” purpo,e* ” <M*F 12> “B” League. Prior to this both quin of those who wanted to attend. Ar To lose fat safely and harmlessly, tets had been undefeated, and had guments for and against the bill were met the other clubs with about the punctuated by cheers and jeers from take a half teaspoonful of Krushen the crowd. If numbers and noiee count i 8 i ?*’ °f hot water in the morn- name success. Now, however, the for anything the friends of transpor- ' mining—a bbotUe“that°"astaliBfour Riverton team is alone resting on the top, and, unless Arago obtains re tation made by far the better showing, weeks costa but a trifle—but don’t take chances—be sure it’s Krushen - venge in the return game between the your health comes first — get it at two schools, she should stay there. Indian Arrowhead« ruhrmana Pharmacy Inc. or any Tonight Riverton is scheduled to meet If not joy The bureau of American ethnology drugstore in America. fully satisfied after the first bottle the greatly Improved Lakeside flve, ■»ay« that there la no way of aaaoctat- The money back.____________ while Arago face» Bridge, and Coos Ing arrowhead« with tribee. River goes to Power«. Lakeside polnta vary In wise according to the 4' might possibly upset Riverton to puriHiee for which they are Intended night, ' as ^he did Coos River lest Arrow« uaed for bird« and other email game were tlp|*ed with «mall polnta week, 27 to 18. League standing: and those for larger game called for PcL Won on kinds of larger polnta. Each tribe had a great 1.000 Riverton - -6 variety of forma. .750 Arago - - 3 »varars ** • .500 lowers • “ 9 .400 Lakeside ~ -2 and Distance .400 The panoramic painting of the Coos River - - 2 Bridge - ; 0 .000 World war la 402 feet long and 45 OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF “I want my Telephone put back, please” I WEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY THIS WOMAN Lost 35 Lbs. OF FAT New low Price all COAL Local Perhaps the Basketball history: most heart-breaking incident in O- quille High basketball occurred in the 1980 tournament when North Bend defeated the Red Devils 15 to 14 in th* finals. d w Mt t uO 4 U 4B- tire «tory, however. In her prelimin ary game«, Coquille ran wild to de feat Rivattoh, 42 to «, and feet high. It was painted by 28 French artists with the assistance of more than 100 other artists, under the direc tion of Pierre Cnrrler-RelleuM and Auguste-Francois Gorguet It coo taltw 6.000 life else portraits of World war hemes and lenders. Mining Location notice« for aale at Long HAULING Phones 101 J—224L Mansell Drayaie & , I i £ ' A