THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1»M- PAGE TWO 4- Why Do Millions more people ride on Goodyear Tires? lb . isn’t it because the people who buy tires, rather than those who sell them,definite­ ly have settled the question as to whose tires are the best values! Don’t it beat all what a lot of Groceries a little money will buy? CANNED CORN Silver Thistle . ) Yacht Club 3 Cans 27c Wellman Maine j I FRONT LINE COFFEE Pound Package 20c ■ PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR 3*4 lb Package 21c SPERRY PANCAKE FLOUR Package ]7C . CROWN PANCAKE FLOUR Package J7C DIXIE BELLE MOLASSES «/, lb Can 17c FANCY STRAINED HONEY 5 lb Pail 49c WELLMAN’S BIRD SEED 1 tb Package 1QC I > » STRAWBERRY JAM Big Jar 40c Fancy »YELLOW CLING PEACHES Sunblest Brand 2 Large Cans 35c P I - i Small cars, big cars—they all wear more Goodyear Tires than any other kind. The measure of value in a product may accu­ rately be gauged by its volume of sales. You owe it to yourself to know the rea­ sons why Goodyear Tires lead all others so greatly. We can show you. C oquille S ervice S taton Phone 133 Live News From Arago Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis called on Mr. and Mrs. Verne Lundy, of Broad­ bent, Sunday afternoon. The Ladies Missionary and Aid So- cities held a union meeting at the community kitchen Wednesday. Sew­ ing for the Aid was the diversion of the morning and the missionary so­ ciety held devotional services in the afternoon with talks on missionaries in foreign land* by the different mem­ ber*. Those present were Mesdames J. D. Carl, Albert Lillie and daughter, Glenda Jean, J. L. Burtis, O. H. Aasen, C. S. McAllister, Everett Laf­ ferty, Naomi Robinson, George Gil­ lespie David Root, Nile Miller, Tyr­ rell Woodward, Wayne Woodward, Marvin Shaw, C. A. Keltner, Stanley Halter, E. R. McAdams, Ernest Weibe, A. S. Billing*. The next meet­ ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Sus Schroeder, March 3rd. Mrs. C. A- Keltner entertained a* dinner guest* Sunday Mr. and Mr*. T. A. Keltner snd Miss Dorothy Hughes, of Marshfield; Claire Keltner, of Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Halter and son, Allen. The Arago Bull Degs met the first defeat of the season when they met the Riverton squad on the Riverton floor Friday evening. • During the first half of the game the Bull Dogs were able to about held their own against the onslaught of their op­ ponent* but after the half, Riverton came back with a strong defense and more deadly shooting, while Arago kept losing ground and was unable to score one field basket. Riverton car­ ried off the victory with a score of 32 to 21. Caroline Bhurter left the Arago school and ha* entered the Norway ~ school for the rest of the term. John Henry Schroeder spent the week-end with his father at McKin- By­ Miss Gertrude Borg*rd spent the week-end with her father at I .amps. Mrs. S. C. McAllister entertained as dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wannamaugher and Mre. Leo Cox and son. Beryl, of Bandon. 'Mrs. Otha Ray was called to Se­ attle Wednesday by the death of her nephew Wayne Lynch, who died fol­ lowing an attack of spinal meningitis. Mrs. Ray is seventh and eighth grade teacher in the local school and Mrs. G. W. Ayers substituted while she was away. The seventh and 8th gra^e basket ball boys of Bridge and the high school girls volley ball team of Bridge met the two Arago teams in two very exciting games Friday Wining. The Arago boys carried off the honors in their game by a 24 to 8 score. The «, Bridge girl, defeated the Arago girl*. The return games will bo played Februkry 17th at Bridge. ■*’’* Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Billings entertained as guest* Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Dillon jnd son, Lewis, of North Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Root and children and George Royer, of Myrtle Point Shelby McAllister has been con­ fined at home the past week with influenza and was unable to play >all at Riverton Friday evening. He was greatly missed by the team. * Arago Bull Dogs will meet the Bridge squad at Bridge, February 10th. Little Glenda Stewart, five year old ¿rand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Collier, has been seriously ill the past two weeks but is on the mend st present Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller visited it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover McQuigg at Coquille Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. McQuigg returned tome with them Wednesday and .-.pent the day. Mr. and Mm. Henry Collier and family qioved into their new home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Amzy Ifintonye and laughter, Joanne, and Mrs. Fred Laf- ’erty, of Myrtle Point, visited at the Everett Lafferty home Sunday eve­ ning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, of Co- juille, were Arago visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward and »on, Gerald, enjoyed Sunday after­ noon on the Bandon Beach. J. L. Burtis, proprietor of the Ara­ go store, wae confined to his bed Tuesday with a relapse from the flu. Mrs. Naomi Robison is helping out in the store during hie illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Pauli, of Gar­ diner, visited friends and relatives in Arago vicinity over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Randleman and children, of Myrtle Point, visited .at the C. T. Rrtbineon home Saturday. Mrs. E. F. Hoffman, of Myrtle Point, visited at the C. T. Robison home Saturday. Mrs. E. F. Hoffman, of Myrtle Point, visited- her sister, Mrs. L. M. Aasen Saturday. Mr. and Mm. T. W. Dunwoodie and daughter, Patsy Joan, of Myrtle Point, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton Wednesday evening.- Mrs. Emma Wilson, of Myrtle Point, returned home Saturday, after s two weeks’ visit with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moo­ maw. A Bible class has been organised in the community church and will meet each Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mna. Geo. Gillespie. Ev­ eryone is welcome. Little Janice Lafferty, two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laf­ ferty. has gone to Myrtle Point to spend the rest of the winter months with hex. grandparent*, Mr. slid Mro. T. D. Giferin. Mrs. Frank Miller underwent an emergency operation for appendcitis Wednesday morning at the Knife hospital. She is recovering very sat­ isfactorily. . - •' I JAPAN TEA ’/i lb Package J 5c CANVAS GLOVES, Ladies size CIGARETTES— Rev. Mr. Flenner, of Broadbent, was unable to conduct the services at Arago church Sunday and Rev. P. D. Hartman, of Coquille, substituted for him. Brewster Valley ioc Pair Lucky Strikes, Camels, Chesterfields a pu», asc No Store in Coos County can buy for less than we do and we know they can’t sell for less. Phone Mrs. Ethel Abernathy returned to her home at Dora Wednesday, after spending several days at the J. D. Laird home, carink for her mother, Mrs. Belle Laird. Elmer Wilson made two trips to Myrtle Point Wednesday, hauling W. A. freight for Everett Howe, brought the mail from Dora to Brewster. Mr. and Mm. Glenn Ackerman, who have been staying with his parents at Coquille for the past several weeks, returned to the valley where they will stay for some time. An enjoyable evening was spent Wednesday at the W. A. Nickason home playing cards. The occasion was to celebrate the birthday of Mrs Flossie Wilson. Those to enjoy re­ freshments of cake and ice cream were: Mr. and Mre. Elmer Wilson, Charles, Virginia, and Burton Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nickason, Carrie, Fern and Betty Nickason and Minor and Florence Mead. Charley Oberman, of Dora, spent Wednesday at the P. A. Alford home helping do some butchering. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Harry, who have been staying tn Coquille re­ turned to their home here Thursday. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krewson and Mrs. Mildred Benham attended the “Wood Bee” at McKin­ ley. The men cut wood for the Grange hall and at noon a chicken dinner was served by the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Bingor Laird, of Roseburg, spent Sunday and Monday visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Laird. , Elmer Wilson accompanied by Mi­ nor Mead, made a trip to Camas Val­ ley Sunday for a load of lumber. Mr. Wilson and Ted Abbott returned for the second load Monday. Saturday evening, Hasel Taylor gave a card party at her home. Candy and refreshments were served later in the evening by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hicks and son, Claude, of the power station, were Coquille callers Saturday. Miss Genevieve Crowley spent the week-end visiting with Mim Wanda Houdyshell, of Coquille. Alva and Ralph Harry, of Coquille, brought their mother, Mm. Phoebe Harry, who is recovering from a broken leg, to the Perley Crowley home, where she win remain for some time. ’ Mrs. Elwin Alford left Monday for Dora, where she win visit with her mother, Mrs. Anne Oberman, until the latter part of the week. Al Alford is confined to his bed with stomach trouble. He baa been ailing for several month*. ASPARAGUS TIPS 2*4 Can 25c Very Nice Busy Comer Grocery W. A. Nickason, Robert Groat and Minor Mead are helping do some carpentering for Elmer Wilson. Mrs. Oscar Durell, who has been quite ill with the flu for two weeks, is much improved. A surprise birthday dinner was given Sunday at the C. M. Wilson home in honor of Mrs. Effie iWlson. Those to enjoy the chicken dinner •were: Mr. end Mrs. C. M. Wilson,-Mr. »nd Mrs. W. A. Nickason, Carrie, Betty and Fem 'Nickason, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laird and children. Merle and Lila Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson and children, Virginia, Burton and Charles, and Florence and Minor Mead. Although the sun has been shining :he past few days the snow is still visible in the foothills and at the Copco station there are six or eight inches. - Carl Groves is helping with the chores at the W. A. Nickason home this week. Delivery MYRTLE POINT ITEMS dren, Earl Jr., and Betty Adele, re­ turned to their home in Salem after a M m . K. Brady and Mrs. C. W. Gano, week’s visit with friends here. M t . of Coquille, were in town Thursday Cooley visited the Smith-Hughes and attended the funeral of Mrs. Per­ classes in this section while here. kins. Herbert Houghton left last week Mrs. Fred Garrett, of Aurora, Ore­ for Washington to seek employment. gon, spent the week-end with relative* O. Flentge and son, Donald, re­ in Myrtle Point. turned to their home in Ailie, Ore­ Mr. and Mrs. E. Folsom returned to gon. They came here to attend the Salem Monday after spending the funeral of Mr. Flentge sister, Mm. week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins. R. F. Garrett. Dr. O. H. Clarke, who has been Mr*. W. W. Doyoe gave a quilting quite ill with flu, waa able to be out party Thursday afternoon at her Thursday. home on the Roseburg highway. The Stanley Furman returned to his invited guest* were Mesdames P. W. home after spending several month» Lair^, W. King, J. Mulkey, R. Rouppe, in Crescent City, where he was em­ R. F. Garrett, W. Huff, Burgess, ployed in the Morrison Camp. Florence Guerin, Anne Smith and H. G. Volkmar, local hardwareman. Margarete Laird. Late in the after­ is able to be out after a luasle with noon delicious refreshments were the flu. served. Mrs. Jack Ocheltree went to Klam­ Mr. and Mro. F. Osborne returned ath, California, to attend the funeral home from a week’* visit with rela­ of her sister, Freda Brach. tives at Copper, Oregon. Elder and Mrs. Chas. Barklow left .Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kaufman are Thursday for an extended visit in County Surveyor Vinton’s the proud parents of a baby daugh- Olympia, _ ___ ______ Wash., _______ in eastern Oegon st Offer to County Court ter born Tuesday, February 7th, at j Pr'ineviH* and at Medfopd the Mast hospital. They have named | A basketball game was played in To carry out his campaign slogan her Margaret Jane. This is the fourth the Junior High building Wednesday >f economy in Coos county road af­ child in the family and the flrot girl. evening between the Coquille Indc fairs, County Surveyor E. L. Vinton Ray Morrison returned home Tues­ pendent team and th* local Indepcn last month addressed a letter to the day* from Crescent City, where he ha* dents. Myrtle Point won by two -ounty court, reprinted below, but has been for several months in the log­ points. ■een informed that no immediate ging business. He has finished the Mr. Weldon, of Pleasant Valley -hangs in the road department is effii- contract, all but the trucking, which waa a Myrtle Point visitor Saturday tempMed. will be don* as soon as the weather The Garden Club met Tuesday eve­ Considering the small amount of permits. ning *t the home of Mrs. Bud Emery county road work which may be done Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulkey and son, A pleading program was enjoyed by this year, the Sentinel is not informed Donald, returned home from a few those attending. whether the 11800 for general road days’ visit in Bandon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bellshaw and supervision, mentioned in Mr. Vin­ Mrs. Mulkey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Mary Ann, and Mr. and ton’* letter, will be spent or not: Willis Hoover. Mrs. Frit* Bollenbaugh spent Tuee Oscar Parrish, of Bandon, was a d*y *t Sunset beach. To the Honorable County Court of Myrtle Point visitor Wednesday. >■ Tom Dixon left Monday for Illahe. Coos County, Oregon. Mr. and Mr*. Roy Garrett and where he will build a large house for Gentlemen: The budget as adopted daughter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. for the year 1933 shows that the sal­ Fred Garret, of Aurora, and Mr. and Mr*. Bogan and small »on, James, ary for general road supervisor is Mr*. E. FAsom. of Salem, spent Sun­ returned to their home on Rink Creek $1800.00, the salary for a part time day at Port Orford. Thursday. James has been in the roadmaster is $400.00, snd the salary, Mr*. Jessie Huntley ha* returned to Mast hospital receiving medical treat surveying and platting for the sounty home at Bald Hill after being in rnen*' / surveyor is 8800.00. The sum of the her th* Marshfield hospital for several • ”*' ___ Oi _____ r-~ returned —...~........ H««pi* to above is $3000.00. week-», receiving treatment for rheu- h*r hom* in Bandon after a few days’ By combining the office of roadmas­ matism. I visit with friend* in Myrtle Point. ' ter and county surveyor a considerable A birthday dinner was given at I *L H. Mast and L. L. Sumerlin saving can be made to the taxpayers.1 the Dr. C. Bennett home at Gravel I T*"* •business trip to Salem Tues- At this time, I believe that every y’ ”ley r*turn*d Wednesday af-