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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1933)
PAGE SIX THE COQUILLK VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 19M. HS" OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF ' tret I feel that the one and only un- bill that, provides that e«ch «ports- of dollars is squandered by the com- kind remark concerning my comments' man hunting upon any farmer's rand mission foolishly each year. A closed upon the commission of state game af- buy script with his license and pay season upon Chinese pheasants for fairs should be overlooked, inasmuch aa.d farmer 50 cents for hunting, two years would put more birds in as it comes from a sportemair who. Looks like King Edward rule in Eng- j the field than the commission puts in before he was wearing knee pants, the land to me. In the pursuit of Chinese them from their game farms in ten balance of us old sportsmen had been pheaaanta, in one lay, the ordinary years. Why ? Very simple. Half the practically kicked in the face by the sportsman will cron, a dozen farms birds liberated are domesticated birds, game cotnqiusion for many years pri-' before securing the limit. That means AH a hunter has to do is go out with or to this individual’s entrance into [ 83 in addition to his $3 hunting li- his shot gun and a handful of wheat Basketball ristory: Back in 1026 «hen Coquille High won her last bas ketball championship the Red Devils hsd a team which had no more than 15 points scored against it in any game; and thia happened but twice, pH the other totals of the opposition being under this mark. Only 86 points were made against Coquille in an eight game schedule. By Lane Leneve The last issue of Out-of-Doors Stuff sort of reminded me of casting a tempting lure into a deep hole inhab ited by a lot of hungry fish—one mad rush for the bait. While my last is sue cannot be classed aa “bait” for sportsmen to swsllow—for true facte were dealt with only—there was cer ¿he realms of sports. We all must cense. It makes one ask himself: Is and he can coax his limit of birds up tainly a mad rush to inform me what Coquille at M. P. Tonight live and learn and sometimes it takes the game commission seeking to elim to within easy gunshot. the sportsmen of thin district thought Probably you readers have reached years and years to acquire a knowl inate the poor man from the picture Going into the final four game, Of of the article concerning warden ser edge of what we speak. This column and cater to wealthy sportsmen who the conckmion that I aid opposed to the eight game “A” League schedule, vice as put out by the state game is run on the up and up and any time can afford to pay to cross farmer’s the state game commission by this Coquille will meet Myrtle Point to commission. Last issue received more time. How did you guess it T You’re night and then in order play each of anything is published that meets with property ? praise than any issue ever published Here are a few things that the right 1 am. In fact I am for the entire the clubs met during the first half, disapproval I willpnty be too glad to by the writer. It piet the hearty ap meet the challenger of my remarks in sportsmen of this district have asked abolishment of it I believe that it reversing the home court in each in proval of all sportsmen, with but one for: A 30-bag limit on trout, re wfould be the greatest move of all time stance. Myrtle Point tonight at Myr open debate, be it one, or many. taking exception. And aa far as this 1 took exception to the game com gardless of sixe, ( which means the to sanction the entire abolishment of tle Point, North Bend next Friday night particular one is concerned, I sm like mission taking the bounty from taking of any size to complete the it I have dealt rather at length here, Coquille at Bandon on February Will Rogers, who says to his critics, cougar. What happened? The state limit of 30), the opening of the hunt- upon the game commiaaion-^'in fact 17, and Marshfield here for the sea “If you don’t like my stuff, don’t read legislature introduced a bill putting a | ing season at least a month earlier in have taken up all my time and space son’s final on February 24. ' 1 it.” But with 99 per cent of the local 320.00 bounty on cqugar. Thpt shows > order to avoid the taking of bucks at upon the subject but the truth has Myrtle Point has won but one game sporting fraternity backing roe up, I that they didn’t take the game com j the rutting season when they are been spoken. this season, defeating the Bandon feel, that I did not go amiss in pub What we want is justice. I feel like I cellarites, 23 to 21, and losing to all mission very seriously and, in fact, ’ spoiled. The later opening of the sea lishing. facta of the case. All ohe has believed that the commisison had the son on ducks. This latter comes under that famous commander of that old . y,e other team« by more or less heavy to do is to revert to the past, io find wrong idea on the subject of bounty, the federal law but with the sanction frigate in the long ago, when the «.Ores. jn the first Coquille-Myrtle « * out the truth. The state game com One reader informed me that I was! of the game commission we could get British asked him if he would sur- Point /ray the locals were victorious, mission never hss favored Coos coun responsible*for the action of the leg- « break, but incidentally they have render and he replied: “I’ve just be- 24-12, and tonight Coach Hartley is ty in any manner since the reign of *i ¡Mature, ~ U..« «uUb novor h nor«» Why? gun tn but T I am not r.l,;»,™ taking credit never advocated mirh such u a ch change. to Aasht fight.” TViat-'«« That’« n me! So long as hoping that his Red Devils will make Capt. Burghduff, the most efficient war for it I believe that the level-headed Wealthy sportsmen of the Multnomah we are bunting and fishing, just so the «core more decisive. North Bend den the state ever had in the chair men acting as the people’s representa Hunters' and Anglers’ clu') have bait-' long as there remains one fish in the has beaten Myrtle Point 28 to 11, and who lost his job when a lot of ed lakes where the shooting is good streams, or one deer in the hills, Out- while Marshfield handed the same tive, simply used their heads. high-powered politicians went after The legislature didn’t take the game throughout the first weeks of the open of-<Doors Stuff is going to keep in the club a severe 40 to 7 drubbing. his scalp and got it. Since then the Other wealthy sportsmen I battle and fight for the general run of commission seriously, probably heark season. Seeley will likely start at center to whole workings of the commission ening hack to the times when game have lakes and pond, baited where ■ sportsmen. The wardens of the state night, but the remainder of the line has been up in the air; new wardens commissioners appointed through a po they reap a harvest of ducks at the game commission may threaten, Port up is questionable. Of' late Coach being appointed; new commissioners litical pul) didn’t really know what it opening of the season. Why does the land dailies may publish editorials by Hartley has been alternating Morris, being appointed; efficient warden; be was all about. It is doubtfpl that one game eommision shut their eyes to a wild life lines editor, all rich sports Shaver and Gailae at the guard posts, ing removed from districts where out of five of any game commissioners these facte? Where is the ordinary, men may take up arm« aganst me, snd Shinn, McCarthy and Stonecypher they were doing real work in the ap are well versed in wild life. A few poor sportsmen taken into considera but I’m going to put out the facta of at the forwards, while Collier has been prehension of game violators and the case, regardless. t years back the game commission re tion. Used in both positions. where real game conservation was Another thing the legislature is do fused to declare a closed season on A “B” team game will open the hos taking place. A deaf ear has been fisher, stating that these animals were ing is seeking to pass a bill to reduce Sport Bgiefa tilities at seven o’clock. turned upon thia district at all times so destructive to fish.. “Ain’t that the price of hunting and angling li By Mark Seeley I by the commission. Every want ex somethin?" A fisher is not a fisher censes. The game commission never Indians Trim Red Devils Little excitement occurred in “A” pressed by local sportsmen has been for fish—far from it. It simply »how- sanctioned such a move. I have ad League basketball last week. Marsh shrugged aside. And whether the As doped, the Roseburg quintet de ignorance of wild life conditions. This vocated and fought for such a law for field severely walloped Myrtle Point minority of sportsmen who are in fa feated the Coquille Red Devil basket several years, especially the last two county ha, been cheated out of its by a 40 tor 7 count, while North Bend ball team in the game at the Douglas vor of the taction of the game com rightful quota of Chinese pheasants or three years. The only lowering of massacred Bandon, 52 to 19, in games mission like it or not, 1 am not back- county center last Saturday, dropping the past year. Why? At no times the license fees that the commission which were expected to conclude just peddling one bit in censuring the state the red and white by a 27 to 15 score. I have we been favored by the game > ever advocated w>s to allow non as they did. game commission and will continue to In a previous contest on the local floor commission. So what I want to know residents to fi«h for about a third of Coquille, idle from league play, kept the Indians barely nosed out CoquHle, do so an long as I can state the is, why should we wish to pa? them the cost of the resident angler. busy by meeting Roseburg and aa a 24 to 23, though expected to run up a straight truth in the matters of interest My frank opinion is that the state on the back? I ait! raising my voice result were defeated, 27 to 15. Rose much wider margin. to sportsmen pertaining to game af in protest against the state game game commission is a menace to wild I burg has been boasting a team that fairs. I want it* distinctly understood Roseburg’s attack Saturday night commission and I honestly believe life rather than a eaver of it To hunt would represent the Lane-Douglas dis was led by her stringy center, Palm, that I am for the sportsmen at large, that my voice is the voice of the deer in breeding season, to trap fur trict in the state tourney, but last who rsng the bell for ten points. especially the poor sportsmen and in sportsmen at large in this district, bearing animals in breeding season is my Writings I seek to express the Friday night a 40 to 10 defeat at the Roseburg took the lead from the start, not long ago I was informed by a war all wrong. I am. still standing by my I hands of Eugene quelled these threats. holding an advantage at the" comple voice of the sportsmen in general, guns, to-wit: To appoint a man fa den in the service of the game com nothing personal is introduced in,my Prior to this reverse Roseburg had tion of each quarter. At halftime her mission that if I didn’t lay off the miliar with game conditions in each column, just plain facte concerning i beaten Medford and University High, margin was 16 to 7, these pointe by I commission that my column would be district of the state and give him the the workings of game laws and mat 1 but against Eugene she was complete the Umpqua team proving enough to stopped. Who wm behind that threat? supervision of his district; eliminate ters of interest to the entire porting ly lost in the huge environs of Mr- win. ! My column is still going and will con the entire game commission, includ fraternity of the state, and especially , Arthur Court. Coquille "had «. better second half, tinue to function so long as I publish ing all commissioners, education di of Coos county, in which I have a The North Bend defeat of Bandon holding the victors to 11 pointe while rector, research director, etc., and use true facta. heart interest Owing to the fact I And now does this sound fair: The a little common sense regarding game was featured by- sharpshooting of her baaketeers were scoring eight for that I have hunted and fished and Mullen, all county center, who made their own eause. But for the basket Thousands upon thousand, I game commission has introduced a affairs. trapped for many years in this dis- 18 pointe, and by Gatzke, forward, making of Palm'during the concluding with 17 markers. Davis, another for periods, the Roseburg count would ward, made 12 pointe, while the re have been much lower. mainder of the Bulldog quintet had Warranty and Bargain A Sale little to do. Breuer, tall Bandon cen Deed« for sale at The Sentinel office. ter, led his mates with 8. At Myrtle Toint the home town bas- Calling cards 100 for 8140. keteers had a sorry evening aa far as basket shooting goes, but the Marsh field court men added richly to their season’s totals. Barnard and Hansen rang the bell for ten each, while Atchi son and McLean were counting nine apiece. League standing: Won Last Pct. North Bend 4 0 1.000 1 Marshfield 8 .750 1 Coquille .500 - 2 2 Myrtle Point - 1 3 .250 Bandon 0 4 .000 Tonight Coquille meets Myrtle Point while Marshfield meets North Bend In a league feature game. Clow Game Lant Night Bandon’s independent basketball team, hailed as champions of the county in its clsss, met unexpected opposition in the game with CoquiNe, nosing out 28 to 27, after four torrid quarters of play in the county seat community hall last night. Linn with 15 points led in the scoring. Hartley coming second with 10, and Ellingson third with 9. Coquille led 18 to 12 at the halftime. Lineups: Coquille (27) Bandon (28) F ,(«) Morgan Haberly (7) Ellis F Linn (15) C (10) Hartley Selkirk (6) («) Stevens G Chappell S. Pulford G Gould (9) Ellingson S Referee: R. Lorens. Probate Court Items Bertha Brach, of Myrtle Point, was on Wednesday appointed administra trix of the 81900 estate left by Eli Reed, who died at Myrtle Point, Jan. 24. The appraisers are A. J. Rada- baugh, Ed Lehman and Paul Breuer. Saturday Special—Light, hens 16c a pound dressed. Peoples Market. Calling carda 100 for SI.50. train fares to California' «Z “ST San Francisco 318.50 834.79 Loe Angeles 25.75 8445 sad away etfievs B«utb«rn Pacifie F. A. POOR, Afftnt “GOO'.) LUCK TO YOU EDDIE Only one result has been heard from concerning the “R” League schedule last week end, Riverton defeating Cooa River, 21 to 18. • High water caused the postponement of the Pow ers-Arago tilt, while as yet the re sult of the tail-end battle lakeside and Bridge has not public. Coqa River offered stiff op position in bowing to Rivurton, bpt in the end the more experienced Co quille valley team nosed out a victory. This week-end Arago will meet Riverton in the first meeting of the two leading clubs. Both are are as yet undefeated and are considered to be evenly matched. In her game with Coos River, Arago won by a narrow one-point margin. 22 to 21. The other games will send Cooa River to Lake side and Bridge to Powers. league standing: Won Lost Pct. Riverton 0 1.000 4 1.000 0 Arago o .000 Lakeside s Bridge 0 8 .000 a Basketball history: Back in 1925 Seeley, center, is leading the Coquille Red Devils in scoring with 40 pointe, which totals twice aa many as his nearest rival in league game point making. McCue, not playing now, fin ished with 20 markers, while Collier also has 20. The scoring of the Red Devils in league play is: F j G T.P. Seeley McCue - Collier McCarthy Morris Shaver Stonecypher Shinn ‘ * Riverside, California, takes great pride la the fact “• •*ab,< rw-ideats, Eddie Peabody, is world Uddin, the MSd^y\?*r»R Mddlng the blond master of the banjo good-by aa be leaves to take an Ms new duties sa a radio star «a the Safeway Sterna program. Following the announcement made rseently that Eddie Peabody, Amer ica’s foremost banjo artist and identified aa one of the outstanding entertainers of the theatrical world, had signed a contract with the Safe- way Stores for a series of weekly broadcasts commencing over the Natipnal Broadcasting Company network Wednesday evening, Feb ruary Sth, at 7:80 o’clock, a deluge of congratulatory letters and tele grams has descended upon the youthful stage luminary. . Me small portion of these numer ous messages were from Mayen and Police Chiefs of western cities, for Eddie has endeared himself In the hearts of public officials everywhere by his willingness to always aid any worthy publie cause. During Ms recent tour of Europe, when he was such a tremendous success in London, Dublin, Monte Carlo, Nice, Paris and other centers of enter tainment the gay, blond westerner into and again arranged "stunts" and inteii iew i i that would call at- t«ti0n,V’ h,,,,b’,,0T*d Pacific Coast of the United States. He alee was the bearer of many good will mes- i *,inee Eddi* known internationally at an outstanding entertainer, audiences in every sec tion of the world have invariably demanded that he play “Bt Louis Blue," on Ms his banjo. The reputation ■■•«"on he r enjoyed -1—‘ for * ... introducing this novelty ------------ „„„ w •lty ---------- number followed Mm to Europe and on his first appearance there he was amazed when a packed The dynamic entertainer haa been given nil reign over hia Safeway program and will personally roper T1»e .V** wjdting of the script, the ■election of announcers, production men, musicians, etc. .. Although Eddie is best known for Mii inimitable.ability to entertain wJtb B b«l’jo, he is also the master of 81 other instruments and will use many of them on his broad cast«. win bro»<1r*«t the Eddie Peabody programs from 8:0? Wednesdays, aro KM, L«s Angeles; EGO. Oakland and San Fraaciaso: KGW, Port > American official, to land; KOMO, Beattie, and KHQ. Europeans. Spokane.