PAGE EIGHT TUR COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1933. « Music Chib Notea Grange Haa Enjoyable Party I Solis Test Tomorrow . The MadDoweH Music club met last, There were over one hundred in at- A Meeting at which aoils will be Tuesday afternoon at the home of tendance at the Coquille Grange, par­ tested for available phosphates and Mrs. C. A. •Rietman. After the regu- ■ ty in W. O. W. hall last Thursday eve­ acidity and where other phases of soil lar business meeting the following ning, the net receipts being »19.50. management will be considered ia to Telling About nW program was enjoyed by those pres­ Following the business session, the be held at the city hall in Coquille to­ public was admitted at nine o’clock. morrow, Saturday, afternoon, Janu­ ent: Event« in th« City and . Miss Inex Rover gave a review of A meeting of the Future Farmers ary 28, at 1:30 p. m., according to County Jenkins, county agent, the musical events for the month— of America chapter of Coquille High George • - the top note being the opening of the School, gave those present an idea through which office arrangements Iran Laird was a Coquille visitor musical hall and RKO theatre in how the F. F. A. business ia conducted were made. from Sitkum Wednesday. Rockefeller Center. Mrs. F. 8. Emery and afforded an opportunity for sev­ Similar meetings are being held in Alpine Coal, lump »4.50, 2 ton« gave a comprehensive paper on sym­ eral of the boys to, outline tbeir other communities in the county in order to provide an opportunity for An Smith-Hughes projects. 18-50, nut coal »3 per ton. E. M. phonies east of the Mississippi. The “ten-legged quartet” of the farmers to have soils tasted early in Briner, phono 71. 45t2*tf interesting item was the fact that the Boston Symphony ranks higher than Smith-Hughe« class furnished several the season. In addition to the testing Karl John, of the upper Fiahtrap the New York Symphony, Chicago vocal aelectioiw. 1 They were second a report will be made on commercial country, waa a Coquille visitor Wed­ Symphony appearing third on the list. panied by Mias Edythe Farr, who also fertiliser trials which have been con­ nesday. Hs says there was about Mrs. Birdie Skeels had the main pa­ rendered piano solos to her auditors’ ducted in Coos county and A. 8. King, two inches of snow at Ms place. per for the afternoon, “The Life and delight. The five members of the extension specialist in soil work, will Mrs. L, H. Haxard loft Monday for Music of Mendelssohn,” and gave a quartet are Russell Martindale, Ernie discuss eoil problems which may de­ Portland to visit her daughter, Mrs. very interesting sketch of the master. Cooper, Delbert Donaldson, Wm. velop from the informal discussion. * Jack Serconkb. She accompanied Rev. The results of these tests will show Two pleasing piano solos were Floten and Jim Robinson. and Mrs". W. E. Couper, of Marshfield. played by Mrs. Henry Hartley; “Mid­ A playlet, originated by J. L. Smith, whether the soil io in need of lime to L. R. Williams, of the Natural Gas summer Night's Dream" and “Spring and presented by the Grange Quar­ correct the acid condition or whether Corporation . here, returned Wednes­ Song”; by Mendelssohn. Mrs. E. A. tet and J. P. Beyers, was a very laugh­ the soil is deficient in available phos­ It was entitled “A phates. Because prices on these ele­ day morning from a trip to Portland Woodyard sang a number from the able farce. ments will be much lower this year, to confer with the company’s bead in oratorio, “Bt. Paul,” and “On Wings Grange General Store.” of Music ” by Mendelssohn. , “ Confi ­ considerable interest is being shown Following the serving of refresh ­ Oregon, A. E. 8trong. dence" and “Consolation” were two ments the crowd enjoyed itself with in these subjects. Safety First! Use Cow BoD Dairy’s | Mendelssohn piano solos played by cards and other games. These are public meetings and iny- Paatauriaed Milk and protect yotu1 c> A. Rietman. A duet, “I Would one interested is invited to attend. baaJtb. .That My Love,” written by Mendels- Those wishing to have soil tested may Court of Honor Wednesday Miss Margaret White, who has been 'sohn, was sung by Mm. John Miller take samples to the meetings. The Vistors at the Court of Honor, held making her home at the C. L. Willey and Mm. Birdie Skeels; sccompanist, in the city hall Wednesday evening, sample should be dried for the acid home here, has been in Portland the Mrs. Woodyard. included C. C. Farr, chairman of the test. If too much time should be re­ quired to test all of the samples at An article of interest to those pres past two weeks visiting Mrs. Carl W. court, J. E. Axtell, who took the role Roberts, formerly Miss Elvs Willey. ent was road by Mrs. Roy E. Boober, of examiner, Wade Anstill, Scout Mas- the meeting they will be tested later relative to the MacDowell Colony at and a report made by mail. tor, Dr. J. R. Bunch, C. W. Gano, Dr. Anyone interested in Goats? Lewis Peterboro, New Hampshire, which is J. W. Wheeler, Theodore Clinton, J. English has a flock of six which he the monument to the great American To Speak on India L. Smith, D. E. Rackleff and M. L. will sell cheap. There are Ave awes composer, Edward MacDowell. Kathan. Mi*. Gertrude Graves Martin, of and one buck in the flock but Mr. Two boys were passed for Star Portland, who has won an enviable English will sell one or more if de­ Junior Choral Club Entertains scout badges—Henry W Teal and reputation as a musician, is to be the sired. The Junior Choral Club, Mrs. E. A. Francis Arrell. To receive the Star speaker at an open meeting of the Lester Cunningham was knocked Woodyard director, entertained a badge a 8cout must have earned five B. P. W. club, in the Pioneer church, out fdr the day last Monday morning I good-sised audience Tuesday evening merit badges. on Monday, Feb. 20, at 8 o’clock. She when he fell from Darrell Anderson’s at Pioneer Hall in a most pleasing Those who won merit badges Wed­ will speak on “The Political and Social truck on his wsy to school, skinning manner. “A Trip to Europe,** an nesday evening were Henry Teal, Life of India,” and those who have his cheek, blacking his eye, cutting operetta by Macy A Lang, given by Francis Arrell and Tom Henderson, in heard Mrs. Martin say she is intensely hie lip and chin and having a tooth special permission of the publishers, animal industry; Orville Weekly, soil interesting, and makes her hearers al­ broken off. proved delightful. The girls showed management; Donsldx#tevens, swim- < most see the conditions she is depict­ Glenn L. Jackson, of Medford, gen-1 splendid training and intend to begin ming; Norman Ricketts, personal ing. oral sales manager for the Mt States work right away on some other form health; Lloyd Wood, woodwork; How­ The program for that evening is ar­ Power Co. and the California-Oregon of musical entertainment The fol­ ard Hickam, book binding; and Byron ranged for by the club’s International Power Co., whose territory extends lowing were in the chorus: Lavelle Davis, chemistry. Relations committee. There will also south as fsr as Yreka and Dunsmuir Dale, Isabel Unsoeld, Louis Woodyard, be several musical numbers, and a aso J «a a « so a aa css «semes — _ Gets, Donna ©san YJ — and cast into YMT Wyoming, was m a /^zwwaalllm Coquill« 1 Tl-.. Donna Boaaei small charge to defray expenses will Sheriff Asks for Correction I Margaret Stewart, Dorothy Glaisyer, visitor Wednesday. be made. • Sheriff H. E. Hees says that the I Virginia 'Page, Marion Hess, Geoigana Mrs. M. O. Hawkins and daughters, Menu, for inmates of the county jail, Marvin Jans and Ann, arrived home Johnson, Dorothy (Bell Newton, Mari-1 as printed in a newspaper last week, Another Amateur Boxing Can lyn Compton, Virginia Hartaon, Emma 1 Wednesday from a few days’ trip to While it is in no sense a school af­ was submitted to the county court as Portland. They had expected to be Frances Mulkey, Yvonne Kern, Muriel a tentative menu, for the court’s con­ fair, nor sponsored by the Smith- home Tuesday evening but it was and Davis, Carol Haga, Leah Rover, Pa­ sideration before it was finally adopt­ Hughes department, the amateur box­ had been snowing so hard that they trician Chapman and Margaret Smith. ed as a regular thing. ing card, to be staged at the Communi­ They were assisted by Margaret Pur- spent that night in Eugene. Ho calls attention to several inac­ ty Building on Thursday, FeS. 9, vrill vance, who was the chaperon and curacies in the schedule. One was see all eight bouto participated in by C. G. Caugbell, of the tax depart­ Edythe Farr, accompanist that the menu figures out at 65>4 students of-that agricultural depart­ ment, has been down with the flu all cento per day per prisoner, and not M ment at the high school. In all there week, but expected to get back to the Oppone« Hyrirv-Efoetric Bill cento. Another was the mention ef will be 24 rounds of boxing, and those court house .this* afternoon. Miss Jesse D: Clinton, down here from ham. Since he has been sheriff ham who witnessed their events last year Marguerite Agostino has been assist­ ing Mies Jennie Lindros in the tax Myrtle Point Wednesday, expressed never has been fed the prisoners. The know that these youngsters show lots department while Hode was absent himself quite freely against the hy­ item should hsve been hamburger. of action. dro-electric bHl which has been intro­ And the cake mentioned was a cheap Admission will be 25 and 15 cento. Hal (Baxter, who arrived heme Tues­ duced in the legislature This bill, if loaf cake, not one of the rich kind day night from the Granta Pass sec­ it became a law, would permit the which most people think of when cake Nosier Beauty Shop Re-opens tion, says there was lota of snow on state of Oregon to spend the »65,000,- la mentioned. Sat, January 28, 1933 the highway all the way to Roseburg 000 authorised by the voters at the Mins Muriel Dae, cosmetician, for­ and that although the highway de­ November election, and when the state Eastern Star’s Basket Social merly with the Marinello Co., New partment had used anew plows and enter* the public utilities business its The Social Club of the Eastern Star York City, and instructor for five scattered gravel a car did a lot of troubles would be considerably great­ enjoyed a baakat social after the reg­ years in the Marinello school, Los An­ fancy skidding ever the mountains. er than they are now. And the ser­ ular session of Beulah Chapter last 1 geles, Cal., vrill be in eharge. Lans Leneve questions J. J. Stan­ vice would not be cheap in price, Miss Dae specialises in Natural evening. There «rare, more than forty ley’s statement that the bluebird ia whatever it might be in quality. present and the evening waa pleasant­ Permanent waving, marinello facials, Nor did Mr. Clinton believe the leg­ a harbinger of spring. He says there dying and all ly spent playing cards, and consuming eyebrow, eyelash have been bluebirds in the woods all islative bodies, whether state legisla­ KJ I«« . , branches wr»ncnc» 91 ucauiy wutk the tempting viands which ths ladies of beauty work, . winter, while Mr. Stanley says he ture ar congress, are pursuing the The' F»*«—diagnosi» of akin and scalp had provided in the baskets. ' never sees them around his place un­ baskets were sold with 25 cents 1 «a *nd advice on correct make-up and til spring. Perhaps the species is the maximum price. individual hairdess. Complimentary urban in the summer and rural in facial given to every person spending cold weather! fifty cents or more during the first Coquille Forum Club Slide Caline« Longer Trip two weeks. What ia the correct term for a fe­ At the Jan. 12 meeting of the Co- male goat? Our office dictionary does 5ir. ,n