Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1933)
THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDA T, JANUARY JT, MW» Phone Your Order and weTf do the lest. You can lie sure of Satisfactory Quality WELLMAN COFFEE Vacuum Packed, a top grade BULK RIPE OLIVES IOC PINT <•.“» 33C «&65c Fancy Norwegian SMOKED SARDINES in pure olive oil. Cross packed. 2 lb Pantry Jars PEANUT BUTTER Fancy Onton Sets MYRTLE POINT ITEMS «... and Mrs. T. B. MacDonald Live N«w» Fro» Arago spent Thursday and Friday vis ting Continuing their winning Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett and friends at Bridge. Mrs. MacDonald Boneless Arago Bull Dog. J remained for a few more days’ visit Mra. J. V. toep were Coquille visitors River quintet at Coos Rhr* Two new pupils entered the sixth Saturday. 1 day evening, 21 to 20- Arago. M ( grade Monday. They were Edith and F. M. Kenyon is able to be out again usual this season, started early after a two weeks tussle with the flu. ANen Zinserling. piled up a seven-point lead atitto h.K Mrs. L. Waterman is visiting this Alvin Sprague entered the seventh Coo. River then staged a rally grade Tuesday. Ho comes from Pow week st the home of her mother, Mrs. tied the score 16 to 16 as the fin£ ers and the family is living on the Horace Warner. whistle a » five-minute Roy Garrett and daughter, Mar ’X. blew. During A’«“ >“ “ “S Collins plaoe. Two new pupils to enter the inter garet, are confined to their home with five points and Coo. River «"¡J. mediate grades from Gravel Ford in attack of the flu. The lineup for Arago was Currie and are Kenneth and Dorothy Stevens. -/ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rose returned Schroeder, forwards; Collier, center, Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Stevens, their par- to their home at Merrell, after a two M Griffin and R. Griffin, guards. Sub- enta, have moved on to the old Mc «reeks’ visit at Broadbent and Myrtle The best the Market affords at all the possible Point. Closkey place at Norway. P.iHek, Th, IwUr •»• •»*« Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poppe and Mrs. George Hoeger, who entered the prices. can be sure of the in the your phone Coos River’s favor, 15 to M. third grade in school hero last fall Miles and two eons returned to Port-J A group of the young married from Iowa, has gone to Coquille to land after a few days; visit with rets- j «.re ^r.a nleaaantly entertained at the finish the term. yndM 7 Marvin«- His father, Mr. tives. Miss Pesrl Dodele returned from Hoeger, is assisting John Dornath in Saturday evening. After a bounteous the shingle mill. Portland, where she haa been since potluck supper the evening was .pent Isaac Miller has entered high school the holidays and resumed her duties playing Those Burbank, present were Mr’ and bridge. Mrs. ¡Frank Mn and will graduate with the senior in the Junior high school. “ d Mrs. Gordon Fleming, Mt- Mrs. Harold Leep, of Roseburg, is .-lass in Msy, having only one credit visiting at the home of her mother, to earn during the semester. Mrs. Everett Lafferty and the host The only student making straight Mrs. George Mullen. ‘"iÎldeÏ’carl. of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson and mes in Arago high school for the two children returned to their home Inst semester was Anna Deardorff. Sunday here with hi. parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Embroe are at Drain after a few days’ visit at the Mrs J. D. Carl. • , __ . the proud parents of a nine-pound home of Mr. Nelson’s parents, Mr. Mr. and Mm. Frank Milter «Joyed I boy born to them at the Pinkston hos and Mrs. Jacob Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mullen ¿ave pital January Id. Mm. Embroe was formerly Georgia Deardorff, of Arago. gone to Bend, where Mr. Mullen has ford Sumerlin, of Leo« I churdl a very ple-ln< progralB Coquille School New« Mr. Embroe is employed at the Jim employmen t in a logging cmnp. Mias Hilda Whittick, from North Mr and Mr.. Henry Collier expect Avery place. J C. Lloyd, of South Dakota is foM a audience Friday Bend, is a new member of the Wash Submitted by Committee K, move into their new houm ta» Mm. S. L. Lafferty has been quite visiting this week in Myrtle Point. ' . ington school staff, taking the place of few day.. They are building their ill this week, suffering with influents. Mrs. W. H. Bank, and son, William, william, ijytng on the Mrs. Elsie Andrews, who resigned at house on his father's place. returned to their home in Portland. Cup on R^.burg the close of the last term. Mr. and Mr.. J. D. Carl are enjoy Riverton News Following is the Coquille high J«‘ out of tow"’ •«. havinr with the boys’ and girls* teams play ing n few days’ with Mr.^Cari s and death of Mrs. Banks’ father, J. | a tussle with the i flu, i five of the fam ~ ing alternately. The contests are be school honor roH, compiled from the Riverton High beat Bridge in the - n brother and bi. wife, Mr. and Mr.. P. D. Barklow. | ily being down with it thio week. ing held in the high school gymnasium semester grade averages: third “B” League baaketbaH game of C. Schroeder, of Tillamook. F. M. Kenyon left Tuesday morning , Straight Ones—Edythe Farr, Doris directly after school. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bunch visited Mias Ethel Fi»h is .pending a two the season Friday night. The score for Bend, Oregon, on a business trip. | A decidedly * constructive change Compton. Saturday at the home of his sister, ended 37 to 25. The same night the WMk.’ vacation at h<*” Dan Bollenbaugh returned to his has been made in the program at the No Grade Below a Two — Arlie , parents. Mr. and Mr. Albert Fish, second team won from the Bridge home in Roseburg after a several 1 Mrs. Bennett. ^hile her schoo! at MHMngton is second team, 38 to 0. Mm. R. E. Hermann and children, of Washington school. Heretofore, there Aasen,.Mary Burr, Lois Geider, June weeks’ visit at the home of his moth-' Klamath Falls, arrived Friday and have been two music divisions, which Holverstott, Gail Hufford, Rose Mat Tuesday evening the first team won eloeed because of .ickneas. er, Mrs. Henry Huntley. are visiting at the Tice Wagner home under the new system have been com ney, Madeline McKeown, Bonnie Sum- _ The Industry of molding bride and from Bandon Hi, 26-41. The second Clement Gilkeeon and Ray Guerin , • bined, thus giving the students sn ex eriin, Beryl Unsoeld, Melba Varney, tile will be «terted at the oMI Arago team won 19-9. The independents lost returned to school this week after a at Broadbent. tra period a week, which will be de- Howard Bonniksen, Leo J. Cary, Glae ton McMullen and her Miss Dorothea brickyaH in tic near futurs. Mr «n 38 to 55. Butterfield, re-1 voted to a program. . »“• •- - literary ------------------------ This Gould, Harrison Greenough, Archie I * friend, Miss 1 Myrtle . This Saturday night our first team «reek’s siege with the flu. Mm. George Sknmrling and children, * •’ ’ •»» —* »A —a._j__a_ W. A. Sawyer, agricultural teacher turned to their home at Roseburg the will give the students an opportunity Hansen, Howard Hfckam, Jack Mc journeys to Coos River to play one of of Eugene, have moved in P«« in the high school, is absent from first of the week, after spending the for some cultural development, and Carthy, Delos Shinn, Donald Smith. week and expect to start ope«ti«» the most important games of the sea school this week with an attack of the «reek end at the home of Dorothea’s also a chance for self expression, as Two Average, No Grade ¡Below s son. „ soon «. pomibte. The yard wa. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George they will be allowed to bring in ma- Three—Maxine Conine, Robeile Oder- Robert Smith has resumed hie flu. last operated by B. L. Tracy of Ban Mr. and Mrs. M. Poland returned Mullen. | terial for presentation during this kirk, Donolda Powell, Harriet Webb, studies as sophomore in high school don eight year. ago. home from a several weeks’ stay In Guy Summers returned to hie home program. Lester Cunningham, Cecil Laws, Carol for the second semester. He did not Mr. and Mm. Ray Lewi, have Idaho. Kathan, who haa charge ef the Baling. in Roseburg, after spending the week- 1 Mr. “ finish the first semester because of moved to Norway and are Henry Huntley wae able to go to I Junior High basketball team, took end with friends here. During the conference of Smith the Carl Jenaen reridence on the high illnms. town Monday, after being ill severed L. Church left Monday for Boone,] his boys to Riverton on Wednesday, Hughes instructors held at Portland Frank McFarlane has finished his way. They have lived at Arago the week« with the flu. January 25th. North Carolina. in conjunction with the meeting of the work as senior but will graduate with **Mr«e Vera Moomaw is teaching as the class in the spring as there are no The Pqrt of Coquille river commis The Trident, which is an organisa State Teachers Association, Mr. Cun fell The first snow of the sion elected the following officers to Tuesday night but only lasted a short tion of the high school .boys, formed ning was appointed chairman of the «ubetitute in the Myrtle Point grade mid-year graduation exercises. serve the coming year. T. D. Guerin, time. Several inches are reported at for the purpose of social'and vocation committee in charge of next year’» Mias Cherie Mae Hartwell spent the school this week. president; A. C. Chase, vice president; Eckley and Camas mountains. al betterment, will hold an entertain conference. Mim Loi. Schrowter te able to be week end with Mrs. -Dunne and her C. E. Huling, treasurer, end J. N. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett and eon, ment Friday evening in honor of the brother, J. E. Quick, in Coquille. The present high school curriculum up and around after a two wee«« Gearhart, secretary. A Melvin, spent Sunday at the home of Giris League. The program wiH con includes forty classes, offering new Melvin Kathan, coach of the Junior battle with the flu. ».Atow Guy Moade passed sway at the Dr. and Mrs. C. Bennett, of Gravel sist of musical and novelty numbers, High in Coquille, brought his basket courses in Remedial English, Junior . Mr. and Mm. Lawrence Mast hospital Sunday evening after a Ford. followed by games and refreshments. Business Training, Commercial Law ball team to Riverton Tuesday after drov, to Roseburg Satu«U’] U v,’*‘ Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Guerin visited The officers of the Trident have also and a new section in General Science. noon to play a practice game with our several months’ illness. The body was hi. mother, Mm. Sarrt. taken to Elmira near Eugene for bur the Fred Lafferty family Sunday at arranged to have a number of our lo Submitted by Catherine Wernich is caring for her rioter, Mm. Noah grade string. ■ The game resulted in ial. cal men of prominence give short talks for the Coquille Woman’s Club. their home at Arago. who has been quite ill for «me time. a score of 15 to 19 in Coquille’s favor. Shirley Lane Laird is quite ill at his to the members of the organisation in Mies Eleanor Heilman spent Tues They encountered six inches of mow home this week with the flu. order to acquaint them with require day evening with Mies LaveNe Wal- Camp Fire Girl« Note« at Csme.. Mm. Barklow and In. Why a Publicity Program? Mias Agnes Poland, of Lanem, Ida ments of the various professions. Last Noah returned with them for a few strom, of Randolph. The Wetomachick Camp Fire group ho, is visiting relatives Rh Myrtle Thursday, Dr. M. Earl Wilson told the Quoting from Calvin Ryan: met January 25th at the city hall with d*Mrs Emma Wilson, of Myrtle Point thia week. p boys about “Training for the Medical “Educational publicity has existed Work on Siualaw Highway their new guardian, Miss Mary Ella Mrs. Mary Gage was able to leave Point,' i. visiting tor daughter and Profession.” in the United 'States from the ttme of The Siuslaw Oar, at Florence, says Cary, who has succeeded Mim Gretch the hospital Saturday and return to Mr. Hartley, the basketball coach, the first school.” This statement is family, Mr. and Mm. J. B. Moomaw, the bureau of public roads has called en Mehl. We mim our past leader but her home in Coquille. wiH take his team to Roseburg on true and shows how closely the public for bids for construction of three I hope nope and «no feel XtaVl assured warn» wv will uvaea ___ „_ __ that we J Mr and Mm. Wendell Robison Lavonne Sumerlin, daughter of Dr. 'do well under Miss Cary’s guardian- ' January 2»th, at which'time and the schools are connected. It is miles of the Siuslaw Highway, be and Mrs. L. L. Sumerlin, entered the * ship. Plans are being made to re- ------- -- play their -------------------------- — impossible to separate them. Parents they will second game «rith were among thorn who attended the tween Florence and Cushman. The Mast hospital Wednesday for treat the 'Roseburg boys, who are considered are interested in their children. Com basketball game at Coos River Sat- bids will be opened in the Portland I plenish our treasury. The next meet ment for ear trouble. one of the strongest teams south of munities at large are interested in the urday «veninR- j office of the bureau on Feb. 8, and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins was admitted ing will be held on February 1, at Eugene. activities, the courses of study, and eleamg and construction will start Mr. and Mo Gordon FlmiM which time we hope to get busy on our to the Mast hospital Tuesday and Many of the people of Coquille, who the expense of the schools. Good will, moving into apertmenta in the Tony immediately thereafter. Another link Wednesday morning submitted to an head bands. am interested tn the appearance of then, is the chief end to be sought by will then be finished in the network Able home this week- E. Varney, Reporter. operation for the amputation of her our town and have taken pride in «he publicity.” J. D. Carl, county commissioner, in of coast highways. leg in which gangrene had set in. improvements already made, as weH Mr. Elliott made the following company with Commimioner Doan, Atathe last meeting on January 17, Mrs. C. H. Giles, of Marshfield, is as aided in effecting them, win be statement: and Roadmaxter Lsaamn made a tom- the To-ha-he girls advanced Margaret GIRLS DON’T BE SKINNY! at the homo of her parents, Mr. and pleased to hear that Mr. Carrier hy “The public should know about the naa. trip te Brwwiter valley Monday. Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins, called here by. Smith from Vice precident to presi offered to furnish the seed for a la«m offerings, the offerors, the general at -GET SOME CURVES!! Where they became stalled in eight dency, the former president having the illness of her mother. and volley ball court for the high mosphere, aims and ideals of the in Fill out those thin places and get inches of snow. moved away. There were fear girl The people of Myrtle Point were ' the pretty curves men admire. Take «chool. providing proper means can be stitution. As a state institution, giv applicants and two vacancies, so the Mr and Mm. Glenn Collier, sons. Vinol (iron tonie) and you’ll be sur saddened to hear of the death of found for planting it. The county ing public service with public support, girls voted them all in. They were Harry and toe. -nd daughter .Glenda, prised how your figure improves. Harold Adams, which happened in an roadmastor is co-operating with the we consider it our duty to give the Elaine Thurber, Donna Dean Bosaer- were dinner guests of Mr. and Mm. T a stesjdelic io us. Hudson’s Drug Store. airplane crash at Eugene Tuesday. school by sending men who have re public Information about «diet wo ere man, Carol Haga and Dorothy Mat T. C. Robison on Sunday. Harold was born and raised in Myrtle ceived help from the relief association doing.” toon. At the meeting Janaury 24, Mm. George Hampton entertained Point and haa many friends in this to do this work, so it wffl not to long We heartily agree with Mr. Elliott the new girls came and we talked at a birthday dinner Tuesday evwing vicinity. before we «rill see preparations under and urge you parents to visit the about our honors, got them straighten a a m i. honor of her dmtfihter, Mm._E^ N. Perkins, of Canby, Oregon, ar ed out, and talked about our loom a. way for improving the grounds ef our schools, read the items of news end Stated Communication areU Lafferty Those posent were high school so that they will bo in acquaint yourselves with the actual rived Tuesday, called here by his Reporter, Jane Kramer. Tnaodny, Fab. 14 Mr and Mm. Mm. Everett Lafferty and son. “[ten Earl. L. L. Hampton and keepin« with the good lo o king build conditions of ths school. mother’s illness. ?:N P. M. ing we have. Cailla« earts 100 tor JIAO. Chester L. Wart, Rupertatendont Tto young people of the Brethren J Mr. atol Mm. Goa Bamptoa. FRONT LINE COFFEE lb Package IXL CHICKEN TAMALES Fresh Vegetables and Fruits You times, at lowest best house on order Busy Comer Grocery Cbadwict Mfe Ne.« . r. a . . Delivery