a The Coquille Valley Sentisi — . ■ N THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER BROM HOME ’ VOL. XXIX. NO. 1. COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. ORBGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 30. 1033. dto—w—— May Sec “Old Ironsides” at Bay A movement was started at th* joint meeting of the Marshfield and North Bend Legion posts Monday eve ning, which to being approved by all civic and service organisations, to have the frigate “Constitution”—Old Ironside«—make a port entry at Coo* Bay when it is taken from San Fran cisco to Portland in May. Both the local chamber of commerce and the Lions club thia week have authorised wire« to Senator 8teiwer to solicit his efforts in securing an order for thia historic vessel to spend a day in Coo* e - -, Bay. Miss Pyle Wed Monday I Mias Hiktoh Pyle, who ha* cashier at the Mr. State* Power Co. I office here for the past two or three years, resigned her position last To Gather Two Carloads a Week Pnaaed Away at Mercy Hospital week, but insisted to the power com Ed Miller Talks to Coquille of Fern and Huckle pany crew that it did not mean any Tuesday, Following an Chamber of Commerce on thing, that she was not going to be berry Here v Operation . *1 Subject, Wednesday married. However, phe remained in Coquille The finding of teeth and tusks of Elsewhhere in this issue appears an Funeral services for Chas. W. Hill, until Monday noon when John Lam- A short dession of Coquille Cham the mammoth creatures which roamed advertisement, which al*o. appeared wh* passed away at 8:20 Tuesday *f- I berty, of Albany, arrived, and they ber of Commerce directors wsa held in the earth thousands, snd perhaps mil in a MumWleld'^paper yesterday, call tarn.on in Mercy hospital in North then proceded to the office of Justice the city hall Wednesday evening, at lions, of years ago ia no novelty in ing for 100 men and women to gather Berni, will be sonducted by Turner B. J. J. Stanley who pronpunced them which time >10 was ordered paid to the United State*, but the discovery fems and huckleberry spray*. MacDonald in the- Christian church man and wife. Misses Salma and the county chamber of comemrce, and of a mastodon tusk in Coos county Arrangement* for thia work were here Sunday at 2 p. m- Interemnt Jennie Lindros were witnesses. the secretary wa* instructed to write bring* th* matter much nearer home. made by “Penny” Studivant, of the will be in the Myrtle Point cemetery. Mrs. Lamberty made many friend* a letter of thanks to the Lions Club t « One of these tusks, eight feet and Relief Association, yesterday. He had Mr. Hill underwent an operation while here, by her winsome disposi for assuming the sponsorship of the It Muat Be Spring six inches long, and seven inches in talked with F. J. Skewis, representing Monday in the hopes that it might be tion, courteousness in the office and Coquille Boy Scouts for the year. cold I* spring nearly here T The diameter at the large end, was par Callison’s, of Port Orchard, Washing beneficial but the surgeon immediate many agreeable characteristics and The rest of the evening was devoted tially uncovered on the A. R. Tyrrell weather this week, when the ther ton, the for* part of the week, and ly aaw that an operation could not they all wish her much happiness and to hearing Ed Miller, manager of the mometer wa* down to 2« degrees place, a quarter of a mile above Coop-' here is the outline a* given to “Pen help and that Mr. Hill could not have preaperity. Coast Highway Asaociatiion, outline er bridge, on the Myrtle Point-Sitkum Monday morning and 21 Tuesday, ny:” survived but a few days had it not The groom is a grocery merchant in the plan under which it ia hoped to would hardly lead to that conclusion. road by the flood waters of three , Callison’s want two carloads of th* been performed. Albany, which was also his bride’s ' operate the association thia year. And yet the birds cannot be fooled. fern* * week. They have found th* weeks ago. Mr. Hill was born Sept. 11, 1874, home, and they will reside there. Mr. Miller expressed his apprecia Mr. TyrreH’s son discovered the Tueaday morning J. J. Stanley «ays ferns whoch grow in such profusion near Council Grove, Kansas, and had Succeeding Miss Pyle as cashier in 1 tion of the way C om county chambers he aaw a flock of blue birds in his butt end of the tusk protruding from here the best they can get for decora lived in Coquille for the past 18 yean*, the local power office is Robert J. have 1 supported the association, refer the rock on the river bank and thought yard, and if those feathered friends tive purpose*. They put them in re although he had lived here previously to the action of the Myrtle Point, Jarger, formerly of Albany, who ring 1 are beginning to appear it is pretty it was quartz but hi* father declared frigerated car* for shipment east and and elaewhere in the county for a comes here from Tacoma, where he Chamber in voting a >10 a month pay * certain that th* winter is over. it to be bone. claim to have an almost unlimited much longer time. for its support, although Myrtle had been with—the- -construction de- ment 1 They at once began to excavate for market. He waa married to Amelia Brown- partment efthe Mt. State* Power Co. Point ' is not on the Coast Highway. it and when it was removed from it* They will pay 2% cents for 60 ferns son, at Bridge, Feb. 7, 1909. Besides Ever since this section was settled, bed where it had rested for aeon* of or huckleberry sprays. The fern* hi* widow he is survived by hie moth I co-operation with the outside world time, found it to be pur* ivory. must be 20 inches long snd not er, Mr*. Mathilda Hill; a son, Ben; has been to the east. Now with the In removing the tusk it became crushed. and two daughters, Barbara and Ma Coast Highway extending from the broken in four parts, but they were Mr. Skewis will be at the Relief bel, and a sister, M m . Zoe Hooton. north to the south boundaries of the able to join It together. The tusk Thh Coquille Lions will not meet i Association headquarters in th* Sen Barbara and Ben are expected home state, the co-operation is extending in taper* to a small point at the outer for their regular luncheon next Thurs tinel building at ten o’clock Monday tomorrow from southern California, those direction* also. Testa will be made for acidity and end and is almost a perfect semi day, but will go to Bandon that eve morning to give instructions how to Barbara from I-ong Beajh, and Ben Among the achievements in which circle.. ning for a joint session with the den gather the pianta. He told “Penny” from San Pedro, where he is station available phosphate* «in sample* of the Association has had a part ia the soil which may be taken to eoil* meet W. J. Ferbrache and Howard Smith, there at Jerry’s, at 7 p. m. Lions are that elsewhere pickers made a dollar ed on the U. S. naval vessel, Pennsyl completion of the highway. Mr. who went up to see it yesterday, say requested to meet at the hotel here or more a day and the adept ones vania. Mabel is a student in Coquille ings which are being arranged at Miller stated that the gravelling of points in Coos county in order to make the tusk was iron-stained and brown at 6:15. noon were able to earn from 82.50 to high school. that last one and three-quarter mile* ish on the outside but inside it is pure Roger Morse, of the dairy depart $2.75 a day. Mr. Hill was a member of the Chria- it easier for persons in these communi around Heceta Head would be com white. They lifted one piece which ment of the Extension Service at-O. If the program works out according tian church here and was a man who ties to determine some of the require pleted in two or three weeks, and En weighed about 35 pounds and estimate 8. C., was a guest at the luncheon yes to the plans there will be work for lived according to the teachings of ment* necessary to make their land gineer Collier had informed him thaf the weight of the entire tusk at 100 terday noon. everyone who is willing to get out into the bible. His reputation was un more profitable. th* highway would be oiled for its full pounds. A fatter of appreciation from the the woods and work. For how long sullied; his code of conduct was that . In addition to the soil testing a length by August 1. The mastodon wa* a ia!, cloae- Coquille Boy Scouts waa read, in a time his company will require two of a man following.in the footsteps of report wiH be given of the varioiM fer Mr. MUler did not say much about ly resembling the elephant, but much which the Lions Club waa thanked for earloads a week Mr. Skewis did not his Master. He was a good man and tiliser trial* which have been con the need for five bridge« on the high ducted on various crops in Coo* coun larger, and ite remain* where discov its interest in Scouting and for taking say, but from the agreement made it that is the highest tribute which can way, but seemed optimistic that some ty and such subject* a* agricultural ered, indicate that it lived in the pe over the Scout sponsorship for this looks like a very fine proposition for be paid. thing would be doing thia year. lime, commercial fertiliser*, liquid riod of the Miocene to late Quater yW. unemployment relief. He stated that it was remarkable manure pita and irrigation will be nary time. A Lion« membership key, presented Government I annis on Cattle how much had been done in the way discussed by Arthur King, extension The tusk shows pitted and rough to each L><>" who secure* two new To Repeal City’s Dry Law J. S. Barton, of this city, has been «pecialidt in '«oils, from the State of securing publicity without funds spots indicating that it had been pow members, wae «warded to Wade Ar- the past year, laying it to the fact Lack of a quorum for the first time named as inspector and appraiser far College. erfully nibbed on .hard substance by still by President Dev* Rackteff. that the opening of new highway sec in the past four year* prevented the the 'Regional Agricultural Credit Cor In taking sample* of soil for either the aBimal which wore it. Ray Jeub, whose day it waa to fur- regular «cation of the city council poration, a federal organisation which of these teste it is advisable, accord tions ia a matter of news, but addin* Mit “Tyrrell has written to Wash- ntoh the nooa’a entertainment, tote Monday evening• Councilmen Henry I* financed by th* Reconstuction Fi ing to the county agent, to take a that hereafter the metropolitan pres* of what Gen. 'White, of the National Bellon! and C. W. Gano were both ill, nance Corporation. The Agricultural representative sample of th* top eight would expect some remuneration in Guard, hod told th* Legton men in and Councilman Ray Jeub was out of Corporation wa* ••tablinked to assist or nine ran ks* of soil from various the way of paid advertising. conference at Salem last week end. Mr. Miller stated that fee the year farmers and agrieuYturfata of all pointe in the field. Some prefer to town. Gen. White «aid that the men who An ordinance prepared by the city kinds, to secure loan* on their cattle tent * sample of the subsoil token at 1933 he anticipated the association To Meet Every Other Month marched to Salem a couple of week« attorney wa* ready for introduction and crops, and Mr. Barton says he has budget would require >3500 for office a depth from eighteen to twenty-one and traveslling expenses which the At the county chamber of commerce ago, under the designation of “Hunger that evening. It was for the repeal already had fifty application* for inches for acidity. Samples to be I meeting, held in Marshfield Monday Marchers,” were slmMt to * man, of the*eity’e dry law to make it con loan* which muat be approved by the tested for acidity should be dried and chamber* of commerce along the coast evening, President H. G. Kern brought communist«, and when they came to form to the state laws, and authorize« branch at Portland of the regional interview him he told them that if up the need for five or ten thousand the sale of liquor, upon a physician’* headquarter* located at Spokane. In meeting a* far a* possible. A report tela, camp ground* and service sta tions would be solicited for fund* to espies of th* recreational folder for they attempted to overturn this gov prescription, by a duly licensed drag terest at the present time U 8% per will be made on other* by mail. ernment and set up a Soviet form of meet all publicity requirement*. cent, and Ate loans are payable a por Coo* county, which waaWest printed a store. government in th* United State* that The Coquille Chamber of Commerce couple of yearn ago. The chamber ha* Ponpessiop of liquor, for strictly tion each month for a year. Salary Reduction Bill quota wa* estimated at 820 per month a request bow for 600 of these folder* they would be the first to be stood up pemonal use, will not be a crime un The purpose of the law was primar Coo* county chambers of commerce : for the year, and the director* voted which will nearly exhaust the supply against a wall and shot. der the new ordinance, when adopted, ily to aid farmers and stockmen who and many individuals have been ques- to budget for seven Aonths of this 8240 This brought Mr. Morse to hi* feet on hand. Delegate* were requested to but the faw'will provide a penalty of had <no other source for securing loans. tioned by letter by Representative J. total, provided R. L 8 to wart waa *nc- put th* matter up to their respective with the statement that the commun- from >10 to 3250 for the sale of liquor isti in this country wen organizing H. McCloskey aa to the attitude in ceasful in his efforts to secure twenty organisations to see if the fund* could not authorised by the state and city - Told to Quit Fighting boys under the head of “Young Pi this county toward the bill to be in men to contribute one dollar a month be secured for reprinting the folder law*. Unless a need arises there will The people of Oregon will generally troduced in the legislature toward a for five months, which would pay Co oneers” and teaching them the com which fa one of the beet ever gotten not be e session of the council until applaud the action of the state senate general reduction of elective county quille's quota up to May 81. munistic theories. Some Feb. 6. out in th* county. which yesterday told Gov.' Meier and officials’ salaries, ranging from 6 to local businea* men have stated they Dr. J. W. Wheeler and Wad* Aratill It wa* voted to ****** the six State Treasurer Holman to cut out the 60 percent The bill is Representative would contribute 82 a month for the both spoke on th* good which the Boy chamber* of commerce in the county A New J. J. Stanley rough stuff and get together in work Woodward’s, of Portland, who is also period of five months. Scout movement does in combatting >10 rack to provide a fund for inci J. J. Stanley was wearing a broad ing out the prcfolems now confronting sponsor for the proposal to reduce the Mr. Miller also «poke briefly on the dental expenses, and it fca* also voted the Young Pioneer* movement and the need to »upport in every way this smile yesterday morning and stepping the state—sconomy adjustment*, tax number of countiee in th* state from contact* made with tourist travel or to meet but once in two months, on high. The reason waa a wire from question settlement* and unemploy 36 to 9, a* an economy measure. He ganizations in California and a* far the third Monday of the month, which unmilitaritaic organisation. his son, John, in Poughkeepsie, N. ment relief. The legislature refused will find lota of opposition to the lat east as Denver, which have requested mean* • session in each of the towns Volley Ball for Business Men Y., that the local barrister now hae■ to act as referee in the “reign of ter- ter, but there will doubtless be cuts in Coast Highway literature to a total of one* a year. * grandson,' who hae been named ror” in which the Board of Control salaries. Thea* cute will not affect of 85.000 pamphlet* for distribution This is volley • ball season and Th* next meeting will be in Bandon “John Jervis.” There are two grand- has been embroiled, ficial* until after their present terms among their clientele this spring and Brick Leslie started out yesterday to on March 20. daughter descendants in the family! of office expire. summer. arouse enthusiasm for a businea* Ed Miller, manager of the Coast but this la the first boy of the third Repairing Court House Roof From the interest being shown it is Highway Association made an inter men’s league whose member* will generation. John Stanley left here a cetrainty that the Oregon coast sec Wm. Anderson, of North Bend, Junior Choral Club to Sing esting talk, in which he outlined the play one game a week, on Tuesday •bout ten years ago and has been with tion will be visited this year by a former deputy sheriff, is now at work plan* he had worked out for financing evening, in the Community Building. The Junior Choral club with a the Dutton Lumber Co. at Pough repairing th* roof of the frame court membership of over twenty girls of greater number of travellers than ev th* Association for thia year. The The response wa* instantaneous and keepsie for the past seven or eight house atucture, which ha* been leak the Junior High 8chool is giving a er before in it* history—and some of wort of the Coast Highway Associa it is altogether probable that a league year*. Hi* wife waa a Poughkeepsie ing quite badly. He is being assisted musical entertainment next Tuesday them will become permanent resi tion has been made the major project of four team* will be organised, seven girl. The baby has the same intials by Clyde Gage. The roof of the con evening at 7:30 in the Pioneer Hall. dents. of Marly all local chambers of com or eight men to a team, who will get a* hia grandfather, but the latter’* Support of the Coast Highway pro crete Mrocture, or Hall of Records, “A Trip to Europe” ia an operetta merce along the highway for this year. a lot of exercise, at least one evening name ia Johnson Jervis Stanley. ha* also developed leaks which threat full of peppy songs and some clever gram is most assuredly worth while a week. by the organizations and citizen*, ened the record* in the tax collection conversation. Volley ball is not a violent game The girl* have been Opaim a New Coafectioaery Farmers’ Night School along ite entire length. department. like basket bell, but it does require a working on it for several week* and W. C. Cleghorn yesterday morning lot of exercise which most businea* ' A. .... J The first Fanner’s Night School, have it well learned. Mr*. E. A. opened a pop-corn stand in the room conducted by W. M. Cunning, of th* Lota of Weather That Night K. A. DeMaris a Visitor men do not get. Woodyard is their director. The pub of the Drane building on Second Any on* interested should confer Smith-Hughe* department, waa held Marshal Howell reports that ware lic is invited. An admission charge K. A. DeMaris, travelling passen street, formerly occupied by Mia* with R. L. Stewart at th* power com in the high school building Tuesday all kind* of weather Tuesday night. Pomeroy’* Beauty Shop. Besides pop pany office and give hi* name as a evening, with * good attendance. The ger agent of the Southern Pacific, was of five cento is asked to help defray a Coquille visitor yesterday. Always expanse«. Song* by group* of pre There waa a flurry of snow which corn, Mr. Cleghorn is handling candy, I next session will be held Tuesday, prospect on the look-out for business for his school and other children will be melted aa it fell, a very high wind, cigars, cigarettes and tobacco. Jan. 34, at 7:30 p. m. thunder and lightning and rain. Hne, one of Mr. DeMaris* first ques given before the operetta. It 1* a good deal Hke getting home, Sound steeper*, like the writer, knew To Handle Oldsmobiles tion waa whether anyone in this vi Mr. Cleghorn say* to be again doing Judge Brand's Mother Dies cinity intends to visit the Chicago Fine Orchestra at Graham’s Hall nothing of any of it. A* many other Chevroet dealers in businea* in the Drane building, for Mrs. Juliet H. Brand, of Oberlin. World’s Fair this aumemr. He or the room where he has hia confection the United States are now doing, The dance at Graham’s Hall last Revival Meeting to Continue ery fa part of the old store where P. Paul McElwain* has decided to handle Ohio, mother of Judge J. T. Brand, of Frank Pook, local 8. P. agent, would Saturday evening waa a most success Marshfield, passed away last Satur like to talk with anyone who plans on E. Drane conducted a grocery for ten Oldsmobile Sixes and Eights in ad Because of ------------------------------ the intereat shown, ful affair. Beside* the attendance ----------- — — the years Mr. Cleghorn was associated dition to the full Chevrolet line of day at her home at the age of 92 a trip to Chicago, or elsewhere. from Coquille there was goodly repre- evangelists who ar* conducting ser- car* and trucks. Th* Oldsmobile years. She waa the widow of Dr. Jas. with him from 1907 to 1947. ? sentation from Marshfield, Bandon,1 Chnreb have de comes in the >10Q9 and 31200 clase*. T. Brand, for 32 years a trustee of Auto License Money Received Myrtle Point and from th* amai iller remain during the coming __ Announcement will be made when Oberlin college and pastor of the col week. Service* every evening except County Treasurer Cha*. Stauff thia communities in the valley. Hotel Men Coining Tomorrow these new General Motor products lege church. Saturday at 7:30 p. m. It wa* announced by Kenneth Stan- week received from the state aa Coo* Lafe Compton expects to have 50 reach Coquille and are placed on the I inger, who manage* these weekly county's one-third share of the auto to M hotel managers snd their fami market her*. X Working on Credit Amociation mobile license fee* the sum of 82.- dances that hereafter they would be To Submit Briefs In Cane lies in attendance at th* banquet he Nothing hew developed at the meet 991M. The county’s quarter of the jitney affairs, with the same snappy Attorneys argued the ease of Den fa serving at the hotel tomorrow eve Court of Honor Next Wednesday ing of business men in the city hall motor transportation fund which he orchestra, the Six Serenader*. who nis McCarthy vs. The Coquille Lum ning. As ha. been stated the purpose furnished last Saturday evening’s ber Co. in Circuit court last Tuesday Twenty-five er thirty Coquille Boy Wednesday evening in the plan to or also received waa $383.29. in inviting all th* hotel people along peppy music. The management ex and were instructed by Judge Brand the Coast Highway, from Crescent Scout* ar* expected to be present for ganise a Credit Association. Another pects to continue these popular dances to submit written briefs in the case. meeting wiH be held there nest Tues The MacDowell Music Club will City te Arteria, is that they may be the Court of Honor to be held in the come better acquainted and may enter city hall next Wednesday evening at day evening when it is hoped a larger meet at the home of Mrs. C. A. Riet- every week, the next one being man next Tuesday, January 24, at row (Saturday) night. into greater co-operation in publicis 7:30. Everyone fa welcome to attend attendance win be preset. B. D. Clark was a Coquille visitor 2:00 p. m. A cordial welcome is *x- Tuesday morning from the North ing th* Coast Highway and ite variad and the Lion* Club CalHflf card* 100 «ar |1*L tended to all nine to attend. Fork COMMUNIST MARCHERS TO TEST FOR SOIL ACIDITY